Secured Wired LAN Project Final Report-2011-2012

Mr Sentuya Francis Derrick,
ID 08051602
Module: CT3P50N
Supervisor: Dr. Shamhram Salekzamankhani
A Final Project Report as a requirement of London Metropolitan
University for a BSc Computer Networking with Honours
Faculty of Computing
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This report shows how to secure the vulnerabilities of a wired LAN. It examines the
technology used to secure the LAN against various dynamic network security threats. A brief
history of Network security and its operation is initially outlined. The discussion then is
focused on the potential LAN security vulnerabilities using the OSI model. A virtual topology
is used to showing the secured LAN achieved by having a good LAN design, incorporating
appropriate secured network security devices. A detailed explanation of the security
configurations and their verification/results are included. Suggestions and recommendations
are given, plus a mentioning of further work to be done. The report concludes that, the set out
aims and objective are achieved, and also makes a note that network security is a process that
is on-going. New technological mitigation measures should be learned and applied on the
LANs. It’s suggested that network professions should be sought, share information, and keep
installing software patches on the Local Area Networks systems.
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Contents at Glance
1 – 13 - 105
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Literature Review
Chapter 3 Approach and Scope
2 – 18 - 105
3 – 24 - 105
Chapter 4 Practical Simulation and Results
4 – 29 - 105
Chapter 5 Critical appraisal, Recommendations and Suggestions for further work 5 – 34
- 105
Chapter 6 Conclusion 6 - 42 - 105
Appendix A: Network Device documentation - show run command. 6 - 46 - 105
Appendix B: Glossary
6 - 65 - 105
Appendix C: Project Proposal
6 - 67 - 105
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Contents ........................................................................................................................................... 1-- 4 Chapter 1 : Introduction ................................................................................................................. 1-- 13 1.1 Aims and Objectives ............................................................................................................. 1-- 14 Personal and Academic objectives ............................................................................................... 1-- 15 1.2 Methodology ........................................................................................................................ 1-- 15 1.3 Chapter Summary................................................................................................................. 1-- 17 Chapter 2 : Literature Review ........................................................................................................ 2-- 18 2.1
What is a LAN? ............................................................................................................... 2-- 18 -
What is LAN Security? .................................................................................................... 2-- 19 -
2.2.1 The Evolution of LAN Security ....................................................................................... 2-- 20 2.2.2 LAN’s most vulnerable layer.......................................................................................... 2-- 20 2.3
Common network threats .............................................................................................. 2-- 21 -
2.3.1 Reconnaissance attacks................................................................................................. 2-- 21 2.3.2 Denial-of-service ........................................................................................................... 2-- 21 2.3.3 Access attacks................................................................................................................ 2-- 22 2.4
Chapter Summary........................................................................................................... 2-- 23 -
Chapter 3 : Approach and Scope .................................................................................................... 3-- 24 3.1
Approach ........................................................................................................................ 3-- 24 -
Project Scope.................................................................................................................. 3-- 25 -
Contingency Plans .......................................................................................................... 3-- 27 -
3.4 Scenario ................................................................................................................................ 3-- 27 3.5
Chapter Summary........................................................................................................... 3-- 28 -
Chapter 4 : Practical simulation and results................................................................................... 4-- 29 4.1 Security Configuration on Cisco catalyst Switches ............................................................... 4-- 32 4.1.2 Message of the day / login Banner ............................................................................... 4-- 32 4.1.3 Port level Port Security .................................................................................................. 4-- 32 4.1.4 BPDU Guard................................................................................................................... 4-- 33 4.1.5 Storm Control ................................................................................................................ 4-- 35 4.1.6 Root Guard .................................................................................................................... 4-- 35 4.1.7 Spanning Tree Protocol feature - PortFast .................................................................... 4-- 36 4.1.8 Root Bridge .................................................................................................................... 4-- 36 4.1.9 VLAN Trunk Security ...................................................................................................... 4-- 37 4.110 VLANs ........................................................................................................................... 4-- 38 4.1.11 High Availability with Hot Standby Routing Protocol (HSRP) ...................................... 4-- 39 Page 1-- 4 - of 105
Security Configuration to manage router security on Cisco Routers............................... 4-- 2 -
4.2.1 Message of the day / login Banner ................................................................................. 4-- 2 4.2.2 Password requirement .................................................................................................... 4-- 2 4.2.3 Secure remote administrative access to routers ............................................................ 4-- 3 4.2.4 Secure router network services ...................................................................................... 4-- 8 4.2.5 Configure Authentication, Accounting, Authorization protocol .................................... 4-- 9 4.2.6 Log router activity ......................................................................................................... 4-- 10 4.2.7 Syslog server.................................................................................................................. 4-- 11 4.2.8 IPS software firewall...................................................................................................... 4-- 13 4.2.9 Secure EIGRP routing protocol authentication ............................................................. 4-- 15 4.2.10 Securing the router IOS image on perimeter, and firewall routers ............................ 4-- 17 4.2.11 Access Lists .................................................................................................................. 4-- 17 4.3 Simulation and verification of user access to different Subnets of the LAN/ Internet .... 4-- 21 4.4
Context-based access control (CBAC) inspection rule ................................................... 4-- 26 -
4.4.1 Inspection rule/Audit-trail enabled screen shot ........................................................... 4-- 27 4.4.2 Simulation of inspection /audit-trail process ................................................................ 4-- 28 4.5 Port Address Translation PAT / NAT Overload ..................................................................... 4-- 28 4.6 DHCP implementation .......................................................................................................... 4-- 31 4.6.1 DHCP Snooping.............................................................................................................. 4-- 32 4.6.2 Dynamic ARP inspection................................................................................................ 4-- 32 4.6.3 IP source guard .............................................................................................................. 4-- 33 4.7
Chapter Summary........................................................................................................... 4-- 33 -
Chapter 5 : Critical appraisal, recommendations and suggestions for further work .................... 5-- 34 5.1
Critical appraisal ............................................................................................................. 5-- 34 -
Suggestions for Further work ......................................................................................... 5-- 37 -
5.2.1 Backup IOS software images ......................................................................................... 5-- 37 5.2.2 Continuous network monitoring ................................................................................... 5-- 38 5.3
Recommendations ......................................................................................................... 5-- 38 -
5.3.1 Virtual private network technology (VPN) .................................................................... 5-- 38 5.3.2 Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance (ASA) firewall ......................................................... 5-- 38 5.4 ASA Intrusion detection and Prevention system ................................................................. 5-- 40 5.5 DNS Implementation on the Cisco ASA ................................................................................ 5-- 40 5.6 Host- Based Intrusion Detection Systems ............................................................................ 5-- 40 5.7
Chapter Summary........................................................................................................... 5-- 41 -
Chapter 6 : Conclusion ................................................................................................................... 6-- 42 Page 1-- 5 - of 105
References:..................................................................................................................................... 6-- 44 Appendix A: .................................................................................................................................... 6-- 46 A.1 Device documentation with a show run command ............................................................. 6-- 46 A.1.1 Secured Perimeter Router documentation .................................................................. 6-- 46 A.1.2 Secured Firewall Router documentation ...................................................................... 6-- 48 A.1.3 Secured Layer 3Switch1 documentation ...................................................................... 6-- 52 A.1.4 Secured Layer 3Switch2 documentation ...................................................................... 6-- 55 A.1.5 Secured Layer 2Switch1 documentation ...................................................................... 6-- 58 A.1.6 Secured Layer 2Switch2 documentation ...................................................................... 6-- 60 Appendix B: ................................................................................................................................ 6-- 63 B.1 Glossary ................................................................................................................................ 6-- 63 Appendix C: ................................................................................................................................ 6-- 67 C.1 Project proposal ................................................................................................................... 6-- 67 -
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List of Figures, titles, and their pages
Figure 1: DOS Attack
Page 2 -- 22 - 105
Figure 2: Secured LAN Topology Page 4 -- 29 - 105
Page 1-- 7 - of 105
List of Tables, titles, and their pages
Table 1 Types of Network devices used
Page 4 - 30 - of 105
Table 2 Network Configuration Table: Routers
Page 4 -- 30- of 105
Table 3 End-system configuration table: Switches
Page 4 -- 31- of 105
Table 4 End-system configuration table: End devices Page 4 -- 31- of 105
Page 1-- 8 - of 105
The following is a reference list of Abbreviations used in this report.
AAA: Authentication Authorisation Accounting
Adaptive Security Appliance
BPDU: Bridge Protocol Data Unit
DHCP: Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
DMZ: Demilitarizes Zone
Denial of Service
Dynamic Trunking Protocol
File Transfer Protocol
FDDI: Fibre Distributed Data Interface
HTTP: Hypertext Transfer Protocol
Intrusion Prevention System
Internet Protocol
IEEE: Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
LAN: Local Area Network
NAT: Network Address Translation
MAC: Media Access Control
Open Standard Interconnect
POP3: Post office Protocol
Port Address Translation
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Secure shell
VLAN: Virtual Local Area Network
VPN: Virtual Private Network
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I would like to thank Dr. Shamhram Salekzamankhani my project supervisor for his guidance,
and continually working with me from the start of my proposal writing up to the
implementation phase of this project. Your help has been indispensable when it comes to
doing my project and I can’t say enough how much your help and support kept me sane
during my project work.
Also, thanks to my lecturer Mr Talik Molalingn who taught me a very important module
(Fundamentals of Network Security) that has been crucial in doing my project. Also Dr
Nicholas Ioannides, who taught me and guided me on how to write a very good structured
project report and presentational skills.
Big thanks goes to Ebrima Bah for your continued support, discussions till late evenings,
advice, and encouragement you have offered me all through my second phase of my project
Lastly but not the least, I thank God for the ability, knowledge, and the gift of life for me to
be able to do this project.
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To my boys who have been so patient with me when I am busy studying and pursuing my
academics. You have always given me space and a reading environment that enables me to
have the luxury of my intellectual pursuits. You bring a smile to my face every day. I know
that as you see me working hard and studying harder till late in the night will inspire you to
also work hard in your studies so that your dreams come true.
You have encouraged and made me happy seeing you so much interested in your studies and
sometimes joining me in my reading study room to read together.
Sentuya Francis Derrick
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Chapter 1 : Introduction
This is a final project report on a secured wired local area network. As it is required, the
report deals with an in depth view backed by my research from different sources such as
network security books, the internet, Cisco network related lectures at London metropolitan
University on the LAN security threats, and the technological measures that are available and
used to secure wired LANs. Equipped with this knowledge, the report shows the implemented
measures to achieve a secured wired LAN. The report defines what is meant by Local Area
Networks, gives an insight of the background of LANs, and defines network security. It also
gives an overview of the evolution of the LAN security, network security threats and the
mitigations techniques available.
A LAN as a group of computers and devices interconnected together in a limited geographical
area such as computer laboratory, home, office buildings, or schools, to enable the sharing of
resources like printers, files, applications amongst users on the network.
By this definition it’s imperative therefore, to make Local area networks secure to provide
network users with confidentiality, data Integrity, and availability. Network security is such
an important part of Local area networks which involves securing protocols, technologies,
devices, and mitigating any network security threats by use of network security tools and
techniques. Network security policies are put in place to provide a framework and guideline
for network users/employees to follow when doing their work on LANs. A Virtual topology
is used to show how to have a secured LAN solution.
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1.1 Aims and Objectives
Aim 1: To investigate which layer of the OSI model is most vulnerable to attacks on the Local Area
(i) To secure the physical devices that operate at the physical layer such as; Routers,
Switches, PCs, servers, cables, Network interface cards, Transceivers, Repeaters,
Hubs, Multi-station access units.
(ii) To secure layer 2 protocols of the OSI model such as the Ethernet/IEEE 802.3, token
ring / IEEE 802.5 and devices operating at this layer.
(iii)To secure the addressing structure and the routing protocols at the network layer on
the LAN.
(iv) To have an identifiable secure and reliable transport mechanism between two
communicating devices on the Local Area Network.
(v) To provide a secure way for applications to translate data formats, encryption,
decryption of the data traversing the network by using authentication methods, SSH,
passwords, encryption just to mention but a few.
