ch10_Ottenheimer PPT

The Anthropology of Language: An
Introduction to Linguistic
Chapter 10
Doing Linguistic Anthropology
Doing Linguistic Anthropology
Language extinction and revitalization
Unmasking hidden bias in language
Linguistic Anthropology today
Using linguistic anthropology
Language Extinction
• How many languages in the world?
• 6,300 current estimate
– How many are at risk (under 20,000 speakers)?
• Nearly 4,000
– How many have fewer than 100 speakers?
• Nearly 500
Language Revitalization
• Factors that can help (Yamamoto):
Dominant culture favors linguistic diversity
Speakers have strong sense of ethnic identity
There are educational/cultural programs
There are bilingual programs in the schools
Native speakers are trained as language teachers
The speech community is involved
There are easy-to-use language materials
There is literature in the language
There are environments where the language is used
Hidden Bias in Language: Gender
• Marked and unmarked forms
– Are unmarked forms really neutral?
• Anyone in KS can have an abortion if he wants one?
• Words and metaphors
– Descriptors: handsome, pleasant
– Metaphors: IDEAS are BUILDINGS
• Discourse
– Address forms
• “Hello, girls” / “Greetings, professor”
Hidden Bias in Language: Racism
• The non-neutrality of unmarked forms
– Did the South really lose the Civil War?
• Words and metaphors
– The guys in the white hats
– The dark side
• Discourse
– Mock Spanish:
a site for the unconscious reproduction of racism
(Jane Hill)
Linguistic Anthropology Today
• Increasing focus on discourse
Language in cultural settings
Language as a cultural resource
Speaking as a cultural practice
Communicating across cultures
• With renewed attention to descriptive analysis
• And renewed attention to language origins
• Maintaining a four-field focus
Using Linguistic Anthropology
• Learning new languages
– a fieldwork approach
• Learning new languacultures (Agar)
– ethnosemantics
– Rich Points on the MAR
• Reading and thinking critically about
language, and more…
Never forget!
• The importance of ethics
– Being a good guest
– Adapting to different living styles
– Adjusting frames of reference
– Providing culturally relevant assistance
– Doing no harm
• The AAA code of ethics
• Language Creating
– Prepare your skits (everyone should be present)
– Hand in your project books for grading (remember,
consistency counts)
• Conversation Partnering
– Saying goodbye and thank you!
• OR
– Arranging to stay in touch with your CP
• Preparing for the final exam
– Study questions on the companion web site
• An advanced course in linguistic anthropology?