BSN Curriculum C O U R S E O R D E R M AT T E R S ! Created by Academic Advising Services of Northwestern State University of Louisiana February 2016 COURSE ORDER FOR BSN Due to strictly enforced prerequisites for nursing courses taken prior to clinicals, skipping courses in the first semesters can delay graduation. BSN curriculum checklists are available at this link: NURB 2160 NURB 2160 is the first required nursing course and is listed in the second semester of the BSN curriculum pattern. Bachelor of Science in Nursing Curriculum Pattern Freshman Year First Semester Course CR hrs University 1000 1 English 1010 (Comp & Rhet I) 3 *Math 3 Biology 2220/2221 4 1 **Social Science 3 Chemistry 1070 (Intro Chemistry) 3 TOTAL: 17 hours Second Semester Course English 1020 (Comp & Rhet II) *Math Biology 2230/2231 Biology 2210 (Microbiology) NURB 2160 – Culture & Ethics Comm 1010 TOTAL: CR hrs 3 3 4 3 2 3 18 hours NURB 2160 PREREQUISITES Students must complete all courses listed in the first semester of the curriculum pattern with a grade of “C” or better to register for NURB 2160. First Semester Course CR hrs University 1000 1 English 1010 (Comp & Rhet I) 3 Math 1020 3 Biology 2220/2221 4 **Social Science1 3 Chemistry 1070 (Intro Chemistry) 3 TOTAL: 17 hours ** Select from: Anthropology1510, Economics 2000, Political Science 2010, Geography 1010, or Philosophy 1010 NURB 3030 & 3050 NURB 3030 & NURB 3050 are listed in the 3rd semester: Bachelor of Science in Nursing Curriculum Pattern Freshman Year First Semester Second Semester Course CR hrs University 1000 1 English 1010 (Comp & Rhet I) 3 Math 1020 3 Biology 2220/2221 4 **Social Science1 3 Chemistry 1070 (Intro Chemistry) 3 TOTAL: 17 hours Course CR hrs English 1020 (Comp & Rhet II) 3 Math 1060 3 Biology 2230/2231 4 Biology 2210 (Microbiology) 3 NURB 2160 – Culture & Ethics 2 Communication 1010 3 TOTAL: 18 hours Sophomore Year First Semester Second Semester (1st Level Clinicals) Course CR hrs Course CR hrs Biology 2240 (Intro to Human Genetics) 3 ALHE 1020 2 Engl 2110 3 Nutrition 1030 (General Nutrition) 3 1 ***Behavioral Science 3 N 2170 Dosage Calculation 1 NURB 3030 Nursing as a Profession 3 N 3040 – Foundations of Nursing 3 NURB 3050 Pathophysiology 3 N 3041 – Foundations Practicum 2 N 3060 – Health Assessment 2 N 3061 – Health Assessment/Lab 2 TOTAL: 15 hours TOTAL: 15 hours NURB 3030 & 3050 PREREQUISITES Requirements for registration in NURB 3030 & 3050: Students must complete all courses listed in the 1st year and have completed or be concurrently enrolled in other courses listed in the 3rd year. Students must have a 2.7 or higher GPA on all BSN courses pursued (See How to Calculate your Nursing GPA powerpoint on the Academic Advising Services website) WHAT ARE YOUR OPTIONS IF YOUR 1ST YEAR GPA IS LESS THAN 2.7? 1. Take required non-nursing courses listed in the last five semesters of the curriculum checklist to improve your BSN GPA: ALHE 1020 (Medical Terminology) Nutrition 1030 (General Nutrition) Psychology 4400 (Statistics) Fine Arts 1040 (Exploring the Arts) History 1010, 1020, 2010 or 2020 2 hrs 3 hrs 3 hrs 3 hrs 3 hrs 2. Take a different course for requirements with options if grade is lower than a “B” since course with higher grade will be used in GPA calculation. i.e. Take GEOG 1010 to replace “C” in ANTH 1510 3. Repeat required courses with grades lower than “B”. WHAT ARE YOUR OPTIONS IF TAKING EXTRA COURSES OR REPEATING COURSES IS NOT SUFFICIENT TO BRING NURSING GPA ABOVE 2.7 ? Consider alternative career/major options such as: Social Work Psychology Health & Exercise Science Child Development & Family Relations