(vi) To provide a secure platform where end users interact with application software by
securing the application layer protocols such as HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, TELNET,
POP3, FTP-DATA and more.
Aim 2: To investigate and analyse the available tools and methods to secure a wired Local Area
(i) To prevent un-trusted traffic to access the network resources and secure gateways at
the session layers to control the setup and teardown of sessions on the OSI model.
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(ii) To provide a cost effective but efficient and reliable Local Area Network.
Personal and Academic objectives
(i) To study, learn how to secure Local Area Networks, and the security threats faced by
these Networks in a dynamic network technological environment.
(ii) To learn how to organise my time meaningfully in order to achieve my intended goals
in a given limited time.
(iii)To learn the techniques, and approach on how to carry out a meaningful research on
specific subject areas.
(iv) To achieve skills on how to write a successful, well-structured report.
(v) To improve my presentation skills, and my confidence in this area.
(vi) To prepare myself for a future career in Computer Network Security, and further
1.2 Methodology
1. By implementing the project in a secure physical environment of London
Metropolitan University Cisco laboratory. It is well ventilated, with backup power
supply, equipped with all the network devices I will use, and with controlled access to
only authorised personnel.
2. The use of the designed logical topology shown in this report using GNS3 and packet
tracer software to simulate the security configurations which are later on implemented
in the laboratory.
3. To configure layer 2 switch port level security on the Cisco catalyst switches series
2960, and layer 3 switches series 3560. I will also configure storm controls, root and
BPDU guard; protect switch ports by setting the maximum MAC address per port,
shut down unused ports, and other more security configurations required.
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4. To configure VLANs on the Local Area Network, change the native VLAN ,
implement inter-VLAN routing on the layer 3 Cisco switches series 3560 provided in
the laboratory, and enable routing too.
To configure access control lists on the Cisco Router firewall as a measure to filter
traffic that is traversing the network fabric both from the external/public network such
the internet to the DMZ, and from the private network (LAN) accessing the internet
and the demilitarized zone (DMZ).
6. Provide a dynamic IP assignment mechanism by configuring a DHCP server on the
LAN VLANs subnet. Configure DHCP snooping and enabling IP source guard on
untrusted ports to prevent rogue DHCP on the network.
7. Use/ configure Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting (AAA) protocol on the
Cisco routers and implement a locally-based user database to be authenticated in order
to access network resources.
8. Use the Cisco Router Firewall with advanced security version IOS image to configure
security for the LAN such as IPS, disabling unused router services, ensure minimum
password lengthy, encryption of password, limit console and configure SSH on line
VTY access.
9. Access control lists will be configured in order to control the in and out of traffic to
different subnets of the LAN, and also filter out malicious packets trying to enter the
private subnets.
10. Create a demilitarized zone (DMZ) with limited security compared to the private
network subnet so as to enable external / internet host based users and company
customers to access company web server, at the same time providing security for the
systems residing within that zone.
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11. Use Network address translation with port overload (NAT/PAT) on the perimeter
router. Host-based intrusion prevention software on end devices like PCs, and servers
to provide in-depth checks of packets on layer 4 through to layer 7.
12. Structure the LAN in a hierarchal network design model i.e. core, distribution and
access in order to provide redundancy, efficient, security, and reliability on the LAN.
13. Use 2 layer 2, and 2 layer 3 switches and a Cisco Router firewall ,perimeter firewall
router, available in the our laboratory that support extra security configurations.
14. To configure context based access control, an inspection rule and an audit trail on the
router to inspect the required protocols that pass in and out of the router firewall. This
server as an added software firewall to the LAN.
15. Lastly but not the least, configure a syslog server on the network to truck and record
the activities on the network for network administrative purposes.
1.3 Chapter Summary
In this chapter the report introduces what the project is all about which is to secure a wired
LAN. It also outlines the Aims and objectives of the project, outlines the methods that are
employed to achieve the aims and objectives. For instance, to secure all the seven layers of
the OSI model by using a variety of security configurations, devices, a good network design
model and implementing the project to achieve the required results in the end.
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Chapter 2 : Literature Review
What is a LAN?
Local area network comprises of computer devices that have got disks, processors and
operating systems as a platform for software and other applications to run on, and they are
interconnected in order to communicate with one another within a small geographical area
usually a single building or group of buildings. Local Area Networks may also connect to
other the network of server computers or mainframes with higher processing power and
memory storage that can send information from the Local Area Network over telephone lines
to public network.
LANs include higher data-transfer rates, no need for a leased telecommunication lines. In the
past ARCNET, Token Ring and other technology standards have been used but Ethernet over
twisted pair cabling and Wi-Fi are the two most common technologies currently in use.
LANs allow users to have isolated or separate offices but still be able to operate off the same
system, as if they were all sitting around a single computer. This network can be easily
installed simply, upgraded or expanded with little difficulty, even moved or rearranged
without disruption. LANs have helped in the increased work place productivity, decreased the
amount of paper used and the speeding up of the information flow. It’s important to mention
that on the other hand LANs have also created additional work in terms of organization,
maintenance, security and trouble-shooting. [5]
Brief history
In 1970s and 1980s after the development of both desk operating systems bases personal
computers and Control Program for Microcomputers based personal computers meant that
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one site could have a big number of computers. A need developed to share disk space and
laser printers due to the higher cost of these devices, and as a result the idea of LAN started to
be developed.
The introduction of the OSI model has enabled multi-vendors’ products that can be
compatible and work together on one single machine. As a result, users were able to share
resources regardless what operating system, network cards, cabling or protocols being used by
different software running on the different machines but interconnected together within a
What is LAN Security?
LAN security involves the protecting of information, systems and the hardware that used to
store, and transmit that information. It involves the steps taken to make sure that
confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data / resources is achieved and maintained on the
private or local area network from both form the internal and external networks threats.
Network security solutions started coming up as the early 1960 but didn’t have a big impact
due to the complexity of network security and the dynamic/ever changing nature of networks
and most importantly companies, governments and other organisations had not realised the
importance of network security on the company networks not until the 2000s.
Since then network security become an integral part of the business networks and dedicated
network security devices have emerged and there is a surge in the demand for network
security professions. [5]
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2.2.1 The Evolution of LAN Security
LAN security threats mostly target protocols and other technologies used on the local area
network infrastructure. They fall into two types: Denial of service and spoofing attacks. The
following shows the measures or Security technologies that have been developed over the last
13 year to mitigate LAN types of threats.
 In 1998 measures to Mitigate MAC Address Spoofing, MAC Address Table Overflow
Attacks, and LAN Storm were released.
 In 2000 measures to Mitigate Root Bridge Spoofing and VLAN Attacks were released.
 In 2003 measures to Mitigate ARP Spoofing Attacks were released.
Network Security is also achieved by the use of encryption and hashing mechanisms on the
data as it traverses the network fabric. The following gives an outline of the cryptography
security technology and their timeline:
 In 1993 Cisco GRE Tunnels was released.
 In 1996 Site-to-Site IPsec VPNs was released
 In 1999 Secure Socket Layer (SSH) was released
 In 2000 Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS VPNs) was released
 In 2001 Remote-Access IPsec VPN was released
 In 2002 Dynamic Multipoint VPN was released
 In 2005 Secure Socket Layer (SSL) VPN was released.
2.2.2 LAN’s most vulnerable layer
Basing on the OSI model research approach to find out which layer of the seven (7) layers is
most vulnerable; I concluded that Layer 2 of the OSI model – (Data link layer) poses the most
network security vulnerabilities on the LAN. The data link layer is divided into two sub-layer;
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logical link control and Media Access Control layer. Examples of the protocols that run on
this layer are; FDDI, Ethernet, Token ring, MAC addresses, and the devices used on this
layer are layer 2 and 3 LAN switch that perform switching and filtering of frames and
packets basing on the MAC address and IP address if IP routing is enabled on the layer 3
switches. This makes layer 2 switches completely transparent to the network protocols and
user applications. Unauthorised access to the layer 2 devices puts the whole network
resources and performance at high security risk.
In implementing this project I have seriously considered layer 3 switches. In addition, all
protocols on other layers of the OSI model are secured to provide a holistic secure LAN
environment for security threats. [3]
Common network threats
2.3.1 Reconnaissance attacks
These types of attacks gather information on the network or targeted device’s security
vulnerabilities that maybe exploited later by using tools like: [3]
Packet sniffers,
Ping sweeps,
Port Scans,
Internet information queries,
2.3.2 Denial-of-service
This type of attack sends large numbers of requests over the network in order to cause the
target devices to be overwhelmed causing them to run suboptimal and eventually becoming
unavailable to serve its legitimate access and use. Examples of DOS attacks are:[3]
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Ping of Death,
Smurf Attack,
TCP SYN Flood attack
DOS Attack
Figure 3: DOS Attack
2.3.3 Access attacks
These attacks are geared towards gaining access to the computer network and retrieve data,
and escalate rights to resources. The following are the types of this form of attack: [3]
Buffer overflow,
Port Redirection,
Password attacks,
Trust exploitation
Trojan horse,
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The following shows other categories of network security threats that can exploit network
vulnerabilities on the LAN especially the LAN switches.
MAC address spoofing,
Spanning Tree Protocol manipulation attack,
MAC address table overflows,
LAN storms,
VLAN attacks,
Chapter Summary
This chapter is about what a LAN is, the meaning of LAN security, the evolution of LAN
technology, the computer network threats, and the technology used to mitigate these threats in
order to have a secured LAN. The chapter also out lines and defines the most common LAN
security threats, points out and explains why layer 2 of the OSI model is the most
Vulnerable layer. This means that on the LAN its imperatives to have this layer more
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Chapter 3 : Approach and Scope
In the implementation of this project the network hierarchical design model is used to point
out, identify, and subdivide the areas required on the LAN to be secured, how to secure them,
and against what. The network hierarchical design model includes the Access, Distribution,
and Core layers.
On the Access Layer
The strategy is to starts by securing the LAN’s Access layer devices which are interconnected
with straight through, and cross over cables to endpoints such as: hosts, servers, and other
devices that act as network clients, including non-endpoint devices like layer 2 switches. The
following security configurations are made on these devices to mitigating attacks: [3]
Switch port security,
LAN storm controls,
Limit one MAC address per port,
Root guard,
Shutdown unused port and services,
Enforce password encryption and minimum length,
Mitigate STP manipulation,
On the Distribution layer
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The using of Cisco layer 3 switches on this layer will support IP routing, switching, and the
implementation of inter-VLAN routing on this level. A Cisco router firewall with an advances
security version is configured with the following security configurations: [3]
Access control lists,
Cisco IOS IPS configurations,
DMZ connection link to the DMZ
Inspection rule, and context based access control list
On the Core layer
A Cisco router supporting advance security version is also used here to provide a connection
to the ISP/internet (Public network). It is the network perimeter router onto which to
configure NAT/PAT and is the network backbone fibre.[3]
A Virtual LAN topology is used on Cisco packet tracer, and GNS3 software to simulate to
secured LAN. Devices used on this software application are Cisco network devices such as
router, and switches, running Cisco IOS images.
Project Scope
The focus of this project is on securing Wired Local Area Network, the technology used to
secure LANs, and the security threats that are faced on this type of networks. This report is
not going to discuss the security of wireless LANs or even voice. It should be noted that
Wide Area Networks are not dealt with here as well but only dealt with as a source of public
traffic which should be controlled when accessing the LAN. During the project
implementation phase, the report refers to the traffic from the WAN in this case the internet as
untrusted traffic which should be controlled in and out going due to the network security
threats that it poses to the wired LAN.
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The following are the assumptions held during the implementation of this project.
It’s assumed that physical devices are in a secure university laboratory.
It’s assumed that companies should not sit back after all the security measures
/configurations are done on the network, but continually monitor, patch vulnerabilities
by installing software patches and test the vulnerabilities of the LAN security.
It is the assumption that the devices used and the configurations done are Cisco based
configurations on Cisco devices. However, it should be noted that there is
interoperability of this technology with other vendor’s devices.
It’s also assumed that the implemented security measures done in this project is acting
as a microcosm setup that can be applied to a production network.
The following are the risks that may jeopardise my project or the constraints, and the
contingency plan in place.
