chapter7 - Google Project Hosting

Group & group dynamics
• Group:– “A group is unit composed of two or more persons who come into
contact for a purpose & who consider the contact meaningful”.
– “A group is collection of individual in which the existence of all is
necessary to the satisfaction of certain individual needs of each”
– Group is defined as two or more individual ,interacting &
interdependent, who have come together to achieve particular
– A groups is a set of two or more individuals who are jointly
characterized by a network of relevant communication , a shared
disposition with associated normative strength.
– A group is any number of people who interact with one another
perceive them self to be a group.
• Group characteristics:1.
Group must have some common purpose or goals that bind the group
Interaction is communication ,such communication may be oral or by
gesture or by nodding the head.
Group member must perceive themselves as part of the group.
Each member has some role assigned by the group. according to role
member doing their work.
People in group must aware of each other & must relate to each other in
some way or other.
Group perception
The member of a group should perceives themselves as a collective
There are certain norms of the groups that represent its culture or ethos.
Importance of group
1. Groups helps an individuals to achieve self satisfaction , status,
safety, security
2. Groups helps in understanding social values & norms
3. It improves the behaviour & performance of an individuals and
enhance the dedication towards organizational goal
4. Helps in getting job done
5. Facilitate group decision making
6. Improves social interaction
Purpose / Reasons of Group Formation
To achieve objective & goals
Group gives strength & courage to the member
For satisfying needs
To complete task
For achieving closeness & attention of others
Groups can be formed when task is too big for one person.
For finding their own identity
For building up their self-respect & moral people needs a group.
Security & protection
Components of group / Group structure
1. Role
2. Norms
3. Size
4. Cohesiveness
5. Status
• Role is the part played by an individual in accordance with the expectation of
other member from him.
• Every role is unique ,separate & well defined
• As the role in which the person is currently, the behavior of the person also
• People has to play multiple roles simultaneously.
• In an orgenisation commonly played role are
a)Task-oriented:- A employee who is helps his group to achieve their goals
b)Self oriented :-A employee doing thing for achieving personal goal without
thinking about the group plays
c)Relation oriented:-A employee is helpful , supportive & who makes other
• When there is difference between the perceived role & the enacted role it
result into role conflict
• unity of command & direction eliminate role conflicts but it is rare in real life
Norms are acceptable standards of behaviour that are shared by group members.
Norms tell what a member should do what he shouldn’t.
Norms are backbone of an individual behavior
Members can act ,interact & perform their task as per the rules & standards of behaviour
It reduce conflicts & interpersonal problem among members & result in increasing group
Norms are mostly made in following ways:– Explicit statement made by the group leader
– With past experience
– Primary is the first behavioural pattern that emerges in the group’s first interaction.
Norms are two types
Prescriptive norms dictate the behavior that should be performed
Proscriptive norms dictate the behavior that should be avoided by members
Some general norms in group
Performance norms
Appearance norms
Social arrangement norms
Allocation of resources norms
Formalized norms –they are written & accepted by the orgenisation as manual.
Informal norms
The size of group can have profound implication on how the group behaves internally &
with regards to other groups
Group size having even number of member is more efficient while performing complex
When quick decision are to be taken ,group size with odd number of member is proffered
Benefits Of smaller size group:–
They can easily managed
Participation of member is more
They are better in performing quality task
Members are more satisfied than the larger groups
Benefits of larger size group:– Problem solving is better
– Participation of member is more
– For fact finding larger groups are better because they are good at getting diverse input & hence
action taken by them are more effective
Drawbacks of larger size group:–
Domination by few member on the whole group.
Turnover & absenteeism increases as group size increases
Member get few opportunities to participate in task
Chances of splitting into sub-groups are more.
production blocking
– When members try to create hurdle for each other while performing their task it is
called production blocking
“It is the degree to which the members are attracted towards each other & are
motivated to stay together in the group”
“it refers to the degree to which group members from strong collective unit
reflecting a feeling of oneness”
Cohesiveness can be increased by– Keeping group size small
– Members must interact frequently
– Members should spend more time together
– Keep high group status
– Team success also increases cohesiveness
– Giving rewards
High productivity
Medium productivity
Low productivity
Moderate to low
• Factors determining the group cohesiveness
1. Status of the group
Size of the group
Nature of the group
Location of the group
Leadership style
Outside pressure
Management behaviour
10. Common element
Importance of High Cohesiveness
High Cohesiveness
Positive Feelings
Ability to Cope with Problems
More Productive
Low Cohesiveness
Negative Feelings
More Problems
Less Productive
Brilhart, J., Galanes, G., and Adams, K. (2002). Effective Group Discussion. Boston: McGraw-Hill Publishing
High Cohesiveness is our Goal!
