
Chapter 9
It is better to have 100 functions operate on one data
structure than 10 functions on 10 data structures.
A. Perlis
Basic Terminology
Function Call and Return
Parameter Passing Mechanisms
Activation Records
Recursive Functions
Run Time Stack
“Subprogram”: an independent, reusable
program unit; performs a single logical task
Subprogram Types:
◦ Functions: modeled after mathematical functions
which return a single value; e.g., f(x) = x2 + x
 Purpose: use in an expression; e.g., y = f(x) * x;
◦ Subroutines: didn’t return values directly; worked
through side-effects: compute(X, Y)
 Called as independent statements.
Value-returning functions:
◦ The “non-void functions/methods” in C/C++/Java
◦ called from within an expression; e.g.,
x = (b*b - sqrt(4*a*c))/2*a
Non-value-returning functions:
◦ known as “procedures” in Ada, “subroutines” in
Fortran, “void functions/methods” in C/C++
◦ called as a separate statement; e.g.,
strcpy(s1, s2);
Fig 9.1 :
int h, i;
void B(int w) {
int j, k;
i = 2*w;
w = w+1;
void A(int x, int y) {
bool i, j;
int main() {
int a, b;
h = 5; a = 3; b = 2;
A(a, b);
◦ A parameter is an identifier that appears in a
function declaration.
◦ An argument is an expression that appears in a
function call.
Example: in Figure 9.1
◦ The function declaration A(int x, int y) has
parameters x and y.
◦ The call A(a, b) has arguments a and b.
Usually by number and by position.
◦ i.e., any call to A must have two arguments, and they must
match the corresponding parameters’ types.
Python: parameters aren’t typed
Perl - parameters aren’t declared in a function header.
Instead, parameters are stored in an array @_, and are
accessed using an array index.
◦ Ada - arguments and parameters can be linked by name;
e.g., the call A(y=>b, x=>a) is the same as A(a,b).
Compute the value of the argument at the
time of the call and assign that value to the
e.g., in the call A(a, b) in Fig. 9.1, a and b are
passed by value. So the values of parameters
x and y become 3 and 2, respectively when the
call begins.
Pass by value doesn’t allow the called function to
modify an argument’s value in the caller’s
Technically, all arguments in C and Java are
passed by value.
But references (adresses of arguments) can be
passed to allow argument values to be modified.
Compute the
address of the
argument at the
time of the call and
assign it to the
int h, i;
void B(int* w) {
int j, k;
i = 2*(*w);
*w = *w+1;
void A(int* x, int* y) {
bool i, j;
int main() {
int a, b;
h = 5; a = 3; b = 2;
A(&a, &b);
Pass by reference means the memory
address of the argument is copied to the
corresponding parameter so the parameter
is an indirect reference (a pointer) to the
actual argument.
Assignments to the parameter affect the
value of the argument directly, rather than a
copy of the value. This is an example of a
side effect.
In languages like C++ that support both
value and reference parameters, there must
be a way to indicate which is which.
◦ In C++, this is done by preceding the parameter
name in the function definition with an
ampersand (&) if the parameter is a reference
parameter. Otherwise, it is a value parameter.
Pass by value-result: Pass by value at the
time of the call and copy the result back to
the argument at the end of the call.
◦ E.g., Ada’s in out parameter can be implemented as
◦ Value-result is often called copy-in-copy-out.
Pass by result: Copy the final value of the
parameter out to the argument at the end of
the function call.
Reference and value-result are the same,
except when aliasing occurs.
Aliasing:refer to the same variable by two
names; e.g.,
◦ the same variable is both passed and globally
referenced from the called function,
◦ the same variable is passed to two different
parameters using a parameter method other than
pass by value.
◦ Having two pointers to the same location
Example parameter aliases in C++:
shift(int &a, int &b, int &c)
{ a = b; b = c; }
The result of shift(x, y, z) is that x is set
to y and y is set to z
The result of shift(x, y, x) is that x is set
to y but y is unchanged.
void f (int& x,
int& y)
x = x + 1;
y = y + 1;
Procedure f (x, y: in
out Integer) is
x = x + 1;
y = y + 1;
end f;
f(a,b) versus f(a,a)
f(a,b) versus f(a,a)
a = 2, b = 2; or a = 3, b = 1
Reference parameters
a = 2, b = 2; or a = 2, b = 1
In-out parameters
Textually substitute the argument for every
instance of its corresponding parameter in
the function body.
