SPIRIT Hiring and Evaluation v. 2.0 “On a good team there are no superstars. There are great players who show they are great players by being able to play with others as a team. They have the ability to be superstars, but if they fit into a good team, they make sacrifices, they do things necessary to help the team win.” – Red Holzman What we have at Portland State Campus Rec Programs Run Through Student Affairs Funded By Student Fees and a Rec Center Fee Urban with a capital U – located in the heart of Portland, Oregon 28,000 Students Approximately 1800 residential students Undergraduate student average age = 25.2 Opened 100,000 sq ft Student Rec Center in January, 2010 Our Staff Our Programs 13 professional staff Fitness Outdoor Program 3 GA’s Intramurals Aquatics 170 Student Employees Rec Clubs Adaptive – (’10-’11) Why is this v. 2.0? Developed concept in 2003 Started with one person using it Originally used for student hiring only In response to watching Career Opportunity Center Differences Deep belief in the value of our activities as social change agents Identified weaknesses - acronym has changed a bit Refined our rubrics Have 11 staff using it Professional staff interviews Evaluations now part of full-circle SPIRIT process Here are our assumptions: Great skills are wonderful but… • Ultimately our job is to teach – We can train most students for their positions – that is what we do… – "Leaders are made, they are not born. They are made by hard effort, which is the price which all of us must pay to achieve any goal that is worthwhile." Vince Lombardi, Football Coach • We believe that skills need to be demonstrated, not told • Certifications • Portfolios if requested; other supplementary goods • Having an effective team is sometimes more powerful than having great individuals • A strong team is developed through identifying potential employees who demonstrate values and characteristics we have identified as important • It is possible to have fun during an interview What Do You Look for In Your Employees? • Imagine the players from a basketball team…who do you want to employ? • The Hot Shooter – Great Skill, Narrow Focus – But, might want limelight • All Around Player – Good Skills, Good Focus – Good. How do we get to great? • Team Captain – Good Skills, Good Focus, Leadership – Measured and sought after intangibles The most Skilled person is not always the best employee for your team What is SPIRIT? Learning Outcome 1 Skills • Method to hire and evaluate staff Recite the six values identified in the SPIRIT acronym • Passion Uses common language that is easy to remember • Consistent process • Value Initiative Driven Reliability Interaction Trainability SPIRIT Attributes • • • • • • Skills What do they know? How do they apply knowledge? Passion Wanting to be there; lifetime interest; invested in what we do Initiative What do they improve? Who is a leader? Who solves the problem? Reliability Can you count on them when it gets tough? Will they show up? Interaction Team player; getting other people involved; customer service Trainability Give Directions; Take Directions; Learn Skills; Self Reflection Learning Outcome 1 Recite the six values identified in the SPIRIT acronym 1. Skills 2. Passion 3. Initiative 4. Reliability 5. Interaction 6. Trainability So, How do you find your team players using SPIRIT? Before we tell you, some basics to review 1) Who are on your hiring committees? 2) How do you intentionally get beyond the resume? 3) Do you interview the same for every position? 4) Is it fun? Drafting Your Team Tenant One – Engage all-staff levels in hiring Involve Your Current Employees • Empowering current employees by giving them voice in new hires will breed more investment • Inviting students to participate is a tremendous leadership opportunity • Employees often know what is REALLY going on in the trenches – “I’ll tell you how supposed to work…they’ll tell you how it really works” Who is the Hiring Team? • At Least Three People Involved One Full Time Leader One Student Leader One Entry Level Student • For Example Intramurals Staff Interview • Intramurals Director • Student Coordinator • Referee Drafting Your Team Tenant Two – Acknowledge some differences Web-Developers, Accountants, HR Specialists, Graphic Designers, Lifeguards, Instructors, Pro-staff, etc • Skills are essential – BUT, these are not separated from the other attributes we are seeking. We need to have similar expectations • Try and get demonstrations of skills – telling is not same as showing – Portfolios, prior work, writing samples, tests, quizzes, Group X miniclass, Staff Dev. Workshop, Climbing Front Desk, Building Managers, Room Monitors, Intramural Staff • Passion, Interaction, Reliability, Initiative, Trainability – Skills can be taught or learned depending on training ability of department » Basketball refs » Supervisory roles » Member Services » Fitness Attendants Drafting Your Team Tenant Three - Get beyond resumes Create Positive, Relaxed Atmosphere • Relaxed interviews help interviewees give truthful responses • • • • Imagine a basketball game between friends… Now imagine the Career Opportunity Center Conversation “30 Minute Rule” Drafting Your Team Tenant Four – Have fun Have Fun – With a purpose! – Play Games – Role Play – “I hate role plays” -TMB – Real Examples; theoretical answers not always appropriate Let’s practice finding SPIRIT