REPUBLIC UZBEKISTAN MINISTRY OF HEALTH THE TASHKENT MEDICAL ACADEMY CONFIRMED BY The vice-rector on curricular issues Prof. Teshaev O.R ____________________ «________» ___________ 2014y. Chair of National medicine, reabilitilogy and a physical education For students 4 courses of medical and mediko-pedagogical faculty) Subject: Medical control Curriculum TASHKENT 2014 The technology of training is confirmed: At faculty meeting № ______ from __________ 2014 The technology of training is discussed and confirmed on therapeutic section CMC of the Tashkent medical academy № ____ from _________ 2014 The chairman of the prof. phD Karimov M. Sh. 2 Content of approach № 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Content Pattern of curricular program Working program Study technologies Set of exercises and activities Test and quizzes Control questions General tests Sharing materials Glossary Themes of abstracts List of Aknowledgements Foundamental conspectus Litureture Foreign books Themes of course works Annotation About authors Useful suggestions 19 20 Normative documentaries Evaluation criterias Pages - - - 3 Introduction The program on medical control, medical physical training and physiotherapy. It is intended for mediko-preventive, medical, stomatologic faculties on the basis of the state educational standard. The program is directed on increase of medical training and level of knowledge of physiotherapy, physical rehabilitation and medical control. The purpose and subject problem The training purpose - improvement and strengthenings of health of the population, improvement of quality of medicine and realisation of preventive measures. Training of treatment of patients with various diseases in the conditions of hospital, sanatorium and polyclinics, the prevention of complications and use of physical and medical physical training with a view of preventive maintenance. Strengthening of health of the population and improvement of adaptation to conditions of life. Training of an estimation of physical development of sportsmen and physical training in medical control, a functional condition of an organism, a condition of the basic systems of an organism, physical activity action on an organism, responses from an organism. The subject purposes: - Training of the mechanism of influence of physical processes, treatment at various diseases, the prevention of complications and application of measures directed on resistance increase. - Training of treatment of various diseases and organism improvement, having made a high-grade complex in rehabilitation. - Training of mechanisms of influence of physical exercises on an organism, treatment at various diseases, preventions of complications and application of measures directed on increases of resistance of an organism. - Training to a choice and a way of application of procedures, means and forms in treatment and rehabilitation. - Training of rules of medical inspection for a various contingent of the population, their physical training and adaptation to sports exercises. - Training of an estimation of influence of physical exercises on strengthening of health of the population and improvement of adaptation to social and household To conditions. Requirements to knowledge of students in a subject and skills. In the course of subject studying «medical control, medical physical training and physiotherapy» the bachelor should know: - Methods of definition of working capacity of an organism, independently to spend and anthopometry, independently to spend functional quizs and on the basis of these given to be able to estimate a condition cardiovascular, respiratory, vegetative nervous Systems, the mechanism of action of physical exercises, indications and contra-indications TPT, 4 treatment and form TPT methods. To make a complex of gymnastic exercises, considering the basic and collateral diseases, correctly to choose means TPT, to equip rooms TPT, first-aid treatment, correctly to appoint physiotherapeutic procedures at various diseases, to define optimum influence of physical procedures, filling of a sanatorium card, first-aid treatment at by-effects of physiotherapeutic procedures. - Methods of an estimation of a physical condition of sportsmen, the basic ways of medical control at prophylactic medical examination, responses to spent physical exercises to sort sportsmen by medical groups, mechanisms of influence of physical exercises, indications and contra-indications TPT, kinds and means TPT, treatment and form TPT methods. To make a complex of gymnastic exercises, considering the basic and collateral diseases, correctly to choose means TPT, to equip rooms TPT, first-aid treatment, correctly to appoint physiotherapeutic procedures at various diseases, to observe safety precautions, principles of work of physiotherapeutic devices. - Independently to give medical certificate and to fill a medical card, rules of carrying out of physical exercise for persons of the basic, preparatory and special groups, planning TPT by the patient and correctly to recommend, conduct individual lessons with patients, estimations of adequacy and efficiency of spent physical exercises, to define problems and sequence of action TPT in a rehabilitation stage in polyclinic and hospital, independently to carry out physical exercises, correctly and competently to write out recipes on physiotherapeutic treatment. Intra and Interdisciplinary communication of subject Performing the program of curriculum is based on the knowledge students the basics of normal anatomy and physiology, pathophysiology, propaedeutics internal medicine, biostatistics (vertical integration). Also knowledge of the topic integrated with therapy, hygiene of children and adolescents, physical therapy and traumatology (horizontal integration). Significance in health concerns. Preventive orientation of domestic medicine requires physicians of all specialties, whose extensive use of physical exercises and other means of physical training as to the restoration of the population and improve its performance, and for the prevention and treatment of various diseases. Therefore crucial in the preparation of future physicians is a basic knowledge of physical therapy and sports medicine, as important elements of nonpharmacological prevention and treatment of various diseases and health promotion. Modern informations and technologies for teaching 5 During the training session, students use many interesting pedagogical methods as clasters, scanword etc., also they pass the entrance quiz (interview), alone and with the participation of the teacher solve their tasks on the mastery of knowledge and skills acquisition, are accountable for their educational work in class. At the end of class students are encouraged to solve some situational problems or get quized The basic part Primary goals DC. Medical inspection of the population, going in for sports. A role of sports and physical development in a healthy way of life. To acquaint with kinds of medical inspection of the persons, engaged sports and sportsmen.Property of gathering of the anamnesis of the persons who are going in for sports.Acquaintance and training of registration of a medical card. Physical development. An estimation of physical development on the basis of anthopometrical and the data. Constitution types.To sort by sports. Anthopometry: , , growth, weight, a district thorax. : a backbone, a bearing, a thorax, foot, extremities, forms. : definition of components of a body (a bone, a muscle, fat). Methods of an estimation of physical development: standards. To give concept about indexes and correlation.Definition of indexes of Ketle, Pine, Erisman on the basis of the anthopometrical data.An estimation of physical development on the basis of the above-stated data. The functional quizs applied in DC. The functional quizs used for definition of development of cardiovascular system (Letunov, Martin). To define type of response on the basis of these quizs. Respiratory and vegetative systems. Quizs: to the Bar, Genche, Serkin, Rosental. A performance order andquizs of vegetative nervous system. Quizs are spent with students. Definitions of a functional condition of bodies of external breath.Concept about the open and closed methods of breath. To define vital ease of lungs, frequency of breath, depth of breath, the maximum ventilation, reserve air, pressure of oxygen. Methods of definition of physical working capacity. Concept about physical working capacity.An order of performance of the Harward step-quiz.Index definition.To estimate on the basis of an index of process of restoration of an organism.Concept about PWC-170.A performance order.An estimation of working capacity on the basis of the quiz data.The direct and mediated methods of definition maximum oxygen consumption. 6 The general bases TPT Means and forms TPT to show to students medical massage CVS Ischemic heart trouble, hypertensive illness.TPT at these diseases.Criteria of an estimation of efficiency TPT. Respiratory system. Application TPT at a chronic bronchitis, an emphysema of lungs, a bronchial asthma, illnesses. To choose and correctly to prove the chosen medical method.Independent reception of the patient. GES and oporno-impellent system. Value TPT at a gastritis, an enteritis, prick, , splanchnoptosis, a hepatitis, a cholecystitis, an arthritis, a polyarthritis, an art rose, a diabetes, adiposity, a gout. To make a complex gymnastic-exercises. To fill documents. Reception of patients in polyclinic. Surgical diseases.Traumatology and orthopedy. The purposes and problems TPT at following diseases: vascular, pre - and the postoperative periods at operations on bodies of chest and belly cavities. An immobilisation at crises of the top both bottom extremities and a backbone. An osteochondrosis, , , , a scoliosis. To make a complex gymnastic-exercises. To fill documents. Reception of patients in polyclinic. Obstetrics and gynecologic diseases. Value TPT at pregnancy, in the period of sorts and after, at gynecologic diseases, , anomalies. To make a complex gymnastic-exercises. To fill documents. Reception of patients in polyclinic. Features TPT in pediatrics.children medical and gymnastic exercises. Indications and contra-indications.Treatment with constant and pulse currents. Physiotherapeutic galvanising, electrodream, , , electrodiagnostics, electrostimulation, their classification. The action mechanism.Physiological action.Used physical equipments.Methods, indications and contraindications.Dispensing. Alternating current.An electromagnetic field. Ultrahigh-frequency and superhigh-frequency therapies.Franklinization.Darsonvalization.Inductothermy.A magnet therapy.Used physical equipments.Methods, indications and contraindications.Dispensing. Phototherapy.An aerosol therapy.Aeroionotherapy.Ultrasonic treatment.Barotherapy. Used physical equipments.Methods, indications and contraindications.Dispensing. 7 Balneotherapy and termotherapy.Resorts. Used physical equipments.Methods, indications and contraindications.Dispensing. Resort factors and kinds. Resorts in Uzbekistan.Registration, protection, delivery of a sanatorium card. Instructions and recommendations to the organisation of a practical training Students to a practical training: 1. The Mechanism of action of physiotherapeutic procedures on an organism 2. A physiotherapy Role in process 3. Ways of application of physiotherapeutic exercises and medicines together 4. Problems to patients to a choice sanatorium and resorts 5. Registration of medical documents 6. Definition sensitivity of fabrics of an organism to physical influences and to note influence area 7. Principles of work of physical equipments and observance to safety rules 8. To Apply physical preventive exercises with I aim recover 9. To Define efficiency of treatment 10. Correctly and competently to be able to write recipes to physiotherapeutic procedures 11. To Prepare physical equipments for work, to work remove also first-aid treatment at electric traumas and pathological reactions 12. The Patient correctly to appoint and plan TPT 13. Individually to be engaged with patients 14. To Spend the doctor-pedagogical survey 15. The Mechanism of action of physical exercises 16. Indications and contra-indications to TPT 17. Kinds and means TPT 18. Treatment and form TPT Methods 19. To Estimate efficiency of application TPT 20. Medical inspection and filling DC of a card of different sportsmen and persons going in for sports 21. Definition and methods of an estimation of physical development on the basis of anthopometrical and the data 22. Functional quizs in medical examination, Functional quizs CVS 23. Functional quizs of respiratory and vegetative nervous system 24. Definition of a functional condition of external breath 25. Working capacity Definition, Harward the step-quiz 26. Submaximum PWS170, definition the maximum consumption of oxygen 27. Supervision sanitary - hygienic conditions of sports halls and the area 8 28. Practically to spend the doctor-pedagogical survey 29. Indications and contra-indications to physical exercises 30. Registration and protection DC of a card 31. Complex using of regenerative procedures in sports 32. Often met pathological a condition at sportsmen, preventive maintenance Preliminary recommended themes to a practical training 1. Medical inspection and filling DC of a card of different sportsmen and to persons going in for sports 2. Definition and methods of an estimation of physical development on the basis of anthopometrical and the data 3. Functional quizs in medical examination, Functional quizs CVS 4. Functional quizs of respiratory and vegetative nervous system 5. Definition of a functional condition of external breath 6. Working capacity Definition, Harward the step-quiz 7. Submaximum PWS170, definition the maximum consumption of oxygen 8. Supervision sanitary - hygienic conditions of sports halls and the area 9. The doctor-pedagogical survey 10. Indications and contra-indications to physical exercises 11. Registration and protection DC of a card 12. The General bases, means and kinds TPT 13. Massage Kinds 14. The General bases TPT 15. Application TPT at CVS diseases 16. Application TPT at respiratory diseases 17. Application TPT at GES and oporno-impellent diseases 18. Application TPT at operations and in traumatology-orthopedy 19. Application TPT in obstetrics, gynecology and pediatrics 20. Treatment by constant and pulse currents 21. Treatment by an alternating current and magnetic we weed 22. Phototherapy 23. The Aerosol therapy, an aeroion therapy 24. Ultrasonic treatment 25. Baroterapija 26. Balneotherapy 27. Resorts To develop indications and recommendations the professor of chair on a practical training. Thus students enrich the knowledge having solved problems and practical skills of a theme of lecture. Forms and an essence of the organisation of independent works. 9 By preparation of independent works students are recommended to consider following forms: Studying of a theme and head of textbooks and educational means Mastering a part of lecture on distributing materials To Work with the automated training and supervising means To Work with themes under additional textbooks To Study new technicians, equipments, processes and technologies Deeply to study themes of others a subject concerning to a theme for the independent To Apply an active and problematic method of training Remote training Recommended themes of independent works 1. Balneoterapija 2. Hydrotherapy 3. Gelioterapija 4. Thalassotherapy 5. Speleoterapija 6. The Therapy based on mechanical fluctuation 7. Modern methods of physiotherapy 8. Central y 9. Aspects of application of physical exercises depending on age 10. Aerobic exercises 11. The Means of physical training treating syndromes of pains 12. Gidrokineoterapija 13. TPT at a vegetative remote syndrome 14. TPT at an intervertebral hernia 15. Glazodvigatelnye of exercise 16. The Manual therapy 17. Massage 18. Kinds somatotypes 19. The Sports diet 20. Functional researches in sports medicine 21. Pathological conditions developing at irrational employment 22. The Dope control 23. Pharmacological maintenance of sportsmen 24. The Healthy way of life 25. The First the help sports process Program information support In the course of subject training modern methods of training, yy technologies. - On all themes in practical employment to use modern technologies for presentation - In practice usage methods a black box, a web, intellectual storm The used basic teaching materials 10 1.Bdbadjanov . the Directory of the physiatrist of "Abu Ali Ibn Sino", , 1999 .279 (the textbook for students) 2.V. A, Apanasenko G. L «Physiotherapy exercises and medical control» M, 1990 (the textbook for students) 3. Chouvadze A.V.round I.M.medical control in physical training and sports of M. 1987. (The textbook for students) 4. ., Kulikov J.A. "Physiotherapy" (the textbook for students) 1994 with. 298 Additional materials 1. Aulik I.V. «Definition of physical working capacity in clinic and sports», 2. V. G, Bergnitskij J.M. "Klimatolechenie" the Directory. . . 1990 with. 289 3. Bet of Show “Yoga Training for health” M. 2005 4. Unsociable persons ..«Health massage-companion» the book for pupils 1992 with. 157 5. V. A «the General physiotherapy» M. 2001 with. 679 6. V. A «the Technique and technics of carrying out of physiotherapeutic procedures» M. 2001 .280 7. Sides AND, Sergeys WITH “Yoga for children” M. 2004 8. Sparrows of M. Y, Sparrows of Century M «Physiotherapy in-home» S.Peterburg, 1992 with. 217 9. Dembo .Y «Medical control in sports». M: medicine, 1988 10. V. A "Physiotherapy exercises" of M. 2004 11. Evdokimova T.A.Miljukova I.V.newest a directory "Physiotherapy exercises" of M. 2004 12. V. A «Medical physical training» M. 2003 13. V. A «Physiotherapy exercises and sports medicine» M, 2000 14. V. A, V. N «Physiotherapy exercises (directory)» M. 1997 15. Efanov O. I, Dzanagova G. R «Physiotherapy of stomatologic diseases», M, Medicine, 1990 16. Zhuravlyova A.I., Graevskg N.D.sports medicine and medical physical training. Management M, 1993 17. V. L «Heart and sports» M, 1999 18. Larskij E.G. «Modern methods » the Review of lits. 1990with. 127 19. Lecture materials and uchebno-methodical workings out 20. Lecture materials and uchebno-methodical workings out 21. Miljukova I.V., Evdokimova T.A. «Gymnastics for children» M. 2004 22. Muravjannikova Z.G. of "the Basis of stomatologic physiotherapy» Rostov onDon 2002.With. 320 23. Natalov G. G «Introduction in physical training» Krasnodar, 1995 24. Oranskij I.E., Ilhamdzhanova R. S «the Short directory on physiotherapy». Publishing house Ibn-Sino 1992 with. 267 11 25. Shepherds of Island Y, Sheftelovich Since, Ermoshenko of h.p., Makarova H.A. «Physiotherapy in stomatology» Krasnodar 2002 with. 26. Stepsons .."Physiotherapy" of Darslik 1995. (On . Language) .285 27. V.I.Chogovadze's Priests of Century«Physical rehabilitation» Rostov onDon 2001 28. Rihsieva O. A "Massage" . 1996 29. Sokolov .., Zausaev N.K. «TPT in maxillofacial surgery» M, 1990 30. Soloveva T.R. «Magnitoterapevticheskg equipment». M.Meditsina, 1991. 210 31. V. S "Physiotherapy" of M. 2003 with. 450 32. V. S «House physiotherapy» Minsk. . 1993 with. 239 33. Umarova H.T., Karachevtseva T.V. «Physiotherapy in pediatrics» publishing house Ibn-Sino, 1993 with. 354 34. Tsarfis P. G, Kiselyov of Century B. «the Medical dirt and other natural heat-carriers» 1990 with. 235. 35. Edward T.Houli, B.Don-Frenks «the Management of the instructorof improving fitness», Kiev 2004. 36. Juldashev K.J. «not Medicamentous methods of treatment of preventive maintenance and medical rehabilitation». . . Works..-1994 with. 347. 37. Juldashev K.J. «Preformirovannye and natural physical factors in preventive maintenance and medical rehabilitation». - 1991 .236. 38. «Balneotherapy. The theory and practice of balneotherapy of the house, in a clinic and on resorts», Rostov - 1996.With. 293. 39. «Medical bases of physical training and formation of health and harmonious development of children and teenagers» prof. Nazirov F.G. of prof. Ahmedova D.M. of prof. Sujumov F.A. . V. D, the prof. Shajhova G I. Tashkent, 2003. Foreign textbooks 1. Eckel M. Phizikoterapie 165. 2000 2. Consuelo T Lorenzo et al. Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation < id=1060> Medscape Reference 2011 WebMD 3. Lehrbuch K. Berlin. Phizijterapie volk 140.1988 4. Marlis Gonzalez-Fernandez, MD, PhD, Jarrod David Friedman, MD Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Pocket Companion 5. Mark Harrast, MD, Jonathan Finnoff, DO Sports Medicine Study Guide and Review for Boards 6. Mika T. Warshava. Fizikaterapia. 460.2000 7. Sara J. Cuccurullo (Editor)Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Board Review < id=1383> 2004 - Demos Medical Publishing, 848 pp. 12 8. Teylor S.B., Miller N.H. “Basic physiologic principils relatied to Group exirsise programs” Filadelphiya 1990 9. Tehaxton L. “Phithiological and psythological effects of short term exirsiseeddiction on habitual runners.” 1992 96. 10. Wainapel, Stanley F.; Fast, Avital (Editors)Alternative Medicine and Rehabilitation < id=1313>A Guide for Practitioners2003 - Demos Medical Publishing. From the Internet, <>, www.sportmed, ru<http://www.sportmed, ru> <> http<././././././Desktop/http>://<>www <><>klinrek <><>ru <><>cgi <> bin <><>mbook <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <> <>, <> 13 REPUBLIC UZBEKISTAN MINISTRY OF HEALTH THE TASHKENT MEDICAL ACADEMY CONFIRMED BY The vice-rector on curricular issues Prof. Teshaev O.R ____________________ «________» ___________ 2014y. Chair of National medicine, reabilitilogy and a physical education Subject: Medical control For students 4 courses of medical and mediko-pedagogical faculty) Work programm TASHKENT 2014 14 The technology of training is confirmed: At faculty meeting № ______ from __________ 2014 The technology of training is discussed and confirmed on therapeutic section CMC of the Tashkent medical academy № ____ from _________ 2014 The chairman of the prof. phD Karimov M. Sh. 15 1. Introduction. Medical control is important in the scientific substantiation of the theory and practice of physical education. Its task is constant selection, medical examination and monitoring of persons engaged in physical culture and sports. Together with a range of other scientific disciplines: physiology, biochemistry and health exercise, sports traumatology - medical control is sports medicine. As a scientific discipline, medical control is an independent branch of medical science that studies the state of health, physical development and functionality of the persons regularly engaged in physical exercises and sports. 1.1. Purpose and objectives of teaching. Purpose of teaching: To promote the efficient use of means and methods of physical education to promote health, improve physical development and physical fitness of workers in our country. To teach determine the functional status of a person, the impact of physical activity on the body for the prevention any deseases among population. Teach an opinion on the functional status of various organs and systems involved in sports activities. To consolidate and deepen the knowledge of the physical performance and how they are measured, MEDICAL - pedagogical monitoring of persons engaged in physical culture and sports for the health of population. To teach healthy life-style. Pedagogical objectives: - systematic medical monitoring and MEDICAL - pedagogical supervision for athletes and athletes during training and competition; - health-care provision of training and competition sites, mass participation of sports events; - prevention and treatment of sports injuries, pathological conditions, diseases; - consultation in the field of physical culture and sports; - a teaching guide to medical control cabinets and work a common network of medical institutions for physical culture and sports; - health education and advocacy among the population 1.2.Requirements for knowledge, skills of students During obtaining knowledge of subject of “Physiotherapy, Medical control and MTO” The student must know: • disclose the contents of the subject of sports medicine and medical monitoring tasks; 16 • talk about the kinds of medical examination of athletes and athletes for their performance; • list the criteria for evaluating physical development; • to give an opinion about the physical development on the basis of data collected; • describe the means and methods of correction of physical development. • give an idea of the functional state of the organism; • to classify functional quizs used in medical control; • talk about the impact of physical activity on the human body; • list respiratory quizs; • list vegetative quizs; • list the types of hemodynamic response to exercise; • to give an opinion on the functional state of the organism on the basis of these quizs. • give an idea of the physical performance of the body; • give an idea of the MTO; • talk about medical groups for persons engaged in physical culture and sports; • list contraindications for physical training; • list the major diseases and pathological conditions requiring special attention in physical education and sport; • list prepathological and pathological conditions in athletes with irrational use of physical exertion; • give an opinion on the Fed's body on the basis of these quizs. The student should be able to: - perform practical skills: hold somatoscopic study independently make anthropometric measurements, medical and fill checklist athletes and sportsmen - perform practical skills: conduct functional quizs, complete medical checklist athletes and sportsmen. - perform practical skills: conduct functional quizs to determine the Fed's complete medical checklist - athletes and sportsmen. 1.3. Intra and Interdisciplinary communication Teaching the subject of medical control is based on the knowledge students the basics of normal anatomy and physiology, pathophysiology, propaedeutics internal medicine, biostatistics (vertical integration). Also knowledge of the topic integrated with therapy, hygiene of children and adolescents, physical therapy and traumatology (horizontal integration). 1.4. Minimum of skills that student must know: 2. disclose the contents of the subject of sports medicine and medical monitoring tasks; 17 3. talk about the kinds of medical examination of athletes and athletes for their performance; 4. list the criteria for evaluating physical development and to give an opinion about the physical development on the basis of data collected; 5. describe the means and methods of correction of physical development and give an idea of the functional state of the organism; 6. to classify functional quizs used in medical control and to give an opinion on the functional state of the organism on the basis of these quizs. 7. talk about medical groups for persons engaged in physical culture and sports; 8. list contraindications for physical training; 9. list the major diseases and pathological conditions requiring special attention in physical education and sport; 1.5. Control of students knowledge Practical exercises are conducted in specialised classrooms and offices of the department. Classes are provided with necessary visual material, the number of students in the clinical group is 8-15 human rights. During the training session, students pass the entrance quiz (interview), alone and with the participation of the teacher solve their tasks on the mastery of knowledge and skills acquisition, are accountable for their educational work in class. At the end of class students are encouraged to solve some situational problems or get quized. According to the results of training activities in accordance with the students on the se-lected points, by the decision of the department, may be exempted from the swipe of final certification with setting them credit. Final certification of students includes three phases: quizing, interviewing and quizing of practical skills. 1.6. Using pedagogical technologies During the training session, students use many interesting pedagogical methods as clasters, scanword etc., also they pass the entrance quiz (interview), alone and with the participation of the teacher solve their tasks on the mastery of knowledge and skills acquisition, are accountable for their educational work in class. At the end of class students are encouraged to solve some situational problems or get quized. 1. Volume of learning exertion Volume of Distribution of general lessons Independent work work Total Lecture Practical lesson 18 32 20 2 18 12 3. Meaning of lecture 3.1. Topical plan of lecture № 1. Topic of lecture Objectives and content of medical supervision. Medical examination of the different segment of the population engaged in physical culture and sports. Medical exercises dispensary. Total2hours hou r 2 Lecture number 1. Objectives and content of medical supervision. Medical examination of the different segment of the population engaged in physical culture and sports. Medical exercises dispensary. 2 hour. Objectives and content of follow-up for dealing with physical education, sports, exercise. Familiarity with the work in sports medicine and physical therapy in the medical physical culture dispensary.Familiarization with the circuit medical examination engaged in physical culture and sports. Research and evaluation of physical development, build, features of the musculoskeletal system; recommendations for correction of violations of physical development. 4. Theme of practical lessons 41. Treatment faculty Practi- lecture. hour Theme names and their definition Literature cal № less.№ 1 1 6 Medical examination of the different B.1.2,3,4, segment of the population engaged in 5,7 physical culture and sports. Medical A.7,8,10, exercises dispensary.Scheme of medical 11 examination of athletes and sportsmen. Methods of study ( anthropometry, somatoscopy ) and evaluation of physical development (methods indices , standards, correlation ) To acquaint with methods of medical examination of athletes and sportsmen. To describe medical groups. To gather the anamnesis from athletes and sportsmen. To teach documentate and introduce with chart of medical supervision. To take antropomethric parameters of physical development: spiromethry, dinamomethry, 19 Measurement of growth, Measurement of body weight (body weight ), the circumference of the chest To take parameters of somatoscopy: form of chest, spine column and foot.Caliperometry: to determine containing of body weight (bone, musclefat). Describtion about indexes estimated physical evalution, standart and correlation methods. Estimate the physical evalution by indexes method in base of taking results . 2 1 6 Functional quizs using in medical supervision. Functional quizs of cardiovasvular system.Functional quizs of respiratory system. Functional quizs of nervous system. Functional and morphological changes in organism appeared by gradually training. Procedure of martine and Letunov’s quizs used for determine functional status of cardiovascular system. To make Martine’s quizand estimate the functional status of cardiovascular sytem in base of taking results, to indicate types of answer reaction . Procedure of Shtange, gench, Serkin, Rozental’s quizs used for determine functional status of respiratory system. To make Shtange’s quiz and estimate the functional status of respiratory sytem in base of taking results, to indicate types of answer reaction.Procedure of clino-otostatic and ortostaticquizs used for determine functional status of nervous system. To make quiz and estimate the functional status of respiratory sytem in base of taking results, to indicate types of answer reaction. Describtion about closed and opened types of respiration. To indicate respiratory volume in minut, rate of respiration, depth of respiration, vital capasity, maximal respiratory ventilation, rate and depth of respiration in maximal inspiration, volume of oxygen. To estimate spirogramms. B.1,2,3,4, 6,7 A.1,2,3,4, 6, 7,8,9,10 20 3 1 6 Medical pedagogical control. To indicate physical ability. Harvard step quiz. PWC- B.1,2,4,7 170 submaximal quiz. To indicate A.1,2,3,4, maximal utilization of oxygen. Indication 7 and contraindications for using physical trains and sport.To documentate chart of medical supervision. Definition of indications and contraindications for using physical trains and sport. To documentate and defend chart of medical supervision( 061/ u form) by students. To introduce with objectives of medical pedagogical supervision, methods of control, density of exercises, to determinephysiological oblique lineand degree of fatigue. Using methods of medico pedagogical control during physical training and estimate the received results. Definition about physical ability of organism. Procedure Harvard stepquizs used for determine functional status of regeneration. To make quiz and estimate the functional status of regeneration in base of recieved results, to indicate types of answer reaction.Definition of PWC-170 submaximal quiz, Procedure of PWC-170 submaximalquizs used for determinephysical ability. To make quiz and estimate the functional status of respiratory sytem in base of recieved results, to indicate types of answer reaction.Definition of methods of estimate the maximal utilization of oxygen. 21 3. Independence work Practica Lecture l lesson № 1 1 2 1 Topics and meanings independence works of Hours Literatur e 2 1. Healthy life style Influence physical exercise to physical development, healthy status, development of inner organsand functional status of organism 1 B.1,2,5,6, 7 A.1,3,10 2. Forms of somatotypes ( significance of constitution in early sport selection). Principes sport selections, to mark type of sport for teenagers in bases anthropometrical and somathoscopical parametres. B.1,2,5,6, 7 A.1,3,10 1. Properties of heart of 1 sportsmen. Anatomical physiological properties of heart. Changes in the heart by physical exercises. To indicate length of sportmens heart (telerent-genemetry, echocardiography)and methods of 1 estimate. 2. Functional examinations in sport medicine. To definite about clinical and paraclinical methods of estimate functional status, labaratorical and instrumental examination of 1 sportmen’s systems. 3. Dietology of sport . Functional and morphological changes in organism by gradually training with sport. Dietary habits and rations. B.1,2,3,4, 6,7 A.1,2,3,4, 7,8, 9,10 B.1,2,3,4, 6,7 A.1,2,3,4, 7,8, 9,10 B.1,2,3,4, 6,7 A.1,2,3,4, 7,8, 9,10 22 3, 4 1 3. Hygienical requirements 1 for sport buildings. Hygienical requirements for opened and closed sport buildings, sport invertars and to comply with them. 1 1. Doping and sport. Definition about sport. Types . Changes in organism by using doping and their influence to organism. 2. injures of sport Definition about sport injures, classification, etiology, mechanism and prevention procedures of them. 3. pharmacology of sport Particular features of course of deseases in sportsmen, influence of pharmacological preparations, remedies. Influence of drugs for functional status of systems. 4. Ambulance in sport trains. To introduce with bases of first aid in injures and severe fatigue of sportsmen 5. Particular features of distribution to specific medical groups. Definition about specific medical group. First time and course of training in specific medical group with pations. 1 1 B.1,2,6,7 A.1,2,6,8, 10 B.1,2,4,5, 6,7 A.2,3,4,7, 10 B.1,6,7 A.1,2,3,4, 6, 8,10 1 1 B.1,6,7,9 A.1,2,3,4, 6, 8,10 Practical skills by medical supervision: 1.To makequiz of Martine estimating functional status of Cardiovascular system.. 2.To makequiz of Letunov estimating functional status of Cardiovascular system.. 3.To makequiz of Stange estimating functional status of respiratory system.. 23 4 To make quiz of Gench estimating functional status of respiratory system.. 5.To makequiz of Serkin estimating functional status of respiratory system... 6.To makequiz of Rosental estimating functional status of respiratory system.. 7.To make orthostatical quiz estimating functional status of nervous system.. 8.To make clinoorthostatical quiz estimating functional status of nervous system.. 9.To make PWS170 quiz estimating functional ability of organism.. 10.To make Harvard quiz estimating functional ability of organism.. 11.To make anthropometrical and somathoscopical examinations. Control of knowledge of students The estimation of knowledge and practical skills of students are spent to 2 stages on employment: the rating point of daily current control and total control are exposed. Total control is spent after the subject termination. Control and an estimation of knowledge of the patient is spent by various ways: oral poll, performance of practical skills, drawing up of complexes of exercises TPT at various diseases. Besides, students hand over independent works and are estimated daily. Rating points of current control and result of total control in a subject it is entered into the corresponding column. Use of educational technology In the course of training textbooks and a methodical material, last data from the Internet, the distributing materials, new methods of the training, necessary tools for carrying out of measurement and quizs, and also video films are used. Estimation of knowledge and skills in a subject.Rating control. Quality assurance of knowledge in a subject is carried out in two ways: current control and total control. Current control - knowledge and skills of students, independent work of students is daily checked. The student reports independent work during employment, is discussed and estimated according to rating system. Criteria of an estimation: - The oral answer to questions - The decision of situational problems - Performance of practical skills - Use of new methods - Application of quizs according to a theme 2. Total control - is spent after the termination of employment as follows: - The students which maximum point is equal 55 and more are supposed - Total control is spent in oral and written kinds - It is estimated on the basis of rating control 24 Points flowing and total in a subject are summarised. The got points enter in the corresponding column in the quiz book. The general rating is estimated as follows: 86,0-100,0 points - are excellent 71,0-85,9 points - are good 55,0-70,9 points - are satisfactory 54,9 and less - it is unsatisfactory № Progress Estimation Level of knowledge of the student 1 96-100% Excellent "5” 2 91-95% Excellent "5" 3 86-90% Excellent “5” On the basic questions of a theoretical part of a theme the correct and full answer. The answer is given in wide aspect with use of the additional literature, creatively thinks. Takes active part in drawing up of organizers, sums up and makes decisions. Shows high activity, the creative approach at carrying out of new pedagogical technologies. Correctly solves situational problems with a full substantiation of the answer, correctly solves quizs. Excellently carries out . Independently and at high level carries out practical skills. The full answer to questions of a theoretical part. The answer is given in wide aspect with use of the additional literature, creatively thinks. Takes active part in drawing up of organizers, sums up and makes decisions. Shows high activity, the creative approach at carrying out of new pedagogical technologies. Correctly solves situational problems with a full substantiation of the answer, correctly solves quizs. carries out full. Practical skills carries out full. Questions of a theoretical part answers full, but with 1-2defects. Takes active part in drawing up of organizers, sums up and makes decisions. Shows activity at carrying out of new pedagogical technologies 25 Correctly solves situational problems with a full substantiation of the answer, correctly solves quizs, but there are some lacks. 4 81-85% Good “4" 5 76-80% Good “4" 6 71-75% Good “ 4” carries out full. Practical skills carries out full, but by means of the teacher. Questions of a theoretical part answers full, but with 2-3defects. Knows the practical importance of a material, a question essence, clinically thinks. Takes part in drawing up of organizers, sums up and makes decisions. Understands an essence of new pedagogical technologies spent on employment Correctly solves situational problems, correctly solves quizs, but gives insufficiently full substantiation of the answer. carries out full, but with 1-2 lacks. Practical skills carries out full, but with errors. Questions of a theoretical part answers it is incomplete. Knows the practical importance of a material, but understands a question essence not enough. Takes part in drawing up of organizers. Understands an essence of new pedagogical technologies spent on employment. Not completely solves situational problems and quizs, carries out not up to the mark. Practical skills carries out it is incomplete, with 2-3 errors. Questions of a theoretical part answers correctly, but it is not full. Knows the practical importance of a material, but answers questions of new pedagogical technologies spent on employment insufficiently. Knows an essence of drawing up of organizers, answers enough, knows. Not completely solves situational problems and quizs. carries out full, but with 1-2 lacks. Practical skills carries out it is incomplete, with 4 and more errors. 26 7 66-70% Well “3” 8 61-65% Well “3” 9 55-60% Well “ 3” 10 50-54% Well “3” 11 46-49% Unsatisfacto rily "2" Answers half questions of a theoretical part. Knows the practical importance of a material, questions of new pedagogical technologies spent on employment answers it is incomplete. Insufficiently actively participates in drawing up of organizers. Situational problems and quizs solves correctly, but cannot prove the answer. carries out not up to the mark, poor. Practical skills carries out with errors and lacks. Answers half questions of a theoretical part. Knows the practical importance of a material, questions of new pedagogical technologies spent on employment answers it is incomplete, with errors. Knows about organizers, but does not understand an essence. Situational problems and quizs solves incorrectly. carries out with lacks. Practical skills carries out with errors and lacks. Answers not full half questions of a theoretical part. Knows the practical importance of a material, questions of new pedagogical technologies spent on employment answers it is incomplete, unreasonably, with errors. Knows about some points of drawing up of organizers, but does not understand an essence. Situational problems and quizs solves incorrectly. carries out with lacks, the theme is not shined. Practical skills carries out with errors and lacks. Answers na1/3 questions of a theoretical part, but it is incomplete, with errors. The student does not know a theme essence, cannot solve quizs. Has no representation and does not know an essence of new pedagogical technologies. carries out not full, with lacks. Practical skills carries out with errors and lacks. Answers m of questions of a theoretical part, it is incomplete, with errors. The student does not know a theme essence, cannot 27 12 41-45% Unsatisfacto rily "2" 13 36-40% Unsatisfacto rily "2" 14 31-35% Unsatisfacto rily "2" № Control type 1 solve quizs. Does not participate in carrying out of new pedagogical technologies. it is not executed. Practical skills carries out with errors and lacks. Answers 1/5 questions of a theoretical part, it is incomplete, with errors. The student does not know a theme essence. Quizs solves incorrectly, with errors. 1/5 part is executed. Practical skills are not mastered, cannot execute. Answers 1/10 part of questions of a theoretical part, incorrectly. The student does not know a theme essence, is mistaken in the answer. The theme is not acquired, cannot solve quizs. Practical skills are not acquired, practically cannot execute. Cannot answer questions. Does not know a theme. Cannot solve quizs. it is not executed, practical skills are not acquired absolutely not. The maximum point Factor Lowest score 50 0,5 27,5 50 0,5 27,5 100 1 55,0 passing Current controle 2 Total controle Total 28 MINISTRY OF HEALTH OF THE REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN TASHKENT MEDICAL ACADEMY "APPROVED" Vice Rector by Academic Affairs Prof.TeshaevO.R_________ __"________" ________2014y . Department of Folk Medicine , Rehabilitation and physical culture Subject: Medical control TECHNOLOGY TRAINING on practical training Related : OBJECTIVES medical supervision. MEDICAL EXAMINATION SCHEME athletes and sportsmen. METHODS OF STUDY ( anthropometry, SOMATOSCOPY ) PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT AND EVALUATION ( the method of indices , STANDARD CORRELATION ) Guidelines for teachers and students of the 4th year medical and medicalpedagogical faculties Tashkent. 2014 29 Compilers : Associate Professor , Ph.D. Adilov Sh.K. Technology training approved : at a meeting of the department number ______ of __________ 2014 Education technology discussed and approved at a meeting of the therapeutic section CMK Tashkent Medical Academy ____ number of ________ 2014 Chairman prof. MD Karimov M.SH.______________________________ 30 Universal model of learning technologies in the classroom Theme number 1: The objectives of medical control . Scheme of medical examination of athletes and sportsmen. Methods of study ( anthropometry, somatoscopy ) and evaluation of physical development (methods indices , standards, correlation ) . Study time: 6:00 II. The main part : Structure of the training 1. theoretical session prodrome 2 . analytical 3 . practical 4 . independent work of students III. Final (resultant ) part The purpose of the training session : to consolidate and deepen the knowledge of the content of the subject VC on the concept of physical development and its methods of study and evaluation , develop the skill of anthropometry and somatoscopy , teach and conduct conclusion be correct physical development. Learning Methods Learning outcomes : The student must : • disclose the contents of the subject of sports medicine and medical monitoring tasks ; • talk about the kinds of medical examination of athletes and athletes for their performance; • list the criteria for evaluating physical development ; • to give an opinion about the physical development on the basis of data collected; • describe the means and methods of correction of physical development. The student should be able to: perform practical skills : hold somatoscopic study independently make anthropometric measurements , complete medical checklist athletes and sportsmen . Learning Methods Brainstorming ; machinery : graphic organizer - a cluster of " Evaluation Criteria of physical development ." Forms of organization of Individual work , group work, team . learning activities Learning Tools Training manuals, training materials , a set of measuring instruments ( scales, stadiometer , measuring tape , spirometer , dynamometers ) , 31 Ways and feedback means slides , markers, sheets of A3 , A4. of Quiz , quizing, presentation of the results of solving situational problems , making clusters , evaluation of development of practical skills. Typical flow chart of lesson Stages of work , time 6 h activity stage 1 Introduction to the training session 25 min Teacher 1 . Tells subject , purpose and planned learning outcomes . Familiar with the plan and features of the training session . 2 . Describes key categories and concepts on this topic. 3 . Reported indicators and evaluation criteria of academic work in class. Stage 2 The practical part 4 hours (1 hr ) 1. Conducts a quiz to identify the main: source of students' knowledge on the The theoretical topic: part ( 2:00 ) • The concept of sports medicine , medical monitoring tasks . • Basic medical examinations of athletes and sportsmen (primary , landmark , additional , urgent ) . Analytical part • The concept of physical development ( 2:00 ) and the importance of it for sports selection . • Somatoscopy . • Anthropometry . 2 . Students are encouraged to discuss the problem of sports medicine and medical monitoring method of " brainstorming ." 3 . Explains the concept of " physical development ", parses the evaluation criteria of physical development (data external examination and anthropometry ) 4 . Make offers graphic organizer - a cluster on " Evaluation Criteria of physical development ." Student Listen, write , update , ask questions. Answer questions . Participate in discussions , ask questions, outline , specify. Perform the learning task . Following the teacher perform practical skills. 32 5 . Demonstrates techniques of of somatoscopy and anthropometry . 6. Organize the implementation of students' practical skills. 7. Divides the students into groups. Reminiscent of rules and regulations in a group discussion. 8. Gives the task : • Solve the proposed situational problem . Conduct and discuss the results of individual work in mini-groups ; • Prepare for a presentation. 1. 9. Coordinates , advises, directs the learning activities . Examines and evaluates the results of individual work : filling medical and checklists , structure tion anthropometric profile and conclusions about the physical development . stage 3 1 . An opinion on the subject, focusing A Final -result - students on the main reports on the ing importance of the work done for future 20 min professional careers . 