The limited access to the laboratories which is put in place by the university
management has hampered a quick implementation and less time and experience on
the real devices.
Also the time allocated to the supervisors to be spending with us is really not enough,
for instance they are only allowed 15 minutes to spend with us as far as the project is
The unreliable software packages used like packet tracer and the lack of GNS3 Cisco
IOS images act as constraints to doing my project.
The lack of network devices that I would have liked to implement on the security
configurations is a big setback.
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Contingency Plans
To use network software simulation packages like GNS3 and packet tracer 5.3.1 in
case no access to laboratories granted.
To negotiate more time to be allowed spend in the laboratory and also work very
closely with my supervisor.
To use of alternative devices available that performs more or less the same functions
as the ones intended to use when designing the topology.
3.4 Scenario
As my final year project am required to secure a wired LAN. A research by reading about the
LAN security history, evolution of LAN security threats, types of threats, ways of mitigating
these threats and practical implementation of a secured wired area network. With this
background information and with a virtual topology is to be used to have a secure LAN. The
topology includes the network devices that are used such as: the Cisco layer 2 catalysts
switches series 2960, Cisco layer 3 catalyst switches series 3560, and as an alternative to the
Cisco Adaptive security appliance (ASA) a Cisco Router firewall series 2811 version 12.2 is
used. Cisco IOS IPS software is configured on the Router as a firewall. The project is
implemented in the London Metropolitan University laboratory that has got Cisco networking
devices mentioned above.
In order to meet the specific requirements of the project, I have put an emphasis on securing
protocols to be used on the LAN, layer 2 of the OSI model (Data link layer), and secure the
internal/private network from un-trusted external traffic.
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Chapter Summary
This chapter of the report is about the approach or style used to implement the project which
is designed basing on the network hierarchal design model comprising of the three layers i.e.
access, distribution, and core. The limits of the project are also outlined and shown to be
covering only the securing of the Wired LAN, with contingency plans put in places such as
use of different network simulation software like GNS3 in case there is no access to real/
physical network devices. Lastly but not the least, the scenario is given which is a requirement
by London Metropolitan University as a client to secure a wired LAN.
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Chapter 4 : Practical simulation and results
The following is the Figure showing a secured LAN topology.
Secured Wired LAN Topology
Figure 4: Secured LAN Topology
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The following table shows the Network devices and the cables that are used in the
implementation phase of the project.
Table 5: Types of Network devices used
Table 6 Network Configuration Table: Routers
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Table 7 Network configuration table: Switches
Table 8 End-system configuration table: End devices
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The following is the detailed discussion, illustration, explanation of the configurations and results
achieved by the measures implemented to secure a wired LAN Cisco catalyst Switches. At this level
the following are the security configurations that are configured on catalyst switches are as
4.1 Security Configuration on Cisco catalyst Switches
4.1.2 Message of the day / login Banner
A legal warning to anyone who gains unauthorised access to this switch that he/she will be
prosecuted if unlawful access is attempted has been configured using the command line
“Banner login $ ...$” in global configuration mode shown below.[2]
! --- Displays a login message
L3switche1(config)#banner login $ This switch is the property of FDS Tech. Disconnect
now if you are unauthorised to access. Any violations will be prosecuted. $
4.1.3 Port level Port Security
To prevent MAC table overflows and MAC Spoofing all access switch ports are allowed a
maximum of one MAC address learned dynamically per each port from the list as determined
by the Network Administrator. This is achieved by using command line “switchport portsecurity maximum 1”, and “switchport port-security mac-address sticky”. Any violation
of this setting will trigger a shutdown of the port achieved by this command “switchport
port-security violation shutdown”. For all the non-used access port are disabled by
“shutdown” command. This port security measures will control unauthorised expansion of
the network and prevent the port from forwarding frames with a source MAC address that is
not assigned to it or is outside the group of the defined addresses on that port. The following
below is the combination of the Port security configuration enabled only on access mode
ports as mentioned above: [9] ,[4]
Page 4-- 32 - of 105
! ---- enable switch port security on access port
L3swtich1(config)# interface fa0/1
L3swtich1(config-if)#switchport mode access
L3swtich1(config-if)#switchport port-security
L3swtich1(config-if)#switchport port-security maximum 1
L3swtich1(config-if)#switchport port-security violation shutdown
L3swtich1(config-if)#switchport port-security mac-address security sticky
! --- Shutdown switch unused ports
L3swtich1(config)#interface range fa0/1 - 24
4.1.4 BPDU Guard
In order to prevent any rogue switch on the network by an attacker, BPDU guard is
configured on user-facing ports with Port-Fast enabled. Using the command line “spanningtree bpduguard enable” in interface configuration mode. An unauthorized BPDUs received
on ports with this feature enabled will be disabled thus eliminating invalid configurations
from attackers. The following illustrates the configuration that enables BPDU guard
! --- Enables bpdu guard on user-ports
L3swtich1(config)#interface fa0/2
L3swtich1(config-if)#spanning-tree bpduguard enable
And to verify that this configuration is done on the interface in question the following output
displays this application combined with port security, and shutdown configurations output:
!---- Output of switch port security configured on the port
interface FastEthernet0/4
Page 4-- 33 - of 105
switchport access vlan 2
switchport mode access
switchport port-security
switchport port-security mac-address sticky
switchport port-security mac-address sticky 0001.C9DA.0939
switchport port-security violation shutdown
! ---- Unused interfaced are shutdown
interface FastEthernet0/5
switchport access vlan 99
To further enhance security on the switch to watch out for login attacks login access is
configured to be disabled for 30 seconds if there is 3 failed logins within 10 seconds or less.
This is shown by the configuration below, followed by its verification output.
!---- Enables login to be disabled for 30 sec after three failed attempts within 10 sec
L3swtich1 (config)#login block-for 30 attempts 3 with 10
L3swtich1(config)#login quiet-mode access-class 101
L3swtich1 (config)#login delay 3
L3swtich1 (config)#login on-failure
L3swtich1 (config)#login on-failure log
L3swtich1 (config)#login on-success log
L3swtich1 (config)#end
! --- Verifies enhanced login security by use of the show login command
L3switch1#sh login
A default login delay of 1 second is applied.
No Quiet-Mode access list has been configured.
All failed login is logged.
All successful login is logged.
Page 4-- 34 - of 105
Router enabled to watch for login Attacks.
If more than 3 login failures occur in 10 seconds or less,
Logins will be disabled for 30 seconds.
Router presently in Normal-Mode.
Current Watch Window
Time remaining: 7 seconds.
Login failures for current window: 0.
Total login failures: 0.
4.1.5 Storm Control
To control broadcast, multicasts, or uncast of hostile packets flooding the LAN segments that
degrades the network performance, a 50% suppression level is set on all ports connecting
switches to switches (trunk ports) by using the following command line; “Storm- control
broadcast level 50” in interface configuration mode.[4]
The following configuration enables storm control on ports connecting switches to other
switches (trunk ports). For example on L3switch1 switch it’s configured on fa0/2
! ---- enables Storm control on the interface
L3swtich1(config)#interface fa0/2
L3swtich1(config-if)#storm-control broadcast level 50
4.1.6 Root Guard
This configuration helps to limit the switch ports on which the root bridge can be negotiated
in switched networks. It is deployed on ports that connect to switches that should not be the
root bridge. When the attacker sends out spoofed BPDUs in order to become a root bridge the
switch receiving the BPDUs will ignore them and put the port in a root-inconsistent state, and
the port will recover until the attacker stops sending BPDUs. Root guard is the best practice
Page 4-- 35 - of 105
even though there may be a switch with a zero priority and a lower MAC address, and
therefore a lower a lower bridge ID. The following configuration enables root guard:[4]
! --- Enable guard root feature on the interface fa0/1
L3swtich2(config)#interface fa0/4
L3swtich2(config-if)#spanning-tree guard root
4.1.7 Spanning Tree Protocol feature - PortFast
To eliminate the vulnerability of a longer waiting time a port has to transition from blocking
to forwarding state, the ports that are configured with portfast feature are access ports
interfaces in order to shorten the waiting time the port has to transition from blocking to
forwarding immediately bypassing listening and learning phases by using the following
command on all switch access ports “spanning-tree portfast”
The following configuration enables portfast on switch port in the access mode. This helps in
mitigating STP attacks.
! --- Enable portfast feature on the interface
L3swtich1(config)#interface fa0/2
L3swtich1(config-if)#spanning-tree portfast
4.1.8 Root Bridge
Layer 3switch1 is configured as the primary root bridge to serve as a known reference point
for all spanning-tree calculations to determine which redundant paths to block. Layer 3
switch2 set as secondary root. This is to eliminate any root bridge manipulation on the
network. This is shown in the following configuration below that is configure on L3switch1
root bridge primary, and L3switch2 as a secondary root bridge:[4]
! --- Enables the switch to be Root Bridge (primary and secondary)
Page 4-- 36 - of 105
L3swtich1(config)#spanning-tree vlan 1 root primary
L3swtich2(config)#spanning-tree vlan 1 root secondary
The following output verifies that L3switch1 is the root bridge.
L3switch1#sh spanning-tree
Spanning tree enabled protocol ieee
Root ID
Priority 24577
This bridge is the root
Hello Time 2 sec Max Age 20 sec Forward Delay 15 sec
Bridge ID Priority 24577 (priority 24576 sys-id-ext 1)
Hello Time 2 sec Max Age 20 sec Forward Delay 15 sec
Aging Time 20
Role Sts Cost
Prio.Nbr Type
---------------- ---- --- --------- -------- -------------------------------Fa0/2
Desg FWD 19
Desg FWD 19
4.1.9 VLAN Trunk Security
In order to mitigate VLAN hopping attacks, trunking is enabled on trunk ports, and the native
VLAN 1 is changed to VLAN 99 on all trunk ports with “switchport trunk native vlan 99”
to mitigate double tagging. To mitigate switch spoofing, auto trunking negotiations and DTP
is disabled with “switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q”and enabled trunking manually
with “switchport mode trunk”. The combined configuration on trunk ports of L3switch1,
L3switch2, L2switch1, and L2switch2 devices is shown below.[4]
! – enable trunking on the link and sets native vlan 99 on it
L3switch1(config)# interface fa0/1
Page 4-- 37 - of 105
L3switch1(config-if)#no shutdown
L3switch1(config-if)#switchport mode trunk
L3switch1(config-if)#switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
L3switch1(config-if)#switchport trunk native vlan 99
L3switch1(config-if)#switchport nonnegotiable
! --- Associate all other ports with the new native vlan 99
L3switch1(config-if)#interface range fa0/5 – 24
L3switch1(config-if)#interface range g0/1 - 2
L3switch1(config-if)#switchport access vlan 99
The following output verify of trunk link security as performed on L3switch2:
4.110 VLANs
VLAN segmentations coupled with inter-VLAN routing implemented on L3switch1, and
L3switch2 separate sensitive data departments such as the management, enhance LAN
security, and mitigate broadcast storms propagating the entire network which can used as a
tool by attackers to broadcast attacks to the entire network . The following configuration
shows this implementation.
! --- creates VLAN 2, assign IP address, and subnet mask an interface
L3switch1(config)# vlan 2
Page 4-- 38 - of 105
L3switch1(config)#interface vlan 2
L3switch1(config-if)#ip address
! --- Assigns an interface to a vlan and enables it too.
L2switch1(config)# interface fa0/2
L2switch1(config-if)#switchport access vlan 2
L2switch1(config)#no shutdown
4.1.11 High Availability with Hot Standby Routing Protocol (HSRP)
As it is one of objectives, Hot Standby Router Protocol (HSRP) is configured on the switches
on the LAN to provide network with redundancy, and make sure that the traffic on the LAN is
immediately and transparently recover from first hop failures in network edge devices. The
configuration to achieve this is done on the L3switches (1 and 2) as shown in this
configuration below: [11]
On L3switch1
On L3switch2
interface Vlan3
ip address
standby 2
Standby 2 priority 160
Standby 2 preempt
Standby 2 track fa0/3 65
Standby 2 authentication VLAN3
interface Vlan3
ip address
standby 2
Standby 2 preempt
Standby 2 track fa0/3 65
Standby 2 authentication VLAN3
In this case the standby IP address is, and the HSRP will prefer the Layer 3
switch with a higher priority. Both switches have preempt to become the active switch when
its priority is higher than all other HSRP configured switches in the hot standby group.
