Rome and Carthage - Nipissing University Word


Roman Expansion

The Punic Wars

On the eve of the Punic Wars

By 264 BCE on eve of First Punic War

Rome was in complete control of the

Italian Peninsula

The Punic Wars

A series of three wars with Carthage.

Rome and Carthage came in conflict with each other as Rome expanded into

Southern Italy and the Western


First Punic War: 264 BCE – 241 BCE.

Second Punic War: 218 BCE – 202 BCE.

Third Punic War: 148 BCE – 146 BCE.

The Carthaginians

Originally Phoenician colonists from Tyre (Phoenicia);

Spoke punic; founded colonies along North African coast, founded Carthage ca. 814 BCE

Political system similar to Roman, an oligarchy (rule of the few); had smaller territory than Rome, less manpower, army primarily mercenaries

Established a commercial empire in the western

Mediterranean including Sicily, North and West Africa,

Iberian Peninsula (Spain)

Rome and Carthage came into conflict with each other as Rome expanded into Southern Italy and Sicily

Carthage and Phoenician


Sources for the Punic Wars

Punic wars are well documented.

Original primary sources only fragmentary but highly reliable; usually eye-witnesses/participants (esp. 2 nd &

3 rd Punic Wars).

Q. Fabius Pictor (fl. Ca. 200 BCE), M. Porcius Cato (234-

149 BCE), Polybius (200-118 BCE) all were either eyewitnesses or had access to eye-witnesses;

Polybius breaks off his account in 216 BCE;

Livy (59 BCE – 17 CE) extant is his coverage from 219-

167 BCE – based his account largely on Polybius..

Although sources reliable – all are quite pro-Roman

Relations between Rome and

Carthage before 270 BCE

Have records of several treaties: 508 BCE, 348

BCE, 279 BCE.

Treaties from 508 and 348 BCE – for the protection of trade interests

Carthage wanted to prevent Rome from trading in its domain

Rome wanted to prevent Carthage from forming alliances with the Latins.

Third treaty was a military treaty; directed against the common threat of king Pyrrhus of


Polybius 3.22 on the Treaty of 508 BCE

“The first treaty between Rome and Carthage dates to the consulship of Lucius Junius Brutus and

Marcus Horatius, the first consuls instituted after the expulsion of the kings, and by whom the temple of Jupiter Capitolinus was founded. This was 28 years before Xerxes’ crossing to Greece. I have recorded below as accurate an interpretation as I can. For the difference between the ancient language and that of the Romans todayis such that only some of it can be made out by the most intelligent men through careful examination. The treaty is bascially as follows: ‘On these terms there is to be friendship between Rome and the Romans’ allies and between the

Carthaginians and the Carthaginians’ allies: the Romans and the Romans’ allies are not to sail with long ships beyond the Fair Promontory, unless forced by storm or by enemies; if anyone should be forcibly carried beyond it, he is not permitted either to buy or to take anything except for the repair of the ship or for sacrifice, and shall leave within five days. Those coming for trade shall do no business except in the presence of a herald or official secretary. The price of whatever is sold in their presence shall be owed to the seller by guarantee of the state, if sold in Libya or

Sardinia. If any Roman comes to the part of Sicily, which is under Carthaginian control, he shall enjoy equal rights. The Carthaginians shall do no wrong to the people of Ardea, Antium,

Laurentium, Circeii, Terracina, or any of the other Latins who are (Roman) subjects; as to those who are not subjects, they shall keep their hands off of their cities; if they take one, they shall hand it over undamaged to the Romans. They shall not build a fort in Latium. If they enter the country as enemies, they shall not spend the night in the country.” (Dillon & Garland, Doc. 4.1)

Note: Basic terms reiterated in 348 BCE (cf. Polybius, 3.24.1-15. Dillon & Garland, Doc. 4.2)

Polybius 3.25.1-5 on the Treaty of 279 BCE

“The Romans made another final treaty at the time of the invasion of Pyrrhus, before the Carthaginians had started the war in Sicily; in this they maintain everything in the existing agreements, and add the following: ‘If they make an alliance with Pyrrhus, both shall make it a written condition that there shall be provision that they shall go to the assistance of each other in the country which is under attack; whichever has the need for help, the Carthaginians shall provide the ships for transport and attack, but each shall provide the pay for their own men. The Carthaginians shall aid the Romans by sea if necessary. But no one shall force the crews to land against their will.” (Dillon & Garland, Doc. 4.3)

Causes for the First Punic War

(264-242 BCE)

Three-way struggle between Rome,

Carthage and Syracuse over the control of the strait of Messana (modern Messina) important strategic location.