2 . Commends the work of groups and individual students , summarizes grade . Analyzes and assesses the degree of achievement of lesson . Gives the task to prepare for the next lesson . Divided groups. into Perform the learning task . Present the results of individual and group work . Listen. Conduct selfesteem, grade . Ask questions. Opine . Recorded assignment. Subject : Problems of medical control . Scheme of medical examination of athletes and sportsmen. Methods of study ( anthropometry, somatoscopy ) and evaluation of physical development (methods indices , standards, correlation ) 1. Venue classes : Department of Medical Rehabilitation third TMA Clinic , a physiotherapy clinic 1st TMA . 2 . Duration of study themes : the number of hours - 6. 3 . Session Purpose : to consolidate and deepen the knowledge of the content of the subject VC on the concept of physical development and its methods of study and evaluation , develop the skill of anthropometry and somatoscopy teach make conclusion and spend correction of physical development . 33 4 . Pedagogical objectives: • Fix a general idea of sports medicine and medical control ; • organize knowledge about the kinds of medical examination of athletes and sportsmen and to conduct them; • consolidate and extend the knowledge about the physical development ; • analyze techniques somatoscopic research and data analysis to assess the features of physical development ; • To develop skills of anthropometry and completing the relevant documentation; • learn to assess physical development indices methods , standards, correlation ; • develop skills in organizing, comparing , summarizing , and analyzing information ; • develop communication skills. 5 . Learning outcomes The student must know: • disclose the contents of the subject of sports medicine and medical monitoring tasks ; • talk about the kinds of medical examination of athletes and athletes for their performance; • list the criteria for evaluating physical development ; • to give an opinion about the physical development on the basis of data collected; • describe the means and methods of correction of physical development. The student should be able to: • perform practical skills : hold somatoscopic study independently make anthropometric measurements , medical and fill checklist athletes and sportsmen . 6. Methods and techniques of teaching Brainstorming ; machinery: Graphic Organizer - cluster. 7. Learning Tools Manuals, training materials , a set of measuring devices for anthropometry ( medical scales , stadiometer , measuring tape , spirometer , manual and tripod dynamometers ) , slides , markers, banners, sheets of A3 , A4. 8. forms of learning Individual work , group work , team . 9. conditions of Learning Audience ratings conditions for working in groups. 10 . Monitoring and evaluation Interpreting control : control issues , perform educational tasks in groups , performing skills . Written control : control questions , the quiz solution and situational problems . 34 11. motivation Features of modern life , on the one hand, is characterized by the lack of adequate muscular load for optimum performance ( no improvement ) systems and organs , and on the other - the use of large volume and intensity of physical activity (professional sports) . In connection with this medical practice before it became necessary to study these relationships between the body and the physical work that led to the creation of a special science - Sports Medicine . Sports Medicine - a branch of medical science and practice, study the positive and negative effects of different levels of physical activity on health and physical condition, as well as the means and methods of influencing processes of postload recovery and improve efficiency . Goals and objectives of sports medicine , as well as means to achieve them are largely consonant c physiotherapy . For example, the primary means of improving functional reserves , prevention and health promotion athlete , a disabled patient is exercising. Their use in sporting activities and in the process of rehabilitation is based on general principles of teaching the theory and practice of physical education - training dosage . Thus , we can talk more about the proximity of these disciplines than the difference . Medical control is the main section of Sports Medicine . Its task is constant selection, medical examination and monitoring of persons engaged in physical culture and sports . 12. Intra and Interdisciplinary communication Teaching the topic is based on the knowledge students the basics of normal anatomy and physiology, pathophysiology , propaedeutics internal medicine, biostatistics (vertical integration ) . Also knowledge of the topic integrated with therapy , hygiene of children and adolescents , physical therapy and traumatology ( horizontal integration) . 13. Content classes 13.1. The theoretical part The main purpose of sports medicine - the preservation and promotion of health of people engaged in physical culture and sports , treatment and prevention of pathological conditions and diseases , promoting the rational use of means and methods of physical culture and sports, process optimization of postload recovery and improve performance , prolong active , creative life period ( G.A.Makarova , 2003). Tasks sports medicine reduced to the following aspects : 1. Definition of health and functional status , physical development surveyed to address sports orientation , tolerance to physical education , sports, summer residence of the recommendations for the rational use of physical activity, modes of work and training ; 35 2 . Regular monitoring of the health , physical development , functional state during training and competition. 3 . Analysis of disease, injury and specific injury arising from unsustainable physical education and sports , develop methods of early diagnosis, prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation; 4 . Development, quizing and introduction of biomedical tools and methods for optimizing the processes of recovery and improve athletic performance . The objectives of the medical monitoring include: - systematic medical monitoring and medical- pedagogical supervision for athletes and athletes during training and competition ; - health-care provision of training and competition sites , mass participation of sports events; - prevention and treatment of sports injuries , pathological conditions, diseases ; - consultation in the field of physical culture and sports; - a teaching guide to medical control cabinets and work a common network of medical institutions for physical culture and sports; health education and advocacy among the population , etc. Currently, public health, especially the younger generation , has deteriorated significantly . At the same time there is a constant involvement of entities in physical exercise . Medical control for dealing with physical culture and sport must be carried out not only doctors specialized agencies , but also GPs network of health facilities by health authorities. However, without a basic knowledge of sports medicine is difficult to decide questions of professional selection , prevention of pathological conditions , the use of tools and techniques in the training process , adequate health and physical condition , age and individual abilities of man. Scheme of medical examination of athletes and sportsmen Regardless of the type of medical examination during their holding should adhere to certain requirements are: complexity , functional and dynamic thrust of the medical examination , as well as an individual approach to the interpretation of results . Initial medical Staged Additiona Current urgent examinations l The purpose of to give an opinion the medical on the possibility of examination exercise and sports , to determine medical group ; hold professional selection Identify dynamics studies reveal the influence of time resumption of classes and participation in competitions after an illness , injury analysis postload changes in the body , to evaluate the possibility of 36 participatin g in multiday events Requirements complexity , functional and dynamic orientation of medical for medical examination, an individual approach examinations Criteria underlying the medical conclusion Methods for determining the criteria Evaluation criteria health Functional state physical development general and special history , laboratory , clinical and instrumental investigations Healthy Practically healthy diagnosis function quizs , quizs Somatoscopy ( external examination), anthropometry Very poor Poor average good Great Average above-average below the average Minimum list of paraclinical examinations should include: - A general analysis of blood and urine ; - Study of physical development ( in young athletes is defined as the degree of puberty ); - Chest X-ray ; - ECG at rest and during exercise ; - Echocardiography ; - Analysis of the type of reaction of the cardiovascular system functional quizs ; - Determination of total RWC One of the difficult and important issues in the primary medical examination should be considered a health assessment , identification of pathological hereditary predisposition and underlying pathology . According to the WHO Constitution , health - it is not merely the absence of disease or infirmity , but a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being . The main criteria for health are: # compliance function structure and function of the structure ( the absence of morphological and functional abnormalities ); # body's ability to maintain a constant internal environment (homeostasis ); # high efficiency and good psycho- emotional state. 37 Gradation of health: # healthy . # Virtually healthy ( with disabilities in the state of health or disease , are well compensated , without exacerbation and do not limit the execution of training work in its entirety) . # Has illness requiring exclusion from sports. Principles of health assessment in the practice of sports medicine • elimination of diseases and pathological conditions attributable to common contraindications to sports ; • prediction of the state of health ( should take into account features of the constitution , pathological hereditary predisposition , the probability of underlying pathology , past illnesses and injuries , etc.) ; • determine the degree of risk in the presence of the so -called border states of the examinees . PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT Physical development - a set of inherited and acquired the morphological and functional characteristics of the organism that determine its potential , as well as compliance with the biological age of the passport . Physical development can serve as criteria for the selection and orientation of sports for various sports . Physical development is one of the indicators of health status . The basic methods of physical development are somatoscopy (visual inspection ) and anthropometry ( somatometry ) . Criteria for evaluation of physical development are: Somatoscopy Anthropometry morphological parameters Functional parameters Physique Height (body length ) Body Weight Posture Circles body parts Excursion chest Skin and visible mucous diameters body parts VC Subcutaneous fat Stanovoy force Muscular system dynamometer brushes 38 Skeletal system Form thorax Form back Form feet Form feet hernial ring The first stage is the subject of the survey inspection. The subject should be stripped down to his underwear , standing freely , feet shoulder width apart . Inspection is carried out in the front, side and rear. Physique. It refers to the dimensions , the odds , the proportions and features of the mutual arrangement of body parts. Not to be confused with the concept of body constitution, which is much wider. The Constitution includes a representation of the composition of the body, especially metabolic reactivity to external and internal stimuli. Constitution - a single set sufficiently stable morphological, functional and psychological characteristics of the organism , established on the basis of genotype influenced by environmental factors ( GA Makarov , 2003). Due to the complexity of diagnosis of the constitution in athletic and sporting practice often guided by the research subject somatotype . That is, to describe a constitution based on morphological characters , the term " somatic ", which is also the biological passport and identity . Currently somatotype regarded as one of the reliable factors determining the rate of ontogeny, which is essential for early sports specialization . Learn the ratio of the components of the body - fat , muscle , bone , estimating it as endomorphic ( well developed subcutaneous fat ) , mesomorphic ( developed muscles and skeleton ) , ectomorphic ( dlinotnye prevail elongated dimensions of the human body ) . Based on the schema type definition somatoscopic constitution distinguished: • asthenoid type . It is characterized by narrow body shapes , hands, feet . Epigastric angle is acute . Stooping spin blades protrude . Bone thin. Weak development of fat and muscle components. For small absolute values of muscle strength and cardiorespiratory performance relative ( per 1 kg of body weight) figures are quite high , the response to exercise economical. • Thoracic type . With this type of body shape is narrow ( but to a lesser degree than in astenikov ) shoulder width - medium, epigastric angle - straight, cylindrical thorax . Fat , muscle and bone components of the body are weak or moderate . 39 Relative performance of motor characteristics and maximal oxygen consumption (IPC) high . • The muscular type . A well-developed muscle and bone components with moderate fat content component. Proportional physique , broad shoulders , narrow pelvis , thorax cylindrical, epigastric angle - straight , body weight above the average. High level of physical performance , large values of the absolute and relative performance of motor characteristics . • Abdominal ( degistivny ) type . It corresponds to a stockg build , body weight above the average values , abundant fat deposition , development of bone and muscle components moderate body , shoulders and hips are wide, bulging belly , all rounded body shape . Absolute values of motor characteristics can be quite high , but relative - low. Reduced levels of physical health , wasteful response to exercise. Posture . This is a familiar person standing posture ease closed- heels with socks still deployed at an angle of 45-500 . When viewed from the front draws attention to the position of the head , shoulder girdle and nipple level , form the thorax and abdomen , body position , symmetrical triangle waist ( the distance between the hand and lowered a notch waist), shape of the legs . When viewed from the back , pay attention to the position of the head, shoulder girdle level , the position of the blades ( their level , the distance from the spine to the tightness of their chest ) , a symmetrical triangle waist , symmetry along the spinous processes , the level of the iliac bones . When the tilt housing ( chin should be pressed to his chest and arms hanging freely ) draws attention to the line of the spinous processes , for symmetry relief chest muscle for the presence of the roller in the lumbar region and the rib hump. When viewed from the side , the position of the head, or gain flatness physiological curves of the spine in the thoracic and lumbar spine . Posture is evaluated as right and wrong. With proper posture and lack of curvature of the spine in the survey revealed a direct holding of the head, a symmetrical arrangement of the blades , neck and shoulder lines , axillary folds , the iliac bone on both sides, and in the presence of scoliosis and abuse their posture symmetry is broken to a different extent depending on the degree of scoliosis and posture defects . 40 Fig.1. Pronounced rib hump on the right cushion and muscle in the left lumbar region . Curved line of the spinous processes . The dashed line represents the view at the correct posture . Color of the skin and visible mucous . The skin is described as a smooth , clean, dry, wet , elastic , sluggish , etc. Visible mucous - like clean , pink , wet , etc. Subcutaneous fat . Fat component outlines the shape of the body reflects the hormonal status of the individual , the type of neural activity , particularly metabolism. Formation of fat mass and the nature of its distribution - a hereditary phenomenon , not related to the volume of muscle mass and size of the proportion of bone mass. Fat component depends on the age . In periods of life , age appropriate , the number of persons with reduced fat deposition . In evaluating the body fat mass are kaliperometricheskim method. Fig . 2 . Compass , calipers (a) and thickness measurement skinfold on the shoulder (b). For persons under the age of 25 years is sufficient to measure the amount of four folds of fat thickness ( SZH4 ) . On the front ( over the abdomen biceps ) and back ( in the middle third of the triceps muscle ) of the shoulder . In the upper third of the front of the thigh obliquely along the sartorius and the lower third of the femur head above the outer quadriceps , taking the fold vertically . Calculations 41 are made using the formula: A = ( SZH4 - C ) / D, where A - the unknown quantity ( cond unit .); C and D - constants presented in the respective applications . Currently, a number of foreign firms (Japan, Netherlands ) produce instruments for measuring body fat . The principle of the fat component of the body is based on the measurement of resistance to the current passing through the tissue of the subject. Muscular system . Estimate the volume , tone and symmetry of muscle development . Visually, the volume of the muscular system characterized as poorly , moderately and well-defined . Certainly more important for athletes to assess muscle mass and its percentage of the total weight . However, existing methods for estimating muscle mass to date ( X-ray , biochemical , anthropometric and ultrasound ) are virtually inaccessible for coaches . Muscle tone is characterized as normal , hyper - and hypotonia . To define it using special Miotonometry . Skeletal system . Draws attention to the shape of the bony skeleton . It is rated as narrow, wide and normal . Some idea of the shape skeleton gives the index Solovyov. When largest wrist circumference in women more than 16.5 cm and 18 cm more men form skeleton characterized as broad. Another way to assess the form of skeleton is obhvatyvanii his wrist wrist . If the distal phalanx of the thumb in contact with a similar phalanx of the middle finger - a form of skeleton characterized as normal. If one finger phalange is superimposed on another, or vice versa, the distance between them , the shape of skeleton respectively evaluated as narrow and wide . Marked joint mobility. Are there any restrictions , the presence of tender points on palpation of bones and bony protrusions. Reduced range of motion may be due to : • inability to relax muscles ( spasticity and rigidity) • certain pathology joint ( arthrosis, arthritis, etc. ) • prolonged immobility joint immobilization needed to treat injuries of joints, ligaments , muscles and tendons. • constant chronic trauma to hypermobility or instability of the joint , which causes a compensatory protective shortening of muscle- tendon tissue. The shape of the thorax. It is rated as cylindrical, conical, barrel-shaped , flat, pigeon breast . Furthermore, to determine the degree of uniformity of development on both sides of the chest. 42 Fig . 3 . The shape of the thorax. 1- normal, 2-flat , 3 chicken , funnel - 4 , 5 emphysematous (barrel ) . Form back. Draws attention to the severity of the physiological curves in the sagittal plane . Both increases and flattening the physiological curves may be due to muscle imbalances , a manifestation of connective tissue dysplasia or developmental abnormalities of the spine. For example, a significant increase in thoracic kgphosis may be a manifestation of the disease Scheuermann - Mau, as a consequence of underdevelopment of ossification centers in the anterior vertebral body apophyses . Vertebrae while taking a wedge shape . When viewed from behind estimated deviation from the midline of the spine to the right or to the left, and the location of the spinous processes of the vertebrae , especially at maximum lean forward with outstretched arms . 43 Fig . 4 . Measurement of the curves of the spine in the sagittal ( a) and frontal ( b) planes skoliozimetrom Podyapolsk . Fig . 5 . Form back. a- normal, b - round, in - plane , g - round concave . Form feet and legs . Examination of the musculoskeletal system always paid close attention as part of the medical staff and specialist sports. Abnormalities in the development of the musculoskeletal system , in the form of varus or valgus pronounced curvature of the lower limbs, varying the length of the legs , the deviations in the arch of the foot in a tense muscle activity can lead to specific injuries and diseases . It is important to determine the length of the lower extremities ( the distance from the anterior superior iliac spine to the end of the inner ankle ) . Observations show that the majority of children of preschool and school -age children have 44 defects of posture and spinal curvature is due to shortening of one limb (about 35% ) . Measurement of limb length spend supine , feet together , one should bear in mind that the tip of the nose , navel and line connections are still in a straight line . Under this condition the shortening of the limbs and sometimes can be seen by eye. Legs form are correct (direct ) , when the longitudinal axis of the femur and tibia are the same, and the inner surface of the knee and ankle joints in contact. If the inside of the knee touch , and between the ankle has some distance ( hip axis and Glenn form an angle , open outwards ) - a form of X-shaped legs . If the inside of the ankles are touching, and the axis of the femur and tibia form an angle , open inwards , leg shape - O- shaped (Fig. 5) . Pronounced O- and X - shaped curvature of the legs is a contraindication for practicing a jump and aesthetic sports (long jump , triple jump , acrobatics, gymnastics and sports , etc.) Figure 6. Form feet. a- normal, b - X-shaped in -O- shaped . True leg length is measured in the supine position . The distance from the greater trochanter to the medial malleolus . It should be borne in mind that there is a true and functional ( false ) shortened one of the limbs . For their differentiation using quiz Derbolovskogo . Subjects were asked to sit down. If the transition to a sitting position , revealed a visual difference in leg length is leveled , there is a relative (functional ) shortened legs . In general anthropometric studies show that 75% of people left leg longer than the right , the difference in average reaches up to 8 mm . It should be borne in mind, jumpers longer leg (ie more leverage ) often is jogging . Do players in handling the ball and hitting it more often used over short leg as shorter length of the lever allows fast feints techniques. Studies arch made by methods podometrics or plantography . Podometric foot index calculated by the formula : 45 I = (h 100 ): L, where I - podometric index (%), h - height of the foot (cm) , the highest point of the dorsum of the foot ; L - foot length (cm) , the distance between the edge of the heel and the end point 1 finger phalanges . If I more than 33 % - a very high arch , from 33 to 31% - a moderately high arch , from 31 to 29% - normal arch , from 29 to 27% - a modest flat , from 27 to 25% - a flat foot and no same 25 % - a sharp flat . Determining the degree of flatfoot principle plantography modification Godunov. The ratio of the width of the loaded part of the sole to the Non load to 1 normal arch , from 1.1 to 2, the foot is considered to be flattened more than 2 - flat . Visual inspection of the foot is loaded part (lateral ) unlike Non load ( medial ) looks darker . Figure 7 . Explanation plantogram by IM Czyżyny . Figure 8 . Shape of the foot (by plantogram ) . 0 - hollow , 1- normal, 2- flattened , 3 - flat. Anthropometry When conducting anthropometric measurements necessary to comply with the basic requirements and make them a unified methodology. 46 Pose measured . Analyzed must be located in a natural, characteristic of him , pose in a position with your heels together , toes apart , arms down , head is fixed so that the top edge of the tragus of the ear and the lower edge of the orbit were in the same horizontal plane . Measuring place . Appropriate, especially in mass screening , used for measuring individual and undressing , warm, well-lit , the adjacent rooms . Time of the survey . Morning fasting , or 2-3 hours after ingestion. Anthropometric instruments . Must be accurate and continuously monitored. Measuring the length of the body is done by stadiometer and determined in standing and sitting . Analyzed becomes back to anthropometry, touching his heels , buttocks , interscapular area. The upper edge and the lower edge of the tragus of the orbit must be horizontal . After the examinee has made the correct position on the top rack carefully lower horizontal sliding sleeve with a clipboard to contact with the head. Figure , which is fixed planchette shows height in centimeters . Measuring growth is accurate to 0.5 cm To measure the growth in the sitting position examinee sits on a folding bench touching the buttocks straps and interscapular region. Head is attached to the same position as in the measurement of growth standing . Figure 8 . Measuring the length of the body ( growth ) standing ( a) sitting and (b). Body weight . Used to measure it lever or electronic scales . Accuracy of measurement of body weight equals '50 47 Fig . 10 . Medical scales . Weighing is done without coats and shoes . The subject becomes gently into the middle of the weighing platform when the latch is down detent . Examiner should raise the gate detent and move the weight on the bottom plate rocker from the zero point to the free end as long as the rocker will not make significant swings in relation to the level of the coracoid projection . Following this, it is necessary to move in the same direction as the weight on the top plate until equilibration and then lower the shutter detent . Weight of the subject is derived from the sum of two numbers , the movement of fixed weights on the top and bottom strips . Measurement girths . Researcher puts a tape on the measured part of the body so that the zero division ribbons are on the front sight, and the other end of it above the zero end and marks the division , coming against zero . Neck girth - measured by the thyroid cartilage . Bust . Behind the tape is applied under the bottom corners of the blades , the front men and children - at the level of the nipple , women - the upper edge of the breast . Bust is measured with a deep breath , deep breath and in the intermediate state ( paused ) . The difference in the values of the chest girth measured in a state of deep inhalation and exhalation is a hike chest . Abdominal girth - measured at the level of the navel point in time pause between inhalation and exhalation . Waist - measuring tape superimposed on 5-6 cm above the iliac crests . 48 Girth through the buttocks - the tape passes through the outermost area of the buttocks Thigh girth - investigated stands legs apart . The tape is applied to the thigh at the gluteal fold. Shin girth - measured in the greaquiz development of the gastrocnemius muscle . Girth shoulder at rest measured in most developed shoulder muscles . Arm hangs , the muscles are relaxed . Girth shoulder strain - the subject raises his arm in a horizontal position , bend it at the elbow and shoulder muscles straining maximum . Measurement is performed in the widest part of the shoulder. Forearm girth - measured in maximum muscle development loosely hanging arm muscles relaxed . Vital capacity ( VC) . This is the maximum amount of air to be exhaled after maximal inhalation. VC measured water or dry spirometers . More precise figures are obtained using water spirometer . Holding his nose with your fingers , the quiz after two - three deep breaths prior makes maximum exhale into the mouthpiece of the spirometer . Procedure can be repeated . The value obtained is called the actual VC and FVC compared to its proper value VC ( Jhelum ) . Dzheliev sheet can be produced according to the formula : men Jhelum (ml ) = (27,63-0,112 AGE ) length ( in cm) woman, Gelle (ml ) = (21,78-0,101 AGE ) length ( in cm) . For healthy people to FVC ratio Jhelum ranges from 81 to 123 % , covering 93 % of the entire quiz. Torque indicators (strength left , right hand , deadlift ) . For measurements using a wrist arm strength dynamometer which is compressed with a maximum intensity at the elongated arm at the side . Measurement of the force is made up of hands unless the latter figure will not be less than the previous one. 49 Fig . 11. Hand and becomes dynamometers . Deadlift at researched measured in the absence of contraindications : omission of internal organs, spine instability , high myopia , the presence of hernias , menstruation , high blood pressure numbers , etc. The quiz subject becomes feet on the platform , the mainstay of the dynamometer handle located at the level of the knee , with arms and legs should be unfolded . From this starting position the subject pulls the handle up the mainstay of the dynamometer . This indicator is one of the most important biological factors assessment of the subjects . First, to any of the anthropometric features are no contraindications for their measurement . Secondly, in order to show good results deadlift is necessary to generate a strong impetus in the central nervous system to activate a lot of muscle , and not only the muscles of the back , but the upper and lower limbs, abdomen , neck, etc. Fig . 12. Measurement of backbone strength Evaluation of physical development To this end, methods are used : • indices or indicators; • standards and anthropometric profiles ; • correlations ; • percentiles . Method indexes. To assess the anthropometric data in the practice of medical monitoring is not widely used . However, when mass screening to obtain preliminary information about the physical development , clinical work (especially massorostovye indicators ) application of the method is justified indexes . Method indexes. To assess the anthropometric data in the practice of medical monitoring is not widely used . However, when mass screening to obtain preliminary information about the physical 50 development , clinical work (especially massorostovye indicators ) application of the method is justified indexes . The most commonly used indices include: # Pirke # Pine # Erisman # mass-height ( Quetelet , Mahony , Brock - Brugsch ) # Life # Power Index Pirke ( Beduzi ) calculated by the formula : D - Dc Dc X 100 D- standing body length ; Dc - body length sitting . Value of the index gives an indication of the relative length of the legs: less than 87 % - a small length of the legs ( lower center of gravity ) , 87 - 92% - is proportional to the ratio between the length of the legs and torso , more - 92% - a relatively large length of the legs ( high center of gravity ) . Pine index calculated by the formula : D-(M + O), where D - standing body length in cm, M - weight in kilograms; About - chest circumference in the expiratory phase , see The smaller Pine index , the better the ( in the absence of obesity ) . An index less than 10 is rated as a strong constitution , from 10 to 20 - good, from 21 to 25 the average , from 26 to 35 - is weak, more than 36 - very weak . Erisman index is calculated as follows : from the chest circumference paused subtracted half body length . Erisman index averages for men +5,4-6,0 cm for women +3,8-4,4 see Massorostovye indexes : Index Quetelet Body Mass Index (BMI ) is calculated by the formula BMI = M/D2 where M - weight in kg ; D - body length in meters. WHO identifies four levels of BMI . Less than 18.5 kg/m2 - low body weight ; ot18 , 5 to 24.9 - normal weight , 25 to 29.9 - overweight and over 30 - obesity . Index Mahony optimal body weight for men is calculated by the formula [(D / 2,5 x4, 0 ) -128] x 453 = c. For women [(D / 2,5 x3, 5 ) -108] x453 = c. Index Brock - Brugsch . Proper body mass (M ) is calculated by the formula: M = D- 100 in subjects with a body length (D) 155-165 cm in body length of 166-175 and more than 175 cm, respectively subtracted 105 and 110 cm Life index . The magnitude of the vital capacity (in ml ) is divided by the weight ( in kg) . Proper life index values : male 50-65 ml / kg in females 40 -56 mL / kg. Power index is calculated what percentage of power left, right hand or the deadlift is the quiz of its body weight. For men, the power index for the brush is 6570 % for women - 50-60%. Deadlift for men , these figures reach 200-220 % for women - 120-140 %. Method anthropometric standards .. Standards - it's common or group averages characterizing the mean values for all attributes of the surveyed group ( group 51 standards) . Average values of attributes corresponding to certain groups are Rostovs with growth standards. For each attribute in the appropriate column in the table indicate the arithmetic mean value (M) and standard deviation of M (). Body length standing evaluated by an overall average data. Assessment of all other indicators based on the average results of these signs , taking into account the length of the body surveyed through the Rostov standards. First, determine the length of the body , standing, then - all other data . Anthropometric assessment results produced by this method so . The results obtained are compared with the corresponding mean values , which are standards for the study group . The resulting difference is the deviation from the mean feature . It can have a positive value if the attribute in more standard ( M) , or a negative value when the sign is less than the standard. To estimate the value obtained deviation divided by the amount corresponding to the basis of the standard deviation (), ie determine ), studied sign differs from the mean. the amount by which the sigma ( • Symptom typical (normal ) , if different from the average value is not more than 0,5 • tag above or below , respectively, for a typical positive or negative deviations exceeding 0,5 . , but not more than 1 • Symptom high ( or low if negative deviation ) if sigma greater than 1 but less than 2 . • Symptom very high (or , respectively , very low ) if more than 2 sigma . Anthropometric indices estimated by the standard deviation , can be represented graphically by constructing anthropometric profile. For this purpose, the abnormality in the sigma transferred to the grid , in which the vertical columns are designated point corresponding features (length, weight, vital capacity , etc. ) , and the horizontal - deviation sigma . United points form straight lines anthropometric profile. Method correlations. Many anthropometric signs of physical development, in particular , such as length , weight , chest circumference , VC interrelated. The degree of dependence between the features expressed by the value of the correlation coefficient R within 1. Koefftsient 1 is a direct relationship between the studied traits (increasing one trait increases the other). Coefficient of -1 means feedback. The magnitude of an increase ( or decrease) of the second feature if the first incremented (e.g., by increasing the length of the body 1 cm ) is called a regression coefficient . The calculation of these coefficients allows us to represent the correlation between anthropometric features in the form of tables or nomograms used to assess physical development . 52 Percentile method . Percentiles - indicators that are determined by the location in a series of ascending gradation . In practice it is usually used only some of the percentiles : P3, P10, P25 , P50 , P75 , P90 , P97 It is believed that if the observed individually sign is in the range from P25 to P75 the value of it is correct. If anthropometric sign is in the range from P10 to P25 and P75 to P90 on , the assessment of its respectively below and above the average. If the value of this indicator is in the range from P3 to P10 and P90 to P97 on , the score will be high or low , respectively . If the value is considered for some individual cases is in the range up to P97 P3 or higher , the score will be "very low" or "very high" (hence , "very low" will be 3% of all cases , and "very high " - also 3 %) . Evaluation and correction of physical development. Traditionally, the main criteria of physical development include: body length , body weight, chest circumference , vital capacity . Correction of physical development should begin with a normalization of body weight , as according to various sources , the number of people who are overweight , ranges from 30 to 50%. Normalization only body weight, affect the increase in the relative performance of the life and power indices. The most rational approach to weight reduction is that energy consumption during the day is higher than the number of calories supplied to the food. As a means of better stimulating catabolism is rational muscle activity . It should consist of the dynamic nature of the exercises include large muscle groups . In general, exercise intensity should be moderate ( 4050% of the pulse reserve) with short-term , within 10-15 seconds , increasing to a large and submaximal (60, 75-80 % of the pulse reserve) intensity. Duration of classes within 1-1.5 hours . This character classes is also a good way to develop aerobic performance , maximal oxygen consumption . Deficiency of body weight is recommended to use a technique classes builders in combination with a sufficient amount of protein intake in the diet . Physical stress on different muscle groups should be performed with moderate weights (30-50 % of the maximum voluntary force ) with lots of repetitions ( 10-12 times ) in one approach . Such approaches a rest interval between 2-3 minutes , must be 6 - 8. Capacity will increase the active mass and muscle strength . Questions for Knowledge Control : 1. List the tasks of medical control . 2 . Types of medical examinations of athletes and sportsmen , list their goals . 3 . List the minimum list of paraclinical examinations to address the issue of the possibility of physical culture and sports . 4 . Define the term " physical development ". 5 . Research methods of physical development . 6. What signs are studying at of somatoscopy ? 53 7. List morphological anthropometric characteristics. 8. List the functional anthropometric characteristics. 9. Body types , types of constitution. 10 . Posture , determination , research methods , types of posture. 11. Shape of the chest. 12. Forms back. 13. Leg shape . 14. Methods of studying the shape of the foot . 15. Methods of measuring growth. 16. Methods of measurement of body weight. 17. Method of measuring the circumference of the thorax. 18. Methods of measuring the VC. 19. Methods of measuring forces of right and left hands. 20. Methods of measuring backbone strength . 21. List the methods of evaluation of physical development . 22. Describe the method of indices to assess risk factors . 23. Describe the method for assessing RF standards . 24. Describe the correlation method to assess risk factors . 25. Describe the method for estimating percentiles DF . To assess the level of assimilation of the theoretical material is also used quiz questions (see Appendix 1 ). Criteria for evaluating the theoretical part 17-14 Maximum score 21-18 25-22 points excellent 100%-86% good 85%-71% satisfactory 70-55% 13-9 unsatisfactory 54%-37% 8 points and below bad 36% or below 13.2. The analytical part of 13.2.1 . USING "brainstorming" To work on this technique, it is necessary to establish an atmosphere of trust, overcome psychological stress as an obstacle to open discussion . Technique combines the ability to extend stereotype , abstracted from existing constraints , to develop dynamic mental activity , intensify training activities . The method teaches argue and defend their own point of view , to find the optimal solution to build communion , to convince others of loyalty defended position . Methodology provides : 54 • greeting soaring thoughts ; • obtaining the greaquiz number of proposals; • a combination of ideas and their development; • any comments and criticisms that interfere with the formation of ideas ; • a brief statement without arguments deployed ; • division of the group into those who generates ideas and those who cultivate it . Students are encouraged to discuss the problem of sports medicine and medical supervision. Everyone expresses their proposals , which are written on the board or flip card. Then alternately opened position template and compared with the responses of students. At the end of an assessment of the job correctly and summarizing. Pattern of responses. The main tasks of Sports Medicine : 1. Definition of health and functional status , physical development surveyed to address sports orientation , tolerance to physical education , sports, summer residence of the recommendations for the rational use of physical activity, modes of work and training ; 2 . Regular monitoring of the health , physical development , functional state during training and competition. 3 . Analysis of disease, injury and specific injury arising from unsustainable physical education and sports , develop methods of early diagnosis, prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation; 4 . Development, quizing and introduction of biomedical tools and methods for optimizing the processes of recovery and improve athletic performance . The objectives of the medical monitoring include: 1. systematic medical monitoring and medical- pedagogical supervision for athletes and athletes during training and competition ; 2 . health-care provision of training and competition sites , mass participation of sports events; 3 . prevention and treatment of sports injuries , pathological conditions, diseases ; 4 . consultation in the field of physical culture and sports; 5 . training and guidance offices and medical monitoring work overall network of medical institutions for physical culture and sports; 6. health education and advocacy among the population , etc. 13.2.2 . Decision situational problems 1. Problem: The girl is 16 years height 163 cm, typical for this growth weight (± 0,4 σ), chest circumference in the pause (+1 σ), spirometry (+1 σ), the right hand dynamometry (-1σ), dynamometry becomes ( - 1σ). 1. Draw her anthropometric profile 55 2 . Make a conclusion on the physical development of the survey . Template Answer : Based on the obtained anthropometric profile surveyed physical development can be assessed as average , harmonious , but there is a decrease of power indices, which allows us to recommend specific exercises to strengthen the muscles of the limbs and back. 2 . Problem: Woman 14 years , height 158 cm, weight 70 kg, chest circumference in the expiratory phase of 106 cm , 35 kg Stanovoy dynamometry , hand (right) - 15 kg , -20 kg left . 1. Calculate the index Pine . 2 . Your conclusion about the physical development of the survey . Template Answer : Pine index calculated by the formula : D-(M + O), where D standing body length in cm, M - weight in kilograms; About - chest circumference in the expiratory phase , see In this case, a 158 - (70 +106 ) = -24 . The resulting figure shows a strong constitution , but the survey indicated overweight (BMI 28 kg/m2) , which accounts for the high rate of body fortress . In this case, the conclusion about the physical development in terms of Pine can not be done , it is necessary to count the other indices. 3 . Problem: The young man 17 years old, standing height of 186 cm, sitting height 94 cm , body weight 80 kg, VC 3700 ml , the strength of his right hand 75 kg , left - 73 kg becomes force - 100 kg. 1. Give the formula and calculate the Quetelet index , Brock - Bruksha . 2 . Give the formula and calculate the indices of life and power . 3 . Draw conclusions about the physical development of the subject by the method of indices. Template response : 1. Quetelet index : body weight , g / standing height , cm = 80000/186 = 430 g / cm Index - Brock Bruksha : because surveyed 186 cm height , the formula is calculated as follows growth -110 = 186-110 = 76 kg - due weight 2 . Life index = VC ml / weight kg = 3700/80 = 46 ml / kg Power indicators : power brush , kg / body weight , kg = 75/80h100 x100 = 93% ( right hand ) , 73/80h100 = 91% ; Strength force = 100/80h100 = 125% Conclusion: with high growth and sufficient body weight subject has observed declines in life and backbone strength index , indicating that the disharmony of physical development and necessitates correction with regular aerobic exercise. 56 13.2.3 . Graphic Organizer : drafting clusters on a given topic . Cluster - ( beam bunch ) method mapping information - gathering ideas around a main factor for determining the meaning and focus of the whole structure . Stimulates updating knowledge helps freely and openly engage in new associative thinking process perspective on a topic . Technology develops systems thinking , the ability to structure , organize information . Students are divided into small groups of 2-3 people , they are distributed threads for compiling cluster. To complete the task given to 15-20 minutes, after which the group presents its cluster. Subject: "Criteria for assessing the physical development" (Annex 2) . steps: 1. Acquainted with the rules of drawing cluster. 2 . In the center of the chalkboard or a large sheet of paper written keyword or topic name of 1 - 2- words. 3 . By association with the keyword credited by his side in the circles smaller " satellite " - words or sentences that are associated with the topic. Connect them with lines of "principal" word. These "satellites" may be " small satellites ", etc. record goes before the expiration of the allotted time or until exhausted ideas. 4 . Exchange clusters for discussion. Criteria for evaluation of the analytical part : Maximum 21-18 score 25-22 points excellent 100%-86% good 85%-71% 17-14 satisfactory 70-55% 13-9 unsatisfactory 54%-37% 8 points and below bad 36% or below 13.3 The practical part Examination of athletes and sportsmen - Passport data ; - Life history ; - Sports history ; - Anthropometric data ; - External examination of the data . Survey and clearance protocol 57 1.Exacution protocol anamnesis Data_____________________________ (year, month , day) 1. Overview Organization Name ____________________________ AMD Sports _________________________________ 1. Last name, ____________________________ 2 . Date of Birth ____________________________ 3 . Paul ____________________________ 3 . Home address ____________________________ Telephone_________ 4 . Place of work or study________________________________________ 2 . life history 1. Occupation ____________________________ 2 . Education ____________________________ 3 . Terms of life____________________________ 4 . Diet____________________________ 5 . Drinking alcohol : random , little , many, often , does not use ( underline) 6. Postponed : a) illness____________________________________ b)operations_________________________________________________ c) injures____________________________________________________ 7. Hereditary diseases (diseases in the family) ___________________ 3 . General sports history 1. At what age began ( a) engage in sports ? What kind of sports ? ______________________________________________________________ 2 . The main sport at the moment ( starting date, the time, with a break of more than 6 months , independently, under the guidance of coach ) _______________________________________________________________ 3 . Dynamics of sports qualification date discharge sport 2 . protocol of somatoscopy position of head______________________________________________ position of shoulder_____________________________________________ Location of scapuls_____________________________________ Form of spine______________________Form of abdomen______________ Spine : lordosis________________ kiphosi__________________ scoliosis_______________ _______________________ Lumbar triangles _______________________________________ Epigastric angle _______ Form chest _________________ 58 Form of hand_________________Form of leg____________________ Form feet____________________________________________________ mobility of joints__________________________________________ The development of musculs_______________________________________ Skin: color ______________________ _______________ , The presence of pigmentation , depigmentation ____________________________ Conclusion According of somatoscopy : carriage________________________________________________ Type of physique_______________________________________________ Conducting anthropometry . 1. Measurement of growth. Objective: To teach students how to measure growth ( body length ) of the subject and the evaluation of results . Steps for : № Events 1 impractic able number (0 points) 0 Fully executed correctly 5 1 Preparing the venue measuring growth. 