COLUMBUS COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENTS ACCEPTED ABBREVIATIONS POLICY Policy Title: Columbus County Health Department (CCHD) Accepted Abbreviation Listing Policy and Procedures Program Area: Policy Identifier: (optional) Effective Date: Revision Date(s): Approved by: Kim Smith RN, BSN, MSHCA, Health Director Approved by: Hilda Memory RN, BS, MSHA, Director of Nursing 1/2000, 11/2001, 4/28/2015, 1/22/2016 Purpose: To standardize terminology used in the patient’s clinical records Definitions: CCHD staff members use only abbreviations approved by the Health Department in documenting in clinical records. These accepted abbreviations will b review and revised periodically. Responsibilities: All CCHD Staff Procedures: The list of abbreviations is used by all CCHD staff when documenting in clinical records. AC- before meals AAA- abdominal aortic aneurysm A&SE- action and side effects Ab- antibody abd- abdominal/abdomen ac -before a meal ADA -American Diabetic Association ADHD- attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder ADL- activities of daily living ad lib. - As desired Admin. - Administration AFB- acid-fast bacillus AFP -alpha-fetoprotein Administration Revised 1/22//2016 Page 1 of 15 COLUMBUS COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENTS ACCEPTED ABBREVIATIONS POLICY Ag- antigen A/G- albumin/globulin ratio AIDS- acquired immunodeficiency syndrome AK- above the knee Alb- albumin AM- morning A.M.- Annual Medical A.M.A.- against medical advice Amb.- ambulation ANA- antinuclear antibody ANS- Autonomic nervous System ant. - Anterior AP -Apical Pulse approp. -Appropriate A-P -anterior-posterior A&P- auscultation and percussion appt. - Appointment ARC- AIDS-related complex ARDS- acute respiratory distress syndrome AS- left ear ASA- acetylsalicylic acid ASC- atypical squamous cells ASCVD- Arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease ASC-US- atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance Assignment of Benefits- Ass. Of Bene. AU- both ears AV - atrio-ventricular Baldwin Woods OBG/GYN- BWOBGYN B/B- Bowel and Bladder BC/BS -Blue Cross Blue Shield BCCCP- Breast Cancer Cervical Cancer Program BCLS -basic cardiac life support BCP- birth control pills bid -twice a day bil. Bilateral BKA -Below the knee amputation bil.LE -both lower extremities BK- below the knee BLS- basic life support Administration Revised 1/22//2016 Page 2 of 15 COLUMBUS COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENTS ACCEPTED ABBREVIATIONS POLICY BLT- bilateral tubal ligation BM- bowel movement BMI- body mass index BP- blood pressure BMR- basal metabolic rate BPH -benign prostatic hyperplasia bpm- beats per minute BRP- bathroom privileges BS- blood sugar BSE- breast self-examination BUM -Back up method BUN- blood urea nitrogen BV- bacterial vaginitis BW- body weight Bx- biopsy ca. cancer CBC- complete blood count CBI -continuous bladder irrigation CC -chief complaint CCU- critical care unit CCHD- Columbus County Health Department CD4- T-helper cells CD8 -cytotoxic cells CDC -Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CG Care giver CHF -congestive heart failure CHO- carbohydrate CIN- cervical intraepithelial neoplasia CIS -carcinoma in situ CK creatine kinase cm- centimeter CMP -comprehensive metabolic panel CMT- cervical motion tenderness CMV –cytomegalovirus CNM- Certified Nurse Midwife CNS- central nervous system C&S -culture and sensitivity c/o- complains of Colp -Colposcopy Columbus Regional- Col. Reg. Administration Revised 1/22//2016 Page 3 of 15 COLUMBUS COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENTS ACCEPTED ABBREVIATIONS POLICY Columbus Regional Healthcare System- CRHS comp.- comprehension cont.- continue COPD -chronic obstructive pulmonary disease CP- cerebral palsy; cleft palate CPAP -continuous positive airway pressure CPD- cephalopelvic disproportion CPK -creatine phosphokinase CPR- cardiopulmonary resuscitation CRP- c. reactive protein CS -cesarean section; CT -computed/computerized tomography CTA- clear to auscultation Cult.