Learning Outcome Two Learn three specific techniques for creating fun interview processes Sport Games • • • • • Double Table Tennis Badminton Billiards Bowling Baggo Trick Games (Can be utilized in one-on-ones) • Rubik’s Cube • Cards Pointless Games • Finger Trampoline • Shooting Toucans Hiring Evaluation Tools New Student Employee Hiring Important to utilize a tool that all participants can use • Want to provide people clear, concise, and consistent way to measure potential staff engagement • Make sure that people doing evaluation know what you are seeking; provide them job descriptions and any other relevant material if they need it • Pre-interview meeting Interview Evaluations Students/Outsiders Skills still 28% of our rubric Initiative Asking Questions Clarifying Adaptability Following/Provide Directions Teach Comprehensive Learning Outcome Three Demonstrate an understanding of the necessity to create a comprehensive management technique for consistency • Need to use language that is consistent and easy for people to use; apples and apples • By linking evaluations to hiring we are able to be clear and articulate about what we value • Provide similar feedback patterns we can communicate clear expectations Comprehensive, cont. • Want provide peoplethat clear, • Need totouse language is concise, consistent and consistent way to measure staff involvement easy for people to use; apples and apples • Make sure that people to doing evaluation • By linking evaluations hiring we areknow able to they are evaluated on; provide them job be what clear and articulate about what we value descriptions, SPIRIT attributes, and any other material if feedback they need itpatterns we can • Be relevant providing similar communicate more clear expectations • 360 degrees – spheres of influence Performance Evaluation Student Team Members Employee Evaluation Form New for You are being asked to review ________________________ in the position of ___________________________. As part of your responsibility, you are asked to review your employees on their performance working for Campus Recreation. The performance criteria for this position are based on our SPIRIT program - Skills, Passion, Interaction, Reliability, Interaction, and Trainability. Please fill out both sides. Your honesty is appreciated. If you have any questions, please feel free to talk to your direct supervisor about filling out this form. Skills: Mastery of position responsibilities and Department protocol and procedures 1 v. 2.0 2 3 4 5 N/A Score (x2)______ 1 - Doesn't seem to know the requisite skill for the position. 3 – Understands basic practices and policies. Sometimes forgets minor details. Could use some improvement in knowledge of job. 5 - Knows all procedures and performs work accurately, takes pride in quality/quantity of work performed, does not need to ask for help. Passion: Enthusiasm for position, department, and wellness 1 2 3 4 5 N/A Score _______ 1 – Shows no or little interest in mission of Campus Recreation. 3 – Understands mission of Campus Recreation, gets involved in some activities. 5 – Embodies mission of Campus Recreation, participates in events, sets standard for being involved in programs and services, supports what we do as an area. Initiative: Ability to take charge of situations and direct change appropriately 1 2 3 4 5 N/A Score _______ 1 - Doesn't cooperate with co-workers in getting jobs done, tries to get out of doing the work. 3 - Does things when asked, is responsible for his/her own work. 5 - Self-starter, positive, reacts to difficult situations with spontaneity, takes pride in work. Reliability: Accountable for work schedule and effectively completing tasks 1 2 3 4 5 N/A Score _______ N/A Score _______ 1 – Repeated no-show shifts, doesn’t effectively complete tasks. 3 – Late once or twice, overall feel you can count on them. 5 - No missed shifts, consistently on time, shows willingness to sub for others. Interaction: Works well with others and engages customers 1 2 3 4 5 1 - Does not interact with patrons or co-workers, spends a lot of time on homework, rarely helps when there is a need to interact with customers. 3 - Interacts with patrons on a regular basis, helps customer with problem, gets along with co-workers, demonstrates some interest in well-being of customer. 5 - Friendly and courteous with patrons, greets patrons, deals well with difficult situations, interacts great with customers and coworkers, clearly invested in making this place a great place to be. Trainability: Willingness to be active in the learning opportunities presented 1 2 3 4 5 N/A Score _______ 1 – Does not make an effort to learn new skills or implement new policies. 3 – Understands new policies, does not always enforce policies, and attends staff meetings. 5 – Implements new policies, acquires helpful new skills, learns new practices, and strives to grow through constructive feedback. Total Score _________ Performance Evaluations Professional Staff New for v. 2.0 Things we are pondering •Are we too homogeneous? •What happened when we did not do it •Are we judging compassion? •Does our own staff understand the value of this tool? Conclusion "There's nothing in the world Alexgreater Accetta than when somebody on the team alexa@pdx.edu does something good, and everybody gathers around to pat Todd Baucht him on the back." ---Billy Martin bauchtm@pdx.edu www.campusrec.pdx.edu