2 2 Establishment of the subject at the site 0 stadiometer to touch the upright heels , buttocks , interscapular area 3 Establishing the head position so that the line 0 connecting the outer corner of the eye and the tragus of the ear, is horizontal 20 4 on the rack carefully lower horizontal sliding 0 sleeve with a clipboard to contact with the head, write the result ( standing height ) Preparation for measurement of growth sitting 10 6 The subject sits on a folding bench , touching 0 the buttocks straps and interscapular region 15 7 To give to head of the subject is the same 0 position as in the measurement of growth 10 5 10 10 59 standing 8 Lower the sliding sleeve until it touches the 0 head 10 9 write the result 10 0 Total 100 2 . Measurement of body weight (body weight ) Objective: To teach students how to measure the mass ( body weight ) of the subject and the evaluation of results . Steps for : № Events impractic Fully able number executed (0 points) correctly 1 Align the scales 0 15 2 Surveyed outerwear without getting on the 0 middle of the weighing plate latch is down detent 10 3 Raise the gate detent 0 10 4 Move the weight on the bottom plate rocker 0 until Ranges towards rostral projection 10 5 Secure the index lower weights 0 10 6 Move the weight on the top plate to trim 0 10 7 Secure the upper index weights . Lower gate 0 detent 10 8 summarize the performance of the lower and 0 upper weights (as a result of the subject displayed weight ) 10 9 Rate 9 results 0 15 Total 100 60 3 . Measuring the circumference of the chest Objective: To teach students how to measure the circumference of the chest of the subject and assessment of results . Steps for : № Events impracticable Fully number (0 executed points) correctly 1 1 Pathways subject to measurement 0 5 2 2 tape measures impose behind in both sexes 0 at the bottom corners of the blades , the front men - but lower segment areola , women over the mammary gland at the level IV has attached ribs to the sternum . 0 20 20 3 3 Measure the chest circumference during 0 pause. 0 15 15 4 4 chest circumference measured at the 0 maximum inspiration. 0 15 15 5 5 chest circumference measured at full 0 exhalation . 0 15 15 6 6 Determine the difference between the 0 values of the circles in the inspiratory and expiratory phase (degree of mobility of the chest excursion , pp) . 0 15 15 7 Rate 7 results 15 0 15 0 0 5 100 4 . Measurement of muscle strength ( dynamometry ) Objective: To teach students how to measure the strength of the subject and assessment of results . Steps for : 61 № Events Fully impracticable executed number (0 correctly points) 1 1 Prepare carpal dynamometer for measuring 0 the compression force ( arrow dynamometer set to "0" ) 0 5 5 2 2 Surveyed standing right hand grasps the 0 dynamometer dial to the palm , without voltage reaches out to the side and squeezes with maximum force , repeated 3 times , record the best score 0 15 15 3 3 Surveyed standing left hand grasps the 0 dynamometer dial to the palm , without voltage reaches out to the side and squeezes with maximum force , repeated 3 times , record the best result. 0 15 15 4 4 preparation becomes a dynamometer to 0 measure ( arrow lead to a " 0") 0 10 10 5 5 The subject becomes the base, bending at the waist , grip dynamometer must be at knee level 5 5 5 5 The subject is taken with both hands on the 0 handle of the dynamometer and gradually and smoothly , without bending his knees , with the force to failure is rectified . 0 5 5 6 6 Perform measurement 2-3, record the best 0 score 0 20 20 7 Rate 7 results 25 0 Total 100 62 Criteria for assessing the practical part of the lesson . Evaluation of the practical classes is 40% of rated current control . Maximum of 20 points. On the subject of " medical control " every practical skill consists of 5-15 steps, each of which is assessed separately and a total of 100 possible points. If there are errors in the performance of the individual steps performed incorrectly or reduced points : if improperly performed from 1 to 4 points , at default from 5 to 15 points .. Amount of points by a factor of 0.2 persent. For example: a student scored 80 points for the implementation of practical skill , multiply by a factor of 0.2 , will 80h0 , 2 = 16 points. Criteria for assessing the practical part of the lesson 17-14 13-9 Maximum 21-18 8 points and score 25-22 below points excellent 100%-86% good satisfactory 85%-71% 70-55% unsatisfactory 54%-37% bad 36% or below 14. Forms of control knowledge , skills and abilities • oral • Written • solving situational problems • demonstration of skills mastered . Joint evaluation criteria table theoretical and analytical , practical and selfemployment units Rating Excellent Good Fair Poor Unsatisfactory % Performance Theoretical part Analytical part 100%86% 85%-71% 25-22 point 21-18 points 30-26 point 25-21 points Practical part 40-34 points 33-28 points 70-55% 54%-37% 36% and below 17-14 point 13-9 point 8points and below 20-16point 15-11point 10 points and below 27-22 points 21-15 points 14 points below and 63 Independent 5-4,3 point work 4,2-3,6 point 3,5-2,8 point 2,7-1,9 point 1,8 points below and 15. Criteria for evaluation of the current control № 1. 2. 3. Progres s in % 96100% mark Level of knowledge of student excelle Full correct answer to questions about the tasks of sports nt «5» medicine and medical monitoring for exercise and sports, athletes survey scheme , physical development, learning methods , evaluation and correction of physical development . Summarizes and makes decisions , think creatively , independently analyzes . Situational problems are solved correctly , with a creative approach , with full justification response. Actively and creatively involved in interactive games , right to make informed decisions and summarizes and analyzes . Actively involved in the development of practical skills and properly performing. CDS prepared high quality (abstract, slides , banner, video ) with no less than 10 online sources and literature in recent years. 91-95% 2 . 91-95 % complete correct answer to questions about the tasks of sports medicine and medical monitoring for exercise and sports, athletes survey scheme , physical development, learning methods , evaluation and correction of physical development . Summarizes and makes decisions , think creatively , independently analyzes . Situational problems are solved correctly , with a creative approach , with full justification response. Actively and creatively involved in interactive games , right to make informed decisions and summarizes and analyzes . Actively involved in the development of practical skills and properly performing. CDS prepared high quality (abstract, slides , banner, video ) with no less than 10 online sources and literature in recent years. 86-90% Excell "5" The questions about the tasks of sports medicine and ent medical monitoring for exercise and sports, athletes survey «5» scheme , physical development, learning methods , evaluation and correction of physical development lit 64 4. 5. 6. enough , but there are 1-2 errors in the response. Applies in practice , with the matter , said confidently , has fine views. Situational problems are solved correctly , but the justification answer sufficiently. Actively involved in interactive games , correct decisions . Actively involved in the development of practical skills , but there are 2-3 mistakes in their implementation . CDS prepared high quality (abstract, slides , banner, video ) with no less than 10 online sources and literature in recent years. 81-85% Good The questions about the tasks of sports medicine and medical «4» monitoring for exercise and sports, athletes survey scheme , physical development, learning methods , evaluation and correction of physical development is fully covered , but there are 2-3 inaccuracies, errors . Applies in practice , with the matter , said confidently , has fine views. Situational problems are solved correctly , but the justification answer sufficiently. Inaccuracies in solving situational problems . Actively involved in interactive games , correct decisions . Actively involved in the development of practical skills , but there are 2-3 mistakes in their implementation . CDS prepared high quality (abstract, slides , banner, video ) with no less than 10 online sources and literature in recent years. 76-80% Goo Correct , but incomplete coverage of the issue . Student d knows about the problems of sports medicine and medical monitoring for exercise and sports, athletes survey scheme , «4» physical development (RF ) , learning methods , evaluation and correction of physical development but fully understands the methods of assessing risk factors . With the matter , said confidently , has fine views. Actively involved in interactive games . Situational problem gives partial solutions . Actively involved in the development of practical skills , but there are 3-4 mistakes in their implementation . CPC prepared good quality (abstract, slides) using at least 5-8 online sources and literature in recent years. 71-75% Goo Correct , but incomplete coverage of the issue . Student d knows about the problems of sports medicine and medical «4» monitoring for exercise and sports, athletes survey scheme , physical development, but incomplete lists methods of examination, evaluation and correction of physical 65 7. 8. 9. development . With the matter , said confidently , has fine views. Actively involved in interactive games . Situational problem gives partial solutions . Actively involved in the development of practical skills , but there are 3-4 mistakes in their implementation . CPC prepared good quality (abstract, slides) using at least 3-5 online sources and literature in recent years. 66-70% Satisf on the correct answer half of the questions . Student actor knows about the problems of sports medicine and medical y «3» monitoring for exercise and sports, athletes survey scheme , physical development, but poorly versed in the methods of examination, evaluation and correction of physical development . With the matter , said uncertainly , has accurate representations only on specific issues theme. Situational problems are solved correctly , but there is no justification response. Passive when discussing CDS. Passive during the development of practical skills , makes mistakes when they are executed . 61-65% correct answer half of the questions . Student knows about the problems of sports medicine and medical monitoring for exercise and sports, athletes survey scheme , physical development, but poorly versed in the methods of examination, evaluation and correction of physical development . With the matter , said uncertainly , has accurate representations only on specific issues theme. Situational problems are solved correctly , but there is no justification response. Passive during the development of practical skills , makes mistakes when they are executed . CPC prepared satisfactorily designed (abstract, slides) using at least 2-3 online sources and literature in recent years. Passive when discussing CDS. 55-60% correct answer to 40 % of the questions . Student knows about the problems of sports medicine and medical monitoring for exercise and sports, athletes survey scheme , physical development, but poorly versed in the methods of examination, evaluation and correction of physical development . With the matter , said uncertainly , has accurate representations only on specific issues theme. Situational problems are solved correctly , but there is no justification response. 66 Passive during the development of practical skills , makes mistakes when they are executed . CPC prepared satisfactorily designed (abstract, slides) using at least 2-3 online sources and literature in recent years. The abstract mistakes , broken logical sequence of topics subject was not disclosed . Improper design of slides and posters. Passive when discussing CDS. 10 . 31-54% dissat less than 40% coverage of the issues in the wrong isfacti approach. Student does not know about the problems of on sports medicine and medical monitoring for exercise and «2» sports, athletes survey scheme , physical development. Practically versed in the methods of examination, evaluation and correction of physical development . Homework is not satisfied. Passive during the development of practical skills , making numerous mistakes in their implementation . CDS performed with numerous errors , using only 1-2 online sources and literature, poorly framed , the student can not present their work . Passive when discussing CDS. 11 20-30% dissat "2" is present on the student practical training in the . isfacti proper form , there is a workbook . Questions not answers. Do on not know about the problems of sports medicine and medical «2» monitoring for exercise and sports, athletes survey scheme , physical development. Not involved in the development of practical skills. Homework is not satisfied. CDS is not prepared . Passive in class . Violates discipline prevents conduct classes . 16. Quiz Questions 1. What are the object of study sports medicine and medical supervision. 2 . List the medical examinations of athletes and sportsmen. 3 . What are the primary tasks of medical examination of athletes and sportsmen. 4 . Name the task landmark medical examination of athletes and sportsmen. 5 . Name the problem further medical examination of athletes and sportsmen. 6. What are the current problems ( urgent ) medical examination of athletes and sportsmen. 7. What criteria addressed the issue of the possibility of the subject engage in sports ? 67 8. Give the definition of " physical development ". 9. What methods studied physical development ? 10 . List the methods of evaluation of physical development . 11. List the advantages and disadvantages of the indices. 12. List the advantages and disadvantages of the standards. 13. List the advantages and disadvantages of the method of correlation ( regression ) . 14. Explain the method of percentiles for assessment of physical development. 15. Name the body types and their significance for sports selection . 16. What information is included in the history of sports ? 17. At what valuation method is composed of physical development anthropometric profile ? 18. List the main methods of correction of physical development . 19. What difference between the concepts "constitution" and " body ? " 20. Quetelet index calculation formula . 21. The formula for calculating the index Pine . 22. The formula for calculating the index Erisman . 23. The formula for calculating the index - Brock Bruksha . 24. The formula for calculating life index. 25. The formula for calculating power indices. 17. Recomended literature Main literatures: 1.Dubrovskiy V.A.Sportivnaya myedisina. 2007y. 2.yepifanov V.A. Apanasyenko R.L M Lyechyebnaya fizkultura i vrachyebnыy kontrol M.1990 3.yepifanov V.A Lyechyebnaya fizkultura i sportivnaya myedisina. M. 2000 y. 4.Choyovadzye A.V. Kruylыy I.M. Vrachyebnыy kontrol v fizichyeskom vospitanii i sportye M.1987. 5.Dyembo A.Y, Vrachyebnыy kontrol v sportye. M.: Myedisina, 1988 6.Juravlyova A.I., Yrayevskaya N.D. Sportivnaya myedisina i lyechyebnaya fizichyeskaya kultura. Rukovodstvo M., 1993 7.Lyeksionnыye matyerialы i uchyebno-myetodichyeskiye razrabotki. Adittional : 1.Aulik I.V. Opryedyelyeniye fizichyeskoy rabotosposobnosti v klinikye i sportye. M.1990 y. 2.Karpman V.L Sportivnaya myedisina. M. 1987 y. 3.Karpman V.L. Syerdsye i sport. M. 1990 y. 4.Dyembo A.Y., Zyemsovskiy E.V. Sportivnaya kardioloyiya. M.1989 y. 5.Rixsiyeva O.A. Massaj T., 1996 6.yerыshyev O.F. Jizn byez narkotikov. S:P. Izdatyelstvo «Pionyer», Moskva Astryel, 2001 68 7.Sportivnaya myedisina Pod ryed. A.V.Choyovadzye M.,Moskva, 1984 8.Vinoyradov P.A., Dushanin A.P., Joldak V.I. Osnovы fizichyeskoy kulturы i zdorovыy obraz jizni Moskva, 1996 9.Volojin A.I., Subbotin Yu.K., Chikin S.Ya. Put k zdorovyu Moskva, 1987 10.Kukolyevskiy Y.M. Vrachyebnoye nablyudyeniya za sportsmyenami M., 1975 11.Myedisinskiye osnovы fizichyeskoyo vospitaniya i formirovaniya zdorovya i yarmonichnoyo razvitiya dyetyey i podrostkov» prof. Nazirov F.Y. prof. Axmyedova D.M. prof. Suyumov F.A. dos. Vasilyev V.D, prof. Shayxova Y.I. Tashkyent, 2003. Foreign literature: 1. Consuelo T Lorenzo et al. Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Medscape Reference 2011 – WebMD 2. Marlis Gonzalez-Fernandez, MD, PhD, Jarrod David Friedman, MDPhysical Medicine and Rehabilitation Pocket Companion 3. Mark Harrast, MD, Jonathan Finnoff, DOSports MedicineStudy Guide and Review for Boards 4. Sara J. Cuccurullo (Editor)Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Board Review 2004 - Demos Medical Publishing, 848 pp. 5. Teylor S.B., Miller N.H. “Basic physiologic principils relatied to Group exirsise programs” Filadelphiya 1990 6. Tehaxton L. “Phithiological and psythological effects of short term exirsiseeddiction on habitual runners.” 1992 96. 7. Wainapel, Stanley F.; Fast, Avital (Editors)Alternative Medicine and RehabilitationA Guide for Practitioners2003 - Demos Medical Publishing. www. medinfo. www. 69 ANNEX Quizs to monitor the level of knowledge on the lesson number 1 1. To determine the functional state of the autonomic nervous system can calculate the indices : 1.indeks Pirke 2 . Pine index 3 . index Ruffo 4.indeks Kerdo (cardio ) + 5.indeks Erisman 2 . What forms back distinguish ? 1.straight 2 . kgphotic 3 . round + 4.lordoticheskaya 5.skolioticheskaya 3 . The main criteria for the physical development does not apply A. body length B. weight C. foot length * D. VCL E. chest circumference 4 . Proper values of life index in men A. not less than 65-70 ml / kg * B. not less than 50-65 ml / kg C. not less than 75-80 ml / kg D. not less than 70-75 ml / kg E. not less than 80-85 ml / kg 5 . The method determines kaliperometrii A. bone mass B. muscle C. fat mass * D. musculoskeletal component E. amplitude joint 6. Indicate the type of medical examination for distribution in the sports section 70 A. landmark B. secondary C. primary * D. current E. in-depth 7. Specify the group contingent subject to a thorough medical examination A. students of secondary schools B. children attending kindergarten C. Honored Master of Sports , master of sports , candidates for master of sports* D. students of universities E. sports veterans 8. An index that characterizes the ratio of weight and height : A. Erisman B. Pine C. Quetelet * D. life index E. Pirke 9. For round - concave back is characterized by: A. increase in breast kgphosis and lumbar lordosis absence B. chest kgphosis increase and decrease in lumbar lordosis C. increase in breast kgphosis and lumbar lordosis * D. decrease chest kgphosis and lumbar lordosis E. scoliosis cervicothoracic 10 . Index for measuring body fortress : A. Pirke B. Erisman C. Pine * D. Quetelet E. vital 11. Medical examination of the athletes performed A. in the clinic B. hospital C. in medical - sports clinic * D. the sports complex E. in institutions 71 12. Medical examination of athletes and sportsmen happens , delete the wrong answer A. urgent B. landmark C. re * D. additional E. primary 13. The purpose of the primary survey A. access to physical education and sports, sports selection , definition med.grupp * B. measurement of health after illness and injury C. eligible to compete D. detection efficiency effects of physical exercise on health E. treatment of injuries athletes 14. Anthropometry determines A. morphological parameters * B. biological age C. somatotype D. physical fitness E. state of fitness 15. Specify the correct assessment of physical development A. good B. satisfactory C. harmonious * D. reduced E. poor 16. Name the task of medical control : A. setting standards TRP B. Writing systems of physiotherapy C. definition of physical development , health and functional status of the body * D. conducting classes in a special group E. organizational and methodological guidance 17. What are the normal form of the chest A. barrel B. flat - rachitic C. cylindrical * 72 D. cone * 18. Name the pathological form of the thorax. A. emphysematous * B. flat - rachitic * C. cylindrical D. conical 19. When of somatoscopy determine: A. body type * B. the shape of the chest * C. the functional state of the respiratory system D. the diameters of the body parts 20. Anthropometric indices : A. morphological * B. functionality * C. range of motion of joints D. form of thorax 21. Morphological anthropometric indices : A. body length * B. parts of the body circumference * C. weight D. VC 22. Functional anthropometric measures : A. body weight * B. Stanovoy power * C. growth D. the diameters of the body parts 23. Methods for assessing physical development : A. the method of indices * B. method standards * C. regression method * D. coefficient method E. method percent F. method of progression 24. In assessing the physical development indices used by the formula : A. Quetelet index * 73 B. Broca index - Brugsch * C. index Pine * D. Kerdo index infarction E. Martin index F. Valsalva index 25. Specify contraindications to determine postural muscle strength pregnancy * A. high myopia * B. hernia * C. average physical development D. excess body weight E. flatfoot 26. Medical examination carried athletes to choose the wrong answer: A) in the clinic * B) in a hospital * C) in medical - sports clinic D) in the office of the VC E) in the resort * F) in public health - care facilities 27. Medical examination of athletes happens , delete the wrong answer : A) secondary * B) primary C) the previous * D) depth * E) reF) additional 28. Name the task of medical control : A) preparation of complexes of physiotherapy B) determining the physical development * C) to determine the state of health * D) determination of the functional state of the body * E) conducting classes in a special group F) organizational and methodological guidance 29. List the types of constitution : A. normostenik * B. astenik * 74 C. hypersthenic * D. sanguine person E. melancholiac F. phlegmatic person 30. For asthenic type constitution characteristic signs : A. characterized by its narrow body shapes , hands, feet * B. acute epigastric angle * C. weak development of fat and muscle components * D. good development of muscle and bone components E. moderate content of fatty component F. broad shoulders and pelvis ANNEX 2 Quiz preparation on the cluster : " Criteria for evaluation of physical development " 75 MINISTRY OF HEALTH OF THE REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN TASHKENT MEDICAL ACADEMY "APPROVED" Vice Rector by Academic Affairs Prof.TeshaevO.R_________ __"________" ________2014y . Department of Folk Medicine , Rehabilitation and physical culture Subject: Medical control TECHNOLOGY TRAINING on practical training Related : FUNCTIONAL STATUS . FUNCTIONAL QUIZ FOR EVALUATION OF THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM ( QUIZ post, Genchi , Serkin , Rosenthal ) , autonomic nervous system ( orthostatic , clinoorthostatic QUIZ ) CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM ( QUIZ Martin, Letunova ) . Influence of physical activities on human body. Guidelines for teachers and students of the 4th year medical and medicalpedagogical faculties Tashkent. 2014 76 Compilers : Associate Professor , Ph.D. Adilov Sh.K. Senior Lecturer Sharipov U.A.. Technology training approved : at a meeting of the department number ______ of __________ 2014 Education technology discussed and approved at a meeting of the therapeutic section CMK Tashkent Medical Academy ____ number of ________ 2014 Chairman prof. MD Karimov M.SH.______________________________ 77 Universal model of learning technologies in the classroom Topic number 2 : Functional status . Functional quizs for evaluating respiratory system, autonomic nervous system , cardiovascular system. Effect of physical activity on the human body . Study time: 6:00 Study time: 6:00 II. The main part : Structure of the 1. theoretical training session 2 . analytical prodrome 3 . practical 4 . independent work of students III. Final (resultant ) part The purpose of the training session : to consolidate and deepen the knowledge of the functional status of a person , the impact of physical activity on the body, develop the skill of functional quizs , teach an opinion on the functional status of various organs and systems involved in sports activities. Pedagogical objectives: • Fix a general idea about the functional state of the organism and its individual systems; • organize knowledge about the kinds of functional quizs and to conduct them; • consolidate and extend the knowledge about the impact of physical activity on the human body ; • analyze techniques functional quizs ; • To develop skills of functional quizs and completing the relevant documentation; • learn to assess the functional status of athletes and sportsmen ; • develop skills in organizing, comparing , summarizing , and analyzing information ; • develop communication skills. Learning Methods Learning outcomes : The student must : • give an idea of the functional state of the organism; • to classify functional quizs used in medical control ; • talk about the impact of physical activity on the human body ; • list respiratory quizs ; • list vegetative quizs ; • list the types of hemodynamic response to exercise ; • to give an opinion on the functional state of the organism on the basis of these quizs. The student should be able to: perform practical skills : conduct functional quizs , complete medical checklist - athletes and sportsmen . Discussion , conversation , technology : Graphic Organizer categorical table " Functional quizs " , the conceptual table "Types of 78 hemodynamic response to exercise . Forms of organization of learning Individual work , group work, team . activities Learning Tools Training manuals, training materials , a set of measuring instruments (stopwatch , spirometer , tonometer with phonendoscope ) , slides , markers, sheets of A3 , A4. Ways and means of feedback Quiz , quizing, presentation of the results of solving situational problems , drawing graphic organizers, evaluation of the development of practical skills. Typical flow chart of lesson Stages of work , time 6 h activity stage 1 Introduction to the training session 25 min Content Teacher 1 . Tells subject , purpose and planned learning outcomes . Familiar with the plan and features of the training session . 2 . Describes key categories and concepts on this topic. 3 . Reported indicators and evaluation criteria of academic work in class. Stage 2 The practical part 4 hours (1 hr ) 1. Conducts a quiz to identify the main: source of students' knowledge on the The theoretical topic: part ( 2:00 ) • The concept of sports medicine , medical monitoring tasks . • Basic medical examinations of athletes and sportsmen (primary , landmark , additional , urgent ) . Analytical part • The concept of physical development ( 2:00 ) and the importance of it for sports selection . • Somatoscopy . • Anthropometry . 2 . Students are encouraged to discuss the Student Listen, write , update , ask questions. Answer questions . 79 problem of sports medicine and medical monitoring method of " brainstorming ." 3 . Explains the concept of " physical development ", parses the evaluation criteria of physical development (data external examination and anthropometry ) 4 . Make offers graphic organizer - a cluster on " Evaluation Criteria of physical development ." 5 . Demonstrates techniques of of somatoscopy and anthropometry . 6. Organize the implementation of students' practical skills. 7. Divides the students into groups. Reminiscent of rules and regulations in a group discussion. 8. Gives the task : • Solve the proposed situational problem . Conduct and discuss the results of individual work in mini-groups ; • Prepare for a presentation. 1. 9. Coordinates , advises, directs the learning activities . Examines and evaluates the results of individual work : filling medical and checklists , structure -tion anthropometric profile and conclusions about the physical development . stage 3 1 . An opinion on the subject, focusing A Final -result - students on the main reports on the ing importance of the work done for future 20 min professional careers . 2 . Commends the work of groups and individual students , summarizes grade . Analyzes and assesses the degree of achievement of lesson . Gives the task to prepare for the next lesson . Participate in discussions , ask questions, outline , specify. Perform the learning task . Following the teacher perform practical skills. Divided into groups. Perform the learning task . Present the results of individual and group work . Listen. Conduct selfesteem, grade . Ask questions. Opine . Recorded assignment. 80 Topic number 2 : Functional status . Functional quizs for evaluating respiratory system, autonomic nervous system , cardiovascular system. Effect of physical activity on the human body . 1. Venue classes : Department of Medical Rehabilitation third TMA Clinic , a physiotherapy clinic 1st TMA . 2 . Duration of study themes : the number of hours - 6. 3 . Session Purpose : to consolidate and deepen the knowledge of the functional status of a person , the impact of physical activity on the body, develop the skill of functional quizs , teach an opinion on the functional status of various organs and systems involved in sports activities. 4 . Pedagogical objectives: fix a general idea about the functional state of the organism and its individual systems; • organize knowledge about the kinds of functional quizs and to conduct them; • consolidate and extend the knowledge about the impact of physical activity on the human body ; • analyze techniques functional quizs ; • To develop skills of functional quizs and completing the relevant documentation; • learn to assess the functional status of athletes and sportsmen ; • develop skills in organizing, comparing , summarizing , and analyzing information ; • develop communication skills. 5 . Learning outcomes The student must : • give an idea of the functional state of the organism; • to give a classification of functional quizs used in medical control ; • talk about the impact of physical activity on the human body ; • list respiratory quizs ; • list vegetative quizs ; • list the types of hemodynamic response to exercise ; • to give an opinion on the functional state of the organism on the basis of these quizs. The student should be able to: • perform practical skills : conduct functional quizs , complete medical checklist athletes and sportsmen . 6. Methods and techniques of teaching Method discussion ; machinery: Graphic Organizer - cluster. 7. learning Tools Manuals, training materials, spirometer , tonometer , stethoscope , stopwatch, ergometer , slides , markers, banners, sheets of A3 , A4. 81 8. forms of learning Individual work , group work , team . 9. conditions of Learning Audience ratings conditions for working in groups. 10 . Monitoring and evaluation Interpreting control : control issues , perform educational tasks in groups , performing skills . Written control : control questions , the quiz solution and situational problems . 11. Motivation Features of modern life , on the one hand, is characterized by the lack of adequate muscular load for optimum performance ( no improvement ) systems and organs , and on the other - the use of large volume and intensity of physical activity (professional sports) . In connection with this medical practice before it became necessary to study these relationships between the body and the physical work that led to the creation of a special science - Sports Medicine . Sports Medicine - a branch of medical science and practice, study the positive and negative effects of different levels of physical activity on health and physical condition, as well as the means and methods of influencing processes postnagruzochnogo recovery and improve efficiency . Goals and objectives of sports medicine , as well as means to achieve them are largely consonant c physiotherapy . For example, the primary means of improving functional reserves , prevention and health promotion athlete , a disabled patient is exercising. Their use in sporting activities and in the process of rehabilitation is based on general principles of teaching the theory and practice of physical education - training dosage . Thus , we can talk more about the proximity of these disciplines than the difference . Medical control is the main section of Sports Medicine . Its task is constant selection, medical examination and monitoring of persons engaged in physical culture and sports . 12. Intra and Interdisciplinary communication Teaching the topic is based on the knowledge students the basics of normal anatomy and physiology, pathophysiology , propaedeutics internal medicine, biostatistics (vertical integration ) . Also knowledge of the topic integrated with therapy , hygiene of children and adolescents , physical therapy and traumatology ( horizontal integration) . 13. content classes 13.1. The theoretical part FUNCTIONAL STATUS The assessment of the functional state is the study of changes in the functions and / or structures of certain organs or body systems under the influence of various disturbances , which by their nature can be very different . 82 In sports medicine, functional quizs are used for pre-emptive research: • the cardiovascular system; • external respiratory system ; • autonomic nervous system ; • vestibular analyzer ; • overall physical performance ; • energy potentials of the body. In clinical practice, functional loads are applied to identify the underlying pathology , as well as assessing the effectiveness of rehabilitation programs. Depending on the nature of competitive activity athlete leading functional systems are : 1. When cycling maximum power - the central nervous system , neuromuscular apparatus . 2 . When cycling and high submaximal power - systems responsible for maintaining the homeostasis of the cardiorespiratory system , central nervous system , neuromuscular apparatus . 3 . When cycling moderate power - cardiorespiratory system , the endocrine system , the central nervous system . 4 . When acyclic exercises of various kinds - the central nervous system , neuromuscular system , the sensory system . Value of functional quizs , quizs in professional activity is multifaceted. In sports practice, they will evaluate the functionality and features of adaptation reserves of various systems athlete. All this is the basis for the implementation of technical skills and tactical plans , the successful performance of an athlete in competition. In clinical practice physicians functional quizs are used to detect latent diseases of the body, effectiveness of rehabilitation programs , determining the degree of disability , etc. Functional quizs , quizs. It's a different kind of disturbances . They can act as a physical activity, and other means of manipulation ( breath holding at inspiration or expiration, a change in body position , straining , drugs , food additives, cold exposure , electrical aquiz air mixtures with different content of oxygen, carbon dioxide , etc. ) . Exercise quiz . It can be one, two - and trehmomentnoy . An example of a singlestage exercise quiz is a quiz with twenty squats , which reveals the body's reaction to this load . If you run a load with 20 squats twice, with an interval of time between them in three minutes - the quiz will dvuhmomentnoy . Her ability to assess the functional state of the wider after the second load can judge the organism adaptation systems that load . To trehmomentnoy ( combined ) quiz relates Letunova quiz . It consists of 20 sit-ups , 15 -second run at the maximum rate and a 3- minute run at a pace of 180 steps per minute . 83 Quizs with quantitative dose . Quiz Shephard , Harvard step quiz, quiz Novakki , quiz physical performance (PWC170), determination of the maximum oxygen consumption (MIC ) quizs with isometric exercise , etc. Specific quiz. In these quizs the character perform load simulates activities athlete , corresponding to a particular sport. Shadowboxing for the boxer . Rolls stuffed for a fighter . Doing basketball with throws in the ring for basketball. Work on the cycle ergometer , rowing machine , respectively, for the cyclist and rower . Quizs without physical exertion . Latency exhalations (quiz Stange ) or exhalation (quiz Genchi ) . Rosenthal quiz , Romberg ortoklinostaticheskie . Quizs with inhalation of air containing various amounts of oxygen, carbon dioxide . Quizs with nutritional supplements and pharmacological agents . Assay with aquiz electrostimulation etc. respiratory quizs Quiz Stange - maximum delay exhalations . Studied in the sitting position after 2-3 deep breaths holding his breath . Stopwatch recorded Breath . In a healthy person, it is not less than 50-60 s athletes - a few minutes ( 2-3). Quiz Genchi - duration breath you exhale . In the sitting position after a normal (not maximum ) holds his breath exhalation analyzed . Fixed delay time with a stopwatch ; healthy it is 25-30 seconds. By reducing the resistance to hypoxia and low O2 concentration in the blood, breath duration of inspiration and expiration decreases. Rosenthal quiz - a fivefold VC dimension with 15 -second intervals . In healthy people, is then determined by the same or even decreasing figures VC. In cases of respiratory system or the circulatory system , as well as athletes with fatigue , overexertion or overtraining results of repeated measurements of vital capacity reduced. For athletes it depends on respiratory muscle fatigue and reduce the functional state of the nervous system. Combined AF quiz Serkin . Is performed in three phases. Phase 1 : Defines the time during which the subject can hold his breath for the inspiratory phase in the sitting position , 2 nd phase is determined by the delay time dyhaniyana inspiratory phase directly after twenty squats performed for 30 seconds , the third phase through minute repeated 1st phase . Rating quiz Serkin Contingent surveyed Healthy, trained Phase 1st 45-60 Healthy, untrained 35-45 With hidden 20-35 2nd Over 50% of the 1st phase with 30-50% of the 1st phase less than 30% of 3rd more than 100 % of phase 1 70-100 % of phase 1 least 70% of 84 circulatory insufficiency Phase 1 phase 1 Vegetative quizs Orthostatic quiz . It is noteworthy to assess autonomic status , functional status VNS . Its holding in its simplest form is to record heart rate in the supine position for 1 minute and standing once for 10 seconds . Assesses the degree of excitability of the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system . Normal activity is characterized by an increase in the sympathetic division of the pulse at 12-24 beats / min. However , for an athlete is quiz value lies not so much in the assessment of autonomic status during orthostatic quiz , and how to register the dynamics of changes in these quantities . To this end, orthostatic quiz carried out daily , in the morning , after a night's sleep . With proper construction of the training process the difference in the pulse lying - standing , recorded in the daily conduct of orthostatic decreases. This increase , compared with the previous value indicates a mismatch between training loads as an athlete , or failure recovery processes , or overstrain of the nervous system . In any case, you should take appropriate measures . Another important detail that should be taken into account during the orthostatic quiz . Reducing differences in heart rate during exercise is an individual limit. For athletes , endurance athletes , the maximum reduction rate during the orthostatic quiz may reach 5-6 strokes. Clinostaticquiz. Pulse is recorded in the standing and lying down. We study the parasympathetic autonomic nervous system excitability . It is characterized by a decrease in heart rate compared with lying pulse beats standing at 6-12 . To assess autonomic status , especially in neurological practice indicators used vegetation index Kerdo infarction ( VI ) . It is defined as follows. RV = ( 1 - ADD / HR) x 100, where ADD , diastolic blood pressure . VI values within influences. VI values from 16 to 30 characterized sympathic and > 30 - expressed sympathic . On parasimpatikotoniyu VI indicates the level from -16 to - 30, the expressed parasimpatikotoniyu - below - 30. Quizs for assessment of the functional state of the cardiovascular system Quiz Martinet Kushelevskg ( 20 squats ) . Types of cardio - vascular system to the load. Despite more than 70 years ago the existence of a quiz , it has not lost its significance due to its simplicity of , the ability to identify individuals predisposed to hyper-or hypotensive reactions, the regulatory mechanisms and other functional abnormalities in the study . Procedure for registration of CAS indicators before and after the 20 sit-ups is presented in Table 4 . 85 HR in the state of relative rest for 10 seconds fixed time intervals to obtain three identical or with a difference in 1 hit two pairs of identical indicators. Blood pressure is measured twice. After doing 20 squats at a moderate pace for 30 seconds , 10 seconds, the first minute of recovery, calculated heart rate. After that blood pressure is measured . After the recording of blood pressure in the remaining time of the first minute registration, again recorded heart rate. On the second and subsequent short recovery period registration HR and BP in a similar way as in the first minute of the period of restitution. Recording of the cardiovascular system continues to restore them to the original values , but not more than 5 min recovery period. After the end of the registration data type is determined hemodynamic response to SSS performed load. Types of Cardiovascular responses to physical stress system . Depending on changes in heart rate, blood pressure systolic , diastolic, pulse , and recovery time , there are 5 types of cardio -vascular system to exercise . Normotonic type . Characterized by unidirectional, coexisting and adequate intensity and duration of the work performed by changes in the direction of increasing heart rate and PD ( pulse pressure ) . Blood supply of the active muscle occurs due to increase in cardiac output (which indirectly indicates PD) , and heart rate. The percentage increase in these parameters is between 20 and 60 %. Coefficient endurance dormant at normotonic type should not vary more than 3-5 units of EF1 , registered in the first minute recovery period. Recovery time is 2-3 CVD indicators min. TABLE 4 . Recording scheme CAS indicators before and after the quiz with 20 squats . min sec 10 20 30 40 50 60 P 1 2 3 4 5 18 15 12 15 13 12 148 129 118 75 70 72 HR ( first option) 12,12,12 ; heart rate ( the second version of the recording ) 12,13.12,13 , BP 122/74 , 119/72 mmHg The main criteria for evaluating types of reaction : % Increase in heart rate during the first 10 sec recovery period = 50% % Increase in systolic blood pressure = 29 % 86 % Increase in diastolic BP = 0% % Increase in pulse pressure = 55 % Recovery time indicators CVD - 3 min. Dynamics of financial pressure and heart rate is calculated only for the first minute recovery period. Additional criterion for assessing the type of reaction . Endurance factor ( A.A.Kvas , 1960). Determined by the formula in which three hemodynamic parameters merged into one. Endurance factor HF ( cond units ) = (HR : PD ) With the increase in HF decreases the efficiency of the CVD . HF Shore- ip = 15.3 ; EF1 = 14.8 . Respectively ( HF ip ) for the state of relative rest and ( KV1 ) for the first minute of recovery. Heart rate to determine the HF calculated for the first 10 minutes of the first recovery and translated for 1 minute. Asthenic type . In this type of reaction increases sharply CVD heart rate is 100 percent or more. Pulse pressure increases by less than 20 %. Thus , the device CAS for muscular work carried out mainly by heart rate. Endurance ratio ( KV1 ) , compared to the quiescent increases by more than 9 items . Recovery time exceeds 5 minutes. Dystonic type is characterized by the fact that after you have made physical work auscultatory tone that defines the diastolic blood pressure does not go away , there is the so-called " infinite tone phenomenon ." There are two variants of dystonic reaction type . Physiological appears after dynamic work large muscle groups submaximal and maximal power , and does not depend on the functional state of health of the subject . Duration physiological dystonic type 1-2 min. The second option dystonic type - pathological . Dystonic tone persists for more than 2 minutes , then gradually begins to register a minimum of BP. To completely restore the minimum AD requires more than 4 minutes . Appears when the dynamic work , those with the presence of chronic infection , overvoltage condition of the body. Step type . Most often, this type occurs in response to fast load , for example, 15 seconds running at maximum pace. Suggest that his appearance is associated with a disorder of mechanisms responsible for the redistribution of blood flow during physical work and is an early sign of overvoltage condition of the body. A distinctive feature of it from other types - increase in systolic blood pressure second , and sometimes third minute recovery period longer than the first minute Hypertensive type . Depending on the component that contributes to hypertension, isolated cardiac , vascular and mixed type of hypertension. Hypertensive type on cardiac component is primarily manifested in the high figures of systolic blood pressure , which increased by 60 % or more from baseline values. A load of 20 squats systolic blood pressure greater than 160 mmHg Often combined with hyperkinetic circulation. Observed in boys ( juvenile type of 87 hypertension ) in persons carried about athletic gymnastics , bodybuilding , weightlifting without complying with the appropriate training methods and medical supervision. Other types of reactions CVD criteria (minimum pressure, heart rate ), except for the recovery time can be within the parameters normotonicheskogo type reaction. Hypertensive type on vascular component characterized by an increase of the minimum blood pressure above 90 mm Hg. Art. In middle- aged and elderly , possibly due to organic changes in the peripheral blood vessels (atherosclerosis ) . Athletes hypertensive type on vascular component may be due to increased activity of the sympathetic nervous system, adrenergic sensitivity to catecholamines , and other reasons. Hypertensive type to mix the ingredients . In this type has been a sharp increase in the maximum and minimum blood pressure, a load of 20 sit-ups , these figures are higher than 160 and 90 mmHg Athletes observed in chronic surge violations of the training , etc. Combined quiz Letunova based on the definition of adaptability to different CAS intensity and duration physical activities . The quiz involves three load . 1) 20 sit-ups in 30 seconds, 2) 15-second running on the spot in the maximum rate (thigh rises to a horizontal position ), 3 ) running in place for 3 minutes at a pace of 180 steps per minute ( for adolescents and women up to 18 years - 2minute run , thigh lift up to 75 º). The first load is like a workout to the next. The second reveals the ability to rapidly enhance circulation. Third load reveals the body's ability to maintain stable increased blood circulation at a high level for a relatively long time. Combined quiz is conducted as follows : after counting pulse in a sitting position on a 10-second intervals and determining blood pressure makes the examinee 20 deep knee bends in 30 seconds . In the first 10 seconds after the load pulse count the number of beats , and then within 40 seconds the blood pressure. Starting from the 50th second, again to feel the pulse of a 10-second intervals , and bringing it back to normal ( but not earlier than 2 min after the load) will be measured again pressure . Then, the 2nd part of the quiz - running in place for 15 seconds at the most rapid pace. Thereafter, over 4 min , and said measured blood pressure pulse ( at the beginning and end of each 10 minutes for a said pulse in the pulse count between measured blood pressure). It continues by third part of the quiz - running on the spot at a pace of 180 steps per minute ( on the metronome ) . Upon termination of the pulse is determined in races and BP for 5 minutes in the same manner as after a 15-second run. All data is stored . 88 Fill pattern protocol combined quiz Letunova Pulse until load 15.14,15 beats BP until load 100/60 mmHg for 10 seconds Time 20 squat 15-second run 3 - minute run Pulse after exercise 10 20 30 40 50 60 20 17 17 16 15 15 15 22 21 20 18 17 16 15 15 15 - 26 24 23 23 19 17 17 16 16 15 16 15 15 15 115 100 160 145 130 115 105 Blood pressure after exercise 125 100 140 130 Effect of physical activity on the human body . Features functional status of persons regularly engaged in physical culture and sports . Systematic influence adequate physical exercise on the human body leads to structural and functional restructuring , characterized by the appearance of a number of psychological and physiological effects. Among them, the formation of certain personal qualities that depend on the functioning of the central nervous system ; economization physiological function at rest and during dose effects , expanding physiological reserves , slowing the aging process , etc. Increasing strength of neural processes in the process of systematic physical exercises , their balance and mobility give individual athlete such characteristics. As activity , commitment, ability to quickly mobilize and move freely from one activity to another , high performance , etc. Economization of physiological functions. One of the most striking manifestations of functional changes in the body is an athlete economization of physiological functions , which is celebrated both at rest and during dose effects of various kinds. This effect is bradycardia (40-50 beats / min) , the physiological tendency to hypotension , elongation phase of diastole and systole , bradypnea , a distinct tendency to decrease in the concentration of certain hormones in the blood , and others a role in the effect of economization plays high conjugation neurohormonal mechanisms of regulation . Expanding reserves physiological functions. A clear manifestation of the morphological and functional changes in the body under the influence of systematic physical exercise is an extension of physiological reserves . We physically trained increased compared with untrained persons VC , arteriovenous oxygen difference , stroke volume , etc. Vividly these differences manifest themselves in the study of performance at an altitude exercise. Slowing the aging process . High functional ability neurohormonal mechanisms of regulation , expansion of reserves physiological functions underlie slowing age 89 involutive processes in a systematic, adequate working as physical exercise. At the same processes are stimulated vitaukta - adaptive mechanisms , actively opposing involutive processes. Increase body resistance to pathogenic influences . Maintaining a high aerobic capacity provided cardiorespiratory , endocrine and other systems , high energy consumption and training concerning the mechanisms of thermoregulation , maintaining proper body weight and level of resistance to the formation of endogenous risk factors for diseases , improvement of the immune system in the process of systematic physical training - all it creates a state of heightened resistance to pathogenic influences : hypo-and hyperthermia , hypoxia , hemorrhage , intoxication varying nature of ionizing radiation , colds , etc. It is this effect of exercise should take into account the doctor in planning and conducting preventive work with the population. Questions for Knowledge Control : 1. For what purpose are carried out functional quizs in the clinic and sports? 