History of Mathematics for PS421 Maurice OReilly CASTeL, Dept of Mathematics, St Patrick’s College Drumcondra History of Mathematics for PS421 20/4/2012 The plan 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. HoM & me History in Maths Education HoM Timeline & Themes HoM Resources HoM & Ireland HoM Issues Conclusion History of Mathematics for PS421 20/4/2012 1. HoM & me • • • • • • • • • • Gerdes on ethnomathematics, c. 1992 Baghdad & Monasterboice, 1997 IMTA in Dundalk, 1996-7 Computus (Ó Cróinín, McCarthy) Stevick on bookarts ICMI & ICME, Monterrey, Mexico, 2008 van Maanen at MEI 3, Dublin, 2009 HPM ESU 6, Vienna, 2010 WG12, CERME7, Rzeszów, 2011 PS421, 2012 History of Mathematics for PS421 20/4/2012 Gerdes on ethnomathematics, c. 1992 History of Mathematics for PS421 20/4/2012 Baghdad & Monasterboice, 1997 History of Mathematics for PS421 20/4/2012 Where do the history of maths and the curriculum meet? NUMBERS ALGEBRA PROBABILITY GEOMETRY CALCULUS FUNCTIONS IMTA in Dundalk, 1996-7 History of Mathematics for PS421 20/4/2012 Computus (Ó Cróinín, McCarthy) History of Mathematics for PS421 20/4/2012 Stevick on Early Irish & English Bookarts History of Mathematics for PS421 20/4/2012 ICMI & ICME, Monterrey, Mexico, 2008 History of Mathematics for PS421 20/4/2012 x² + 10x = 39 van Maanen at MEI 3, Dublin, 2009 History of Mathematics for PS421 20/4/2012 HPM ESU 6, Vienna, 2010 History of Mathematics for PS421 20/4/2012 WG12, CERME7, Rzeszów, 2011 History of Mathematics for PS421 20/4/2012 PS421, DCU 2012 History of Mathematics for PS421 20/4/2012 The plan 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. HoM & me History in Maths Education HoM Timeline & Themes HoM Resources HoM & Ireland HoM Issues Conclusion History of Mathematics for PS421 20/4/2012 2. History in Maths Education • International setting • International Commission on Mathematical Instruction (ICMI) • History and Pedagogy of Mathematics (HPM) • ICMI Study: History in Mathematics Education • European Summer School (ESU) on History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education • Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME) • Why history? History of Mathematics for PS421 20/4/2012 A view of the international setting History of Mathematics for PS421 20/4/2012 International Commission on Mathematical Instruction (ICMI) at ICM, Rome 1908 by Felix Klein reconstituted/reborn 1952 first ICME, Lyon 1969 History of Mathematics for PS421 20/4/2012 International Study Group on the Relations between the History and Pedagogy of Mathematics (HPM) Not: but … History of Mathematics for PS421 20/4/2012 •formally affiliated to ICMI at ICME 3, Karlsruhe 1976 •conferences: satellites at ICME (starting ICME 5, Adelaide 1984) European Summer Schools (ESU, since Montpellier 1993) working groups at ICME & CERME •10th ICMI Study devoted to H in ME •HPM Newsletter – online History of Mathematics for PS421 20/4/2012 10th ICMI Study • Napier & Briggs meeting, Edinburgh 1616 • Does HoM have a role in ME? • Relation between how students achieve understanding and the historical construction of mathematical thinking • Integration of HoM into teaching – including use of original sources • Use of technology, e.g. GeoGebra • HoM on the Web, & its use for ME History of Mathematics for PS421 20/4/2012 Examples: • Letter from Leibniz to Riccati, c. 1715 on 1-1+1-1+ … = ½ • Cayley’s 1878 paper on groups of order 6: a,b: a² = b³ = 1, ab = ba • Hamilton’s perception of multiplication of complex numbers: z1z2 History of Mathematics for PS421 20/4/2012 ESU 6, Vienna 2010 • Uffe Janqvist on history as tool or history as goal • Michael Fried on how can ME accommodate HoM • Michael Glaubitz & James Kiernan on using original sources • Olivier Bruneau on