The strait of Messana

Events leading up to the First Punic


289 BCE death of tyrant of Syracuse, Agathocles, had opposed

Carthage; some of his mercenary troops, the Mamertines from

Campania, seized Messana and plundered the countryside;

Hiero of Syracuse defeated Mamertines in the 260s and besieged


Mamertines turned for aid to Carthage, received troops but also

Carthaginian garrison in Messana; upset over garrison asked for help from Rome;

In 264 BCE Roman consul Appius Claudius Caudex takes army to

Sicily; meanwhile Mamertines expel Carthagenian garrison;

Carthaginian commander Hanno executed for his failure

Mamertines form alliance with Rome

Carthage is offended; Hiero of Syracuse and Carthage form alliance, blockade Messana with a fleet and besiege city.

Fear in Politics

“The Mamertines, who had previously lost their support from Rhegium, as I stated above, had now suffered a total defeat on their home territory for the reasons I have just mentioned, and some of them had recourse to the

Carthaginians, offering to put themselves and their citadel under their protection, while others sent an embassy to Rome, offering to hand over the city and begging them as people of the same race to give them assistance. The Romans were for a long time undecided because of the obvious illogicality of giving them assistance. Only a short while earlier, the

Mamertine’s fellow citizens had suffered the ultimate penalty for breaking their treaty with the people of Rhegium, and now, to try to help the

Mamertines, who had done exactly the same not only at Messana, but at

Rhegium as well, was an injustice which it was hard to excuse. The Romans were not only aware of this, but they saw that the Carthaginians had subjugated not only Libya, but also large parts of Spain, and that they possessed all the islands in the Sardinian and Tyrhennian seas, and were worried that, if they also gained control of Sicily, they might be very difficult and formidable neighbours, encircling them on every side and threatening every part of Italy.” (Polybius, 1.10.1-6. )

The first Punic War

The nature of the war

A naval war

At first Carthage had the advantage with one of the most powerful fleets in Mediterranean

As Carthage prepared fleet, Romans invaded Sicily with army

263 BCE – Romans attacked Syracuse, king Hiero surrendered, treaty with Rome

262 BCE – Romans captured Agrigentum

Carthage used fleet to isolate Roman troops in Sicily and raided the coast of Italy

The war didn’t go anywhere - Rome unable to expel Carthaginians from


Rome needed navy

Polybius on the Character of Roman and Carthaginian Military Strength

“To pass to the details, such as the conduct of war to start with, the Carthaginians are superior at sea, as is natural, both in training and equipment because from olden times this practice has been their national pastime and they have had much more to do with the sea than any other people, while the Romans are much better exponents of war on land than the Carthaginians. For the Romans devote themselves to this entirely, while the

Carthaginians completely neglect their infantry, though they do pay some small attention to their cavalry. The reason for this is that they employ foreign and mercenary troops, while the Romans use natives and citizens.” (Polybius 6.52.1-4)

The end of the First Punic WAr

Rome built fleet and trained crews with assistance from Greek allies

261-256 BCE – Rome with new navy (250 warships and 80 transporters = corbitae ) established naval superiority

M. Atilius Regulus invades Africa ca. 12,000 men; Carthage hired 256 BCE – a mercenary force under command of the Spartan

255 BCE – Roman invasion failed: Regulus is defeated, 10,000 Romans killed,

2,000 (including Regulus) captured.

254-247 BCE – Romans drive Carthaginians out of Sicily – but much of Sicily devastated

247 BCE – Hamilcar Barca

Xanthippus .

invades Sicily, another set-backs for Roman

244 BCE – new government in Carthage; fewer resources available for fleet.

242 BCE – Roman fleet (200 strong) destroys Carthaginian fleet

241 BCE – Carthage sues for peace

Coin issued by Tiberius showing the corbita merchantman)


Peace Treaty of 241 BCE the Terms:

Carthage has to abandon Sicily.

return all prisoners.