2 . What types of functional quizs , you know? 3 . What quizs are conducted without physical exertion ? 4 . What quizs are carried out with physical activity ? 5 . What quizs are used to determine the functional state of the respiratory system ? 6. What quizs are used to determine the functional state of the autonomic nervous system ? 7. What quizs are used to determine the functional state seredechno circulatory system ? 8. What form of exercise used in the quiz Serkin ? 9. What form of exercise used in the quiz of Martin ? 10 . What types of physical activity are used in the quiz Letunova ? 11. Whichever is analyzed in the quiz Rosenthal ? 12. What indicators are analyzed during orthostatic and clinoorthostatic quizs? 13. What indicators are analyzed in the quiz Martin ? 14. What kinds of reactions to exercise hemodynamics you know ? 15. What is the impact systematic physical exercise on the human body ? 16. What changes to the respiratory system characterized by athletes? 17. What changes are characteristic of the autonomic system athletes? 18. What changes are characteristic of the cardiovascular system of athletes ? To assess the level of assimilation of the theoretical material is also used quiz questions (see Appendix 1 ). 90 Maximum score 25-22 points excellent 100%-86% Criteria for evaluating the theoretical part 17-14 13-9 21-18 good 85%-71% satisfactory 70-55% unsatisfactory 54%-37% 8 points and below bad 36% or below 13.2. The analytical part of 13.2.1 . Using the method of discussion Discussion - The process of students and teacher discuss a specific topic . It allows us to consider various options to get feedback , to unite members of the working team , learn different and critical perspective on the project or proposal to define the purpose and appropriate methods of its implementation , identify any missing resources . Students are encouraged to discuss the method of discussion, " Positive and negative effect of different levels of physical activity on health and physical condition of athletes and sportsmen ." Issues for discussion : 1. Are there any differences in terms of " physical education " and "sport" ? 2 . What is the level of stress physical culture and sports ? 3 . What is the positive effect of physical activity on the body? 4 . What is the negative impact of physical activity on the body, in which cases , in your opinion , it can be shown? 13.2.2 . Decision situational problems 1. Objective: The young man of 17 years, to load the initial blood pressure was 110/70 mm Hg , pulse 84 beats per minute. After the quiz Martine on the 1st minute , systolic blood pressure was 125 mm Hg for 2 minutes to 130 mm Hg for 3 minutes, 140 mm Hg 1. What type of reaction to physical exercise hemodynamics in this case? 2 . Calculate the index Kerdo infarction , draw a conclusion about the state of the autonomic NS subject . Standard response: 1 ) on the basis of increase in systolic blood pressure by 2 and 3 minutes after dosed physical load can be concluded stepped type of reaction hemodynamic load ; 2) Cardio - index Kerdo calculated by the formula : ( 1-DAD/ChSSpokoya ) x100 , into the formula available data subject , we ( 1-70/84 ) x100 = 17 , it means that the subject has sympathicotony . 91 2 . Problem: The girl is 22 years old, to load baseline blood pressure was 100/70 mm Hg , pulse 78 beats per minute. After the quiz Martine on the 1st minute blood pressure was 135/75 mm Hg , pulse 120 ul / min for 2 minutes, reached 120/70 mm Hg , pulse 96 beats / min at 3 minutes into the 110/70 mm Hg , pulse 84 beats / min for 4 minutes, 100/70 mm Hg , pulse 78 beats / min . 1. What type of reaction to physical exercise hemodynamics in this case? 2. Explain your answer. Standard answer : because % Increase in heart rate during the first 10 sec recovery period = ( 120-78 ) / 53% = 78h100 % Increase in systolic blood pressure = ( 135-100 ) / 100100 = 35 % % Increase in diastolic BP = ( 75-70 ) / 70x100 = 7% % Increase in pulse pressure = ( 60-30 ) / 30h100 = 100% ; recovery period was 4 minutes , type of reaction to physical exercise hemodynamics Normotonic . 3 . Problem: the study of the functional state of the respiratory system in young men 19 years following results were obtained : chest circumference 89 cm in the pause , inspiratory - 94 cm, on the exhale - 88 cm , VC - 4400 ml quiz Stange - 48 , the quiz Genchi - 35 , the quiz Serkin : phase 1 - 48 , phase 2 - 23 s, the third phase - 42 ; quiz Rosenthal : 4200 ml, 4300 ml, 4300 ml, 4400 ml, 4400 ml. 1. Assess the functional status of the subject . 2 . Justify your answer . Standard answer : when compared with tabulated data revealed that the chest circumference of the subject corresponds to age norms , tour ( WGC inspiratory expiratory OGC ) = 6 cm, which is also incorrect, the VC can be estimated as the average for men of this age . Data analysis of functional quizs show that the quiz Stange , Genchi and Rosenthal performed well , and the results of the quiz Serkin ( 1st phase 48 - 100%, Phase 2 - 23 to - 48%, the third phase - 42 - 87% ) correspond to healthy untrained . Criteria for evaluation of the analytical part : Maximum score 30-26 points 25-21 20-16 15-11 score score 10 points and below excellent good satisfactory unsatisfactory bad 100 % -86 % 85 % -71% 70-55 % 54 % 36 % -37 % or below 13.3 The practical part quiz Martin Objective: teaching students the art of Martin quiz to evaluate the response to exercise hemodynamics . Steps for : № Events Impracticable Fully executed number correctly (0 points) 92 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 Preparing the venue of the quiz ( table, chair ) and the necessary instruments : a stopwatch , tonometer stethoscope 0 5 2 Surveyed for 2-3 minutes rest in a sitting position . 0 5 3 On the radial artery pulse count to 10 with intervals to threefold repetition of numbers , written in the protocol. 0 10 4 On the left shoulder cuff impose tonometer to measure blood pressure, record the minutes. 0 10 5 Leaving the cuff blood pressure monitors , the examinee performs 20 deep knee bends for 30 0 10 6 The first 30 with the recovery period to measure the radial pulse 10 0 Next 7 for 40 on the 1st minute of the recovery period to measure BP 0 10 8 From the 50th to the pulse counting again in 10 second segments to restore the original frequency , written evidence in the record 20 0 9 Measure the blood pressure at the end of each minute recovery period 0 10 Rate 10 results ( to determine the type of hemodynamic response to the load ) 0 10 Total 20 * x 100 h/100 0 5 0 5 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 20 0 10 0 10 100 Determination of the functional state of the respiratory system by quiz and Stange Genchi Objective: teaching students the art of sampling and Stange Genchi to assess the functional state of the respiratory system. Steps for : № Events Impracticable Fully executed number correctly (0 points) 1 1 Preparing the venue of the quiz ( 0 5 table, chair ) and the necessary instruments : a stopwatch. 0 5 93 2 2 Surveyed for 5-7 minutes rest in a 0 sitting position . 0 5 5 3 3 The subject makes a full inhale and 0 exhale , then inhale (80-90% of maximum) , covers the nose and mouth 10 0 4 Note the time delay from the time 0 prior to its termination, record the result 0 10 Rate 5 results 0 20 0 10 4 5 10 20 0 № 1 2 3 4 5 Events impracticablenu mber (0 points) 1 Preparing the venue of the quiz ( 0 table, chair ) and the necessary instruments : a stopwatch. 0 5 2 Surveyed for 5-7 minutes rest in a 0 sitting position . 0 5 Fully executed correctly 3 The subject makes a full exhalation 0 and inhalation , then exhale and hold his breath 0 10 4 Note the time delay from the time 0 prior to its termination, record the result 0 10 Rate 5 results 0 30 0 10 Total 20 * x 100 h/100 100 5 5 10 30 Determination of the functional state of the respiratory system using quizs Serkin Objective: teaching students the art of quiz Serkin to assess the functional state of the respiratory system. Steps for : № Events Impracticable Fully executed number correctly (0 points) 94 1 1 Preparing the venue of the quiz ( 0 table, chair ) and the necessary instruments : a stopwatch. 0 5 5 2 2 Surveyed for 5-7 minutes rest in a 0 sitting position . 0 5 5 3 3 The subject makes a full inhale and exhale , then inhale (80-90% of maximum) , covers the nose and mouth 10 0 4 Note the time delay from the time prior to its termination, record the result 0 10 5 The subject performs 20 deep knee bends in 30 seconds , takes a breath and holds his breath 0 15 6 Select the time from the delay to its termination , record the result 0 10 7 Surveyed rest for 1 minute 5 0 0 10 0 10 0 15 0 10 0 5 4 5 6 7 8 8 The subject inhales and holds his 0 breath 0 10 10 9 9 Select the time from the delay to its 0 termination , record the result 0 10 Rate 10 20 0 results 0 10 Total 20 * x 100 h/100 100 10 20 Determination of the functional state of the autonomic nervous system with the help of orthostatic Objective: teaching students the art of orthostatic quiz to assess the functional state of the autonomic nervous system. Steps for : № Events Impracticable Fully executed number correctly (0 points) 1 1 Preparing the venue of the quiz ( 0 10 table, chair , couch ) and the necessary instruments : a stopwatch , tonometer stethoscope 0 10 95 2 February 5 - minute stay in the 0 horizontal position of the subject 10 0 10 3 3 Calculate the radial pulse for 15 seconds , measure blood pressure, write the result 0 15 4 Surveyed quietly rises 10 0 5 Immediately after getting to calculate the radial pulse for 15 seconds and measure the blood pressure, write the result 0 15 6 Surveyed resting 1 minute 0 10 7 Calculate the radial pulse for 15 seconds and measure the blood pressure, write the result 0 15 Rate 8 0 15 results Total 20 * x 100 h/100 0 15 0 0 10 15 0 0 10 15 0 15 100 4 5 6 7 8 Determination of the functional state of the autonomic nervous system using wedge- orthostatic Objective: teaching students the art of the wedge- orthostatic quiz to assess the functional state of the autonomic nervous system. № Events Impracticable Fully number executed (0 points) correctly 1 2 3 4 5 1 Preparing the venue of the quiz ( table, chair , couch ) and the necessary instruments : a stopwatch , tonometer stethoscope 0 10 2 We surveyed , in a standing position , to calculate the radial pulse for 15 seconds , measure blood pressure, write the result 0 25 3 The subject lies quietly on the couch 0 10 4 Immediately after the horizontal position to calculate the radial pulse for 15 seconds and measure the blood pressure, write the result 0 25 Rate 5 results 0 30 Total 20 * x 100 h/100 0 10 0 25 0 0 10 25 0 30 100 96 Criteria for assessing the practical part of the lesson . Evaluation of the practical classes is 40% of rated current control . Maximum of 20 points. On the subject of " medical control " every practical skill consists of 5-15 steps, each of which is assessed separately and a total of 100 possible points. If there are errors in the performance of the individual steps performed incorrectly or reduced points : if improperly performed from 1 to 4 points , at default from 5 to 15 points .. Amount of points by a factor of 0.2 umnozhantsya . For example: a student scored 80 points for the implementation of practical skill , multiply by a factor of 0.2 , will 80h0 , 2 = 16 points. Criteria for assessing the practical part of the lesson Maximum score 25-22 points excellent 100%-86% 21-18 good 17-14 satisfactory 85%-71% 70-55% 13-9 unsatisfactory 54%-37% 8 points and below bad 36% or below 14. Forms of control knowledge , skills and abilities • oral • Written • solving situational problems • demonstration of skills mastered . Joint evaluation criteria table theoretical and analytical , practical and selfemployment units Unsatisfactor Rating Excellent Good Fair Poor y % 100%Performance 86% Theoretical 25-22 point part Analytical 30-26 point part Practical 40-34 points part 85%-71% 70-55% 54%-37% 36% and below 21-18 points 17-14 point 13-9 point 8points below and 25-21 points 20-16point 15-11point 10 points below and 33-28 points 27-22 points 21-15 points 14 points and below 97 Independen 4,2-3,6 5-4,3 point point t work № 3,5-2,8 point 2,7-1,9 point 1,8 points and below 15. Criteria for evaluation of the current control Achievers number - Score Progres mark Level of student knowledge 1. s in % 96100% 2. 91-95% 3. 86-90% excellent «5» Full correct answer to questions about the tasks of sports medicine and medical monitoring for exercise and sports, athletes survey scheme , physical development, learning methods , evaluation and correction of physical development . Summarizes and makes decisions , think creatively , independently analyzes . Situational problems are solved correctly , with a creative approach , with full justification response. Actively and creatively involved in interactive games , right to make informed decisions and summarizes and analyzes . Actively involved in the development of practical skills and properly performing. CDS prepared high quality (abstract, slides , banner, video ) with no less than 10 online sources and literature in recent years. 2 . 91-95 % complete correct answer to questions about the tasks of sports medicine and medical monitoring for exercise and sports, athletes survey scheme , physical development, learning methods , evaluation and correction of physical development . Summarizes and makes decisions , think creatively , independently analyzes . Situational problems are solved correctly , with a creative approach , with full justification response. Actively and creatively involved in interactive games , right to make informed decisions and summarizes and analyzes . Actively involved in the development of practical skills and properly performing. CDS prepared high quality (abstract, slides , banner, video ) with no less than 10 online sources and literature in recent years. Excellent "5" The questions about the tasks of sports medicine and 98 «5» 4. 5. medical monitoring for exercise and sports, athletes survey scheme , physical development, learning methods , evaluation and correction of physical development lit enough , but there are 1-2 errors in the response. Applies in practice , with the matter , said confidently , has fine views. Situational problems are solved correctly , but the justification answer sufficiently. Actively involved in interactive games , correct decisions . Actively involved in the development of practical skills , but there are 2-3 mistakes in their implementation . CDS prepared high quality (abstract, slides , banner, video ) with no less than 10 online sources and literature in recent years. 81-85% Good «4» The questions about the tasks of sports medicine and medical monitoring for exercise and sports, athletes survey scheme , physical development, learning methods , evaluation and correction of physical development is fully covered , but there are 2-3 inaccuracies, errors . Applies in practice , with the matter , said confidently , has fine views. Situational problems are solved correctly , but the justification answer sufficiently. Inaccuracies in solving situational problems . Actively involved in interactive games , correct decisions . Actively involved in the development of practical skills , but there are 2-3 mistakes in their implementation . CDS prepared high quality (abstract, slides , banner, video ) with no less than 10 online sources and literature in recent years. 76-80% Good Correct , but incomplete coverage of the issue . Student knows about the problems of sports medicine and «4» medical monitoring for exercise and sports, athletes survey scheme , physical development (RF ) , learning methods , evaluation and correction of physical development but fully understands the methods of assessing risk factors . With the matter , said confidently , has fine views. Actively involved in interactive games . Situational problem gives partial solutions . Actively involved in the development of practical skills , but there are 3-4 mistakes in their implementation . 99 6. 71-75% 7. 66-70% 8. 61-65% CPC prepared good quality (abstract, slides) using at least 5-8 online sources and literature in recent years. Good Correct , but incomplete coverage of the issue . Student «4» knows about the problems of sports medicine and medical monitoring for exercise and sports, athletes survey scheme , physical development, but incomplete lists methods of examination, evaluation and correction of physical development . With the matter , said confidently , has fine views. Actively involved in interactive games . Situational problem gives partial solutions . Actively involved in the development of practical skills , but there are 3-4 mistakes in their implementation . CPC prepared good quality (abstract, slides) using at least 3-5 online sources and literature in recent years. Satisfact ory «3» 9. 55-60% on the correct answer half of the questions . Student knows about the problems of sports medicine and medical monitoring for exercise and sports, athletes survey scheme , physical development, but poorly versed in the methods of examination, evaluation and correction of physical development . With the matter , said uncertainly , has accurate representations only on specific issues theme. Situational problems are solved correctly , but there is no justification response. Passive when discussing CDS. Passive during the development of practical skills , makes mistakes when they are executed correct answer half of the questions . Student knows about the problems of sports medicine and medical monitoring for exercise and sports, athletes survey scheme , physical development, but poorly versed in the methods of examination, evaluation and correction of physical development . With the matter , said uncertainly , has accurate representations only on specific issues theme. Situational problems are solved correctly , but there is no justification response. Passive during the development of practical skills , makes mistakes when they are executed . CPC prepared satisfactorily designed (abstract, slides) using at least 2-3 online sources and literature in recent years. Passive when discussing CDS. correct answer to 40 % of the questions . Student 100 10. 11. knows about the problems of sports medicine and medical monitoring for exercise and sports, athletes survey scheme , physical development, but poorly versed in the methods of examination, evaluation and correction of physical development . With the matter , said uncertainly , has accurate representations only on specific issues theme. Situational problems are solved correctly , but there is no justification response. Passive during the development of practical skills , makes mistakes when they are executed . CPC prepared satisfactorily designed (abstract, slides) using at least 2-3 online sources and literature in recent years. The abstract mistakes , broken logical sequence of topics subject was not disclosed . Improper design of slides and posters. Passive when discussing CDS. 31-54% dissatisfa less than 40% coverage of the issues in the wrong ction «2» approach. Student does not know about the problems of sports medicine and medical monitoring for exercise and sports, athletes survey scheme , physical development. Practically versed in the methods of examination, evaluation and correction of physical development . Homework is not satisfied. Passive during the development of practical skills , making numerous mistakes in their implementation . CDS performed with numerous errors , using only 1-2 online sources and literature, poorly framed , the student can not present their work . Passive when discussing CDS. 20-30% dissatisfa "2" is present on the student practical training in the ction «2» proper form , there is a workbook . Questions not answers. Do not know about the problems of sports medicine and medical monitoring for exercise and sports, athletes survey scheme , physical development. Not involved in the development of practical skills. Homework is not satisfied. CDS is not prepared . Passive in class . Violates discipline prevents conduct classes . 101 16. Quiz Questions 1. Give an explanation of the concept of " functional state ." 2 . Classification of functional quizs. 3 . List the main objectives of application of functional quizs in the sport and the clinic. 4 . What quizs are conducted without physical exertion ? 5 . What quizs are conducted with the use of physical activity ? 6. What quizs are used to evaluate the functional state of the respiratory system ? 7. What quizs are used to assess the functional state of the autonomic nervous system ? 8. What quizs are used to evaluate the functional state of the cardiovascular system ? 9. Methodology for conducting quiz Stange . 10 . Methodology for conducting quiz Genchi . 11. Methodology for conducting quiz Serkin . 12. Methodology for conducting quiz Rosenthal . 13. Methodology for conducting quizs Martin. 14. Methodology for conducting quiz Letunova . 15. Methodology of orthostatic quiz . 16. Methodology for conducting wedge orthostatic . 17. Describe normotonic hemodynamic response to the load. 18. Describe hypertensive response to hemodynamic load. 19. Describe asthenic hemodynamic response to the load. 20. Describe dystonic reactions hemodynamic load . 21. Describe the type of reaction step hemodynamic load . 22. Clinical significance of respiratory quizs. 23. The clinical significance of vegetative quizs. 24. The formula for calculating the vegetation index Kerdo infarction , its clinical significance. 25. The clinical significance of the quiz Martin. 17. Recomended literature Main Reading 1.yepifanov V.A. Apanasyenko R.L M Lyechyebnaya fizkultura i Vrachyebny kontrol M.1990 2.Choyovadzye A.V. Kruyly I.M. Vrachyebny kontrol fizichyeskom vospitanii i sportye M.1987. 1.Epifanov VA Apanasenko R.L M Therapeutic exercise and medical control M.1990 102 2.Chogovadze AV Round IM Medical control physical education and sport M.1987 . Further Reading 1.yepifanov V.A. Lyechyebnaya fizkultura M., 2003 2.yepifanov V.A Lyechyebnaya fizkultura i sportivnaya myedisina. M. 2000 3.Dyembo A.Y. Vrachyebny kontrol v sportye. M.: Myedisina, 1988 4.Juravlyova A.I., Yrayevskaya N.D. Sportivnaya myedisina i lyechyebnaya fizichyeskaya kultura. Rukovodstvo M., 1993 5.Lyeksionnye matyerial i uchyebno-myetodichyeskiye razrabotki. 6.Aulik I.V. Opryedyelyeniye fizichyeskoy rabotosposobnosti v klinikge i sportye. M.1990 7.Karpman V.L Sportivnaya myedisina. M. 1987 8.Karpman V.L. Syerdsye i sport. M. 1990 9.Dyembo A.Y., Zyemsovskiy E.V. Sportivnaya kardioloyiya. M.1989 10.Rixsiyeva O.A. Massaj T., 1996 11.yershyev O.F. Jizn byez narkotikov. S:-P. Izdatyelstvo «Pionyer», Moskva, Astryel, AST 2001 12.Sportivnaya myedisina. Pod ryed. A.V.Choyovadzye M., Moskva, 1984 13.Vinoyradov P.A., Dushanin A.P., Joldak V.I. Osnov fizichyeskoy kultur i zdorovy obraz jizni. Moskva, 1996 14.Volojin A.I., Subbotin Yu.K., Chikin S.Ya. Put k zdorovyu. Moskva, 1987 15.Kukolyevskiy Y.M. Vrachyebnoye nablyudyeniye za sportsmyenami. M., 1975 16.Natalov Y.Y. Vvyedyeniye v fizichyeskuyu kulturu. Krasnodar, 1995, www. medinfo. ANNEX 1 Quizs to monitor the level of knowledge on the lesson number 2 1. Specify the quiz for the study of the functional state of the autonomic nervous system A. Rosenthal B. Letunova C. orthostatic * D. Stange E. quiz Voyachek 2 . Name the quiz , determining the functional state of the respiratory system: A. triple probe B. Martin quiz C. Stange quiz * 103 D. quiz Voyachek E. combined quiz 3 . What are the main type of response that characterizes the functional state of the cardiovascular system : A. hyperergic B. hyperergic C. Normotonic * D. atonic E. stage 4 . What do you call the type of reaction , in which after the load has been a sharp increase in the maximum blood pressure of 180-200 mm Hg before , and the minimum blood pressure either unchanged or increased, pulse pressure increases slightly ? A. atonic B. stage C. hypertensive type reactions * D. dystonic E. hypotonic 5 . What do you call the type of reaction , in which after the load slightly increased systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure did not change, pulse pressure increases slightly ? A. hypertensive type reactions B. atonic C. hypotonic type reactions * D. stage E. dystonic 6. What type of reaction is accompanied by " a phenomenon of endless tone" ? A. hypotonic type reaction B. atonic C. dystonic * D. stage E. hypertensive type reactions 7. Martin in the quiz evaluated the following figure : A. expiration flow rate B. inhalation rate C. pulse before and after loading * 104 D. Breath E. speed run 8. Specify a trait that characterizes Normotonic type of reaction to stress A. a sharp increase in diastolic blood pressure B. sharp increase in systolic blood pressure C. increased heart rate * D. sharp increase in pulse rate E. slowing of heart rate 9. Specify a trait that characterizes hypertensive type reactions A. reduction in diastolic blood pressure B. blood pressure increased by 15-30 % C. pulse quickens dramatically * D. slowing of heart rate E. diastolic pressure decreases 10 . Specify a trait that characterizes the type of dystonic reactions A. increase in systolic blood pressure B. slowing of heart rate C. diastolic blood pressure becomes zero * D. increase in diastolic blood pressure E. negative pulse 11. At what type of reaction due to the expansion of arterioles reduces peripheral resistance ? A. hypotonic B. hypertonic C. Normotonic * D. dystonic E. reaction with a stepwise rise in systolic blood pressure 12. Increased blood flow in dystonic type of reaction due to: A. increase in systolic pressure B. reduce the number of heart beats C. reduction in diastolic blood pressure * D. increased systolic ejection E. OPS gain 105 13. The phenomenon of " infinite tone" characteristic in response to the load type : A. hypertonic B. stepwise C. dystonic reaction type * D. hypotonic E. normotonic 14. Functional quizs allow us to determine the functionality of the body: A. on physical education B. in training C. after the event D. at metered loads * E. competitions 15. Functional quiz for the study of the respiratory system A. Letunova B. Aschner C. Rosenthal * D. orthostatic E. Martine 16. Name the quiz , determining the functional state of the respiratory system: A. Genchi quiz * B. Martin quiz C. Stange quiz * D. quiz Letunova 17. Functional quizs for the study of the cardiovascular system : A. orthostatic B. Martin * C. Letunova * D. Serkin E. Genchi 18. Name the phase of the combined quiz Serkin : A. delay exhalations standing * B. delay in the expiratory phase of respiration after 20 squats * C. repetition of the first phase of 1 minute after 20 squats * D. Breath in the inspiratory phase in a sitting position E. Breath in the inspiratory phase in the supine position 106 F. delay in the expiratory phase of respiration after 3 minutes of running 19. Specify the types of loads used during the combined quiz Letunova : A. 20 sit-ups in 30 seconds * B. 3 minute jogging in place at a pace of 180 steps / min * C. jogging on the spot in the maximum rate for 15 seconds * D. 60 jumps in 30 seconds E. 30 sit-ups in 20 seconds F. three minutes pedaling on a stationary bike 20. Name the functional exercise quiz : A. Quiz Martin * B. Serkin quiz * C. Letunova quiz * D. Rosenthal quiz E. quiz Stange F. quiz Genchi 21. To assess the use of vegetative status : A. Kerdo index infarction * B. orthostatic quiz * C. clinoorthostatic quiz * D. sympathetic quiz E. parasympathetic quiz F. Valsalva 22. Specify the features that characterize the type of dystonic reactions A) increase in the maximum blood pressure * B) decrease in heart rate C) minimum blood pressure becomes zero * D) increase in the minimum blood pressure E) the maximum blood pressure decreases F) slows down the recovery period * 23. Specify the features that characterize the hypertensive type of reaction : A) blood pressure increased by 15-30 % B) pulse quickens dramatically * C) slowing of heart rate D) the pressure is reduced E) blood pressure rises sharply * F) the recovery period lasts for a long time * 107 24. Specify the features that characterize Normotonic type of reaction : A) a sharp increase in the minimum blood pressure B) a sharp increase in the maximum blood pressure C) pulse quickens * D) a sharp increase in pulse rate E) the systolic pressure is increased by 15-35 mmHg * F) the diastolic pressure does not change * 25. Specify the features that characterize the type of reaction step : A) a sharp increase in the minimum blood pressure B) a sharp increase in the maximum blood pressure C) pulse quickens * D) increase in systolic blood pressure by 2 - 3rd minute recovery period * E) systolic pressure rises by 15-35 mmHg F) the recovery period lasts for a long time * 26. Features of the respiratory system of athletes : A. bradypnea alone * B. increase in VC * C. rapid recovery of respiratory rate after exercise * D. decrease in lung excursions E. Increased light airiness F. absence of rapid breathing under load 27. Features athlete's heart : A. left ventricular hypertrophy B. right ventricular hypertrophy C. uniform hypertrophy of the heart of all * D. sinus bradycardia alone * E. rapid recovery after exercise * F. sinus tachycardia 28. Do athletes aged 14 years , engaged in artistic gymnastics , Kerdo index value is 18 , as is evidenced by : A. expressed sympathicotonia B. parasympatikotonia C. sympathicotonia + D. normotonia E. vagotonia 108 29. A man of 25 years , baseline blood pressure was 120/80 mm Hg . After the quiz Martine 1 minutes BP max . was 125 mm Hg for 2 minutes to 130 mm Hg for 3-1 minutes 140 mm Hg What type of reaction in this case? A. hypertonic B. dystonic C. step + D. Normotonic E. asthenic 30. At athlete swimmer age 19 years Kerdo index value is 10 , what does this mean? A. sympathicotonia B. expressed sympathicotonia C. normotoniya + D. vagotonia E. parasimpatikotoniya ANNEX 2 " Functional quizs " Without physical with exertion exertion Genchi , quiz Serkin , Rosenthal , Martin, Romberg Letunova , VEP , klinoorto - static step quiz , quiz specific Spar breathing autonomic CVD Quiz Shtange Ortho- static , Quiz Genchi , static - Martin, Rosenthal , klinoorto Letunova Serkin 109 Example making categorical table on the theme: APPENDIX 3 Example conceptual drawing table on the theme: "Types of hemodynamic response to exercise " Normotonic hypertonic hypotonic Reaction Increase by Increase by increase in Ps 50 % more than 60 heart rate is % 100 % or more Reaction GARDEN Increase by 29 higher than Rises slightly % 160 mm Hg Reaction DBP Unchanged pulse pressure increases 55% Period 2-3 minutes restitution greater than Unchanged 90 mm Hg. by increases dystonic step increase of increases by more than 2 to 3 60% minutes of the maximum above 200 Maximum mmHg increases by 2 to 3 minutes the "phenomenon of endless tone" is increases sharply by less than increases 20% maximum increases by 2 to 3 minutes maximum increases by 2 to 3 minutes more than 5 more than 5 more than 5 more than 5 min min min min 110 MINISTRY OF HEALTH OF THE REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN TASHKENT MEDICAL ACADEMY "APPROVED" Vice Rector by Academic Affairs Prof.TeshaevO.R_________ __"________" ________2014y . Department of Folk Medicine , Rehabilitation and physical culture Subject: Medical control TECHNOLOGY TRAINING on practical training Related : MEDICAL - teacher observations . Physical performance. The quiz for determining the Fed (PWC170, Harvard step quiz). MEDICAL GROUP TO engage in sports . Contraindications for physical culture and sports Guidelines for teachers and students of the 4th year medical and medicalpedagogical faculties Tashkent. 2014 111 Compilers : Associate Professor , Ph.D. Adilov Sh.K. Senior Lecturer , Technology training approved : at a meeting of the department number ______ of __________ 2014 Education technology discussed and approved at a meeting of the therapeutic section CMK Tashkent Medical Academy ____ number of ________ 2014 Chairman prof. MD Karimov M.SH.______________________________ 112 Universal model of learning technologies in the classroom Topic number 3: Medical- pedagogical supervision . Physical performance . Quizs to determine the Fed (PWC170, Harvard step quiz). Medical groups to engage in sports . Contraindications for physical culture and sports . Study time: 6:00 Study time: 6:00 II. The main part : Structure of the training 1. theoretical session prodrome 2 . analytical 3 . practical 4 . independent work of students III. Final (resultant ) part The purpose of the training session : to consolidate and deepen the knowledge of the physical performance and how they are measured , medical- pedagogical monitoring of persons engaged in physical culture and sports , develop the skill of the quizs on the Fed , teach make conclusion on the results of the MTO. Pedagogical objectives: • Fix a general idea of the physical performance ( Fed ); • organize knowledge about the kinds of quizs , quizs on the Fed ; • consolidate and extend the knowledge of medical- pedagogical monitoring of persons engaged in physical culture and sports ; • parse methods of conducting population census ; disassemble the principles of distribution of students in the medical group for physical training ; • To develop skills of functional quizs on the Fed and completing the relevant documentation; • teach for conformity assessment exercises ( training) adopted hygienic and physiological norms ; • develop skills in organizing, comparing , Learning outcomes : The student must : • give an idea of the physical performance of the body ; • give an idea of the MTO ; • talk about medical groups for persons engaged in physical culture and sports ; • list contraindications for physical training ; • list the major diseases and pathological conditions requiring special attention in physical education and sport ; • list prepathological and pathological conditions in athletes with irrational use of physical exertion; • give an opinion on the Fed's body on the basis of these quizs. The student should be able to: 113 summarizing , and analyzing information perform practical skills : conduct ; functional quizs to determine the • develop communication skills. Fed's complete medical checklist athletes and sportsmen . Learning Methods Forms of activities Discussion , conversation , technology : Graphic Organizer categorical table "Medical Group ." organization of learning Individual work , group work, team . Learning Tools Training manuals, training materials , a set of measuring instruments (stopwatch , tonometer with phonendoscope ) , slides , markers, sheets of A3 , A4. Ways and means of feedback Quiz , quizing, presentation of the results of solving situational problems , making clusters , evaluation of development of practical skills. Typical flow chart of lesson Stages of work , Content of activity time 6 h activity Teacher Student stage 1 Introduction to the training session 25 min 1 . Tells subject , purpose and planned Listen, write , learning outcomes . Familiar with the plan update , ask and features of the training session . questions. 2 . Describes key categories and concepts on this topic. 3 . Reported indicators and evaluation criteria of academic work in class. Stage 2 4 hours main: The practical part Answer questions (1 hr ) 1. Conducts a quiz to identify the . source of students' knowledge on the 114 The theoretical topic: part ( 2:00 ) • The concept of sports medicine , medical monitoring tasks . • Basic medical examinations of athletes and sportsmen (primary , landmark , additional , urgent ) . Analytical part • The concept of physical development ( 2:00 ) and the importance of it for sports selection . • Somatoscopy . • Anthropometry . 2 . Students are encouraged to discuss the problem of sports medicine and medical monitoring method of " brainstorming ." 3 . Explains the concept of " physical development ", parses the evaluation criteria of physical development (data external examination and anthropometry ) . 4 . Make offers graphic organizer - a cluster on " Evaluation Criteria of physical development ." 5 . Demonstrates techniques of of somatoscopy and anthropometry . 6. Organize the implementation of students' practical skills. 7. Divides the students into groups. Reminiscent of rules and regulations in a group discussion. 8. Gives the task : • Solve the proposed situational problem . Conduct and discuss the results of individual work in mini-groups ; • Prepare for a presentation. 1. 9. Coordinates , advises, directs the learning activities . Examines and evaluates the results of individual work : filling medical and checklists , structure -tion anthropometric profile and conclusions about the physical development . Participate in discussions , ask questions, outline , specify. Perform the learning task . Following the teacher perform practical skills. Divided into groups. Perform the learning task . Present the results of individual and group work . 115 stage 3 1 . An opinion on the subject, focusing A Final -result - students on the main reports on the ing importance of the work done for future 20 min professional careers . 2 . Commends the work of groups and individual students , summarizes grade . Analyzes and assesses the degree of achievement of lesson . Gives the task to prepare for the next lesson . Listen. Conduct selfesteem, grade . Ask questions. Opine . Recorded assignment. Topic number 3: Medical- pedagogical supervision . Physical performance . Quizs to determine the Fed (PWC170, Harvard step quiz). Medical groups to engage in sports . Contraindications for physical culture and sports . 1. Venue classes : Department of Medical Rehabilitation third TMA Clinic , a physiotherapy clinic 1st TMA . 2 . Duration of study themes : the number of hours - 6. 3 . Session Purpose : to consolidate and deepen the knowledge of the physical performance and how they are measured , medical and pedagogical observation ( MTO ) for persons engaged in physical culture and sports , develop the skill of the quizs on the Fed , teach make conclusion on the results of the MTO. 4 . Pedagogical objectives: • Fix a general idea of the physical performance ( Fed ); • organize knowledge about the kinds of quizs , quizs on the Fed ; • consolidate and extend the knowledge of medical- pedagogical monitoring of persons engaged in physical culture and sports ; • parse methods of conducting population census ; disassemble the principles of distribution of students in the medical group for physical training ; • To develop skills of functional quizs on the Fed and completing the relevant documentation; • teach for conformity assessment exercises ( training) adopted hygienic and physiological norms ; • develop skills in organizing, comparing , summarizing , and analyzing information ; • develop communication skills. 5 . Learning outcomes 116 The student must : • give an idea of the physical performance of the body ; • give an idea of the MTO ; • talk about medical groups for persons engaged in physical culture and sports ; • list contraindications for physical training ; • list the major diseases and pathological conditions requiring special attention in physical education and sport ; • list prepathological and pathological conditions in athletes with irrational use of physical exertion; • give an opinion on the Fed's body on the basis of these quizs. The student should be able to: • perform practical skills : conduct functional quizs to determine the Fed complete medical checklist - athletes and sportsmen . 6. Methods and techniques of teaching Discussion , conversation , technology : Graphic Organizer - categorical table "Medical Group ." 7. learning Tools Manuals, training materials, tonometer , stethoscope , stopwatch, ergometer , slides , markers, banners, sheets of A3 , A4. 8. forms of learning Individual work , group work , team . 9. conditions of Learning Audience ratings conditions for working in groups. 10 . Monitoring and evaluation Interpreting control : control issues , perform educational tasks in groups , performing skills . Written control : control questions , the quiz solution and situational problems . 11. motivation Features of modern life , on the one hand, is characterized by the lack of adequate muscular load for optimum performance ( no improvement ) systems and organs , and on the other - the use of large volume and intensity of physical activity (professional sports) . In connection with this medical practice before it became necessary to study these relationships between the body and the physical work that led to the creation of a special science - Sports Medicine . Sports Medicine - a branch of medical science and practice, study the positive and negative effects of different levels of physical activity on health and physical condition, as well as the means and methods of influencing processes postexercise recovery and improve efficiency . Goals and objectives of sports medicine , as well as means to achieve them are largely consonant c physiotherapy . For example, the primary means of improving functional reserves , prevention and health promotion athlete , a disabled patient is exercising. Their 117 use in sporting activities and in the process of rehabilitation is based on general principles of teaching the theory and practice of physical education - training dosage . Thus , we can talk more about the proximity of these disciplines than the difference . Medical control is the main section of Sports Medicine . Its task is constant selection, medical examination and monitoring of persons engaged in physical culture and sports . 12. Interdisciplinary communication and Intra Teaching the topic is based on the knowledge students the basics of normal anatomy and physiology, pathophysiology , propaedeutics internal medicine, biostatistics (vertical integration ) . Also knowledge of the topic integrated with therapy , hygiene of children and adolescents , physical therapy and traumatology ( horizontal integration) . 13. content classes 13.1. The theoretical part Physical performance Evaluation of physical performance on the quiz PWC170 Theoretical basis for the quiz PWC170 (Physical Working Capacity - physical performance ) are two physiological principles . 1. There is a linear relationship between the number of heart contractions and the intensity ( power, speed ) perform physical activity. 2 . optimal and most effective level of functioning of the cardiorespiratory system during exercise when the heart rate is observed with 87 % of maximum heart rate for each age. For young people aged up to 25 years, he is equal to 170 beats / min. PWC170 can identify three ways. Pan-European way of doing the three steps recommended by the increasing intensity of loads without rest intervals between them. The duration of each stage of 3 minutes . The initial capacity is set at the rate of 0.75-1.25 W / kg body weight. Heart rate is measured at the end of the three-minute stage for 15 seconds . The load increases in accordance with increase in heart rate so that the heart rate to the end of the quiz increased to 170 beats / min. Increased heart rate every 16 W or 100 kgm / min load power is 8-12 beats / min in men and 1317 u. / Min in women. Calculation of PWC170 by the formula: PWC170 (W3 - W2)/(f3 - f2) f W Modification of V.L.Karpman et al. Proposed two loads increasing performance capacity. The duration of each load 4-5 - min. Rest interval between 3 min. Heart rate recorded at the end of the load. The quiz is performed without pre- workout. 