SUMMIT LEADERSHIP ACADEMY HIGH DESERT PRE-REGIGSTRATION CHECKLIST Student: ________________________________________________________ Grade: _________ Date: _______________ Academy of Interest: __________________________________________ Step 1: Pre-Registration Information 1. ____Pre-Registration Application Complete by parent or guardian 2. ____ Unofficial Transcript ____ Attendance Record ____ Discipline __IEP Approval: ______________________________________ Date: __________________ Step 2: Assessments/Evaluation 1. __________ STAR Reading Results 2. __________ STAR Math Results 3. __________ Essay Comments: ______________________________________________________________________ 4. Review of Transcripts: (# of units & grade level) ______________________________________________________________________ 5. Review of Discipline Record: ______________________________________________________________________ 6. Amount of time between enrollments: _____________ 7. Attended Alternative Education Program (indicate where) __________________ Approval: ______________________________________ Date: __________________ Summit Leadership Academy – High Desert Application Packet Grade ____ Student’s Name: Last Name First Name Middle Name Student’s Social Security # ____________________ Birth Date _________ Phone _______________ Address ________________________________________ City __________________ Zip ________ Student lives with: Mother’s Name _____________________________________ Circle one: Mother Step Mother Guardian Address ___________________________________________ City _________________ Zip _______ Home Phone _______________________________ Cell Phone ______________________________ Place of Business ___________________________ Work Phone ____________________ Ext. _____ Father’s Name _____________________________________ Circle one: Father Step Father Guardian Address __________________________________________ City _________________ Zip ________ Home Phone _______________________________ Cell Phone ______________________________ Place of Business ___________________________ Work Phone _____________________ Ext. ____ Who has legal custody of this student? ___________________________________________________ Yes No Are active restraining orders in place? Yes No Are there any legal/custody papers on file? Parent/Guardian Highest Education Level (Please check only one per parent/guardian): Father Mother Guardian ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 14 Not a high school graduate 13 High school graduate 12 Some college (includes A.A. /A.S) 11College graduate 10 Graduate school/post graduate training 15 Decline to state Please answer the following questions: 1. Has this student ever been enrolled in a special education program? Yes _____ No _____ a. If so, please indicate when: ____________ 2. Is this student currently enrolled in a special education program? Yes _____ No _____ a. If so, please indicate which program: RSP___ SDC ___ 504 Plan ___ Speech ___Other ___ 3. Does this student have an Individualized Education Plan (IEP)? Yes _____ No _____ 4. Does this student have health issues that prevent participation in physical activities? Yes ___ No ___ As defined by the federal government, race is different than ethnicity. Please answer both questions. Ethnicity: Is the student Hispanic or Latino (Please circle one) Yes or No Race (optional): Please circle all that indicate the student’s race. Race information may be of assistance to identify the student for certain programs or scholarships. (100) American Indian/Alaskan (207) Cambodian (399) Other Pacific Islander (206) Laotian (201) Chinese (299) Other Asian (400) Filipino (202) Japanese (301) Native Hawaiian (500) Hispanic/Latino (203) Korean (302) Guamanian (600) African American (204) Vietnamese (303) Samoan (700) White (205) Asian Indian (304) Tahitian (999) Decline to State Where is your child/family currently living? (Check one box only) This information will be used to determine if your child qualifies for additional assistance under the “No Child Left Behind Act of 2001.” In a single family residence___ In a motel, car or campsite___ In a foster care placement or group home___ In a shelter or transitional housing program___ With more than one family in a house or apartment due to economic hardship. Income: Number of people living in household._________. Approximate household yearly income (Please check one) 0-$20,000_____ $20,000-$30,000____ $30,000-$40,000___ $40,000-$50,000___$50,000-$60,000___$60,000-$70,000 $70,000-$80,000___$80,000-$90,000___$90,000-$100,000___ More than $100,000___ We understand the following information is sensitive. Please be assured that your answers to these questions are kept completely confidential. Information gathered here is use only as part of a grand total of our school, and NOT as individual pieces of information. Providing accurate information here gives the school and all students the opportunity for increased funds, scholarship and assistance. Please ask the school office if you have any questions Emergency Contacts Other responsible persons (18 years or older) that can pick-up or be called in case of an emergency Name __________________________________________ Relationship ________________________ Phone ___________________________________ Cell