Telephone: 605-852-2455 1-800-370-7908 - Fax: 605-852-2669 Finance Department 605-852-2993 - Fax: 605-852-2791 High School, Middle School & Elementary 101 Crow Creek Loop Stephan, S.D. 57346 605-852-2258/2416/2277 Fax # - 852-2401/2573/2181 Better Alternative School Box 547 123 White Ghost Drive Ft. Thompson, S.D. 57339 605-852-2258 Ext. 2100/2101 Fax: 605-245-2856 Crow Creek Admissions Returning Student Packet - Check List The following application forms are to be read carefully and fully completed before your application will be considered for the 2015-2016 School Year. ** Notice some forms MUST be signed & notarized. Student Enrollment Form Fill out and sign Legal Custody Form (Notarized/Mandatory) Medical Power of Attorney Fill out and sign Day Student Check Out Form (Notarized/Mandatory) Social History Form Fill out and sign Permission/Participants Consent Forms Fill out and sign Parent Compact Read carefully and sign BIE McKinney-Vento Enrollment Form Fill out and sign Campus Parent/Portal Read, complete and sign (student/Parent/Guardian) Photo Release Form Read, Complete and Sign FERPA Sign & Date Parent/Guardian: Very IMPORTANT reminder, your child(s) application must be complete and returned to our school before your child is officially enrolled. Notaries for Crow Creek Tribal School: Marcella How e - Middle School Registrar/Secretary Marcia Wells - Elementary Registrar/Secretary The first day of school is Sept. 8, 2015 to be considered for Perfect Attendance, Awards and Academic Honors then you must be present beginning Sept. 8th. Page 3 of 20 STUDENT ENROLLMENT APPLICATION FOR STUDENT ENROLLED IN BUREAU-FUNDED SCHOOLS Name of School: Type: Day School ( ) Boarding School ( ) Peripheral Dormitory ( ) 1. IDENTIFICATION Name of Student: (Last) Address: P.O. Box Funding: Pub. Law 100-297 Grant Pub. Law 93-638 Contract BIA Operated (First) Street: City: State: ( ) ( ) ( ) (Middle) Zip Code Miles from home to school: Date of Birth: Month Day Sex: Male ( ) Female ( ) Tribal Affiliation: Degree of Indian: Enrollment Number: Home Agency: Dominant Language spoken in the home: (1) Father: Place of Birth Year Verified By: (2) FAMILY INFORMATION Mother: Address: Address: Tribal Affiliation: Home Agency: Enrollment Number: Living ( ) Dead ( ) Occupation (Optional): Employer: Tribal Affiliation: Home Agency: Enrollment Number: Living ( ) Dead ( ) Occupation (Optional): Employer: Telephone Home: Telephone Home: Work: Emergency: Work: Emergency: Other (Specify): Other (Specify): Page 1 OMB Control No. 1076-0122 Expires: 08/31/2016 4. CRITERIA FOR BORADING OR OUT OF BOUNDARY ENROLLMENT: Favorable action is recommended upon this application because this case conforms to the following criteria for boarding school or out of boundary enrollment. If this application is for an off reservation boarding school and for social reasons, a social summary is to accompany this application. Education Factors Social Factors Federal/Public schools near student’s home: In his/her environment, the student: ( )Do not offer grade lever ( )Was rejected or neglected ( )Are severely overcrowded ( )Does not receive adequate parental supervision ( )Do not offer student’s grade ( ) Well being was imperiled due to family behavioral ( )Exceed 11/2 miles walking distance to school or problems bus route ( )Has behavioral problems too difficult for solution by ( )Do not offer special vocational/preparatory training family or local resources necessary for gainful employment ( )Has siblings or other close relative enrolled who ( )Do not offer adequate provisions to meet academic would be adversely affected by separation deficiencies or linguistic/cultural differences ( )Receiving School offers special academic program needed by student. Approved: Date: In Boundary (Signature & title of approving official) Approved: Date: Out-of-Boundary (Signature & title of approving official) Off-Reservation Boarding School (Signature & title of approving official) Privacy Act Statement: This information is collected as provided by 5 U.S.C. 552A. The Office of Indian Education Programs is authorized to collect this information I accordance with Public Law 95-561; 98-511: 99-89; ad 100-297. The information will be used to determine the level of funding to be distributed by formula to BIA funded elementary and secondary schools. Weighted student units, the value of basic and specialized instructional and residential programs, are used to calculate the distribution of funds. The information may be disclosed to appropriate Department of the Interior and Congressional Offices for policy and budgetary purposes. Page 5 of 20 OMB Control No. 1076-0122 Expires: 08/31/2016 2. FAMILY AND BACKGROUND INFORMATION Parent’s Name Father’s Enter father’s address if different from student’s Address: Tribal Affiliation: Enter father’s Tribe Home Agency: Enter Agency where father is enrolled Census Number: Enter father’s census number Living/ Indicate whether father is alive or deceased entering date if deceased. Deceased: Occupation Enter father’s occupation (Optional) Employer Enter the name of father’s employer or where he works Telephone Please list father’s home telephone, work number, and emergency number or other Numbers: numbers where father can be reached in case of an emergency. If other, indicate friend, aunt, uncle, etc. Mother: Same instruction as above. Legal Guardian: Same instruction as above 3. SCHOOLS P-REVIOUSLY ATTENDED: List the names, addresses, dates, grades completed and reasons for leaving all the schools the student previously attended. Please fill out as accurately as possible. 