118 At the end of the 1st load heart rate should reach 110-130 beats / min , and at the end of the 2nd - 150-165 beats / min ( the difference is less than 40 beats / min). Calculation of PWC170 by the formula: PWC170 W1 (W2 - W1) x 170 –f1 f2 – f1 Modification of L.I.Abrosimov et al. To determine the performance of a proposed PWC170 load , causing an increase in heart rate to 150-160 beats / min. Proposed alternative definition L.I.Abrosimovoy PWC170 used in children and adolescents . Due to the high lability of the heart rate error in the determination of physical performance in this group will be less than the execution of a load Calculation of PWC170 by the formula: PWC170 = W/f1 - f0 x ( 170 - fo) W - load power in kgm / min or Tues ; f - heart rate at an appropriate power load (f0 - heart rate at rest) Work to determine PWC170 can be performed on a bicycle ergometer , treadmill ( treadmill ) and on the steps. In the latter case, the calculation power of the load carried by the formula : W = P xhxnx 1,3, where W - load kgm / min , P - weight in kg of the quiz , h - step height in meters , n - number of ascents in minutes, 1 3 coefficient inferior work . If we consider that the quiz performed PWC170 power load is known, then , using the above formula , it is easy to count the number of ascents , which should make the study . Assume the first quiz with a load weighing 70 kg should be performed with 1 W / kg body weight , height 0.2 m steps Given that W 1 = 6.12 kgm / min , inserting the known data in the formula , we obtain that the quantity of climbing n = 6,12: 0,26 will be 23.5 minutes , rounded up to 24 . To perform higher loads (for example, 1.5 W / kg ) management is to leave the same amount of climbing per minute (ie, 24) , but to increase the height of the step in 1.5 times , to make it 0.3 m Evaluation of physical performance is made in absolute and relative terms . The relative magnitude of PWC - the quotient of the absolute value ( kgm / min or W / min) per kg body weight ( kgm / ) . If the formula for calculating PWC170 insert relative power load without body weight , the amount of physical performance will be expressed in relative units. The resulting value of the relative physical performance, multiplied by the total weight of the body is equal to the absolute physical performance. In older age groups , ranging from 30 years or more , the optimal operating modes CVD does not equal 170 beats / min. In relation to a particular cohort for each age is calculated optimum value of heart rate (age frequency), PWRaF. To find it takes 87 % of the maximum heart rate ( HR Mx ) at each age . Mx heart rate is calculated according to the formula for men 220 - age for women 226 - age . Thus , the indicator value corresponding PWC170 to 30 years of age , is: for men ( 220-30 ) x 0.87 , equal to 165 beats / min. You can rely on such optimal heart rate 119 : 30-39 years - 160 strokes / min. ; 40 49y.o. - 150 strokes / min. , 50-59 - 145 strokes / min. And 60-69 - 135 u. / minutes. Harvard step quiz based on detection of heart rate after dosed physical load and allows the quantification of stroke recovery. Physical activity is climbing on a step height of 50 cm for men and 43 cm for women. While climbing 5 min , the frequency rises with the change of feet - 30 times in 1 minute . If the subject is unable to perform the load for 5 minutes , the time actually recorded the work done. Heart rate is recorded in the sitting position in the first two 30 -4th minute recovery period. Quiz results are expressed as an index of the Harvard step quiz ( IGST ) IGST = tx100 / (f1 + f2 + f3) x2, where t - while climbing on a step at a given temperature , f1, f2, f3 - heart rate for the first 30 seconds , respectively, 2, 3 and 4 min recovery period. Increasing the level of physical fitness is accompanied by increased IGST , detraining - reduction and the inability to perform load completely. Table evaluation Harvard step quiz Index Harvard step quiz physical fitness Score less than 55 55-64 65-79 80-89 90 and more bad below average Average good great Medical - teacher observations . ( MTO ) Medical - teacher observations in sports practice are of utmost importance. MTO is held together with a coach , teacher of physical education in the field of training, competition , physical education - in gyms , stadiums, swimming pools , etc. Forms of organization and methods of investigation during WH , defined goals and objectives , as well as the stages of preparation of the athlete , species survey (initial , in-depth , extra landmark , current ), and other tasks. Forms of organization #research prior to your workout ; #directly to the training session ; #after training session after 10 30 min at 4-6 hours after 12 -24 h at 24 and 48 hours thereafter. #study day workout in the morning and evening; #repeated studies during a week microcycle or other ; 120 #study after a day of rest. Research methods. Use simple and sophisticated methods. Simple methods. Include survey timing , evaluation of subjective sensations , movement coordination , definition of heart rate , respiration, blood pressure , temperature and body weight, vital capacity , inspiratory and expiratory power ( pneumatic ) , orthostatic quiz , etc. Sophisticated : ECG EHKG , ultrasound, electro - and encephalography , telemetry, and other biochemical studies Special tricks : a survey when the athlete special quizs and quiz exercises , quiz with repeated and additional loads , etc. Goals and objectives of the medical and pedagogical observations: • Identification of relevant classes taken hygienic and physiological norms . Doctor familiar with lesson plans and the conditions in which it is held , contingent involved , assesses the correctness of groups. Necessary to determine the nature of the exercise, their volume and intensity. Comparing these data with objective indicators of the body's reaction to stress and involved during the process of recovery , it is possible to judge the rationality adopted methodology and take measures to address the identified deficiencies . • Study the impact of training on the body. It is important to assess the adequacy of the functional state of the load carried out during the course. To do this, define the initial state of the exercising , response to stress and during recovery. Original condition significantly affects the body's response to stress , so we need to know whether normal human condition today , or it is violated . Study of the reaction to the load carried during exercise at various stages of training. On the basis of studies carried out during the course constitute physiological curve of the intensity of the load and its distribution in the course of employment. The better prepared athlete , the more economical his reaction when the loads at moderate intensity. And conversely, when the maximum loads (in particular, the competition ) trained body is able to perform work at a higher intensity , which often manifests significant shifts physiological functions. Important to compare the immediate response to a load over her recovery processes . Even very large shifts after stress in the normal course of recovery processes indicate the adequacy of the load of dealing . Obviously slow recovery - a clear sign of inadequacy loads or deterioration athlete. To restore the most significant characteristics of the study data that were studied during exercise . This may be heart rate, blood pressure , body weight, hemoglobin and hematocrit , lactic acid and urea in the blood, the residual protein in the urine , etc. Assessing the impact of stress on the method for recovery helps the additional load . This may be used both specific and nonspecific load operated with a maximum or close to the intensity . They should be applied in the study before and after a workout, the next day after that , every day before training , etc. 121 About nedovosstanovleniya indicated by the change of physiological and biochemical parameters such as reaction detected prior to occupancy . • Determination of fitness . A high level of specialized training athlete is achieved not only by improving the general adaptive mechanisms , but also to adapt to the maximum muscular efforts with multiple repetition specific to the sport of motor act . In this regard, determining the level of fitness will be more accurate than the more specific for each sport will be used functional quizs . For this purpose, you can use special quizs with respect to the maximum standard specific loads. So the level of general fitness and endurance can be estimated using the Cooper quiz , determining the distance in kilometers, which can overcome the examinee for 12 min. And after running for 5 min recovery period is estimated nature of the reaction . During MTO uses the following instructional techniques . Determination of density classes . By timing the actions of one - two involved determined the total time spent performing exercises. Density classes defined as the ratio of time. Spent on the exercise , the total time employment ( %). Skilled occupation has a density of 60-70%. Determination of the physiological curve of the lesson. Physician attending the various stages of training, HR records or other physiological parameters and builds a graph showing its dynamics during exercise. Analyzing this curve , we can evaluate the effectiveness of the introductory part of the lesson , the intensity of physical activity in its body , the duration of the final part of the pulse and the degree of recoverability by the end of class. Determination of the degree of fatigue . Carried out by the external signs of fatigue - the color of the skin, sweating , and other precision movements and speed recovery after the initial heart rate training. Properly constructed characterizes riding lesson for this group of excitability pulse virtually complete by the end of the recoverability of its class, the average degree of fatigue involved . Effectiveness of the training process depends on how well the chosen training facility and their dosage in one lesson , micro or mesocycle . In order to clarify these effects taken urgent study , the retired and the cumulative training effect . Urgent training effect - the changes occurring in the body directly during physical exercise and recreation in the next period . Of delayed training effect - changes noted in the later phases of recovery (eg , the next day after school or after a few days). Cumulative training effect - changes in the body that occur over a long period of training , as a result of summation of delayed and immediate effects of the total number of individual training sessions . MTO held during the milestone , current and operational research . 122 In landmark studies of complex when estimated cumulative training effect for a certain period , participating teachers, doctors and psychologists . The doctor's task - to assess changes in the functional status of the individual systems of the body , the overall health of the body. Landmark study carried out every 2-3 months : at rest, during and after physical activity (using a bicycle ergometer , treadmill , etc.). In the current study assessed the retired training effect . Forms of organization of these observations may be different: a) every morning in the conditions of training camp before training sessions or b) every morning and evening , and c) at the beginning and end of one or two micro-cycles (in the morning or at any time before classes ), d ) the day after classes ( morning or before the next exercise ) . For routine monitoring using the simplest methods of clinical and functional studies - and somatosensory fiziometriyu , cross-sectional functional quizs (20 squats , holding your breath , etc.). In urgent operational research evaluated the training effect , ie changes occurring in the body during physical exercise and recovery in the coming period. Use the following forms of operational research : a) directly to the lesson ( for all classes , after some exercise or after various parts of classes ) , and b) to a training session and 20-30 minutes after it ( alone or with the additional load ); c) training day , morning and evening . When conducting operational express control taking into account subjective sensations are three types of reactions to the training load : physiological , " border " and the pathological . Types of reaction to the load during the operational control Period of type of reaction occupation physiological " borderline" pathological During exercise subjectively felt the possibility of strengthening the load intensity , heart rate - within the limits established for the individual, free rhythmic breathing sensation of incoordination, pallor, ultimate load , the pain chest , heart appearance of rhythm disturbance discomfort or chest pain , increased heart rate of conventional respiratory Immediately after exercise ( training) Wellness ; feeling of " muscle joy "; decrease in heart rate to 120 beats / Psychic depression, after 3 min heart rate over 120 beats / min , pain and heart rate intensity for 3 min after exercise than 140 beats / min ; saved chest pain , the 123 min or less for 3 discomfort even feeling of extreme min with small loads fatigue , malaise , dizziness In between Feeling of general loads ( weariness lasts not training ) longer than 2 h after exercise ; heart rate less than 80 beats / min, local fatigue persists for more than 12 hours; orthostatic pulse reaction in 1 min 12 Feeling tired persists for more than 2 hours after the occupation , a decline in interest for classes , sleep disturbance and appetite hR 80 beats / min is maintained until 12 hours after exercise ; local fatigue persists up to 24 h ; orthostatic pulse reaction 13-19 min in 1 Aversion to exercise ; malaise ; sleep disturbance, appetite, sense of common fatigue more than 12 hours after the occupation ; heart rate greater than 80 beats / min, reduced resistance to usual exertion; orthostatic pulse reaction more 20 or more in 1 minute Medical groups to engage in sports Students of schools, colleges, high schools , students of secondary and higher educational institutions , depending on the state of health, physical development and physical fitness are divided into the following medical groups: a) main b) preparation , c) special . Person , healthy, makes no complaints related to an underlying medical group surveyed 1-2 times a year ( at the beginning of the school year or semester ) . Preparatory and special medical groups surveyed indicated, but not less than 2 times per academic year. According to the annual medical examination carried out translation from group to group . This translation can be carried out and ahead of schedule - after further examination on presentation of physical education . Persons related to health for the special group , be sure to deal with special education programs . Any error in the assessment of health status, functional status and physical development in the best case will prevent the positive impact physical training and sports , at worst cause irreversible organic changes in the systems , organs and even death. 124 group Medical student groups for physical training characteristic of the Medical exercise tolerance group Main Stateless variations in health status , as well as persons with minor variations in health status , with sufficient physical development and physical fitness classes curriculum of physical education in full , delivery standards , employment in the sports section , participation in competitions Preparatory Stateless variations in health status , as well as persons with minor variations in health status , with insufficient physical development and physical preparedness Things curriculum of physical education provided a more gradual development of complex motor skills , especially those related to the presentation of elevated body requirements. Additional classes to improve physical fitness and physical development Special Persons with variations in Classes in special education health status of permanent programs or temporary nature, which limits physical activity, committed to the implementation of educational and indusquiz work Exemption from teaching physical education classes can be a temporary measure , caused by the presence of acute illness or injury , acute exacerbation of chronic disease. 125 Recommendations for determining the medical team for some deviations in health status ( Bulich EG, 1986) (abridged version) Basic medical diagnosis . Preparatory Group honey . Special group honey . Things LFC Group Diagnosis Main group Readiness Special group TLP Rheumatism Appointed 2 years after acute in general good health appointed not earlier than one year after exacerbation in the absence of clinical signs of heart and joints Appointed no earlier than 8-10 months after the end of an exacerbation in the absence of events indicating an activity or process failure Appointed circulation in the acute phase and in the first months after the end of exacerbation Bronchial asthma appointed not earlier than 2 years after the last attack in good condition appointed not earlier than one year after the last attack in the absence of secondary changes in the lungs and respiratory failure phenomena at rest and during physical exertion appointed in the absence of phenomena NAM alone if seizures occur not heavy and not more than 12 times a year. Things build based on the methodology of exercise therapy in this disease appointed with frequent attacks , secondary changes in the lungs, with symptoms of MDs or cardiovascula r disease Chronic respiratory diseases Appointed in the absence of there exists governmental violations of nasal breathing indicated moderate violations nasal breathing Chronic media if indicated if the not assigned frequent of exacerbations of chronic diseases otitis opposite Appointed indicated with seemed busy dysfunction in purulent if not assigned 126 perforation of swimming the tympanic membrane the absence of processes hearing pulmonary tuberculosis Appointed in a compensated state and in the absence of NAM Appointed in the absence of focal lesions , signs of acute process and NAM Appointed with a solved favorable course individually of the disease, Subcompensate d - end process and DN stage I Chronic gastritis not appointed appointed by prescribed at , enteritis , common good rated colitis condition satisfactory overall condition indicated if not sharply expressed signs of exhaustion Stomach ulcer, Not assigned duodenum Not assigned Appointed no earlier than one year after the end of treatment , eliminate clinical manifestations of the disease indicated if no contraindicati ons to the zany HPE Chronic pyelonephritis Not assigned Not assigned indicated if renal function is compensated period of exacerbation and in the absence of complications from CAS Assigned outside the period of exacerbation with a moderate increase in blood pressure or stage I of the Tax Blood diseases Not assigned (hemophilia , thrombocytope nic purpura Not assigned Not assigned can be assigned only with very mild forms 127 disease Henoch ) , Endocrine not assigned disease (hyperthyroidis m , obesity, diabetes ) prescribed at the lungs and minor violations , if the physical development and ageappropriate performance prescribed at indicated moderately severe severe violations violations lagging physical development (minus 1-2 σ), significant obesity Inguinal hernia , Assigned not femoral , earlier than appendicitis , six months , fractures counting from the resumption of classes after the operation intervention appointed within six months after the resumption of exercise in an educational institution appointed for Appointed six months after term period surgery in the postoperative Scoliosis In posture disorders caused by deficiencies of the educational and home mode for scoliosis I and II class . Additionally recommended gymnastics Not assignable if classes for scoliosis Article III . , Juvenile kgphosis Contraindications for physical training and sports 1) disease in acute and subacute stage 2) Mental illness impede contact with the person 3 ) Heavy organic diseases of the central nervous system 4) Malignancies 5 ) Diseases of the cardiovascular system : an aneurysm of the heart and great vessels, coronary artery disease with frequent attacks of angina pectoris , myocardial infarction up to 6 months, circulatory failure , cardiac arrhythmias , hypertension stage II-III 128 6) Bronchial asthma with severe 7) Severe bronchiectasis 8) Liver and kidney function failure phenomena 9 ) Endocrine function in patients with severe violation 10 ) Diseases of the motion with a pronounced dysfunction of the joints and pain 11) Thrombophlebitis and frequent bleeding of any etiology 12) Glaucoma Predpatologieskie and pathological conditions in athletes with irrational use of physical exertion The basis of sport is a constant desire to improve sportsmanship, sports results . All this is achieved primarily , at the cost of use for many years huge training load . In particular, in one class weightlifter raises to 20 000 kg , the swimmer swims up to 12 km , the athlete runs up to 40 km , etc. Salable loads in the annual cycle in ski racing is about 10 thousand kilometers, veloshosse - 42 thousand km, swimming - 3 thousand km, more than a thousand jumping and fighting in fencing , not less than 2000 rounds in boxing ( In . A.Geselevich , V.N.Saninskg , 2003, V.P.Plotnikov , 2005). Athletes with physical and emotional overload condition may have fatigue , overload leading body systems and overtraining . Overwork - extreme fatigue that occurs when the body within a certain time can not be restored from one activity or event to another. Sports performance can generally remain essentially unchanged or slightly reduced. Deteriorating health , sleep, appears unstable mood , apathy , more lasting than is usually stored after exercise fatigue. Overwork is the cause of chronic surge overtraining. Overvoltage. There are three clinical forms of physical stress ( A.M.Alaverdyan et al. , 1987) 1. Acute physical stress . It develops during or immediately after a single emergency ( inadequate ) for the function of the initial state of the organism load , causing pathological changes or exhibiting latent pathology of organs and systems , leading to disruption of their function. 2 . Chronic physical stress - occurs when repeated load mismatch functional level . Characterized by impaired regulatory function of the central nervous system , which results in an imbalance of anabolism and catabolism , as well as the inadequacy of the recovery processes . 3 . Chronically occurring acute manifestations of physical overexertion . Possible during or immediately after stress and have the features of the first two forms of the surge. Acute physical stress . As an etiological factor may cause damage to the central nervous system, heart , respiratory system , kidneys, blood system , etc. 129 #Involvement of the central nervous system in very rare cases can lead to the development of paresis . While athletes complain of sharp one-sided weakness in the limbs, headache, nausea. Favorable for disease . After appropriate treatment of sports can be continued after 3 months of recovery. #Cardiac . Under the influence of surge may develop acute myocardial dystrophy , hemorrhages in the heart muscle. In rare cases, athletes appear in small foci of myocardial necrosis is not associated with coronary artery disease . They are called metabolic necrosis. Athletes in acute physical stress it is possible myocardial infarction and bleeding in cardiac muscle. Clinically they appear during an attack of angina and has all their stages , typical of myocardial infarction. The basis of this disease is the development of acute coronary insufficiency in excessive exertion. Essential if this can not be diagnosed early atherosclerosis and congenital anomalies of the structure of the coronary arteries . Often athletes acute physical stress causes abnormal heart rhythm ( arrhythmias , QT interval P - Q and sinus block ) . Athletes undergoing Noncoronary necrosis, myocardial infarction or hemorrhage in the heart muscle , exercise contraindicated. #respiratory disorders . Thus often develops emphysema . Occasionally acute physical stress can lead to the development of acute spontaneous pneumothorax . When full recovery and high functional state apparatus of external respiration athletes may be admitted to training. #Kidney . 24-48 hours of rest after muscle activity in the urine of healthy athletes do not have to be a change in the form of proteinuria , hematuria , tsilindrourii . Due to acute physical stress in athletes may cause hemoglobinuria and myoglobinuria . Hemoglobinuria is the result of intravascular hemolysis , leading to the appearance in plasma of large amounts of dissolved hemoglobin, which begins to separate urine. Myoglobinuria may be due to a traumatic myositis developing under high physical loads . In all cases when hit dissolved hemoglobin or muscle pigment myoglobin in the urine latter becomes brown . Occasionally during acute physical stress in athletes observed bleeding in the renal parenchyma with formation of kidney infarction . After recovery, sports are contraindicated , as well as after suffering hemoglobinuric mioglobulinuriynogo and nephrosis . #The defeat of the blood system . Under the influence of acute physical stress can develop intoxication phase myogenic leukocytosis , which is accompanied by a significant increase in the number of leukocytes in peripheral blood , increasing the number of neutrophils with a left shift , decrease in the number of lymphocytes and eosinophils complete disappearance . Furthermore , it may lead to significant decrease of glycogen , granulocytes and alkaline phosphatase activity . 130 In a tense muscle activity may cause of anemia ( decreased hemoglobin levels below 130 g / l in men and 120 g / l in women ) . Sports anemia causes may be: hemolysis , elevated erythrocyte destruction by increasing their fragility , systemic changes in protein metabolism in response to additional stress , excessive activation of erythropoiesis after a hard workout , iron deficiency . #defeat the immune system. Intense single and multiple load depress humoral immunity . Significantly reduced the phagocytic activity of leukocytes after exercise , especially in young athletes . In elite athletes , endurance athletes , amid intensive exercise reduced levels of immunoglobulins A, G and M in the blood and saliva. Described the phenomenon of " disappearance of immunoglobulin " in the blood of athletes in extreme sports overload . Physical activity of high intensity sharply depress T-cell immunity. Thus, the immune status of an athlete is closely linked to its functional state and the level of the special physical performance. Evaluation of the immune status of elite athletes is now becoming a mandatory part of a comprehensive assessment of their functional status at all stages of the training process and competition. Chronic physical stress overtraining . The most common pathological conditions in athletes. The athlete's body is in a constant state of tension, wasteful energy consumption and insufficient speed recovery. At the heart of overtraining is the overexertion of the central nervous system , in connection with which the leading features of this condition are changes in the cortical processes occurring type of neurosis of varying severity . In this condition, the athlete , having a great potential physiological and pathological absence of symptoms is not able to show good results ( to develop the necessary speed , change it to a separate stint , finish , fulfill their tactical plan ) . Correction method overtraining syndrome is long (up to 6-12 months) switch to another view on the nature of muscular activity . Recommendations . Reduce the training load , have more rest days , not to compete . Normalize the mode of the day , lengthen sleep up to 10 hours a day . Questions for Knowledge Control : 1) Give the definition of " physical performance ." 2) By what quizs can determine the level of the Fed ? 3) Tell the principle of quiz PWC170. 4) How is the step quiz ? 5) Write a formula Harvard step quiz. 6) List the tasks of medical- pedagogical observation. 7) How is the physiological load curve ? 8) Give the definition of " employment density ." 9) What are the medical group to engaged in physical training , you know? 10 ) Describe the basic medical group. 131 11 ) Describe the preparatory medical group . 12 ) Describe the special medical team . 13) What are the contraindications to physical education and sports , you know? 14 ) Name and pathological conditions prepathological athletes arising from irrational use of excessive physical exertion . 15) What advice should be given in identifying phenomena overvoltage and overtraining ? To assess the level of assimilation of the theoretical material is also used quiz questions (see Appendix 1 ). Maximum score 25-22 points excellent 100%-86% Criteria for evaluating the theoretical part 17-14 13-9 21-18 good 85%-71% satisfactory 70-55% unsatisfactory 54%-37% 8 points and below bad 36% or below 13.2. The analytical part of 13.2.1 . Using the method of discussion Discussion - The process of students and teacher discuss a specific topic . It allows us to consider various options to get feedback , to unite members of the working team , learn different and critical perspective on the project or proposal to define the purpose and appropriate methods of its implementation , identify any missing resources . Students are encouraged to discuss the method of discussion " What prepathological and pathological conditions can occur in athletes with irrational use of physical activity ? " Issues for discussion : 1. What could be the cause of prepathological and pathological conditions in athletes ? 2 . Classification and pathological conditions prepathological athletes. 3 . Methods of diagnosis and pathological conditions prepathological athletes. 4 . Correction methods prepathological athletes and pathological conditions . 13.2.2 . Decision situational problems 132 1. Objective: The student 1st year in the primary medical examination revealed physical development is above average , chronic gastritis and scoliosis second degree. 1. Which medical group on physical education need to define it ? 2 . Your advice on the application of physical activity. Standard answer : despite the fact that the physical development of the subject is above average, the presence of chronic diseases requires the student to identify this special medical team , where the selection exercise will be individualized . 2 . Problem: Girl 17 years old, has an average physical development, no complaints , physical education at school the last 2 years was not engaged , as surveyed in connection with the alleged rheumatism. Diagnosis was not confirmed . Which medical group for physical training in terms of high school it belongs ? Standard answer : the preparatory group , because in the absence of chronic illness in the survey was given a 2- year break in physical activities that causes the development of the state of detraining . 3 . Problem: A student 20 years of age engaged in physical training in the basic medical group. Two months ago, suffered a purulent otitis media with perforation membrane. There is the presence of labyrinthine symptoms ( dizziness, nausea, altered auditory function). Your tactics and recommendations. Standard answer : because the student as a result of this illness developed complications , it must be determined in a special medical team . When selecting exercises necessary to exclude classes in the pool and hypothermia , in an exercise to recommend the use of special exercises to develop coordination and balance . 4 . Problem: university student asked 1 month after the last normal childbirth. Before pregnancy refers to the main medical group , then was transferred to the special . Your tactics , recommendations ? Standard answer : because Current students at childbirth were no complications and in good health , it is necessary to define the preparatory medical group with subsequent transfer to the main next semester with good exercise tolerance . 5 . Objective: The overall density of training at the Department of gymnastics girls athletes 40%. In this case the maximum load (at physiological curve ) occurs at the end of the main , the growth momentum of 22% , the number of breaths per minute is increased by 6-8% , pulse pressure increased by 20 % (due to systolic blood pressure ) . Can we assume the specified density optimal workout and why? 133 Is this a reflection of the density of training in the nature of the physiological curve ? Your recommendations coach. Standard answer : kvalifitsiovanno conducting classes (training) has a density of 60-70 % , the maximum load falls on the main part of the session , which affects the physiological curve. In this case, the specified density can not be considered an optimal workout , which is reflected in the physiological curve. Recommendations coach, analyze training undertaken , to find the causes of low density classes , optimize training and properly distribute the load in athletes . Maximum score 25-22 points excellent 100%-86% Criteria for evaluation of the analytical part : 17-14 13-9 21-18 good 85%-71% satisfactory 70-55% unsatisfactory 54%-37% 8 points and below bad 36% or below 13.3. The practical part 13.3.1 . Determining the level of physical performance by conducting quiz PWC170. Objective: teaching students how to conduct the quiz and evaluation PWC170 the results. Steps for : Events impracticable number (0 points) Fully executed correctly 1 Check the working condition of the bicycle ergometer , training stopwatch 0 5 2 Introduction to the sports history of the patient and the anthropometry data 0 5 3 seated subject at ergometer 0 5 Count 4 for 30 with a pulse on the carotid arierii ( in a sitting position on a bicycle ergometer ) 0 10 5 Install on bicycle 1st load in accordance with the body weight of the subject (W1) 0 10 6 the execution surveyed 1st load for 5 minutes at 60-75 pedaling rpm 0 10 At the end of the load 7 during the last 30 seconds of pulse to determine the frequency (f1) 0 10 8 Post surveyed 3- minute interval recreation 0 5 9 Set on the 2nd cycle ergometer load in accordance with the body weight of the subject (W2) 0 10 The execution of the examined 10 2nd Load for 5 minutes at 60-75 pedaling rpm 0 10 134 At the end of the load 11 during the last 30 seconds of pulse to determine the frequency (f2) 0 10 12 Calculate PWC170 mathematical or graphical manner and evaluate the result 0 10 Total 20 * x 100 h/100 13.3.2 . Determination of physical fitness through Harvard step quiz Purpose: To train students methods of determining physical fitness through Harvard step quiz and evaluation of the results. Steps for : Events impracticable number (0 points) Fully executed correctly 1 Prepare for the quiz steps of varying heights and stopwatch 0 10 2 In the subject in a sitting position on the radial pulse count arierii for 30 seconds 0 20 3 Perform surveyed climbs up a notch for 5 minutes with a frequency change with leg lifts 30 times in 1 minute 0 20 4 Writing surveyed minute interval recreation 0 5 5 In the subject in a sitting position on the radial pulse count arierii within the first 30 seconds, 2 -4th minute recovery period (f1, f2, f3) 0 20 6 These indicators substitute in the Harvard step quiz and evaluate the result 0 25 Total 20 * x 100 h/100 Criteria for assessing the practical part of the lesson . Evaluation of the practical classes is 40% of rated current control . Maximum of 20 points. On the subject of " medical control " every practical skill consists of 5-15 steps, each of which is assessed separately and a total of 100 possible points. If there are errors in the performance of the individual steps performed incorrectly or reduced points : if improperly performed from 1 to 4 points , at default from 5 to 15 points .. Amount of points by a factor of 0.2 umnozhantsya . For example: a student scored 80 points for the implementation of practical skill , multiply by a factor of 0.2 , will 80h0 , 2 = 16 points. Criteria for assessing the practical part of the lesson The maximum score 40-34 33-28 points 27-22 points 21-15 points 14 points and below excellent good satisfactory unsatisfactory bad 100 % -86 % 85 % -71% 70-55 % 54 % 36 % -37 % or below 14. Forms of control knowledge , skills and abilities 135 • oral • Written • solving situational problems • demonstration of skills mastered . Joint evaluation criteria table theoretical and analytical , practical and selfemployment units Rating Excellent Good 100%-86% 85%-71% % Performance Fair Poor Unsatisfactory 70-55% 54%-37% 36% and below 8points below Theoretical part 25-22 point 21-18 points 17-14 point 13-9 point Analytical part 30-26 point 25-21 points 20-16point 15-11point 27-22 points 21-15 points 14 points below and 3,5-2,8 point 2,7-1,9 point 1,8 points below and Practical part 40-34 points 33-28 points Independen 5-4,3 point 4,2-3,6 point t work and 10 points and below 15. Criteria for evaluation of the current control № 1. Progress mark in % 96excellent 100% «5» Level of knowledge of student Full correct answer to questions about the tasks of sports medicine and medical monitoring for exercise and sports, athletes survey scheme , physical development, learning methods , evaluation and correction of physical development . Summarizes and makes decisions , think creatively , independently analyzes . Situational problems are solved correctly , with a creative approach , with full justification response. Actively and creatively involved in interactive games , right to make informed decisions and summarizes and analyzes . Actively involved in the development of practical skills and properly performing. CDS prepared high quality (abstract, slides , banner, video ) with no less than 10 online sources and literature in recent years. 136 2. 91-95% 3. 86-90% 4. 81-85% 2 . 91-95 % complete correct answer to questions about the tasks of sports medicine and medical monitoring for exercise and sports, athletes survey scheme , physical development, learning methods , evaluation and correction of physical development . Summarizes and makes decisions , think creatively , independently analyzes . Situational problems are solved correctly , with a creative approach , with full justification response. Actively and creatively involved in interactive games , right to make informed decisions and summarizes and analyzes . Actively involved in the development of practical skills and properly performing. CDS prepared high quality (abstract, slides , banner, video ) with no less than 10 online sources and literature in recent years. Excellent "5" The questions about the tasks of sports medicine «5» and medical monitoring for exercise and sports, athletes survey scheme , physical development, learning methods , evaluation and correction of physical development lit enough , but there are 1-2 errors in the response. Applies in practice , with the matter , said confidently , has fine views. Situational problems are solved correctly , but the justification answer sufficiently. Actively involved in interactive games , correct decisions . Actively involved in the development of practical skills , but there are 2-3 mistakes in their implementation . CDS prepared high quality (abstract, slides , banner, video ) with no less than 10 online sources and literature in recent years. Good «4» The questions about the tasks of sports medicine and medical monitoring for exercise and sports, athletes survey scheme , physical development, learning methods , evaluation and correction of physical development is fully covered , but there are 2-3 inaccuracies, errors . Applies in practice , with the matter , said confidently , has fine views. Situational problems are solved correctly , but the justification answer sufficiently. Inaccuracies in solving situational problems . 137 5. 76-80% 6. 71-75% 7. 66-70% Actively involved in interactive games , correct decisions . Actively involved in the development of practical skills , but there are 2-3 mistakes in their implementation . CDS prepared high quality (abstract, slides , banner, video ) with no less than 10 online sources and literature in recent years. Good Correct , but incomplete coverage of the issue . Student knows about the problems of sports medicine «4» and medical monitoring for exercise and sports, athletes survey scheme , physical development (RF ) , learning methods , evaluation and correction of physical development but fully understands the methods of assessing risk factors . With the matter , said confidently , has fine views. Actively involved in interactive games . Situational problem gives partial solutions . Actively involved in the development of practical skills , but there are 3-4 mistakes in their implementation . CPC prepared good quality (abstract, slides) using at least 5-8 online sources and literature in recent years. Good Correct , but incomplete coverage of the issue . «4» Student knows about the problems of sports medicine and medical monitoring for exercise and sports, athletes survey scheme , physical development, but incomplete lists methods of examination, evaluation and correction of physical development . With the matter , said confidently , has fine views. Actively involved in interactive games . Situational problem gives partial solutions . Actively involved in the development of practical skills , but there are 3-4 mistakes in their implementation . CPC prepared good quality (abstract, slides) using at least 3-5 online sources and literature in recent years. Satisfacto on the correct answer half of the questions . Student ry «3» knows about the problems of sports medicine and medical monitoring for exercise and sports, athletes survey scheme , physical development, but poorly versed in the methods of examination, evaluation and correction of physical development . With the matter , said uncertainly , has accurate representations only on specific issues theme. Situational problems are solved correctly , but there is no justification response. Passive when 138 8. 61-65% 9. 55-60% 10. 31-54% dissatisfa ction «2» discussing CDS. Passive during the development of practical skills , makes mistakes when they are executed . correct answer half of the questions . Student knows about the problems of sports medicine and medical monitoring for exercise and sports, athletes survey scheme , physical development, but poorly versed in the methods of examination, evaluation and correction of physical development . With the matter , said uncertainly , has accurate representations only on specific issues theme. Situational problems are solved correctly , but there is no justification response. Passive during the development of practical skills , makes mistakes when they are executed . CPC prepared satisfactorily designed (abstract, slides) using at least 2-3 online sources and literature in recent years. Passive when discussing CDS. correct answer to 40 % of the questions . Student knows about the problems of sports medicine and medical monitoring for exercise and sports, athletes survey scheme , physical development, but poorly versed in the methods of examination, evaluation and correction of physical development . With the matter , said uncertainly , has accurate representations only on specific issues theme. Situational problems are solved correctly , but there is no justification response. Passive during the development of practical skills , makes mistakes when they are executed . CPC prepared satisfactorily designed (abstract, slides) using at least 2-3 online sources and literature in recent years. The abstract mistakes , broken logical sequence of topics subject was not disclosed . Improper design of slides and posters. Passive when discussing CDS. less than 40% coverage of the issues in the wrong approach. Student does not know about the problems of sports medicine and medical monitoring for exercise and sports, athletes survey scheme , physical development. Practically versed in the methods of examination, evaluation and correction of physical development . Homework is not satisfied. Passive during the development of practical skills , making numerous mistakes in their implementation . 139 11. 20-30% dissatisfa ction «2» CDS performed with numerous errors , using only 1-2 online sources and literature, poorly framed , the student can not present their work . Passive when discussing CDS. "2" is present on the student practical training in the proper form , there is a workbook . Questions not answers. Do not know about the problems of sports medicine and medical monitoring for exercise and sports, athletes survey scheme , physical development. Not involved in the development of practical skills. Homework is not satisfied. CDS is not prepared . Passive in class . Violates discipline prevents conduct classes . 16. Quiz Questions 1. Give the concept of the term " physical performance " 2 . By what quizs can determine the Fed ? 3 . In what sports athletes are more often used quizs to determine the Fed ? 4 . Tell the principle of quiz PWC170. 5 . How is the step quiz ? Formula Harvard step quiz. 6. List the tasks of medical- pedagogical observation. 7. What types of training effects you know ? 8. Describe term training effect . 9. Describe the retired training effect . 10 . Describe the cumulative training effect . 11. Tasks landmark comprehensive studies of athletes. 12. Tasks current surveys . 13. Operational research problem . 14. What types of reactions to stress during operational control, you know? 15. Give the definition of the term "physiological load curve ," as it is being built ? 16. Give the concept of the term " density classes ." 17. What are the principles built training process and separate each workout ( what parts is load balancing ) ? 18. What medical group to engaged in physical training , you know? 19. Principles for the distribution of students in the medical group. 20. List contraindications for admission to the physical education and sports. 21. What prepathological and pathological conditions in athletes you know ? 22. Describe the state of fatigue. 23. What degree of fatigue , you know? 24. Describe the state of overtraining. 25. What methods of correction prepathological states you know ? 140 17.Recomended literature Main Reading 1. Epifanov VA Apanasenko RL " Physical therapy and medical supervision ", Moscow, 1990 2 . Chogovadze AV, IM Round " Medical control physical education and sport " , Moscow, 1987 . Further Reading 1.Epifanov VA Therapeutic exercise , Moscow, 2003 2.Epifanov VA physical therapy and sports medicine . M. 2000 3.Dembo AG Medical control in sport. M. : Medical , 1988 4.Zhuravleva AI, ND Graevskii Sports medicine and physical education. Manual M. , 1993 5.Lektsionnye materials and pedagogical development . 6.Aulik IV Determination of physical performance in the clinic and sports. M.1990 7.Karpman VL Sports Medicine . M. 1987 8.Karpman VL Heart and sports. Moscow, 1990 9.Dembo AG, EV Zemtsovskg Sports cardiology . M.1989 10.Rihsieva OA Massage T. , 1996 11.Eryshev OF Life without drugs . C: -P. Publisher "Pioneer" , Moscow, Astrel , ACT 2001 12.Sportivnaya medicine . Ed. A.V.Chogovadze Moscow, Moscow , 1984 13.Vinogradov PA Dushanin AP Zholdak VI Fundamentals of physical culture and healthy lifestyle. Moscow, 1996 14.Volozhin AI Subbotin, JK, SJ Chikin Way to Health . Moscow, 1987 GM 15.Kukolevskg Medical supervision for athletes. M. , 1975 16.Natalov GG Introduction to physical culture . Krasnodar , 1995, www. medinfo. ANNEX 1 Quizs to monitor the level of knowledge on the lesson number 3 1. Specify the purpose of the medical- pedagogical observation A. admission to employment B. functional quizs C. assessment of the impact on the body engaged in physical activity * D. definition of stamina E. Group distribution 2 . Call - sign criterion average degree of fatigue : A. mimicry regular 141 B. cyanosis of the face C. skin color - a significant redness * D. Sweating is not expressed E. movement - Rocking 3 . Specify the initial stage of the submaximal quiz PWC- 170 : A. measurement of respiratory rate after 1st load B. determination of the 1st load on the main exchange C. determination of the 1st load quiz weight * D. 3 pedaling minute at 50 revolutions per minute E. measurement of respiratory rate after 2nd load 4 . Type of reaction when overtraining : A. stage B. hypotonic C. dystonic * D. hypertonic E. normotonicheskg 5 . Objective assessment of the degree of fitness is carried out in a quiz : A. Letunova B. Martin C. PWC170 * D. Rosenthal E. Valsalavy 6.Fiziologicheskaya curve is made according to : A. signs of fatigue B. density classes C. pulse * D. physical activity E. spirometry 7. What are the criteria under which persons engaged in physical activity , refer to the major medical group : A. healthy people with low physical development B. persons without variations in health status * C. persons with high physical development * D. insufficient physical development 142 8. Specify criteria under which persons engaged in physical activity , refer to the preparatory group : A. patients with good physical preparation B. patients with good physical development C. insufficient physical development * D. reduced functional performance * 9. Select medical groups for physical education classes A. basic * B. preparatory * C. special * D. more E. total F. health group 10 . Call - signs criteria unacceptable degree of fatigue : A. cyanosis of the face * B. incoordination * C. movement - Rocking * D. sweating upper body E. leather - hyperemia F. skin color - sharp redness, blanching 11. Select quizs for evaluation of physical performance : A. bicycle stress quiz * B. PWC- 170 quiz * C. Harvard step quiz * D. Martin quiz E. quiz Letunova F. clinoorthostatic 12. Immediately during exercise (whether executed on the specific stress ) usually analyzed : A. external signs of fatigue * B. dynamics of heart rate * C. the dynamics of the respiratory rate * D. the functional state of the neuromuscular apparatus E. functional state of the external breathing F. morphological indicators of blood 13. The main group for exercising children include : 143 A. healthy * B. no lag in physical development * C. with a good functional state of the organism * D. rarely ill E. involved in sports F. those with chronic disease in remission 14. Call medical control tasks : A) preparation of complexes of physiotherapy B) determining the physical development * C) to determine the state of health * D) determination of the functional state of the body * E) conducting classes in a special group F) organizational and methodological guidance 15. What are the criteria by which persons engaged in physical activity , refer to the major medical group : A) patients with average physical development B) healthy people with low physical development C) a person without variations in health status * D) patients with high physical development E) people with minor physical disabilities * F) people with quite developed and prepared * 16. During the current control athletes necessarily assess the condition A) of the autonomic nervous system * B) musculoskeletal * C) Cardiovascular System * D) vestibular E) of the neuromuscular apparatus F) reflexes 17. Current control of athletes can be A) once per week * B) 3 times a week * C) If there are 2 training 2 times a day * D) times per month E ), 2 times per month F) every 2 weeks 18. To prepathological states in athletes include: A. state of fatigue * B. overvoltage condition leading body systems * C. overtraining * D. psycho-emotional stress 144 E. soft tissue injuries F. weight loss 19. Systematic adequate physical impact load results : A. economization of physiological functions * B. decrease in efficiency C. slowing the aging process * D. accelerate the process of regeneration E. expanding reserves physiological functions * F. increase resistance to pathogenic factors * G. inhibition of physiological functions H. acceleration of metabolic processes 20. Contraindications to improving physical training : A. organic diseases of the central nervous system * B. early signs of aging C. CHD with frequent attacks of angina * D. glaucoma * E. sleep disorders F. obesity grade I-II G. type I diabetes mellitus * H. osteochondrosis Questions about medical control 1.Subject medical monitoring and maintenance work. 2. The tasks of medical control. 3. On what three areas used exercise and for what purpose? 4. 3 Specify the type of medical examination and give the concept. 5. On what parameters are sent engaged in physical training in the basic medical group? 6. On what parameters are sent to engage in physical culture in the pre-med group? 7. On what parameters are sent to engage in physical culture in a special medical team? 8. What is the definition of physical development has engaged in physical culture and sport? 9. What indicators of physical development is determined anthropometry? 10. Definitions and methods of measurement of weight. 11. Definitions and methods of measurement of growth. 12. Definitions and methods of measuring the circumference of the chest. 13. Definitions and methods of measurement of muscle strength (dynamometer). 14. Definitions and methods of measurement of the VC. 15. Evaluation of physical development by standards. 145 16. Evaluation of physical development by the indices. 17. Evaluation of physical development by correlation. 18. To what end is held somatoskopiya? 19. Shape of the chest. 20. Leg shape. 21. Types of posture. 22. How important is determining the shape of the feet? 23. How is the method plantography? 24. What is in anthropometry? 25. What is included in the external examination? 26. Indicators characterizing the functional state of the respiratory apparatus? 27. Why use a method spirography? 28. What is fashion? 29. What is tidal volume? 