Pays indemnity of 3200 talents in 10 annual instalments.

Must surrender all islands between Sicily and Italy.

Keep out of Italian waters.

Refrain from recruiting mercenaries in Italian waters.

Tensions between Rome and

Carthage continue: (241-226 BCE)

Defeat of Carthage caused revolts in Africa and by unpaid mercenaries in Sicily and Sardinia.

238 BCE – Hamilcar Barca is sent to Sardinia to crush mercenary revolt; Rome declares war on Carthage (demands surrender of Sardinia and more money);

Carthage capitulates immediately.

236 BCE – Rome now demands Corsica.

236-227 BCE – Rome defeats mercenaries in Sicily, Sardinia,


227 BCE – Rome acquires its first 2 overseas provinces (1.

Sicily, 2. Sardinia and Corsica).

Polybius 3.27.1 on Terms Imposed on the Carthaginians

“At the end of the war for Sicily, they made another treaty, with the following conditions: ‘The Carthaginians are to withdraw from the islands which lie between Italy and Sicily. The allies of each are to be secure from attack of the other. Neither is allowed to impose contributions, construct public buildings, or enlist soldiers in the others’ territory, nor to make alliances with the allies of the other. The Carthaginians are to pay 2200 talents within in ten years, and 1000 immediately. The Carthaginians are to hand over all prisoners to the Romans without ransom.’ Later, at the end of the Libyan war (238 BC) when the Romans had passed a decree declaring war on the Carthaginians, the added an additional clause to the treaty: ‘the

Carthaginians are to withdraw from Sardinia and pay another 1200 talents,’ as I said above. In addition to these, the last agreement was made with

Hasdrubal in Spain (226 BC), ‘That the Carthaginians are not to cross the

Ebro in arms.’ These were the official contracts between Romans and

Carthaginians from the beginning up to the time of Hannibal.” (Dillon &

Garland, Doc. 4.17)

Consequences of First Punic War

Rome developed into a powerful naval power

Has now expanded beyond Italian penninsula

Acquired its first overseas provinces

Carthage and Rome

After 238 BCE Carthaginians begin to expand into Spain; Rome wants to prevent Carthage to interfere in affairs with Gauls

226 BCE – Romes enters into so-called



with Carthage

“That the Carthaginians are not to cross the

Ebro in arms.”

Rome and Carthage in 218 BCE

Carthaginians interfere in Spain

Saguntum south of the Ebro River .

Supposed to be a Roman ally

221 BCE – the Ebro.

Hannibal Barca succeeds Hasdrubal as

Carthaginian commander in Spain; claimed all of Spain up to

219 BCE – Hannibal accuses Saguntum of raids on allies of

Carthage and besieges city, succeeds 218 BCE.

Roman ambassadors go to Carthage and demand the surrender of Hannibal; Carthage chooses war.

The Second Punic War begins(218-202 BCE)

Hannibal’s oath of revenge

“The hatred, too, with which they fought was almost greater than their strength, for the Romans were angry that the conquered should of their own accord be attacking their conquerors, while the Carthaginians believed that the conquered had been treated with arrogance and greed. There is also a story that, when Hannibal was about nine years old, in a childish way he coaxed his father Hamilcar, who had finished the African war and was sacrificing prior to leading the army to Spain, to take him with him.

Hamilcar led the boy to the altar and made him swear an oath, touching the offerings, that as soon as he could he would be the enemy of the Roman people. The loss of Sicily and Sardinia tormented Hamilcar’s proud spirit; for he believed that Sicily had been surrendered in premature despair and that

Sardinia had been wrongly snatched by the Romans during the African revolt with an indemnity imposed upon them to make matters worse.” (Livy

21.1.3-5. )

Polybius 3.30.1-4 on the


“It is an undisputed fact that the Saguntines years before Hannibal’s time had placed themselves under Rome’s protection. The greatest evidence for this, and one accepted by the Carthaginians themselves, is that when political conflict broke out in

