Minutes November 2015[nh]

Alison Ellis
100 Widecombe Lane
Nottingham, NG11 9GY
Tel: 07882289083
Fax: 0115 8379854
In the Chair
Rob Severn (RS)
Alison Ellis (AE)
Chief Officer: Nick Hunter (NH)
Ketan Chandi (KC), Linda Ferguson (LF), Dave Fernley (DF), Gordon Heeley (GH), Louise Keating
(LK), Phil Kielthy (PK), Mary Lee (ML), Dayaram Mistry (DM), Ankish Patel (AP) – until 2pm,
Vijay Pujara (VP), James Sutcliffe (JaS)
 Garry Myers, PSNC Regional Representative
 Chris Kenny, Director of Public Health
 Prema Nirgude, Healthwatch Nottinghamshire
 Donna Clarke, Healthwatch Nottinghamshire
 Andy Ambler, Clinical Services Lead, CRI
 Mindy Bassi, Assistant Director of Medicines Management, Nottingham City CCG
 Peter McGavin, Interim Chief Exec, Healthwatch Nottingham
 Michelle Peet, Project & Business Change Manager, NHIS
 Gerald Ellis, project Manager, Pharmacy Transformation , N&S CCG
 Amanda Rawlings, N&S CCG
 Alastair Nixon, Solutions4Health
 Jon Such, LPC member (JonS)
 Claire Thomas, Chief Officer of Sheffield LPC
 David Russell, Chair of Sheffield LPC
Welcomed the observers and also new member James Sutcliffe, Boots rep
Governance Items
a) Review membership – welcome new members
CCA are aware of ZS leaving the LPC and are organising replacement but this has not been confirmed yet. AE
to chase up with the CCA.
Action: AE to contact CCA and ask if they have confirmed the replacement CCA member
b) Member / contractor allocation – changes in membership – Attachments A (these were forwarded
Members to look at their lists and inform AE of any changes that need to be made and then discuss this at
the November 2015 meeting once we have new member details.
Cannot do any further until receive new member details.
c) Open discussion regarding frequency and style of meetings
– please note no decision will be made at this meeting it is for the committee to come up with options
which they can reflect on and decide on a later date.
Currently monthly meetings – believe in whole committee decision
Looking at other LPCs in the area – meet bi-monthly
Each meeting costs approx £3000
Recently had more members missing at meetings – work pressures etc.
Struggling to get things done – suggestion that the month that don’t meet then this time can be used to
complete some of the subgroup workload – meet commissioners, LPC guide, etc to use the time. This can
then be paid time.
If went to bi-monthly meetings and missed a meeting then this would be a quarter of the year missed
Need to look at how effective the LPC is – investment in time
Last year members expressed that they were going to do more but this has not worked all of the time and
resulted in some members taking on more work than others.
Previously have had bi-monthly meetings and this did not work as felt that missed things in between.
Also previously had a subcommittee for contracts but feel that the committee needed to make this decision
as a whole and wish to discuss at the meetings.
If drop meetings then need to have set work groups and organise clearly – set out plans, funds, prioritise
?? stop the August and December meetings in the future as they are usually under attended
Asked members to think about and discuss with each other the options and views and bring back to
December meeting to discuss plus have a finance review
have 5 meetings a year – full day
Contracts – email group – have a subcommittee for contracts who come up with recommendations and then
the whole committee make decision
128 contractors
Surrey LPC (when JaS was chair)
- Bi monthly meetings-had a strict ruling if missed meetings
- Struggled to get people to do work in between – need to have set days and funding
Action: Members to go back to their companies and also discuss between themselves the options of
reducing committee meetings etc and then bring back opinions for discussion at December LPC
a) Reduce committee meetings – August and December 2015
b) Move to bi-monthly meetings and then use the free months to complete workgroup actions –
properly organised and funded.
Atlas of Variation – NHS health information We will spend half an hour reviewing this resource and
determining how best to make use of the content.
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The Atlas of Variation can be found at http://www.rightcare.nhs.uk/index.php/atlas/nhs-atlas-ofvariation-in-healthcare-2015/
The compendium Atlas has 102 maps detailing widespread variation in the quality, cost, activity and health
outcome of healthcare in the English NHS. Almost 25% of the indicators focus on children and young people
services. The Atlas is collaboration with NHS England, Public Health England and NHS Right Care.
Also available is an additional tool which allows commissioners to overlay information – see link below.
