Price elasticity of demand

© 2012 Taylor & Francis
Chapter 4
Further Issues of
Demand and Supply
© 2012 Taylor & Francis
By the end of this section students will be able to:
 evaluate the work/leisure trade-off
 evaluate the notion of a ‘leisure society’
 understand and apply the concept of price elasticity of
 understand and apply the concept of income elasticity of
 understand and apply the concept of cross price elasticity
of demand
 describe simple methods of demand forecasting
 evaluate techniques of demand forecasting
Learning Outcomes
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© 2012 Taylor & Francis
Two potential effects of an increase in income on the
demand for leisure time:
The substitution effect: First, an increase in
income means an increase in the opportunity
cost of leisure time. In this case we may expect
consumers to demand less leisure time.
The income effect: Leisure time can be
classed as a ‘normal service’, and in common
with other ‘normal’ goods and services, as
income increases more will be demanded.
 Choice or rigidity?
The demand for leisure
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 Joffre Dumazedier (1967): The Leisure Society
 Have we become a Leisure Society?
 Space Tourism
Trends in work and leisure: A leisure society?
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Certainly in the developed world the
opportunities for leisure have never
been better, fuelled by rising incomes,
technological advances and a dazzling
array of new products.
A leisure society?
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But there are several paradoxes surrounding the
Leisure Society. The first concerns leisure as a social
The cinema at least provides an opportunity for
social interaction in leisure.
 But there are also signs of a retreat from leisure as
a social activity to that of a solitary one.
A leisure society?
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A Leisure Society also suggests
leisure for all but…
First there is that of
involuntary leisure.
Unemployment has remained
obstinately high in many parts
of Europe.
Second for large populations
in many parts of the world,
working conditions are harsh,
pay is low and paid holidays are
A leisure society?
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‘Money rich, time poor’
The Overworked American.
TINS (Two Incomes No Sex)
A leisure society?
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Steady increase of working women
Linder’s (1970) The Harried Leisure Class
Homogenisation of leisure
Do not appear to be a Society at Leisure
Work remarkably hard but now play hard too.
A leisure society?
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Definition: Percentage change in quantity
demanded ÷ Percentage change in price
Price elasticity of demand
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© 2012 Taylor & Francis
Factors affecting price elasticity of demand
necessity of good or service
number of substitutes
price and usefulness
time period
consumer awareness
Elasticity of demand and total revenue
Price elasticity of demand
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Which of these would you expect
to demonstrate more inelastic
RipCurl (name brand, few
close substitutes) whereas
many substitutes for AVIS car
Price elasticity of demand
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Percentage change in quantity demanded ÷
Percentage change in income
Calculation of income elasticity of demand
enables an organization to determine whether its
goods and services are
normal or
Income elasticity of demand
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The Hotel Biltmore, Bondi Beach,
LA Fitness UK Health Club
Which of these has positive and
which negative income elasticity
of demand?
LAF = Positive
Biltmore = Negative
Income elasticity of demand
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Percentage change in quantity demanded of
good A ÷ Percentage change in price of good
Cross-price elasticity of demand measures the
relationship between different goods and services.
It therefore reveals whether goods are
complements or
Cross-price elasticity of demand
© 2012 Taylor & Francis
Methods for forecasting demand (Frechtling, 2001) include:
naive forecasting
qualitative forecasts
time-series extrapolation
Delphi technique
Demand forecasting
© 2012 Taylor & Francis
Income effect
change in demand caused by change in income.
Substitution effect
change in demand caused by change in relative prices.
Price elasticity of demand
the responsiveness of demand to a change in price.
Inelastic demand
demand is unresponsive to a change in price.
Elastic demand
demand is responsive to a change in price.
Income elasticity of demand
the responsiveness of demand to a change in income.
Review of key terms
© 2012 Taylor & Francis
Cross-price elasticity of demand
the responsiveness of demand for one good to a change
in the price of another good.
Time series
a set of data collected regularly over a period of time.
Seasonal variation
regular pattern of demand changes apparent at different
times of year.
extending time-series data into the future based on trend.
Delphi technique
finding consensus view of experts.
Review of key terms
© 2012 Taylor & Francis