How to Sell 0425 Marketing Applications TOPIC OR UNIT OF STUDY Channel Management & Selling CONTENT STANDARD(S) AND OBJECTIVE(S) Coordinate channel management with other marketing activities (Discuss & Activity 2) Explain the nature of channel-member relationships (Activity 2) Discuss motivational theories that impact buying behavior (Activity 2) Prospect for customers (Activity 2) Qualify customers/clients (Activity 2) Conduct pre-visit research (e.g., customer’s markets/products, customer’s competitors, and competitors’ offerings) (Activity 2) Book appointments with prospective clients (Activity 2) Prepare sales presentation (Activity 2) Use a presentation software package to support sales presentation (Activity 2) Address needs of individual personalities (Activity 2) Determine customer’s buying motives for use in selling (Activity 2) Facilitate customer/client buying decisions (Activity 2) INTRODUCTION Building knowledge of subjects helps when it is personalized, so today we are going to research a sales career. Following this research a guest speaker who works in the field will relate their duties to the class to help your understanding. Think of your researched career to help you understand as you reflect on this activity. ESSENTIAL QUESTION How do sales people prepare for client appointments, determine who to target, and help motivate clients to buy their products? What tools and research are needed for this? INTEGRATION OF ACADEMICS, TECHNOLOGY, ENTREPRENEURSHIP To complete this project, students will use basic terms and concepts, to complete the following academic, technology, and entrepreneurship activities: 1. Academic activities – critical thinking and writing skills; 2. Technology activities –use of MOS Word and PowerPoint; 3. Entrepreneurship activities – learn skills from a sales rep that you would apply to your own sales company, and then create your own sales presentation. STUDENT INVOLVEMENT IN PLANNING PROCESS Students will research their own sales position & show owner qualities as they reflect on speech and research. TASK(S) Discover and write career details with internet search in Activity 1 90 min Discuss textbook terms as a group in the introduction of Activity 2 30 min Outline key points from guest speaker in Activity 2 60 min Combine information from research and speaker in a reflective paper in Activity 3 90 min RESOURCES Websites: TECHNOLOGY USE Computers, Websites listed above, and Microsoft Word software. EVALUATION #1 – Activity 1 - Discover and write career details with internet search 22 pts #2 – Activity 2 - Discuss textbook terms & Outline key points from guest speaker n/a #3 – Activity 3 - Combine information from research and speaker in a reflective paper in 30 pts Total points for these activities 52 pts Authentic assessments will be evaluated with the rubrics that are located on each activity. TIMELINE Block scheduling-3 days, periods-6 days. This includes time for lecture, textbook readings, and discussions. Depending on student’s ability, extended time may be needed on some projects. Day 1 Discover and write career details with internet search in Activity 1 90 min Day 2 Discuss textbook terms as a group in the introduction of Activity 2 30 min Outline key points from guest speaker in Activity 2 60 min Day 3 Combine information from research & speaker in a reflective paper in Activity 3 90 min CONCLUSION At the conclusion of this activity students will have built knowledge of sales activities from an entrepreneurs standpoint. They will have researched careers then connected them through a reflective activity. Career Research Use one of the following websites to choose three sales jobs and complete the following table: Job Summary Pay Education Job Outlook Environment After you have completed the table choose one of those occupations to further examine. Write a one page report on that occupation. Points 5 5 5 2 2 2 2 Content Points Earned Introduce position by explaining the job duties. Explain how to become one What are some similar jobs and describe the work environment What are some marketing channels you would use in this position How would you get your customer base? How would you be able to address the needs of your clients? Why would clients purchase your product? Total Points _____ of 22 pts Guest Speaker Pre-visit activity: Review the textbook concerning selling and channel management, have class discussion. (1, 2) Take notes of the discussion here: This is the question list that the Drug rep will address. Use this sheet for notes during the guest speakers presentation. (CSS #s addressed are marked) Who are your customers? (4) How do you choose what doctors to visit? (5) How do you book the appointments and find clients? (6, 7) What types of things do you do before you visit doctors? (6) What are some things you do to motivate doctors to prescribe your drug? (3) Show us your sales presentation. (8, 9) How do you know a particular doctor will prescribe your drug? (10, 11, 12) Reflection Using the notes from the guest speaker and your career research, write a two-three page reflection paper. Use section headings for each CSS topic covered. Review the following rubric for details needed in the reflection. Topic CSS’s covered 5 points 4 points All 12 CSS’s labeled and covered All 12 CSS’s covered but some grouped together All CSS’s good show content knowledge & evidence of understanding. Details from the guest speaker or discussion are used. Content detail All 12 CSS’s show content knowledge & evidence of understanding. Good details from the guest speaker and discussion are used. Spelling and Grammar Spelling and word usage is correct throughout paper. Good sentence and paragraph structure used. Thoughts flow well throughout. Paper format 1” Margins. 12 pt Arial (max font). Single spaced with 12 pt spacing after paragraphs. Name & date in top margin with page #. Bold left align headings for each CSS. Connection to the researched career is used in at least 5 of the CSS points. Printed & submitted on or prior to the due date. Connection to career Timely submission Total Points Spelling and word usage is mostly correct throughout paper. (max 2 errors) Good sentence and paragraph structure used. Flows well. One of the 5 paper formats is incorrect. Connection to the researched career is used in at least 4 of the CSS points. Submitted electronically on due date, but print copy is 1 day late. 3 points 2 points 1 point 11 of 12 CSS’s covered 10 CSS’s covered 9 CSS’s covered All CSS’s show some content knowledge & evidence of understanding. Some details from the guest speaker or discussion are used. Spelling and word usage is mostly correct paper. (max 4 errors) Sentence and paragraph structure used. Flows well through most. Two of the 5 paper formats is incorrect 11 of 12 CSS’s show content knowledge & some understanding. Some details from the guest speaker or discussion are used. 10 of 12 CSS’s show content knowledge & some understanding. Some details from the guest speaker or discussion are used. Spelling and word usage errors. (5-8 errors) Sentence and paragraph structure somewhat used. Fragmented thoughts. Three of the 5 paper formats is incorrect. Spelling and word usage errors (more than 9). Poor sentence /paragraph structure used. Fragmented thoughts. Connection to the researched career is used in at least 3 of the CSS points. Printed & submitted 1 day after the due the due date. Connection to the researched career is used in at least 2 of the CSS points. Submitted electronically 1 day late, but print copy is 2 days late. Connection to the researched career is used in at least 1 of the CSS points. Printed & submitted 2 days after the due date. Four of the 5 paper formats is incorrect. ____ of 30