Phone ________________________________ Name __________________________________________ Relationship ________________________ Phone ___________________________________ Cell Phone ________________________________ Name __________________________________________ Relationship ________________________ Phone ___________________________________ Cell Phone ________________________________ It is requested that you complete the information below so that if your child requires a visit to the hospital while under the supervision of the school, this will allow the hospital to treat the injury. Family Doctor _______________________________ Phone _________________________________ Address ____________________________________ City _____________________ Zip __________ Health Plan/Insurance Co. ________________________________ Policy/Group # _______________ My child is allergic to the following medications/food/insect bites: _________________________________________________________________________________ My child takes the following medications at home _________________________________________ My child takes the following medications at school ________________________________________ My child has the following health problems: __________________________________________________________________________________ I, the undersigned parent or guardian, do hereby grant permission for my child (student name), ___________________________, who hereinafter shall be re referred to as “participant,” to participate in Summit Leadership Academy High Desert. In order that said participant may receive necessary medical treatment in the event of injury or illness, I hereby hold the Principal, the School and any Representatives harmless in the exercise of this authority. Parent Initials ______ I further acknowledge, understand and agree that in taking part in this program there is the possibility of physical illness or injury (minimal, serious, or catastrophic) and the participant is assuming the risk of such injury by participating. Parent Initials ______ I further agree to hold harmless Summit Leadership Academy High Desert, including the Directors, Officers, Staff Employees and Volunteers of Summit Leadership Academy, for illness or injury incurred by participating during the course of the program. Parent Initials ______ Parents Rights I have read the information on this form and understanding its content. My signature verifies that I have been informed of my rights as a parent/guardian of a charter school student. My signature DOES NOT indicate consent to participate in a particular program. I will send written notice to the school of any specific objections I have regarding my student’s participation in a particular program or service. I understand that the health information may be shared verbally or in writing with the school district personnel. Signature of Parent or Guardian ______________________________________Date ___________ Please check one below: ___ I DO NOT OBJECT to the release of directory information ___I OBJECT to the release of directory information As legal custodian of ________________________, a minor, I hereby authorize the principal or his/her designee, into whose care the aforementioned minor pupil has been entrusted, to consent to any X-ray, examination, anesthetic, medical or surgical diagnosis, treatment, and/or hospital care to be rendered to said minor upon the advise if any licensed physician and/or dentist. I understand that this authorization is given in advance of any required diagnosis, treatment, or hospital and provides authority and power to the aforementioned agent(s)to give specific consent to any and all such diagnosis, treatment, or hospital care which a licensed physician or dentist may deem necessary. This authorization shall remain effective for the full school year unless revoked in writing and delivered to said agent(s). I understand that Summit Leadership Academy, its employees and its Board assume no liability of any nature in relation to the transportation or treatment of said minor. I further understand that all costs of paramedic transportation, hospitalization, and any examination, Xray, or treatment provided in relation to this authorization shall be my responsibility. Enrollment Agreement: Summit Leadership Academy High Desert is a school of CHOICE. By signing this agreement, you affirm that you choose this school over all others that your child is entitled to attend. No student may enroll in this school that is enrolled in any other school, except under the provisions of a currently completed co-enrollment agreement being in effect between both schools. By your signature hereto, you acknowledge the above limitations and do hereby agree that the student shall not be enrolled in any school that charges tuition of any sort while enrolled at Summit Leadership Academy High Desert. I understand that this is an application to enroll in Summit Leadership Academy High Desert and that the student is not enrolled until all information has been verified, enrollment forms are completed, signed and dated, and I have received a copy of this form signed and dated by the Principal/Designee as verification that the student has been accepted for enrollment. Please note: No student who has been arrested, on probation or parole, expelled, or