Outline solution template

Competitive Dialogue
Invitation to Participate in
Supplier Outline Solution
NB: This is intended only as an outline of your initial proposals, to
inform the start of the dialogue.
[Outline Solutions (both presentation content and proposal
documents) will be evaluated in accordance with the Evaluation
Strategy and Criteria and a further ‘down selection’ will be made
on the basis of these Outline Proposals ]
PaceSetter in HMRC
Supplier Outline Solution Template
To enable suppliers to present initial thinking on outline solution in a standard format
To provide a focus for the initial dialogue meeting
To ensure dialogue focuses from the outset on the proposed solution as opposed to the requirement
To enable a down select at first dialogue if required
To create an audit trail of Supplier solution from the outset of dialogue
To reduce the time and effort involved in developing and pitching a ‘proposal’
An outline solution presentation designed to be around 30-40 minutes in duration.
The solution will either be presented as part of the first dialogue meeting, the duration of which will be a
total of 2 hours (i.e. including the time for presentation), or (where it forms an additional down select
stage) in a standalone session of around 40-60 minutes.
The presentation will then be submitted to the client in the form of an Outline Proposal (Word)
document; the normal deadline for this will be 5 working days following the presentation.
Outline Solution Presentation Template
Instructions for completion
Font Arial 18
You should aim for no more than 2 slides per heading
No annexes and appendices
General principles
Please avoid including standard corporate promotional material
Delivery of the presentation (uninterrupted) should take no more than 30
Outline Solution Presentation Template
Understanding of the overall requirement
Give a summary of your understanding of the requirements.
Include your perception of the key objectives and outcomes required, and any
essential enablers or inputs involved (e.g. replacement technology)
Avoid including standard corporate promotional material
Use bullet points and a picture/diagram rather than a written summary
The client’s objective here is to gain confidence in your view of our needs; you
should be aiming to show your understanding of our business and our desired
Outline Solution Presentation Template
Service / delivery model
Describe your service / delivery model
This is likely to be a diagram or a graphic representation
Provide a Case Study if applicable
The client’s objective here is to gain confidence that there is a tried and tested
delivery model.
Outline Solution Presentation Template
The top five features of the solution
To cover:
• Benefits
• Unique nature of solution
• Innovative aspects of the solution
• Is solution deliverable and workable
• The key risks to success and how these are mitigated
• You may expand on this by using more than two slides for this heading, but
bear in mind the overall length of your presentation. For example, the benefits
and the key risks might warrant a slide each.
Outline Solution Presentation Template5
Technical summary
Write an overview of the initial technical solution showing your early thinking
and conceptual high level approach; ideally keep this to one or two slides
This could also include graphics or diagrams – e.g. system architecture and/or
network diagrams, although we are not expecting detailed design documents at
this stage (NB: You may wish to consider bringing an A0 size graphic for the
Outline Solution Presentation Template
To cover:
• Method – overall approach, standard methods and past experience
• Timescales – likely, indicative
• Staff transfer – your approach (no figures or detail will be available/discussed at
this stage)
• Any special risks – (e.g. Environmental – include any risks evident from what
the client has told you so far) – how would risks be managed, how have you
handled these type of risks and issues in the past?
• Dependencies – what might you need from the client
• The client’s objective here is to understand clearly how you would approach
transition, and to gain confidence in your measures to de-risk the process.
Outline Solution Presentation Template
Key project risks
To cover perception of key project risks:
• Plans for mitigation of key risks – outline only
• Do not simply paste in standard processes for management of risk
• The client may provide an indication of its key delivery risks as a starting point
(for example, Service Continuity, Transition, Policy Delivery/Outcomes)
• How does your risk management process work in the client’s environment?
Outline Solution Presentation Template
Risk allocation model – initial thinking
Outline statements of the risks you expect to be responsible and accountable
for and the risks that you expect the client to be responsible for and accountable
It might be helpful to include a RACI matrix or other governance models here.
Outline Solution Presentation Template
Team – key personnel
Include details of the key personnel relevant to this bid – NB: this should relate
to the delivery of the services/outcomes, not just the bid. The
Operational/delivery and/or client account team should be the focus – some of
that team should attend the presentation.
Likely to be an organagram
The client is looking typically for evidence of depth/breadth of resources, and to
meet some of the delivery team.
It is recognised that it might be too early in the process to put names in at this
The client is not seeking commitment of named/individual resources at this
Outline Solution Presentation Template
Commercial structure
Describe the proposed commercial arrangements e.g. prime contractor with
tiered supply chain / sub contractors, or SPV, JV structures; a high level
conceptual view is all that is required at this stage. (it is recognised that this will
evolve during dialogue)
Financial proposal – e.g. equity funded vs. third party debt financed
Also include the desired commercial relationship – partnering approach, open
book, shared risk and reward
This is likely to be a diagram or graphic representation
Detailed figures are not required at this stage, with the exception of Rate Cards
which may be requested by the Client as part of this Outline Solution.
Where the Outline Solution is subject to evaluation/down selection there is NO
selection on price or affordability at this stage.
Outline Solution Presentation Template
Key requirements
To cover specific requirements , for example the top five key requirements, as
identified by the client at the time of issue of the template
Provide a short description of how your solution meets these key requirements
The client’s objectives here are to gain assurance as to how well your outline
solution meets its key, most vital requirements.
Outline Solution Presentation Template
Questions & answer session
Questions and answers; and/or
Commencement of the Dialogue meeting
NB: The client will facilitate the dialogue meeting; it will decide on whether
questions are taken during the presentation or in a separate session at the end
(although this will be established either in advance, or at the beginning of the
presentation (so you need to be able to handle both approaches).
Assume handover to the client or its facilitator at the end of the presentation.
If the presentation forms part of an evaluation and further down selection
process, then there will be no broader dialogue meeting at this stage.
Outline Solution Presentation Template