Chapter 23

Chapter 23:
The Respiratory System
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Respiratory System Anatomy
Upper respiratory system
Lower respiratory system
Nose, pharynx and associated structures
Larynx, trachea, bronchi and lungs
Conducting zone – conducts air to lungs
Nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles and
terminal bronchioles
Respiratory zone – main site of gas exchange
Respiratory bronchioles, alveolar ducts, alveolar sacs, and
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of the
External nose – portion visible on face
Internal nose – large cavity beyond nasal
Internal nares or choanae
Ducts from paranasal sinuses and nasolacrimal
ducts open into internal nose
Nasal cavity divided by nasal septum
Nasal conchae subdivide cavity into meatuses
Increase surface are and prevents dehydration
Olfactory receptors in olfactory epithelium
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Starts at internal nares and extends to cricoid cartilage of
Contraction of skeletal muscles assists in deglutition
Passageway for air and food
Resonating chamber
Houses tonsils
3 anatomical regions
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Short passageway connecting laryngopharynx with
Composed of 9 pieces of cartilage
 Thyroid cartilage or Adam’s apple
 Cricoid cartilage landmark for tracheotomy
Epiglottis closes off glottis during swallowing
Glottis – pair of folds of mucous membranes, vocal
folds (true vocal cords, and rima glottidis (space)
Cilia in upper respiratory tract move mucous and
trapped particles down toward pharynx
Cilia in lower respiratory tract move them up toward
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Covering and Lining Epithelium
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Structures of Voice Production
Mucous membrane of larynx forms
Ventricular folds (false vocal cords) – superior pair
Vocal folds (true vocal cords) – inferior pair
Function in holding breath against pressure in thoracic
Muscle contraction pulls elastic ligaments which stretch
vocal folds out into airway
Vibrate and produce sound with air
Folds can move apart or together, elongate or shorten,
tighter or looser
Androgens make folds thicker and longer – slower
vibration and lower pitch
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Extends from larynx to superior border of T5
4 layers
Divides into right and left primary bronchi
Hyaline cartilage
16-20 C-shaped rings of hyaline cartilage
Open part faces esophagus
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Location of Trachea
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Right and left primary bronchus
Carina – internal ridge
Divide to form bronchial tree
Most sensitive area for triggering cough reflex
Secondary lobar bronchi (one for each lobe), tertiary
(segmental) bronchi, bronchioles, terminal bronchioles
Structural changes with branching
Mucous membrane changes
Incomplete rings become plates and then disappear
As cartilage decreases, smooth muscle increases
Sympathetic ANS – relaxation / dilation
Parasympathetic ANS – contraction / constriction
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Separated from each other by the heart and other
structures in the mediastinum
Each lung enclosed by double-layered pleural membrane
Pleural cavity is space between layers
Parietal pleura – lines wall of thoracic cavity
Visceral pleura – covers lungs themselves
Pleural fluid reduces friction, produces surface tension (stick
Cardiac notch – heart makes left lung 10% smaller
than right
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Relationship of the Pleural Membranes to
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Anatomy of Lungs
Lobes – each lung divides by 1 or 2 fissures
Each lobe receives it own secondary (lobar) bronchus that
branch into tertiary (segmental) bronchi
Lobules wrapped in elastic connective tissue and
contains a lymphatic vessel, arteriole, venule and
branch from terminal bronchiole
Terminal bronchioles branch into respiratory
bronchioles which divide into alveolar ducts
About 25 orders of branching
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Cup-shaped outpouching
Alveolar sac – 2 or more alveoli sharing a
common opening
2 types of alveolar epithelial cells
Type I alveolar cells – form nearly continuous lining,
more numerous than type II, main site of gas exchange
Type II alveolar cells (septal cells) – free surfaces
contain microvilli, secrete alveolar fluid (surfactant
reduces tendency to collapse)
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Microscopic Anatomy of Lobule of Lungs
Respiratory membrane
Alveolar wall – type I and type II alveolar cells
Epithelial basement membrane
Capillary basement membrane
Capillary endothelium (layer of SE)
Very thin – only 0.5 µm thick to allow rapid diffusion of
Lungs receive blood from
Pulmonary artery - deoxygenated blood
Bronchial arteries – oxygenated blood to perfuse the
muscular walls of bronchi and bronchioles
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of Alveolus
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Pulmonary ventilation
Respiration (gas exchange) steps
Pulmonary ventilation / breathing
External (pulmonary) respiration
Inhalation and exhalation
