EDEN REHABILIATION CENTRE Below is a list that describes commonly used acronyms and abbreviations used in Eden Rehabilitation Centre. All of the abbreviations have been approved to be used in this facility. MOBILITY BASED ABBREVIATIONS Bed mobility Lie- sit T/F Mobility Stairs ADL’s IADL’s STS Discuss the patient’s ability to move around in bed and up in the bed, rolling may be included. Ability to sit up and return to supine this indicates level of lower limb function Transfers from bed to chair The level of assistance and aid required to allow patient to mobilise The amount of assistance or rails the patient requires to remain safe on stairs Activities of daily living, personal care tasks, toileting etc. Instrumental activities of daily living, house hold tasks cooking cleaning etc. Sit to stand patients ability to stand and return to sitting position LEVEL OF ASSISTANCE DEFINITIONS (MOBILITY) These terms can also be used to describe a patient’s ADL status. (I) (S) Close (C) Standby (A) (A) Min (A) Mod (A) Max (A) Independent able to mobilise with or without an aid with no assistance or supervision required Supervision able to mobilise with or without an aid with visual contact, so one may provide simple prompts for safety and/or appropriate equipment use Close supervision able to mobilise with an assistant standing arm’s length should they require assistance or stabilising. The patient may or may not require an aid Assistance able to mobilise with hands on assistance with or without an aid at all times to ensure safety Minimum assistance able to mobilise with hands on assistance that requires minimal effort from the assistant to keep patient balanced. Moderate assistance able to mobilise with hands on assistance that requires moderate effort from the assistant to keep patient balanced. Assistance to drive the walking aid, or encourage hip extension during walking Maximum assistance able to mobilise with hands on assistance that requires maximum effort from 1 Lyndsay Ray U.S.C (2013). Abbreviations and definitions: Commonly used terms in a rehabilitation context. Eden Rehabilitation Centre, Cooroy, QLD the assistant to keep patient safe. In this case more than one assistant would be advised WEIGHT BEARING STATUS WBAT FWB NWB PWB TWB Weight bear as tolerated/full weight bear. The patient may place as much weight through their limb as tolerated Full weight bear. The patient may place as much weight through their limb as tolerated Non weight bear the limb is not to touch the floor during STS, T/F or mobility. The patient must not perform a bridge or (A) bed mobility Partial weight bear the patient is able to take 50% of their body weight (if % is not stipulated; Generally Surgeon’s provided these details) this is usually achieved with an aid such as crutches Touch wright bear. The patient is allowed to touch their toes to the ground only for balance WALKING AID ABBRIEVIATIONS SPS 4PS 2wh PUF PUF 4WW FASF Crutches Single point stick Four prong stick 2 wheeled pick up frame Pick up frame Four wheeled walker Forearm support frame Axilla and elbow crutches W/C Sideboard Walk belt- WB Wheel chair, attendant and propelled Plastic/ wooden board to (A) bed to W/C Velcro fixed belt around patients waist allowing greater hands on (A) Sizes: Red- extra small, yellow- small, greenmedium, blue- large EQUIPMENT LHA/LHR Long handled aids/reacher OTA OTF Over toilet aid/frame RTS Raise toilet seat HHH/ LHSH Hand held shower hose 2 Lyndsay Ray U.S.C (2013). Abbreviations and definitions: Commonly used terms in a rehabilitation context. Eden Rehabilitation Centre, Cooroy, QLD SC or S/chair Shower chair LHS S/stool SH Long handled sponge Shower stool, height adjustable chair Shoe OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY ASSESSMENT ABBREVIATIONS HEP STML FIM MMSE MOCA RUDAS CAM FRAT NHPT RPPS ARAT ADL IADL H/V Home Exercise Program Short term memory loss Functional Independence measure Mini mental state examination Montreal cognitive assessment The Rowland university dementia assessment scale: a multicultural cognitive assessment scale Cognitive Assessment of Minnesota Falls Risk Assessment Tool Nine Hole Peg Test Rankin