March 2014 English 3 A – Raimondo Research Assignment You will

March 2014
English 3 A – Raimondo
Research Assignment
You will be writing a 4-6-page research paper centered on one of the
below texts we have read this year (in entirety or in excerpts). As you
know, American Literature is the focus of English 3.
The Pearl, Steinbeck
The Gatekeepers, Steinberg
The Grapes of Wrath, Steinbeck
Walden, Thoreau
Hunting for Hope, Sanders
The Awakening, Chopin
The Yellow Wallpaper, Gilman
Their Eyes Were Watching God, Hurston
Invisible Man, Ellison
For your topic, you will be asked to complete the following guidelines:
 4-6 pages in length (does not include cover page or references
 7-10 MLA formatted note cards (follow sample)
 Outline of paper (follow sample)
 7-10 sources (no more than three websites / at least two
scholarly essays/articles)
 *Your sources will be a mix of biographical information on the
author and information about the literature itself.*
 MLA-formatted Works Cited page at the end of the paper and
parenthetical citations in the body of the essay. Please see
information in the library to guide you. (see Pathfinder)
YOUR TASK: Please title “Introduction,” “Part One,” “Part Two,”
“Part Three” and “Part Four” and organize your essay with these
 Part One (Introduction): Create one clear and direct claim about
your research topic in the introduction and set up what your essay
will include. Your thesis should answer the following question:
How do life experiences influence perspective? (In your
introduction, be sure to also consider the big questions such
as “What is the American experience” and “How does
American Literature reflect the American experience?” (no
more than one paragraph)
 Part Two: Discuss specifically how your author’s life as an
American shaped the story he/she tells, the protagonist’s voice and
perspective, and the story itself. Information about the author’s life
and the text itself is needed in this section (Note: this section is the
majority of the essay, as the research itself is encompassed here)
Part Three: Discuss how your own life in America has shaped your
story, your voice, and your perspective. How have the events in
your life impacted your own views of the world and how you wish
to define yourself? What connections do you find between your
views and the author’s, if any?
Part Four (Conclusion): Tie your ideas into a cohesive conclusion.
Be sure to return to the original big question (how do experiences
influence perspective) and to consider how the literary and
personal examples you explained help to support your overall
claim. In your conclusion, be sure to return to the notions of “what
is the American experience” and “how does American literature
reflect the American experience” in your final thoughts.
Research Assignment – Time line for period 7
Step 1: Choose topic (Day 1 in Media Center)
Step 2: Collect Sources – Library Visits (3/13, 3/14, and 3/18) to collect
sources, review the school website and databases, and review MLA-style
citations. At this point, you should have at least seven sources and a
working Works Cited page. (See previous page about the types of sources
you need)
Draft of Works Cited page: due in class on Thursday, 3/20
Step 3: Create Thesis and working outline for paper (see sample)
Thesis/outline: due in class on Monday, 3/24
Step 4: note sheets (see sample)
Note Cards: due in class on Wednesday, 3/26
Step 5: Essay. Due: Thursday, 4/3. (*new date) Please submit to NOTE: IN ORDER FOR THE ESSAY TO RECEIVE
 Follow MLA style with headings and parenthetical citations (see
 Entire Essay
 Works Cited page
Please be sure to refer to the Pathfinder sheet and the Pathfinder on
the school website for additional information, sources by subject,
citation generators, and parenthetical citations. It is very helpful!
*There will be a brief participation/presentation in class about your
essay topic/your reflection!
March 2014
English 3 A – Raimondo
Research Assignment (Part 2)
As you know, you were asked to write a 4-6-page research paper
centered on one of the below texts we have read this year (in entirety or
in excerpts). (American Literature is the focus of English 3).
The Pearl, Steinbeck
The Gatekeepers, Steinberg
The Grapes of Wrath, Steinbeck
Walden, Thoreau
Hunting for Hope, Sanders
The Awakening, Chopin
The Yellow Wallpaper, Gilman
Their Eyes Were Watching God, Hurston
Invisible Man, Ellison
The essay focuses on the following “big” questions:
 How do life experiences influence perspective?
 What is the American experience?
 How does American Literature reflect the American experience?
Even though the final research essay is due on turnitin by anytime
on 4/3 (MP 3), you still have two more tasks to accomplish to
finalize this project!!
For the next two tasks, keep the following “big” questions in mind:
 How does direct research of an author/text influence individual
(the researcher’s) perspective?
 How can the experiences of self-assessment and reflection further
shape beliefs?
Task One: Due in class on Thursday, 4/10/14 (MP 4)
 Poster! No larger than 16 in X 20 in
 Two written requirements: 1. One quotation from the novel/text
itself that speaks to you, and 2. One quotation from one of your
sources ABOUT the author/text that also speaks to you.
 One visual requirement: 1. Behind the quotations, please complete
an artistic representation that in some way represents you/your
 One the back of the poster, you will complete a short explanation
on an index card that explains exactly why you chose these
examples of language to represent the text and your experience
with the research, as well as why you chose this visual image to
best represent you and your perspective. Then, be sure to include
an explanation of how the research of this author/text is now part
of your experience that influences your overall perspective.
Task Two: Due on turnitin anytime on Wednesday, 4/23/14 (MP 4)
 Self-assessment/Reflection response (400-450 words)! Include the
word count.
 Discuss your experience with the research itself. What did you
learn about the American experience, American literature, and
exactly how experience influences perspective? How did those
ideas you considered in the paper apply to you through your poster
project, now that you’ve added this research to part of your
experience? What did you learn from three classmates’ experiences
and perspectives, as seen through their posters? How does what
we learn from one another additionally shape our beliefs? Be
specific. Ultimately, what is the value of this project?