Unfortunately did not have the time to go through this month due to the amount of topics to discuss –
forward to December 2015
Action: AE to include Atlas of Variation onto the December 2015 meeting agenda
2.1 Apologies for absence
 Jon Such (JonS)
2.2 Acceptance of the minutes from 15th October 2015 - Attachment B1
Reminded that they are published publically – check that actins and comments are correct
Proposed GH, Seconded DM
2.3 Action points from 15th October 2015 – Attachment B2 and B3
1) Rushcliffe Meds Man
NH has emailed Vicky Bailey explaining the cancellation of the medicines management meetings recently.
Invited to either attend a LPC meeting or meet with NH and JonS separately – waiting for response
2) Well finance
The outstanding payments for Well have all been sorted and received invoices – more in the minutes under
finance section
3) Mystery shopper – Public Health Nottinghamshire + Healthwatch report
AE has checked with PH if the report is ok to send to contractors and this has been emailed to all contractors
for their information
4) SCR
Sam Travis is currently on annual leave so unable to attend the LPC meeting – forward to December 2015
Action: ST to attend the December LPC meeting to update on SCR implementation
5) Setting up provider company
Not written out to contractors yet but it was discussed at the LPC conference that PSNC were looking at
setting up a national provider group
Action: Review PSNC provider company proposals and consider if still need to do locally. If so NH/AE
will write to contractors (post letters to independents) + inform CCA and AIMp companies, and ask if
interested in setting up a provider company meeting. Need to explain the situation around what is
involved and the LPC’s position. If there is enough interest then put on an evening to discuss the
6) Notts TV
Agreed to wait until January 2016 – new HW chief officer
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Action: AP to see if Nottinghamshire Healthwatch are interested in working together with LPC on a slot
for Notts TV. Gather more information about the work and cost involved in setting up a program
7) Nottingham West meds man
Forward to December LPC meeting
Action: AE / NH to write to Naresh Chauhan to officially thank him for his support and work in
Nottingham West and for attending the medicines management meetings
The NIMS group have not met recently and so still need to review the TOR. Mindy Bassi (City CCG) and
Adriece Al Rifa (NUH) are aware of the LPCs interest in attending this meeting.
Action: AE to check with Adriece Al Rifa and Mindy Bassi when the NIMS group will review the
membership and TOR as to whether the LPC can be involved in the meetings.
9) Careers talk
AE has contacted Nottingham University and booked PK to give a career talk in December 2016
10) Contract monitoring of PH services
Visited GH’s pharmacy this week regarding sexual health services to do a trial contract monitoring session
to go through the questions etc – this went well – took 1 ½ hours to complete this and PH are going to
review the questionnaire and rewrite the booklet. PH found the session very useful. Local authority
auditors are pushing for these monitoring visits to take place on services they commission.
Still to visit DM’s pharmacy
Action: GH to pass on information to DM regarding the visit so he is prepared for when PH visit his
pharmacy so he is aware of the change in questions and see if the revised questionnaire is better.
11) Training for pharmacists by CRI
AE and AP have not been in contact with Crime Drug Partnership regarding training sessions - reviewing
training sessions later in the meeting and will organise for next year.
Action: AP and AE to liaise with Crime Drug Partnership (City) around training sessions for pharmacies.
12) Media Skills training
Places for RS and AP have been booked – 27/11/15
13) Eczema training
Not completed yet – forward to December 2015 meeting
PK has been in contact with a pharma company who will be able to help sponsor the training and provide
some samples of emollient cream. AP also to contact his pharma companies.
Action: AP/AE to contact sponsor for the eczema training session
Action: AP to contact other pharma companies around supplying samples of emollient creams – have a
market stall for pharmacists to try so they are aware what the creams are actually like.
AP to meet / speak with the patient support group and ask if they can help with the training – patient
14) Mental health training – City CCG
Forward to December 2015 meeting
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Action: AE to find some information on mental health front line training and if pharmacy can be involved
in this. – Caroline Brew at the CCG.
15) APC
Garry Myers, PSNC representative, is attending the APC meeting on 19.11.15 with AP to talk about the drug
budget and pharmacy finance
16) LPC guide
AE has been in contact with ZS asking for the LPC guide information so that LPC members can work on
completing the guide. Not received anything through yet.
2.4 Declarations of Interest for any item on the agenda
If any member has any personal or pecuniary interest whatsoever in any matter, they
should declare it or not actively contribute to the discussion unless asked by the rest of
the committee to provide factual information to aid their understanding. In either case
they should not vote on the item
NHS Contract Matters
Applications summary spreadsheet SYB – nothing received
A - Primary care support services - relocating services delivered by our Mansfield office Attachment C
Advised members to read this – central office undertaking the admin (private company), but local decisions
Timescales changed
Supply management of stationery – web form and fax.
