Stone Fox Power Point Book Report

John Reynolds Gardiner
Grandpa Loved Little Willy so much. He always loved to make
breakfast for Little Willy. Grandpa loved to watch Little Willy play games
and do tricks Grandpa loved raising Little Willy so much.
Gave up on life
Grandpa would not get out of bed .
said grandpa gave up on life. He wouldn’t talk. Grandpa was
not doing any thing and Little Willy was scarde.
Little Willy was taking good care of Grandpa and was hoping Grandpa
would get better. Little Willy thought playing the harmonica would make
grandpa feel good. Little Willy saw grandpas hand go down then he saw
Grandpa s hand go up so he thought up ment yes and down ment no.
Little Willy was trying to take care of the farm because the Grandpa
could not. Little Willy was trying to get money for the farm and the taxes.
Little Willy was taking care of Searchlight . But thay needed money for
the farm and the selfs.
Chapters 3 & 4
Searchlight was getting ready for the race. So Little Willy was
getting his sled ready for the race. Little Willy said he would
always win . It was the first snow day it was cool. Little Willy
went to school he like it. Scenes Grandpa was sick he asked a
lot of quashes and to get in to the race he had to pay but he
did not have any money to pay but he had a college found so
he used that . But there was a tax man so the tax man new
that his Grandpa did not wont him to get in his college
Found . Then a guy came he put his gun on searchlight and
he wonted taxes. He needed 500 dollars but little willy did
not have 500$ little willy was sad and he was thinking is that
why grandpa sick
Chapter 5
 The Way
 Little willy needed 500.00 to pay the taxes on the farm.
Little willy had five different things he could do. He
could take his money out of his college, but the banker
wouldn’t let him. He could grow more potatoes, but
that was too much work for one person. He could sell
the farm, but he couldn’t dear to do that. He decided
to enter the race.
Chapters 6&7
Little Willy was outside and then he saw Stone Fox and he was big
and tall and a face like stone and he was a Indian he walk by Little
Willy said hi Stone Fox did not say any thing . Then he saw Stone
foxes dogs he had 5 dogs. Little Willy new that Stone Fox never lost
a race. Little Willy was going into town but on the way to town
Little Willy herd barking and the sounds came from the old barn .
So Little Willy decide to investigate . He peeked in it was dark he
could not see anything then he saw the five dog that belonged to
Stone Fox the dogs were in a bed of straw and they were looking at
him . Little Willy wonted to pet the dogs but as he got there a hand
hit him in the eye. Little Willy saw Stone Fox and ran out with his
eye covered.
Chapters 8&9
 It was the day of the race .Little Willy got up early and his
eye was swollen shut Little Willy gave grandpa a kiss on the
cheek and hitched up Searchlight Little Willy got to town
and when he was there the hole street was jammed . Little
Willy got in his spot Searchlight got ready and Mayor
Smiley walked into the street and razed a pistol in the sky
and the race be gone ! Little Willy was going past everyone
and in steed of taking a turn he had a short cut throe the
frozen lake . On the way down he past the farm house and
Little Willy thought he saw someone in grandpa room it
was hard to see but it was grandpa but then Stone Fox cot
up it was Little willy Then Stone Fox over and over again
but Little Willy got the lead.
Chapters 10
 Little Willy Was 100 yards away from the finish line
and Searchlight gave it all she had and then
Searchlights hart burst she died instantly the sled
flipped over Little Willy got up and held Searchlight
up Stone Fox stopped his sled aside Little Willy said is
he dead Stone Fox yes Stone Fox stud up and said if
any one crosses this line I will shoot and so Little Willy
picked up Searchlight and he walked the last few miles
and won the race.