◦ Originated with Algol 60, but was dropped by
Algol’s successors -- Pascal, Ada, Modula.
◦ Exemplifies late binding, since evaluation of the
argument is delayed until its occurrence in the
function body is actually executed.
◦ Associated with lazy evaluation in functional
languages (see, e.g., Haskell discussion in Chapter
procedure swap(a, b);
integer a, b; // declare parameter types
begin integer t; // declare local variable
t = a;
// t = i
(t = 3)
a = b;
// i = a[i] (i = 1)
b = t; // a[i] = i (a[1] = 1)
Consider the call swap(i, a[i]) where i = 3 and
a = 9 4 -1 1 14
Instead of the expected result i = 1 and a[3] = 3
we get result: i = 1 and a[1] = 1
C/C++ macros (also called defines) adopt call
by name
◦ For example
#define max(a,b) ( (a)>(b) ? (a) : (b) )
◦ A "call" to the macro replaces the macro by the
body of the macro (called macro expansion), for
example max(n+1, m) is replaced by
((n+1)>(m)?(n+1):(m)) in the program text
◦ Macro expansion is applied to the program source
text and amounts to the substitution of the formal
parameters with the actual parameter expressions
Some methods of parameter passing cause side
effects, in this case meaning a change to the nonlocal environment.
◦ Call by value is “safe” – there are no side effects.
◦ Pass by reference can cause side effects.
Side effects may compromise readability and
◦ Example: p = (y*z) + f(x, y);
◦ If y is a reference parameter results could depend on
the operand evaluation order, which is not specified
in any grammar.
Using global variables in functions is dangerous.
Parameter lists & calls using actual arguments clarify
effects of the function.
Example: p = (y*x) + f(x, y);
Suppose f(x, y) returns x + y & increments y.
Assume when the call executes, x = 2 and y = 3
Sub-expressions evaluated left-to-right:
◦ y*x = 6, f(x,y) = 5, f returns 6+5 = 11, y is now set to 4
Or, sub-expressions evaluated right-to-left:
◦ f(2, 3) sets y to 4 and returns 5,
y*x = 2 * 4 = 8, p = 8 + 5 = 13
Remember there are no grammar rules that
specify the order of evaluation between (y*x)
and f(x,y).
Activation Records
The Run-time Stack
Two kinds of subprograms
◦ Those that act like a mathematical function
◦ Those that act by causing side effects.
Parameter passing mechanisms:
Dangers of side effects
Types of Data Storage
• Static – permanent allocation (e.g., h and i in the sample
• Stack: (stack-dynamic allocation) storage that contains
information about memory allocated due to function calls. When
a function is called, a block of storage is pushed onto the stack;
when the function exits this storage is popped.
• Heap: storage that contains dynamically allocated objects
(pointer-referenced) allocated/deallocated in a less predictable
order (dynamic memory allocation)
More about this in Chapter 10.
Stack storage: a collection of activation records.
Function activation: a particular execution of a
• If the function is recursive, several activations may
exist at the same time.
When a function is called storage is allocated to
hold information about that activation; when the
function terminates the storage is deallocated.
• (The stack top pointer is adjusted.)
What should be in the activation records?
Function call semantics requires the program to
• Save state of calling function
• Compute and pass parameters & return address
• Pass control to the function
Function return semantics
• Values of pass-by-value-result or out-parameters are
copied back to the arguments
• For value-returning functions, the returned value is
made available to the caller.
• Restore state & pass control to the calling function
A block of information associated with each
function call, which includes some or all of:
Parameters and local variables
Return address
Saved registers
Temporary variables
Return value (if any)
Static link
Dynamic link
Usually the format of the AR is known at
compile time.
Static link: points to the bottom of the
Activation Record (AR) of the static parent; used
to resolve non-local references.
◦ Needed in languages that allow nested
function definitions (Pascal, Algol, Ada, Java’s
inner classes) and for languages that have
global variables or nested blocks.