Saguntum, they did not turn to the Carthaginians, although they were close at hand and were already involved in affairs in Spain, but to the Romans, and with their help restored the political situation. So, if one were to regard the destruction of Saguntum as the cause of the Hannibalic War, it must be admitted that the Carthaginians were in the wrong in beginning the war, both from the point of view of the treaty of

Lutatius, in which the allies of each power were to be secure from attack from the other, and from the agreement with Hasdrubal, in which the Carthaginians were not to cross the Ebro in arms. But of we take the cause of the war to have been the annexation of Sardinia and the additional indemnity, then it must certainly be agreed that the Carthaginians had good reason to enter on the Hannibalic War, for, after yielding to circumstances, they were now retaliating with the help of circumstances against those who had wronged them.” (Dillon & Garland, Doc. 4.27)

The Second Punic War

218 BCE – 202 BCE

Rome possessed tremendous manpower: “…so the total number of Romans and allies able to bear arms was more than 700,000 infantry and 70,000 cavalry, while Hannibal invaded Italy with less than 20,000 men.” (Polybius, 2.24.16-17. Dillon & Garland, Doc.


Carthage: Possessed, 1. The military genius of

Hannibal. 2. A fiercely loyal multi-ethnic army of

Spanish and Gallic tribes, Numidians, Carthaginians

(mostly mercenaries). 3. The resources of Spain. 4.

The initiative

The Opening Phases

Hannibal unable to defeat powerful Roman navy invades Italy by marching through Gaul and over the Alps; accumulates allied troops along the way.

Hannibal has three successive victories: Battle of Ticinus (218 BCE), at Trebia

(218 BCE – 30,000 Romans killed/captured) at Trasimene (217 BCE – ca. 40,000 killed/captured).

Plunders the Italian countryside as he moves south

217 BCE – Roman victories by Q. Fabius Cunctator (The Delayer).

216 BCE – Battle of Cannae Roman suffers enormous defeat (65,000 Romans killed/captured).

Hannibal comes very close to Rome, but did not have siege equipment and resources to besiege city

215 BCE – Hannibal forms alliance with Philip V of Macedon (First Macedonian

War, 215-205 BCE).

Rome is in trouble

Hannibal’s Invasion of Italy

Rome takes war to Spain

215 BCE – 211 BCE – Rome applies strategy of Fabius Cunctator – the delayer;

Roman turns to Spain – undermines Hannibal’s supply line

210 – 208 BCE – P. Cornelius Scipio (Africanus does not capture him.

) is given special command in Spain; captures New Carthage; defeats Hasdrubal but

207 BCE – Hasdrubal marches into Italy to join with Hannibal; is cut off and defeated by T. Claudius Nero at Battle of Metaurus.

206 BCE – Scipio destroys Carthaginian power in Spain forms alliance with kings of Numidia to invade Carthaginian territory in


The Final Phase of the War

205 BCE – Carthaginian fleet sent to reinforce Hannibal in Italy destroyed in storm; Hannibal is now completely cut off.

204 BCE – Scipio prepares for invasion and sails to


Pretends to negotiate peace with Carthage but destroys unsuspecting Carthaginian troops during negotiations.

203 BCE – Hannibal is recalled to defend Carthage.

202 BCE –P. Cornelius Scipio defeats Hannibal at the battle of Zama; (Adds Africanus to his name)

Peace Terms of 201 BCE

Carthage must give up all territories outside Africa.

Numidia receives independence as a “client-kingdom” of


Carthaginian fleet reduced to ten triremes

Had to pay indemnity of 10,000 talents.

Had to ask permission from Rome to wage war (even in selfdefence)

Consequences of the Second Punic War

Carthage no longer a major military power; lost its control over the Western


Rome adds two new provinces in Spain: Hispania Citerior (Nearer Spain

(Further Spain).

) and Ulterior

Roman Italy devastated, staggering loss of manpower; bitter hatred toward

Hannibal and Carthage.

