Masters Degree Program (MA/MS) Admissions Course Descriptions Program Formats o On Campus Program of Study Advising o Off Campus Program of Study Advising o Online Program of Study Current Courses Advising Graduation Steps FAQs Advisory Committees Contact Info PSU » Graduate School of Education » C&I » Programs » Curriculum and Instruction Master's Degree Program Curriculum and Instruction Master's Degree Program Welcome The MA/MS degree in curriculum and instruction emphasizes professional education. It is designed to accommodate students in teacher education and educational specialists. The program expands educators' background knowledge of education and bridges theory and practice. The sharing between educators of all levels, interests, and backgrounds is a major strength of the program. Our goal is to help develop thoughtful and caring educators who have the knowledge, skills, and desire to examine educational practices critically and who will work to improve their practice in ways that are conceptually sound, ethically responsible, and culturally responsive. This is a non-license master's degree for current teachers or professionals in related fields who have been licensed at the undergraduate level or are interested in a master's in education. Students have four format options for pursuing a master's degree in curriculum and instruction. PSU » Graduate School of Education » C&I » Programs » Masters Degree Program (MA/MS) » Curriculum and Instruction Master's Degree Admissions Curriculum and Instruction Master's Degree Admissions See the Early Childhood Education Specialization site for admissions information specific to that program. Before applying to the on-campus, off-campus, or online program, you must: Possess a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution with a cumulative undergraduate GPA of at least 3.0 Packet 1: To the University Apply for Portland State University graduate admissions: Graduate Admissions website. Packet 2: To the Graduate School of Education Use this link to access our online program application*, create a free account, then complete your application following the steps below. Be sure to write down the user name and password that you receive so that you can return to the site and track the progress of your application as it is reviewed. 1. Click the Create a New Application button 2. Select CI Master's Application... for the term in which you want to start taking classes 3. Fully complete the application based on the options you choose. If necessary, you can save and return to your application before it is completed, however you must click the Submit Application Now button when it is complete AND before the application deadline if you want to be considered. Please note: The following components are part of your Graduate School of Education application packet: Personal statement 3 letters of recommendation Transcripts After submitting your application you will be able to track the review process through the application website. If you need assistance accessing the online application, please email If you have questions about the application process, please email Off-campus and online program priority application deadline: The off-campus and online programs are cohort programs that begin each fall. Students who plan to take their electives in other terms may be admitted in that term. Students must take a minimum of 1 credit in the term they are admitted. Students may be admitted until the program fills. o Fall - September 15 o Winter - December 15 o Spring - March 15 o Summer - June 15 On campus application deadlines: Fall - August 15 Winter - November 15 Spring - February 15 Summer - May 15 PSU » Graduate School of Education » C&I » Programs » Masters Degree Program (MA/MS) » Curriculum and Instruction Master's Degree Course Descriptions Curriculum and Instruction Master's Degree Course Descriptions CI 581 Issues in Education (3 credits) An introduction to the study of contemporary issues that impact the teaching and learning environment for K-12 students and their teachers. Students identify critical issues in contemporary education and analyze those issues from a variety of perspectives. CI 567 Curriculum and Culture (3 credits) Understanding the cultural basis of instructional materials in curriculum development and teaching and how the organization of knowledge in a subject area and the explanation of new ideas are influenced by cultural root metaphors. Planning and administering the instructional materials center in the modern school. The cooperative roles of the teacher, administrator, and librarian in curricular development and materials. CI 561 Advanced Educational Psychology (3 credits) Review and development of modern viewpoints in educational psychology with particular attention to theories of learning and their application to school and educational problems; an