4. FOR BUREAU USE ONLY: Self-Explanatory Crow Creek Tribal Schools High School/Middle School 101 Crow Creek Loop Stephan, SD 57346 LEGAL CUSTODY FORM Is child currently under custody of the ICWA (Indian Child Welfare Act) or State or Tribal Social Services, Department of Corrections or Other? ________ Yes ________ No If yes, please provide a copy of custody documents. (MUST SHOW LEGAL COURT PAPERS) I, ___________________________________________________________ have legal custody of (Print Parent/Guardian) ____________________________________________________________as set forth by: (Print Student Name) Birth Divorce Decree Tribal Court Other Please attach a copy of one of the above named documents and return with application. Is there a restraining order in place? Yes No If yes, please give name of person:___________________________________________________ ___________________________________ Signature of Parent/Legal Guardian ____________________________________ Verified by Notary of the Public ____________________________________ My Commission Expires on Page 7 of 20 Medical Power of Attorney For Care of Minor Child I affirm that I am the parent and/or legal guardian of the minor child named below: _________________________________________________ Child’s FULL Name ___________________________________ Date of Birth I hereby, give consent to the Crow Creek Tribal School Nursing staff to seek and obtain routine medical and dental care for this child at the Fort Thompson Indian Health Care Center (Dormitory or school staff may take students under special circumstances). In addition, I hereby give consent for the following adults to seek and obtain routine medical or dental care for this child at Fort Thompson Indian Health Center. SCHOOL STAFF School Year 2015- 2016 SCHOOL NURSE I understand that I or one of the above persons must accompany the child each time medical or dental care is sought; otherwise care will not be given until I (or the child’s other parent) have been contacted and give consent for care. I further understand that this consent applies only to routine medical and dental care that I must give additional consent for more complicated or difficult procedures. Written consent is not required for care during a serious emergency. THIS CONSENT EXPIRES AT THE END OF THE SCHOOL YEAR: MAY 20, 2016 _______________________________ ________________________________ __________ Signature Relationship Date _______________________________ ________________________________ __________ Signature Relationship Date **Confidential-for School/Dormitory Counselor and Indian Health Service Counselor** Crow Creek Tribal Schools Social History – Counseling Consent Form Name: __________________________________________________ Grade: _______________________ Consent for Counseling Services I give permission for my child to receive counseling services from Crow Creek Tribal School or through Indian Health Services in Fort Thompson, SD. I understand that this service will be given if and when my child’s behavior indicates the need. I understand that if I do not give consent for counseling services from the school or Indian Health Service, I must provide an outside source for counseling if deemed necessary. __________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature ____________________________ Date **************************************************************************************** Failure to provide accurate response or no response to all questions can result in denial of application. Are there any areas of concerns you would like the counselor to be aware of? ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ Has student been dropped or expelled from school? ___Yes ___No If yes, please explain: ______________________________________________________________________ If student on probation? ___Yes ___No If yes, please explain: ______________________________________________________________________ Please list name and phone # of probation officer or case worker: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Name Phone # HAS STUDENT EVER BEEN SUSPENDED OR EXPELLED FROM SCHOOL FOR ANY WEAPON VIOLATION OR THREATS OF VIOLENCE? ___Yes ___No If yes, please explain: _____________________________________________________________________ Has student ever received services from an impatient or outpatient treatment program or correctional program? ___Yes ___No If yes, please explain: _____________________________________________________________________ Has student ever received services from Special Education? (e.g. is currently on an IEP)? ___Yes ___No By signing this form, all the above information is correct to the best of my knowledge. __________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature ____________________________ Date Page 9 of 20 Crow Creek Tribal Schools Campus Portal Acceptable Use Policy Crow Creek Tribal Schools has developed a Campus Portal as a means to further promote educational excellence and to enhance communication with parents and students. The Campus Portal allows parents and students (Grades K-12) to view school records anywhere at any time. In response for the privilege of accessing the Crow Creek Tribal Schools Campus Portal, every parent and student is expected to act in a responsible, ethical and legal manner. The Campus Portal is available to every parent or guardian who has a student enrolled at Crow Creek Tribal Schools. Parents and students are required to adhere to the following guidelines. 