MOTOR VEHICLE DIVISION (MVD) IRP/IFTA SYSTEM P R OJ EC T CHA R TER FOR C ER T IFIC A TION EXECUTIVE SPONSOR – MARK WILLIAMS, MVD DIRECTOR BUSINESS OWNER – VICKIE EVANS, MVD BUREAU CHIEF PROJECT MANAGER – JAN CHRISTINE, PMP ORIGINAL PLAN DATE: OCTOBER 23, 2012 REVISION DATE: REVISION: 1.0 TABLE OF CONTENTS ABOUT THIS PROJECT CHARTER DOCUMENT ..................................................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. TABLE OF CONTENTS............................................................................................................................................... I 1. PROJECT BACKGROUND ..................................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY -RATIONALE FOR THE PROJECT ......................................................................................................1 1.2 SUMMARY OF THE FOUNDATION PLANNING AND DOCUMENTATION FOR THE PROJECT ............................................................2 1.3 PROJECT CERTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS ......................................................................................................................2 2.0 JUSTIFICATION, OBJECTIVES AND IMPACTS...................................................................................................... 2 2.1 AGENCY JUSTIFICATION .............................................................................................................................................2 2.2 BUSINESS OBJECTIVES ...............................................................................................................................................3 2.3 TECHNICAL OBJECTIVES .............................................................................................................................................3 2.4 IMPACT ON ORGANIZATION........................................................................................................................................4 2.5 TRANSITION TO OPERATIONS ......................................................................................................................................4 3.0 PROJECT/PRODUCT SCOPE OF WORK .............................................................................................................. 5 3.1 DELIVERABLES .........................................................................................................................................................5 3.1.1 Project Deliverables .....................................................................................................................................5 3.1.2 Product Deliverables ...................................................................................................................................7 3.2 SUCCESS AND QUALITY METRICS ............................................................................................................................8 4.0 SCHEDULE ESTIMATE ....................................................................................................................................... 8 5.0 BUDGET ESTIMATE ........................................................................................................................................... 8 5.1 FUNDING SOURCE(S) ................................................................................................................................................8 5.2. BUDGET BY MAJOR DELIVERABLE OR TYPE OF EXPENSE - ................................................................................................8 5.3 BUDGET BY PROJECT PHASE OR CERTIFICATION PHASE ....................................................................................................9 6.0 PROJECT AUTHORITY AND ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE .............................................................................. 9 6.1 STAKEHOLDERS ...................................................................................................................................................9 6.2 PROJECT GOVERNANCE PLAN .............................................................................................................................9 6.3 PROJECT MANAGER...........................................................................................................................................10 6.3.1 PROJECT MANAGER CONTACT INFORMATION .........................................................................................10 6.3.2 PROJECT MANAGER BACKGROUND .........................................................................................................10 6.4 PROJECT TEAM ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES ..................................................................................................10 6.5 PROJECT MANAGEMENT METHODOLOGY ...................................................................................................................11 7.0 CONSTRAINTS ................................................................................................................................................ 