examination of experimental material that seems most useful and relevant to educational psychology. CI 580 Theories of Instruction (3 credits) An investigation of what happens in the classroom, emphasizing the interrelatedness of learning, subject matter, and teaching; testing of scholars’ and the student’s own ideas against concrete case studies of instruction; formulation and defense of one’s own theory. Prerequisite: teaching experience or consent of instructor. CI 565 Theoretical Models of Curriculum (3 credits) Study of the history of curriculum and curriculum theory in the United States. Emphasis is placed on the historical, philosophical, and scientific foundations of curriculum theory. A main goal of the course is to provide a framework for evaluation, selection, and development of school curricula. CI 590 Action Research Proposal (3 credits) Designed to help educators see themselves as researchers, in order that they may conduct research in educational settings that contributes to the improvement of education. Research questions and methods appropriate for practicing educators will be covered. CI 591 Special Projects: Action Research Implementation (3 credits) This course will be partly arranged with your instructor. Action Research project presentations will be required. CI 510 Guidance for the Classroom Teacher (3 credits) [Formerly offered as COUN 525] A study of the responsibilities and procedures of teachers for guiding students at all levels in becoming more effective and capable persons. Prerequisites: completion of 135 credits; student teaching or teaching experience. CI 510 Human Relations in Organizations (3 credits) - cohorts only Issues and perspectives in group processes; models for studying groups; principles of group dynamics; human relations within educational organizations; strategies for group problem solving and conflict management; application of group dynamics to leadership; communication and decision making within educational organizations; evaluating processes and production of educational groups. Prerequisite: graduate standing. CI 510 Educational Measurement (3 credits) - cohorts only Minimum competency, norm-referenced, and criterion-referenced tests; characteristics and levels of measurement; reliability; validity; interpreting test scores; standardized tests; using performance standards; planning and constructing classroom selection; supply and performance tests; portfolio assessment; evaluating test items. Prerequisite: graduate standing. PSU » Graduate School of Education » C&I » Programs » Masters Degree Program (MA/MS) » Curriculum and Instruction Master's Degree Program Formats Curriculum and Instruction Master's Degree Program Formats Students have four format options for pursuing a master's degree in curriculum and instruction: On campus On campus with Early Childhood Education Specialization (link goes to ECE website) Off campus Online PSU » Graduate School of Education » C&I » Programs » Masters Degree Program (MA/MS) » Program Formats » Curriculum and Instruction Master's Degree Program Formats - On Campus Curriculum and Instruction Master's Degree Program Formats - On Campus The master’s in curriculum and instruction is a non-licensure degree program, culminating in a Master of Arts or Sciences. It is a 45-credit degree; 24 credits are core courses (required) and 21 credits are elective and selected based on student needs and advisor assessment. For our Early Childhood Education Specialization program, please visit those pages for specific program information and design. For our public school licensure programs, please visit our Graduate Teacher Education Program website PSU » Graduate School of Education » C&I » Programs » Masters Degree Program (MA/MS) » Program Formats » On Campus » Curriculum and Instruction Master's Degree Program of Study - On Campus Curriculum and Instruction Master's Degree Program of Study - On Campus The requirements for this degree are: A program of study consisting of not fewer than 45 credits approved by the graduate advisor and department chair, to include: 1. A core studies area of 24 credits encompassing preparation in the areas of teaching and learning, curriculum, assessment and research, human relations, and/or issues of education. Degree plans are written in cooperation with an assigned advisor. 2. 21 elective credits at the graduate level. Check with your advisor for program planning. 