suspended for multiple disciplinary violations or numerous suspensions will be admitted. Parent/Guardian Signature: ____________________________________________ Date ________ Student Signature: _____________________________________________________Date ________ SUMMIT LEADERSHIP ACADEMY HIGH DESERT FAMILY CODE 6650 CAREGIVER AUTHORIZATION AFFIDAVIT The caregiver’s authorization affidavit shall be in substantially the following form: Caregiver’s Authorization Affidavit Use of this affidavit is authorized by Part 1.5 (commencing with Section 6650) of Division 11 of the California Family Code Instructions: Completion of items 1-4 and the signing of the affidavit are sufficient to authorize enrollment of a minor in school and authorization school related medical care. Completion of items 5-8 is additionally to authorize any other medical care. Please print clearly. The minor named below lives in my home and I am 18 years of age of older. 1. Name of Minor: __________________________________________________________________ 2. Minor’s birth date: ________________________________________________________________ 3. My name (adult giving authorization):_________________________________________________ 4. My home address: ________________________________________________________________ 5. My date of birth: _________________________________________________________________ 6. My CA Driver’s License or Identification number: ______________________________________ 7. I am a grandparent, aunt, uncle, or other qualified relative of the minor (see the bottom of this page for a definition of “qualified relative”) 8. Check one or both (for example, if one parent was advised and the other cannot be located): _____ I have advised the parent(s) or other person(s) having legal custody of the minor of my intent to authorize medical care and have no objection. _____ I am unable to contact the parent(s) or other person(s) having legal custody of the minor at this time, to notify them of my intended authorization. WARNING: Do not sign this form if any of the statements above are incorrect or you will be committing a crime punishable by a fine, imprisonment, or both. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. _____________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature ___________ Date FAMILY CODE 6650 “QUALIFIED RELATIVE” Notices: 1. This declaration does not affect the rights of the minor’s parents or legal guardian regarding the care, custody and control of the minor, and does not mean that the caregiver has legal custody of the minor. 2. A person who relies on this affidavit has no obligation to make any further inquiry or investigation. 3. This affidavit is not valid for more than one year after the date on which it is executed. 4. This affidavit addresses school residency only and does not allow caregiver access to records. Additional Information: To Caregivers: 1. “Qualified relative,” for the purposes of item 5, means a spouse, parent, stepparent, brother, sister, stepbrother, stepsister, half brother, half sister, uncle, aunt, niece, nephew, first cousin, or any person denoted by the prefix “grand” or the spouse of any persons specified in the definition even after the marriage has been terminated by death or resolution. 2. The law may require you, if you are not a relative or a currently licensed foster parent, to obtain a foster home license in order to care for a minor. If you have any questions, please contact your local department of social services. 3. If the minor stops living with you, you are required to notify any school, health care provider, or health care service plan to which you have given this affidavit. 4. If you do not have the information requested in item 8 (CA driver’s license or identification), please provide another form of identification such as your social security number or Medi-Cal card. To School Officials: 1. Section 48204 of the Education Code provides that this affidavit constitutes a sufficient bases for determination of residency of the minor, without the requirement of a guardianship or other custody order, unless the school district determines from actual facts that the minor is not living with the caregiver. 2. The school district may require additional reasonable evidence that the caregiver lives at the address provided in item 4. To Health Care Providers and Health Care Service Plans: 1. No person who acts in good faith reliance upon caregiver’s authorization affidavit to provide medical or dental care, without actual knowledge of facts contrary to those stated on the affidavit, is subject to criminal liability or civil liability to any person, or is subject to professional disciplinary action, for such reliance of the applicable portions of the form are completed. 