- Culture CV -cardiovascular CVD -cardiovascular Disease CVA- cardiovascular accident Cx - Cervical CXR -chest x-ray D- divorced D and C dilatation and curettage dB- decibel DBP- diastolic blood pressure dc- discontinue DIC- disseminated intravascular coagulation diff - difficulty dil. –dilute Disclosure of Information- Dis. Of Info. dgt -daughter DJD -degenerative joint disease DKA- diabetic ketoacidosis dL- deciliter DM -diabetes mellitus DNR -do not resuscitate DOB- date of birth DOD-Date of delivery DON- Director of Nursing DOS- Date of Service DPT- diphtheria-pertussis-tetanus (vaccine) Dr. - Doctor Administration Revised 1/22//2016 Page 4 of 15 COLUMBUS COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENTS ACCEPTED ABBREVIATIONS POLICY Dr. Signature- Dr. Sig. DSS- Department of Social Services DT -Diptheria tetanus DTP -Diptheria, tetanus, and pertussis DUB- dysfunctional uterine bleeding DVT -deep vein thrombosis Dx –diagnosis EBV -Epstein-Barr virus EDD- estimated date of delivery (formerly EDC: estimated date of confinement) EENT -eye, ear, nose, and throat EIA- enzyme immunosorbent assay ELISA e-nzyme-linked immunosorbent assay EMR- Electronic Medical Record ENT -ear, nose, and throat EP -extrapyramidal ER- Emergency Room, extended-release ERRN- enhanced role registered nurse ESR -erythrocyte sedimentation rate ESRD -end-stage renal disease etc.- etcetera ETOH,0 ethyl alcohol eval.- evaluation ex.- Example ext.- extension f- female FBS- fasting blood sugar Fe- iron FHT- fetal heart tone FI- Food Instruments FP- Family Planning FNP -Family nurse practitioner FSH- follicle-stimulating hormone FTT -failure to thrive F/U- Follow Up FUO -fever of unknown origin g/d- Grams per day GB- gallbladder; Guillain-Barré GC- gonorrhea culture GDM -gestational diabetes mellitus GERD- gastroesophageal reflux disease Administration Revised 1/22//2016 Page 5 of 15 COLUMBUS COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENTS ACCEPTED ABBREVIATIONS POLICY GH -growth hormone GI- gastrointestinal glu- glucose gm- gram GND- gram negative diplococci GNED- gram negative extracellular diplococci GNID- gram negative intracellular diplococci GNR- gram negative rods GP- general practitioner GPN- gram positive rods GSW- gunshot wound GTT- glucose tolerance test gtt- drops GU genitourinary GYN –gynecology hr- hour H&H- Hematocrit and hemoglobin HA- headache HAV- hepatitis A virus HBV- hepatitis B virus HCG- human chorionic gonadotropin Hct.- Hematocrit HCV- hepatitis C virus HD- Health Director HDL -high-density lipoprotein HEADSS- Home Environment, Education, and Employment, Activities, Drugs, Sexuality, Suicide/Depression. HEPA high–efficiency particulate air Hg -mercury hgb –hemoglobin HGSIL- high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion H&P – History and Physical Hib- Haemophilus influenzae type B HIPAA- Health Information Portability and Accountability Act HIV- human immunodeficiency virus h/o- history of H2O -water H2O2- -hydrogen peroxide h.s. bedtime HPI -history of present illness Administration Revised 1/22//2016 Page 6 of 15 COLUMBUS COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENTS ACCEPTED ABBREVIATIONS POLICY HPV- human Papillomavirus HR-heart rate HRT- hormone replacement therapy HSIL- high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion HSV- herpes simplex virus Ht.- height HTN- hypertension HV- home visit hx – history Hypo- hypodermic I&O -intake and output IBW- ideal body weight IBS- Irritable Bowel Syndrome IBW-Ideal body weight ICU- intensive care unit I & D – incision and drainage IDDM -insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus ie.- for example Ig- immunoglobulin IgE- immunoglobulin E IM –intramuscular INH- Isoniazid inj.- injection instill. -instillation I&O- intake and output IQ- intelligence quotient IR- internal rotation irreg.- irregular I.U. a- international unit IUD- intrauterine device IUFD -intrauterine fetal death IURG- intrauterine growth retardation K+ -potassium Kcal/d- Kilocalories per day kg -kilogram KS- Kaposi sarcoma KUB- kidney, ureter, and bladder L&D -labor and delivery lab- laboratory Administration Revised 1/22//2016 Page 7 of 15 COLUMBUS COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENTS ACCEPTED ABBREVIATIONS POLICY lb.