Precalculus Student Notes Chapter 3 Exponential/Logarithmic Functions Name ________________________________________________ Hopefully you remember these properties of exponents: EXPONENTIAL FUNCTIONS Definition: An exponential function has the form y a x , where the base a is any positive real number other than 1. If a 1 and x is a positive exponent, the function models exponential growth. If 0 a 1 and x is a positive exponent, the function models exponential decay. If a 1 and x is a negative exponent, the function models exponential decay. If 0 a 1 and x is a negative exponent, the function models exponential growth. PROPERTIES OF THE PARENT EXPONENTIAL FUNCTION: Domain: _______________________________ Range: ____________________________________ X-intercept: ____________________________ Y-intercept: ________________________________ Horizontal Asymptote: _____________________ (Additional info: Exponential functions are either always increasing, or always decreasing, over its domain.) NATURAL BASE “e”: Base “e” is an irrational base that is approximated by the number 2.71828 BASIC EQUATION FOR EXPONENTIAL GROWTH: A P(1 r ) t BASIC EQUATION FOR EXPONENTIAL DECAY: A P(1 r ) t EQUATION FOR COMPOUND INTEREST: r A P 1 n A Pe rt EQUATION FOR CONTINOUSLY COMPOUNDED INTEREST: EQUATION FOR HALF-LIFE: 1 A P 2 nt t /T LOGARITHMIC FUNCTIONS If a > 0 and a 1, then the exponential function f(x) = ax is either increasing or decreasing. Thus, f is one-to-one and hence has an inverse function f -1. This inverse function is known as the logarithm function with base a. Since the domain of f(x) = ax is the set of all real numbers and the range is the set of all positive numbers, we can interchange these to obtain the domain and range of f –1(x). Domain of f(x) = ax : All reals Domain of f –1(x) = log a x : x > 0 Range of f(x) = ax : y > 0 Range of f –1(x) = log a x : All reals Definition of a “base-a” Logarithm The logarithm with base a of a positive number x, denoted by log a x, is defined by log a x = k if and only if x = ak, where a > 0, a = 1, and k is a real number. The function, given by f(x) = log a x, is called the logarithmic function with base a. For example, log 2 8 = 3 since 23 = 8 log 5 625 = 4 since 54 = 625 Common Logarithms We use LOG (or log without a base given) to represent log 10 . LOG is referred to as the Common Logarithm. On your calculator you have a LOG key. This is the common log. Natural Logarithms We use LN to represent log e . The number e is referred to as the natural number named after Leonhard Euler. The number is irrational and is approximately equal to 2.718281828. LN (or ln) is referred to as the Natural Logarithm. On your calculator you have a LN key. This is the natural log. PROPERTIES OF THE PARENT LOGARITHMIC FUNCTION: Domain: _______________________________ Range: ____________________________________ X-intercept: ____________________________ Y-intercept: ________________________________ Vertical Asymptote: _____________________ (Additional info: Logarithmic functions are either always increasing, or always decreasing, over its domain.) Properties of logarithms: log a 1 = 0 since a0 = 1 for a > 0. log a a = 1 since a1 = a for a > 0. log a (mn) = log a m + log a n Proof: Let x = log a m and y = log a n; Then writing the corresponding exponential equations we have: m = ax and n = ay ; mn = (ax )(ay ) = ax + y ; log a mn = log a ax + y = x + y = log a m + log a n. log a (m/n) = log a m - log a n Proof: Let x = log a m and y = log a n; Then writing the corresponding exponential equations we have: m = ax and n = ay ; m/n = (ax )/(ay ) = ax - y ; log a m/n = log a ax - y = x - y = log a m - log a n. log a (mr) = r log a m Proof: Let x = log a m; Then writing the corresponding exponential equations we have: m = ax and mr = (ax )r = arx ; log a mr = log a arx = rx = r log a m. log a (ar) = r log a a = r * 1 = r