Introduction to ECE 366 Selin Aviyente Associate Professor September 2, 2009 ECE 366, Fall 2009 Overview • Lectures: M,W,F 8:00-8:50 a.m., 1257 Anthony Hall • Web Page: • Textbook: Linear Systems and Signals, Lathi , 2nd Edition, Oxford Press. • Office Hours: M,W 3:00-4:30 p.m., 2210 Engineering Building • Pre-requisites: ECE 202, 280 September 2, 2009 ECE 366, Fall 2009 Course Requirements • 2 Midterm Exams-40% – October 16th – November 20th • Weekly HW Assignments-10% – Assigned Friday due next Friday (except during exam weeks) – Will include MATLAB assignments. – Should be your own work. – No late HWs will be accepted. – Lowest HW grade is dropped. • Final Project-15% (MATLAB based project) • Final Exam-35%, December 15th September 2, 2009 ECE 366, Fall 2009 Policies • Cheating in any form will not be tolerated. This includes copying HWs, cheating on exams. • You are allowed to discuss the HW questions with your friends, and me. • However, you have to write up the homework solutions on your own. • Lowest HW grade will be dropped. September 2, 2009 ECE 366, Fall 2009 Course Outline • Part 1- Continuous Time Signals and Systems – Basic Signals and Systems Concepts – Time Domain Analysis of Linear Time Invariant (LTI) Systems – Frequency Domain Analysis of Signals and Systems • Fourier Series • Fourier Transform • Applications September 2, 2009 ECE 366, Fall 2009 Course Outline • Part 2- Discrete Time Signals and Systems – Basic DT Signals and Systems Concepts – Time Domain Analysis of DT Systems – Frequency Domain Analysis of DT Signals and Systems • Z-transforms • DTFT September 2, 2009 ECE 366, Fall 2009 Signals • A signal is a function of one or more variables that conveys information about a physical phenomenon. • Signals are functions of independent variables; time (t) or space (x,y) • A physical signal is modeled using mathematical functions. • Examples: – – – – – Electrical signals: Voltages/currents in a circuit v(t),i(t) Temperature (may vary with time/space) Acoustic signals: audio/speech signals (varies with time) Video (varies with time and space) Biological signals: Heartbeat, EEG September 2, 2009 ECE 366, Fall 2009 Systems • A system is an entity that manipulates one or more signals that accomplish a function, thereby yielding new signals. • The input/output relationship of a system is modeled using mathematical equations. • We want to study the response of systems to signals. • A system may be made up of physical components (electrical, mechanical, hydraulic) or may be an algorithm that computes an output from an input signal. v (t ) Ri (t ) • Examples: – Circuits (Input: Voltage, Output: Current) • Simple resistor circuit: – Mass Spring System (Input: Force, Output: displacement) – Automatic Speaker Recognition (Input: Speech, Output: Identity) September 2, 2009 ECE 366, Fall 2009 Applications of Signals and Systems • Acoustics: Restore speech in a noisy environment such as cockpit • Communications: Transmission in mobile phones, GPS, radar and sonar • Multimedia: Compress signals to store data such as CDs, DVDs • Biomedical: Extract information from biological signals: – Electrocardiogram (ECG) electrical signals generated by the heart – Electroencephalogram (EEG) electrical signals generated by the brain – Medical Imaging • Biometrics: Fingerprint identification, speaker recognition, iris recognition September 2, 2009 ECE 366, Fall 2009 Classification of Signals • One-dimensional vs. Multi-dimensional: The signal can be a function of a single variable or multiple variables. – Examples: • Speech varies as a function of timeonedimensional • Image intensity varies as a function of (x,y) coordinatesmulti-dimensional – In this course, we focus on one-dimensional signals. September 2, 2009 ECE 366, Fall 2009 • Continuous-time vs. discrete-time: – A signal is continuous time if it is defined for all time, x(t). – A signal is discrete time if it is defined only at discrete instants of time, x[n]. – A discrete time signal is derived from a continuous time signal through sampling, i.e.: x[n] x(nTs ), Ts September 2, 2009 is sampling ECE 366, Fall 2009 period • Analog vs. Digital: – A signal whose amplitude can take on any value in a continuous range is an analog signal. – A digital signal is one whose amplitude can take on only a finite number of values. – Example: Binary signals are digital signals. – An analog signal can be converted into a digital signal through quantization. September 2, 2009 ECE 366, Fall 2009 • Deterministic vs. Random: – A signal is deterministic if we can define its value at each time point as a mathematical function – A signal is random if it cannot be described by a mathematical function (can only define statistics) – Example: • Electrical noise generated in an amplifier of a radio/TV receiver. September 2, 2009 ECE 366, Fall 2009 • Periodic vs. Aperiodic Signals: – A periodic signal x(t) is a function of time that satisfies x (t ) x (t T ) – The smallest T, that satisfies this relationship is called the fundamental period. 1 f – T is called the frequency of the signal (Hz). – Angular frequency, 2f 2T (radians/sec). – A signal is either periodic or aperiodic. – A periodic signal must continue forever. – Example: The voltage at an AC power source is a T b T periodic. September 2, 2009 a ECE 366, Fall 2009 0 x(t )dt 0 x(t )dt x(t )dt b T0 • Causal, Anticausal vs. Noncausal Signals: – A signal that does not start before t=0 is a causal signal. x(t)=0, t<0 – A signal that starts before t=0 is a noncausal signal. – A signal that is zero for t>0 is called an anticausal signal. September 2, 2009 ECE 366, Fall 2009 • Even vs. Odd: – A signal is even if x(t)=x(-t). – A signal is odd if x(t)=-x(-t) – Examples: • Sin(t) is an odd signal. • Cos(t) is an even signal. – A signal can be even, odd or neither. – Any signal can be written as a combination of an even and odd signal. x (t ) x ( t ) 2 x (t ) x ( t ) xo (t ) 2 xe (t ) September 2, 2009 ECE 366, Fall 2009 Properties of Even and Odd Functions • • • • • • Even x Odd = Odd Odd x Odd = Even Even x Even = Even Even + Even = Even Even + Odd = Neither Odd + Odd = Odd a a x (t )dt 2 x (t )dt e a 0 a x o a September 2, 2009 ECE 366, Fall 2009 e (t )dt 0 • Finite vs. Infinite Length: – X(t) is a finite length signal if it is nonzero over a finite interval a<t<b – X(t) is infinite length signal if it is nonzero over all real numbers. – Periodic signals are infinite length. September 2, 2009 ECE 366, Fall 2009 • Energy signals vs. power signals: – Consider a voltage v(t) developed across a resistor R, producing a current i(t). – The instantaneous power: p(t)=v2(t)/R=Ri2(t) – In signal analysis, the instantaneous power of a signal x(t) is equivalent to the instantaneous power over 1 resistor and is defined as x2(t). x (t )dt – Total Energy: lim – Average Power: lim T1 x (t )dt T /2 2 T T / 2 T /2 2 T T / 2 September 2, 2009 ECE 366, Fall 2009 • Energy vs. Power Signals: – A signal is an energy signal if its energy is finite, 0<E<∞. – A signal is a power signal if its power is finite, 0<P<∞. – An energy signal has zero power, and a power signal has infinite energy. – Periodic signals and random signals are usually power signals. – Signals that are both deterministic and aperiodic are usually energy signals. – Finite length and finite amplitude signals are energy signals. September 2, 2009 ECE 366, Fall 2009