3. A culminating activity that the student will select to complete the requirements: An action research project A thesis (requires an oral exam in addition to the written product) A comprehensive exam Course requirements and schedule Total Credits: 45 (minimum for a MS/MA) View courses for the current and upcoming terms Tentative schedule for fall 2012-spring 2013 Core classes (24 credits) CI 561 Advanced Educational Psychology Summer and spring 3 credits CI 565 Theoretical Models of Curriculum Summer and spring 3 credits CI 567 Curriculum and Culture Summer and winter 3 credits CI 580 Theories of Instruction Summer and fall 3 credits CI 581 Issues in Education Summer and fall 3 credits CI 510 Guidance for the Classroom Teacher Summer and winter 3 credits CI 590* Action Research Proposal Offered every quarter 3 credits CI 591* Action Research Implementation or CI 501 Action Research - Individual Project Offered every quarter 3 credits By arrangement w/advisor 6 credits as needed *Or other culminating activity (thesis or exam, 3-6 credits) Register View the PSU Schedule of Classes to register. Electives (21 credits) The remaining 21 credits are electives selected with the help of the advisor. Electives that can be applied to specializations and/or endorsements are listed in brochures that may be obtained through the Department of Curriculum and Instruction. See your advisor for further information about these programs/endorsements that can be taken in conjunction with your core classes. Electives for the CI program are not limited to CI courses and recommended offerings are provided by your advisors each year based on the schedule. Students may select courses offered throughout the Graduate School of Education and other departments on campus as well. The following list is only for suggestions. MA/MS culminating activity Students will select one of the following three options to complete the requirements for the master’s degree: An independent project (3-6 credits); a thesis (6 credits); or a written comprehensive exam. 1. Independent project option (Action Research Project) Candidates completing the independent project option must complete the following prerequisites. CI 590 Action Research Proposal (3 credits) CI 591 Action Research Implementation (3-6 credits) The purpose of action research is to systematically study and improve one’s own classroom practice. In CI 590, candidates design and write their independent action research project proposal. In CI 591 candidates implement their project. 2. Thesis Candidates selecting the thesis option will register for 6 graduate credits for the completed project. Prerequisite: CI 590 Action Research or equivalent research methods course Candidates will follow the most current Graduate School of Education Style Manual for Dissertations and Theses Candidates selecting this option will be expected to work closely with their advisor and may be required to join a thesis seminar that may be taken as an independent study. 3. Comprehensive exam option The comprehensive exam is a rigorous experience covering all Curriculum and Instruction MS/MA core content areas. The exam is evaluated by an examining board of faculty members. 1. Development of the comprehensive exam Questions for all comprehensive exams are developed by program faculty. Three questions will be selected from a pool at the time of the exam: two related to specified course requirements and one related to the elective area. 2. Administration of the comprehensive exam The exam will be administered on designated dates, at a site to be announced. Students may take up to three hours for the exam. Appropriate accommodations will be made for students with special needs and/or disabilities. 3. Evaluation of the exam Students must pass all sections of the examination. If a student fails either the entire examination or any section thereof, the department may dismiss the student from the degree program, or allow the student to repeat the entire exam, or the section that was failed after a minimum of three months. The result of the second exam is final. Question evaluations will be completed within four to six weeks from the date of the exam, and students will be notified of the results. *A minimum enrollment of 1 credit is required during the term in which oral or written exams are taken. PSU » Graduate School of Education » C&I » Programs » Masters Degree Program (MA/MS) » Program Formats » On Campus » Curriculum and Instruction Master's Degree Advising - On Campus Curriculum and Instruction Master's Degree Advising - On Campus Advising schedule Current students may set up an appointment with their advisor during office hours for advising (note: summer is very limited due to vacations). For prospective students, open advising dates are listed here. Dates could change, check back for updates. Advising information Please bring your Program Planning Guide with you to each advising meeting (see below). Any substitutions for a course need to be approved by the advisor before the student takes the course. Substitutions appear in the “remarks” section of the GO-12 form, on the students planned program of study. All transfer courses need to be taken for a letter grade from an accredited university at the graduate level. Use the GO-21 form for pre-admission and transfer credits. Be aware of the 