2. This affidavit does not confer dependency for health care coverage purposes. SUMMIT LEADERSHIP ACADEMY HIGH DESERT CONSENT TO PHOTO ________________________________ Name of Student During the school year our students might participate in school projects which may include videotaping or photographing for the school yearbook or newsletter or local publications. These are exciting opportunities for the students and their classmates. In order to allow such participation, please sign below indicating that permission is given. PLEASE CIRCLE ONE. I hereby GIVE/DO NOT GIVE my consent to Summit Leadership Academy High Desert to include my student in photos or videotapes at Summit Leadership Academy or other school-related activities. I understand that these pictures are for educational purposes, public interest or informational purposes through media of radio, television, newspaper or film. _____________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature __________ Date VIDEO/CLASSROOM PERMISSION As part of the SLAHD class curriculum your student will be watching various movies, clips of movies, or documentaries that may include some type of “PG-13/R” rated material. The items that will be shown may contain some type of violence or vulgarity due to the nature of the items being shown. It is the intent of the instructors to bring to life items that relate the subject matter that they are studying through these films. The movie(s) will be stopped at appropriate time so discussion can be shared and to insure that the students understand why these films are being shown. Safety is number one in these classes and appropriate supervision will be taken at all times. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the contents of the films, please contact any staff member at, 949-9202. You are welcome to come in and view these films prior to them being shown, or sit in the classroom to see what your student is being taught. Please sign the lower portion of this letter with your student(s). If this form is not signed and dated, your student will not be allowed to watch the film(s). [ ] Yes, I give my son/daughter __________________________ permission to watch the films used for educational purposes. I understand that the film, film clip, or documentary will contain some “PG-13/R” rated material and discussion will follow the film. [ ] Yes, I give my son/daughter __________________________ permission to participate in the self-defense/handcuffing classes/activities that are offered at the school. [ ] No, I do not want my son/daughter __________________________ to watch the films, film clip, or documentary that contain any “PG-13/R” rated material. [ ] No, I do not want my son/daughter __________________________ to participate in the self-defense/handcuffing classes/activities at the school. _________________________ Print Parent/Guardian Name _________________________ Signature __________ Date Summit Leadership Academy-High Desert Home Language Survey Estudio Del Idioma Del Hogar The California Education Code requires schools to determine the language(s) spoken at home by each student. This information is essential in order for schools to provide meaningful instruction for all students. El Codigo de Educacion de California requiere que las escuelas determinin los idiomas que se hablan en el hogar de cada estudiante. Esta informacion es esencial para que las escuelas puedan proporcionar instruccion significativa a todos los estudiantes. Your cooperation in helping us meet this important requirement is requested. Please answer the following questions: La pedimos su coopercion en ayudamos a cumplir este requisito importante. Por favor conteste las sigulentes preguntas y haga que su hijo o hija devuelva esta forma a su maestro(a). Gracias por su ayuda. Student: ___________________________________________ Grade: _____ Age: _____ Address: ________________________ City: _____________________ Zip: __________ D.O.B. __________ Birthplace: _____________________________ Sex M ____ F ____ Student resides with: __________________________________ Relationship: _________ Work #: Father: __________________________ Mother: _________________________ (Or guardian) Emergency contact: ________________________________ Phone #: _______________ 1. Which language did your son/daughter learn when he or she first began to talk? Cuando su hijo(a) empezo a hablar Cual idioma aprendio primero? _________________________________________________________________ 2. What language does your son or daughter most frequently use at home? Cual idioma usa principalmente su hijo(a) cuando conversaen la casa? __________________________________________________________________ 3. What language do you use most frequently to speak to your son or daughter? Cual idioma usa Ud. Con mas frecuencia cuando habla con su hijo(a)? __________________________________________________________________ 4. Name the language most often spoken by the adults at home: (Cual idioma hablan los adultos con mas frecuencia en la casa?) __________________________________________________________________ 5. Where was he/she born? Donde nacio el nino? __________________________________________________________________ When did he/she enter the U.S.? Cuando entro el nino a los Estados Unidos? __________________________________________________________________ 6. ____________________________________________________ ______________ Signature of Parent/Guardian (Firma del Padre O Tutor) Date SUMMIT LEADERSHIP ACADEMY HIGH DESERT MANDATORY STATEWIDE TESTING INFORMATION The following information is required for the mandatory statewide testing. Please fill out and return with the enrollment packet. This information is kept confidential. Student Name: _________________________ Date of Birth: _______ Sex: M F Grade: _____ Grade level when entered Hesperia Unified School