11 8.0 DEPENDENCIES............................................................................................................................................... 11 9.0 ASSUMPTIONS ............................................................................................................................................... 12 10.0 SIGNIFICANT RISKS AND MITIGATION STRATEGY ......................................................................................... 12 11.0 COMMUNICATION PLAN FOR EXECUTIVE REPORTING ................................................................................. 13 12.0 INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION AND VALIDATION - IV&V ............................................................................... 13 13.0 PROJECT CHARTER AGENCY APPROVAL SIGNATURES................................................................................... 15 14.0 PROJECT CHARTER CERTIFICATION APPROVAL SIGNATURE ......................................................................... 15 i REVISION HISTORY REVISION NUMBER DATE COMMENT 1.0 October 23, 2012 Mac Lewis ii PROJECT CHARTER [PROJECT NAME] 1 1. PROJECT BACKGROUND 1.1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY -RATIONALE FOR THE PROJECT The Commercial Vehicles Bureau (CVB) of the Motor Vehicle Division (MVD) of TRD administers interstate Motor Carrier registration and tax transactions under the International Registration Plan (IRP) and the International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA). The Agency’s current IRP/IFTA systems were acquired from, and are currently maintained by ACS/Xerox on a fully hosted, sole-source contract basis. The current ACS/Xerox contract, with all available contract extensions, will expire on June 30, 2013. The monthly cost of the current ACS/Xerox contract is approximately $35,000. Because there are a number of vendors in what is now a competitive marketplace for Motor Carrier systems, including IRP and IFTA, the Agency has pursued a competitive bid RFP procurement process (RFP#20-333-00-11763) to identify and contract for the IRP/IFTA system solution that meets the Agency’s needs and offers the best value for the Agency. The proposed system must allow for the base jurisdiction or authorized third parties to license, calculate, bill, and record payment of fees for all member IRP and IFTA jurisdictions in which the applicant’s fleet operates. The registering jurisdiction then disburses the collected fees to the other jurisdictions along with a control document called a ‘transmittal’ and a summary document, which shows how the fees were calculated for each registrant (recap). The system must be able to handle fee processing accurately and in a timely manner. The proposed system must be able to license and process reporting documents for NM TRD. Working with Arizona State University’s Performance Based Studies Research Group (PBSRG), the Agency has completed the initial selection and clarification phases of a Performance Information Procurement System (PIPS) Best Value RFP process. In the initial selection process the RFP Evaluation Committee was able to confirm the expert qualifications of all three offerors to provide IRP and IFTA system installation and maintenance services. After factoring in the offerors’ cost proposals, the committee recommended the tentative selection of Fast Enterprises LLC and initiation of the PIPS Best Value pre-award clarification phase. The clarification phase included telephone interviews with references for Fast and its Project Manager; additional documentation by Fast of assumptions, risks and risk mitigation strategies and a detailed project schedule; and a thorough demonstration of the Fast IRP/IFTA systems to the subject matter experts (SMEs) of MVD’s Commercial Vehicle Vehicles Bureau (CVB). Fast was prepared to offer the IRP and IFTA modules on a stand-alone basis. However, it quickly became clear that integration of the IRP and IFTA modules into the Agency’s current instance of GenTax, as it is upgraded to GenTax Version 9, offers significant advantages. In particular several features of TRD’s GenTax system will be available for use with IRP and IFTA at no additional cost, but would only have come with significant additional cost if the IRP and IFTA modules were implemented on a stand-alone basis. In addition, the Commercial Vehicles Bureau already uses the GenTax Weight Distance Tax (WDT) program, and sees real advantage in having the three programs (WDT, IRP and IFTA) in the same package. PAGE 1 PROJECT CHARTER [PROJECT NAME] 2 We are now prepared to recommend that TRD-MVD contract with Fast Enterprises LLC to implement Fast’s IRP and IFTA system modules in conjunction with TRD’s GenTax Upgrade to Version 9 Project. 