English 1301
Lewis Carroll’s Humpty Dumpty says, “When I use a
word…it means just what I choose it to mean –
neither more nor less.” Nice idea, in theory, but for
language to communicate, we must have accepted
definitions. Our unit will explore the following:
Definition as a mode of writing
 Types of Definition
 How Definition fits your purpose and audience
 Strategies
 Sample essay with analysis
DEFINITION as a mode of writing
Words and phrases have denotation (dictionary
definition) and connotation.
Words and phrases may also be defined by
personal experience, attitude, and values that
influence the use or non-use of the language.
Words and phrases may also be defined by the
historical time period or the observation of them so
that differences occur (pedagogue; hussy; pimp)
As a result, understanding and definition is
DEFINITION as a mode of writing…
The writer tries to answer basic questions:
 What
does _____ mean?
 What is the special or true nature of ___?
 The
writer has at his disposal and will use various
strategies for expanding and perfecting definitions.
 This
type of definition is usually creative; it will vary
based on the individual writer.
 The definition may be totally fictionalized or
uninformed, but it will make sense to the writer and to
the audience.
 The definition may be humorous or satirical in nature.
 This
type of definition is the actual definition and
application of the word/term/phrase.
 The definition is expanded and explained through
actual denotation and exemplification to reach the
 The definition is usually informative in nature, but it will
have a goal as determined by its thesis.
How DEFINITION fits your audience
and purpose
EXTENDED DEFINITION allows you to apply a
personal interpretation to a word, to propose a
revisionist view of a commonly accepted meaning,
to analyze words representing complex or
controversial issues.
1. Stay focused on the essay’s purpose, audience, and tone.
2. Formulate an effective definition.
In formal definition, decide the term, class, and characteristics to include.
In fanciful/informal, decide the goal (humor, satire, entertainment…)
3. Develop the extended definition.
Informal and fanciful definition has the goal to inspire laughter or groans.
Formal definition has the goal to inspire understanding.
Determine what format/pattern to use; for example, narrative, descriptive,
comparison-contrast, negation…
4. Organize the material that develops the definition.
5. Write an effective introduction that allows for further
development and explanation of the definition.
Sample Essays for discussion/analysis
“Absolute Zero” – reading aloud
 Fanciful
or Formal?
 Believable or Ridiculous?
 Effect?
“Entropy” pp. 443-445 (6th ed.) OR 436-438 (7th
 Fanciful
or Formal?
 Believable or Ridiculous?
 Effect?
Essay Structure for “Entropy”
Paragraphs 1-3 = Introductory examples, Thesis,
Formal definition
 Examples
 Thesis:
of entropy from everyday life
Disorder is the natural order of the universe.
 Formal definition: Entropy is a measure of the amount of
disorder in the universe.
Paragraph 4-12 = Extended definition of entropy through
Extended def: Entropy is loss of purpose, haphazard chaos in people’s
Comparison: As in nature, entropy in everyday life is irreversible.
Comparison: Entropy results in wasted energy and opportunities in life.
Comparison: Entropy affects human relationships. (examples)
Contrast: Entropy is not always inevitable. Creation of life is the most
profound exception to entropy. (examples)
Contrast: Creation takes harder work than entropy; there are more
paths to disorder than to order. (examples)
Paragraphs 13-15 develop extended definition
through cause-effect
 Entropy
is depressing.
 Entropy creates distressing disorder in life.
Paragraphs 16-17 conclude the definition essay
 Restatement
of thesis and author’s pessimistic feelings
about entropy.
 Final
comments/questions about definition as a mode of
 See
assignment page on your unit outline