Exchange of air between atmosphere and alveoli
Exchange of gases between alveoli and blood
Internal (tissue) respiration
Exchange of gases between systemic capillaries and
tissue cells
Supplies cellular respiration (makes ATP)
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Pressure inside alveoli must become lower than
atmospheric pressure for air to flow into lungs
Achieved by increasing size of lungs
760 millimeters of mercury (mmHg) or 1
atmosphere (1 atm)
Boyle’s Law – pressure of a gas in a closed
container is inversely proportional to the volume of
the container
Inhalation – lungs must expand, increasing lung
volume, decreasing pressure below atmospheric
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Boyle’s Law
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Inhalation is active – Contraction of
 Diaphragm – most important muscle of inhalation
Flattens, lowering dome when contracted
Responsible for 75% of air entering lungs during normal quiet
External intercostals
Contraction elevates ribs
25% of air entering lungs during normal quiet breathing
Accessory muscles for deep, forceful inhalation
When thorax expands, parietal and visceral pleurae adhere
tightly due to subatmospheric pressure and surface tension –
pulled along with expanding thorax
As lung volume increases, alveolar pressure drops
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Pressure in lungs greater than atmospheric pressure
Normally passive – muscle relax instead of contract
Based on elastic-recoil of chest wall and lungs from elastic
fibers and surface tension of alveolar fluid
Diaphragm relaxes and become dome shaped
External intercostals relax and ribs drop down
Exhalation only active during forceful breathing
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Air pressure differences drive airflow
3 other factors affect rate of airflow and ease of
pulmonary ventilation
Surface tension of alveolar fluid
Lung compliance
Causes alveoli to assume smallest possible diameter
Accounts for 2/3 of lung elastic recoil
Prevents collapse of alveoli at exhalation
High compliance means lungs and chest wall expand easily
Related to elasticity and surface tension
Airway resistance
Larger diameter airway has less resistance
Regulated by diameter of bronchioles & smooth muscle tone
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Lung volumes and capacities
Minute ventilation (MV) = total volume of air
inhaled and exhaled each minute
Normal healthy adult averages 12 breaths
per minute
moving about 500 ml of air in and out of lungs
(tidal volume)
MV = 12 breaths/min x 500 ml/ breath
= 6 liters/ min
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Lung Volumes
Only about 70% of tidal volume reaches respiratory
Other 30% remains in conducting zone
Anatomic (respiratory) dead space – conducting
airways with air that does not undergo respiratory
gas exchange
Alveolar ventilation rate – volume of air per minute
that actually reaches respiratory zone
Inspiratory reserve volume – taking a very deep
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Lung Volumes
Expiratory reserve volume – inhale normally
and exhale forcefully
Residual volume – air remaining after
expiratory reserve volume exhaled
Vital capacity = inspiratory reserve volume +
tidal volume + expiratory reserve volume
Total lung capacity = vital capacity + residual
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Spirogram of Lung Volumes and Capacities
Exchange of Oxygen and Carbon
Dalton’s Law
 Each gas in a mixture of gases exerts its own
pressure as if no other gases were present
 Pressure of a specific gas is partial pressure Px
 Total pressure is the sum of all the partial pressures
 Atmospheric pressure (760 mmHg) = PN2 + PO2 + PH2O
+ PCO2 + Pother gases
 Each gas diffuses across a permeable membrane
from the area where its partial pressure is greater to
the area where its partial pressure is less
 The greater the difference, the faster the rate of
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Partial Pressures of Gases in Inhaled Air
x 760mm Hg
= 597.4 mmHg
x 760mm Hg
= 158.8 mmHg
x 760mm Hg
= 3.0 mmHg
=0.0004 x 760mm Hg
= 0.3 mmHg
Pother gases
=0.0006 x 760mm Hg
= 0.5 mmHg
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= 760.0 mmHg
Henry’s law
Quantity of a gas that will dissolve in a liquid is
proportional to the partial pressures of the gas
and its solubility
Higher partial pressure of a gas over a liquid and
higher solubility, more of the gas will stay in
Much more CO2 is dissolved in blood than O2
because CO2 is 24 times more soluble!
Even though the air we breathe is mostly N2, very
little dissolves in blood due to low solubility
Decompression sickness (bends)
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External Respiration in Lungs
 Oxygen diffuses from alveolar air (PO2 105 mmHg??) into blood
of pulmonary capillaries (PO2 40 mmHg)
 Diffusion continues until PO2 of pulmonary capillary blood
matches PO2 of alveolar air, i.e., equilibrium
 Small amount of mixing with blood from conducting portion of
respiratory system drops PO2 of blood in pulmonary veins to 100
Carbon dioxide
 Carbon dioxide diffuses from deoxygenated blood in pulmonary
capillaries (PCO2 45 mmHg) into alveolar air (PCO2 40 mmHg??)