1.2 SUMMARY OF THE FOUNDATION PLANNING AND DOCUMENTATION FOR THE PROJECT 1.3 PROJECT CERTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS Does the project fit into the criteria for certification? Which and how? CRITERIA YES/NO Project is mission critical to the agency Yes Project cost is equal to or in excess of $100,000.00 Yes Project impacts customer on-line access Yes Project is one deemed appropriate by the Secretary of the DoIT Yes Will an IT Architecture Review be required? ? EXPLANATION It is hoped that the architecture review already completed for the GenTax Upgrade Project will be sufficient. 2.0 JUSTIFICATION, OBJECTIVES AND IMPACTS The justification and objectives section relates the project to the purpose of the lead agency and describes the high level business and technical objectives for the project. The section also includes a high level review of the impact to the organization, and of the concerns for transition to operations. 2.1 AGENCY JUSTIFICATION IDENTIFY AGENCY MISSION, PERFORMANCE MEASURE OR STRATEGIC GOALS TO BE ADDRESSED THROUGH THIS PROJECT NUMBER DESCRIPTION From the TRD Strategic Plan for FY13-14, Objectives and Strategies: Objective 2.1 Establish excellent customer service as a core value of MVD. PAGE 2 PROJECT CHARTER [PROJECT NAME] NUMBER DESCRIPTION Strategy 5) Make motor vehicle services easier, faster and better for the public. (In this case for Motor Carriers who report to and interface with the Commercial Vehicles Bureau.) Objective 2.3 Improve communications with MVD customers. (The Fast IRP and IFTA systems will be much more user-friendly than the current ACS/Xerox systems.) Objective 3.1 Implement processes to deliver technology services that are accessible, responsive, scalable and accurate Strategies: 4) Update document and data retention to current technology; 5) Evaluate technology and process for cost savings and time efficiency Objective 3.2 Deliver planned system projects that will improve the Department to meet other goals and objectives Strategies: 1) Implement (IRP/IFTA modules as part of Version 9) GenTax upgrade Objective 4.1 Expand and improve tax services and guidance based on greater simplicity, clarity, and transparency Strategies: 7) Reduce taxpayer complaints regarding the filing of returns by 10%; 8) Ensure a consistent application of tax policy 2.2 BUSINESS OBJECTIVES USE THE FOLLOWING TABLE TO LIST MEASURABLE BUSINESS OBJECTIVES NUMBER DESCRIPTION Business Objective 1 Facilitate ease of administration by the Commercial Vehicles Bureau (CVB) and registration, reporting and tax payments by the motor carriers, resulting in measurable decrease in late and incomplete filings and payments. 2.3 TECHNICAL OBJECTIVES NUMBER DESCRIPTION Technical Objective 1 Provide web-based administration, while maximizing efficiency, by adding IRP and IFTA administration functionality to GenTax, which the CVB already uses to administer the weight distance tax (WDT). PAGE 3 3 PROJECT CHARTER [PROJECT NAME] 2.4 IMPACT ON ORGANIZATION The impacts on the organization are areas that need to be addressed by the project through its planning process. They may not be internal project risks, but they can impact the success of the project’s implementation. AREA DESCRIPTION End user The Commercial Vehicles Bureau and its end-user customers, the motor carriers, will have to learn a new system. On the other hand the new GenTax IRP and IFTA systems are far more user-friendly than CVB’s existing IRP/IFTA system. Business Processes Reduced paper processing and greater web-based on line capability will facilitate all of the IRP and IFTA processes and business flows. IT Operations and staffing The addition of the IRP and IFTA modules to GenTax system is expected to have minimal impact on IT resources and staffing. Other 2.5 TRANSITION TO OPERATIONS The transition to operations areas include items that are asked in the certification form to assure that the project has accounted or will account for these matters in its planning and requirements specifications. AREA DESCRIPTION Preliminary Operations location and staffing plans Implementation operations will be based in the Montoya Building. MVD and ITD will provide space and support for four Fast staff people and two MVS (CVB) subject matter experts (SMEs) during implementation. Data Security, Business Continuity Data security and business continuity will be incorporated and integrated into the current and upgraded GenTax systems. Maintenance Strategy Maintenance will be by Fast based on a fixed price annual maintenance contract in years 2-4 (or years 2-8 with renewal at the Agency’s option). Interoperability Related systems with which the Agency’s new IRP/IFTA system must integrate and interface include IFTA/IRP Clearinghouses, New Mexico Web-file System, Performance Registration Information PAGE 4 4 PROJECT CHARTER [PROJECT NAME] AREA 5 DESCRIPTION System Management (PRISM), Commercial Vehicle Information Exchange Window (CVIEW), the Agency’s other tax, financial and document management systems, and the Agency’s existing and future replacement Motor Vehicle Division systems. Record retention will be consistent with other records in TRD’s GenTax system. Record