- pound LBW- low birth weight L&D- labor and deliver LDL- low-density lipoprotein LE- lower extremity LEEP loop electrosurgical excision procedure LFT- liver function test LGA -large for gestational age LGM-left gluteus maximus LH -luteinizing hormone liq.- liquid; fluid LL- lower leg LLB- long leg brace LLE -left lower extremity LLL- left lower lobe LLQ -left lower quadrant LMP- last menstrual period LNMP- last normal menstrual period LPN- licensed practical nurse LOC- level/loss of consciousness LS – lumbar sacral LSIL- low-grade squamous epithelial lesion LUQ- left upper quadrant M- Male m- minims mat.- maternal Maternal Consent- MAT. Consent Maternal Health- MH M-caid – Medicaid M-Care- Medicare mcg- microgram MCHAT- Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers-Revised) Med-solution Approval- Med Sol. App. Med SW- medical social work Meds.- medication Message- mess. MD- muscular dystrophy MG -myasthenia gravis Mg- magnesium MgSO4- magnesium sulfate Administration Revised 1/22//2016 Page 8 of 15 COLUMBUS COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENTS ACCEPTED ABBREVIATIONS POLICY µg- microgram mg- milligram MGF- maternal grandfather MGM- maternal grandmother Micro- microscope Missed Appointment- Miss. Appt. ml- milliliter mm Hg- millimeters of mercury MMR- measles-mumps-rubella (vaccine) Mn- manganese MNT- Medical Nutritional Therapy mod. – moderate MR- mental retardation or method return MRA- magnetic resonance angiography MRI -magnetic resonance imaging M.S. – Master of Science degree MSW- Mater of Social Work MVA -motor vehicle accident NA- native American N.A- nursing assistanct N/A- not applicable Na- sodium NaCL- sodium chloride NAD- no acute distress Neg.- negative NF- Not found NG - nasogastric NGT- nasogastric tube NICU -neonatal intensive care unit NIDDM- noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus NIH- National Institutes of Health NKA- no known allergies NKDA- no known drug allergies NP- Nurse Practitioner NPO- nothing by mouth NS -normal saline NSAID- nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug Nsg - nursing NSR -normal sinus rhythm NST- non-stress test Administration Revised 1/22//2016 Page 9 of 15 COLUMBUS COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENTS ACCEPTED ABBREVIATIONS POLICY Nutr- nutritionist N&V- nausea and vomiting NVD- normal vaginal delivery NWB- non-weight bearing O2 oxygen OB –obstetrics OBCM- Obstetrical Case Manager OC- oral contraceptive Occ. – occasionally OCD -obsessive-compulsive disorder O.D.- right eye Oint.- ointment OM- Otitis media OOB- out of bed O.S.- left eye O T occupational therapy OU- each eye oz-ounce P- Pulse PAD- peripheral arterial disease PAP test- Papanicolaou smear Para- produced offspring-pregnancy pat- paternal p.c.- after meals PCC- Patient Care Coordinator PCM- Pregnancy Care Manager PCOS -polycystic ovarian syndrome PCP - primary care provider PE- physical examination PEARL pupils equal, round, react to light and accommodation Ped.- Pediatric PMD- Primary Medical Doctor per- through or by PET- positron emission tomography PFT -pulmonary function test PGF- Paternal grandfather PHN- Public Health Nurse PI -present illness PID -pelvic inflammatory disease PIH- pregnancy-induced hypertension Administration Revised 1/22//2016 Page 10 of 15 COLUMBUS COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENTS ACCEPTED ABBREVIATIONS POLICY Pkg- package PKU -phenylketonuria PM -afternoon/evening PMH- past medical history PMI- point of maximal impulse PMS -premenstrual syndrome PN- Prenatal p.o. orally-by mouth Pos.- Positive Post. Op- post operative Pp -placenta previa PP- Postpartum 2hr. PPBS – 2 hour post prandial blood sugar PPD- purified protein derivative (TB test) Preg- pregnancy Prev.- Previous Presumptive Eligibility- Pre. Elig. p.r.n.- as needed PRO- Protein POI- Proof of income PSA- prostate-specific antigen PT- prothrombin time PTL- preterm labor Pt - patient P.T.- Physical Therapy PTT- partial thromboplastin time PVD- Peripheral Vascular Disease PZA- Pyrazinamide q- every q am- every morning q.d. -every day q.h.