 Continues until of PCO2 blood reaches 40 mmHg
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Internal Respiration
Internal respiration – in tissues throughout body
 Oxygen diffuses from systemic capillary blood (PO2 100 mmHg)
into tissue cells (PO2 40 mmHg) – cells constantly use oxygen to
make ATP
 Blood drops to 40 mmHg by the time blood exits the systemic
Carbon dioxide
 Carbon dioxide diffuses from tissue cells (PCO2 45 mmHg) into
systemic capillaries (PCO2 40 mmHg) – cells constantly make
carbon dioxide
 PCO2 blood reaches 45 mmHg
At rest, only about 25% of the available oxygen is used
 Deoxygenated blood would retain 75% of its oxygen capacity
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Rate of Pulmonary and Systemic Gas Exchange
Depends on
Partial pressures of gases
Alveolar PO2 must be higher than blood PO2 for diffusion to
occur – problem with increasing altitude
Surface area available for gas exchange 750 ft2
Diffusion distance
Molecular weight and solubility of gases
O2 has a lower molecular weight and should diffuse faster
than CO2 except for its low solubility - when diffusion is slow,
hypoxia occurs before hypercapnia
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Transport of Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide
Oxygen transport
Only about 1.5% dissolved in plasma
98.5% bound to hemoglobin in red blood cells
Heme portion of hemoglobin contains 4 iron atoms –
each can bind one O2 molecule
Key- only dissolved portion can diffuse out of blood into
(tissue) cells
Oxygen must be able to bind and then dissociate from
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Relationship between Hemoglobin and
Oxygen Partial Pressure
Higher the PO2, More O2 combines with Hb
Fully saturated – completely converted to oxyhemoglobin
The percent saturation expresses average saturation of
hemoglobin with oxygen
Oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation curve
In pulmonary capillaries, O2 loads onto Hb
In tissues, O2 is not held and is unloaded
75% may still remain in deoxygenated blood (reserve)
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Hemoglobin and Oxygen
Other factors affecting affinity of Hemoglobin
for oxygen
Each makes sense if you keep in mind that
metabolically active tissues need O2, and
produce acids, CO2, and heat; as wastes
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Bohr Effect
As acidity increases (pH ___________), affinity of
Hb for O2 decreases
Increasing acidity
enhances unloading of
Shifts curve to right
 Also shifts curve to right
 As PCO2 rises, Hb unloads
oxygen more easily
 Low blood pH can result
from high PCO2
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Temperature Changes
Within limits, as
increases, more
oxygen is released
from Hb
 During hypothermia,
more oxygen remains
 BPG formed by red
blood cells during
 Helps unload oxygen
by binding with Hb
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Fetal and Maternal Hemoglobin
Fetal hemoglobin has a
higher affinity for
oxygen than adult
Hb-F can carry up to
30% more oxygen
Maternal blood’s
oxygen readily
transferred to fetal
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Carbon Dioxide Transport
Dissolved CO2
Carbamino compounds
Smallest amount, about 7%
About 23% combines with amino acids including those in Hb
Bicarbonate ions
70% transported in plasma as HCO3Enzyme carbonic anhydrase forms carbonic acid (H2CO3)
which dissociates into H+ and HCO3-
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CO2 + H2O ↔ H2CO3 ↔ H+ + HCO3
Chloride shift (exchange of “–” ions)
HCO3- accumulates inside RBCs as they pick up
carbon dioxide
Some diffuses out into plasma
To balance the loss of negative ions, chloride (Cl-)
moves into RBCs from plasma
Reverse happens in lungs
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Respiratory Rhythm
Respiratory Center
3 clusters of neurons
Medullary rhythmicity area of medulla
Pneumotaxic area in pons
Apneustic area in pons
Medullary Rhythmicity Area
Inspiratory area
Establishes basic rhythm
Impulses sent muscles contract for inhalation
No impulse, muscles relax for exhalation
Expiratory area inactive during normal, quiet
In forceful breathing the inspiratory area
activates expiratory area
Pneumotaxic Area
Located in upper pons
Helps turn off inspiratory area
Prevents overfilling of lungs
Increased breathing rate
Apneustic Area
Located in lower pons
Activates inspiratory area
Prolonged inspiration
Overridden by activity of pneumotaxic area
Regulation of the
respiratory center
Influences that Modify Respiration
Cortical Influences
Voluntary control up to a point
Protective mechanism
Limited by PCO2 and H+ increase
Hypothalamus and limbic system
Altered respiration results from emotional
Influences that Modify Respiration
Chemoreceptors - sensory neurons respond
to changes in chemical levels
Central chemoreceptors
Located in or near medulla oblongata in CNS
Sense changes in H+ and PCO2 in CSF
Influences that Modify Respiration
Peripheral chemoreceptors
Located in wall of left and right common
carotid arteries
Part of PNS
Sense changes in PO2, H+ and PCO2 in blood
Influences that Modify Respiration
Increase in PCO2 of arterial blood
Stimulates inspiratory center
Arterial PCO2 < 40 mmHg
Inspiratory area sets moderate pace
Influences that Modify Respiration
Monitor movement of joints and muscles
Inflation reflex
Baroreceptors – stretch-sensitive receptors in
walls of bronchi and bronchioles
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Influences that Modify Respiration
Limbic system stimulation
Increase in temperature increases breathing
Decrease in temperature decreases
breathing rate (temporary apnea)
Stretching of anal sphincter muscle
Irritation of airways
Blood pressure
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Trachea c.s.
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Trachea l.s.