30. What is the reserve capacity breaths? 31. How to determine the depth of respiration spirogram? 32. Kalipometriya method and purpose of its use. 33. Degree of fat deposition? 34. Which system has an effect of exercise? 35. Changes occurring in the cardiovascular system. 36. Changes occurring in the respiratory system. 37. Functional quizs of the cardiovascular system. 38. The purpose and methodology of the quiz Letunova. 39. The purpose and methodology of the quiz Martine. 40. Name the five types of the organism's response to physical stress. 41. On what parameters determine the five responses. 42. Characteristic indicators of normotonic reaction. 43. Typical indicators of hypertensive reactions. 44. Characteristic indicators hypotonic reactions. 45. Characteristic indicators dystonic reaction. 46. Typical performance speed response. 47. Functional quizs of the respiratory system. 48. The purpose and methodology of the quiz rod. 49. The purpose and methodology of the quiz Ghencea. 50. The purpose and methodology of the quiz Serkin. 51. The purpose and methodology of the quiz Rosenthal. 52. Functional quizs of the autonomic nervous system. 53. The purpose and methodology of the orthostatic quiz. 54. The purpose and methodology of wedgeorthostatic quiz. 55. Sanitary requirements for sports facilities closed. Sports halls. 56. Sanitary requirements for sports facilities closed. Pools. 146 57. Sanitary requirements for sports facilities closed. Gyms. 58. Sanitary requirements for sports facilities closed. Easy athletic arenas. 59. Sanitary requirements for sports facilities closed. Wrestling halls. 60. Sanitary requirements for sports facilities closed. Boxing ring. 61. Sanitary requirements for sports facilities open. Stadiums. 62. Sanitary requirements for sports facilities open. Pools. 63. Food hygiene athletes. 64. Rest period of athletes. 65. What is the physical performance? 66. Method for determination of physical performance. Submaximal quiz PWC170 67. The methodology of the submaximal quiz, PWC-170 68. Evaluation of physical development. 69. Determine the maximum absorption oxygen. 70. Harvard step quiz. 71. The methodology of the Harvard step quiz. 72. Definition and assessment index Harvard step quiz. 73. Medical and pedagogical supervision. 74. The methodology of the studies and evaluation of the timing (density classes). 75. The methodology of the evaluation and physiological curve. 76. For some seven methods of determining the degree of fatigue. 77. Typical signs of mild fatigue. 78. Typical signs of fatigue moderate. 79. Typical signs of severe fatigue. 80. Frequently occurring pathological conditions in athletes. 81. Doping in sport. 82. Indications and contraindications for physical training and sports. 83. Medical and sports clinic. 84. Tasks, and the sort of the medical and sports clinic. 85. Give the concept of medical physical culture. 86. Methods of treatment of physical therapy. 87. The mechanism of action of exercise. 88. General framework for physical therapy. 89. Remedial gymnastics means. 90. Physical exercise. 91. Gymnastic exercise. 92. Group breathing exercises. 93. Static breathing exercises. 94. Dynamic breathing exercises. 95. Special breathing exercises. 96. Restorative exercise. 97. Exercise on anatomical grounds. 98. Exercise on the basis of activity. 99. Exercise on the basis of the use of gymnastic equipment. 100. Exercise on general grounds. 101. Sports and exercise applications and purpose of use. 147 102. Games and purpose of use. 103. Occupational therapy. 104. Massage Therapy and species. 105. Techniques of massage therapy. 106. The mechanism of action of therapeutic massage. 107. Natural factors of nature. 108. Forms of physical therapy. 109. Forms used in the clinic. 110. The forms used outside the clinic. 111. Motoring LFK. 112. Tasks bed motoring. 113. Tasks of half-bed-rest or motor mode. 114. The problem of free motoring. 115. Methods for evaluating the effectiveness of exercise therapy. 116. Indications and contraindications for the use of remedial gymnastics. 117. Principles of preparation of the complex of gymnastic exercises. Manipulative materials Examination of athletes and sportsmen - Passport data ; - Life history ; - Sports history ; - Anthropometric data ; - External examination of the data . . 1.Exacution protocol anamnesis Data_____________________________ (year, month , day) 1. Overview Organization Name ____________________________ AMD Sports _________________________________ 1. Last name, ____________________________ 2 . Date of Birth ____________________________ 3 . Paul ____________________________ 3 . Home address ____________________________ Telephone____________ 4 . Place of work or study_________________________________________ 2 . life history 1. Occupation ____________________________ 2 . Education ____________________________ 3 . Terms of life____________________________ 4 . Diet____________________________ 5 . Drinking alcohol : random , little , many, often , does not use 148 ( underline) 6. Postponed : a) illness____________________________________ b)operations_____________________________________________________ c) injures______________________________________________________ 7. Hereditary diseases (diseases in the family) ___________________ 3 . General sports history 1. At what age began ( a) engage in sports ? What kind of sports ? _________________________________________________________________ 2 . The main sport at the moment ( starting date, the time, with a break of more than 6 months , independently, under the guidance of coach ) ________________________________________________________________ 3 . Dynamics of sports qualification date discharge sport 2 .Protocol of somatoscopy position of head______________________________________________ position of shoulder_____________________________________________ Location of scapuls_____________________________________ Form of spine______________________Form of abdomen______________ Spine : lordosis________________ kiphosis__________________ scoliosis_______________ _______________________ Lumbar triangles _______________________________________ Epigastric angle _______ Form chest _________________ Form of hand_________________Form of leg____________________ Form feet____________________________________________________ mobility of joints__________________________________________ The development of musculs_____________________________________ Skin: color ______________________ _______________ , The presence of pigmentation , depigmentation ____________________________ Conclusion According of somatoscopy : carriage________________________________________________ 149 Type of physique_______________________________________________ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Index Pirke ( Beduzi ) calculated by the formula : D - Dc Dc X 100D- standing body length ; Dc - body length sitting . Value of the index gives an indication of the relative length of t he legs: less than 87 % - a small length of the legs ( lower center of gravity ) , 87 - 92% - is proportional to the ratio between the length of the legs and torso , more - 92% - a relatively large length of the legs ( high center of gravity ). Pine index calculated by the formula : D-(M + O), where D - standing body length in cm, M - weight in kilograms; About - chest circumference in the expiratory phase , see The smaller Pine index , the better the ( in the absence of obesity ) . An index less than 10 is rated as a strong constitution , from 10 to 20 - good, from 21 to 25 - the average , from 26 to 35 - is weak, more than 36 - very weak . Erisman index is calculated as follows : from the chest circumference paused subtracted half body length . Erisman index averages for men +5,4-6,0 cm for women +3,8-4,4 see Massorostovye indexes : Index Quetelet Body Mass Index (BMI ) is calculated by the formula BMI = M/D2 where M - weight in kg ; D - body length in meters. WHO identifies four levels of BMI . Less than 18.5 kg/m2 - low body weight ; ot18 , 5 to 24.9 - normal weight , 25 to 29.9 - overweight and over 30 obesity . Index Mahony optimal body weight for men is calculated by the formula [(D / 2,5 x4, 0 ) -128] x 453 = c. For women [(D / 2,5 x3, 5 ) -108] x453 = c. 150 Index method № Name of index Indexes norm 1 Brock-Busch index 155-165cm 166-175 cm 175-185cm Height-100 Height-105 Height-110 2 Ketleindex Weight(gr) / Height(sm) E=350-400 A=325-375 3 Alive index ACL(ml) / Weight (kg) E=60 A=50 4 Palm strength index Right hand`s strength (kg) *100% / Weight (kg) strength Back muscles strength index *100% / Weight(kg) E=70% A=50% 5 Backmuscles index E=220% A=135-150% 6 Erismann`s proportion idex chest Chest case Height (sm) *100% / E va A 50-55% 7 Piner`s thoracic strength Height (Chest 10-15 excellent index rounding+Weight ) 16-20 good 21-25 moderate 26-30 bad 31 very bad 8 Comparison index Height(standing up) E=9-10 - Height(sitting) =foot size A= 11-12 2) Height(sitting)–foot size = x 1) 151 Cluster Evaluation of physical well-being Index Considera tional evaluatio n Antropometric data correlation Antropometric data Standard Math indexes Height,wei ght, chest rouinding Height, weight, and chest rounding Without consideratio n of person`s age More information бераи Gives more information Height, weight 152 153 154 155 156 Harvard step test How to conduct the test This test requires the athlete to step up and down off a gym bench for 5 minutes at a rate 30 steps/minute 1 The athlete warms up for 10 minutes 2 The assistant gives the command "GO" and starts the stopwatch 3 The athlete steps up and down onto a standard gym bench once every two seconds for five minutes (150 steps) 4 The assistant stops the test after 5 minutes 5 The assistant measures the athlete's heart rate (bpm) one minute after finishing the test - Pulse1 6 The assistant measures the athlete's heart rate (bpm) two minutes after finishing the test - Pulse2 7 The assistant measures the athlete's heart rate (bpm) three minutes after finishing the test Pulse3 157 Assessment Using the three pulse rates (bpm) an estimate of your level of fitness can be determined as follows: Result = 30000 ÷ (pulse1 + pulse2 + pulse3) For an estimate of your level of fitness enter your gender, pulse rates (Pulse 1, Pulse 2 and Pulse 3) and then select the 'Calculate' button. Normative data for the Harvard Step Test The following table is for 16 year old athletes (Beashel and Taylor 1997)[1] using a 45cm step. Gender Excellent Above Average Average Below Average Poor Male >90.0 80.0-90.0 65.0-79.9 55.0-64.9 <55 Female >86.0 76.0-86.0 61.0-75.9 50.0-60.9 <50 158 Cluster Moderate exhaustion skin body sweetening breath motion self-feeling • little colored • permanent • less • moderatehigh-rated • average • normal Average exhaustion skin body sweetening breath motion self-feeling excessed exhaustion skin • little colored body • fatigue • little colored • permanent • less sweetening • less breath • high-rated motion • average • low-rated • uncomfortable • normal self-feeling • normal 159 160 Step of execution Weight estimation Given 2 different exertion types Define the physical liability PWC-170 At each exertion heart rate is evaluated 5 minutes of training 3 Exertion rate is adopted in table Force of exertion is estimated by framework Put in veoergometr 161 Physiological exertion of pulse. Back muscles strength index I V II I II I t- 5-100 мин. TRAINED TRAINED UNTRAINED UNTRAINED 162 ACL Stages Duration(%) Level executed exercises Introduction 20-30 Basic part 40-50 Conclusion 25-30 of tests Flesh up 2. 3. y A 4. 5. Preparation to 6. end 1. ECS xygentherapy Miotonotherapy EMG Tonometry Biochemical method 163 Glossary Sports medicine - a single specific area of medical science and practice, is responsible for providing biomedical training athletes. The main purpose of sports medicine - biomedical training athletes to compete. Biomedical training athletes - an integral part of their training in general, designed to solve a number of problems.. Medical supervision in physical education and sport - the system medical supervision in the USSR for persons engaged physical culture and sports, aimed at effective the use of means and methods of physical education. Medical - teacher observations in sports practice are of utmost importance. MTO is held together with a coach , teacher of physical education in the field of training, competition , physical education - in gyms , stadiums, swimming pools , etc. Forms of organization and methods of investigation during WH , defined goals and objectives , as well as the stages of preparation of the athlete , species survey (initial , in-depth , extra landmark , current ), and other tasks. Main medical group-Stateless variations in health status , as well as persons with minor variations in health status , with sufficient physical development and physical fitness classes Preparatory medical group Stateless variations in health status , as well as persons with minor variations in health status , with insufficient physical development and physical preparedness Things Special medical group Persons with variations in health status of permanent or temporary nature, which limits physical activity, committed to the implementation of educational and industrial work Physical development - a set of inherited and acquired the morphological and functional characteristics of the organism that determine its potential , as well as compliance with the biological age of the passport . Physical development can serve as criteria for the selection and orientation of sports for various sports . Method anthropometric standards .. Standards - it's common or group averages characterizing the mean values for all attributes of the surveyed group ( group standards) . Average values of attributes corresponding to certain groups are Rostovs with growth standards. Physique. It refers to the dimensions , the odds , the proportions and features of the mutual arrangement of body parts. Posture . This is a familiar person standing posture ease closed- heels with socks still deployed at an angle of 45-500 Method indexes. To assess the anthropometric data in the practice of medical monitoring is not widely used . However, when mass screening to obtain preliminary information about the physical development , clinical work (especially massorostovye indicators ) application of the method is justified indexes . 164 Method correlations. Many anthropometric signs of physical development, in particular , such as length , weight , chest circumference , VC interrelated. The degree of dependence between the features expressed by the value of the correlation Coefficient 1 is a direct relationship between the studied traits (increasing one trait increases the other). Coefficient of -1 means feedback. Heart dilatation– changes in heart structure by the physical exertion, dilatation of heart ventricles and atriums Rate of puls –rate of heart contractions Harvard step quiz based on detection of heart rate after dosed physical load and allows the quantification of stroke recovery. Physical activity is climbing on a step height of 50 cm for men and 43 cm for women. While climbing 5 min , the frequency rises with the change of feet - 30 times in 1 minute . If the subject is unable to perform the load for 5 minutes , the time actually recorded the work done. Orthostatic quiz . It is noteworthy to assess autonomic status , functional status VNS . Its holding in its simplest form is to record heart rate in the supine position for 1 minute and standing once for 10 seconds . Assesses the degree of excitability of the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system . Clinostatic quiz . Pulse is recorded in the standing and lying down. We study the parasympathetic autonomic nervous system excitability . It is characterized by a decrease in heart rate compared with lying pulse beats standing at 6-12 . Normotonic type . Characterized by unidirectional, coexisting and adequate intensity and duration of the work performed by changes in the direction of increasing heart rate and PD ( pulse pressure ) . Blood supply of the active muscle occurs due to increase in cardiac output (which indirectly indicates PD) , and heart rate. Asthenic type . In this type of reaction increases sharply CVD heart rate is 100 percent or more. Pulse pressure increases by less than 20 %. Thus , the device CAS for muscular work carried out mainly by heart rate. Endurance ratio ( KV1 ) , compared to the quiescent increases by more than 9 items . Recovery time exceeds 5 minutes. Dystonic type is characterized by the fact that after you have made physical work auscultatory tone that defines the diastolic blood pressure does not go away , there is the so-called " infinite tone phenomenon ." There are two variants of dystonic reaction type . Physiological appears after dynamic work large muscle groups submaximal and maximal power , and does not depend on the functional state of health of the subject . Step type . Most often, this type occurs in response to fast load , for example, 15 seconds running at maximum pace. Suggest that his appearance is associated with a disorder of mechanisms responsible for the redistribution of blood flow during physical work and is an early sign of overvoltage condition of the body. 165 Hypertensive type . Depending on the component that contributes to hypertension, isolated cardiac , vascular and mixed type of hypertension.Hypertensive type on cardiac component is primarily manifested in the high figures of systolic blood pressure , which increased by 60 % or more from baseline values. A load of 20 squats systolic blood pressure greater than 160 mmHg Often combined with hyperkinetic circulation. Combined quiz Letunova based on the definition of adaptability to different CAS intensity and duration physical activities . The quiz involves three load . The first load is like a workout to the next. The second reveals the ability to rapidly enhance circulation. Third load reveals the body's ability to maintain stable increased blood circulation at a high level for a relatively long time. Rosenthal quiz - a fivefold VC dimension with 15 -second intervals . In healthy people, is then determined by the same or even decreasing figures VC. In cases of respiratory system or the circulatory system , as well as athletes with fatigue , overexertion or overtraining results of repeated measurements of vital capacity reduced. Quiz Serkin . Is performed in three phases. Phase 1 : Defines the time during which the subject can hold his breath for the inspiratory phase in the sitting position , 2 nd phase is determined by the delay time of breathe inspiratory phase directly after twenty squats performed for 30 seconds , the third phase through minute repeated 1st phase . Specific quiz. In these quizs the character perform load simulates activities athlete , corresponding to a particular sport. Shadowboxing for the boxer . Rolls stuffed for a fighter . Doing basketball with throws in the ring for basketball. Work on the cycle ergometer , rowing machine , respectively, for the cyclist and rower . Exercise quiz . It can be one, two - and three momentally . If you run a load with 20 squats twice, with an interval of time between them in three minutes - the quiz will one momentally. Her ability to assess the functional state of the wider after the second load can judge the organism adaptation systems that load . To three momentally ( combined ) quiz relates Letunova quiz . It consists of 20 sit-ups , 15 second run at the maximum rate and a 3- minute run at a pace of 180 steps per minute . Quizs without physical exertion . Latency exhalations (quiz Stange ) or exhalation (quiz Genchi ) . Rosenthal quiz , Romberg ortoklinostaticheskie . Quizs with inhalation of air containing various amounts of oxygen, carbon dioxide . Quizs with nutritional supplements and pharmacological agents . Quiz Stange - maximum delay exhalations . Studied in the sitting position after 2-3 deep breaths holding his breath . Stopwatch recorded Breath . In a healthy person, it is not less than 50-60 s athletes - a few minutes ( 2-3). Quiz Genchi - duration breath you exhale . In the sitting position after a normal (not maximum ) holds his breath exhalation analyzed . Fixed delay time with a stopwatch 166 ; healthy it is 25-30 seconds. By reducing the resistance to hypoxia and low O2 concentration in the blood, breath duration of inspiration and expiration decreases. Themes of papers Healthy life style Influence physical exercise to physical development, healthy status, development of inner organsand functional status of organism 1. Forms of somatotypes ( significance of constitution in early sport selection). Principes sport selections, to mark type of sport for teenagers in bases anthropometrical and somathoscopical parametres. Properties of heart of sportsmen. Anatomical physiological properties of heart. Changes in the heart by physical exercises. To indicate length of sportmens heart (telerent-genemetry, echocardiography)and methods of estimate. Functional examinations in sport medicine. To definite about clinical and paraclinical methods of estimate functional status, labaratorical and instrumental examination of sportmen’s systems. Dietology of sport . Functional and morphological changes in organism by gradually training with sport. Dietary habits and rations. Hygienical requirements for sport buildings. Hygienical requirements for opened and closed sport buildings, sport invertars and to comply with them. 167 Doping and sport. Definition about sport. Types . Changes in organism by using doping and their influence to organism. injures of sport Definition about sport injures, classification, etiology, mechanism and prevention procedures of them. pharmacology of sport Particular features of course of deseases in sportsmen, influence of pharmacological preparations, remedies. Influence of drugs for functional status of systems. Ambulance in sport trains. To introduce with bases of first aid in injures and severe fatigue of sportsmen Particular features of distribution to specific medical groups. Definition about specific medical group. First time and course of training in specific medical group with pations. LITERATURE Main books: 1.Dubrovskiy V.A.Sportivnaya myedisina. 2007y. 2.yepifanov V.A. Apanasyenko R.L M Lyechyebnaya fizkultura i vrachyebny kontrol M.1990 3.yepifanov V.A Lyechyebnaya fizkultura i sportivnaya myedisina. M. 2000 y. 4.Choyovadzye A.V. Kruyly I.M. Vrachyebny kontrol v fizichyeskom vospitanii i sportye M.1987. 5.Dyembo A.Y, Vrachyebny kontrol v sportye. M.: Myedisina, 1988 6.Juravlyova A.I., Yrayevskaya N.D. Sportivnaya myedisina i lyechyebnaya fizichyeskaya kultura. Rukovodstvo M., 1993 7.Lyeksionnye matyerial i uchyebno-myetodichyeskiye razrabotki. Adittional : 1.Aulik I.V. Opryedyelyeniye fizichyeskoy rabotosposobnosti v klinikye i sportye. M.1990 y. 2.Karpman V.L Sportivnaya myedisina. M. 1987 y. 3.Karpman V.L. Syerdsye i sport. M. 1990 y. 4.Dyembo A.Y., Zyemsovskiy E.V. Sportivnaya kardioloyiya. M.1989 y. 5.Rixsiyeva O.A. Massaj T., 1996 6.yershyev O.F. Jizn byez narkotikov. S:P. Izdatyelstvo «Pionyer», Moskva Astryel, 2001 168 7.Sportivnaya myedisina Pod ryed. A.V.Choyovadzye M.,Moskva, 1984 8.Vinoyradov P.A., Dushanin A.P., Joldak V.I. Osnov fizichyeskoy kultur i zdorovy obraz jizni Moskva, 1996 9.Volojin A.I., Subbotin Yu.K., Chikin S.Ya. Put k zdorovyu Moskva, 1987 10.Kukolyevskiy Y.M. Vrachyebnoye nablyudyeniya za sportsmyenami M., 1975 11.Myedisinskiye osnov fizichyeskoyo vospitaniya i formirovaniya zdorovya i yarmonichnoyo razvitiya dyetyey i podrostkov» prof. Nazirov F.Y. prof. Axmyedova D.M. prof. Suyumov F.A. dos. Vasilyev V.D, prof. Shayxova Y.I. Tashkyent, 2003. Foreign literature: 1. Consuelo T Lorenzo et al. Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Medscape Reference 2011 – WebMD 2. Marlis Gonzalez-Fernandez, MD, PhD, Jarrod David Friedman, MDPhysical Medicine and Rehabilitation Pocket Companion 3. Mark Harrast, MD, Jonathan Finnoff, DOSports MedicineStudy Guide and Review for Boards 4. Sara J. Cuccurullo (Editor)Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Board Review 2004 - Demos Medical Publishing, 848 pp. 5. Teylor S.B., Miller N.H. “Basic physiologic principils relatied to Group exirsise programs” Filadelphiya 1990 6. Tehaxton L. “Phithiological and psythological effects of short term exirsiseeddiction on habitual runners.” 1992 96. 7. Wainapel, Stanley F.; Fast, Avital (Editors)Alternative Medicine and RehabilitationA Guide for Practitioners2003 - Demos Medical Publishing. www. medinfo. www. 169 REPUBLIC UZBEKISTAN MINISTRY OF HEALTH THE TASHKENT MEDICAL ACADEMY CONFIRMED BY The vice-rector on curricular issues Prof. Teshaev O.R ____________________ «________» ___________ 2014y. Chair of National medicine, reabilitilogy and a physical education Subject: physiotherapy exercises For students 4 courses of medical and medico-pedagogical faculty) Lecture number 1 Objectives and content of medical supervision. Medical examination of the different segment of the population engaged in physical culture and sports. Medical exercises dispensary. TASHKENT 2014 170 The technology of training is confirmed: At faculty meeting № ______ from __________ 2014 The technology of training is discussed and confirmed on therapeutic section CMC of the Tashkent medical academy № ____ from _________ 2014 The chairman of the prof. phD Karimov M. Sh. 171 Technology of teaching Amount of students Form of sesion Time 90 min Lecture Plan of lecture: Theme of lecture 2. Objectives and content of medical supervision. 3. Medical examination of the different segment of the population engaged in physical culture and sports. 4. Medical exercises dispensary. The purpose of the lecture : to consolidate and deepen the knowledge of the content of the subject VC on the concept of physical development and its methods of study and evaluation , develop the skill of anthropometry and somatoscopy , teach and conduct conclusion be correct physical development. Objectives of teacher: 1. Results of lecture: To teach: 2. After listening lecture students can answers: • The concept of sports 3. medicine , medical monitoring 1. What does mean medical supervision? tasks . 2.What kind of types of medical • Basic medical examinations of examinations do you know? athletes and sportsmen 3. what changes may appear in systems of (primary , landmark , additional organism by physical exertion? , urgent ) . 4.What are the object of study sports • The concept of physical medicine and medical supervision. development and the 5. What are the current problems ( urgent ) importance of it for sports medical examination of athletes and selection . sportsmen. . Make offers graphic organizer a cluster on " Evaluation Criteria of physical development ." Learning Methods Forms of organization learning activities Form of teching State of teaching Discussion , conversation , technology : Graphic Organizer - categorical table "Medical Group ." of Individual work , group work, team . groupp auditory 172 Technological cart of lecture Steps , time – Activity 90 min. Teacher 1 step 1. announce the topic, purpose, results introduction (5 and plans of lecture. min.) 2 step 2.1. Students ask questions for gathering Gathering of knowledge: knowledge 1. What does mean medical supervision? (15min) 2.What kind of types of medical examinations do you know? 3. what changes may appear in systems of organism by physical exertion? 2.2. Introduse with purpose of lecture. 3 step 3.1. Materials of lecture are explaned To give step by step and asked questions. information First question: What are the object of (60 minutes) study sports medicine and medical supervision. Second question: What are the current problems ( urgent ) medical examination of athletes and sportsmen. 4step 3.1. Give the questions: Ending What are the primary tasks of medical (10 step) examination of athletes and sportsmen. Name the task landmark medical examination of athletes and sportsmen. Students 1. listen 2.1. Answer questions . 2.2. to To learn the purpose of lecture. 3.1. To discuss giving informations answer the questions 4.2. listen write 173 Lecture number 1 Objectives and content of medical supervision. Medical examination of the different segment of the population engaged in physical culture and sports. Medical exercises dispensary. Contact medicine and physical culture is rooted in antiquity. Hippocrates, the father of medicine recognized, who lived in the V. BC highly valued the importance of exercise - and as sanitizer, and as a treatment for patients. Physical Culture and Sports at the moment is an important factor and all-round development of human perception, strengthening its health, improve efficiency, active and creative longevity. In our country, the world's first medical observations became mandatory for all athletes and sportsmen. The system of medical support persons engaged in physical culture and sport called medical supervision in physical education. Medical control is important in the scientific substantiation of the theory and practice of the Russian system of physical education. Together with a range of other scientific disciplines: physiology, biochemistry and health exercise, sports traumatology - medical control is sports medicine. As a scientific discipline, medical supervision, is an independent branch of medical science that studies the state of health, physical development and functionality of the persons regularly engaged in physical exercises and sports. The main objective of medical control in physical education - promoting the effective use of means and methods of physical education to promote health, improve physical development and physical fitness of workers in our country. Contents of medical control 1. Organizational methodical development (business coach). 2. Medical examination. 3. Medical consultation. 4. Medical - pedagogical supervision. 5. Honey. providing sports activities (training and competition) 6. Prevention of sports injuries. 7. San. - Clearance work (room lighting in the pool if the titer of transparency.) Organisation of medical control is: 1. Health surveillance, physical development and operability of persons engaged in physical exercises and sports. 2. Observation of the proper use of tools and methods of physical education by gender, age, state of health and physical fitness involved, prevention and elimination of the negative phenomena in the process of training. 174 3. Supervision of hygienic conditions locations occupations warning sports injuries and their treatment. The main form of VK - Medical examination. Held primary, recurrent and additional examinations. In primary medical examination - a doctor decides on the admission of physical culture and sports. Without permission of a doctor or coach physical education teacher has no right to allow the beginner to employment. During the medical examination of the determinants of health, physical development and adaptability of the organism to exercise stress. In repeated medical examinations - determined influence of regular physical training and sports health. Additional medical examinations - are organized to address the issue of the admission of athletes to compete, as well as to address the issue of the possibility to start training after an illness or injury after long breaks in employment, with symptoms of fatigue (on the recommendation of coaches or athletes at the request). There are three medical groups for lessons on nat. education. 1 Basic - persons without variations in health status, persons with minor variations in health status. persons with sufficient physical development 2 Preparatory - insufficient physical development, poor physical fitness, no deviations or minor variations in health status. Special 3 - persons with a significant, permanent change in the physical development and health. In this group are assigned special exercises aimed at improving the health and physical development. Other forms of VK are medical-pedagogical monitoring during physical exercise, hygienic monitoring of places and conditions of employment on physical culture and sports. prevention of sports injuries and illness, medical services, recreational sports camps, sanitary - Outreach and promotion of physical culture and sports. Medical examination may be conducted in laboratory conditions and in sports activities. Comprehensive medical examination in the laboratory includes the following methods. • common set of methods - analysis of general and sports, the definition of physical development, physical examination systems and organs, combined functional quiz, clinical blood and urine quizs, ECG, chest Ro, rentgegnokimografiya heart; instumentalnih additional complex methods. • In sports activities apply methods: measuring the impact of training sessions using indicators pulse rate, respiratory rate, krovyannogo pressure dynamometer. Spirometry, body weight and additional instumentalnye methods; quizs with 175 repeated loads using indicators pulse and respiration, determine krovyannogo pressure check outward signs of fatigue, according to the subjective sensations and more instrumental methods. • Medical examination covers all university students and conducted in accordance with the instructions on the organization of follow-up for students in physical education universities in the country, entered into force in 1972. At the beginning of the school year, students are required to attend a medical examination, anthropometric measurements. Periodic medical examinations engaged in physical culture and sports are held at least once a year. Individual students by a doctor or a teacher pass physicals again. Physical development is determined by endogenous (internal), exogenous (external), and socio-economic factors. Studying individual physical development is conducted by calculating the various morphological parameters, such as height, weight, body fat it, muscle and bone mass, etc. adults in the study of these morphological features are the criterion of physical condition of the body, and for children, in addition to criteria of the correctness of their growth and development. Physical development of an adult does not remain unchanged. Especially when they vary distinctly human aging. Therefore it is necessary to take into account compliance with the physical development stage of biological development. Criteria and physical development are the different physical characteristics. Under the constitution refers to the size, shape, aspect ratio (the ratio of some other body size) and features the mutual disposition of the body. Features of physical development and the human body is largely determined by its constitution. Constitution of the person, which is manifested, in particular, customs body, depends on genetic factors, previous diseases, working conditions, physical exercise and sports. The basic methods of physical development are external examination (somatoskopiya) and anthropometry. Somatoskopiya. The skin is described as a smooth, clean, dry, firm, flabby, etc. External examination begins with an assessment of posture. Posture - is a familiar pose human comportment standing and sitting. Posture is usually assessed in a standing position. Posture examined from head to toe. Head position is assessed in relation to the position of the torso. Distinguished: normal, stooping, lordotic, kgphotic posture and straightened. Then proceed to the description of the shoulder girdle. Shape of the chest is determined when viewed in profile and full face. Pay attention to the value of epigastric angle, the direction of the lower ribs and the shape of the line defining the front chest. Distinguish thorax cylindrical, flat, conical. Thorax can be mixed forms occur pathological forms of chest (chicken breast, chest cobbler other deformation and asymmetry). Great importance is given to the description of the spine. Determined by the severity of the physiological curves of 176 the spine to define the form back. Depth curves with respect to the vertical axis is an average of 2-4 cm back the following forms: normal, Paloschi, round, roundish. Also evaluated the form of legs, the shape of the foot. There are 4 foot shape: There are 3 forms of the legs: 1 right (straight) - when the longitudinal axis of the femur and tibia are the same, and the inner surface of the knee and ankle joints in contact. 2 X-shaped - when the internal surfaces of the knee are touching, and between the ankle has some distance (axis of the tibia and femur an angle, open outwards) O-3 - when the internal surfaces of the ankles touching (femur and tibia axis form an angle, open inwards). To determine the shape of the foot support surface inspect it and pay attention to the width of the isthmus connecting the heel area to the front part of the foot. In normal foot narrow isthmus vertical axis are aligned strictly perpendicular to the surface of the support. When flattened foot wide isthmus, line it somewhat convex outer edge. When Flatfoot isthmus occupies almost the entire width of the oftenaxis with the axis of the heel tendon ahilovogo form an angle, open outwards. In addition to inspection can apply methods for foot-prints (platografiya). Persistent clear prints produced using tannin and iron sesquichloride. There are 4 foot shape: Normal 1 2 flattened 3 flat 4 hollow Degree of muscle development is assessed as good, average, poor. Determined by the uniformity of its development and relief that as emphasized drawing muscles. Thickness skin-fat folds measured special compass-kalipermetrom. To determine the body fat is generally measured thickness of the folds in the following body parts: 1) the area under the lower-back angle of the scapula 2) the stomach area - right near the navel 3) the chest - on the edge of the axillary 4) The front surface of the shoulder, over the biceps, the back surface of the shoulder, over the triceps muscle 5) the anterior surface of the forearm, on the inner surface of the right forearm, the front of the thigh-over rectus femoris, slightly below the inguinal ligament 6) on the back of the leg - in the outer head of the gastrocnemius muscle. 3 may be the degree of development zhirootlozhenija: below average, average and above average. With an average value zhirootlozhenija folds is 1-3 cm below average, less than 1 cm above the average, more than 3 cm 177 Anthropometry. When anthropometric studies athletes typically define the following parameters: standing and sitting height, body weight, diameter - the width of the shoulders, anteroposterior and transverse diameters of the thorax, pelvis width, circumference, neck, chest, shoulders. Femur and tibia, the length of the limbs and the individual segments. Basic physical development is the height, weight and chest circumference. Determines the magnitude of lung capacity, measured muscle strength of hand and back (becomes a force). Physical development is estimated 3 - methods: 1. Method standards - the physical development of the individual by this method is carried out by comparing its physical development to the average (standards) that age sex group to which it belongs. 2. Correlation method - Evaluation of physical development of the individual correlation scale regression method enables the assessment of physical development on a set of core indicators (height, weight, chest circumference). As a benchmark used by the body length, with respect to which the determined value somatometric other attributes (ie, consider the appropriate body weight and chest circumference length of the body). To this end, the scale growth rate regression are subject, as well as appropriate to the magnitude of increase in body weight. Then, the body weight of the subject compared with the calculated and the proper difference between them. The degree of reduction (minus sign) or increase (plus sign) in the value of the indicator is expressed sigmalnogo deviation for which the resulting difference divided by the sum of the corresponding regression (σR). Likewise, determine the magnitude of the deviation from the chest circumference of the subject due to its growth. 3. Method performance indices: Applies only to a rough estimation of the accuracy of the assessment of anthropometric dannyh.Nedostatochnaya the indices associated with the fact that they are usually not taken into account age, occupation, and more. Medical exercises dispensary. WFM-1 is a health care institution intended for the implementation of medical support athletes and organizational-methodical management staging medical supervision and physical therapy in health care. 2 Manual medical exercises dispensary and control their activities by the health authorities to subordination. 3 In accordance with its purpose medical exercises dispensary: a) provides organizational guidance, supervision and advice to medical institutions for organizing and conducting follow-up of physical fitness and sports; b) provides clinical supervision and provide appropriate treatment in athletes attached to the dispensary; 178 c) organize and conduct activities for the rehabilitation of athletes after injuries and diseases. g) organizes and provides medical care for sports events and competitions, bringing to this work, as appropriate, other health care facilities. 4 WFM can be used as a clinical site for training and retraining of medical and paramedical staff. 5 Dispensary shall work closely with the Committee on Physical Culture and Sport. 6 States medical exercises dispensary established by the applicable staff regulations and standard states. 7 WFM-headed chief physician. 8-WDF has a seal and stamp with its name. WFM-9 is the State budget institution is on a self-estimate and represents a financial report to the health authority for subordination. 1. Literature: 2. 1.V.A.yepifanov, Y.L.Apanasyenko Lyechyebnaya fizkultura i vrachyebny kontrol M., «Myedisina» 1990 y. 3. 2.A.V.Choyovadzye, M.M.Kruyly Vrachyebny kontrol v fizichyeskom vospitanii i sportye Moskva, «Myedisina», 1977 y. 4. 3.I.V.Aulik Opryedyelyeniye fizichyeskoy rabotosposobnosti v klinikge i sportye Moskva, «Myedisina», 1990 y. 5. 4.V.A.yepifanov Lyechyebnaya fizkultura i sportivnaya myedisina M.,2000 y. 6. 5.V.L.Karpman Syerdsye i sport M., 1990 y. 7. 6.V.L.Karpman Sportivnaya myedisina M., 1987 y. 8. 7.Sportivnaya myedisina Pod ryed. A.V.Choyovadzye M., Moskva, 1984y. 8.Ma'ruza matnlari va uv uslubiy qo‘llanmalar. 9. Teylor S.B., Miller N.H. “Basic physiologic principils relatied to Group exirsise programs” Filadelphiya 1990 10.Tehaxton L. “Phithiological and psythological effects of short term exirsise eddiction on habitual runners.” 1992 96. 11.Marlis Gonzalez-Fernandez, MD, PhD, Jarrod David Friedman, MD Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Pocket Companion 12.Mark Harrast, MD, Jonathan Finnoff, DO Sports MedicineStudy Guide and Review for Boards 13.Wainapel, Stanley F.; Fast, Avital (Editors)Alternative Medicine and RehabilitationA Guide for Practitioners2003 - Demos Medical Publishing 14.Consuelo T Lorenzo et al. Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Medscape Reference 2011 – WebMD 15.Sara J. Cuccurullo (Editor)Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Board Review 2004 - Demos Medical Publishing, 848 pp. 179,http://dir.rusmedserv.c,http://ww,,,http://www.tri,h ttp://, http://elibrary.ru Annotations Lecture number 1 Objectives and content of medical supervision. Medical examination of the different segment of the population engaged in physical culture and sports. Medical exercises dispensary. Writers: Adilov Sh. K. Visogorceva .N. Sharipov U. A. Objectives and content of follow-up for dealing with physical education, sports, exercise. Familiarity with the work in sports medicine and physical therapy in the medical physical culture dispensary.Familiarization with the circuit medical examination engaged in physical culture and sports. Research and evaluation of physical development, build, features of the musculoskeletal system; recommendations for correction of violations of physical development. About writers Adilov Sh. K. Associate prof. Of Chair of National medicine, reabilitilogy and a physical education Visogorceva .N. Teacher of Chair of National medicine, reabilitilogy and a physical education Sharipov U. A. Assictent of Chair of National medicine, reabilitilogy and a physical education 180 THE NATIONAL PROGRAM ON SHOTS (It is confirmed by the Law of Republic Uzbekistan from 29 ugust 1997 y.) General provisions The republic Uzbekistan carries out constructionyandyy the societies, the rights providing observance and freedom of the person, spiritual updating of a society, formation of the socially-focused market economy,in the world community. Y the purpose and motive power of transformations realised in republic is the person,y development and y, creation of conditions and effective mechanisms of realisation of interests of the person, change of the become obsolete stereotypes of thinking and behaviour. The important condition of development of Uzbekistan is formation of perfect system shots on a basis yyheritages of the people and universal values, achievements of modern culture, economy, a science, technics and y. Nationalonshots corresponds to positions of the Law of Republic Uzbekistan "About education", it is developed on the basis of the analysisexperience, proceeding from world achievements in an education system and it is focused on formationgenerations of shots with high general and professional culture, creative and social activity, ability independently to be guided in the political life, capable to put and solve a problem by prospect. y provides realisation of national model preparation shots, creation social and economic, legal, psiholoyo-pedayoyicheskih and other conditions for formation of comprehensively developed person, adaptation to a life in a modern changing society,a choice anddevelopment educational and professional y, education y, understanding the civil responsibility,and a family. 1. Problems and preconditionssystem transformations preparation shots 1.1.a level of development Finding by Republic Uzbekistan yy the sovereignty, a choicea wayanddevelopments have causedof structure and maintenances preparation shots, have caused acceptance of some measures: Law introduction "About education" (1992 y.); introduction of new curricula, y, textbooks, working outy maintenance; realisation of certification and accreditation of educational institutions; creation of new types of educational institutions. In sphereeducations the network kindergartens and complexes "a kindergarten - school" develops. It is created more than 800on training of children to foreign languages, y, to graphic and musical art, bases computer y. The network of schools and general educational educational institutionstype develops. 238 lycées and 136function. "Economic education", "Rural school", "Rehabilitation of children with deviations in development" andare realised target programm "y ", " ". In republic comprehensive schools work over 435 thousand teachers from which 73 percent have higher education. 181 It is begunprofessionally-tehnicheskoyo educations taking into account territorial features of formation of a labour market, first of all in a countryside. In this system 442 educational institutions, including - 209 vocational schools, 180 professional lycées and 53 business schools with the generalpupils 221 thousand person nowadays function. In educational institutionsy educations work now about 20 thousand teachers and the qualified experts. In republic 258 educational institutionsy educations withpupils of 197 thousand persons operate. In them works about 16 thousand teachers and engineering-pedayoyicheskih workers. The system of the higher school of Uzbekistan includes 58 higher educational institutions, including 16 universities, 12 from which are created for first twoy developments of Uzbekistan and 42 institutes withstudents of 164 thousand persons. In high schools of 52 percent of the doctor and candidates of sciences work 18,5 thousand teachers, from them. In higher education decentralisation andpreparation shots is spent, the network of educational institutions extends, receives development a university education. It is begunshots in new branches of knowledge, higher school transition onsystem is carried out. Take rootmethods of an estimation of level of knowledge of entrants and students on the basis of testing and yy the control. According to increased requirements to quality scientific and scientificallypedayoyicheskih top skills shots it is carried outshots in postgraduate study and doctoral studies. The Higher certifying commission is created. In republic it is trained about 4 thousand post-graduate students, from them of 69 percent - in systemeducations and 31 percent - in scientific research institutes. 8 percent make of an aggregate number scientific and scientifically-pedayoyicheskih shots of the doctor of sciences and candidates of sciences - 37 percent. In system of improvement of professional skill and preparation shots 23 institutes, 16 faculties, 4 centres and 14 courses of improvement of qualification function. It is spent purposefula policy on support of presented children and studying youth. The special centres and funds on revealing of talented young men and girls, assistance rendering, creation of conditions for development of their abilities and talents,training and training of capable youth in leaders foreign educational and centres of science are created. International contacts in science and education sphere extend. Nevertheless, spent transformations have not provided conformity of growth of quality preparation shots to requirements socially -country development. 