• Status is the rank or the social position given to a group member by
• Status gained by personal characteristics such as age, gender , skill
• Status gives some role & some rights to an individual
• Status direct ally influences the group performance & behaviour
• Positive effect
– It helps in deciding the hierarchy of authority & responsibility within
the group.
• Negative effect
– High status reduces the frequency of interaction among the members
– They criticize others ,interrupt others & speak out more
Group development life cycle /models
• Two models of group development cycle
1. Five stage model
2. Punctuated –equilibrium mode
1.Five stage model
Stage -Forming
this model is proposed by Bruce tuck man in 1965
the objective of this stage are to decide purpose ,leadership & pattern of interaction
Members try to satisfy their personal goals for which they have joined group
They are more concerned with exploring friendship
they try to increase their commitment towards the group members & group goals
A member start themselves as part of the group & they are committed towards the group
Members are quite dependant on each other ,establishes basic rules & tentative group
Stage -Storming
– High degree of conflict among the members as they compete for their position in
the group
– Conflicts regarding
a) Group structure & role of individual
c)To cultivate belongingness amongst the members
– At the end of this stage there is clear hierarchy of power for performing any task &
the leader has been decided
– At the end of this stage conflict will resolved completely group develops
systematically & gets synergy.
Stage- Norming
Leader tries to bind all the member together
Leader set standard rules & behavioural expectation for the members
Role & responsibility are clear
Member focus on decision making
A close relationship has been developed
There is harmony & cohesiveness among the members
There is identity of group which can recognized by others
Stage -Performing
At this stage group perform its task to achieve desired output
Group is fully functional & operational
Team work is maximum
Productivity & quality of work is best
Satisfactory performance & achievement of group goals are observed at the
Group member feel proud of their work
5. Stage -Adjourning
– these groups have been formed with the motive of performing some limited
number task
– More concentrate on wrapping up things.
– Members are happy & satisfied as they have finished their task successfully.
– Leader appreciate the group member
– sometimes group may be adjourned even before completing the task because
of misunderstanding
Punctuated –equilibrium model
Burst energy or transition period
The first meeting of group decide strategies for completing the task assigned to
Decide the behavioural pattern of group
Changes like dropping old pattern or strategies & discovering new perspectives for
adoption end of phase –I
This periods leads to the revolutionary changes in the members
Phase –II
group execute the strategies or plan decided in the transition period
Mutual acceptance can be created
This stage members try to gain knowledge about each other by interacting & exchanging
some information
Group start discussing the issue regarding the purpose of the group this stage
Stage -2
Decide group goals, objective of group
Each member assigned task for achieving those goals
Role of each member is being decided at this stage.
• Stage-3
– This stage is being characterized by motivation & productivity
– Here co-operation amongst members increase
– Members are self-directed & self-motive
• Stage-4
– this stage known as control & orgenisation
– Group evaluates the activities performed & their results & take
corrective action
– At end this stage the group become mature & effective group
– At the end member become interdependent & competent.
Types Of Group
Formal group
Informal group
Group based on the place of existence
Group based on formation & development
Family group
Friendship group
Functional group
Task /project group
Interest groups.
Primary group
Secondary group
Membership group
Reference group
In groups
Out groups
Group base on the nature of membership
Open group
Closed group
1.Formal Group
• A formal group is created to perform specific task & to achieve
organizational goals.
• “the group defined by the organization's structure with designated work
assignment establishing task”
• A group is originated after proper planning
• A group is stable
• Groups are rational
• Rules & regulation are well defined
• Groups satisfy the need of affiliation of members
• Hierarchy of authority exists
• Influence of power flows from top to bottom
• High accuracy
• Communication is one way i.e. management to employees
• Member interact on the basis of functional duties assigned to them
• Relationship between members is determined by the roles & job assigned to
2.Informal Group
• These groups are the natural formations in the orgenisation for satisfying
social needs
• “Informal group are alliances that are neither formerly structured nor
organizationally determined”
ex-three employee of different department who regularly eat lunch together
• Group is dynamic & unstable
• Don’t have formal structure
• Important goal is member’s satisfaction .
• Members behavior is guided by individual’s perceptions sanctioned by social
• They are not organizationally determined and members roles are not clearly
• These groups are highly constructive or destructive
• Informal group can resist the change & can create problem for organizational
• Communication has high speed but low accuracy
Benefits associated with informal group
Make more effective system
It encourage cooperation
Give satisfaction & stability to work groups
Improve communication
Contribute to higher cohesiveness.
Problems associated with informal group
Develop undesirable rumors
Encourage negative attitude
Resist change
Reject & harasses some employees
Operates outside of management’s control
3.Group based on the place of existence
Family groups–
Friendship group:–
These group exist as per the nature of operation & function of the orgenisation
Member interact & interdependent for performing their task
Task/project group:
it is informal group
Members helps each other in solving problems & performing better
Functional group:–
it is type of informal group
Individuals with special interest or expertise required to perform the task
Once the task is complete group is dissolved
Group formed for short term or long term
Interest groups:–
Individuals with common interest form a group to serve their interests.