retention Consolidation strategy 3.0 PROJECT/PRODUCT SCOPE OF WORK In its efforts to move from the high level business objectives to the desired end product/service the project team will need to deliver specific documents or work products. The State of New Mexico Project Management Methodology distinguishes between the project and the product. Project Deliverables relate to how we conduct the business of the project. Product Deliverables relate to how we define what the end result or product will be, and trace our stakeholder requirements through to product acceptance, and trace our end product features and attributes back to our initial requirements 3.1 DELIVERABLES 3.1.1 PROJECT DELIVERABLES This initial list of project deliverables are those called for by the IT Certification Process and Project Oversight memorandum, but does not exhaust the project deliverable documents Project Charter The Project Charter for Certification sets the overall scope for the project, the governance structure, and when signed is considered permission to proceed with the project. The Project Charter for Certification is used to provide the Project Certification Committee with adequate knowledge of the project and its planning to certify the initiation phase of the project Certification Form The Request for Certification and Release of Funds form is submitted when a project goes for any of the certification phases. It deals with the financial aspects of the project, as well as other topics that indicate the level of planning that has gone into the project. Many of the questions have been incorporated into the preparation of the project charter PAGE 5 PROJECT CHARTER [PROJECT NAME] Project Management Plan 6 . “Project management plan” is a formal document approved by the executive sponsor and the Department and developed in the plan phase used to manage project execution, control, and project close. The primary uses of the project plan are to document planning assumptions and decisions, facilitate communication among stakeholders, and documents approved scope, cost and schedule baselines. A project plan includes at least other plans for issue escalation, change control, communications, deliverable review and acceptance, staff acquisition, and risk management. plan.” IV&V Contract & Reports IT Service Contracts Risk Assessment and management “Independent verification and validation (IV&V)” means the process of evaluating a project to determine compliance with specified requirements and the process of determining whether the products of a given development phase fulfill the requirements established during the previous stage, both of which are performed by an organization independent of the lead agency. Independent verification and validation assessment reporting. The Department requires all projects subject to oversight to engage an independent verification and validation contractor unless waived by the Department. The Department of Information Technology and the State Purchasing Division of General Services have established a template for all IT related contracts. The DoIT Initial PROJECT RISK ASSESSMENT template which is meant to fulfill the following requirement: “Prepare a written risk assessment report at the inception of a project and at end of each product development lifecycle phase or more frequently for large high-risk projects. Each risk assessment shall be included as a project activity in project schedule.” Project Oversight Process memorandum Project Schedule A tool used to indicate the planned dates, dependencies, and assigned resources for performing activities and for meeting milestones. The defacto standard is Microsoft Project Monthly Project Status Reports to DoIT Project status reports. For all projects that require Department oversight, the lead agency project manager shall submit an agency approved project status report on a monthly basis to the Department. Project Closeout Report This is the Template used to request that the project be officially closed. Note that project closure is the last phase of the certification process PAGE 6 PROJECT CHARTER [PROJECT NAME] 7 3.1.2 PRODUCT DELIVERABLES The product deliverable documents listed here are only used for illustration purposes Requirements Documents Description - Documentation will be determined with the contractor during contract negotiations. Where possible standard DoIT document formats will be required, or a waiver obtained from the ESC or TRD PMs. Design Documents Systems Specifications A comprehensive set of user, system, and management documentation. Both online, or otherwise electronic, and hard-copy documentation libraries. The online user documentation must describe the components, functions, and operations of the proposed solution. Operations descriptions must include a list and description of all error conditions, as well as the associated error message displayed and the action required of the operator. As part of the maintenance services, the Contractor must maintain and update online documentation