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Security Configuration to manage router security on
Cisco Routers
In order to Implementing Router security basing on the project design starts with securing the
access to the router by following the planned steps below:
4.2.1 Message of the day / login Banner
A legal warning to anyone who gains unauthorised access to this router that he/she will be
prosecuted has been configured using the command line “Banner login $ ...$” in global
configuration mode shown below:
! --- Displays a login message
firewallRouter(config)#banner login $This router is the property of FDS Tech. Disconnect
now if you are unauthorised to access it. Any violations will be prosecuted. $
4.2.2 Password requirement
A strong password is a fundamental element of controlling secure access to the router. For
this reason password security is enhanced as follows: There is a minimum length of 10
characters required for all passwords used. This is configured from the global configuration
mode. Also a configuration that encrypts all passwords that are configured on the router is
done by use of “service password encryption” command line which prevents all plaintext
passwords to be displayed in plain text or readable form. Also configured is an encrypted
password requirement to access the global configuration mode by use of the “enable secret
password”. Any authentication failures are configured to be logged on the syslog server. The
combined configuration below illustrates the above:
! --- enables global encrypted password, sets minimum length password, encrypts all
password configured and logs failed authentication
Page 4-- 2 - of 105
firewallRouter(config)#enable secret cisco12345
firewallRouter(config)#security passwords min-length 10
firewallRouter(config)#service password-encryption
firewallRouter(config)#security authentication failure rate 5 log
4.2.3 Secure remote administrative access to routers
In addition, line console 0,VTY, and aux security is enhanced by setting passwords, exectimeout setting to close down the live connection on these ports if they are left idle, set
authentication, authentication retries in case of any failures. To secure line VTY, the
secure shell (SSH) transport mechanism is configured with the command line transport
input ssh which enables the sending of data in an encrypted form instead of plain text as it is
with telnet. To guard against both malicious attacks, and orphaned sessions caused by remote
system crashes TCP keepalives is enabled on incoming connections using the service tcpkeepalives-in in global configuration command. For Aux line, a no password and login is
configured in combination to secure this access port. The configuration on the line VTY, and
console port is illustrated below respectively: [4]
! --- Enables password, and time out on console line
firewallRouter(config)#line console 0
firewallRouter(config-line)#password cisco12345
firewallRouter(config-line)#exec-timeout 2 30
firewallRouter(config-line)#logging synchronous
Page 4-- 3 - of 105
The following output verifies that valid username and password should be used within a
specific allowed time to have access. The output shows a failed login, login warning, timed
out login and a display login log with the date and time when it happened.
In this second part, valid username and password are verified, access granted to global and
privileged configuration modes.
Page 4-- 4 - of 105
The VTY line on the router is often used for remote access, and to enhance security for the
data pass on this connection SSH input transport mechanism, exec-timeout, and
authentication is configured as illustrated below:
! --- Creates domain name:
firewallRouter(config)# ip domain-name
firewallRouter(config)#crypto key generate rsa
(generated 1024 bit RSA keys)
firewallRouter(config)#username Admin1 secret Admin1pass
! --- Enables ssh, time out, and authentication retries on vty
firewallRouter(config)#line vty 0 4
firewallRouter(config-line)#password cisco12345
firewallRouter(config)#no transport input
firewallRouter(config)#transport input ssh
firewallRouter(config)#ip ssh exec-timeout 2 30
firewallRouter(config)#ip ssh authentication-retries 3
firewallRouter(config)#login local
! ---- secure orphaned remote connections to the router
firewallRouter(config)#service tcp-keepalives-in
In order to verify the configuration of secure socket shell (SSH) on line VTY, a ping
command using the DOS prompt on the management host which is on VLAN 2 to the router
interfaces of the perimeter, and firewall router. A valid username and password are required
to open the connection on the foreign host (router). An invalid login is also shown that causes
the connection to be shut down.
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SSH connection to the firewall Router
! ---- Secure unused Aux ports
firewallRouter(config)#line aux 0
firewallRouter(config-line)#no password
Page 4-- 6 - of 105
To further enhanced the router security to watch out for login attacks the logins are configured
to be disabled for 30 seconds if there is 3 failed logins within 10 seconds or less. This is
shown by the configuration below followed by its verification.
!---- Enables login to be disabled for 30 sec after three failed attempts within 10 sec
firewallRouter(config)#login block-for 30 attempts 3 with 10
firewallRouter(config)#login quiet-mode access-class 101
firewallRouter(config)#login delay 3
firewallRouter(config)#login on-failure
firewallRouter(config)#login on-failure log
firewallRouter(config)#login on-success log
The output below verifies the enhanced login security configuration that is applied on logins.
It should be noted that this configuration is done on all the network devices used in the
implementation phase.
Enhanced login security
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4.2.4 Secure router network services
In order to further secure the perimeter and firewall routers, some IP and network services
that are not needed to support traffic and protocols on this network are disabled with a “no”
command. Some of these services can present vulnerability in the router security that can be
manipulated by an attacker to gain access to the LAN. The following configuration shows the
sample configuration:[2],[4]
This configuration disables IP services
! --- Disables router ip and network services
PerimeterRouter(config)#no service udp-small-servers
PerimeterRouter(config)#no service tcp-small-servers
PerimeterRouter(config)#no ip bootp server
PerimeterRouter(config)#no service finger
PerimeterRouter(config)#no ip finger
PerimeterRouter(config)#no ip http servers
PerimeterRouter(config)#no snmp-servers
The following disables network services that allow certain packets to pass through the router
used by remoter users.
! --- Disables router services
PerimeterRouter (config)#no cdp run
PerimeterRouter(config)#no service config
PerimeterRouter(config)#no ip source-route
PerimeterRouter(config)#no ip classless
! --- Secures interfaces
Page 4-- 8 - of 105
PerimeterRouter(config)#interface fa0/1
PerimeterRouter(config-if)#no ip directed-broadcast
PerimeterRouter(config-if)#no ip proxy-arp
4.2.5 Configure Authentication, Accounting, Authorization protocol
For more secured Administration management, a local authentication data base is configured
on both perimeter and firewall routers, comprising of user account with a username, secret
(encrypted) password, privilege level 15. As note, in a production environment the database
can be widened as may be required.
AAA protocol services are enabled with “aaa new-model” command line on both the
perimeter and firewall routers to offer authentication, authorisation, and accounting of users
accessing the network resources. AAA service is configured to use the local database by
configuring default login authentication method list with the command line “aaa
authentication login default local”. Configure local user database and enabling AAA on
both routers. The following combined configuration illustrates the above: [4]
! --- Configures a local user and password
firewallRouter(config)#username Admin1 privilege 15 secret Admin1pass
!--- Enables aaa on the router
firewallRouter(config)#aaa new-model
firewallRouter(config)#aaa authentication login default local
firewallRouter(config)#aaa authentication login TELNET-LOGIN local
! --- Applying the authentication method list to line console, and vty
firewallRouter(config)#line console 0
firewallRouter(config-if)#login authentication default
Page 4-- 9 - of 105
firewallRouter(config)#line vty 0 4
firewallRouter(config)#login authentication TELNET-LOGIN
For the purposes of authentic time synchronisation on all the devices on the LAN, NTP
authentication is configured on the Routers and switches, set a password, and a trusted key is
as NTP client for the NTP server as mention above in the log router section. The following
illustrates the above configuration:
! --- Enables ntp authentication, sets key, password for the router as ntp client
firewallRouter(config)#ntp authenticate
firewallRouter(config)#ntp authentication-key 1 md5 cisco12345
firewallRouter(config)#ntp trusted-key 1
firewallRouter(config)#ntp server "" keyt 1
And the following output verifies firewall router as an NTP client for the NTP server IP
address having the synchronised time as well.
4.2.6 Log router activity
The network activity logs are sent to syslog server acting as a central management station
where a regularly review of all the logged activities is done. The activities configured to send
messages to the syslog are for instance: the IPS inspections on every packet that enters or
Page 4-- 10 - of 105
goes out of the private network on the router firewall, the login failures and successes extra.
A time stamps setting is configured with Service timestamps command line. The routers,
switches are configured as syslog/NTP clients, enabling them to synchronise their hardware
clock as learned from the NTP server, and log massages with correct time stamps to the
syslog server.
These logs with the time stamps are used to determine whether the router has
been compromised, allow the tracing of network attacks more credibly, and verify if the
router is working properly. The above is achieved by the following configuration:[4]
! --- enables perimeter and firewall to log messages to the syslog server
!--- enables routers to synchronise date and time with the NTP server
firewallRouter(config)#ntp update-calendar
firewallRouter(config)#service timestamps log datetime msec
4.2.7 Syslog server
The syslog solution consists of the syslog server and client. A syslog server receives and store
log messages, for instance the firewall logs; all the IPS process on the packets that pass in and
out of the firewall, the audit session trails, login failures and successes, SSH sessions and
many more activities on the network.
The following screen shots shows the logged messages generated on the syslog server with
the time of the activity happening, host name, and the message (what happened).[4]
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Syslog server Screen shot
Page 4-- 12 - of 105
4.2.8 IPS software firewall
The Cisco IOS intrusion prevention system is configured on the firewall router operating in
the inline mode as a network based IPS implementation system. This is to inspect, analyse the
content and payload of packets at layer 2 through layer 7, monitor ingress, and egress traffic
in order to stop all malicious traffic. The IPS is configured to send log messages to the syslog
server with “IP IPS notify log” and “logging syslog ip address” The following configuration
illustrates IPS software configuration.[4]
! ---- Creates an IOS ips directory, storage location, ips rule, and enables logging
firewallRouter#mkdir ipsdir
firewallRouter(config)#ip ips config location flash:ipsdir
Page 4-- 13 - of 105
firewallRouter(config)#ip ips name iosip
firewallRouter(config)#ip ips notify log
firewallRouter(config)#logging host
! ---- Enable ips to use signature categories, first retire signature and un-retire all ios-ips
firewallRouter(config)#ip ips signature-category
firewallRouter(config-ips-category-action)#category all
firewallRouter(config-ips-category-action)#retired true
firewallRouter(config-ips-category)#category ios_ips basic
firewallRouter(config-ips-category-action)#retired false
! --- Apply the ips rule to the interface fa0/0, fa1/0, and fa1/1
firewallRouter(config)#interface fa0/0
firewallRouter(config-if)#ip ips iosips out
firewallRouter(config-if)#ip iosips in
!--- modify the event action of the signature to alert, and drop
firewallRouter(config)#ip is signature-definition
firewallRouter(config-sigdef)#signature 2004 0
firewallRouter(config-sigdef-sig-status)#retired false
firewallRouter(config-sigdef-sig-status)#enable true
firewallRouter(config-sigdef-sig-engine)#event-action produced-alert
firewallRouter(config-sigdef-sig-engine)#event-action deny-packet-inline
Page 4-- 14 - of 105
The following screenshot shows ISP processing/ inspecting in-line all the packets from subnet outbound through the firewall and the replies inbound through the firewall
router back to the VLAN 2 (source).
