KIGALI INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY INSTITUT DES SCIENCES ET TECHNOLOGIE Avenue de l'Armée, B.P. 3900 Kigali, Rwanda INSTITUTE EXAMINATIONS – ACADEMIC YEAR 2012 – 2013 SUPPLEMENTARY EXAMINATION FACULTY OF SCIENCE APPLIED BIOLOGY FIRST YEAR SEMESTER TWO BIO3122 – CHORDATE ZOOLOGY DATE: / /2013 TIME: 2 HOURS MAXIMUM MARKS = 60 INSTRUCTIONS 1. This paper contains FOUR (4) questions. 2. Section A: Question number ONE is compulsory. 3. Section B: Answer any TWO (2) questions. 4. No written materials are allowed. 5. Write all your answers in the answer booklet provided. 6. Do not forget to write your Registration Number. 7. Do not write any answers on this question paper. Section – A: Compulsory section (30 Marks) Question 1. a) Chordates: General characters and Classification (15 Marks) i) What are reptiles? Briefly outline the general characters of reptiles. (5 Marks) ii) By using a descriptive chart, give the family tree of chordates and one example for each class on animals. (10 Marks) b) Evolution of vertebrate’s Classes & Adaptability. (15 Marks) i) Describe the evidences of evolution in animal kingdom. (5 Marks) ii) What do you understand by neutral buoyancy? Compare the neutral buoyancy mechanism of Chondrichthyes to the one of Osteichthyes. (5 Marks) iii) Discuss the adaptability of the unique respiratory mechanism in aquatic and terrestrial vertebrates. (5 Marks) Section –B: Choose any two questions (30 Marks) Question 2. Protochordates (15 Marks) a) What do you understand by the term Tornaria? (2 Marks) b) Describe the reproductive system and the developmental phases in Balanoglosus. (10 Marks) c) Briefly outline the zoological importance of Tornaria larva. (3 Marks) Question 3. Lower Vertebrates (15 Marks) a) What are placoid scales? (2 Marks) b) Describe the structure of the integumentary system in amphibians. (10 Marks) c) Do you find any evolutionary trend when you compare the integumentary system of reptilians to the one of amphibians? Briefly explain. (3 Marks) Question 4. Higher Vertebrates (15 Marks) a) What do you understand by a viviparous animal? (2 Marks) b) Give the characteristics of an avian egg. (3 Marks) c) Write an essay on the urinary excretory system in mammalians. (10 Marks) End of the Question Paper