6-credit LIMIT for PSU 800 level classes or equivalent professional development courses from other institutions. Please note that courses numbered 808 will not count toward any degree. Planning guide To download the CI program planning guide in PDF format, click here: MA/MS Course Planning Guide. Bring your CI planning guide with you to advising sessions. Please do not confuse the CI planning guide with the ECE planning guide. The ECE specialization uses a separate ECE planning guide. Please fill out your program planning guide and keep it up to date. Additional program planning forms MA/MS One Year Plan MA/MS Core+ Map with Specializations and Endorsements Program completion forms GO-12 form (Approved Graduate Degree Program) - all students GO-21 form (pre-admission and transfer credits) Graduation information View our Graduation Steps page. PSU » Graduate School of Education » C&I » Programs » Masters Degree Program (MA/MS) » Curriculum and Instruction Master's Degree Graduation Steps Curriculum and Instruction Master's Degree Graduation Steps Part 1: Submitting your GO-12 Form (all students) 1. Go to and print a copy of your unofficial transcript 2. Go to the Office of Graduate Studies forms page and open the GO-12 form (NOTE: This is a PDF document that you can type in and print, but it will not save your progress if you close and come back to it) 3. Enter all of your classes on the GO-12 form in chronological order, then print the form. Transfer and preadmission classes must also be on the GO-12 form in date order. o o o o The total number of credits must be at least 45 4. Submit your GO-12 form to your faculty advisor to be signed and forwarded to the Department of All courses must be 500 level or higher You may include up to six 810 credits, but 808s are not allowed Talk with your faculty advisor about other questions you may have Curriculum and Instruction Part 2: ONLY if you have transfer or preadmission credits 1. Go to the Office of Graduate Studies forms page and open the GO-21 form 2. Type in both sections of the GO-21 form and print it out 3. Attach an official transcript to the GO-21 form that includes the courses you have listed 4. Submit the GO-21 form and transcript to your adviser to be signed and forwarded along with your GO-12 form Part 3: Application for Awarding of Master's or Doctoral Degree (all students; this form is due by the first Friday of your graduation term) 1. Go to the Office of Graduate Studies forms page and open the Application for Awarding of Master's or Doctoral Degree form 2. Enter the information requested in the first section of the form and it will automatically fill the same information into the second half of the form 3. Submit both halves of the form in-person to: Office of Graduate Studies Extended Studies Building (XSB) 184 1633 SW Park Ave Portland, OR 97201 or mail it to: Office of Graduate Studies Portland State University PO Box 751 (OGS) Portland, OR 97207-0751 PSU » Graduate School of Education » C&I » Programs » Masters Degree Program (MA/MS) » Curriculum and Instruction Master's Degree FAQs Curriculum and Instruction Master's Degree FAQs Is it a full-time program? I’m a teacher and cannot take classes during the day. No, most of our classes are geared toward students who are teachers or are otherwise employed during the day. On-campus classes usually have a start time of 4 pm or 6:40 pm, except for summer. Off-campus classes are one night during the week, except for summer. Most online coursework is done on your own schedule, according to your class syllabus. Will I receive a teaching license with this degree? No, this program is mainly for people who are already teaching, or who do not wish to earn a teaching certificate. If you would like to become a teacher but have never been licensed, you may be interested in our Graduate Teacher Education Program (GTEP). Is there a time limit to complete work for my master’s? You are allowed seven years to complete the required coursework. Coursework older than seven years will not count toward your degree. Any courses transferred from another institution must also be within seven years of your graduation date. A limit of 15 credits may be transferred. Is it a cohort-based program? In the on-campus master’s programs, students work at their own pace to achieve their degree. Students may be admitted for any term, but must take at least one class for the term they’re accepted. If you do not take any courses for five terms, you must fill out a re-enrollment form. For off-campus and online programs, students are accepted as a cohort (group) and complete all 30 of the cohort core classes in a set sequence over a two-year period. Can I use all my credits from another institution? Is there a restriction? There is a limit of 15 transfer credits, including PSU credits taken before formal admission to the master’s program (pre-admission