ICT & pedal curves, C 17th- 19th • Man Keung Siu on Sino-European dialogue, 1587 … History of Mathematics for PS421 20/4/2012 WG12, CERME7, Rzeszów, 2011 History of Mathematics for PS421 20/4/2012 Why history? “… mathematics, as persented to students, fails on two major grounds which you’ve pointed out and that it’s taught in a very dry formal way without any explanation of the origins and the motivations of where things are coming from. That is a terrible mistake and shouldn’t happen, but people are human.” Michael Atiyah @ RIA IMS Bulletin #58 (2006), p49 Consider student activities: Women in Mathematics Day: Ireland UL 27th April 2010 National Committee for Commemorative Plaques in Science and Technology The plan 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. HoM & me History in Maths Education HoM Timeline & Themes HoM Resources HoM & Ireland HoM Issues Conclusion History of Mathematics for PS421 20/4/2012 3. HoM Timeline & Themes • • • • • • • • Beginnings Greece, India, China Arabic & Persian mathematics Europe to early 16th century Solving polynomials Calculus & physics Rigour & Foundations Abstraction, specialisation & new synergies History of Mathematics for PS421 20/4/2012 Beginnings Plimpton 322 c. 1800 BCE Mesopotamia Cuneiform Sexagesimal Pythagorean triples History of Mathematics for PS421 20/4/2012 Rhind papyrus c. 1650 BCE by the scribe Ahmes Hieratic Egyptian script Calculations with fractions; areas & volumes 710 = 23+130 History of Mathematics for PS421 20/4/2012 “Pythagoras’ theorem” from Euclid Archimedes and using inscribed & circumscribed polygons GREECE from length, area or volume? History of Mathematics for PS421 20/4/2012 Brahmagupta’s theorem (7th cent CE) INDIA Number system with place values and zero Negative numbers Trigonometry |AF|=|FD| History of Mathematics for PS421 20/4/2012 Jiuzhang Suanshu or The Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art Variety of practical problems with solutions “Pythagoras” 500-200 BCE c. 100 BCE CHINA History of Mathematics for PS421 20/4/2012 Al-Khwarizmi’s al-jabr wa-l-muqabala x² + 10x = 39 Textual (rather than symbolic), but ‘justified’ by geometry. Specific examples, yet general approach: algorithm Omar Khayyam’s solution of x³+cx=d 1048-1131 CE The parabola x²=-√c y intersects the semi-circle (having radius dc) at B & D. x=|BE| is the solution of the cubic. Europe in the Middle Ages c. 500-1500 Trivium (logic, rhetoric & grammar) Quadrivium (arithmetic, geometry, music & astronomy) Boethius (480-524) Isidore of Seville (560-636) – Etymologiae Scotii Gathering universal knowledge Charlemange Bede Calendar studies important Translations: geometry, number systems Greek knowledge through Arab world, extended by them Leonardo di Pisa (Fibonacci, c. 1170-1240) Nicole Oresme (1320-1382) – kinematics, exponentials Solution of cubic & quartic 1540-1640 Tartaglia (1499-1557) & Cardano (1501-1576) Ars Magna, 1545 what about Fermat, Wallis, Pascal, … and logarithms – who thought of them? Algebrization of geometry La Géometrie, 1637 Calculus … Leibniz (1646-1716) & Newton (1642-1727) 1660-1780 Johann Bernoulli (1667-1748) & l’Hôpital (1661-1704) The priority dispute!! what about other Bernoullis, Taylor, … doubting Berkeley … also d’Alembert & Agnesi? … becomes analysis Differential equations; books Leibniz’ characteristic triangle transmutation rule and Gregory-Madhava-Leibniz series: Political turmoil in France 1780-1820 Lagrange (1736-1813) Theory of equations Monge (1746-1818) Analytic & differential geometry) Laplace (1749-1827) Statistical inference Legendre (1752-1833) Number theory … but maths is healthy Is England still in the races? number theory, congruences, fundamental theorem of algebra, non-Euclidean and differential