Enormous influx of plunder from wealthy Greek cities, especially after the sack of

Syracuse 212 BCE

Influx of wealth widened the gap between rich and poor; influx of large numbers of slaves; commanders return with tremendous plunder – ordinary soldiers return with some plunder but to ruined farms in Italy

Scipio’s victory over Hannibal sets in motion dramatic changes in political life; accellerates competition for office; hard to compete with a Scipio Africanus who had defeated Rome’s greatest enemy ever – he had attained tremendous auctoritas

Scipio Africanus

Livy 30.45.1-7 on Scipio’s Triumph

“With peace made by land and sea, and his army embarked on ships, Scipio crossed to Lilybaeum in Sicily. After sending a large proportion of his soldiers on shipboard, he made his way to Rome through Italy, which was enjoying peace just as much as the victory, while not only the cities poured out to honour him, but crowds of country folk also blocked the roads, and on his arrival he rode into the city in the most distinguished of triumphs.

He brought into the treasury 123,000 pounds of silver in weight. To the soldiers he distributed 400 asses each from the booty...Whether his popularity with the soldiers or the favour of the people first gave him the honorific surname of Africanus, just like Felix for Sulla and Magnus for

Pompey in our fathers’ time I cannot say. He was certainly the first general to be distinguished by the name of a nation conquered by him; later, following his example, men who were in no way his equals in victory won eminent superscriptions for their masks and glorious surnames for their families.”

The Third and Final Punic War (149-146


Between 200 and 150 BCE, Rome’s Numidian ally slowly encroaches on Carthaginian territory

Carthage, as Rome’s client-state, appeals to Rome for aid but is ignored

150 BCE – Carthage desperate and enters into war with

Numidia and thus violates its peace treaty with Rome

Numidians appealed to Rome for aid

M. Porcius Cato persuaded Roman senate that Carthage would continue to be a threat to Rome’s existence unless destroyed: famous saying – Carthago delenda est -

Carthage must be destroyed

Rome declares war and Carthage is annihilated by L.

Cornelius Scipio Aemelianus - .

Cato Urges the Destruction of Carthage

“The last of Cato’s public services is said to have been the destruction of Carthage. It was actually Scipio the Younger who completed the work, but the war was undertaken mainly on the counsel and advice of Cato, in the following way. Cato was sent to the Carthaginians and

Masinissa the Numidian who were both at war with each other, to inquire into the reason for their conflict. Masinissa had been a friend of the Roman people from the beginning, and the

Carthaginians had entered into a treaty with Rome after their defeat by Scipio (Africanus), which deprived them of their empire and imposed a heavy monetary indemnity. Finding, however, that the city was not, as the Romans thought, in a poor and unprosperous state, but well populated with good fighting men, teeming with immense wealth, full of all kinds of arms and provisions for war, and not a little proud of this, Cato thought that it was not the time for the Romans to be organizing the affairs of the Numidians and Masinissa; rather, if they did not now put a stop to the city which had always been their most hostile enemy and was now grown to so unbelievable an extent, they would once more be in danger as great as before. So he quickly returned to

Rome and advised the senate that the former defeats and disasters of the Carthaginians had lessened no so much their power as their foolishness, and that these were likely to make them in the end not weaker, but more skilful in warfare, while their conflicts with the Numidians was a prelude to a conflict with the Romans…In addition to this, it is reported that Cato arranged to drop a Libyan fig in the senate when he shook out the folds of his toga. To the senators who admired its size and beauty, he remarked that the country where it grew was only three days’ sail from Rome. And in one respect, he was even more violent, in that whenever he gave his vote on any issue whatever he would add the words: ‘In my view Carthage must be destroyed!...’”

(Plutarch, Life of Cato the Elder 26.1-27.2. Dillon and Garland, Doc. 4.61)

Polybius on the Destruction of Carthage

(146 BCE)

“Scipio, when he looked upon the city as it was utterly perishing and in the last throes of its complete destruction, is said to have shed tears and wept openly for his enemies. 2 After being wrapped in thought for long, and realizing that all cities, nations, and authorities must, like men, meet their doom; that this happened to Ilium, once a prosperous city, to the empires of Assyria, Media, and Persia, the greatest of their time, and to Macedonia itself, the brilliance of which was so recent, either deliberately or the verses escaping him, he said: ‘A day will come when sacred Troy shall perish, And Priam and his people shall be slain.’” (Polybius, 38.22.)
