Subprograms as parameters

Chapter 9
• Specification: name, signature,
• Signature: number and types of
input arguments, number and
types of output results
–Book calls it protocol
• Actions: direct function relating
input values to output values;
side effects on global state and
subprogram internal state
• May depend on implicit
arguments in form of non-local
Subprogram As Abstraction
• Subprograms encapsulate local
variables, specifics of algorithm
–Once compiled, programmer cannot
access these details in other
Subprogram As Abstraction
• Application of subprogram does
not require user to know details of
input data layout (just its type)
–Form of information hiding
Subprogram Parameters
• Formal parameters: names (and
types) of arguments to the
subprogram used in defining the
subprogram body
• Are types checked?
• Is number of arguments fixed?
• Actual parameters: arguments
supplied for formal parameters when
subprogram is called
Establishing the correspondence
• positional - good for small lists
• Keyword parameters
Example: (Ada) SUB(Y=>ACT_Y,
Disadvantage is that the caller must know
names is callee
• May be default values (Ada, C++) if no
parameter is supplied
Subprogram Parameters
• Parameters may be used to:
– Deliver a value to subprogram – in
– Return a result from subprogram – out
– Both – in out mode
• Most languages use only in mode
• Ada uses all
Parameter Passing
• Aliases may be created
• a formal parameter is a nonlocal variable
• the same data object passed for two
parameters CALL S(X,X)
• With aliasing, interesting problems in
optimizations occur.
Parameter Passing (In Mode)
• Pass-by-value: Subprogram makes
local copy of value (r-value) given to
input parameter
• Assignments to parameter not visible
outside program
• Most common in current popular
• If pass array by value, entire array does not get copied
C is not consistent here
• transmission by constant value - as in C++
(make it by reference for speed, but don’t allow changes)
• no assignment to param is allowed OR is allowed, but
only changes local copy
• For protection, then the formal parameter may not be
transmitted to another subprogram except as a constant
value parameter
• May be implemented as transmission by value or
• costly to pass by value if parameter is large - storage
and time
Parameter Passing (In Mode)
• Pass-by-name: text for argument is
passed to subprogram and expanded
in each place parameter is used
– Roughly same as using macros
– Note, you can’t evaluate late without
having “code” to execute
– You also need to know a context for
evaluating non-local variables
• Achieves late binding
Pass-by-name Example
integer INDEX= 1;
integer array ARRAY[1:2]
procedure UPDATE (PARAM);
integer PARAM
PARAM := 3;
PARAM := 5;
Pass-by-name Example
• Previous code puts 3 in ARRAY[1]
and 5 in ARRAY[2]
• How is this accomplished if the
compiled code must work for ANY
argument that is passed?
• PARAM can be x, x+y, 2*t[6*x]+7
• How can you generate code for
UPDATE when you don’t know what
is passed?
• New interest in functional languages means more interest in delayed
• Very flexible, but inefficient. Difficult to implement. Confusing to
• Some simple operations are not possible with pass by name.
• Lazy evaluation is another form of late binding. Only evaluate when
it becomes necessary.
• Substitute name or expression (in calling environment) for formal
• The name location binding is delayed until (and established fresh
each time) the formal parameter is encountered.
• Implemented by passing parameter-less subprograms (thunks)
rather than variable name. An expression needs to be evaluated IN
the proper environment. Don't have mechanism to do that other than
thru procedure call.
• Whenever formal parameter is referenced, a call is made to thunk,
which evaluates the parameter in the proper (caller) environment
and returns proper resulting value (or location)
• Example:
procedure R(var i,j: integer);
begin var
m := true;
i := i + 1;
j := j + 1;
m := 2;
for(i=0;i<10;i++) c[i]=10*i;
• pass by reference: adds 1 to m and c[2]
Pass by name: adds 1 to m and c[3]
Example for Call by Name
b1: begin real x,y;
y := 0.0;
procedure G(t): name t;
begin integer w; integer x;
w := 10; y := 20; x := 50
print t x:= 0;
print t
end G;
b2: begin real y;
y := 0.5; x := 1.0;
call G(y-x) end
thunk() return(y-x) end;
• If name parameter is on left hand side,
thunk would have to return the address of
the element (rather than the value).