- every hour q.2h. -every 2 hours q.3h. -every 3 hours q.4h. -every 4 hours q.i.d. - four times a day q. qt- quart quad- quadriplegic QA- Quality Assurance QI- Quality Improvement Administration Revised 1/22//2016 Page 11 of 15 COLUMBUS COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENTS ACCEPTED ABBREVIATIONS POLICY R- Respiration RA- rheumatoid arthritis RBS- random blood sugar RBC-red blood count RDA- recommended daily/dietary allowance RDN- registered dietician nutritionist Re:- regarding Reschedule- Resc. RLL- right lower lobe RLQ -right lower quadrant RN- Registered Nurse RNA- ribonucleic acid R/O- rule out ROM- range of motion ROS- review of systems RSV- respiratory syncytial virus RT- respiratory therapy R/T- related to Rt. - right RUE -right upper extremity RUL- right upper lobe RUQ -right upper quadrant Rx.- prescription SAB- spontaneous abortion SAD- seasonal affective disorder SBE- self breast exam Sed rate- sedimentation rate SGA- small for gestational age SIDS -sudden infant death syndrome SLP- speech-language pathology SNAP -Special Nutrition Assistance Program SOAP -Subjective-Objective-Assessment-Plan SOB- shortness of breath sp gr- specific gravity s.q. -subcutaneous(ly) SROM- spontaneous rupture of membranes ss or 1/2- a half S/S- signs and symptoms Staph -Staphylococcus Administration Revised 1/22//2016 Page 12 of 15 COLUMBUS COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENTS ACCEPTED ABBREVIATIONS POLICY stat.- immediately STD -sexually transmitted disease STI’s- sexually transmitted infections Strep -Streptococcus ST- Speech therapy STAT- immediately at once STE- self – testicular exam SW- Social Worker Sx -symptoms T- temperature T4- throxine TAB -therapeutic abortion TAH- total abdominal hysterectomy TB –tuberculosis t/c- Telephone Call THR- total hip replacement TIA -transient ischemic attack TIBC- total iron-binding capacity t.i.d.- three times a day TKR- total knee replacement TM -tympanic membrane TMJ- temporomandibular joint TNTM-too numerous to mention TPI -Treponema pallidum immobilization test for syphilis TPR -temperature, pulse, and respiration Tric- Trichomonas TSE- testicular self-examination TSH- Thyroid stimulating hormone tsp.- teaspoon TSH- thyroid-stimulating hormone Tx- treatment U- Unit UA- urinalysis UA& C&S- urinalysis and culture and sensitivity U/C- Uterine contractions UE- Upper extremity Umbil-umbilicus URI- upper respiratory infection US - ultrasound Administration Revised 1/22//2016 Page 13 of 15 COLUMBUS COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENTS ACCEPTED ABBREVIATIONS POLICY UTI -urinary tract infection UV- ultraviolet VBAC- vaginal birth after delivery VD- venereal disease VDRL- Venereal Disease Research Laboratories VF- ventricular fibrillation Vit.- vitamin VLBW- very low birth weight VLDL- very low density lipoprotein V.O.- voiced order Voc. Rehab.- vocational rehabilitation vol. –volume VS -vital signs W- white WBC- white blood cell; white blood count WC- wheel chair Wd.- wound WDWN- well-developed, well-nourished WF/BF- white female/black female WIC- Special Supplemental Program for Women, Infants and Children Wilmington Maternal Fetal Medicine- WMFM Wk- week WM/BM- white male/black male WN- well-nourished WNL- within normal limits wt.-weight y.o.- years old yr- year @- at &- and >- greater than <- less than = equal to + Positive results ɵ-Negative results ∆- Change ♀ - female ♂ male ° Degree sign (example 1° 2° 3° etc.) Administration Revised 1/22//2016 Page 14 of 15 COLUMBUS COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENTS ACCEPTED ABBREVIATIONS POLICY Care Coordination for Children and Pregnancy Care Managers utilize the Community Care of North Carolinas (CCNC) Case Management Information System (CMIS) for documentation. See listing of CMIS approved abbreviations attached. CMIS Abbreviations Dental Clinic utilize Health Information System (HIS) for their patient documentation. See attached list of approved abbreviations for the dental clinc. Dental Clinic Abbreviations Laws and Rules: Reference(s): Tabers Dictionary of Medical Terminology Administration Revised 1/22//2016 Page 15 of 15