1.2. Lacks and problems preparation shots it is necessary to carry its discrepancy to requirements of the democratic and market transformations, insufficient financially - technical and information base to number of the most essential lacks of operating systemprocess, 182 shortage highly skilled yy shots, the qualitative uchebno-methodical, scientific literature and didactic materials, absenceinteractions andy between an education system, a science and manufacture. The problem of maintenance of close interrelation between structure, the maintenance of training and educational processes, their stages, that is - a problemsystemseducations is not resolved. The existing education system does not meet the requirements, which are shown toshots in developed democratic y. The educational system, educations and preparation shots is not connected with spent to lives, in a society reforms, mismatches requirements of carried out transformations. There is unsatisfactory a conditioneducation and education. Coverage of children by preschool centres makes 25 percent fromnumbers. Exists defined between levelchildren who have come to school from preschool institutions and a family. , the training, developing froma spectrum of lacksprocess of training and education techniques at schools andeducational institutions leads to that at pupils the independent thinking does not develop, is absentto the considered, realised decision-making. The pupils who have studied 9-11 classes, do not know what to do further, they do not have self-trust. Only 10 percent of graduates of high school arrive in higher educational institutions. The eleven-year general secondary education, at obligatory nine-year, is not scientifically proved, does not provide due vocational counselling and a practical orientation of training, formationthinking, skills of labour activity.about 100 thousand graduates of base school remain not claimed in sphere of manufacture andy educations. As a result of absence of continuity between general educational and professionalin an existing education system at graduates base and high school necessary vocational counselling and skills of labour activity is not formed. Young men and girls experience serious difficulties in a choicethe ways, corresponding to their abilities, desires, creative and labour bents. Educational process is guided by pupils with an average level of knowledge, training mechanisms on individual educational y, especially presented youth are poorly used. Educational programm were not completely released yet from, in them it is not taken awayplaces to the sciences training to bases of morals and spirituality, giving economic, legal and aesthetic knowledge. Transition from technical training colleges to educational institutionstype has declarative character. Actually training in them is carried out on out-of-date material base and uchebno-methodical maintenance, the teaching personnel, done not pass corresponding y. The single-level higher education does not consider in full requirement of a labour market, structural changes in manufacture and positive international 183 experience. There is sufficient independence of educational institutions inuchebnovospitatelnoyo no process, they are badly adapted for changing conditions of the marketwork. Have not joined properly in process preparation shots of establishment of a science, manufacture and public institutes. Working out and introduction mechanismseducational standards, functionscertifications and accreditations of educational institutions are not defined, the system of an estimation of level of knowledge trained does not provide objectivity and efficiency. The prestigeeducations and the social status of teachers, tutors and instructors, scientific and scientifically - yy shots decreases. Is absentin the field of educationaland preparation shots, schemes yy financings of an education system and preparation shots are unfinished. Vital issue is weakthe most part of teachers, yy and tutors, their low educational and professional level, essential shortage qualified yy shots is felt. In a preschool education fromnumbers of tutors and yy only 20 percent have higher education. schools teachers makes 93 percent, however separate areas of maintenance with them within 77-80 percent, and on some disciplines - to 50 percent. There is "ageing" scientific and scientifically-pedayoyicheskih shots. In higher educational institutions of republic the quantity of doctors of sciences till 40 years makes0,9 percent from their general number, and at the age from 50 years and above - 79 percent. Middle age of the doctors of sciences confirmed in a scientific degree makes 50 years, and candidates of sciences - 36 years. 1.3. Reforming preconditions The major preconditionssystem transformations preparation shots are: dynamical advancement of republic on a construction wayyandyy societies; realisation of radical changes in a national economy, consecutive transformation of an economy of republic from mainly raw orientation on release of competitive end production, expansioncountry potential; the statement of a priority of interests of the person and education into social policy; growthconsciousness, formation of patriotism, feelingfor the fatherland, respect toto national cultural-historical traditions and an intellectual heritage of the people; y Uzbekistan in the world community, consolidation of positions and authority of republic on the world. 2. The purpose, problems and stages of realisation national programm 2.1. The purpose and problems The purpose present programm - radical reforming of the education sphere, full refusal of it, creation of National system preparation highly-skilled personnel at 184 level developed democratic y, meeting the requirements high spirituality and morals. Purpose realisation provides the decision of following problems: education system reforming according to the Republic Uzbekistan Law "About education", its maintenancedevelopments asuchebno-scientificallyproizvodstvennoyo a complex on a basisandeducational institutions, formation of the competitive environment in a sphere of education and preparation shots; coordination of an education system and preparation shots with transformations spent in a society, constructionyy; maintenance of establishments of system preparation shots highly skilled experts, increase of prestige andthe status yy activity; y structures and maintenances preparation shots, proceeding their prospectsanddevelopments of the country, requirements of a society, modern achievements of a science, culture, technics and y; y structures and maintenances preparation shots, proceeding from prospectsanddevelopments of the country, requirements of a society, modern achievements of a science, culture, technics and y; working out and introduction of effective forms and methods spirituallyeducation trained and educational work; introduction of objective system of an estimation of quality of education and preparation shots, certification and accreditation of educational institutions; creation of the standard, material and information base providing demanded level and quality of education,functioning anddevelopments, systems preparation shots in new social and economic conditions; maintenance effectiveeducations, sciences and manufactures, working out of mechanisms of formation of requirements y, and also the orderstructures, the enterprises andon quantity and qualityshots; working out and introduction in practice of real mechanisms of attraction of offbudget means, including foreign investments, into systemeducations and preparation shots; development cooperation in area preparation shots. 2.2. Realisation stages programm The purposes and problems National programm are realised stage by stage: The first stage (1997-2001 yy.) - creation of legal personnel, scientificallymethodical, financially-material conditions for its reforming and development on the basis of preservationpotential of existing system preparation shots. At this stage it is necessary: to make structural reorganisation and radical updating of the maintenance of an education system according to the Law "About education"; 185 preparation and to raise qualification yy and scientifically - yy shots to level,to modern requirements; to create and introducethe educational standards defining necessary requirements to qualityand qualification trained, their cultural and spirituallymoral level; to develop and introduce new generation of uchebno-methodical complexes,andmaintenanceprocess; preparation necessary material, uchebno - methodical and personnel base fory,educations; to improve mechanisms of attraction of off-budget means in education andshots, to create the competitive environment in sphere educational y, having provided, along with y, developmenteducational institutions; to develop and entersystem of an estimation of activity of educational institutions, systemqualities preparation shots and requirements for them; to expand and strengthen international contacts, to develop and carry out real measures on assistance international donorand funds inshots, and also to attraction of foreign investments into a republic education sphere; to carry outrealisations National programm onshots. At the given stage reception of children in school since six-seven years will be carried out, taking into consideration their physical and intellectual development. It is carried out intensivey numbers of student's places with necessary material conditions and security yy shots. On a basisperformancea stage directions of realisation National programm are specified. The second stage (2001-2005 yy.) - full-scale realisation National programm, its updating with the accountexperience of performance, development of a labour market and real social and economic conditions. Full transition to an obligatory general average and an average special, to vocational training, and also to the differentiated training, proceeding from abilities and possibilities of pupils is carried out. Completion of educational institutions speciallyqualified yy is provided with shots, the competitive environment of their activity is formed. Strengthening of material and information base of educational institutions proceeds, teaching and educational process is provided with the high-quality educational literature and front lines yy y. System informationeducations is carried out. Mechanisms of formation of the market educationalwill to the full be involved. The third stage (2005 and the subsequent y) - perfection and the further development of system preparation shots on the basis of the analysis and generalisationexperience, according to prospects socially -country developments. 186 The further strengthening of resource, personnel and information base of the educational institutions, full satisfaction uchebno-vospitatelnoyo process by the newest uchebno-methodical complexes and front lines yyis spent. Formation and development of national (elite) higher educational institutions, consolidation of forms of independence and self-management of professional educational institutions is carried out. Informationthe process, full coverage of systemeducations by the computer information networks having an exit in world information networks is provided. 3. National model preparation shots The basic components of National model preparation shots are: the person -the subject and object of system preparation shots, the consumer and the manufacturer educational y; y and a society -preparation and the demands of shots which are carrying outof activity and the control over functioning of an education system and preparation of shots; continuous education - a basis preparation the qualified competitive shots, including all kinds of education,educational standards, structure and the functioning environment; a science - the manufacturer and the consumer of highly skilled experts, the developer advanced yy and information y; manufacture - the basic customer defining requirement for shots, and also requirements to quality and their level y, the participant of financing and is material-tehnicheskoyo system maintenance preparation shots. Y and a society provide an openness andsystem functioningeducations and preparation shots. Performance by Republic Uzbekistan internationaland conventions in the field of human rights, education, the rights of the child, the accounty experience in sphere preparation shots also is one of factors of its development. 3.1. The person Y the policy in area preparation shots provides formation of versatily developed person -through systemthe educations, inseparably linked with intellectual and spiritually-moral education of the person. Here one ofconstitutional laws- the right to education, display of creative abilities, intellectual development, professional work is realised. The law "About education" provides compulsion of receptiony andy,educations, and also the right and ample opportunities of a choice of forms and kinds of education and professional preparation, continuous improvement of professional skill, if necessary, - corresponding y. Persons, as to the consumer educational y, througheducational standards,a quality education and professional y. Thus the person is obliged to fulfil the requirements which have been put in pawn ineducational standards. The person as 187 the manufacturer educational y, having received a corresponding skill level, participates in transfer of knowledge and experience in process of education, activity to spheremanufactures, sciences, cultures and y. 3.2.and a society Y and a society actfunctioning and system developments preparation shots, co-ordinators of activity of educational institutions onhighly skilled competitive experts. a society Realisation of the rightson education, a choiceways and improvement of professional skill; Receptiony y,y,educations, with the option of a direction of training in the academic lycée or professional college; The reception rightandeducations on basey or on a platno-contract basis; Financingeducational institutions; Developmentmanagements in the decision of problems on maintenance of conditions for study, a life and rest of the trained; Social support of participantsprocess; Reception of education by persons within a state of health and deviations in development. 3.3. Continuous education Continuous education is a system basis preparation shots, the priority sphere providing social and economic development of Republic Uzbekistan, satisfying economic, social, scientific and technical and cultural requirements of the person, a society and y. Continuous education creates necessary conditions of formation creative, socially active, spirituallypersons and advancing preparation highly skilled competitive shots. 3.3.1. Creation and development principleseducations Functioning principleseducations: educations - prime characterdevelopments, prestigiousness of knowledge, erudition andintelligence; education democratisation - expansion of independence of educational institutions in a choice of methods of training and education, transition to a yosudarstvenno-public control system of education; y educations - disclosing of abilities of the person and satisfactionvarious educational requirements, maintenance national and universal values,relations of the person, a society and environment; y educations - formation at trained aesthetically yy outlooks, high spirituality, culture andthinking; the national orientation of education consisting iny unity with national history, national traditions and customs, preservation andcultures of 188 the people of Uzbekistan, an education recognition the major tooldevelopments, respect for history and culturethe people; indissolubility of training and education, an orientationprocess on formation of comprehensively developed person; revealing of the presented youth, creation of conditions forreceptions of fundamental and special knowledge at the highest level educations. 3.3.2. Reforming directionseducations Reforms in sphereprovide educations: cardinal improvementeducation system potential, increase of prestigiousness of a trade of the tutor, the teacher, the teacher andthe worker; development of various kindsandeducational institutions; structural reorganisation of an education system, a basic change educational and professionaltaking into account modern world achievements of education, a science, technics and y, economy and cultures; transition maintenance to an obligatory general average and an average special, to vocational training; creation of educational institutionstype, as centres y,educations,with a science and manufacture; y,and improvement of professional skill of shots, including administrative, by new trades and the specialities connected with wide developmenty, structural transformations to economy, expansion of scales of foreign investments, business development,andbusiness; development of spiritual and moral qualities trained at all levels and steps of education on the basis of principles of national independence and a priority yyheritages of the people and universal values; perfection of a control system by education, development of formsmanagements,educational institutions; working out and realisation of measures on strengthening of a role of a family, parents, public y, ,and the international funds in education reception, and also spiritually-moral, intellectual and physical training of children and youth; creation and introduction of system of an objective estimation of qualityprocess and preparation shots; formation of mechanisms of maintenance of an education system financial, material andresources; creation and development in practice of real mechanismsy educations with a science and manufacture; expansion and development of cooperation with foreign both international educational and scientific y; 189 creationand yy conditions for reception of education by persons of not radical nationality on the native language in their placesresiding; perfection y, y, yy and mediko-yiyienicheskoyo education and education trained on all educational levels. 3.3.3. System and kindseducations System functioningeducations is provided on a basiseducational standards, continuity educationaly level and includes following kinds of education: a preschool education; the general secondary education; an average special, vocational training; higher education; education; improvement of professional skill andshots; nonscholastic adult education. Distinctive feature of National model preparation shots is introduction, as independent steps,yandy y,educations which provide continuity of transition from general educational to professional educational y. General educational programm cover: preschool, initial (I-IV classes), the general secondary education (I-IX classes), an average special, vocational training. Professional educational programm include an average special, professional, the higher (a bachelor degree, y) and education, improvement of professional skill andshots. Preschool education The preschool education provides formation of the healthy, developed person of the child, clearing upto the doctrine,to regular training. It is carried out till sixseven years inandpreschool institutions and in a family.educations actively participate in realisation of the purpose and problems , public andy, the international funds. For developmenteducations should be carried out: Priorityqualified personnel - tutors and yy; Search and introduction effective psiholoyo-pedayoyicheskih techniqueseducations; y, psiholoyo-pedayoyicheskoe and methodical maintenanceeducation of children; Working out and manufacture of modern uchebno-methodical grants and technical attributes,and y; Creation of conditions for spiritually-nravstvennoyo education of preschool children on a basis yy cultural-istoricheskoyo heritages of the people and universal values; Choice possibility for various kinds of preschool centres, reception qualified consultingon all questionseducations; 190 Working out of mechanisms of support and development of a network of preschool educational and improving establishments. The general secondary education The general secondary education, with term of training of 9 years (I-IX school classes), is obligatory. It includes an elementary education (I-IV classes) and provides reception of regular knowledge on bases of sciences, develops requirement for mastering by knowledge, forms base educational, scientific and common cultural knowledge, spiritually - moral qualities on the basis of national and universal cultural wealth, labour skills, the creative thinking, the realised relation to world around and a trade choice. On endy educations the certificate yy the sample with instructions of educational disciplines and estimations on them stands out. For formation of new structure and the maintenancey educations it is necessary: To develop and introducethe educational standards providing qualitative general secondary education within the limits of I-IX of classes of school, with the accountcommunications with the subsequent educationalin the academic lycées and professional colleges; preparation shots highly skilled yy; To develop a network of educational institutions according to yy andfeatures of territories, requirements of the person, a society and y; To introduce the differentiated approach to training according to abilities and possibilities y; To create front lines yytraining, modern uchebno-methodical complexes and didactic maintenance uchebno-vospitatelnoyo process; To create a network of the centres of vocational counselling and psiholoyo yy consultations trained. Average special, vocational training The obligatory average special, vocational training with term of training three y, on basey educations, is an independent kind in systemeducations. The directiony,educations - the academic lycée or professional college gets out pupils voluntary. The academic lycée gives the average vocational education according tothe educational standard, provides intensive intellectual development, y, the profile, differentiated, professionally focused training taking into account possibilities and interests of pupils. In the academic lycées the trained have possibility on the selected works them to a training direction (y, technical, y, etc.) to raise level of knowledge and to generate the special professional skills directed onstudying of sciences for the purpose of continuation of training in concrete higher educational institution, or their realisation in labour activity. 191 The professional college gives an average special, vocational training in frameworksyythe standard; providesdevelopment of professional bents, skills of pupils, finding of one or several specialities by the chosen trades. Professional colleges on the of equipment, to selection yyy structure,training process are educational institutionsthe type, giving possibility of mastering of one and more modern trades and acquisitionstheoretical knowledge on subject matters. Training in the academic lycées and professional colleges providesknowledge and acquisition by pupils of the chosen specialities. To graduates of the academic lycées and professional colleges diplomas yy the sample, granting the right to training continuation at following steps of education, or employment by labour activity on the got specialities and trades stand out. Forand developmentsy,educations it is necessary: To develop and introduce standard base of functioning of the academic lycées and professional colleges; To carry outand y, including abroad, qualified yy shots with attraction of experts of the higher educational institutions, manufactures, sciences and cultures; To develop and introducestandardsy,educations; To develop educational and professional programm, uchebno-methodical complexes for educational institutionsy,educations; To develop and introduce specialised programm for acquisition of skills of labour activity by pupils of the academic lycées; To develop the list of specialities and the trades, the qualified requirements to experts,in professional colleges; To provide creation and rational placing of educational institutions of systemy,educations with the accountand yy conditions of territories and local requirements for expertsa profile, to carry out the maximum coverage trained without their separation from a family; To strengthen material and information base of the academic lycées and professional colleges. Higher education The higher education is based on basey,educations and has two steps: a bachelor degree and y. The enrolment of students in the higher educational institutions is carried out on basey and on a platno-contract basis. Bachelor degree - base higher education with fundamental and applied knowledge in a direction of specialities, with duration of training not less than four years. On termination of baccalaureate programm to graduates, ony certifications, degree "bachelor" by a trade is awarded and the diploma yy the sample who grants the right to be engaged in professional work stands out. 192 y - higher education with fundamental and applied knowledge on a concrete speciality with duration of training not less than two years on the basis of a bachelor degree. Endprogramm is qualifyingcertification with degree award "y".the diploma yy the sample, granting the right to be engaged in professional work stands out. Forand developments of two-level systemeducations it is necessary: To develop and introduceeducational standards for a bachelor degree and y; preparation professorial shots for the higher educational institutions, including in leaders foreign educational and centres of science; To spend structural transformations of the higher educational institutions; To improve management, to expand independence of the higher educational institutions, to enter public management in forms of councils of founders, trustees, the public supervisory boards; To develop and enter into practice effective mechanismseducations with a science and manufacture; To develop and masterand means of an individualization of training, selfeducation, systemeducations; To intensify training of students with use new yy and information y, modular system preparation; To providean education orientation on a basis yyandheritages of the people and universal values. Poslevuzovskg education Poslevuzovskg education is directed on maintenance of requirements of a society in scientific and scientifically-pedayoyicheskih top skills shots, satisfaction of creative obrazovatelno-professional interests of the person. Poslevuzovskg education can be received in higher educational institutions and research establishments (postgraduate study, , doctoral studies, competition). Steps (postgraduate, doctor's)educations come to the end with dissertation protection. By resultsy certifications, are awarded scientific degrees, accordingly, the candidate of sciences and the doctor of sciences, with delivery of diplomas yy the sample. Actions for support and developmentinclude educations: System perfection preparation and certifications scientific and scientificallypedayoyicheskih top skills shots according to the Law "About education" and prospectsandcountry developments; Priorityscientifically-pedayoyicheskih shots of the top skills for systemeducation and scientific shots in the field of front lines yy y; Creation of conditions for preparation scientific and scientificallypedayoyicheskih top skills shots in priority directions in the advanced educational institutions and centres of science of the developed countries; 193 ycooperation with the developed countries in the field of a science,and educations. Improvement of professional skill andshots Improvement of professional skill andshots are directed on updating anda professional knowledge and skills of experts. By results of training in educational institutions of improvement of professional skill and preparation shots the certificate or the certificate yy the sample stand out. Forand developments of system of improvement of professional skill and preparation shots it is necessary: To generate structure and the maintenance of activity of system of improvement of professional skill and preparation shots and management of it; To provideand acquisition by highly-skilled personnel of teachers-experts; To create standard base of system of improvement of professional skill and preparation the shots, providing formation of the competitive environment in this sphere and its effective activity; To develop and enter into practice systemcertifications and accreditations of educational institutions of improvement of professional skill and preparation shots; To promote creation and developmentandthe educational institutions providing operativeand improvement of professional skill of shots and experts according to requirements yy and yy sec of economy,and establishments of various patterns of ownership; To develop, create and master in practice front linesand the equipmenty, and also simulators difficult, high technologyprocesses. Nonscholastic adult education For satisfaction of individual obrazovatelno-developing requirements of children and teenagers,themtime and resty, public y, and alsolegal and physical persons, create out-of-schoolandeducational institutions cultural-esteticheskoyo, y, y,anddirections. For the decision of problems of development, structure and maintenance perfectioneducations should be carried out: Expansion of a network of establishments and kinds obrazovatelnodeveloping y; Working outand the methodical materials based on national yy values and consideringworld experience; Perfection available, revival national and introduction of new kinds and formspupils, including is sports - mass and fizkulturno-improving actions, children's tourism, national crafts. 3.4. A science in system preparation shots The national model preparation shots includes, in quality it is essentialan element, a science, as sphere, in which: 194 new fundamental and applied knowledge of laws of development of the nature and a society are formed, the scientific results necessary for distribution, studying and use in system preparation shots concentrate; it is carried outscientific and yy top skills shots; the infrastructure scientifically-issledovatelskoyo process maintenance preparation shots is created, databases on various fields of knowledge for use in educational information networks are formed; occursa domestic science in world, the international exchange of scientific achievements and shots for the decision of actual problems of a modern science andis carried out. For yy science inclusions in system preparation shots it is necessary: to develop measures on maintenance of communication of a science with educational practice, by formation and realisation of target innovative projects on creation and development of front lines yy y; to realise the mechanismintroductions in uchebno - educational process of results of scientific researches through creation of experimental platforms for introduction of front lines information and yy y; to spend research works on maintenanceperformance National programm onshots; to raise quality preparation top skills shots, in every possible way to support scientific creativity of youth; to raise prestige and the social status of scientists, on the basis of realisation of modern approaches to an estimation of level research and scientificallypedayoyicheskoj works in educational institutions, results of scientific researches andworkings out; to make activea domestic science in the international scientific community, to develop an exchange of scientific achievements and scientists, including with a view of perfection of an education sphere and preparation shots; to develop system of moral and material stimulus of activity in the field of a science and y, to found special awards andfor scientific achievements of students and young scientists, to increase number of nominal grants,constantly operating exhibitions and expositions scientifically-tehnicheskoyo youth creativity. 3.5. Manufacture in system preparation shots Requirements of manufacture form directions, level and system scales preparation shots, define the purpose, problems and the maintenance professional preparation,the qualified requirements, cause a choice adequateand education forms. Manufacture, finally, estimates quality and competitiveness of shots. Functions and manufacture problems in system preparation shots are defined by that it: forms requirement for expertslevel and qualification; 195 promotes systemeducations by granting available inthe order of the material, financial, personnel and other resources necessary for training, improvement of professional skill and preparation shots; participates in financing target preparation both separate experts and y, and educational institutions of various types and levels as the founder, the trustee, the donor, the sponsor; developswith science and education in various forms (time creative collectives, uchebno-research-and-production complexes, the centres, technoparks, technopolises). Strengthening of a role of manufacture in system preparation shots is provided by: preparation highly-skilled personnel on the basis of connection of training with productive work at the enterprises, including in the course of an industrial practice; usespotential of the enterprises inshots and in carrying out joint scientifically-tehnoloyicheskih workings out; education trained (labour, moral and physical) in labour collectives; realisation preparation, preparation and improvements of professional skill of shots in new directions of development of technics andtaking into account requirements of manufacture; attractionpotential of the higher educational institutions and scientificfor the decision economic andmanufacture problems; y improvements of professional skill yy shots in the field of front linesit is direct on manufacture; attraction of highly-skilled personnel of manufacture in educational process and yy activity; maintenance trained by workplaces for industrial practice passage; equipmenteducational institutions the modern equipment, equipment and the tool. 4. The basic directions of development Systems preparation shots Formation and system development preparation shots includes following priority directions: 4.1. Maintenance of a continuity of education Construction of the new continuous and successive education system including a preschool, general average and an average special, vocational training is carried out. The two-level systemy the educations, providingbachelors andtakes root. Postgraduate study and doctoral studies activity develops. Competitive educational institutions on improvement of professional skill and preparation shots are created. 196 It is spentand re-structuring of educational institutions. It is carried outdevelopments and system effectiveness estimationseducations. It is provided preparation and preparation yy shots for systemeducations. 4.2. y,and improvement of professional skill yy and scientificallypedayoyicheskih shots The system of improvement of professional skill and preparation yy the shots, providing high quality and a stable development of education is created y. Maintenance of their professional qualities at competitive level is provided advancingand improvement of professional skill yy shots. In the higher educational institutions special faculties onhighly skilled teachers, and in republic areas - the special centres on improvement of professional skill and preparation teachers and experts fory andy,educations are created. 4.3. Maintenance reformingprocess The maintenance of the education includingy, training and education of shots on the basis of principles of national independence, a support onspiritual both a mental potential of the people and universal values is reformed on a basiseducational standards. The special attention is given to the person y, to development ata cult of education and knowledge, to activity, formation of independence, feelingand advantages. It is spent purposefula policy on increase of authority, responsibility and professionalism yy shots. Forms and training methods take rootyy y, new educational programm. 4.4. Spiritually-moral education and educational work Are developed and take root effectiveand yy forms and means spirituallynravstvennoyo educationthe generations based onnational cultural - historical traditions, customs of the people and universal values. The priority of education anddevelopments of the person is provided. The educational work covering all population of the country for the purpose of increase by general and yy of culture is improved. Close interaction of educational institutions with parents, a family, committees, the public centre " ", public y, funds on formation of the creative, active person, the independence of Uzbekistan betrayed to principles and capable to bring the real contribution insocieties is carried out. 4.5. Presented children and talented youth Are created y, psiholoyo-pedayoyicheskie andrevealing and training conditions, the republican databank andpresented children and youth is formed. Attraction of the best yy and scientists for working out special educationalandyy y, themparticipations in teaching and educational process is provided. Elite educational institutions, as the centres on studying of sciences and technics, a policy and economy, culture and art are created. Purposeful activity on the general and professionalpresented children and talented youth abroad is carried out. The pupil of the academic lycées first of all presented and talented, gives possibility to show 197 and develop the natural abilities, to realise special talents,the knowledge of concrete fields of knowledge and narrow directions of scientific disciplines. 4.6. Management of an education system It is carried outy structural changes and dynamics of developmentandsystem educational institutionseducations and preparation shots. The competence spheremanagements of education of all levels according to the Law "About education" is defined. The is standard-legal base of education develops. Expansion of the rights and independence of educational institutions in financially - economic activities andy process is provided. According to the order established by Office Min of Republic Uzbekistan, certification and accreditation of educational institutions is spent. Onthe right to realisation of educational activity is given to accreditation. The effective systemmanagements of educational institutions by creation trustee and the supervisory boards including representatives oryanizatsy - founders, localthe authorities, business y, public y, funds and sponsors takes root. 4.7. Formation of the monitoring system of qualityeducations The service of certification of qualitythe educations, independent frommanagements of education is created y. Are developedthe educational standards meeting perspective requirementsandof development of the country. The systemestimations of activity of educational institutions, qualities yy, professorskopedayoyicheskih shots, and also knowledge trained is entered. Developquality assurance forms preparation shots. The systemcertifications of graduates of educational institutions is improved. 4.8. Education system financing The financing system is improved, entered(fromand off-budget sources) system of a financing of education and preparation shots, develops self-financing of educational institutions, attraction private, and also foreign investments into an education sphere is stimulated. The mechanism of granting of educational credits forrepublics withtheir systemy is formed. The role of donors and sponsors in system material supporteducations and preparation shots amplifies. The increase in incomes of educational institutions at the expense of paid educational y, enterprise, advisory, expert, publishing, industrial, scientific andactivity according to authorised problems is provided. 4.9. Material support Creation of a network of the academic lycées, professional colleges and their placing is carried out, starting withand yy featuresy. The maximum coverage trained without a separation from a family is carried out. Measures on major repairs existing and to building of new educational institutions with maintenance of their equipment according to standard requirements and taking into account level of modern technics andare taken. Creation of specialised manufactures on equipment of teaching and educational establishments by the necessary equipment, stock, accessories, 198 technical,and didactic tutorials is supported. The computerisation and informationprocess at all levels is made. 4.10. Creationspaces of educational system The supply with informationprocess on the basis of modern information y, a computerisation and computer networks develops. The role of mass media in educational process raises, intellectualization educationalTV and radio is provided. The publishing base of science and education develops, the steady system of maintenance educational, uchebno-methodical, scientific, encyclopaedic and reference books is formed. 4.11. Development of the market educational The competitive market educationalby developmentin an education sphere and preparation shots is formed. Developmentandeducational institutions is provided, the competitive environment in an education sphere and preparation shots is created, carried outy the market educational y. The system paid consulting and additional (not provided by the cores educational y) educationaldevelops. 4.12. Maintenance socialandsupport in an education sphere It is realiseda policy on increase of prestige andthe status yy activity. Necessary conditions for study, improvement and rest trained and yy are created. Educational institutions andpublic health services take necessary measures for preservation and strengthening of health of children and studying youth. Conditions for realisation of an improving orientation uchebno-vospitatelnoyo process, introduction of normsa way of life are provided. Oryanizatsionno-methodical approaches for increase mediko-yiyienicheskoj cultures trained, growth and fizkulturno-sports activity and leveldevelopments are improved. The adaptive environment for children havingpossibilities of health and a deviation in development is created. 4.13. Development of forms of communication of a science with educational process The advanced applied scientific researches in area yy and educations, scientifically-methodical workings out forand maintenance of quality of education according toeducational standards are carried out. From sphere fundamental and applied science participation of scientific shots is stimulated in educational process, communication yyy and scientifically -processes is provided. Scientific and technical creativity of youth is in every possible way supported. 4.14. Developmentmanufactures and education systems Creation and development of industrial practice complexes (centres), their equipment by the modern equipment, equipment and the tool is stimulated. The industrial potential of the enterprises inshots and carrying out joint scientificallytehnoloyicheskih workings out is effectively used. It is supportedshots on manufacture, regular improvement of professional skill yy shots in the field of front linesdirectly on manufacture is carried out. 199 4.15. The international cooperation in an education sphere and preparation shots The international legal base of cooperation in area preparation shots is created, priority directionscooperation are realised, the international educational structures develop, the exchange scientifically-pedayoyicheskimi shots, students and pupils extends. The basis forrecognitions of national documents on education is created. Activity interested min and departments, Republic Uzbekistan embassies abroad on wide attraction of direct and indirect foreign investments into sphere preparation shots is stirred up. 5.measures on realisation National programm With a view of realisation National programm it is necessary: To develop system of decisions and actions, with reflexion of concrete mechanisms and measures of their realisation, terms, executors,andmaintenance of realisation of directions and stages National programm; To define functions and problemsand public institutes on performance National programm; To involve the qualified foreign experts for participation in working out of concrete directions National programm; To co-ordinate activityandstructures, and also participation internationalin performance National programm; To carry outand the analysis of a course of performance National programm and on this basis to correct its separate positions and actions; To conduct wide explanatory work under basic approaches and substantive provisions National programm, with attraction of mass media, carrying out min and conferences on questions of realisation and functioning of national model preparation shots; Actively include in process of realisation of the purposes and problems National programm publicand the centres, republic various strata of society; Regularly to shine a course of realisation National programm in mass media. The Republican commission on realisation National programm onshots, with putting on on it of functionsand coordination of all actions and actions is created, including on: To working out of the general requirements shown toto educational standards for corresponding kindsof education; To working outeducational standards andnecessary documents fory educations; To working outeducational standards for systemy,educations, programm formations of a network of the academic lycées and professional colleges; To realisation of measures on maintenancecoverage of the pupils having the general secondary education, the academic lycées and professional Total, with the 200 account y, yy features and requirements for shotsy, to creation of their material base; To creation and maintenance of effective activity of educational institutions for preparation and improvements of professional skill of teachers and yy the shots working in the academic lycées and professional colleges; To reforming of system of the higher educational institutions according to requirements National programm, to working out and introduction correspondingeducational standards; To perfection of activity of preschool obrazovatelno-educational establishments, increase of responsibility of a family, and publicin education and preschoolchildren; To maintenance of educational institutions with necessary textbooks and the literature, attraction to this work of large educational, highly skilled experts, development of publishing base of educational and scientific sphere; To creation and activity maintenancey fund for the purpose of assistance to improvement of professional skill andprofessorsko-pedayoyicheskih shots in leading educational institutions of the developed countries; To creation of necessary conditions forstudying of foreign languages in systemeducations, to introduction of the accelerated methods of their studying, the edition of dictionaries and reference books onlanguage; y offers on strengthening of social protection and support of teachers and yy sphere shotseducations, to revision of system of stimulation and payment of their work; Creation independent frommanagements of educationservices on certification and accreditation of educational institutions, definition of qualifying requirements to quality preparation shots, and alsoand coordination of actions according to quality preparation shots; To formation and system developmenteducation maintenance, to its inclusion in a world information network, to definition of problems in a sphere of education, facing to mass media; y supply and demand studying in areaeducations, to formationthe market educationalandwork, and alsoin sphere preparation shots. Ў TO AND WITH ABOUT AND IN L AND WITH AND AND AND Ў miny 201 5720100 - ABOUT WITH AT AND WITH IN AND AND WITH AND AND AT TO AND WITH Government educational standards y educations of Uzbekistan REQUIREMENTS To the necessary maintenance and level y the doctor of the general practice in a direction 5720100 - Medical business The edition official Minand y y Republic Uzbekistan educations THE FOREWORD 1 IT IS DEVELOPED AND BROUGHT: 2 APPROVED AND PUT INTO EFFECT Order Min Andy Republic Uzbekistan educations № __________ from «_______» _______ 200 __ The information on introduction in action (cancellation)the standard and change to it in Republic Uzbekistan territory is published in the index published“» The exclusive rightthe standard in territory of Uzbekistan belongs . The maintenance 1 General characteristic of a direction 5720100 - Medical business........... 2 Requirements to leveldoctors of the general practice in a direction 5720100 Medical business 3 Maintenances and components educational programm 4 Estimation and quality assurance preparation doctors of the general practice 5 Notes............................................................................................. 202 6 Appendix....................................................................................... 1. A general characteristic of a direction 5720100 - Medical business 1.1 Direction is brought ineducational standardseducations of Uzbekistan,the educational standardeducations, the Qualifier of directions and specialitieseducations. 1.2 Standard duration of training in a direction 5720100 - Medical business at the internal form of training - 7 years. The academic degree - "Bachelor", the doctor of the general practice (). 