Tropical Savanna JOE SHELBS

 Otherwise known as Tropical Thorn Scrub, Tropical
Dry Forests, Florida Everglades, and West Indian
 The tropical savannah’s climate has two season a wet and a
dry season. The dry season (winter), most plants tend to
shrivel up and die, many animals migrate to find food, and
in some extremes rivers and lakes dry up. In the wet season
(summer), vegetation flourishes, animals return and
graze, and rivers and lakes are full of water. The average
temperature year round is 68 to 86 Fahrenheit. In the
winter it tends to be colder, averaging between 68 to 78
Fahrenheit. In the summer the average temp is 78 to 86.
The temperature does not very much between season, the
major differences in season is average rain fall. 10 to 30
inches of rain falls annually, the majority of the rain falls in
the summer (wet season), and barely any rain falls in the
winter epically from December to February.
 Grass- Grow quickly when there is water, turn brown
during dry season to limit water loss and store nutrients
and moisture in their roots until the rainy season
 Baobab tree- only produces leaves during wet season,
ability to store water in large trunk
 Acacia tree- long tap roots that can reach deep ground
water sources. It is also fire resistant, long sharp thorns and
a symbiotic relationship with stinging ants to discourage
predators, tall dome shape is a behavioral adaptation to
prevent giraffe graving, also when giraffes graze the leaves
release an alkaline chemical to make the giraffe have an
unpleasant taste after the first few bites
 African Hedgehog- Spiny armour, ability to curl (unique
circular skin muscle), very acute auditory and olfactory
sense; these are to avoid predators and find food
 Squirrel Monkey- Small back legs that allow jumping so
that they can move through the trees. They do not come
down from trees because there is no food and on the
ground they can be hunted.
 Elephant- Tusks to protect itself from danger, Trunk to
drink, gather food, and bathe.
 Zebras- Can run quickly to escape predators because they
have long legs. Stay near water and move as big families.
 In the wet season the soil quality is very good any has
rich vegetation.
 Grassland soil is epically good at being biological
filters to recover nutrients passing through the soil.
Also the grass roots are active in the wet season and at
these times they can recover nutrients for soil that can
leak out from other land use.
 Water quality because better as grassland vegation
becomes denser
 Water origins from the wet season in wich there is a lot
of rain.
 Main areas of employment in tropical savannas are the grazing
industry, managing National Parks, tourism, the mining
industry, aboriginal land use, and the horticulture industry.
 There has been a rise in resource value and land-use options
(managing for biodiversity), as well as an increase in the land
ownership by Aboriginal people (in Australia)
 A large amount of topical grasslands have been turned into farms by
humans, this has had an negative effect on the bimoe because so
animals have lost homes.
 Another effect humans have had on our biome is hunting. Humans
have hunted several animals such as Elephants who were hunted for
there tusk, lions who were hunted for their fur. This has had a negative
effect because this has driven some animals close to extinction
 Also, humans have had the negative effect of introducing cattle to the
grassland, cattle have a very negative effect because they tend to graze
selectively. In that case cattle only eat the most tender plants and they
do not eat the tougher ones, this allows more weeds to move in and the
nutrient value of that swoard decline. Also there constant movement
there hooves destroy the top layer of soil, and it makes it hard for many
plants to grow
Loxodonta Africana
 Africa, south of the Sahara and outside of the
rainforest of Congo
 The Western region of Niger, Easton Pahns of Namibia
to the grassy savannah of Eastern Africa and westward
into Central Africa.
 They eat tree limbs, vines, shrubs, humans, grass,
peanuts , and tubers
 They live together in herds, females are the leaders.
Found in southern, eastern, and central Africa. Their
ideal habitat contains plenty of grass and is near food
and water, but remote enough so that they are not
disturbed by humans. The elephant can be destructive
to its habitat by defoliating the areas in which it lives
by stripping trees of bark and branches with its trunk.
It is strong enough to deroot trees.
 The most it migrates it around 60 miles a year, but
they vary greatly depending on the environment
 African elephants have been over hunted for years, the
ivory in their tusk have been used for piano keys,
jewelry, and other luxury items.
 The lose of habitat is also a reason why it is
 It is considered endangered by U.S endangered species
act, as well as the International Union of conservation
of Nature and Natural Resources
 It is listed in Appendix One
 There is around 600,000 left
 There are now laws that make the hunting of
elephants illegal
 Ivory is now banned in many countries
 There are very stick laws on poachers who are caught
hunting elephants
 1989 is when it went into effect
 United States department of Fish and Wildlife,
international service
 The 1st provision of the act was put in place in 1989 ,
the United States established a moratorium on all ivy
imports, this is still in place on any ivory products
 Law is managed by: CITES: Convention on the
International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild
Fauna and Flora. CITES Ivory Control System: the
ivory quota and marking system established by CITES
to curtail illegal trade in African elephant
ivory. Fund: African Elephant Conservation Fund.
 Enforcement: Violation of these provisions is subject
to criminal and civil penalties. The Secretary, the
Secretary of the Treasury and the Secretary of the
department in which the Coast Guard is operating are
charged with enforcement.
This law is specific to our species, which is located
within our biome.
This law is specific to our species, which is located
within our biome.