4.Group based on formation & development
Primary group:–
Charles H colly was started the concept of primary groups
primary group are the type of natural groups.
All primary groups are small groups
These group formed on the basis of social characteristics & individual perception .
Secondary group:–
They are formed & developed with formal structure
One member is leader & other are follower
ex. Committee , trade union
Membership group;–
There are type of formal group
Certain rules & regulation for registration to the group
Charge & collect fees from individual for joining group
Function of the leader & follower are well defined
Reference group:–
It is type of informal group
It forms the bases for interest & friendship groups.
These groups can exist within or outside the orgenisation.
5. Coalitions:–
Interacting group members
Mutual perception of members
Formed for achieving specific purpose
They are very powerful & effective entities in the orgenisation
5.Group based on the nature of membership
Open Groups:– The group which is in the constant state of change is known as open
– Members keep on changing i.e –they have short term membership
– Ex-selection committee
New members join while existing ones leave the group.
As new members join they bring new ideas & views to the group
activities & problems
2. Closed groups:– The group which is quite stable is known as closed group.
– Ex-Board of directors
– Long term membership
– The group experience stability & equilibrium in the group
Distinction between formal & informal group
Formal group
Informal group
It is deliberately structured &
It emerges voluntarily &
planned to sub serve organizational spontaneously .
To serve the orgenisation needs
For providing social satisfaction &
stability to work groups
Authority given by the institution
according to the position of the
orgenisation chart
Authority is given on the
permission of members of the
Communication It follows chain of command or line
Passed through informal channel or
no chain of command
Control on
Regulated by rules & regulation
framed in group
It is controlled through norms
,values & beliefs of the group
Nature of the
Stable in character & continues for
longer period
Unstable & group dissolved after
purpose is solved
Group Formation Theories
1.Balance Theory:– Balance theory originated by fritz heider & Theodore Newcomb
– “according theory when tension arises between or inside people ,they will
attempt to reduce their tension through self persuasion or trying to persuade
– According theory people are attracted to each other on the basis of similar
attitudes towards common objective & goals
– Balance theory proposes there are three ways in which person can feel balance
• First source & receiver can both dislike something & at the same time like
each other ,so they experience comfort & balance
• Second the source & receiver can have positive attitude toward an object or
idea & display positive feelings towards one another
• Third ,the source & receiver can disagree about an idea or object & also
dislike each other ,therefore experiencing comfort because they know that
they disagree about certain value
2. Systems Theory:–
Systems theory was proposed by Ludwig von bertalanffy in 1950
It states that group are open systems ,which are influenced by such
independent variable as openness to environment interdependence ,
input variable, process variable, output variables.
Systems theory explain the process of input ,processes ,output &
environment which groups engage in.
Ex.-if the input of group is group task ,then the output is productivity.
3. Social exchange theory:– This theory said that all human relation ship are formed by the use of a
subjective cost- benefit analysis & the comparison of alternatives.
– The most important reason why individuals join or form a group is ,however
that group tend to satisfy the very intense social needs of most people .
– Individuals have different expectation of relationship , an individual satisfaction
with relationship depends on more than just the outcome.
– Outcome = benefits-costs
– satisfaction=outcome- comparison level
– Satisfaction is not enough to determine whether a person stays within a
relationship or leaves for an alternative
Propinquity theory
it means individuals affiliate with one another because of spatial or
geographical proximity.
In orgenisation employee who work in the same area of the plant or office &
offices to close one another would more probably form into group
Rational choice theory:– Rational choice theory ,which is derived from neoclassical economics ,focuses on
how actors seek to achieve their ends or goals in the face of limited resources &
– It is originated by James Coleman
– Rational individuals choose the alternative that is likely to give them the greatest
satisfaction & maximum output
– Rational theory makes two assumption about individuals preference for action
1. Completeness:-all action can be ranked in an order of preference
2. Transitivity:-if action a1 is preferred to 2,& a2 is preferred to a3,then a1 is
preferred to a3
Group contingency theory:– Benoit-Smullyan he observed that a person in a given society can be ranked on
variety of dimension such age, education ,income, occupational, power & such
ranks tend towards equilibrium
– Leon festinger suggest a reason for joining a group .we relay on others for
referencing & validation of our views=“social comparison”
– Tendency for groups that invite new member tend to prefer a person who display
inferior skills & abilities
Advantage & disadvantage of group decision making
Can accumulate more knowledge & facts
It often works more slowly or highly time
Have broader perspective & consider more
alternative solution
Involve considerable compromise which
may lead to less than optional decision
Individual who participate in decision are
more like to support
Groups are often dominated by one
It serves as an important communication
function as well as a useful political
The over dependence on group decision
making can inhabit managements ability to
act quickly & decisively when necessary
Group decision making methods
It is process of selection from a set of alternatives courses of action which is
thought to fulfill the objective of the decision problem more satisfactorily than
It is developed by Alex F Osbern
Brainstorming is a group creativity technique by which a group tries to find a
solution for a specific problem by gathering a list of ideas spontaneously
contributed by its members.