throughout the life of the proposed system and must reflect hardware/software version updates and modifications. Systems Architecture System architecture will consist of the GenTax system architecture with the addition of the IRP and IFTA modules. System and Acceptance Testing A Test Plan will be provided by the Fast Enterprises LLC (Fast). Fast will also create and execute System Test Scenarios and Test Scripts. User Acceptance Test (UAT) Scenarios and Test Scripts will be created and executed by TRD personnel with UAT support supplied by Fast. Operations requirements PAGE 7 The online user documentation will describe the components, functions, and operations of the proposed solution. Operations descriptions will include a list and description of all error conditions, as well as the associated error message displayed and the action required of the operator. PROJECT CHARTER [PROJECT NAME] 8 3.2 SUCCESS AND QUALITY METRICS Metric are key to understanding the ability of the project to meet the end goals of the Executive Sponsor and the Business Owner, as well as the ability of the project team to stay within schedule and budget. NUMBER DESCRIPTION Quality Metrics 1 Ability of the IRP and IFTA systems to easily manage all of the functions currently available and used with the Xerox/ACS system. Quality Metrics 2 Ability of the IRP and IFTA systems to easily manage all of the functions required by the RFP or otherwise offered by Fast in its proposal. 4.0 SCHEDULE ESTIMATE Implementation is expected to begin on or about November 26, 2013 and to be completed by June 30, 2013 (the end date of the current IRP/IFTA contract with Xerox/ACS). 5.0 BUDGET ESTIMATE Within the Project Charter budgets for the project can only be estimated. Original budgets requested in appropriations or within agency budgets are probably not the numbers being worked with at project time. Funding sources are asked for to help evaluate the realism of project objectives against funding, and the allocation of budget estimates against project deliverables. Please remember to include agency staff time including project managers as costs. 5.1 FUNDING SOURCE(S) SOURCE AMOUNT 66-2-7.2. Royalties $420,000 ASSOCIATED RESTRICTIONS 66-6-23.5H 5.2. BUDGET BY MAJOR DELIVERABLE OR TYPE OF EXPENSE ITEM COST ESTIMATE PAGE 8 . PROJECT CHARTER [PROJECT NAME] 9 ITEM COST ESTIMATE . FY13, DRIVE MVD $420,000 Implementation FY14-16 (and optionally FY17-20, MVD Operating Budget $420,000 per year Annual Maintenance 5.3 BUDGET BY PROJECT PHASE OR CERTIFICATION PHASE 6.0 PROJECT AUTHORITY AND ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE 6.1 STAKEHOLDERS Stakeholders should be a mix of agency management and end users who are impacted positively or negatively by the project. NAME STAKE IN PROJECT ORGANIZATION Demesia Padilla Project is for one of the TRD Divisions TRD Cabinet Secretary, TRD John Monforte Project is for one of the TRD Divisions TRD Deputy Secretary Mark Williams Executive Sponsor MVD Director of MVD Greg Saunders Responsible for any required ITD staff support Vickie Evans Business Owner ITD MVD TITLE TRD CIO Transportation Chief 6.2 PROJECT GOVERNANCE PLAN A diagram of the organization structure including steering committee members, project manager and technical/business teams would be helpful. PAGE 9 PROJECT CHARTER [PROJECT NAME] 10 GenTax Executive Steering Committee DRIVE MVD Executive Steering Committee PMO FAST PM MVD PM ITD PM FAST Team ITD (1) FTE MVD Team The IFTA\IRP governance reflects the fact that the module will be installed into the existing GenTax\FAST infrastructure, but will be funded by the DRIVE MVD project, and configured to meet the needs of a Bureau of Motor Vehicle Division, the Commercial Vehicles Bureau. Therefore, the PMO will answer to the Driver MVD Executive Steering Committee, and only indirectly report to the GenTax ESC. 6.3 PROJECT MANAGER 6.3.1 PROJECT MANAGER CONTACT INFORMATION NAME ORGANIZATION PHONE #(S) Jan Christine, PMP ITD cell: 505-690-2641 desk: 505-476-1793 6.3.2 PROJECT MANAGER BACKGROUND 6.4 PROJECT TEAM ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES ROLE RESPONSIBILITY PAGE 10 EMAIL PROJECT CHARTER [PROJECT NAME] ROLE 11 RESPONSIBILITY 6.5 PROJECT MANAGEMENT METHODOLOGY The Department of Information Technology certification process is built around a series of certification gates: Initiation, Planning, Implementation and Closeout. Each of these phases/gates has a set of expected documents associated with it. The gates and the associated documents make up the certification methodology. For some projects such a framework might be sufficient, where for some projects the solution development life cycle (SDLC) with plan, define, design, build, close might be more appropriate. Put most simply how is the project to be structured into a methodology or framework and where do the project and product deliverables fit into this roadmap? 