U.S. History IB Quarter 4 – Civil War Battles Each student will create a PowerPoint describing relevant information about major Civil War Battles. Due_______________ The Battles – 20 Major Battles of the Civil War Fort Sumter Shiloh Chancellorsville Spotsylvania Bull Run New Orleans Vicksburg Court House Cold Harbor Fort Henry 2nd Bull Run Gettysburg Petersburg Fort Donelson Antietam Fort Wagner Atlanta (1864) Battle of the Wilderness Appomattox Court House Hampton Roads Fredericksburg Assignment I. Each student will research and create a power point presentation about significant Civil War battles. 1. Each student will research 3 major battles. (a) Student will choose 2 and 1 will be assigned. 2. Creativity: Include Pictures/Visuals/Graphics/Background themes/animation/music/sounds. 3. Presentation of power point. ** Note: A “slide” may be multiple slides. A “slide” indicates all the information which covers a section of the assessment. ** Presentation • Include: 1. Knowledge of subject matter. 2. Prepared for presentation. (note cards?) 3. Clear speaking voice. 4. Description of information & visuals. Slide 2 – Battle/Date/Battleground/Generals 1. 2. 3. 4. Identify the name of the battle. Identify the date or dates the battle was fought. Identify where the battle was fought. Identify all Generals and any other prominent officers involved in the battle. Slide 3 – Descriptions of Generals Union Commander Confederate Commander 1. Give a brief description about the commander of the Union forces at this battle. 2. Include biographical information and a visual. 1. Give a brief description about the commander of the Confederate forces at this battle. 2. Include biographical information and a visual. Slide 4 – Key points to battle 1. Give a description of the actual fighting during the battle. Mention tactics, troop movements, mistakes or any other relevant information about what took place. Slide 5 – Primary Source Analysis 1. Source - Examine websites, books, periodicals, to identify and analyze one source related to the battle. Give a description of the source and explain the content of the source. 2. Map – Display a map of the battle. Slide 6 – Winner & Impact 1. Identify which side won the battle. 2. Explain the significance of the battle. Include any impacts the battle had on future battles, the war effort, the men fighting. 3. Include the casualties for the Union & Confederacy. Slide 7 - Work Cited 1. List all sources used to gather information. 2. Include websites, books, encyclopedias. 3. Use MLA format Resources http://www.teacheroz.com/civilwar.htm http://www.besthistorysites.net/index.php/american-history/1800/civil-war http://www.digitalhistory.uh.edu/era.cfm?eraid=7&smtid=1 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_American_Civil_War_battles http://www.nps.gov/hps/abpp/battles/bystate.htm http://www.civilwar.org/battlefields/ http://www.history.com/topics/american-civil-war http://www.civil-war.net/ http://www.civilwar.com/ http://sunsite.utk.edu/civil-war/warweb.html http://www.sonofthesouth.net/leefoundation/civil-war-battles.htm http://www.civilwar.si.edu/resources.html Grading Rubric Slide 1 5 Points Slide 2 12 Points Cover Page • Title, Name, Quarter 4 Assessment Names of Battles. Battle/Date/Battleground/Generals • Identification of the name of the battle(s), date of the battle(s), location of the battle(s), & list of the prominent generals/officers involved. Descriptions of Generals Slide 3 12 Points • • Examine websites, books, and articles, to the Union commander & the Confederate commander. You must: Describe the Union commander and the Union commander. Include biographical information. Key Points to the Battle Slide 4 12 Points • • Summarize the major points of the fighting. List battle tactics, troop movements, potential mistakes, etc. Primary Source Analysis Slide 5 12 Points •Examine websites, books, periodicals, to identify and analyze 1 source related to the battle. Describe the source and explain the content of the source. •Display a map of the battle. Winner & Impact Slide 6 12 Points Slide 7 5 Points Visual Appeal 10 Points Presentation 20 Points • • Identification of the winner of the battle. Including identification of the casualties of both the Union & Confederacy Description of the impact of the battle. Could include impact on the war effort, future battles, the soldiers, or the people of the North or South. Works Cited • Correct citation of all sources researched in this presentation. Use MLA format. Visual Appeal • Power point is visually appealing including Pictures/Visuals/Graphics/Background themes/animation/music/sounds. Presentation • Knowledge of subject matter, Prepared for presentation, Clear speaking voice, Accurate descriptions of information & visuals Total Points