Park Perceptual Screen Action research arm test Activities of daily living Instrumental activities of daily living Home Visit BIOMECHANICAL FRAME OF REFERNCE THERAPY ABBREVIATIONS ROM, AROM, PROM, AAROM, MMT F sup, F pro UL LL W flex, W ext ShAb ShAd Scap SE, SF EE EF ER, IR TKR, LKR, RKR THR, LHR, RHR TSR, LSR, RSR L), R) SOB Range of motion, active range of motion, passive range of motion, active assisted range of motion Manual muscle testing Forearm supination, forearm pronation Upper limb Lower limb Wrist flexion, wrist extension Shoulder abduction shoulder adduction scapular Shoulder extension, shoulder flexion Elbow extension Elbow flexion External rotation, internal rotation Total knee replacement, left knee replacement, right knee replacement Total hip replacement, left hip replacement, right hip replacement Total shoulder replacement, left shoulder replacement, right shoulder replacement Left, right Shortness of breath on exertion (OT and PT use) 3 Lyndsay Ray U.S.C (2013). Abbreviations and definitions: Commonly used terms in a rehabilitation context. Eden Rehabilitation Centre, Cooroy, QLD DISCHARGE PLANNING ABBREVIATIONS ACAT Aged Care Assessment Team HACC EACH Home and Community Care Extended Aged Care at Home EACH- D CACP TCP Extended Aged Care at Home Dementia Community Aged Care Package Transition Care Programme (community and residential) DVA Department of Veteran Affairs. Levels: Gold, silver and bronze levels donates level of assistance provided to patient Mass Aids Subsidy Scheme Personal response service (falls alert device) Community sub-acute program Nursing home MASS PRS CSAP NH DOCUMENTATION ABBREVIATION SOAP AND SOTAP FORMAT S O T, Tx, Rx A, Ax P Subjective what patient or family members reports to you Objective data obtained during your assessment Treatment outline usually dot points of the intervention completed with patient Assessment/analysis interpretation or summary of patients progress Plan summary or dot points of planned tasks GENERAL ABBREVIATIONS Dx Medical diagnosis Med Hx Medical history R/V Review Pt OT PT Dr R L Patient Occupational Therapist Physio Therapist Doctor Right Left 4 Lyndsay Ray U.S.C (2013). Abbreviations and definitions: Commonly used terms in a rehabilitation context. Eden Rehabilitation Centre, Cooroy, QLD Ex Ax D/C Exercise Assessment Discharge MEDICAL AND NURSING ABBREVIATIONS ACL A. F. A. R.F B. M. I B. N. O B. O B. P C. A. B. G C. R. F Ca H. N. P. U H. P. U H. T. N I.H.D I.V. T M.I. N. A. D N. O. F O. A OBS ORIF P. D P. P. M Post-op Pre-med prn PTSD SOBOE S. O. O. B S/B S/B Dr T T2DM UTI # Anterior cruciate ligament Atrial fibrillation Acute renal failure Body mass index Bowels not open Bowel open Blood pressure Coronary artery bypass graft(s) Chronic renal failure cancer Has not passed urine Has passed urine Hypertension Ischaemic heart disease Intravenous therapy Myocardial infarction No apparent deficits, No abnormalities detected Neck of femur osteoarthritis observations Open reduction internal fixation Provisional diagnosis Permanent pacemaker Post operation Pre-medication As required Post-traumatic stress disorder Shortness of breath Sit out of bed Seen by Seen by Doctor temperature Type 2 diabetes mellitus Urine track infection fractured MEDICAL CLOSED AND OPEN HEAD INJURY ABBREVIATIONS 5 Lyndsay Ray U.S.C (2013). Abbreviations and definitions: Commonly used terms in a rehabilitation context. Eden Rehabilitation Centre, Cooroy, QLD CVA POCI/s TACI/s LACI/s PACI/s TBI PTA ABI SAH TIA Cerebral vascular accident Posterior circulation syndrome Total anterior circulation infarction/ syndrome Lacunar anterior circulation infarction/ syndrome Partial anterior circulation infarction/ syndrome Traumatic brain injury Post traumatic amnesia Acquired brain injury Sub arachnoid haematoma Transient ischemic attack INFECTION CONTROL ABBREVIATIONS PPE MRSA VRE Legionella C. Diff Personal protective equipment ‘golden staph’ or methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus Legionella sp. Clostridium difficile 6 Lyndsay Ray U.S.C (2013). Abbreviations and definitions: Commonly used terms in a rehabilitation context. Eden Rehabilitation Centre, Cooroy, QLD