7.0 CONSTRAINTS NUMBER DESCRIPTION 1.0 MVD budget 2.0 Availability of TRD MVD and ITD personnel to support the project 8.0 DEPENDENCIES Types include the following and should be associated with each dependency listed. Mandatory dependencies are dependencies that are inherent to the work being done. D- Discretionary dependencies are dependencies defined by the project management team. This may also encompass particular approaches because a specific sequence of activities is preferred, but not mandatory in the project life cycle. E-External dependencies are dependencies that involve a relationship between project activities and nonproject activities such as purchasing/procurement NUMBER DESCRIPTION D 1.0 Current/historic IRP/IFTA data must be available as needed from the current contractor (Xerox/ACS). D 2.0 MVD Commercial Vehicles Bureau staff must be available as required for project support and testing. PAGE 11 TYPE M,D,E M, E M PROJECT CHARTER [PROJECT NAME] 12 9.0 ASSUMPTIONS NUMBER DESCRIPTION A 1.0 MVD IRP/IFTA budget will not exceed direct-to-contractor costs of $420,000 for implementation and $420,000 per year for maintenance in years 2-8, plus some cost sharing (with TRD-ITD) for Gentax v.9 Upgrade support. A 2.0 Project implementation will be complete with systems live by June 30, 2013. 10.0 SIGNIFICANT RISKS AND MITIGATION STRATEGY Risk 1 Description – Liabilities – All prior IRP supplements MUST be paid, before any new supplements can be processed with supervisor/manager override if necessary. Probability - Low Impact - High Mitigation Strategy: We will be converting balances from a legacy system and will know if there are outstanding supplement balances. The new system easily recognizes the balance and can prevent new supplements (with supervisor/manager override). Contingency Plan: If for some reason we did not convert balances, an Indicator can be added to the IRP account to flag existence of a prior balance. Such an indicator can also stop a new supplement (with supervisor/manager override). Risk 2 Description – Infrastructure or equipment failure at data center Probability - Low Mitigation Strategy: GenTax is architected with multiple failover points that provide a series of redundancies. The system’s architecture is also capable of replicating data to an off-site data center in the case of a disaster or destruction of the primary site. The (existing) TRD disaster recovery plan specifies the steps and triggers for enabling this technology. Contingency Plan: Risk 3 PAGE 12 Impact - High PROJECT CHARTER [PROJECT NAME] Description – Data to be converted not available at the initiation of the project. Probability - Medium 13 Impact - High Mitigation Strategy: The State has a relationship with the current vendor as well as other, unrelated contracts which are likely to motivate the current vendor to perform well. In addition, Fast Enterprises has worked with the existing vendor to perform extracts in other jurisdictions across the United States. Assessing the capabilities, timeline and contractual issues will be a top priority of the IFTA|IRP project upon initiation. Risk in this area will require constant attention to ensure timelines are being met and the project is not waiting for converted data to continue. Contingency Plan: Risk 4 Description – Quality of Converted Data Probability - Medium Impact - High Mitigation Strategy: The GenTax Implementation Methodology specifies that users will be dedicated to confirming the quality of converted data before it is put to productive use. These practice, or “mock” conversions occur several times during the project as refinements are made and additional data become available. During the mock conversion, the user directly compares data in the legacy system to that converted into GenTax. Discrepancies are recorded and resolved. In addition, the GenTax testing methodology encourages use of both “new” and converted data for system and end-to-end testing phases. When actual converted data is used within the new system, additional quality issues are uncovered and can be addressed before the final conversion occurs. Contingency Plan: 11.0 COMMUNICATION PLAN FOR EXECUTIVE REPORTING 12.0 INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION AND VALIDATION - IV&V IV&V focus depends upon the type of project, with various emphases on project and product deliverables. PAGE 13 PROJECT CHARTER [PROJECT NAME] 14 The following check list is based on Exhibit A of the OCIO IV&V Contract Template, and the Information technology template. . It is included here to provide a high level of the type of IV&V accountability the project envisions: Project/Product Area Project Management Quality Management Training Requirements Management Operating Environment Development Environment Software Development System and Acceptance Testing Data Management Operations Oversight Business Process Impact PAGE 14 Include – Yes/No PROJECT CHARTER [PROJECT NAME] 15 13.0 PROJECT CHARTER AGENCY APPROVAL SIGNATURES SIGNATURE DATE EXECUTIVE SPONSOR BUSINESS OWNER PROJECT MANAGER 14.0 PROJECT CHARTER CERTIFICATION APPROVAL SIGNATURE SIGNATURE DOIT / PCC APPROVAL PAGE 15 DATE