Cuarto 1 examen de gramática study guide

Cuarto 1 examen de gramática- guía de estudio
Know when to refer to someone as Tú and when to refer to them as Usted
Práctica: Work book P2 actividad B. Text book- Page 5 explanation at the top
Be able to correctly tell time in Spanish, including saying whether it is morning, afternoon or
Look over your NOTES on time
Práctica: Text book- P. 8 actividad 11
Go to type in source code jad-0099 and follow along in your text book (P. 8 Actividad 12)
Visit the time game on my website under “Resources”
Know the difference between Definite and Indefinite articles and how to use them.
 Look over your notes!
 For an explanation of indefinite and definite articles, see page 70. Practice using definite articles on
Page 11, Actividad 3.
 See the resources section of my website for more practice
Know that adjectives come AFTER nouns. Feminine adjectives usually end in “a”, Masculine
adjectives usually end in “o”. If a noun is plural, the adjective must be plural too!
Know phrases to agree and disagree with someone.
A mí también- me too
A mí tampoco- me either
If you don’t like either of two things, use ni…ni
For example: No me gusta ni correr, ni montar en bicicleta.
Infinitive Verbs- an infinitive verb is expressed by writing TO before the verb.
Correr- TO run, Bailar= TO dance, Escribir= TO write
There are 3 kinds of infinitive verbs AR, ER and IR
In order to say something doesn’t happen, put NO before the verb
Know your subject pronouns.
 A list of subject pronouns can be found on page 98 of your book. You may also study the conjugation
buddy you made in class. P. 35 of your workbook has a good practice exercise
 See my website for a quiz on subject pronouns
VIII. Know basic AR verb endings, how to conjugate an AR verb, how to conjugate ESTAR
P. 102 Act 19 has a good conjugation exercise. There are more located on pages 36-37 of your
 Use the conjugation buddy you made in class to study!
 See the resource page of my website for a link to a practice quiz
Know how to answer the following questions using complete sentences in Spanish:
¿Qué te gusta hacer?
¿Te gusta más nadar o esquiar?
¿Cómo eres?
¿Qué tiempo hace hoy?
¿Qué clase tienes en la tercera hora?
¿Cuál es tu clase favorita?
¿Cuántos estudiantes hay en tu clase de español?