Theory and Composition Unit 4, Part 2 Bellwork: Mini Quiz Review Skills: Is it compound or simple? Outcomes Scholars Will: Logic: Learn how beats can be sub-divded into groupings of two and three. Take Notes Beat: a regular, recurring pulsation that divides music into units of time. Duration: the length of time sound or silence occurs. Meter: the organization of beats into regular groups of 2, 3 and 4, usually with strong and weak beats Subdivision: the division of the beat into 2 or 3 equal parts Complete the chart: Simple Duple 2/4 Meter Name Meter Signature Beat Unit Subdivision Complete the chart: Simple triple 3/4 Meter Name Meter Signature Beat Unit Subdivision Of the beat Complete the chart: Simple quadruple 4/4 Meter Name Meter Signature Beat Unit Subdivision Of the beat Listen and decide the beat and meter type Step 1- decide whether the beat is divided into 2, 3 or 4 beats per measure. Step 2- decide whether those beats are divided into groupings of two or three. This will indicate whether the meter is simple or compound. Step 3- Choose the meter you think it is. Example: 4/4 Auld Lang Syne Pop goes the weasel Silent Night Jingle Bells Strong and Weak beats In a duple key signature, the first beat is strong and the second beat is weak. In a triple key signature, the first beat is strong and beats 2 and 3 are weak. In a quadruple key signature, beats 1 and 3 are strong and beats 2 and 4 are weak. Re-write Jingle Bells Fruit Rhythms Choose fruit to represent the large beats in the measure. For example, 3/4 has three beats in a measure and will be represented by three pears. Choose fruit to represent the subdivisions in each measure: For example: In 3/4, one apple goes with each pear. Ap-ple having two syllables and pear having one syllable. In 6/8, strawberry represents the division of the beat into three parts in compound meter. You will need a piano bench in the middle of your group to create the fruit rhythms. We will create the time signatures as a class. 3 4 6 8 2 4 12 8 4 4 9 8 Inverted Intervals To figure out an inverted interval, simply subtract the quantity from the number 9. For example, an inverted 7th is a 2nd An inverted 4th is a what? Through inversion the quality also changes. For example, Major intervals become minor and augmented intervals become diminished. Perfect intervals, however, remain practically perfect in every way. Consonant intervals The following intervals are considered consonant: M3, m3, M6, m6, P5, P8 Build these intervals on the pitches provided Ottman: 57-58 Rhythm Work on Composition For violin, piano and djembe. Review Skills: Key Signature Fly Swatter Each team leader takes turns writing a key signature for the other team. Indicate whether it’s major or minor Exit Ticket