Plants Transport System

What is plants transports system?
Plants have transport system to transport materials for the plant. Plants
transport systems are very important as they transport the food the plant
needs. The plant will die without the materials that the transport system
transports. There are two different transport systems in a plant. They are the
water-carrying tubes and another name for it is xylem tubes and food-carrying
tubes and another name for it is phloem tubes.
Water-carrying tubes (Xylem Tubes)
The water-carrying tubes in a plant transports water and mineral salts, absorb
by the roots. It transports the water and mineral salts to the leaves for it to
photosynthesize. It also transports it to the flowers and fruits and can be found
in the cross section of each plant. The water-carrying tubes are more
important than the food-carrying tubes as the plant will survive for a lesser
time than without having food so it is in the inner part of the cross section.
When the stem of the plant is cut at the side, it is highly possible that only the
food-carrying tubes are cut while the water carrying tubes remains uncut.
Food-carrying tubes (Phloem tubes)
The food-carrying tubes in a plant transports food made by the leaves during
the process of photosynthesis. It transports the food to all the other parts of
the plant for energy and can be found in the cross section of a plant. The
water-carrying tube is more important than the food-carrying tube as the plant
will survive for a lesser time than without having food so it is in the outer part
of the cross section. When the stem of the plant is cut at the side, it is highly
possible that only the food-carrying tubes are cut while the water carrying
tubes remains uncut.
What is Photosynthesis?
Photosynthesis is a process of making food done by the leaves. The leaves
need carbon dioxide, sunlight and water. The chlorophyll of a leaf absorbs the
sunlight. The stomata of a leaf take in carbon dioxide and the roots of the
plant absorb water. The water will be transported through the water-carrying
tubes and to the leaves.
By: Chua Qi Bao