ISP processing/ inspecting in-line
4.2.9 Secure EIGRP routing protocol authentication
In order to safe guard the information carried in the routing protocol, EIGRP routing protocol
is configured authentication using message digest algorithm 5 (MD5). This algorithm will
allow routers to compare signatures that should all be the same within the EIGRP area. The
following command is used to configure routing protocol authentication for EIGRP on the
perimeter router, and the same configuration is done on the firewall routers.[2]
Page 4-- 15 - of 105
EIGRP authentication on the perimeter router
! --- Creating a key chain for the EIGRP routing protocol on the subnet on perimeter Router
PermiterRouter(config)#router eigrp 1
PermiterRouter(config)#key chain EIGRP-KEY
PermiterRouter(config-keychain)#key 1
PermiterRouter(config-keychain)#key-string cisco
! --- Enables and applying the authentication key chain on the interface
PermiterRouter(config)#interface fa0/1
PermiterRouter(config-if)#ip authentication mode eigrp 1 md5
PermiterRouter(config-if)#ip authentication key-chain eigrp 1 EIGRP-KEY
Configuring EIGRP authentication on the firewall router
! --- Creating a key chain for the EIGRP routing protocol on the subnet on firewall Router
firewallRouter(config)#router eigrp 1
firewallRouter(config)#key chain EIGRP-KEY
firewallRouter(config-keychain)#key 1
firewallRouter(config-keychain)#key-string cisco
! --- Enables and applying the authentication key chain on the interface
firewallRouter(config)#interface fa0/1
Page 4-- 16 - of 105
firewallRouter(config-if)#ip authentication mode eigrp 1 md5
firewallRouter(config-if)#ip authentication key-chain eigrp 1 EIGRP-KEY
4.2.10 Securing the router IOS image on perimeter, and firewall routers
In order to have the router IOS images secured a secure boot-image command is used to
enable IOS image resilience on the router. Also to secure the boot configurations the secure
boot-config command is used to secure the boot configuration. The following configuration
illustrates the above configuration.[4]
! --firewallRouter(config)#secure boot-image
firewallRouter(config)#secure boot-config
IOS image resilience verification.
4.2.11 Access Lists
I have configured extended access control list on the firewall router to filtering traffic from
the internet/ISP web-server accessing the internal/private web server on the
subnet which is the DMZ zone on the private network, and to limit public initiated connection
Page 4-- 17 - of 105
access the internal/private and subnets (VLANs 2 and 3). I have
also used ACL to allow internal/private users to access selected internet services like web
browsing, FTP, FTP-data, pop3, SMTP, SNMP, https, and only to allow replies for only those
established connections from the private network by use of the “established” command. an
inspection rule is created by use of context-based access control (CBAC) to inspect the traffic
allowed in and out of the outside interface of the firewall as shown in the configuration, and
verified by the ping command. [2]
Access control list configurations
The following access-list 111 deny all packets containing IP address from any local address, IP multicast range, private in order to Mitigate IP address spoofing
with ACL and its applied on the fa0/1 inbound the firewall router.
! ----deny all packets containing IP address, private, IP multicast
firewallRouter(config)#access-list 111 deny ip any log
firewallRouter(config)#access-list 111 deny ip any log
firewallRouter(config)#access-list 111 deny ip host any log
firewallRouter(config)#access-list 111 deny ip any log
firewallRouter(config)#access-list 111 permit ip any
! --- applied on the fa0/1 inbound
firewallRouter(config)#interface fa0/1
firewallRouter(config-if)#ip access-group 111 in
! ---The following access-list 107 permits all the required ICMP messages for proper network
operations outbound to the fa0/ 1 ip on the firewall router while denying all
firewallRouter(config)#access-list 107 permit icmp echo-reply
firewallRouter(config)#access-list 107 permit icmp parameter-problem
Page 4-- 18 - of 105
firewallRouter(config)#access-list 107 permit icmp packet -too-big
firewallRouter(config)#access-list 107 permit icmp source-quench
firewallRouter(config)#access-list 107 deny icmp any any log
firewallRouter(config)#interface fa0/1
firewallRouter(config-if)#ip access-group 107 out
The following access-list 103 and 104 is configured on interface fa0/0 ip10.10.10.2 of the
firewall router for VLAN 2 traffic and it permits TCP, IP, ICMP and allow replies for only
the connections that are established form the private subnet of VLAN 2 (
firewallRouter(config)#access-list 103 permit icmp
firewallRouter(config)#access-list 103 permit ip
firewallRouter(config)#access-list 103 permit ip
firewallRouter(config)#access-list 103 permit tcp host eq www
firewallRouter(config)#access-list 103 permit tcp host eq ftp
firewallRouter(config)#access-list 103 permit tcp host eq 20
firewallRouter(config)#access-list 103 permit tcp host eq 443
firewallRouter(config)#access-list 103 permit tcp host eq smtp
firewallRouter(config)#access-list 103 permit tcp host eq pop3
firewallRouter(config)#access-list 103 permit tcp host
eq 22
Page 4-- 19 - of 105
firewallRouter(config)#access-list 103 permit tcp host
eq 23
firewallRouter(config)#access-list 103 permit tcp host
eq 161
firewallRouter(config)#access-list 103 permit tcp host
eq 53
firewallRouter(config)#access-list 104 permit icmp established
firewallRouter(config)#int fa0/0
firewallRouter(config-if)#ip access-group 103 out
firewallRouter(config-if)#ip access-group 104 in
! ---The following access-list 105 and 106 is configured on interface fa1/1 ip10.20.20.2 of the
firewall router for vlan 3 traffic and it permits tcp, ip, icmp and allow replies for only the
connections that are established form the private subnet of vlan 3 (
firewallRouter(config)#access-list 105 permit icmp
firewallRouter(config)#access-list 105 permit ip
firewallRouter(config)#access-list 105 permit ip
firewallRouter(config)#access-list 105 permit tcp host eq www
firewallRouter(config)#access-list 105 permit tcp host eq ftp
firewallRouter(config)#access-list 105 permit tcp host eq 20
firewallRouter(config)#access-list 105 permit tcp host eq 443
firewallRouter(config)#access-list 105 permit tcp host eq smtp
firewallRouter(config)#access-list 105 permit tcp host eq pop3
firewallRouter(config)#access-list 105 permit tcp host
eq 22
firewallRouter(config)#access-list 105 permit tcp host
eq 23
Page 4-- 20 - of 105
firewallRouter(config)#access-list 105 permit tcp host
eq 161
firewallRouter(config)#access-list 105 permit tcp host
eq 53
firewallRouter(config)#access-list 106 permit icmp established
firewallRouter(config)#int fa1/1
firewallRouter(config-if)#ip access-group 105 out
firewallRouter(config-if)#ip access-group 106 in
4.3 Simulation and verification of user access to different Subnets of the LAN/
The following screen shot shows using a ping command to verify that the private/internal
VLANs users (on network, and are being able to access the
internet but only allowing required or established reply(only initiated internally). This is
enforced by the access control list as shown in the access control list section above. The ping
command is executed from VLAN 2 and VLAN 3 as shown in the two screen shots below:
Successfully ping to the ISP/Internet ping form PCO host on VLAN 3
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Successfully ping to the ISP/Internet form PCO host on VLAN 2
Page 4-- 22 - of 105
Public users access DMZ web server but not private VLAN subnets
The following screen shot shows using a ping command to verify that the public users (on the network) are only allowed to access the DMZ web server subnet (on the
internal network but not the private network. This is enforced by the access
control list as shown in the access control list section above.[7]
ISP/WEB server pings successfully the Company DMZ Web server
Page 4-- 23 - of 105
ISP/WEB server pings unsuccessfully the private VLAN 2, and 3 subnets
Private subnets (VLAN 2 & 3) have inter- VLAN routing and can access to DMZ
Also the following ping command output verifies that the internal private subnets
( and on different VLANs 2, 3 have connectivity with the DMZ
subnet ( for the purposed of file and data access on the server firm. This is
enforced by the access control list as shown in the access control list section above.
Page 4-- 24 - of 105
Ping Form PCO host on VLAN 2 to the DMZ web server and Host on VLAN 3
Page 4-- 25 - of 105
Ping Form PC1 host on VLAN 3 to the DMZ web server and Host on VLAN 2
Context-based access control (CBAC) inspection rule
The following configuration is done for the inspection rule on the firewall router.
firewallRouter(config)#ip access-list extended out-in
firewallRouter(config)#permit ip any any
! --firewallRouter(config)#interface fa0/1
firewallRouter(config-if)#ip access-group out-in in
! --firewallRouter(config)#ip inspect name in-out-in icmp
Page 4-- 26 - of 105
firewallRouter(config)#ip inspect name in-out-in http
firewallRouter(config)#ip inspect name in-out-in telnet
firewallRouter(config)#ip inspect name in-out-in udp
firewallRouter(config)#ip inspect name in-out-in tcp
! --firewallRouter(config)#ip inspect audit-trail
firewallRouter(config)#service timestamps debug datetime msec
firewallRouter(config)#logging host
! --firewallRouter(config)#interface fa0/1
firewallRouter(config-if)#ip inspect in-out-in out
The screen shot below shows that the inspection rule is enabled to inspection telnet, TCP,
HTTP, UDP protocols in and out through the firewall router.
4.4.1 Inspection rule/Audit-trail enabled screen shot
Page 4-- 27 - of 105
4.4.2 Simulation of inspection /audit-trail process
4.5 Port Address Translation PAT / NAT Overload
I have configured NAT/PAT overload on the perimeter router using this command line “ip
nat inside source list 1 interface overload”.
NAT overload has only one publically
exposed IP address. Incoming packets from the public network are routed to their private
destination on the private network by referring to the NAT overload perimeter router that
trucks public to private port pairs.
In addition to the above I have used a static route “ip nat inside source static local-ip global
ip”, and the access control list discussed in the next subheading, allow the public
users/internet users to access only the company/private web server in the DMZ zone. At the
same time allowing private network users to access the internet without exposing their private
host IP addresses. By this configuration I also achieve the following:[2]
Page 4-- 28 - of 105
Protect the private network address being advertised to the public thus securing the
internal network.
Provide consistency for internal network addressing scheme by use of private
addresses and NAT enabling support of new public addressing scheme without a need
to change the inside/internal client address.
The configuration illustrates the complete command line configuration done on the perimeter
router, followed by the Nat translations performed by these configurations on the perimeter
router, and lastly the debug output of the Nat process on this same router.
NAT/PAT configuration
! --- Establishes a static route to the DMZ web server
perimiterRouter(config)#ip nat inside source static
! --- Identify which addresses are eligible to be translated
perimiterRouter(config)# access-list 1 permit
! --- Identify the outside interface fa0/1 as the inside global address to be overloaded
perimiterRouter(config)#ip nat inside source list 1 interface fa0/1 overload
!--- Identify the inside NAT interface
perimiterRouter(config)#interface fa0/0
perimiterRouter(config-if)#ip nat inside
! --- Identify the outside NAT interface
perimiterRouter(config)#interface fa0/1
perimiterRouter(config)#ip nat outside
Verification of Nat translations, debug, statistics,
! --- This output generated before any translations done
perimeterRouter#sh ip nat translations
Pro Inside global
Inside local
Outside local
Outside global
--Page 4-- 29 - of 105
! --- After the translation initiated by the ping command
perimeterRouter#sh ip nat translations
Pro Inside global
Inside local
Outside local
Outside global
! ---- Display live NAT translations as the happen on the PAT/NAT router
IP NAT debugging is on
*Dec 07, 12:35:23.3535: NAT: s=>, d= [79]
*Dec 07, 12:35:23.3535: NAT*: s=, d=>
*Dec 07, 12:35:25.3535: NAT: s=>, d= [80]
*Dec 07, 12:35:25.3535: NAT*: s=, d=>
*Dec 07, 12:35:26.3535: NAT: s=>, d= [81]
*Dec 07, 12:35:26.3535: NAT*: s=, d=>
*Dec 07, 12:35:26.3535: NAT: expiring ( icmp 37 (37)
*Dec 07, 12:35:27.3535: NAT: s=>, d= [82]
*Dec 07, 12:35:27.3535: NAT*: s=, d=>
*Dec 07, 12:35:27.3535: NAT: expiring ( icmp 38 (38)
Page 4-- 30 - of 105
*Dec 07, 12:35:28.3535: NAT: expiring ( icmp 39 (39)
*Dec 07, 12:35:29.3535: NAT: expiring ( icmp 40 (40)
perimeterRouter#un all
All possible debugging has been turned off
! ---- Displays the NAT statistics after any translations
perimeterRouter#sh ip nat statistics
Total translations: 5 (1 static, 4 dynamic, 4 extended)
Outside Interfaces: FastEthernet0/1
Inside Interfaces: FastEthernet0/0
Hits: 61 Misses: 154
Expired translations: 85
Dynamic mappings:
4.6 DHCP implementation
The implementation of DHCP is configured on the layer 3 switches, 2 DHCP pools are
configured one for VLAN 2 on L3switch1 and the other VLAN 3 on L3switch2 dynamically
offers to the network devices IP address from a pool of allowed configured IP address and
excluding those that are required for security purposes as maybe required. This configuration
below achieved the above: [2], [6]
! --- Two IP addresses for the default gateway and the syslog server/ management are
excluded from the pool of addresses.