credits). Not all transfer credits are acceptable. Your faculty advisor makes the determination with the final approval of the Office of Graduate Studies. What’s the difference between the MA and MS? I already have a BA, so doesn’t that mean I’d be getting an MA? The main difference between MA (Master of Arts) and MS (Master of Science) is that an MA degree requires a foreign language exam, given by a PSU foreign language department, or a waiver showing demonstrated proof of fluency in another language. What about electives - how do I know what’s acceptable? Electives are usually chosen with the help of your faculty advisor, who is assigned to you when you are admitted. Most graduate level courses (500 and above) are good choices. HOWEVER, there are certain exceptions: No 808 (workshop) courses are acceptable for a master’s degree and only six credits of 810 (professional development/inservice) credits may be used. All transfer credits must show a grade of B or higher. Pass/No Pass courses are not acceptable. I can’t wait to get started. Should I go ahead and start taking classes before I’m accepted? In the on-campus program, many students take a few courses before they are formally admitted. Not only does this give you an opportunity to become familiar with our programs, but you may also be able to transfer a certain number of these PSU graduate level pre-admission credits into your program of study. It is possible to take up to eight credits per term without formal admission. However, there are limits and restrictions on transfer in and pre-admission credits. We ask that you speak with a faculty advisor before you pursue pre-admissions coursework. Off-campus and online students may take their electives before they are formally admitted. These may not exceed 15 credits. Speak to the faculty advisor prior to taking your electives. Can I add an endorsement to my program? Yes. Two common endorsements are the ReadOregon program and the ESL endorsement. If possible, apply to these programs at the time you apply for admission to your master’s degree in curriculum and instruction so as to reduce any additional paperwork. Who can I talk to about getting more information? During the regular school year there are weekly open-advising sessions with a Curriculum and Instruction faculty member that students may attend without making an appointment. If this isn’t convenient, a oneon-one appointment may be scheduled with a faculty member by calling the Graduate School of Education receptionist at 503-725-4619. Advising may also occur by email or phoen. Our faculty have many years of experience in advising master’s candidates in their coursework and can answer any questions you may have. PSU » Graduate School of Education » C&I » Programs » Masters Degree Program (MA/MS) » Curriculum and Instruction Master's Degree Advisory Committees Curriculum and Instruction Master's Degree Advisory Committees On-campus Advisory Committee Department Chair: Dr. Christine Chaillé Program Advisory Committee: Dr. Will Parnell, Program Coordinator Dr. Micki M. Caskey, Faculty Member Dr. Barbara Ruben, Faculty Member Dr. Dannelle Stevens, Faculty Member Bernd Ferner, Faculty Member Kristen Pilgrim, Continuing Education Liaison Off-campus and Online Advisory Committee Sarah Beasley, education and social science librarian, Portland State University Phil Brady, PhD, teacher and administrator, Hood River School District Colin Cameron, MS, director of professional development, Confederation of Oregon School Administrators (COSA) and 31 years in K-12 education as teacher and administrator (retired) Micki M. Caskey, PhD, more than 20 years public school middle and high school teacher, faculty advisor and associate professor, Graduate School of Education, Portland State University Candace Manary, retired teacher, administrator, and superintendent, Central Point School District Kristen Pilgrim, MA, program manager, Continuing Education (CEED), Portland State University Charlotte Sachtjen, MEd, retired principal and current school improvement specialist, SalemKeizer School District Dannelle Stevens, PhD, 17 years public school teacher, faculty advisor and associate professor, Graduate School of Education, Portland State University PSU » Graduate School of Education » C&I » Programs » Masters Degree Program (MA/MS) » Curriculum and Instruction Master's Degree Contact Information Curriculum and Instruction Master's Degree Contact Information Mailing Address: Portland State University Graduate School of Education Curriculum & Instruction Department P.O. Box 751 Portland, OR 97207-0751 Street Address: 615 SW Harrison Suite 602 Portland, OR 97201 On-campus program staff: Mark Wallace Program Assistant 503-725-4762 Jake Fernandez Department Assistant 503-725-4756 Off-campus and online program staff: Kristen Pilgrim Program Manager 503-725-4626 1-800-547-8887 ext 54626