1. Parents and students will not share their passwords with anyone, including their children or classmates. 2. Parents and students will not attempt to harm or destroy data of their own children, of another user, school or district network, or the Internet. 3. Parents and student will not use the Campus Portal for any illegal activity, including violation of Data Privacy laws. Anyone found to be violating laws will be subject to Civil and/or Criminal Prosecution. 4. Parents and students will not access data or any account owned by another parent or student 5. Parents and students who identify a security problem with the Campus Portal must notify the Schools Technology Coordinator immediately (852-2993) or ( without demonstrating the problem to anyone else. 6. Parents and students who are identified as a security risk to the Campus Portal will be denied access to the Campus Portal. User guidelines and system requirements can be found at Please review them before signing and returning this document. You are required to sign and return this agreement before you receive access to the Campus Portal. Students must both sign and have a parent signature to gain access to the Campus Portal. Please fill in all blanks (Print) Parent(s) Name: __________________________________________________ Email Address: ___________________________________________________ Children Information Name: __________________________________________________ Grade: _________________ Name: __________________________________________________ Grade: _________________ Name: __________________________________________________ Grade: _________________ I have read the Campus Portal Acceptable Use Policy and I agree to abide by and support these rules. I understand that if I violate any terms of this Acceptable Use Policy that I may lose my privilege to use the Campus Portal, and may be liable for civil and/or criminal consequences. Student Signature _________________________________________________ Date: _____________ Parent Signature: __________________________________________________ Date: _____________ Crow Creek Tribal Schools PHOTO Release Form All photographers taking photographs or on Crow Creek Tribal Schools property or of Crow Creek Tribal School Events or student works must obtain a signed release form from any student, faculty member, staff person who is visibly recognizable in the photograph. Crowd scenes where not single person is the dominate feature are exempt. These rules govern photographs intended for use in any Crow Creek Tribal School publication of marketing or a public relations nature, such as newsletters, brochures, yearbooks, promotional items, or other such material. Releases also must be obtained for photographs used on the Web. These rules are not in effect when photographs are taken on news events, but photographs are taken of news events, but photographs taken for news purposed required a release for reuse in marketing materials. ***************************************************************************** Date___________________________ Elem_____ MS_____ HS_____ ALT_____ PLEASE CHECK ONE ________ I DO give my consent for Crow Creek Tribal School to interview me or my child (name listed below) to use in photograph(s) video in any and all of its publications and in any and all media for use but the Crow Creek Tribal School. I will make no monetary or other claim against Crow Creek Tribal School for the use of the interview and/or the photographs(s) video. ________ I DO NOT give my consent for Crow Creek Tribal School to interview me or my child (name listed below, to use in photograph(s)/video in any and all of its publications and in any and all media for use by the Crow Creek Tribal School. Name of child (Please Print)____________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian (Please Print)__________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature_____________________________________________________ Relationship to child (if child is a minor)_________________________________________ Courtesy of L.W.S./ab/2012 **************************************************************************************** Page 11 of 20 Crow Creek Tribal Schools Permission Form for Internet Usage in Classroom and Dormitory General Consent for Field Trip Religion of Choice Consent Participation in Talented & Gifted Program in a Previous School Internet Usage Students at CCTS have access to the internet in computer related classes, as well as in the dormitory There are strict rules for Internet usage by students. As a school system we attempt to block out as many inappropriate sites as possible, but as you may have read or heard, this can be difficult at times. In order for your child to be allowed any contact on the internet, we need to have your permission. Please understand that due to certain circumstances your student may access an inappropriate site. We will not be held liable for any such occurrences. If it is proved that a student has misused the internet or e-mail services, their privileges may be revoked for the remainder of the school year. Please check on of the following: _____ I Do Not Give Permission for my child to be on the internet. _____ I Do Give