3.1 New contracts-Routine
Nothing received
3.2 New contracts-Excepted
3.2.1 Application for inclusion in the pharmaceutical list in respect of a distance selling pharmacy
By: Nup S Corporation ltd
At: Suite 10, Arnold Business Centre, Brookfield Gardens, Arnold, NG5 7ER
Closing date: 10th December 2015
Interest: GH, LF, PK, JaS
Location seems feasible. Applicant states - Not providing any advanced or enhanced services so do not
need a floor plan layout – no regulatory requirement – need to check.
Applicant is director of Sherwood Late Night Pharmacy – have a pharmacy less than 2 miles away which
seems odd as why need another pharmacy so close.
Response: a) Mention that the applicant has not provided a floor layout as will not be having a
consultation room – not sure if this is still needed to be provided even though they have stated that
currently not providing advanced services.
Contract applications received from other areas
Nothing received
3.3 Litigation
3.3.1 SHA/18111 – Application for inclusion in the pharmaceutical list offering unforeseen benefits
where the premises are not known
By: ePrescriptions Ltd
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At: Vicinity of Ruby’s Avenue, Fernwood, Newark, Nottinghamshire, NG24 3RS
Responses received – information
3.3.2 SHA/18076 – Application for inclusion in the pharmaceutical list offering unforeseen benefits
By: ePrescriptions Ltd
At: Nottingham Road, Eastwood, NG16 3AL
Refused at appeal
3.4 Decisions
3.4.1 Application in respect of a change of ownership
From: Sainsbury’s Supermarkets Ltd
To: Lloyds Pharmacy Ltd
At: Nottingham Road, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, NG18 1BW
Approved – appeal by 10th December 2015
3.4.2 Application in respect of a change of ownership
From: Sainsbury’s Supermarkets Ltd
To: Lloyds Pharmacy Ltd
At: Sir John Robinson Way, Arnold, Nottingham, NG5 6BN
Approved – appeal by 10th December 2015
3.4.3 Application in respect of a change of ownership
From: Sainsbury’s Supermarkets Ltd
To: Lloyds Pharmacy Ltd
At: Highgrounds Road, Rhodesia, Worksop, S80 3AT
Approved – appeal by 10th December 2015
3.5. Amendments
3.5.1 Amendment 378 – change of address
By: Amcare Ltd T/A Trent Direct
From: Trent House, Meadowbank Way, Eastwood
To: Unit 14, Eastwood Links Business Park, Eastwood, Nottinghamshire
3.5.2 Amendment 379 - new pharmacy opened
By: Medi-Direct International Ltd T/A Tower Pharmacy
At: Unit 24 Tower House, Ruddington Lane, Nottingham, NG11 7EP
Opened 19th October 2015
3.5.3 Amendment 380 – new distance selling pharmacy
By: Clickcare Pharmacy Ltd
At: Unit 18 Ashforth Business Centre, Ashforth Street, Nottingham, NG3 4BG
Opened 26th October 2015
3.6. Responses received
3.6.1 Application for inclusion in the pharmaceutical list in respect of distance selling pharmacy
By: Med One Consortium Ltd
At: 2-6 Mansfield Road, Eastwood, Nottingham, NG16 3AQ
Further response by 17th November 2015
Declaration of interest RS, AP, ML (Well), PK, JaS (Boots)
3.6.2 Application in respect of a No significant change relocation
By: Fittleworth Medical Ltd (DAC)
From: Robey close, Linby, Nottingham, NG15 8AA
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To: Suite 2a, Oakham Business Park, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire
Further response by 16th November 2015
No further response
3.6.3 Application in respect of a No significant change relocation
By: Fittleworth Medical Ltd (DAC) T/A Wilkinson Dispensing Ltd
From: Glaisdale Drive, Bilborough, Nottingham
To: Unit 1 Phoenix Centre, Millennium Way West, Nottingham
Treasurer’s report – GH
4.1 Finances October 2015 – Attachment D1
Received – 17,659.86
Paid PSNC 2nd half of the levy - £32,883.00
Accountant - £240
Received all outstanding invoices for Well now – approx £2000
Total - £46,303.99
4.2 Cash flow – Attachment D2
Expecting to be underspent by £12,653 – have money to fund members to complete extra work if required.
On target for PSNC recommended 6 month (£105,000) reserve by end of next financial year.
