Run-time organization for object

RUN-Time Organization
Compiler phase—
Before writing a code generator, we must decide
how to marshal the resources of the target
machine (instructions, storage, and system
software) in order to implement the source
language. This is called run-time organization
The key issues in run-time organization
l Data representation: How should we represent the values
of each source-language type in the target machine?
Expression evaluation: How should we organize the
evaluation of expressions, taking care of intermediate
l Storage allocation: How should we organize storage for
variables, taking into account the different lifetimes of
global, local and heap variables?
l Routines: How should we implement procedures, functions,
and parameters, in terms of low-level routines?
Run-time organization for object-oriented languages: How
should we represent objects and methods?
Storage classes
global: exist throughout lifetime of entire program and can
be referenced anywhere.
static: exist throughout lifetime of entire program but can
only be referenced in the function (or module) in which
they are declared.
local: (also called automatic) exist only for the duration of a
call to the routine in which they are declared; a new
variable is created each time the routine is entered (and
destroyed on exit).
dynamic: variables that are created during program
execution; usually represented by an address held in a
variable of one of the above classes.
Both global and static variables have a single instance that persists
throughout life of program and the usual implementation for these
is a collection of memory locations in the global/static data segment
of the executable. These locations are fixed at the end of
the compilation process.
Local variables only come into existence on entry to a routine and
persist until its exit. To handle these we use a runtime stack that
holds the values of locals. The area of memory used to hold all the
locals of a routine is called the stack frame(active record). The stack
frame for the routine currently executing will be on top of the stack.
Dynamic allocation of further storage during the run of a program is
done by calling library functions (e.g., malloc()). This storage is
obtained from memory in a different segment than the program code,
global/static, or stack. Such memory is called the heap.
Here’s a map depicting the address space of an
executing program:
In a stack frame (activation record) we hold the
following information:
1) frame pointer: pointer value of the previous stack frame so we can reset the top
of stack when we exit this function. This is also sometimes called the dynamic
2) static link: in languages (like Pascal but not C or Decaf) that allow nested
function declarations, a function may be able to access the variables of the
function(s) within which it is declared. In the static link, we hold the pointer
value of the stack frame in which the current function was declared
3) return address: point in the code to which we return at the end of execution of
the current function.
4) values of arguments passed to the function and locals and temporaries used in
the function.
Here is what typically happens when we call a function
Before a function call, the calling
During a function call, the target
1) saves any necessary registers
2) pushes the arguments onto the
1) saves any necessary registers
stack for the target call
3) set up the static link (if
2) sets up the new frame pointer
3) makes space for any local
4) pushes the return address onto
the stack
4) does its work
5) jumps to the target
5) tears down frame pointer and
After a function call, the calling
static link
7) restores any saved registers
1) removes return address and
parameters from the stack
8) jumps to saved return address
2) restores any saved registers
3) continues executing
Parameter passing
Pass by value: This is the mechanism supported by C . Value of parameters are
copied into called routine.
Pass by reference: No copying is done, but a reference (usually implemented as a
pointer) is given to the value. In addition to allowing the called routine to
change the
values, it is also efficient means for passing large variables (such as structs).
Pass by value-result: This interesting variant supported by languages such as Ada
copies the value of the parameter into the routine, and then copies the
(potentially changed)
value back out. This has an effect similar to pass-by-reference, but not exactly.
Pass by name: This rather unusual mechanism acts somewhat like C preprocessor
macros and was introduced in Algol. Rather than evaluating the parameter value,
the name or expression is actually substituted into the calling sequence and each
access to the parameter in the calling body re-evaulates it.
Dynamic arrays
A dynamic array is an array whose index bounds are not
known until run-time. Dynamic arrays are found in
Algol and Ada. In such languages, different dynamic
arrays of the same type may have different index
bounds, and therefore different numbers of elements.
How then can we make dynamic arrays satisfy the
constant-size requirement?
We are forced to adopt an indirect representation, in
which the dynamic array’s handle (also called an array
descriptor or array information vector) contains not
only a pointer to the array’s elements but also the
array’s index bounds. The handle has a constant size.
Run-time organization for object-oriented
Object-oriented (OO) languages give rise to
interesting and special problems in run-time
organization. An object is a special kind of
record. Attached to each object are some
methods, each method being a kind of
procedure or function that is able to operate on
that object. Objects are grouped into classes,
such that all objects of the same class have
identical structure and identical methods.
Although an object is somewhat similar to a record,
the representation of an object must reflect the
close association between the object and its
instance methods. From an object we must be able
to locate the attached instance methods. In turn,
each instance method must somehow ‘know’
which object it is attached to.
Java object representation (single class)
Class Point {
// A Point object represents a geometric point located at (x,y).
protected int x, y;
(1) public Point (int x, int y) {
this .x = x; this .y=y;
(2) public void move (int dx, int dy) {.
This .x += dx; this .y += dy;
(3) public float area ( ) {
return 0.0;
(4) public float dist (Point that ) {.
int dx = this.x – that .x;
int dy = this.y – that.y;
return Mat.sqrt (dx*dy + dy*dy);
Associated with class Point
is a unique class-object
that looks like this:
An object of class Point looks
like this:
Move •
Class •
x •
point class-object
Point p =new Point (2, 3);
Point q = new Point (0, 0);
p •
q •
Point class-object