District for the first time: __________ Grade level when entered Summit Leadership Academy for the first time: ____________ Please indicate the home language (circle one): 11 56 12 42 61 13 03 36 54 20 39 15 16 05 17 18 19 43 21 Arabic Albanian Armenian Assyrian Bengali Burmese Cantonese Cebuano (Visayan) Chaldean Chamorro Chaozhou (Chiuchow) Dutch Farsi (Persian) Filipino (Tagalog) French German Greek Gujarati Hebrew 22 23 24 25 26 27 08 09 50 04 51 47 10 07 48 44 49 40 41 Hindi Hmong Hungarian Ilocano Indonesian Italian Japanese Khmer (Cambodian) Khmu Korean Kurdish Lahu Lao Mandarin (Putonghua) Marshallese Mien (Yao) Mixteco Pashto Polish 06 28 45 29 30 52 60 01 46 32 57 53 34 33 38 35 02 99 Portuguese Punjabi Romanian Russian Samoan Serbo-Croatian Somali Spanish Taiwanese Thai Tigrinya Toishanese Tongan Turkish Ukrainian Urdu Vietnamese All other non-English languages If you are Asian or a Pacific Islander, please check one of the following: ___Chinese ___Japanese ___Vietnamese ___Guamanian ___Laotian ___Cambodian ___Other Asian ___Hawaiian ___Asian Indian ___Tahitian ___Other Pacific Islander ___Korean ___Samoan TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF INTERNET RESOURCES AGREEMENT Personal Responsibility: As a student of Summit Leadership Academy, I am a representative of this school and I will accept personal responsibility for reporting any misuses of the network to the system administrator. Misuse can come in many forms, but it is commonly viewed as any message(s) sent or received that indicates or suggests pornography, unethical or illegal solicitation, racism or sexism, when using the network. I HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND THIS PROVISION. User: _____ (initial) Acceptable Use: The use of my assigned account must be in support of education and research. I am personally responsible for this provision at all times when using the electronic information service. Use of other organizations’ networks or computing resources must comply with rules appropriate to that network. Transmission of any material in violation of any United States or other state organization is prohibited and includes, but is not limited to, copyrighted material, threatening or obscene material or material protection trade secret. Use of commercial activities by for-profit institutions is generally not acceptable. Use of product advertisement or use of electronic information resources can be a violation of local, state and federal laws that I can be prosecuted for violating those laws. Use of chat rooms and community/social websites are prohibited. I READ AND UNDERSTAND THIS PROVISION. User: _____ (initial) Privileges: The use of the information system is a privilege, not a right and inappropriate use will result in cancellation of those privileges. I READ AND UNDERSTAND THIS PROVISION. User: _____ (initial) Network Etiquette and Privacy: You are expected to abide by the generally accepted rules of network etiquette. These rules include, but are not limited to, the following: Be polite. Never send, or encourage others to send, abusive messages. Use appropriate language. Remember that you are a representative of Summit Leadership Academy. Never swear, use vulgarities, or any other language, illegal activities of any kind are strictly forbidden I READ AND UNDERSTAND THIS PROVISION. User: _____ (initial) Student Name: _______________________________________________ _______________ Print Name Date __________________________________________________________________________________________________ CELL PHONE POLICY No student is permitted to use a cell phone or any other electronic device on campus during school hours. Cell phones interrupt and can distract from the learning process. Camera phones are not permitted on campus. This is for the safety of our student body. All cell phones seen or heard on campus during school hours will be confiscated and ONLY released to a parent or guardian. Should a call need to be made during school hours, it must be done in the school office. As a student of Summit Leadership Academy High Desert, I have read the cell phone policy, and I understand that I will be expected to follow this policy. ______________________________ ______________________________ _____ Student Printed Name Student Signature Date ______________________________ ______________________________ _____ Parent/Guardian Printed Name Parent/Guardian Signature Date Summit Leadership Academy-High Desert Student Contract As a student of SLAHD, I understand that I will be expected to follow all program rules, and that I will accept full responsibility for any and all SLAHD equipment or items issued to me. I understand that as a student of the Summit Leadership Academy High Desert, I may from time to time be required to purchase additional or optional items at my expense. I further understand that if I go on a school sponsored field trip, I will be required to bring my own meal. I also understand that if I do not maintain a passing grade of at least a “C” or 70 percent in all academic areas, I may be requested to attend tutoring. Finally, I understand that I can be placed on suspension, a behavioral contract, or be formally removed from the SLAHD for improper behavior. I understand that I must wear the proper clothing described by the