L3switch1(config)#ip dhcp excluded-address
L3switch1(config)#ip dhcp excluded-address
Page 4-- 31 - of 105
! --- Creates the IP pool name on the DHCP server
L3switch1(config)#ip dhcp pool LAN-POOL-1
4.6.1 DHCP Snooping
To protect the Network against rogue DHCP servers, DHCP snooping is implemented to
create a logical firewall between un-trusted hosts and DHCP servers. The following is the
illustration of the configuration that achieves the above that is configured on both DHCP
servers on the secured wired LAN:[6]
!---Enables DHCP snooping on the switch
L3swtich1(config)#ip dhcp snooping
!--- DHCP snooping is not active until DHCP snooping is enabled on a VLAN.
L3swtich1 (config)#ip dhcp snooping vlan 2
!--- Configures the interface connected to the DHCP server as trusted.
L3swtich1(config)#interface fastEthernet 0/2
L3swtich1(config-if)#ip dhcp snooping trust
4.6.2 Dynamic ARP inspection
To make sure that valid and only Valid ARP packet requests and responses are forwarded by
performing an IP-to-MAC mapping, the dynamic ARP inspection feature is configured to
achieve this. The following configuration is configured on both L3switches (1 and 2) DCHP
servers VLANS and applied on the interface as shown below:[6]
!--- Enables dynamic ARP inspection on the VLAN
L3swtich1(config)#ip arp inspection vlan 2
Page 4-- 32 - of 105
!--- Configures the interface connected to the DHCP server as trusted.
L3swtich1(config)#interface fastEthernet 0/2
L3swtich1(config-if)#ip arp inspection trust
4.6.3 IP source guard
This feature is configured to restrict IP traffic on un-trusted layer 2 ports by filtering traffic
based on DHCP snooping binding database or manually configuring IP source binding as
result it will prevent IP spoofing attacks when hosts tries to spoof or use IP address of
another host. The following configuration is configured on both L3switches (1 and 2) DCHP
servers VLANS and applied on the interface as shown below:[6]
!--- Enables IP source guard with source IP filtering
L3swtich1(config)#interface fastEthernet 0/2
L3swtich1(config-if)#ip verify source
Chapter Summary
This chapter has discussed and show the heart and soul of the project by showing the steps
taken and how they are done in order to have a secured wired LAN. Among the security
measures taken are to secure the layer 2 devices like the switches, layer 3 switches and routers
, all the way through layer 7 of the OSI model. The examples of some of the configures
security measures include securing Device access line and ports, configures passwords,
Access control lists, firewalls, VLANs, NAT, Provide a reliable addressing scheme,
configuring of the DMZ, creating logs, and many more.
Page 4-- 33 - of 105
Chapter 5 : Critical appraisal, recommendations and
suggestions for further work
Critical appraisal
The following is the critical appraisal for the meaning of the results from the implementation
of the project.
1. The VLAN implementation on the LAN is used to achieve the following objectives as
shown below:
Security: VLANs have been configured to separate sensitive data departments,
for example the management department VLAN 2 , and VLAN 3 human resource
form the rest of the network subnets.
Broadcast storm mitigation: By segmenting the network into VLANs such as 2,
and 3, it is made it possible to manage and confine the broadcast storms to devices
within specific VLANs other than propagating throughout the entire network.
Cost reduction: VLANs don’t need very expensive network upgrades and its
more efficient use of the existing bandwidth and uplink.
Higher performance: The VLANs implementation here has helped to divide a flat
layer 2 network into multiple logical workgroups (broadcast domain) thus
reducing unwanted traffic on the network and boost performance.
2. By using port address translation (PAT/NAT) it is been possible to separate the private
network by using the class C IP address of and class A - from the public/ internet address. PAT prevents the private
Page 5-- 34 - of 105
IP addresses to be advertised on the public network. As a result secure the private
network and improve the LANs addressing scheme.
3. Configuring username, password with a minimum length of 10 characters both
alphabetic and numerical, encryption and a legal warning for any unauthorised access
on the network devices such as the switches and routers enhances their security. Valid
login credentials will have to be entered to have access. Any plain text passwords will
be ciphered.
4. The configuration of the context based access control inspection rule helps to inspect
and provide an audit trail for the protocols which are allowed in the private network
through the firewall router. This rule is a Cisco software firewall that is configured in
this case to enhanced inspection of packets through the firewall router. For instance, it
is configured to inspect http, telnet, UDP to mention but a few.
5. The use of the hierarchal network design model approach to secure the LAN, it is
made it possible to have a step by step approach starting from:
The access layer with tool like port security, root guard, storm controls, BPDU
guard, SSH transport input, VLAN trunking and disabling of the DTP, shut
down shut down of all unused ports and services, primary root bridge,
encryption of all passwords used, timeout on console, VTY are configured.
On the distribution layer, in order to manage and control traffic in and out of
different subnets to provide security, minimise the effects of any security
breach across the network, Cisco IOS firewall, access control lists, and the
secured EIGRP routing protocol are configured.
Page 5-- 35 - of 105
The core layer is dedicated to transport traffic with PAT translations performed
on in and out traffic on the network. In addition, all other required basic
security configuration is done on the routers used at this level: for example,
minimum length password requirement on all access lines, disable unused
ports and services, to mention but a few.
6. Access control lists have enabled the control of traffic that is: allowed to in and out of
the private network subnet to the public network, and the DMZ, For instance, the
public network users are not allowed access to the private network but allowed access
to the DMZ zone, private network users are allowed access to the internet but for only
limited services such as www, ftp, ftp-data, amongst others and only allow replies to
those connections initiated from the private VLAN subnets.
7. The router firewall is configured with the Cisco IOS IPS that assessing, tracks, and
analyses any risk of the packets in-line going in and out on all interface connected to
this firewall router. If the IPS detects unwanted security risk packets it drops the
8. Authentication, authorisation and accounting protocol (AAA) is enabled to secure the
access to network resources by limiting access to only those who have the right to
access, and are what they say to be. This is achieved with configuring of a user’s
database locally that contains the usernames, passwords, and the privileges’ granted,
against which every login is checked / authenticated, authorised to access the
resources in question and also provide the accountability for that login and logging
any access to resources.
Page 5-- 36 - of 105
9. The information that is logged on the syslog server from the managed devices helps to
achieve the following:
To have an insight into the nature of the attacks towards the LAN,
To use the logged information for the purposes of troubleshooting,
To have a clear picture of events correlation information of the multiple
network devices (that is to say, the relationship between events occurring on
different systems).
10. Lastly but not the least, the DMZ segment is offering the public users, (our customers)
the access to the resources such the company web server within a lower level security
zone and at the same time protecting our private subnets. It’s one way of providing a
window into the company dealings.
Suggestions for Further work
5.2.1 Backup IOS software images
In order to manage Cisco IOS images running on the Cisco devices on the LAN, and
safeguard them against attacks that can put the router configurations or the operating systems
at risk. Administrators should save, backup, restore configuration, and IOS images. For this
reason, therefore, the report recommends IOS software images, configuration files, and
revision level of Cisco IOS images files that be maintained, and should be copied on the
central TFTP server as a backup.[4]
Page 5-- 37 - of 105
5.2.2 Continuous network monitoring
It is critical to verify that the counter measures are in place are working properly. To assist
with the compliance of the company security policy, the Network Security Wheel that defines
a continuous process of secure, monitor, test, and improve should be followed in order to
achieve continuous security on the LAN.[2]
5.3.1 Virtual private network technology (VPN)
As the company grows and it start having remote worker/ branches/ or teleworkers, or even
within the LAN, VPN technology can be of great advantage to increase and maintain greater
security on sensitive company data/ transactions.[2]
5.3.2 Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance (ASA) firewall
As proposed in the interim report, the report recommends the use of the Cisco security
appliance (ASA) as a modern up-to-date firewall router. It is modelled on a self-defending
Network (SDN) principle having several protective and integrated layers such as firewalls,
intrusion prevention, and anomaly mitigation.
Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance provides state-full application inspection of all application
and services traffic based on explicitly preconfigured polices and rules. This inspection keeps
tracks of every connection passing through the interface making sure that they are valid
connections, and monitors established, closed, resets or negotiates state of connections, and
maintains a database with this information in a stable table. ASA provides intelligent threat
defence and secure communications services that stop attacks before they affect business
Page 5-- 38 - of 105
continuity. Packet headers and contents of the packets are examined through up to the
application layer. [3]
Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance can be configured to inspect the following protocols:
Extended Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (ESMTP)
This restricts the type of SMTP commands that can pass through Cisco ASA.
Skinny Protocol (Simple Client Control Protocol -SCCP)
To support a unified wired LAN (Audio and data), the Cisco ASA offers the ability to
inspect skinny transactions using this protocol that making the wired LAN a secure
unified network.
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
The Cisco ASA can be configured to deny traffic based on the SNMP packet versions.
Early versions are less secure. This practice can be incorporated as a security policy
thus making the LAN more secure.
Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP)
Cisco ASA TFTP application inspection is used to:
(i) Prevent hosts from opening invalid connections, and
(ii) Enforces the creation of a secondary channel initiated from the server thus
restricting TFTP clients creating them.
Real Time Streaming Protocol (RSTP)
Cisco ASA supports the inspection of this protocol which is a multimedia streaming protocol
as stipulated in RFC 2326 which could have disastrous embedded codes. This protocol
mostly use TCP port 554 application, and the applications that use RSTP are Real Audio,
Apple Quick Time, Real Player, Cisco IPTV. [3]
Page 5-- 39 - of 105
5.4 ASA Intrusion detection and Prevention system
Even though I have configures the Cisco IOS IPS in my project. I strongly recommend the
implement Inline Intrusion prevention system on the Cisco ASA which is more secure than
promiscuous mode but affects overall throughput. In this case the Cisco ASA will direct all
traffic to the Adaptive Inspection Prevention Security Service Module for process and analyse,
dropping any malicious packets, generate an alarm, or reset connection, before it is forwarded
by the ASA. This will mitigate network attacks such as Denial of Service (i.e. TCP sync flood
attacks, land attacks, Smurf attacks), Distributed Denial of Service, Session Hijacking (i.e.
Man- in-the- Middle).[3]
5.5 DNS Implementation on the Cisco ASA
Traditionally, DNS queries will require not only relying on generic UDP handling based on
activity timeouts. With the Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance, UDP connections associated
with DNS queries and responses are torn down as soon as a reply to a DNS query has been
received (like the DNS guard feature in Cisco PIX firewall). Cisco ASA DNS will further
provide more security measures such as:[3]
Guarantees that the ID’s of the DNS reply matches ID’s of DNS query,
Allows translation of DNS packets using NAT,
Reassembles DNS packets to verify its length which has a maximum of 65,553
bytes making any packets larger than that to be dropped.
5.6 Host- Based Intrusion Detection Systems
Since I did implement my project in controlled environment I didn’t have the opportunity to
implement Cisco Security Agent software firewall. However, I recommend this host based
Page 5-- 40 - of 105
firewall should be installed on individual servers or client machines to safeguard critical
computer systems and will intercept any attacks.[3]
Chapter Summary
In this chapter of the report an in-depth critical appraisal is discussed showing how the
methods have been used to achieve the required results and the meaning of this result. Also
the recommendations are given for future considerations such as the use of the Cisco
Adaptive Security Appliance, and suggestions of further work like bucking up IOS
configurations and continuous monitoring of the LAN’s security
Page 5-- 41 - of 105
Chapter 6 : Conclusion
Over the course of implementing the project the main goal is to ultimately secure a wired
Local Area Network. The implementation phase project carried out in a secured London
Metropolitan University laboratory enabled the achievement of the objective to secure the
physical layer (layer 1) of the OSI mode. Through the research, simulations, and analysis, it’s
been possible to have a secure layer 2 to through layer 7 of the OSI model layers with the
necessary security configuration such as switch port security, shut down unused ports and
services, change native VLAN from 1 to any other number, IP source guard, DHCP Snooping,
dynamic ARP inspections, VLAN segmentation, password requirements. Just to mention but a few.