4.3 Revised accounts for 2014-15 – Attachment D3
GH reported undertaking a review of the 2014-15 Management Accounts (MA) as part of annual preparation
of the accounts for the AGM primarily to re-state amounts payable to the Coop/ Well which did not transpire or
were delayed into 2015 -16 accounts and to check for any errors or omissions; it was explained that this
review did not affect the Bank Account in any way or the Annual Statement of Accounts prepared for the AGM
and was a housekeeping exercise to ensure the Management Accounts were in line with these.
The impact was to instate payments to Boots for PK in May and June (amounts paid to Boots at the time but
not recorded on MA) and overpayments to DF, KC and NH which amounted to £1.44 which it was decided this
could be written off and an overpayment to LLoyds in Oct which was balanced with a nil payment this year;
effectively reducing the MA balance by £451.04. The Coop reconciliation re-instated £1012.50 in unclaimed
attendance expenses and under the "3 month" rule would now no longer be paid. The Net result is to add
£561.46 to the running balance of the Management Accounts.
The Committee decided to accept these changes subject to any questions arising in the December
Management Accounts.
Chief Officer / Chair reports
5.1 PSNC conference – 04.11.15 – DF, VP, LK, NH and RS – Attachment E
Changed way they engage – more open with members present. Much better than in past.
What are the priorities?
General acknowledgement of the increased costs re EPS
Nominations – not being set
National provider company – requested by a few LPCs
How should the pharmacy contract evolve?
Talk of changes – locally talk of Derbyshire / Nottinghamshire elected mayor and one council covering whole
area like Manchester.
Problems with Manchester – didn’t engage with the LPC – went through LPN instead which is secondary care
Could open up opportunities - Chaotic environment at the moment with amount of commissioners need to
speak to – would make easier to communicate and have more integrated dialogue if one devolved Council in
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control. However, risk is they do not understand community pharmacy.
5.2 AYP week and flu – NPA posters
NPA have provided posters with the Community Pharmacy Nottinghamshire logo on advertising Ask
pharmacy about medicines and flu vaccines – A2 and A3. These are to be distributed to independent
pharmacies. Members to take some of these to their local pharmacies in the area and remaining pharmacies
to have these delivered by post – NPA to cover the costs for this.
5.3 Pharmacy2u court case –
Fined £180,000. GPhC are also looking into. Demonstrates seriousness of data protection.
5.4 Future of LRC’s meeting on 15.10.15 – RS attended – Attachment F
David Geddes initiated the meeting
Dentist / Medics – providing pastoral care – wishing to have no suicides in the professions – hand holding as
workload increasing. LPC does not do to any great extent, but will need to do in the future as NHS England
are becoming smaller.
Every committee are having trouble with engaging with CCG’s – asked if could make statutory to be on the
CCG board meetings.
LPN’s were not mentioned
Federations were discussed – Community Pharmacy West Yorkshire and London
Query whether hold another meeting in 6 months time – no indication that there is any plan to scrap LRCs rather that wish to increase role.
5.5 Community Pharmacy and Assistive Technology – pharmacy referring patients – Attachment V
Nottingham City CCG wish to involve the LPC in these conversations - NH will liaise and attend future
5.6 Pharmacy First Minor Ailments Scheme – Eastwood
CCG have emailed stating problems with Pharmacy First and that if do not improve then cannot see the CCG
agreeing to increase in fee paid.
NHS England are the commissioners – NH will speak to Sam Travis.
Area managers are currently training up pharmacists to provide the service.
Need to have some engagement with Nottingham West CCG – Boots area manager meets with Nottingham
West CCG regularly at the moment. NH to meet and discuss with area managers.
Action: NH to discuss Pharmacy First in Eastwood with Sam Travis, NHS England, and check if she is
aware of any current problems.
Action: LPC need to build up relationships again with Nottingham West CCG
5.7 PSNC Leadership Academy
Launched at PSNC conference. 12 places available. Consists of one day in March and one day in April 2016.
RS interested in attending and members all agreed that RS should put his name forward.
Action: RS to contact PSNC and put his name forward for one of the 12 places on the Leadership
5.8 Pharmacists in GP practicesPilot sites
- Willowbrook Practice in Mansfield and Ashfield
- Nottingham West CCG – set up a provider company – not sure which practices are involved.
5.9 NH and AE reviews
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Members noted that RS reviewed in October 2015 – RS reported excellent progressing being made towards
targets and thanked NH and AE for their continued hard work to support the committee. In particular it was
noted that AE was now representing the LPC at key City meetings in order to help manage overall workload.
Garry Myers, PSNC Regional Representative
 PSNC confidential briefing
Garry gave a PSNC update to members on current hot topics
Lisa Rosewarne, Market Access and Commercial Manager - