Below is an example for the type of questions I used in my explanation part of the lesson over Mitosis. Also, the chart below describes each type of question that I used in my lesson. I used both open and closed questions. I tried to incorporate questions that would lead to an effective lesson. My target is success for all of my students by having effective questioning skills. In addition, wait time that I used after asking a question really helped students answer the question thoughtfully. Way of Classifying Questions 1) Open-ended question- (O) -Those are the question that involves more thinking and application and are not direct yes or no question at all. 2) Closed Questions- (C) -These type questions involve mostly just the factual information and are yes and no question and very direct questions 3) Rhetorical Question- (R) -Those question are used to reinforce an idea or to emphasize a point EXPLANATION What the Teacher Will Do and Student Misconceptions I will have students divide in groups of five; I will have them determine the order of phases of mitosis by looking at their sketches. Then I will have group present their predictions. Next, I will talk about what happens in each phases of mitosis. Students in same groups then will compare the sketches they drew with the actual phases of mitosis. I will have a handout of the phases of mitosis in order they appear and have description of main characteristic of each phases. Then I will have students label what phases each sketch is in according to the handout and will have them fill in main characteristics of each phase in their sketches that they drew observing under the microscope. Time: Minutes 40 min Probing/Eliciting Questions and Student Responses What do think the order of phases should look like in mitosis? (prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase) (O) What is most obvious characteristic to look for when identifying the phases? (Chromosomes) {Chromosome position} (C) In what phase does the chromosome line in the middle? (Metaphase) (C) What is that middle line called? {equator}(C) In which phase does DNA replicate? {Interphase}(C) Is interphase part of mitosis? (Yes) {No, only prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase are part of mitosis} (C) How are chromosome pulled apart? (By these lines){Spindles) (O) What is each chromosome called when they chromosome in pair? (homologous chromosomes) {Sister chromatid} (C) How are sister chromatids stuck together? {By centromere} (O) Misconceptions: Does anyone know how the cell actually splits in two? {The process What the Students Will Do In groups of five, students will determine the order of phases of mitosis by looking at their sketches. One person in the group should record their prediction. Another person from the group will present their prediction. Students in same group then will compare the sketches they drew with the actual phases of mitosis. They will be given handout of the phases of mitosis in order they appear and have description of main characteristic of each phases. Then students will label what phases each sketch is in according to the handout and will have them fill in main characteristics of each phases in their sketches that they drew observing under the microscope. Students do not distinguish between the terms chromatin and chromosomes. Students believe that spindles work like rubber bands during replication. Students are not aware that endosymbionts are attached to spindle. Students are not fully aware that mitochondria and chloroplasts self-replicate. Students believe that asexual reproduction always produces identical offspring cells. Students believe asexual reproduction results in weakness and sexual reproduction always produces stronger individual. Students think haploid cells have half the traits needed to make an organism is called cytokinesis and is starts during anaphase and ends after telophase. During this time the cytoplasm and plasma membrane of the cells splits} (O) What would happen if cytokinesis of the cell did not happen?{the cell would have twice the number of normal chromosomes and would probably die} (O) Is cytokinesis part of mitosis? (yes) {no}(C) What happens in cytokinesis?(two cells divide) {division of cytoplasm} (O) Are daughter cells genetically identical to parent cells? {yes. No} (C) Does anyone know what type of cells mitosis produces?{somatic, body} (C) Why is mitosis is necessary for your body to undergo?{so you can heal after injury, to grow} (O) Knowing that humans have 46 chromosomes, how many chromosomes are present in prophase? {92} (O) Decision Point/Formative Assessment I will have match up cards activity of phases with the drawings. The students will work in group of three. Mitosis match up card activity.docx Student Outcomes What student outcome will indicate that you should move on to the elaboration? What will you do if the outcome is something else? If the students have matched all the cards right then I will move on. If that is not the case, then I will tell those students to look at the Mitosis phase’s handout again and match up card according to it. This will help those students to review the notes again. Transition Statement Mitosis is part of cell cycle. Cell cycle is the series of events that takes place in a cell leading to its division and duplication (mitosis). Since, we have learned about mitosis and its phases and the order they appear, what if this isn’t the case? What happens if something goes wrong with cell cycle or mitosis?