◦ Static link reflects static scope rules
Dynamic link: points to the top of the AR of the
calling function; used to reset the runtime stack
Simplified structure of a Called Method’s Stack Frame
Activation records are created when a
function (or block) is entered and deleted
when the function returns to its caller
(based on a template prepared by the
The stack is a natural structure for storing
the activation records (sometimes called
stack frames).
The AR at the top of the stack contains
information about the currently executing
Early languages did not use this approach –
all data needed for a function’s activation
was allocated statically at compile time.
Result: Only one set of locations for each
One set of locations for parameters
One set of locations for local variables,
One set of locations for return addresses,
What about recursive functions?
A function that can call itself, either directly
or indirectly, is a recursive function; e.g.,
int factorial (int n) {
if (n < 2)
return 1;
else return n*factorial(n-1);
Recursive call
When the first call is made, create an
activation record to hold its information
Each recursive call from the else will cause
another activation record to be added.
else return n*factorial(n-1);
Recursive self-call
When a function call is made, the runtime
◦ Allocates space for the stack frame (activation
record) by adjusting stack top pointer
◦ Stores argument values (if any) in the frame
◦ Stores the return address
◦ Stores a pointer to the static memory (the static
link) or enclosing scope.
◦ Stores a pointer to the stack frame of the calling
method (the dynamic link.)
Static Link
Dynamic Link
Local Variables
Return Address
Saved Registers
Temporary Values
Return Value
Figure 9.5: Structure of a Called
Function’s Activation Record
Consider the call factorial(3).
• This places one activation record onto the stack
and generates a second call factorial(2).
• This call generates the call factorial(1), so that
the stack has three activation records.
Another call, say factorial (6), would
require 6 ARs. With static storage
allocation (no stack), there is only one AR
per function, so recursion isn’t supported.
int factorial (int n) {
if (n < 2)
return 1;
else return n*factorial(n-1);
Link fields represented by blank entries
First call
Second call
Third call
returns 1
Second call
First call
returns 2*1=2 returns 3*2=6
if (n < 2)
return 1;
else return n*factorial(n-1)
Consider the program
from Figure 9.1: main
calls A, A calls B
The stack grows and
shrinks based on the
dynamic calling
On the next slide, we
see the stack when B is
As each function
finishes, its AR is
popped from the stack.
int h, i;
void B(int w) {
int j, k;
i = 2*w;
w = w+1;
void A(int x, int y) {
bool i, j;
int main() {
int a, b;
h = 5; a = 3; b = 2;
A(a, b);
Run-Time Stack with Stack Frames for Method Invocations
Figure 9.8
(Note: h shouldn’t be undefined; it is initialized when a & b are)
Three versions
of the stack: one after
main() is called but before it calls A,
one after A is called, one after B is
called. Consider lifetime and scope.
Any variable not in current activation
record must be in static memory to
be in scope.
Passing an Argument
by Reference Example
Suppose, in our sample
program, w had been a
reference parameter. Now,
when A calls B and passes in h
as a parameter, the address of
h is copied onto the stack. The
statement w = w + 1 will
change the actual value of h.
Static versus dynamic scoping
Concrete syntax for functions.
Static links implement static scoping
(nested scopes):
◦ In statically scoped languages, when B assigns to i,
the reference is to the global i
Dynamic scoping is based on the calling
sequence, shown in the dynamic linkage.
◦ In dynamically scoped languages, when B assigns to
i, the reference would be to the i defined in A
(most recent in calling chain)
In either case the links allow a function to
refer to non-local variables.
Progr  { Type Identifier FunctionOrGlobal}
Type  int | boolean | float | char | void
FunctionOrGlobal  ( Parameters ) { Declarations
Statements }
Parameters  [ Parameter { , Parameter } ]
Global  { , Identifier } ;
MainFunction  int main ( ) { Declarations
Statements }
Statement  ; | Block | Assignment |
IfStatement |
WhileStatement | CallStatement |
CallStatement  Call ;
ReturnStatement  return Expression ;
Factor  Identifier | Literal | ( Expression ) |
Call  Identifier ( Arguments )
Arguments  [ Expression { , Expression } ]