Permission for my child to be on the internet. I also give permission to use my child’s picture on your website. I understand that staff will monitor student use of the internet and agree not to hold the school liable for any unintentional incident of my child viewing an inappropriate site. Student:_______________________________Parent:____________________________Date_________ Signature Signature ****************************************************************************** General Consent for Field Trip I, _____Give _____Do No Give, permission for my child to go on off-campus activities and events sponsored by Crow Creek Tribal School (including middle school, high school, dormitories, Counselor and recreation programs.) Student:_______________________________Parent:____________________________Date_________ Signature Signature ****************************************************************************** Religion of Choice Consent I, _____ Give Consent _____ Do Not Give Consent - For my child to participate in sweat lodge ceremonies or attend the church of their choice for purposes of purification, prayers or personal spiritual guidance while attending CCTS. My child’s religion affiliation is:_____________________________________________________ Comments:____________________________________________________________________________ Student:_______________________________Parent:____________________________Date_________ Signature Signature ****************************************************************************** CCTS Talented & Gifted Form Check below if your child has participated in the Talented & Gifted Program at his/her previous school. Indicate the students eligibility when he/she was in the program. ( ) Academic Aptitude ( ) Intelligence ( ) Visual & Performing Arts ( ) Creativity ( ) Leadership Name of School:________________________________________________________________________ **Please CONTACT the student’s previous school and have them forward their scores from SAT’S, as well as any other supporting documents. It is imperative that the TAG office receives this information.** Student:_______________________________Parent:____________________________Date_________ Crow Creek Tribal Schools Parent Compact Definition: A compact in written agreement or promise between two or more people to declare the intent of all involved to help in achieving mutual goals. Directions: Please read carefully the section of this compact that pertains to your responsibility, and sign at the bottom to pledge, and then on the back of this form once per year to renew your commitment to the education of our children. Parent/Guardian: (Any person with a vested interested in helping this student may sign the compact in-lieu of the parent) I have entrusted my child to the school to help prepare them for life. In order for my child to receive a quality education and to reach their fullest potential, I agree to: See that my child attends school on a daily basis, and is in attendance for the day. Support the school in its effort to maintain proper discipline. Establish a time and place for doing homework and review homework regularly. Maintain an open line of communication with my child and his/her teacher. Read with my child at least 15 minutes per day and let my child see me read. Be aware of my child’s interest and encourage their efforts. Visit the Crow Creek Tribal School web site ( on a regular basis. Attend parent survey on an annual basis to ensure the needs of my child are addressed. Complete necessary forms to ensure my child if officially registered with the school. Student Since I am investing in my future, it is important that I work to the best of my ability. Therefore, I will do the following: Attend school on a daily basis and arrive on time Come to school each days with books, pens, pencils, paper, and other necessary tools for learning Complete daily work and return homework assignments in a timely manner Do my best to prepare myself for tests Behave in a manner that contributes to a positive school environment Respect classmates, school staff and myself Teacher Who I am and my students see me is as important as what I say, therefore, to help students achieve, I will try to do the following: Demonstrate professional behavior and positive attitude Maintain open lines of communication with students and their parents Encourage students and parents by providing information about student’s progress on a regular basis Provide homework assignments as necessary to reinforce learning and teach responsibility Treat each child in a fair and equitable manner Help each child reach his/her maximum learning potential Discuss the No Child Left Behind Law and how it affects my classroom to the parent of my students Provide parents with any annual survey to express their needs as well as their child’s needs. Page 13 of 20 Principal I support active parents’ involvement in the education of their children; Therefore, I will do the following: Provide an environment that allows for positive communication between the school and the home Monitor the learning process to ensure a learning environment is being provided Provide an ongoing professional evaluation with staff on regular basis Demonstrate professional behavior and a positive attitude Discuss the No Child Left Behind Law and how it affects my staff and school to parents of the child attending our school Provide parents with an annual