Welcome to the Ecology Self-Paced Unit

Ecology Self-Paced Unit
Each section (usually a week long period) during this unit, you will learn 2-3 Nevada State
Science Standards regarding the subject of Ecology. To learn these standards, we’ve developed a
list of assignments for each. You are able to pick and choose from these assignments to
complete. Some assignments will be done in class and are marked as such. A minimum number
of points will be required for each standard for each section. Also, for each section, there will be
a quiz on the assigned standards.
Section One- 50 points to be completed as followsStandards to address:
1. Identify characteristics of Earth necessary for supporting life (10 points)
2. Explain that our Earth is part of our solar system which is located within the Milky Way Galaxy
(20 points)
3. Identify living and non-living components of an ecosystem and their interactions (20 points)
Ecology Vocabulary
Earth, Solar System, Abiotic Factors
1. Habitat
2. Organism
3. Population
4. Community
5. Ecosystem
6. Biosphere
7. Ecology
8. Ecologist
9. Biotic
10. Abiotic
Standard #1 Characteristics of Earth Necessary for Supporting Life (20 points)
1. Create a travel brochure advertising for people to visit a new planet. Show how the planet has all the
things necessary for human survival. (10 points)
2. Complete the Brainpopquiz or worksheet about the Earth video available from your teacher. (10 points)
3. Pretend that you are a space alien planning an “Earth Zoo”. Write a letter to your zoo design team
telling them what they need to include to support the life forms you will acquire on our planet. (15 points)
4. Using the vocabulary listed above, create a crossword (NOT a word search) that uses the definitions of
the words as clues. Include a key. You may also create vocabulary maps for each of the vocabulary using
index cards. (10 points).
5. Using the “Crash Landing” Worksheet, determine which of the available planets you would choose to
land on and explain why you chose that planet. Remember the requirements for life on Earth and find the
planet that would best fit our needs. (10 points)
6. Notes (5 points)
Standard #2 Earth is Part of the Solar System Located within the Milky Way Galaxy (10 points)
1. Why could humans not live on Venus? Write 3-5 sentences to answer that question, citing your
resource. 4 sentences minimum (5 points).
2. Research and list 10 galaxies in the universe. When were these discovered? Are there any signs of life
in any of them? (10 points)
3. Write a 1 paragraph essay on what galaxy we live in, how it got its name and who named it, with
source cited. (5 points)
4. Create a physical solar system model with at least 2 sentences per planet explaining why life cannot
exist on that planet. (20 points w/explanations, 5 points without)
5. Complete the Brainpop quiz or worksheet about the Solar System or Milky Way Galaxy videos
available from your teacher. (10 points)
6. Create a Solar System Song (describing our solar system) or a Milky Way Galaxy Song (describing our
position in the galaxy) to a familiar tune. (10 points)
7. Create a Podcast (1 1/2 minutes minimum) or Powerpoint (5 slides minimum) advertising Earth as the
travel destination of the year. Make sure to give directions so visitors can find us! (15 points)
8. Notes (5 points)
Standard #3 Identify Living and Non-living Components of an Ecosystem (20)
1. Create an Abiotic Factors Foldable that defines the 6 abiotic factors and their role in an ecosystem. (5
points, in class)
2. Write a what-if story about what would happen if our planet no longer had air, water, soil, or the Sun
stopped shining. Use details and write at least 3 consequences. 5 sentences minimum (10 points)
3. Complete the living/nonliving worksheet provided by your teacher, identifying biotic/abiotic features in
an environment. (5 points)
4. Create an Illustration on a white construction paper (from here called the Eco-Illustration) that shows at
least 5 abiotic factors in an environment. Label these items. (15 points, in class- 10 points for factors, 5
points for neatness/color)
5. Create a Podcast (1 1/2 minutes minimum) or Powerpoint (6 slides minimum) listing the 6 abiotic
factors and explaining the importance of each to life on our planet. (15 points)
6. Notes (5 points)Abiotic Factors from the Ecology book.
7. Activity 74 Observing Organisms (Blackworms) from SALI(5 points)
Due Dates
Section 1 Assignments are to be turned in on Friday, 4/20/12. There will be 2 computer lab days for
Section 1 Quiz will be on Friday, 4/20/12.