It involves group members verbally suggesting ideas or alternative course of
It is unstructured
The situation is described as much detail as necessary so that group members
have a complete understanding of the issue of problem
Leader will solicits ideas from all members of the group ,the ideas are
recorded on a flip chart or marker board.
Once the idea of the group members have been exhausted then group
member evaluate the different idea /suggestion presented
In recent year some decision making groups have utilized electronic
2.Nominal Group Technique
– It used when high degree of innovation & idea generation is required.
– It restrict discussion or interpersonal communication during the decision making
– The nominal group technique is a structured decision making process in which
group members are required to compose a comprehensive list of their ideas or
proposed alternative in writing
– A group decision making method in which individual member meet face to face
to pool their judgment in systematic but independent fashion
– First problem is presented & then the following step take place
Members meet as group, before any discussion take place each member
independently write down ideas about the problem
After this each member present one idea to the group, no discussion take
place until all ideas have been recorded
The group then discus the ideas for clarity & evaluates them
Each group member silently & independently ranks the ideas in order of
value or Quality. the idea with higher aggregate ranking determine the
final decision.
3.Delphi technique:– It is developed by Rand corporation
– This technique used by decision making groups when the individual members are in different
physical locations.
– Members are selected for the Delphi panel due to their expertise.
– They are kept separated and answer through an open-ended questionnaires, surveys, etc. in
order to solicit specific information about a subject or content area.
– Keeping them separated avoids the negative effects of face-to-face discussions and avoids
problems associated with group dynamics.
– Members are asked to share their assessment and explanation of a problem or predict a future
state of affairs.
– The facilitator (panel director) controls the interactions among the participants by processing the
information and filtering out irrelevant content.
– Steps of Delphi technique
The problem is defined
A sample of expert selected
Questionnaire are developed & sent
Response are compiled & summarized into questionnaire
Participate are asked to re-evaluate response
The response are compiled & new question may prepared
Cycle stops when consensus is reached
Solution is developed
– The major merits of the Delphi process are:
Elimination of interpersonal problems.
Efficient patrician use of expert's time.
Diversity of ideals.
Accuracy of solutions and predictions.
Advantage Of group decision making
Varied experiences:
Greater Acceptability of decisions:
Error detection:
collective understanding:
Less influence of bias:
more creative solutions
shared responsibility:
simplifies complex decisions:
Disadvantage Of group decision making
Time consuming
potential for conflict
cost to organizations
lack of objective direction: In a group without a leader, there may be a lack of
direction and the decisions arrived at may be vague or ambiguous.
Read more:
Group think
it is defined as when group makes faulty decision because group pressure leads to
deterioration of “mental efficiency ,reality testing & moral judgment”.
• Symptoms
Illusion of invulnerability
Collective rationalization
Believing that the group position is ethical & moral & that all other are inherently evil
Direct pressure on dissenters
Ignoring warning & signals & do not consider assumption
Unquestioned morality
Ignoring dangers signals & taking extreme risk
Members under pressure not to express argument against any of the group views
Illusion of unanimity
If someone does not speak it assumed that he or she in full agree
minimize the groupthink in following ways
Minimize the group size
Leader show play impartial role
Appoint one group member to play role of advocate
Discussion on diverse alternatives without threatening the group
• Social loafing
– Tendency of people to expend fewer efforts when working collectively than when
working individually
– Reasons for social loafing
• Free rider effect where some members do not put their share of work under the
assumption that other efforts will cover their shortfall
• Sucker effect fully performing members lower their efforts in response to the free
riders attitude
• Equitable contribution team members believes that other are not putting much
• Team member feel they can hide in crowd & avoid the consequences
• Unequal distribution of compensation
effects of social loafing
• Lack of satisfaction
• Negatively impact on individuals
• Decreased group performance
• Less productivity
– Social loafing reduced in following ways
• Assigning interesting & skillful task
• Form smaller size group
• Assign specialized task to individuals
• Preventing social loafing
• Develop rules of conduct
Create appropriate group size
Establish individual accountability
Encourage group loyalty
Choose complementary team member
Specifically define the task
Highlight achievement
Establish task importance
Evaluate progress
Create personal relationship
Group dynamics
• 1. Interaction of complex intra- and inter-personal forces operating in a group
which determine its character, development, and long-term survival.
• 2. Field of study concerned with determination of laws underlying group
• 3. group dynamics may be defined as the social process by which people
interact face to face in small group