geometry, etc., etc. FTA w=z²+z+1 replace 2 by 3, 4, … Complex numbers? As r=|z| increases, the locus of w must pass through 0, and so … The plan 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. HoM & me History in Maths Education HoM Timeline & Themes HoM Resources HoM & Ireland HoM Issues Conclusion History of Mathematics for PS421 20/4/2012 4. HoM Resources • Original sources • HoM books • The Web History of Mathematics for PS421 20/4/2012 The plan 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. HoM & me History in Maths Education HoM Timeline & Themes HoM Resources HoM & Ireland HoM Issues Conclusion History of Mathematics for PS421 20/4/2012 5. HoM in Ireland • Early medieval Ireland • Irish mathematicians • Foreign mathematicians in Ireland History of Mathematics for PS421 20/4/2012 Mathematics in Early Medieval Ireland Two areas: the Computus & Geometry Insular manuscripts Imago Leonis Echternach Gospels f.75v Fr Ingram lecture, IMTA, Carlow, 2000 St Matthew Book of Moling , f.12v DIT, February 2008 Carpet page (Luke) Lindisfarne f.138v Galway Computus conference, 2008 Hamilton in Cabra plaque Seán Keating’s version tea @ Dunsink Enormous insights: Conical refraction General theory of dynamics Quaternions graffiti Casey in Reykjavík!? New triangle geometry of: •Lemoine •Brocard •Casey 1820-1891 Alastair Wood on Stokes George Gabriel Stokes 1819 - 1903 An Irish Mathematical Physicist, IMS Bulletin #35 Boole in Cork An investigation into the Laws of Thought, on Which are founded the Mathematical Theories of Logic and Probabilities (1854) Alicia Boole Stott worked on polytopes: there are six regular polytopes on four dimensions and that they are bounded by 5, 16 or 600 tetrahedra, 8 cubes, 24 octahedra or 120 dodecahedra. Philip Boland on Gosset A biographical glimpse of WS Gosset, IMS Newsletter #8 The plan 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. HoM & me History in Maths Education HoM Timeline & Themes HoM Resources HoM & Ireland HoM Issues Conclusion History of Mathematics for PS421 20/4/2012 6. HoM Issues • • • • • • Proof & mathematical truth Notation Eurocentrism War & maths Women in maths Maths & applications History of Mathematics for PS421 20/4/2012 Eurocentrism • Picture removed (awaiting artist’s permission) Pythagoras’ theorem Pascal’s triangle Gaussian elimination The History of Europe 2 Aidan Hickey History of Mathematics for PS421 20/4/2012 “Since researching my essay on women mathematicians my attitude towards mathematics has been altered. Although of course these male mathematicians achieved great things during the 16th & 17th century, I can’t help but think about women such as Sophie Germain and Maria Agnesi. These women had to fight so much harder than their male counterparts to achieve or succeed in this area. They did not receive the same respect or education that they should have been entitled to.” from (female) student’s learning journal HoM module, spring 2010 The plan 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. HoM & me History in Maths Education HoM Timeline & Themes HoM Resources HoM & Ireland HoM Issues Conclusion History of Mathematics for PS421 20/4/2012 “Some treatment of the history of mathematics is very important I think and part of that history is, of course, talking about the people and where they came from with their contribution and it also gives you a chance to explain the motivational origins – the roots if you want – and to follow these things back into the past” Michael Atiyah @ RIA IMS Bulletin #58 (2006), p49 See the big picture with HoM! History of Mathematics for PS421 20/4/2012 “As from his small window the astronaut sees all that he has sprung from” Alphabets by Seamus Heaney History of Mathematics for PS421 20/4/2012