
Bachelor, Master an Phd Programs
In Psycholgy, Education and Social Science
Faculty of Medicine and Psychology
A.A. 2014-2015
Bachelor Programs (3 years):
1.Psychology: Health- Social processes
2.Education Sciences
3.Social Work
Master Programs (2 years)
1.Psychology (6 programs)
2.Education (1 program)
PhD Programs (3 years):
School of Psychological Sciences (4 programs)
School of Neusciences (2 programs)
Pagina 2
Bachelor’s Degree
Admission is via an entrance test
Education Sciences (55 vacancies)
The Bachelor’s degrees in
Psychology aim to cultivate a
strong foundation in all sectors of
Psychology, including
methodological and deontological
skills. There are two different
programs with 225 vacancies
The Bachelor’s degree in Education
Sciences allows students to acquire a
wide range of theretical and practical
knowledge on various aspects of
education. A focus on context analysis
also facilitates the planning and
evaluation of interventions.
•Psychology and Health
focuses on development, health,
clinical psychology and
cognitive neuroscience
•Psychology and Social
focuses on social psychology,
groups and organizations and
Social Work (55 vacancies)
The inter-disciplinary Bachelor’s
degree in Social Work trains
students to manage of social
resources to effectively prevent and
solve pressing issues in the
community. Graduates will be well
prepared for various roles in the
Master’s Degree
Admission is via evaluation of the Bachelor’s degree and an entrance test
There are 6 Master’s programs in Psychology:
•Cognitive Neuroscience and Psychological Rehabilitation (110 vacancies)
Assessement of normal and pathological cognitive and emotional functions;
rehabilitation of brain-damaged patients and the elderly (The program offers up
to 45 CFU (5 optional modules) in English to both Italian and foreign students)
•Applied Psychology: Health, Work and Forensics (110 vacancies)
Planning, implementation and evaluation of interventions to promote
development and solve individual and organizational problems
•Normal and Abnormal Development (110 vacancies)
Complex associations among the neurobiological, cognitive, affectivemotivational and cultural aspects of human development
•Communication and Marketing Psychology (85 vacancies)
Psycho-social aspects of communicative and decisional processes in individuals,
families and organizations
Master’s Degree
Admission is via evaluation of the Bachelor’s degree and an entrance test
•Clinical Psychology (110 vacancies)
understanding emotional, cognitive and relational processes to realize
psychological interventions and promote mental health
•Dynamic Developmental Psychopathology (110 vacancies)
clinical evaluation and diagnosis, prevention, compensatory strategies
and psychological support for infants, adolescents and families
Master’s degree in Education Sciences (55 vacancies)
Students will develop a strong theoretical and methodological
background in various issues regarding education. They will be equipped
to coordinate and manage interventions and projects.
Ph.D. Schools In Psychological Sciences
Admission is via evaluation of the Master degree and an entrance test
Dynamic and Clinical Psychology
Psychology and Cognitive Science
Psychology and Social Neuroscience (Social Neuroscience and Personality and
Organizationa Psychology)
Social Psychology, Developmental Psychology and Educational
Ph.D. Schools In Neurosciences
Admission is via evaluation of the Master degree and an entrance test
Behavioural Neuroscience
Clinical/experimental Neuroscience and Psychiatry