In addition, by using Network address translation / port address translation (NAT/PAT)
technology, access list control, and configuration of a demilitarized zone (DMZ) I have
managed to secure the private network from receiving untrusted traffic from the public
network/internet. I have achieved redundancy, reliability on the network by having extra
backup trunk links and using the 3 layered network design that includes access, distribution,
and core. The implementation of VLANs and inter-VLAN routing improves for security,
reliability, and it’s cost effective.
It is required for companies, governments and non-governments organisations, schools, and
homes put in place Network Security Policies which acts as a framework and guideline to be
followed by the network users in order to achieved continuously secure network. Network
Security Professionals should be employed and continually install software patches, monitor,
and test the LAN security. They should also keep learning and sharing information about the
new security threats. Having said that it should be noted that over the last 20 years companies
have come to realise a great need to secure their LANs due to the increasing dynamic network
security threats that has resulted in loss of data, leakage of confidential information, political
Page 6-- 42 - of 105
collisions between countries, identity loss which resulted in big financial losses, damaged
company brands, and individuals. As a result they are committing a lot of money to maintain
a secure LAN environment so as to achieve confidentiality, Integrity, and availability on their
I have learnt a lot about the network security threats and the technology to mitigate these
threats in order to have a secured wired LAN. Also learnt; how to organise meaningfully my
time in order to achieve my intended goals in a given limited time, the techniques and
approach on how to carry out a meaningful research on specific topics. And also gained skills
in poster presentation, writing a well-structured report, presentation skills, increased my
confidence, and prepared myself for a future carrier as a computer network security
Page 6-- 43 - of 105
1. Local Area Networks (LANS). (2011, 12 14). Retrieved 10 20, 2011, from
2. Bob Vachon, Rick Graziani. (2008). Accessing the WAN. Indianapolis: Cisco Press.
3. Hucaby. (2005). Cisco ASA and PIX Firewall Handbook. Indianapolis: Cisco Press.
4. Micheal Watkins, Kevin Wallace,. (2010). CCNA Security . Indianapolis: Cisco Press.
5. orbit-computer-solutions. (2011, 12 14). Free Computer Training and Home Networking
Tutorials. Retrieved 11 25, 2011, from
6. press, c. (2011, 12 14). Catalyst 6500 Release 12.2SXF and Rebuilds Software
Configuration Guide - DHCP Snooping. Retrieved 10 29, 2011, from
7. Press, C. (2011, 12 14). Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) Port - Cisco Systems:. Retrieved 10 22,
2011, from
8. Press, C. (2011, 12 14). Ethernet-to-the-Factory 1.2 Design and Implementation Guide Implementation of Security [Design Zone for Manufacturing] - Cisco Systems:.
Retrieved 12 01, 2011, from
Page 6-- 44 - of 105
9. Press, C. (2011, 12 14). Layer 2 Security Features on Cisco Catalyst Layer 3 Fixed
Configuration Switches Configuration Example - Cisco Systems:. Retrieved 11 13,
2011, from
10. Rick Graziani, Allan Johnson. (2009). Routing Protocols and Concepts. Indianapolis:
Cisco Press.
Page 6-- 45 - of 105
Appendix A:
A.1 Device documentation with a show run command
A.1.1 Secured Perimeter Router documentation
perimeterRouter#sh run
Building configuration...
Current configuration : 2397 bytes
version 12.4
service tcp-keepalives-in
service timestamps debug datetime msec
service timestamps log datetime msec
service password-encryption
hostname perimeter
security authentication failure rate 5 log
security passwords min-length 10
enable secret 5 $1$CuvP$QG5GryTJC0z6DJsTYuF3E0
aaa new-model
aaa authentication login default local enable
aaa authentication login TELNET_LOGIN local
aaa session-id common
memory-size iomem 15
no ip source-route
ip cef
no ip bootp server
no ip domain lookup
ip domain name
ip auth-proxy max-nodata-conns 3
ip admission max-nodata-conns 3
login block-for 30 attempts 3 within 10
login delay 3
login quiet-mode access-class 101
login on-failure log
login on-success log
Page 6-- 46 - of 105
voice-card 0
key chain EIGRP-KEY
key 1
key-string 7 1511021F0725
username Admin1 privilege 15 secret 5 $1$mERr$ZR1fkPDr3Z4icChNe.bBZ.
secure boot-image
secure boot-config
ip ssh time-out 15
ip ssh authentication-retries 4
interface FastEthernet0/0
description connecting an inside interface
ip address
ip authentication mode eigrp 1 md5
ip authentication key-chain eigrp 1 EIGRP-KEY
ip nat inside
ip virtual-reassembly
duplex auto
speed auto
interface FastEthernet0/1
ip address
ip nat outside
ip virtual-reassembly
duplex auto
speed auto
interface Serial0/2/0
no ip address
interface Serial0/2/1
no ip address
clock rate 125000
router eigrp 1
no auto-summary
no ip classless
ip forward-protocol nd
ip route
ip http server
no ip http secure-server
Page 6-- 47 - of 105
ip nat inside source list 1 interface FastEthernet0/1 overload
ip nat inside source static
access-list 1 permit
no cdp run
banner motd ^C This switch is the property of FDS Tech. Disconnect now if you are
unauthorised access. Any violations will be prosecuted. ^C
line con 0
exec-timeout 2 30
logging synchronous
line aux 0
line vty 0 4
exec-timeout 2 30
logging synchronous
login authentication TELNET_LOGIN
transport input ssh
line vty 5 15
login authentication TELNET_LOGIN
scheduler allocate 20000 1000
ntp authentication-key 1 md5 0822455D0A165445415F59 7
ntp authenticate
ntp trusted-key 1
ntp update-calendar
ntp server key 1
A.1.2 Secured Firewall Router documentation
firewallRouter#sh run
Building configuration...
Current configuration : 4081 bytes
version 12.4
service tcp-keepalives-in
service timestamps debug datetime msec localtime year
service timestamps log datetime msec
service password-encryption
hostname firewallRouter
Page 6-- 48 - of 105
security authentication failure rate 5 log
security passwords min-length 10
enable secret 5 $1$vtP7$ngKYPBqqhuhqGIWRbiFc4.
aaa new-model
aaa authentication login default local enable
aaa authentication login TELNET-LOGIN local
aaa session-id common
memory-size iomem 15
no ip source-route
ip cef
no ip bootp server
no ip domain lookup
ip domain name
ip auth-proxy max-nodata-conns 3
ip admission max-nodata-conns 3
ip ips name iosips
login block-for 30 attempts 3 within 10
login delay 3
login quiet-mode access-class 101
login on-failure log
login on-success log
voice-card 0
key chain EIGRP_KEY
key 1
key-string 7 00071A150754
ip inspect audit-trail
ip inspect name in-out-in icmp
ip inspect name in-out-in telnet
ip inspect name in-out-in http
ip inspect name in-out-in tcp
ip inspect name in-out-in udp
ip ips config location flash:ipsdir/ retries 1
ip ips name iosips
ip ips signature-category
category all
retired true
category ios_ips basic
retired false
username Admin1 privilege 15 secret 5 $1$mERr$ZR1fkPDr3Z4icChNe.bBZ.
secure boot-image
secure boot-config
ip ssh time-out 15
Page 6-- 49 - of 105
ip ssh authentication-retries 4
interface FastEthernet0/0
description connecting to L3switch1
ip address
ip authentication mode eigrp 1 md5
ip authentication key-chain eigrp 1 EIGRP-KEY
ip access-group 106 in
ip access-group 105 out
ip ips iosips in
ip ips iosips out
duplex auto
speed auto
interface FastEthernet1/1
description connecting to L3switch2
ip address
ip authentication mode eigrp 1 md5
ip authentication key-chain eigrp 1 EIGRP-KEY
ip access-group 106 in
ip access-group 105 out
ip ips iosips in
ip ips iosips out
duplex auto
speed auto
interface FastEthernet0/1
description connecting to perimeter router
ip address
ip authentication mode eigrp 1 md5
ip authentication key-chain eigrp 1 EIGRP-KEY
ip access-group 107 out
ip inspect in-out-in in
ip inspect in-out-in out
duplex auto
speed auto
interface FastEthernet1/0
description connecting to DMZserver
ip address
ip ips iosips in
ip ips iosips out
duplex auto
speed auto
router eigrp 1
no auto-summary
ip forward-protocol nd
ip route
Page 6-- 50 - of 105
ip route FastEthernet0/0
ip route FastEthernet0/1
ip http server
no ip http secure-server
logging access-list extended out-in
permit ip any any
access-list 103 and 104 remark permits tcp,ip ,icmp and allow replys for only the connections that are
established form the private subnet of vlan 2,and applied outbound int fa0/0 on the firewall router.
access-list 103 permit icmp
access-list 103 permit ip
access-list 103 permit ip
access-list 103 permit tcp host eq www
access-list 103 permit tcp host eq ftp
access-list 103 permit tcp host eq 20
access-list 103 permit tcp host eq 443
access-list 103 permit tcp host eq smtp
access-list 103 permit tcp host eq pop3
access-list 103 permit tcp host eq 22
access-list 103 permit tcp host eq telnet
access-list 105 and 106 remark permits tcp,ip ,icmp and allow replys for only the connections that are
established form the private subnet of vlan 3,and applied outbound int fa1/1 on the firewall router.
access-list 105 permit icmp
access-list 105 permit ip
access-list 105 permit ip
access-list 105 permit tcp host eq www
access-list 105 permit tcp host eq ftp
access-list 105 permit tcp host eq 20
access-list 105 permit tcp host eq 443
access-list 105 permit tcp host eq smtp
access-list 105 permit tcp host eq pop3
access-list 105 permit tcp host eq 22
access-list 105 permit tcp host eq telnet
access-list 107 remark permits all the required ICMP messages for proper network operations
outbound to the fa0/ while denying all others on the firewall router.
access-list 107 permit icmp echo-reply
access-list 107 permit icmp parameter-problem
access-list 107 permit icmp packet -too-big
access-list 107 permit icmp source-quench
access-list 107 deny icmp any any log
access-list 111 permit ip any
no cdp run
banner motd ^CC This switch is the property of FDS Tech. Disconnect now if you are unauthorised
access. Any violations will be prosecuted ^C
line con 0
exec-timeout 2 30
password 7 13061E010803557878707D
Page 6-- 51 - of 105
logging synchronous
line aux 0
line vty 0 4
exec-timeout 2 30
password 7 1511021F07257A767B6760
logging synchronous
transport input ssh
line vty 5
exec-timeout 2 30
login authentication TELNET-LOGIN
transport input ssh
line vty 6 15
exec-timeout 2 30
login authentication TELNET-LOGIN
scheduler allocate 20000 1000
ntp authentication-key 1 md5 0822455D0A165445415F59 7
ntp authenticate
ntp trusted-key 1
ntp update-calendar
ntp server key 1
A.1.3 Secured Layer 3Switch1 documentation
L3switch1#sh run
!Building configuration...