1.3 Bachelor should be y: Subject to replacement by persons with higher education, according to the National qualifier of a trade and posts; Specialities in limitsbachelor degree directions; To system preparation and improvements of professional skill. 1.4 Characteristic of sphere and objects of professional work of the doctor of the general practice in a direction 5720100 - Medical business 1.4.1 Place of a direction of education in the field of a science, technics and Spheres of service 5720100 - Medical business - a direction in the field of the public health services, including set of knowledge, abilities, skills and the relations necessary in a trade of the doctor, used for improvement of professional skill, medicine development as a whole. 1.4.2 Objects of professional work Objects of professional work of the doctor of the general practice in a direction 5720100 - Medical business is the population irrespective of a sex, age,position and character of disease, and also factors surroundingthe environments influencing health. Primary activity of the doctor - public health care,y a way of life and preventive maintenance of diseases. Rendering of the preventive, medical and palliative help is spent in interests of a family and a society in cooperation with expertsdirections of system of public health services. Social, cultural features of a life of patients are thus considered physical, y. The doctor should improve constantly the knowledge and skills for rendering of the effective qualified medical aid comprehensible and safe for the patient. 1.4.3 Kinds of professional work -medical aid at levela link Public health services (); - Rendering of the medical aid based on the individual The approach to the patient and ininterests; - The decision medical,and social problems 203 The patient; - The all-round approach to rendering medical y; - Coordination of granting of the help to the patient andto a family together with y y. Medical aid should be under construction taking into account cultural traditions of a society and medical ethics. The doctor of the general practice in a direction 5720100 - Medical business according to fundamental, and specialcan carry out following kinds of the professional Activity: - The treatment-and-prophylactic: working out and carrying out improving, sanitaryyiyienicheskih, the preventive actions directed on the prevention of risk factors and the dangerous reasons, the person operating on health, the prevention and preventive maintenance of diseases, carrying out epidemic and actions; - fast and urgent medical aid:and rendering of urgent medical aid ona stage; - Medical-diaynosticheskaja: clinical and laboratory-toolit is wide ѐ diseases; a direction on consultation to experts andy to their recommendations; - Rehabilitation: restoration of professional and physical activity andthe status of the patient; - Socially-medical: together withsocial protection and Services of mercy renderingto the population with the account sociallyyiyienicheskih, mediko-demoyraficheskih and socially-psiholoyicheskih factors; - Scientifically-educational: participation iny a way of life in mass media; - Oryanizatsionno-methodical: participation in carrying out of the analysis of the basic indicators of activity of treatment-and-prophylactic and improving establishments, in audit and planning medical y,improvement of quality of rendering of medical aid. 1.4.4 Possibilities of professional adaptation The doctor of the general practice (bachelor) on a speciality 5720100 - Medical business can adapt for following kinds of professional work: -tool service; es. The doctor of the general practice can work when due hereunder in educational institutionsandy,educations, and also at courses of improvement of qualification and preparation shots. 5720152 - Experts y, and also related directions (speciality) of the education, defined by the representativemanagements lasting not less than two years. 2 Requirements to levelbachelors in a direction 5720100 - Medical business 2.1 General qualifying requirements The bachelor should: 204 sciences, pressing questions flowingpoliticians; capable to be independent to analyze social problems and processes; Position concerning spiritual national and universal values to have an active position on the basis of idea of national independence; nature and a society, to own knowledge of society development, to be able to use them in a life and professional work on modern scientific and ethical standards,the relation of the person to the person, a society, to environment to be able to consider them in professional work; to make the proved independent decisions in the professional work; work; d belief in necessity of conductinga way of life, to own skillsself-improvement. 2.2 Professional qualifying requirements should know: Public health services; and their principlestreatments; public health services in republic and principles of functioning ; works in a command; seases on y; standardsand differentsialno-diaynosticheskie criteria of diseases at level ; in dynamics; Principles of use of demonstrative medicine in practical activities. should be able: 205 skills of consultation to creation of confidential relations with the patient; To spend the account, supervision,and timely treatment of patients with chronic diseases; es, palliative and urgent conditions; tool methods of inspection existing at level ; end treatment of patients, using medicamentous and not medicamentous methods; institutions; and looking after persons; conducting the documentation and carrying out of audit of quality of medical aid; of data of demonstrative medicine in practice. should: stand valuedirections of the patient on consultation, inspection or treatment in a hospital; institutions, forrendering assistance to patients; nnel of establishment for the effective joint Activity; ordinate actions for health strengthening, preventive maintenance, treatment, leaving, rehabilitation and the palliative help; andsociety social protection; 206 health; stem structure; researches and the fundamental statistics (disease, prevalence,value etc.); h to an estimation of the medical literature (a choice, reading); 2.3 Requirements shown to knowledge, to skills, on educational 2.3.1 Requirements on the blockand social and economic disciplines should: -Ati declaration),and work principlesy a site ()/YVP aspublic health services link (orders Min), financing , a role and problems of the doctor of the general practice in public health services system; -and the concept: y, min health, indicators of influence of various factors on y, an estimation of requirements of public health services, health protection of the patient and a society; of life: struggle against bad habits (y, drugs, smoking), health protection at level - conversations with the population in (about , a tuberculosis, virus y, contraceptions, etc.); ervices - sec cooperation: preventive maintenancea traumatism, traumas and accidents among teenagers (conversation at schools); carrying out of preventive actions in (vaccination, y); the distribution control diseases; the prevention of distribution of the infections transferred sexual by; diseases -a diabetes, an asthma, adiposity; of difficult patients, principles and styles of mutual relation "doctor-patient", management of time of consultations, ethics questions, confidentiality, methods, principles and skillsdialogue); survey of the patient, to appoint laboratory and tool researches, to interpret their data; -patient card,to conduct the medical documentation in ; levels ; to use demonstrative medicine in practice, to be able to spend independent information search on the Internet; improvement of quality of medical aid, carrying outaudit in . 207 Requirements on the blockand social and economic disciplines are defined by the document “Requirements to the necessary To the maintenance and levelbachelors on the block “Y and social and economic disciplines”, confirmed order Minandy educations. 2.3.2 Requirements on the block of natural-science disciplines should know within the limits of the speciality. 2.3.3 Requirements on the block disciplines Course of the general The doctor of the general practice should: The nobility: - The basic laws yy conditions and mechanisms Developments; -anddiseases; -y yy process; - Valuethe approach in studying yy process; - Bases of judicial medical examination; To know: - About the mechanism of medical products and their influence onthe person; - About processesadaptations y; To be able: - To use instructions on rational use Medical products; - To examine various kinds; - To make medical papers on medicolegal process; - To make out recipes. - a preventive course. The doctor of the general practice should: To know: - about influence of the social, physical and natural reasons on a structure, Development and function y; - Aboutthe changes occurring in human In a caseaccidents and at extreme situations; To be able: - To make the planned schedule, the instruction on carrying out Preventive inoculations to children and adults, ; - To spend routine inspections of womenage and Improvement of women with revealed y; -Advise for choice contraceptive means for the prevention of undesirable pregnancy; - To spend supervision of pregnant women for the purpose of the prevention parent and death rates; - To spend sexual education among teenagers, to train them yy 208 Sexual mutual relations, to use of contraceptive means; - To spendgrowth and development of healthy children till 5 years; -Participate in planning, management, public health services financing on a yosudarstvenno-legal basis; - To apply the basic directive documents of system of public health services; -napravljatna medical-commission of experts ()to instructions on delivery of sicklists, being based on examination Time invalidity; - To analyze the basic indicators of a state of health of the population and Activity of treatment-and-prophylactic establishments; - To fill and to conduct basic documents (y polyclinics). Therapeutic course The doctor of the general practice should: The nobility: - y, risk factors, clinic and y, the basic laboratory-tool indicators of the most widespread Diseases; - Features of a current of illness depending on an age, sex and a trade; -basestreatments and principles y prescriptions of medicines; - Indications, contra-indications, collateral actions, interactions of medical products; - Methods of supervision of patients in dynamics; To be able: - To apply skills of consultation; - rehabilitation and supervision of patients with chronic diseases; - To carry out preventive maintenance of socially significant diseases, Transferred sexual by (VICH/SPID, a narcotism, y); -to conduct the medical documentation; - To render the first help ona stage; - To work with the medical literature, to use the information, to have Skills of work with the computer. y a course The doctor of the general practice should: The nobility: - Clinic, y, complications of diseases, -Features of a current of illness depending on an age, sex and a trade y; - Indications and contra-indications to operation; -methods of treatment, To be able: - To directon consultation to the expert or to a hospital; - To spend processing and simple wounds in the conditions of ; 209 - To spend care of postoperative patients; - To render first aid and transportation of patients at dislocations and Crises; -Render fastmedical aid at urgent conditions. Course of protection of motherhood and the childhood The doctor of the general practice should: The nobility: -growth anddevelopments of children till 5 years; -Bases yy feedings anda food of children till 2th years; -Clinic, y, the basic laboratory-tool indicators, complications most ѐ children's illnesses; -Clinic, y, the basic indicators laboratory-instrumentaloyo inspections, possible complications of diseases in yy; - Principles of leaving and treatment of childrento demonstrative medicine; To be able: - To conduct supervision of sick children; - To spend routine inspections; - To spend vaccination of children; -Render fastthe help at urgent conditions; -Spend dynamic supervision over the pregnant woman, in due time to reveal complications and to direct on consultation to the expert or to a hospital; - To advise women for choice contraceptive means; - To conduct supervision over chronic patients; - To spend routine inspections;-spendon early revealing of a cancer of a neck of a uterus and a mammary gland cancer; -Render first aid ona stage at urgent conditions. 2.3.4 Requirements on the block of special disciplines Course of special disciplines The doctor of the general practice should: To know: - About environment andthe principles influencing the person, the cores social, economic, cultural, family The reasons and the factors influencing development of illness; - About functional changesy at y; - About the basic scientifically-methodical problems of medical system, degree of development and interrelation with related fields; - About measures on decrease in distribution of the basic illnesses; - About carrying out of examination of time work capacity; - About clinical signs and the cores clinical, laboratory, tool indicators most ѐ illnesses, a choice of tactics of conducting patients; 210 -About featuresandthe periods, yy and yy pregnancy currents, conductingprocess, indications to y; - About rendering of urgent medical aid ona stage And ways urgent y; - Abouty a way of life and preventive maintenance of diseases; - About consultation of patients and skillsdialogue; Skills of care ѐ, children sick and aged. On the block of special disciplines The doctor of the general practice should: - To possess the basic necessary knowledge, abilities, skills and To generate the due relation to those medical sciences and clinical disciplines which underlie the general medical practice; - It is effective and safe to give all-round and continuous The help to patients irrespective of an age, sex and disease; - To render the preventive, medical and palliative help taking into account interests of a family and a society, and also physical, y, cultural aspects of a life of the patient; -Should keep in contact withdirections of activity of public health services, rationally using available resources; - Should bear responsibility for ѐ professional development. 2.3.5 Requirements on On the doctor of the general practice solves the finished The professional problem demanding application of knowledge on all blocks of disciplines. The doctor of the general practice on : - Carries out practical skills on models, phantoms or ѐ; - Solves situational problems; - Carries out the analysis of the given laboratory-tool researches. 2.3.6 Requirements to qualifying practice Qualifying practice The doctor of the general practice should seize skills: - Consultations; - Findings-out of complaints and gathering of the anamnesis, revealing of risk factors; - Survey of the patient; -Carrying out of laboratory and tool methods of research; Conversation-carrying out about rational a food and not medicamentous treatment; Should be able: - To appoint medicinal therapy; - To fill the medical documentation in a polyclinic; - To define time invalidity of the patient; -Directon consultation to the expert ory; -Carry out medical inspections of invalids andthe population; 211 - methods of sanitary-educational work; - To conducty a way of life; -Be able to work with ѐ, children sick and aged and to look after them. 3 Maintenances and components educational programm 3.1 Educationalpreparation doctors of the general practice on To direction 5720100 - Medical business it is calculated on term of training of 7 years at the internal form of training with following distribution of time: Theoretical training, including flowing, intermediate andcertification of 278 weeks Qualifying experts of 22 weeks y 2 weeks Y certification of 2 weeks Vacation of 56 weeks y 360 weeks 3.2 Maximum ѐ educationalthe student in a week makes 54 hours, from them educationaltill 36 o'clock, other ѐ Hours it is allocated foreducations - 22 hours. 3.3 ѐ educational programm, including the intermediate Andcertification for 7 years of training, is made by 16966 hours. 3.4 At development educational programm self-education of students on some question or problemscourses for ѐtime should be provided. 3.5 the Necessary maintenance educational programm in a direction 5720100 Medical business 3.5.1and social and economic disciplines The necessary maintenance of the given disciplines is defined by the document “Requirements to the necessary maintenance and level Bachelors on the block “Y and social and economic disciplines”, confirmed . 3.5.2 Mathematical and natural-science disciplines Matematiko-communicative course Computer science and information y: in the modern world and their application medicine areas; modern medical y. Iatrotechnics and new medicalmedical devices, a structure and principles of work of devices; lacks modern medical y, used in preventive maintenance, y, treatment and the rehabilitation, new communicative y, applied at rendering of the medical The help, an electronic card y, videoconferences; Natural-science course Medicaland y: Influence of hereditary factors on illness development, studying of risk factors. Degree of influence of factors of environment on development of diseases. Influenceon illness development; medical andthe parties y,bases of results y; 212 Biophysics: Influence of fluctuation and vibration on y, biophysical abilities Liquid and fabrics, the physical factors influencing on y, optical devices,and laser optics, electronic devices and equipment, radioactive devices and spectroscopic devices, , maynitno-bioloyicheskie measure measurements, weight; Chemical processes inand medicine, the organic law of chemical interactions, physical and chemistry, its value forthe person; Methodsy andresearches y, environment influence onthe person, interrelation The chemical natureconnections withenvironment; The physical and chemical processes occurring in live y, them Value inand the nature, interaction of parts as the basic quality of ability to live, the squirrel, y, , enzymes, min, y, biochemical structure vodno-solevoyo an exchange, biochemical fabrics and liquids, norm and y, modern methods of the analysis; Latin language and bases mediko-pharmaceutical miny: Valuelanguage in medical miny anatomo-yistoloyicheskoj, clinical, pharmaceutical, a lexicon, Applied in medicine; Human anatomy: The formbodies, and development y, y, y, y, y, y, y; the social, physical, natural factors influencing developmenty, conformityto a floor and age; Yy, y, y: Fabrics and y, cage ability to live, microscopic and Submicroscopic structure of someand systems, blood cages,, urinogenital system, y, bases human y, methodsin yy, light and electronic microscopy; Normal y: Structurey and laws of work of cages, fabrics, y,bases of functions y, adaptation bases yto environment; methods of check of functions y and the basicindicators; y,and y: Ability to live and structure y, distribution and The international classification of activators,bases Activators of infectious diseases, immunity, the immune status bothy and yythe status, conditions, y, methods of special preventive maintenance, a vaccine; History of medicine: History of medicine and ѐ founders,in medicine, an oath 213 Y, role in medicine development, a role of national traditions in public health services, modern medicine, regionalUzbekistan, uch•nye-physicians of Uzbekistan. 3.5.3 disciplines Course of the general The basic laws and mechanisms of development of illnesses,and y, influenceenvironment on development of illnesses, interrelation of local and general changes y, a role hereditary y, revealing immune y,(infringement y blood circulations, infringement of growth and fabric development, a metabolism, y), functional changesand systems at y, y features in system mother-placenta-fruit, age features y, main principles of modelling of diseases; Sec a course: y anatomy - the basic methods of studying (Macroscopical and yy), the generaly;fabrics, damage and , blood circulation change, an inflammation of immune system,and processes, privatey diseasesand sheaves, y, the anamnesis,diseases; studying of consequences of disease in process klinikopatoloyoanatomicheskoyo the analysis, medical errors, filling of the certificate on death. Forensic medicine. Legal bases of activity of the doctor: Medical examination at ѐ traumas, ѐѐy conditions y, medical examination at emergencies with a lethal outcome; mechanical damages, examination of material evidences, documentation registration; the rights and duties of medical workers and patients; public health services organic laws; yrazhdansko-administrativnye, rules of law, the crimes, concerning profession of a physician; differentiation of errors in medical aid rendering, examination kinds. y: Medical products, influence mechanisms onthe person, The general(pharmacokinetics, ), bases y, private(the list of the vital medical products), the mechanism of action, the indication and contra-indication to application, by-effects, poisonings with medical products, forms and methods of a writing of recipes at variousconditions; Yy with y, Y: yy the characteristic of objects of environment (air, Solar radiation, water, soil),aspects of medicine, Interaction of the person with environment, yy requirements; Education of teenagers, conditions of training and a food of children and teenagers; yy work, principles yy in hospital, actual problems yy, concept about sanitary inspection, bases yy on military objects,diseases and applicationirradiations in treatment of various diseases; interrelationy and environment, is natural-natural, socially-yiyienicheskie the disease reasons, secondary preventive maintenance of 214 disease. The Medical-protecting mode in medical preventive establishment, improving actions. Public health and management of public health services. Biostatistics: Indicators of health of the population: them socially-yiyienicheskoe value and Studying methods, the medical statistics, health protection of mother and ѐ; ethics of the doctor and medical y; medical aid renderingand to countrymen; structure sanitary-epidemioloyicheskoj services, bases of medical statistics, methods of statistical check and value of an estimation of indicators of health; registration of a package of medical service, market y, elementsy, rendering of medical service in Production, systempublic health services, the general concepts about administrative process. Health and public health services as socialy. Public health services reforms. The economic concept of public health services. Business factors, The population influencing health. The economic analysis of the market. y: Strengthening of health of the population, methods and ways of improvement of the population, improvement mechanisms; methods sanitary-educational The work directed on introduction of normsof a way of life. A conformity estimation ѐ actions. y, : The mechanism of development, the reason yy process, a basis of disinfection, sterilisation, sec, deratization; the herbs growing in territory Uzbekistan, used in quality and sec means; the means applied to inoculations, means yy, y,developmentsprocess, distribution of various kinds of infectious diseases, their terms, specific preventive actions for the prevention of infectious diseases, preventive maintenance of infections to military establishments; working out of the public actions influencing the mechanism of infectious diseases andof infection; ways of distribution of infections: air, water, air-drop, intestinal, through blood; working out of actions in a mode. Therapeutic course Doctor and the patient: Skills and consultation kinds, skillsdialogue, Renderingthe help to the patient; Propaedeutics of internal illnesses: Anamnesis gathering, finding-out of complaints, survey of patients (, , ), symptoms and syndromes widely ѐ diseases internal y; laboratory and tool methods of inspection y. Internal illnesses. National medicine: y, y, clinic, variants of a current of illness, a consequence, y, differential Diagnosis diseases; y, preventive maintenance, rehabilitation, prophylactic medical examination; Methods of treatment of national medicine: y, y, acupressure, manipulation, herbal medicine, etc. 215 Phthisiology: Clinic, early and comparative Diagnosis, y, y, y risk, semiresistant ѐ, consequences of a tuberculosis, Modern treatment; prophylactic medical examination, preventive maintenance ѐy andforms ѐ, rendering of the first help to pregnant women, children and peopleage, a current ѐ at patients with VICH/SPID, . Preventive maintenance, examination of time invalidity. Medical control, physiotherapy exercises and physiotherapy: The medical control, instructions on employment by physiotherapy exercises and Sports, rehabilitation of patients and physical training in the complex Treatment, action of physical factors onthe person, a place and a physiotherapy role in treatment of diseases internal y,value in rehabilitations of patients, sanatorium treatment. y: Clinic illnesses, functional and laboratory methods of inspection; estimation methods yy the status; the treatment, supporting therapy, prophylactic medical examination, preventive maintenance; a current illnesses at pregnant, elderly patients;and first aid in ѐ cases. Yy and field therapy. Laboratory business: Clinic, early y, differential Diagnosis illnesses of blood; yy an estimation method- a role punctures; modern treatment, preventive maintenance, a current yy diseases at pregnant women, children, elderly patients; y, donor service questions, interpretation of results laboratory-instrumentalnoyo inspections. Professional illnesses: Clinic, early y, comparative Diagnosis, treatment is wide ѐ occupational diseases, employment at Professional illnesses and their preventive maintenance, medical labour examination, medical documents. Clinical y: kliniko-farmakoloyicheskaja The characteristic of the basicmedical products, pharmacotherapy and medical products, treatment in out-patient-polyclinic conditions, methods of an estimation of efficiency of medical products, the data card of medical products. Infectious diseases. Children's infectious diseases: y, y, clinic, the laboratory-tool analysis, differential Diagnosis, treatment, supervision, prophylactic medical examination of children and adults with infectious diseases; timely specific and nonspecific preventive maintenance of infectious diseases; complications, first aid; children's infections at adults. Dermatovenereal illnesses, AIDS: y, y, y, clinic,and treatment, 216 Prophylactic medical examination, preventive maintenance of dermatovenereal diseases, VICH/SPID, acts, social aspects. Nervous illnesses: Clinical and diseases of nervous system, treatment ѐ and ѐ diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system; the basic symptoms, clinic, methods Diagnosis, differential Diagnosis, consequences and treatment; urgent and first medical assistance. Psychiatry and y. Medical y: The basic laws of mental activity y;norms and y; psychiatry bases,methods y, treatment principles, rehabilitation and examination; psychosomatic illnesses, psychotherapy, preventive maintenance,service, socially-medical bases y;the help to patients. Beamand therapy: Ultrasonic, yy, it is computer-tomoyraficheskaja, and jaderno-maynitnoresonantillnesses; beam therapy of malignant and good-quality new growths. Medical y: Social directions,risk,pregnant women, clinic of hereditary diseases,and the biochemical analysis. Clinical yy: yy the anamnesis; skin and provocative tests. Clinical and tool inspection, y, clinic, treatment, preventive maintenancediseases.and pregnancy. A diet of pregnant and feeding women. course Operativewithanatomy: the form, a structure, interpositionand fabrics in a human body depending on a sex, age and a constitution. Mechanical influence and restorationand fabrics. Generalwith bases y: , antiseptics, bases y;patients to To inspection; methodsandinspections; treatmentѐ,to operation, kinds of operations, Nonspecificdiseasesfabrics, first aid at bleedings. Clinic, laboratory-toolmost ѐdiseases, treatment and complications; Urgent y, methods of a clinical estimation of diseasescages, miny spaces,arteries and veins; differential Diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation, preventive maintenance and prophylactic medical examination; renderingthe help to pregnant women; bases y, urgent actions in case of emergency, the urgent help in a hospital, a polyclinic, houses, conducting the basic medical documentation. y: 217 Clinic, y, differential Diagnosis, principles yy treatments of diseases and damages of the central and peripheral nervous system, rendering of the first help in extreme conditions. Nursery y: Clinic, y, differential Diagnosis, treatment principles Children with ѐ and the got orthopedic diseases. y: Clinic, y, differential Diagnosis, rendering of the first Medical aidthe patient. orthopedy, . A nursery y: Traumatism (houses, on transport, on manufacture), kinds of a traumatism, Clinic, differential Diagnosis, treatment; crises (ѐ and ѐ), renderingthe help and transportation; Restoration of labour activity; social rehabilitation, prosthetics. y. A nursery y: y, clinicdiseases, methodsdangerous (malignant) and harmless (good-quality) new growths, differential Diagnosis; value , kinds Treatments, prophylactic medical examination, rehabilitation, work capacity revealing. resuscitation: Modern methods and anaesthesia kinds, carrying out principlesanaesthesia, clinic andthe basicsyndromes in critical situations; the general questions of intensive therapy and resuscitation. yy, y: Clinic, methods y, differential Diagnosis, treatment most ѐ ear diseases, y, a nose. Value infectiousin development of diseases -y, rendering of the fast The urgent help in case of emergency; preventive maintenance of diseases of an oral cavity, agefeatures, clinic widely ѐ diseases,and consequences, indications to Consultations of the expert, methodstreatments and prosthetics y: Age sight, anatomy, y, optical correction of sight; clinic, y, differential Diagnosis, complications; ѐ and ѐ diseasessight, treatment, rehabilitation and preventive maintenance; the fast urgent help at Difficult defeats, work capacity examination. Course of protection of motherhood and the childhood Obstetrics and yy: y andconditions in pregnancy, Sorts and after sorts; methods of research of a condition of a fruit,y; clinic and treatment most ѐ yy diseases;andchildbirth; consultation bases on contraception methods. 218 Pediatrics: anatomo-fizioloyicheskie Features of children;growth and development of children till 5 years, factors and the reasons influencing growth of children, feature of consultation of teenagers; clinic, y, differential Diagnosis the most widespread diseases of children, treatment, principlessupervision; questions of vaccination of children. 3.5.4 Special disciplines Internal illnesses, y: Preventive maintenance and public health care,y a way of life, risk factors,the population. Clinic, y, differentialoften met syndromes, the differentiated therapy at them, rational pharmacotherapy, tactics in concrete clinical situations in conditionspublic health services link. Primary and secondary preventive maintenance in various agethe population and at pregnant women. Rehabilitation, prophylactic medical examination and urgent conditions at therapeutic diseases, rendering of the urgent help at emergency conditions ona stage. The general approaches in conditions experts. Indications to out-patient treatment, y, to a direction in specialised medical institutions, consultations of narrow experts. The differentiated plan of inspection of patients withinternal y, interpretation of results of laboratory-tool researches in polyclinic and hospital conditions. Statement y,y Diagnosis. Examination of time invalidity; bases of health protection of personsage according to Republic Uzbekistan laws. The international bases of classification of personsage and aged. The general laws and the ageing theory.parametres of age norms. Basesa food of personsage and aged. Clinical,andbases of a current of illnesses at personsage and aged. Bases of interpretation of results of laboratory and tool researches in y. Ways of leaving in house conditions for personsage. y: the mechanisminfluences of physiotherapeutic procedures onthe person; a physiotherapeutic orientationrestoration, a wayuses of physiotherapeutic actions and medical products; a choice of sanatoria and resorts, registration of the medical documentation; observance of rules of technical safety and work principles ; use of physiotherapeutic actions in the improving purposes; the mechanism Influences of physical exercises, indications and contra-indications to ; kinds and means of improving physical training. Clinic, y, and differentialsharpdiseases, tactics at them, rational pharmacotherapy, treatment of the most widespreaddiseases in conditionspublic health services link, conductingthe period,complications and their preventive maintenance, the first medical aid at bleedings, damages,diseasesfabrics. The general approaches in conditions experts. Medicine of accident: Application of necessary practical skills at rendering of the primary 219 Medical aid by the victim in natural cataclysms and accidents, rendering of professional specialised medical aid and transportation. Urgent conditions. The first help: y and clinic at urgent conditions. Anaesthesia, resuscitation and intensive therapy of patients in the period and in a hospital in critical situations. Obstetrics and yy: Consultation on planning of a family and protectionhealth. y, supervision of pregnant women withpregnancy, atdiseases, preventive maintenance and earlycomplications, conductingthe period, and postnatal contraception, the emergency help at complications, consultation; testing and preventive maintenance of the infections transferred sexual ѐ, including VICH/SPID; preventive maintenance , consultation and realisation of contraception the help ona stage, and treatment most often met yy diseases; rehabilitation in out-patient and house conditions after transferred yy diseases and operations, rational pharmacotherapy, urgent conditions in obstetrics and yy. The general approaches in conditions experts. y: leaving and the primary help to newborns, resuscitation at in a maternity hall; principles yy feedings at joint stay of newborns with mothers; supervision over newborns with variousand their rehabilitation. An estimation of a state of health of children and care of children of all age; physical and psychomotor development of children with calculation and food correction; preventive maintenance of diseases, safe vaccination; differentialand rational pharmacotherapy of most often met diseasesage; the urgent help at emergency conditions; prophylactic medical examination and rehabilitation of childrenrisk and with various diseases. 3.5.5 Industrial practice Fastening of theoretical and practical knowledge of students at mastering disciplines; knowledgey, given in /Y, possession of skills of work of the doctor of the general practice in conditionspublic health services link, gathering of the basic and minor complaints of patients, careful survey of patients, gathering and objective data, appointmentthe plan laboratory-instrumentalnoyo inspections,interpretation of results of laboratory-tool researches, possession of methodsuchebno-informative activity and its control. Indications to a direction on consultation to narrow experts, indications to out-patient treatment, indications to hospitalisation, statementDiagnosis, a choice of tactics at concrete clinical situations,filling of the medical documentation in the conditions of a polyclinic, first aid and a hospital, examination of time invalidity, tactics of conducting patients at an out-patient stage, primary and secondary preventive maintenance, prophylactic medical examination and rehabilitation of patients, the decision of questionsvalues (position in a family, a society, on work, physical inability registration etc.) 3.5.6 220 Themes yy are developed by letting out chairs taking into account requirements of the customer of shots and modern achievements of a science, technics and medicine. Themes yy are developed on disciplines y, yy courses and a course of protection of motherhood and the childhood. it is spent for the purpose of revealing of level of knowledge and the skills received at a stageof education after endof a course and at graduates during timey of certification. Volume yy chairs preparation define the doctor of the general practice. 3.5.7 Realization educational programm Educationalpreparation doctors of the general practice in a direction 5720100 Medical business it should be realised in accredited on the given direction preparation the higher educational institutions with usey training, informationand modern means of training. Mastering by students of foreign languages, teaching of foreign languages by teachers, and also creation forconditions should be priority atbachelors. Qualifying experts are spent in educational institutions, clinics, the medical centres and scientific research institute. During training the student hands overcertifications (at socially-yumanitarnomu course and a foreign language) and.certification surrenders right after endprocess on correspondingto courses. 4 Estimation and quality assurance preparation 4.1 Quality assurance preparation shots in bachelor degree directions should include: the internal control which is carried out by the higher educational institution. The internal control is spent on the basis of Position aboutto the monitoring system,the representativey managements of higher education;y the control includingcertification for disciplines and according toby the educational standard; the yosudarstvenno-public control which is carried out by the representativey of management by higher education, publicand consumers of shots in the established Order; the external control which is carried out by Management of quality assurance preparation of shots, certifications yy shots and educational institutions atthe centre of testing of Office Min when due hereunder. A quality estimationshots carries out consumers of shots in the course of their labour activity. 4.2 Higher educational institution bears full responsibility for: - Observance of requirementsthe standard and quality preparation The bachelors, provided by Position aboutcertifications and accreditations of the higher educational institutions; - Conformity professorsko-prepodavatelskoyo structure and uchebnovspomoyatelnoyo the personnel to qualifying requirements; - Securityyy a course the necessary uchebno-methodical literature providedof a course, and also Materials for self-education and preparation; - Material supportprocess. 5 Notes 221 The right is given to 5.1 Higher educational institution: - To change volume of the hours which are taken away on developmentof a material for blocks of courses - within 5 %, and for the courses entering into the block, within 10 %, without excessy volumestudents at maintenance miny maintenances,this standard; - To establish necessaryteaching of separate sections y, social and economic, mathematical and natural-science disciplines according to a block profile courses; - To correct the maintenance of courses taking into account achievements of a science, technics and y; 5.2 Knowledge yythe standard is one From conditionsselection professorsko-prepodavatelskoyo structure in corresponding directioneducations. The appendix Structureeducational programm in a direction 5720100 - Medical business № items The name of blocks of disciplines andcourses The general ѐin hours 1 2 3 1.00and social and economic disciplines 1704 2.00 Mathematical and natural-science disciplines 2952 Matematiko-communicative course 252 2.01 Computer science and information180 2.02 Iatrotechnics and new medical72 Natural-science course 2700 2.03 Medicaland270 2.04 Biophysics 180 2.05chemistry 144 2.06chemistry 180 2.07chemistry 324 2.08 Latin language and bases mediko-pharmaceutical miny 144 2.09 Human anatomy 450 2.10 Yy, y,324 2.11 Normal324 2.12 y,and324 2.13 History of medicine 36 3.00 disciplines 8316 Course of the general990 3.01y 270 3.02anatomy. Sec a course 306 3.03 Forensic medicine. Legal bases of activity of the doctor 144 3.04270 Mediko-preventive course 756 3.05 Yy with y,234 3.06 Public health and management of public health services. Biostatistics 378 3.0736 222 3.08 y, 108 Therapeutic course 3438 3.09 Doctor and the patient 72 3.10 Propaedeutics of internal illnesses 306 3.11 Internal illnesses. National medicine 558 3.12 Phthisiology 216 3.13 Medical control, physiotherapy exercises and physiotherapy 126 3.14198 3.15 Yy and field therapy. Laboratory business 270 3.16 Professional illnesses 90 3.17 Clinical234 3.18 Infectious diseases. Children's infectious diseases. 342 3.19 Dermatovenereal illnesses, AIDS 216 3.20 Nervous illnesses 252 3.21 Psychiatry and y. Medical306 3.22 Beamand therapy 108 3.23 Medical72 3.24 Clinical yy 72 a course 2160 3.25 Operativewithanatomy 198 3.26 Generalwith bases216 3.27illnesses 468 3.28108 3.29 Nursery162 3.30162 3.31and orthopedy, . A nursery216 3.32 y. A nursery162 3.33and resuscitation 72 3.34 yy,234 3.35162 Course of protection of motherhood and the childhood 972 3.36 Obstetrics and yy 342 3.37 Pediatrics 630 4.00 Special disciplines 1818 Disciplines of the doctor of the general practice 1818 4.01 Internal illnesses,828 4.0272 4.03illnesses 252 4.04 Medicine of accident 72 4.05 Urgent conditions. The first help 144 4.06 Obstetrics and yy 360 4.0790 223 5.00 Additional disciplines 450 5.01 Military y,and450 6.00 Disciplines for choice 322 6.01 Disciplines for choice 322 15562 Qualifying practice 1188 108 certification 108 16966 data UDC _________At _________ CONSTRUCTION DEPARTMENT _________ Keywords: Medical business, the doctor of the general practice 224 № 1. Prog ress in % 96100 % 2. 9195% 3. 8690% mark Level of knowledge of student excellent «5» Full correct answer to questions about the tasks of sports medicine and medical monitoring for exercise and sports, athletes survey scheme , physical development, learning methods , evaluation and correction of physical development . Summarizes and makes decisions , think creatively , independently analyzes . Situational problems are solved correctly , with a creative approach , with full justification response. Actively and creatively involved in interactive games , right to make informed decisions and summarizes and analyzes . Actively involved in the development of practical skills and properly performing. CDS prepared high quality (abstract, slides , banner, video ) with no less than 10 online sources and literature in recent years. 2 . 91-95 % complete correct answer to questions about the tasks of sports medicine and medical monitoring for exercise and sports, athletes survey scheme , physical development, learning methods , evaluation and correction of physical development . Summarizes and makes decisions , think creatively , independently analyzes . Situational problems are solved correctly , with a creative approach , with full justification response. Actively and creatively involved in interactive games , right to make informed decisions and summarizes and analyzes . Actively involved in the development of practical skills and properly performing. CDS prepared high quality (abstract, slides , banner, video ) with no less than 10 online sources and literature in recent years. Excellent "5" The questions about the tasks of sports medicine «5» and medical monitoring for exercise and sports, athletes survey scheme , physical development, learning methods , evaluation and correction of physical development lit enough , but there are 1-2 errors in the response. Applies in practice , with the matter , said confidently , has fine views. Situational problems are solved correctly , but the 225 4. 8185% 5. 7680% 6. 7175% justification answer sufficiently. Actively involved in interactive games , correct decisions . Actively involved in the development of practical skills , but there are 2-3 mistakes in their implementation . CDS prepared high quality (abstract, slides , banner, video ) with no less than 10 online sources and literature in recent years. Good «4» The questions about the tasks of sports medicine and medical monitoring for exercise and sports, athletes survey scheme , physical development, learning methods , evaluation and correction of physical development is fully covered , but there are 2-3 inaccuracies, errors . Applies in practice , with the matter , said confidently , has fine views. Situational problems are solved correctly , but the justification answer sufficiently. Inaccuracies in solving situational problems . Actively involved in interactive games , correct decisions . Actively involved in the development of practical skills , but there are 2-3 mistakes in their implementation . CDS prepared high quality (abstract, slides , banner, video ) with no less than 10 online sources and literature in recent years. Good Correct , but incomplete coverage of the issue . Student knows about the problems of sports medicine and «4» medical monitoring for exercise and sports, athletes survey scheme , physical development (RF ) , learning methods , evaluation and correction of physical development but fully understands the methods of assessing risk factors . With the matter , said confidently , has fine views. Actively involved in interactive games . Situational problem gives partial solutions . Actively involved in the development of practical skills , but there are 3-4 mistakes in their implementation . CPC prepared good quality (abstract, slides) using at least 5-8 online sources and literature in recent years. Good Correct , but incomplete coverage of the issue . Student «4» knows about the problems of sports medicine and medical monitoring for exercise and sports, athletes survey scheme , physical development, but incomplete lists methods of examination, evaluation and correction of physical 226 7. 6670% 8. 6165% 9. 5560% Satisfact ory «3» development . With the matter , said confidently , has fine views. Actively involved in interactive games . Situational problem gives partial solutions . Actively involved in the development of practical skills , but there are 3-4 mistakes in their implementation . CPC prepared good quality (abstract, slides) using at least 3-5 online sources and literature in recent years. on the correct answer half of the questions . Student knows about the problems of sports medicine and medical monitoring for exercise and sports, athletes survey scheme , physical development, but poorly versed in the methods of examination, evaluation and correction of physical development . With the matter , said uncertainly , has accurate representations only on specific issues theme. Situational problems are solved correctly , but there is no justification response. Passive when discussing CDS. Passive during the development of practical skills , makes mistakes when they are executed . correct answer half of the questions . Student knows about the problems of sports medicine and medical monitoring for exercise and sports, athletes survey scheme , physical development, but poorly versed in the methods of examination, evaluation and correction of physical development . With the matter , said uncertainly , has accurate representations only on specific issues theme. Situational problems are solved correctly , but there is no justification response. Passive during the development of practical skills , makes mistakes when they are executed . CPC prepared satisfactorily designed (abstract, slides) using at least 2-3 online sources and literature in recent years. Passive when discussing CDS correct answer to 40 % of the questions . Student knows about the problems of sports medicine and medical monitoring for exercise and sports, athletes survey scheme , physical development, but poorly versed in the methods of examination, evaluation and correction of physical development . With the matter , said uncertainly , has accurate representations only on specific issues theme. Situational problems are solved correctly , but there is no justification response. 227 10. 3154% 11. 2030% Passive during the development of practical skills , makes mistakes when they are executed . CPC prepared satisfactorily designed (abstract, slides) using at least 2-3 online sources and literature in recent years. The abstract mistakes , broken logical sequence of topics subject was not disclosed . Improper design of slides and posters. Passive when discussing CDS. dissatisfa less than 40% coverage of the issues in the wrong ction «2» approach. Student does not know about the problems of sports medicine and medical monitoring for exercise and sports, athletes survey scheme , physical development. Practically versed in the methods of examination, evaluation and correction of physical development . Homework is not satisfied. Passive during the development of practical skills , making numerous mistakes in their implementation . CDS performed with numerous errors , using only 1-2 online sources and literature, poorly framed , the student can not present their work . Passive when discussing CDS. dissatisfa "2" is present on the student practical training in the ction «2» proper form , there is a workbook . Questions not answers. Do not know about the problems of sports medicine and medical monitoring for exercise and sports, athletes survey scheme , physical development. Not involved in the development of practical skills. Homework is not satisfied. CDS is not prepared . Passive in class . Violates discipline prevents conduct classes . 228