dress code every day to school and comply with all grooming standards. I also know that I can be formally removed from the SLAHD for continuous or severe behavior problems. Furthermore, I understand that I may be put on a student behavioral contract for repetitive behavioral problems. I also understand that I am responsible for making up any missed schoolwork within five school days, and that I am financially responsible for any vandalism to the school property, school equipment/utilities, staff, or student property that I may cause. I have read and fully understand the School Rules and Handbook and I agree to abide by them. I also understand that failure to follow these rules and the handbook may lead to my suspension or formal removal from SLAHD. SUMMIT LEADERSHIP ACADEMY HIGH DESERT RECEIPT OF STUDENT-PARENT HANDBOOK To ensure the safety of our students, staff and visitors, we want to instill the importance of the rules and regulations set forth in the Student-Parent Handbook. I, ________________________________ read and understand the information in the Student’s Printed Name Summit Leadership Academy Student Handbook and I agree to comply with each policy, procedure, and standards described within. _________________________________ Student’s Signature ______________ Date I, ________________________________ read and understand the information in the Parent/Guardian Printed Name Summit Leadership Academy Student Handbook and I agree to comply with each policy, procedure, and standards described within. _________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature ______________ Date Summit Leadership Academy – High Desert REQUEST FOR CUMULATIVE RECORD _____________________________ Students Name ______________________________ Date of Birth This Pupil is Now Enrolled in Grade _____ at: Summit Leadership Academy – High Desert 12850 Muscatel St Hesperia, CA 92345 (760) 949-9202 Fax (760) 949-9257 Please send complete cumulative records and complete transcript of the completed/in progress at your school. Include test data, health records, and a key to the grading system. Additionally, include records that resulted in the pupil’s suspension or expulsion from your school for the previous 3 years and a key listing the specific codes. Thank you, _________________________________________ Registrar’s Signature ____________________ Date ________________________________________ Parent’s Signature ____________________ Date SUMMIT LEADERSHIP ACADEMY HIGH DESERT STUDENT SEXUAL HARASSMENT POLICY AND CONTRACT As a student enrolled in Summit Leadership Academy High Desert it is important that you and your parent(s)/guardian(s) understand the state and federal law, as well as our policy on Sexual Harassment. It is very specific. SEXUAL HARASSMENT DEFINED BY LAW Sexual harassment, as defined by both state and federal law is forbidden. Whether it is a faculty member, administrator, staff member or student, you can be held liable in a court of law if your personal conduct either written, verbal or through your action(s), violate the provisions of the Fair Employment and House Act (hereafter called, the “Act.”) According to the Act, harassment is defined as sexual harassment, gender harassment, and harassment based on pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions. Sexual harassment as defined by the Act is unwanted sexual advances, visual, verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. This definition includes many forms of offensive behavior and includes gender-based harassment of a person of the same sex as the harasser. The following is a partial list of prohibited behavior: Unwanted sexual advances Making or threatening reprisals after a negative response to sexual advances Visual conduct to include looking intently, making sexual gestures, displaying of sexually suggestive objects, pictures, cartoons, or posters Verbal conduct such as making or using derogatory comments, abusive words, slurs, or jokes Verbal sexual advances or propositions Verbal abuse of a sexual nature, graphic verbal commentaries about an individual’s body, sexually degrading words used to describe an individual, suggestive or obscene letters, notes, or invitations Physical conduct of a sexual nature such as touching another person inappropriately, assault, impeding or blocking movements SUMMIT LEADERSHIP ACADEMY’S SEXUAL HARASSMENT POLICY FOR STUDENTS Since the law specifically forbids sexual or gender harassment of any sort, it is our policy that any student who harasses another student, faculty or staff member, regardless of gender, either willfully or innocently, will be subject to disciplinary action. These actions could range from a verbal admonishment to removal from Summit Leadership Academy and to possibly include either civil or criminal actions or both. Our policy is clear: Sexual harassment of any sort will not be tolerated. By signing below, this student and parent understand (1) the Summit Leadership Academy policy for sexual harassment, (2) the implications if the policy is violated and (3) that this student and parent could be held civilly or criminally liable or both. _________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature _______________ Date _________________________________________________ Student Signature _______________ Date