Questionnaire – Spiritual Development in the Primary setting. Melinda Carpenter (Masters Student) University of St Mark and St John Please return completed questionnaire to by 27th March 2015. Thank you. Many thanks for taking time to look at this questionnaire which is part of my Masters research into how children’s Spiritual Development is carried out in Primary school settings. The person(s) best qualified to fill out this questionnaire will be the person(s) most directly involved in overseeing the Spiritual Development aspect of your school curriculum. It is recognised that whilst the questionnaire itself is relatively short, the processes involved in answering these questions may take some time and for this I thank you in advance. The information in the returned questionnaires will be kept strictly confidential, as required by our Universities ethics policy. The information will only be used for the purposes of my Masters study, but may inform work which is more widely disseminated. There are seven questions in all, over four pages. Please note that the boxes which make up the form will expand to contain the text added. If you are interested in the results of this survey please fill in your contact details in the area provided at the end of the form. This will then be electronically separated from the completed questionnaire before it is analysed to maintain your anonymity. A copy of the results will then be forwarded to you on completion of the study. Thank you once again for taking the time to complete this survey. Should you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact me. Question one: Type of school – please tick (/) all that apply. Community Faith Free Academy Primary Middle Infant Other… (please state): Other comments/information: Question two: Position of person filling out questionnaire - please tick any that apply. Head Deputy head Head of year Subject co-ordinator/ specialist Class teacher Other comments/information: Teaching assistant Supply teacher Governor Other… (please state): Question three Please tick the statement(s) which most closely match your views. If choosing more than one statement please rank your choices, with 1 being most important. Spiritual Development is important in primary education because: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 It helps pupils to develop insights, principles, beliefs, attitudes and values to guide and motivate them. It helps pupils reflect and learn from their feelings and emotions. It enables people to develop the characteristics to better face the sufferings, challenges and opportunities of human life. It helps children to find meaning and purpose in life and develop values to live by. It promotes children’s self-understanding and helps them develop empathy and understanding. It encourages pupils to regard people of all faiths, races and cultures with respect and tolerance. It helps teachers to better understand and appreciate their pupils. It enables children to make an informed and responsible contribution to their community and society. It helps children answer important questions such as ‘Who am I?’ and ‘Where do I fit in?’ It encourages development of the whole person across the whole curriculum. Other(s): please state: Other comments/information: The next four questions apply specifically to children’s Spiritual Development, however this can be as part of any area of the curriculum, such as SMSC, PSHE/PSME, citizenship or RE. Question four A) In what ways is children’s Spiritual Development promoted in your school? B) Which of these (if any) promotes Spiritual Development distinctly, rather than as part of another area of the curriculum? Please tick all that apply: In school policy documents Through Religious Education lessons PSHE/PSME lessons/activities Citizenship lessons/activities Visits/visitors Assemblies Extra-curricular activities CPD sessions for staff Other(s)… please state: Other comments/information: Question five A) In what ways is children’s Spiritual Development planned for in your school? Please tick all that apply: In long-term planning - annually In medium-term planning In short-term planning In lesson plans Other(s)… please state: Other comments/information: B) In which (if any) of these areas is Spiritual Development planned for distinctly, rather than as part of another area of the curriculum? Question six A) In what ways is children’s Spiritual Development monitored in your school? Please tick all that apply: Observation/questioning in lessons Marking children’s work Behaviour records Communication with parents/carers Observation during activities Other(s)… please state: Other comments/information: B) In which (if any) of these areas is Spiritual Development monitored distinctly, rather than as part of another area of the curriculum? Question seven: A) Which of the following documents/ resources are used to support Spiritual Development in your school? Please tick all that apply. Ofsted (2004) – Promoting and evaluating pupil’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. Ofsted (2013) School Inspection Handbook & subsidiary guidance. The National Curriculum (2013) Local SACRE ‘Agreed Syllabus’. RSA: Schools with Soul Report (2014). DfE (2014) Promoting fundamental British values as part of SMSC in schools. SMSC Online ( Other(s)… please state: Other comments/information: B) Please rank the usefulness of the documents/resources you use, with ‘1’ being ‘most useful’. Many thanks for your time in completing this questionnaire. Please return to Mrs Melinda Carpenter at by 27th March 2015. If you would like a copy of the results of this survey, please supply your contact details below. This will not affect your anonymity. Name/school: Address/email: Preferred method of contact: Post Email Sources for statements in question 3: 1 & 2) Ofsted (2004) Promoting and Evaluating Pupil’s Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development. London: Office for Standards in Education. [Online] Available from [accessed 8th January 2014]. 3) Rivett (2014) What does Spiritual Mean? In Moss, Pett, Rivett and Blaylock (2014) RE Ideas: Spiritual Development. Birmingham: Christian Education Services. 4) NCC (1993) Spiritual and Moral Development: A Discussion Paper. York: National Curriculum Council. 5) Erricker (2000) A Collaborative Approach to Researching Teacher Work in Developing Spiritual and Moral Education. In Best (2000) Education for Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development. London: Continuum. 6) DfE (2014) Promoting Fundamental British Values as Part of SMSC in Schools. 7) Smith (2000) Spirituality and Teaching Methods. In Education for Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development. London: Continuum. 8) SCAA (1996) Education for Adult Life: The Spiritual and Moral Development of Young People. London: School Curriculum Assessment Authority. 9) Eaude (2008) Children’s Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development. (2nd Edition) Exeter: Learning Matters. 10) Burns and Lamont (1995) Values and Visions: A Handbook for Spiritual Development and Global Awareness. London: Hodder and Stoughton Educational.