WAYLAND BAPTIST UNIVERSITY Plainview, Texas School of Education EXSS 5300 – Leadership in Sport Management University Mission: Wayland Baptist University exists to educate students in an academically challenging, learning-focused and distinctively Christian environment for professional success and service to God and humankind. Course Name: EXSS 5300 VC01- Leadership in Sport Management Term: FALL 2014 Instructor: Tom Bell, Ph.D., MBA, M.Div. Phone (OFFICE): (276) 789-5462 Phone (HOME): (276) 789-3886 (Please only use in the case of an emergency) Email: Thomas.bell@wayland.wbu.edu Alternative email: twbell@campbellsville.edu Office Hours: by e-mail or phone call Class Time/Location: On-line I. CATALOG DESCRIPTION: Examination of leadership skills, human resource management, ethical practices and administrative decision making. II. COURSE PREREQUISITE: Graduate Standing III. REQUIRED TEXT AND RESOURCE MATERIALS: Masteralexis, L. P., Barr, C. A., & Hums, M. A. (2012). Principles and Practice of Sport Management (4th ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning. ISBN: 978-0-7637-9607-5 COURSE OBJECTIVES/OUTCOME COMPETENCIES: At the completion of the course, the student will be able to: 1. Students through readings will be able to describe and apply the fundamental principles of sport marketing to sport participation, sport products, and sport entertainment. 2. Students will be able to explain and apply the fundamental sport marketing concepts of product, price, place, and promotions to sport. 3. Students will be able to describe, analyze, and apply marketing research, strategy, and operations in actual sport settings. IV. Disability Statement: In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), it is policy of Wayland Baptist University that no otherwise qualified person with disabilities be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subject to discrimination under any educational program or activity in the university. The Coordinator of Counseling Services serves as the coordinator of students with a disability and should be contacted concerning accommodations request (806) 291-3765. Documentation of the disability must accompany any request for accommodations. V. COURSE REQIUREMENTS AND GRADING CRITERIA Final Examination – 100 points Mid-Term Examination – 100 points Project - 200 points 1. Leadership in Sport Management Discussion Board – 450 points Original postings - n=9 @ 30 points each - (270 points) Responses to classmates postings - n=18 @ 10 points each - (180 points) Blog Questions – 400 points 8 entries @ 50 points each Short Papers – 150 points 3 short papers @ 50 points each University grading system A 1400 - 1260 B 1259 - 1120 C 1119 - 980 D 979 - 840 F 0 - 839 I-Incomplete NCR-No credit WR-Withdrawal passing WF-Withdrawal failing W-Withdrawn 2 VI. TENATIVE SCHEDULE: See Assignment Rubric (attached) VII. ACADEMIC HONESTY: University students are to conduct themselves according to the highest standards of academic honesty. Academic misconduct for which a student is subject to penalty includes all forms of cheating. Disciplinary action for academic misconduct is the responsibility of the faculty members assigned to the course. See course catalog for more information. 3 WBU Sports Management - Course Assignment Rubric Week 1 2 3 Chapters Covered 1 and 2 and Theories 3 and 4 5 and 6 Main Topics Discussed Discussion Questions Blog Question Project or Paper Assignment *Personal Introduction *Response to 2 classmates What are the key skills managers need in your area of expertise to be competitive in today's marketplace? Paper on theories of leadership (see instructions on Blackboard - Course Information) Basic marketing practices, marketing mix, basic financial issues in sport Discuss what the marketing mix is and how it is used in the area you hope to be employed. How can sport managers use creative economics/methods to make sports affordable to more people as the cost of managing a team goes up? Select a topic in sport leadership that you would like to learn more about in a term paper. Submit this title to me and I will be making some slight modifications for your term project. Legal considerations in sport, Title IX, ethical issues in sport, racism, sexism, etc. Go to page 111-112. Use the examples given and come up with 10 questions that would apply to a job you would like to have in the future. Your questions should help you perform future job better and possibly avoid lawsuits. Discuss if Christian ethics are contrary to sport business practices. Can these concepts work together to create synergy in a business environment? Begin your project Introduction to sport management, basic managerial practices, theories of leadership 4 Test 4 5 6 7, 8, and 9 History of amateur sports, public and private organizational structure, women in sports, Divisions I, II, and III, conferences, career opportunities, sport agency, gambling, international management of sports, the Olympics, paralympic games, doping None this week (do well on your test) Discuss the conflict of college coaches (leaders) emphasis on winning games and expecting athletes to be good students. How Work on project 10 and 11 History of professional sports and sport agency, ownership rules, organizational structure, labor relations, legal issues in sport, race and gender, career opportunities, sport agency history & evolution, reserve system, career opportunities, negotiations, contracts, and financial planning. Has the collective bargaining agreement been good or bad for sports? Discuss if sport agency has been good or bad for professional sports. Give specific examples and not just your opinion. Work on project 12 and 13 Facility management, different types of venues and events, facility financing, promotions, marketing, career opportunities, event management, risk management, and sponsorships Should sport facility managers be more concerned with making loyal customers or making a profit, i.e. focused on a corporate clientele? How can technology help event managers to make a bigger profit and satisfy customers? Work on project 5 Test 1 (Chpts 19) 7 8 9 14 and 15 History of sport sales, sales strategies, aftermarketing, up-selling, eduselling, key sales skills, sales inventory, signage, naming rights, sponsorships In addition to the list of "Key Skills" of a good salesperson on pages 351-353, list some other skills not listed that you feel would be critical to a successful sales team. In what area has sport sponsorship gone too far and corrupted the purity of the game? If you think it should go farther then discuss in what areas you think sport managers should exploit? Work on project 16 Sport communications, stakeholders, media relations, press releases, media guides, public and community relations, the Internet, sport interviews, crisis management, broadcasting, electronic and print mediums, and history of sport broadcasting What do you think the message leaders in sport management should be trying to communicate to the public through the media? none Final Leadership Term Paper/Project Due 18 Social media, Internet, blogs, twitter, and Facebook. How will the social media be used by sport managers in the future to reach some social, financial, etc. goal? none 2-page paper on what Christian leadership would look like in the sport management environment 6 10 11 20 Tennis and Golf club management 21 Myths of sport management jobs, interview skills, marketing yourself, resumes, and cover letter What do yo think are some good strategies / methods to break into golf and tennis club management. Page 507-509 will give you some ideas none none What do you need to do to beef up your marketability for your future as a leader in sport management? 7 2-page paper on what area of sport management you would like to work in and why you want to work in this area? none Final Exam (Chapters 10-16, 18, 2021)