Science, Sociology, and Common Sense


Science, Sociology, and

Common Sense

Ideas from Paul Lazarsfeld

Public Opinion Quarterly


Lazarsfeld’s Review of The

American Soldier

• The American Soldier

(1949) was a summary of an extensive program of surveys of soldiers during World War II

– Many social scientists were involved

• Lazarsfeld’s review:

– Considers criticisms

– Interprets findings

– Concludes that surveys have great value

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Lazarsfeld’s Review of Other

People’s Criticisms of The

American Soldier

• Big criticism

– Surveys unnecessary: only find what people with common sense already know

• Smaller gripes

– Can’t do history

– Other stuff

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Lazarsfeld’s Rejoinder to


• Main response

1. Science requires

empirical observation


– based on actual observation of the world

Science makes systematic observations

2. Surveys are tools for empirical observation

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Common Sense and

American Soldier Questions

• Question topics

1. Tropical climate

2. Rigors of Army life

3. Mental health

4. Desire to come home

5. Negro vs white ambition: non-coms

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Common Sense and

American Soldier “Findings”

• Common sense:

1. Tropical climate -


2. Rigors of Army life – rural background

3. Mental health – high IQ sicker

4. Desire to come home – before surrender higher

5. Non-com ambition – whites more

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All those

“findings” were the opposite of what was found!

- Of course, common sense could explain the other results, too

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• Common sense is a poor guide to truth

• Science requires systematic

empirical observation

– Empirical – based on actual observation of the world

– Surveys are a form of systematic empirical observation (when properly done)

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Backman Addenda to


• Much of what people think is true is false

– Fortunately, we’re right often enough to get by

– Often can get by being wrong

• Will try to emphasize non-obvious elements in social life

– If something in text seems contrary to what you would expect, it has a high chance of being on exams

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• Sociology sometimes called the

Debunking Science

– Exposes the bunk (nonsense) in social beliefs

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Science Changes

• Science is not common sense, but it is not always right

– Marx on revolution

– Gas giants (planets) and rings

– European sociologists and cults

• Society changes

– What used to be true may not still be

• Some of what I say ain’t so

– Just don’t know which

• Science is self-correcting

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Uranus and Neptune

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• Sociologists do research on people

• Groups of people cannot be treated like beakers of chemicals

• Attempts to manipulate people often no-nos

– E.g., how to change people’s religion

• Observational research can make people look foolish or criminal

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Ethics and Protections for

Human Subjects

• University research plans must go through Human Subjects review

– Could be fox guarding henhouse, but mostly not in my experience

• Of course, the Tuskegee study went on for years in front of everyone

• Informed consent

– Tricky because information may change behavior

• Participants in research must be able to opt out

• Must stop if people being hurt

• Professional association codes of ethics

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