• Not a problem for in–only parameters
IN OUT parameters
• transmission by reference
formal parameter is local object of type pointer
If expression is passed as an in/out parameter: a
temporary location may be passed
(and then the copy is changed, not the original)
• Disadvantages:
– access slower as is indirect (always follow a pointer to
access), but passing is fast (only copy a pointer, not a
whole structure)
– may make inadvertent changes to parameters (if out
only was desired)
Parameter Passing
Out Mode)
• Same effect can be had in pass-byvalue by passing a pointer
IN OUT parameters
– Value-restore. Copy value in on call Copy
changed value back on return.
– Used to save cost of indirect access.
– aliases may be problematic - especially likely
if pass same parameter twice. Then if
arguments are changed, original values may
be changed differently depending on order of
change (if value-restore)
• value copied at time of call and copied back at
time of return has the same as call by reference
– the subprogram terminates normally, and
– the called subprogram cannot also access the actual
parameter through an alias
– parameters are names for same argument doit(X,X).
• Need to know order arguments are copied back.
• Need to know whether address is computed
again before copying back. XX(i,a[i])
OUT only parameters
• formal parameter is a local variable with no initial
• copied back at termination of subprogram Pass
by result
• Explicit function Values: may be considered an
extra OUT parameter
• return(expr)
• value to be returned by assignment to function
• if return is an address (e.g., list[index]), when is
it evaluated? time of call? time of return?
Subprogram Implementation
• Subprogram definition gives
template for its execution
–May be executed many times with
different arguments
Subprogram Implementation
• Template holds code to create
storage for program data, code to
execute program statements, code to
delete program storage when
through, and storage for program
• Layout of all but code for program
statements called activation record
Actions to pass parameters:
• Point of call: parameters evaluated and list of
parms is set up
• Perform type checking and promotion (if
• point of entry: prologue of called routine
completes association by copying pointers into
locations or copying entire contents
• point of exit: epilogue of called routine must copy
result values into actual parameters transmitted
by result or value-result
Subprogram Implementation
• Code segment
Activation Record
Code to create
Return point
activation record inst Static link
Program code
Dynamic link
Code to delete
Result data
activation record inst
Input parameters
const 1
Local parameters
const n
Activation Records
• Code segment generated once at
compile time
• Activation record instances created at
run time
• Fresh activation record instance
created for each call of subprogram
– Usually put in a stack (runtime stack)
– “return point” inserted first
Activation Records
• Static link – pointer to bottom of
activation record instance of static parent
– Used to find non-local variables
• Dynamic link – pointer to end of
activation record instance of the caller
– Used to delete subprogram activation
record instance from runtime stack at
completion (by resetting stack pointer)
Subprograms as parameters:
Corresponding formal parameter is of type subprogram name
static type checking: cannot determine if number of arguments is correct
Needs not just name, but full procedure specification: type returned, number
order and type of args.
nonlocal references (free variables)
– variables without bindings assume same nonlocal environment as if inline
expansion were used usually not what was intended
– nonlocal reference means the same thing during execution of the subprogram
passed as a parameter as it would if the subprogram were invoked at the point
where it appears as an actual parameter in the parameter list
Need to create the correct nonlocal environment
fairly straightforward with static chain method
determine correct static chain pointer for the subprogram parameter and
pass that along as part of the information transmitted with a subprogram
As in passing labels as parameters, need an (ip, ep) (instruction pointer,
environment pointer) pair
Are three choices of environment for
evaluating unbound variables of function
passed as parameter
1. the environment of the subprogram to which it
is passed (shallow binding) Not appropriate for
block structures languages because of static
binding of variables
2. the environment of the subprogram which is
passed (deep binding)
3. the environment of the subprogram which
passes the subprogram (ad hoc) not used