Current configuration : 4106 bytes
! Last configuration change at 00:28:07 UTC Mon Mar 1 1993
version 12.2
no service pad
no service timestamps debug uptime
service timestamps log datetime msec
service password-encryption
hostname L3switch1
enable secret 5 $1$mERr$WvpW0n5HghRrqnrwXCUUl.
no aaa new-model
system mtu routing 1500
ip routing
Page 6-- 52 - of 105
ip arp inspection vlan 1
no ip domain-lookup
ip domain-name
ip dhcp excluded-address
ip dhcp excluded-address
ip dhcp pool LAN-POOL-1
ip dhcp snooping vlan 2
ip dhcp snooping
login block-for 30 attempts 3 within 10
login on-failure log
login on-success log
spanning-tree mode pvst
spanning-tree extend system-id
spanning-tree vlan 1,20,30 priority 24576
vlan internal allocation policy ascending
ip ssh version 2
interface FastEthernet0/1
no switchport
ip address
interface FastEthernet0/2
switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
switchport trunk native vlan 99
switchport mode trunk
switchport nonegotiate
ip arp inspection trust
storm-control broadcast level 50.00
spanning-tree guard root
ip verify source
ip dhcp snooping trust
interface FastEthernet0/3
no switchport
ip address
storm-control broadcast level 50.00
interface FastEthernet0/4
switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
switchport mode trunk
switchport nonegotiate
storm-control broadcast level 50.00
spanning-tree guard root
Page 6-- 53 - of 105
! --- Output omitted
interface FastEthernet0/5
switchport access vlan 99
! --- Output omitted
interface GigabitEthernet0/2
switchport access vlan 99
interface Vlan1
no ip address
interface Vlan2
description connecting to the managment vlan
ip address
standby 1
Standby 1 priority 160
Standby 1 preempt
Standby 1 track fa0/3 70
Standby 1 authentication VLAN2
interface Vlan3
description connecting HR vlan
ip address
standby 2
Standby 2 priority 160
Standby 2 preempt
Standby 2 track fa0/3 65
Standby 2 authentication VLAN3
interface Vlan99
description connecting native vlan
ip address
router eigrp 1
ip http server
ip http secure-server
ip route
logging esm config
no cdp run
no cdp tlv location
no cdp tlv app
Page 6-- 54 - of 105
banner login ^C This switch is the property of FDS Tech. Disconnect now if you are unauthorised
access. Any violations will be prosecuted. ^C
line con 0
exec-timeout 2 30
password 7 0822455D0A165445415F59
logging synchronous
line vty 0 4
exec-timeout 2 30
password 7 0822455D0A165445415F59
logging synchronous
transport input ssh
line vty 5 15
exec-timeout 2 30
password 7 0822455D0A165445415F59
transport input ssh
ntp authentication-key 1 md5 0822455D0A165445415F59 7
ntp authenticate
ntp trusted-key 1
ntp server key 1
A.1.4 Secured Layer 3Switch2 documentation
L3switch2#sh run
Building configuration...
Current configuration : 3673 bytes
! Last configuration change at 00:07:06 UTC Mon Mar 1 1993
version 12.2
no service pad
no service timestamps debug uptime
service timestamps log datetime msec
service password-encryption
hostname L3switch2
enable secret 5 $1$mERr$WvpW0n5HghRrqnrwXCUUl.
no aaa new-model
system mtu routing 1500
Page 6-- 55 - of 105
ip routing
no ip domain-lookup
ip domain-name
ip dhcp excluded-address
ip dhcp pool LAN-POOL-1
ip dhcp snooping vlan 1
ip dhcp snooping
login block-for 30 attempts 3 within 10
login on-failure log
login on-success log
spanning-tree mode pvst
spanning-tree extend system-id
spanning-tree vlan 1 priority 28672
vlan internal allocation policy ascending
ip ssh version 2
interface FastEthernet0/1
no switchport
ip address
interface FastEthernet0/2
switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
switchport trunk native vlan 99
switchport mode trunk
switchport nonegotiate
ip arp inspection trust
storm-control broadcast level 50.00
ip verify source
ip dhcp snooping trust
interface FastEthernet0/3
no switchport
ip address
interface FastEthernet0/4
switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
switchport mode trunk
switchport nonegotiate
storm-control broadcast level 50.00
interface FastEthernet0/5
switchport access vlan 99
Page 6-- 56 - of 105
! --- Output omitted
interface GigabitEthernet0/2
switchport access vlan 99
interface Vlan1
no ip address
interface Vlan2
description connecting to the management vlan
ip address
standby 1
Standby 1 preempt
Standby 1 track fa0/3 70
Standby 1 authentication VLAN2
interface Vlan3
description connecting to the HR vlan
ip address
standby 2
Standby 2 preempt
Standby 2 track fa0/3 65
Standby 2 authentication VLAN3
interface Vlan99
description connecting native vlan
ip address
router eigrp 1
ip http server
ip http secure-server
ip route
logging esm config
no cdp run
no cdp tlv location
no cdp tlv app
banner login ^C This switch is the property of FDS Tech. Disconnect now if you are unauthorised
access. Any violations will be prosecuted. ^C
line con 0
exec-timeout 2 30
password 7 0822455D0A165445415F59
logging synchronous
Page 6-- 57 - of 105
line vty 0 4
exec-timeout 2 30
password 7 0822455D0A165445415F59
transport input ssh
logging synchronous
line vty 5 15
exec-timeout 2 30
password 7 0822455D0A165445415F59
transport input ssh
logging synchronous
A.1.5 Secured Layer 2Switch1 documentation
L2switch1#sh run
!Building configuration...
Current configuration : 3494 bytes
version 12.1
no service pad
no service timestamps debug uptime
service timestamps log datetime msec
service password-encryption
hostname L2switch1
ip subnet-zero
no ip domain-lookup
spanning-tree mode pvst
no spanning-tree optimize bpdu transmission
spanning-tree extend system-id
no spanning-tree vlan 2
interface FastEthernet0/1
switchport trunk native vlan 99
switchport mode trunk
switchport nonegotiate
no ip address
storm-control broadcast level 50.00
interface FastEthernet0/2
switchport access vlan 2
Page 6-- 58 - of 105
switchport mode access
switchport port-security
switchport port-security mac-address sticky
switchport port-security mac-address sticky 00e0.a3dd.0752
no ip address
spanning-tree portfast
spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface FastEthernet0/3
switchport mode trunk
switchport nonegotiate
no ip address
storm-control broadcast level 50.00
spanning-tree guard root
interface FastEthernet0/4
switchport access vlan 2
switchport mode access
switchport port-security
switchport port-security mac-address sticky
switchport port-security mac-address sticky 0001.c9da.0939
no ip address
interface FastEthernet0/5
switchport access vlan 99
no ip address
! --- Output omitted
interface GigabitEthernet0/2
switchport access vlan 99
no ip address
interface Vlan1
no ip address
no ip route-cache
interface Vlan2
no ip address
no ip route-cache
interface Vlan99
no ip address
no ip route-cache
ip default-gateway
ip http server
banner login ^C This switch is the property of FDS Tech. Disconnect now if you are
Page 6-- 59 - of 105
unauthorised access. Any violations will be prosecuted. ^C
line con 0
exec-timeout 2 30
password 7 104D000A061843595F507F
logging synchronous
line vty 0 4
exec-timeout 2 30
password 7 1511021F07257A767B6760
transport input ssh
logging synchronous
login local
line vty 5 15
exec-timeout 2 30
password 7 1511021F07257A767B6760
transport input ssh
login local
A.1.6 Secured Layer 2Switch2 documentation
L2switch2#sh run
Building configuration...
Current configuration : 3347 bytes
version 12.1
no service pad
no service timestamps debug uptime
service timestamps log datetime msec
service password-encryption
hostname L2switch2
ip subnet-zero
no ip domain-lookup
spanning-tree mode pvst
no spanning-tree optimize bpdu transmission
spanning-tree extend system-id
no spanning-tree vlan 3
interface FastEthernet0/1
switchport trunk native vlan 99
switchport mode trunk
switchport nonegotiate
no ip address
storm-control broadcast level 50.00
Page 6-- 60 - of 105
interface FastEthernet0/2
switchport mode trunk
switchport nonegotiate
no ip address
storm-control broadcast level 50.00
interface FastEthernet0/3
switchport access vlan 3
switchport mode access
switchport port-security
switchport port-security mac-address sticky
switchport port-security mac-address sticky 00e0.f9a9.bab6
no ip address
spanning-tree portfast
spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface FastEthernet0/4
switchport access vlan 99
no ip address
! --- Output omitted
interface GigabitEthernet0/2
switchport access vlan 99
no ip address
interface Vlan1
no ip address
no ip route-cache
interface Vlan3
no ip address
no ip route-cache
interface Vlan99
no ip address
no ip route-cache
ip default-gateway
ip http server
banner motd ^C This switch is the property of FDS Tech. Disconnect now if you are unauthorised
access. Any violations will be prosecuted. ^C
line con 0
exec-timeout 2 30
password 7 104D000A061843595F507F
logging synchronous
line vty 0 4
Page 6-- 61 - of 105
exec-timeout 2 30
password 7 1511021F07257A767B6760
transport input ssh
logging synchronous
login local
line vty 5 15
exec-timeout 2 30
password 7 1511021F07257A767B6760
transport input ssh
login local
Page 6-- 62 - of 105
Appendix B:
B.1 Glossary
Authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA)
Provides a mechanism to address
the unauthorised access to a network through systematic, scalable access security.
Demilitarized zone (DMZ) sometimes referred to as a screened subnet.
Denial of service (DOS) A class of attack in which the attacker seeks to make a given
resource such as a server unavailable to legitimate users by overwhelming the resources with
requests for services that appear to legitimate.
Default Gateway
It’s the route used by the devices when it has no other explicitly defined
route to the destination network.
Applying a specific algorithm to data to alter its appearance, making it
incomprehensible to those who are not authorised to see the information.
Endpoint The final point of connection in a communication channel.
Allows the segmentation of the network into different physical subnet works,
thereby limiting the potential damage that could spread from one subnet to another. Firewalls
may be a piece of software or hardware that acts as a barrier between the internal (trusted) and
the external (untrusted) network, such as the internet.
This is a standard network protocol used to transfer files from one host to another
host over a TCP-based network, such as the Internet
It is a graphical network simulator that allows simulation of complex networks.
Page 6-- 63 - of 105
HTTP The underlying protocol used by the World Wide Web. HTTP defines how messages
are formatted and transmitted, and what actions Web servers and browsers should take in
response to various commands
IEEE 802.5
A standard that defines Token Ring technology as a LAN protocol where all
stations are connected in a ring and each station can directly hear transmissions only
from its immediate neighbour.
Is the primary protocol in the Internet Layer of the Internet Protocol Suite that is
responsible for the delivering datagrams from the source host to the destination host basing on
their addresses.
Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) This monitors systems activities for malicious or
unwanted behaviours. It can react in real time to block or prevent those activities.
LAN storms Is when packets floods the LAN creating excessive traffic, and degrading the
network performance
Network Address Translation (NAT) Employed by networks that use private IP addresses.
It is used to translate embedded addresses and to update any checksum or other fields that are
affected by the translation.
Short for Media Access Control address, a hardware address that uniquely identifies
each node of a network.
MAC address spoofing
occurs when one host poses as another to receive otherwise
inaccessible data, or to circumvent security configurations.
MAC address table overflows
MAC flooding takes advantage of this limitation by
flooding the switch with fake source MAC addresses until the switch MAC address table is
full. As a result the switch begins to flood all incoming traffic to all ports due to lack of space
Page 6-- 64 - of 105
to learn any legitimate MAC addresses. At this point the attacker with access to LAN can see
all of the frames sent from one host to another.
Open System Interconnection, model defines a networking framework for
implementing protocols in seven layers.
PAT Sometime called NAT overloading. It maps multiple private IP addresses to a single
public IP address or a few addresses.
It is a client/server protocol in which e-mail is received and held for you by your
Internet server.
A protocol used to collect log information. It consists of two primary components:
syslog servers and syslog clients. A syslog server receives and stores log messages sent from
syslog clients.
STP manipulation attack
In an STP manipulation attack, the attacking host broadcasts
STP configurations, with BPDUs of a lower bridge priority in an attempt to be elected as the
root bridge by forcing spanning-tree recalculations. If the attack is successfully done, the
attacking host becomes the root bridge and sees a number of frames wouldn’t have been
Secure Shell (SSH)
A protocol that provides encryption and authentication functions for
remote terminal sessions via telnet.
STP a link management protocol that is part of the IEEE 802.1 standard for media access
control bridges.
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
One of the internet protocol suite that provides
reliable, in-order delivery of a stream of bytes – transport protocol, suitable for applications
such as file transfer and e-mails.
Page 6-- 65 - of 105
it is a means to securely and privately transmits data over an unsecured and shared
network infrastructure.
VLAN A group of hosts with a common set of requirements that communicate as if they
were attached to the same wire regardless of their physical location.
VLAN attacks
the attacker accesses works vulnerable trunk port enabling him to spoof
DTP messages and causes the switch to enter into trunking mode, or bring up a rogue switch
and enable trunking as a result access all the VLANs on the victim switch.
Page 6-- 66 - of 105
Appendix C:
C.1 Project proposal
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