survey to express their needs as well as their child’s needs. Signature: Parents/Guardian_____________________________________ Date____________________ Student______________________________________________ Date____________________ Teacher(s)____________________________________________ Date____________________ Teacher(s)____________________________________________ Date____________________ Teacher(s)____________________________________________ Date____________________ Teacher(s)____________________________________________ Date____________________ Teacher(s)____________________________________________ Date____________________ Teacher(s)____________________________________________ Date____________________ Teacher(s)____________________________________________ Date____________________ Teacher(s)____________________________________________ Date____________________ Principal_____________________________________________ Date____________________ Crow Creek Tribal Schools Day Students Check out Form 2015/2016 (Dorm Students must use the Dorm Check-Out Form when checking out during school) It is very important the Parent/Legal Guardian have this form complete and notarized for the safety of our students. Students will not be allowed to check out of the dormitory or school unless they are released to a person whose name appears on this permission form. Any other special circumstances will have to be referred to a Principal, Dormitory Supervisor or Superintendent. _____________________________________ Student Name ____________________________________ Home Reservation _____________________________________ Parent/Legal Guardian ____________________________________ Phone # you can be reached at immediately ____________________________________________________________________________________ PO Box/Address City State Zip I hereby give the following adults permission to check out my son/daughter for week-ends or holidays. I understand that these adults must personally pick up the student and sign him/her out from the school (if during school hours) and from the dormitory. I understand that off reservation students may not check out to Ft. Thompson and surrounding communities for overnight unless with parents or legal guardian. (Handwriting must correspond to notarized signatures at bottom of the page) ___________________________________ ____________________________________ ___________________________________ ____________________________________ ___________________________________ ____________________________________ ___________________________________ ____________________________________ I also give the school permission to seek out adequate housing and transportation for my son/daughter during emergencies. _____________________________________ Signature of Parent/Legal Guardian ____________________________________ Verified by Notary of the Public ____________________________________ My Commission Expires on Page 15 of 20 Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, commonly known as FERPA, is a federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. Students have specific, protection rights regarding the release of such records and FERPA requires that institutions adhere strictly to these guidelines. The following are statements that reflect what the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) covers concerning your rights as a parent and student: Parents are allowed to review all files and material the school has about their child. All schools are required to follow FERPA. The schools cannot provide a student with his/her parent’s financial records. A student can request that doctor of his/her choice review psychiatric or treatment records. FERPA does not allow the students to see the same files and records that their parent can see. A probation officer cannot see a student’s educational records without parental consent. The school is required to keep a list of all people who access a student’s records. Parents are allowed to bring someone with them to review their child’s school records. Parents are allowed to review their child’s testing protocols. Student Special Education records are the school’s responsibility to safeguard and no file should ever be left out of place where they can be seen by unauthorized people. Staff members can be reprimanded for failure to safeguard student records. If you have further questions on your rights under the FERPA law then please feel to contact the school or visit the www (world wide web) and do a search on FERPA. This will pull up the law, its interpretation and how it affects you as a parent/student. By initialing this form I have read all the above information. __________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian ________________ Date Page 17 of 20 Crow Creek Tribal Schools BIE McKinney-Vento Enrollment/Referral Form This documentation is an authorization for assistance and shall be used to address the requirements to the McKinney-Vento Act, Title X. This document will be used to ensure all providers have the necessary information to support the child and his/her family. This is not a legal document. Student Information Student Name: _____________________________________________Age_________Grade_____________ Parent/Guardian: __________________________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian/Youth Phone Number: __________ Cell __________ Work __________ Shelter _____________ Family/Friends Residency Information Are you a Crow Creek Tribal School student who is currently living with a parent? ___Yes ___No Homeless Night Time Information Are you a high school student who is currently living on your own? ___Yes ___No Where does the student stay at night? Unaccompanied Youth Address/Directions_____________________________________________________________________ The family/youth has been residing within the school district boundaries and intend to stay. __________ Please Initial The parent/guardian/youth understand that the agreed upon services are supplemental to the regular instructional day and will be re-evaluated to determine which needs to be continued. In the event that the family/youth residency changes, it is their responsibility to notify School Liaison/Designee immediately. ___________________________________ _________ Parent/Guardian/Youth Date ____________________________ School Liaison/Designee ________ Date CROW CREEK SERVICE UNIT FT. THOMPSON HIS HEALTH CENTER BUSINESS OFFICE PO BOX 200 FT. THOMPSON, SD 57339 (605) 245-1540 AUTHORIZATION TO FURNISH INFORMATION AND ASSIGNMENT OF BENEFITS I authorize Ft. Thompson IHS Health Center to release medical information about me to my insurance carrier, workmen’s compensation carrier or SD Medicaid. I hereby assign insurance benefits that I may be eligible to receive, to the Ft. Thompson IHS Health Center as payment for medical services and supplies furnished to me by the IHS. I authorized direct payment of such benefits to the Indian Health Service, Ft. Thompson, SD 57339. ____________________________________________ Patient’s Name ____________________________________________ Patient/Parent/Guardian Signature ____________________________________________ Date THIS CONSENT SHALL REMAIN VALID UNTIL REVOKED IN WRITING Page 19 of 20 NOTICE TO PATIENTS ELIGIBILITY FOR DIRECT CARE: You must be eligible for DIRECT CARE. This care provided at the Ft. Thompson IHS Health Center. To be eligible for DIRECT CARE you must be an Indian/Native American from a Federally Recognized Tribe of the United States. You may reside anywhere within the United States. You are allowed up to 30 days to provide proof of being Indian/Native American and allowed 1 clinic visit. Proof shall be in the form of a letter, statement, or BIA Form 4432 from your Tribe, Which contains either enrollment number or degree of Indian Blood OR if NOT enrolled, proof of decadency/Lineage. It is the responsibility of the patient to obtain this proof. If proof is not shown within the time frame specified further services WILL NOT be allowed at the Ft. Thompson IHS Health Center. A medical doctor of the IHS may refer a person when the medical care required cannot be provided by the Ft. Thompson IHS Health Center. IHS WILL NOT AUTHORIZE PAYMENT for this care until the following eligibility requirements are met. ELIGIBILITY FOR PATIENT REFERRALS: You must be eligible for CONTRACT HEALTH CARE. This is care provided away from the IHS Facility. You must first meet the Direct Care requirements and you must reside within a delivery area called the “ON or NEAR Regulation” The “ON” refers to an Indian/Native American eligible for Direct Care and lives within the boundaries of the Crow Creek Sioux Reservation. The “NEAR” refers to the members of the Crow Creek Sioux Tribe who live near the Crow Creek reservation where the Ft. Thompson IHS Health Center is located. Members of the Crow Creek Sioux Tribe who reside within our CHS delivery is (i.e., Buffalo, Brule, Hand, Hughes, Hyde, Lyman, and Stanley Counties) will meet the “NEAR” regulation. If the patient is not enrolled with the Crow Creek Sioux Tribe and “DOES NOT” live on the Crow Creek Reservation the patient “IS NOT” eligible for Contract Health Services. If the patient does not meet BOTH eligibility requirements for DIRECT CARE and Contract Health Care, “IHS WILL NOT PAY” for care provided at a non-IHS health care facility. NON-INDIAN BENEFICARIES: Any Non-Indian woman pregnant with an eligible Indian/Native American child will be required to show proof that she is eligible for prenatal and postnatal services either through marriage to an eligible Indian/Native American male or by statement from the eligible Indian/Native American that she is carrying his child. I have read & received a copy of the above information. ______________________________________________ Signature __________________ Date ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RECEIPT OF IHS NOTICE OF PRIVACY PRACTICES I HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT OF THE INDIAN HEALTH SERVICE (IHS) NOTICE OF PRIVACY PRACTICES AT: FORT THOMPSON INDIAN HEALTH SERVICES PO BOX 200 FORT THOMPSON, SOUTH DAKOTA 57339 ___________________________________________ Signature of Patient ________________________ Date ___________________________________________ Signature of Patient Representative ________________________ Date (State relationship to patient or witness (if signature is by thumb print or mark) ___________________________________________ Signature and Title of IHS Employee ________________________ Date FOR PATIENTS UNABLE TO ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE PATIENT WAS UNABLE TO ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT OF THE IHS NOTICE OF PRIVACY PRACTICES BECAUSE____________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________ Signature of IHS Employee ________________________ Date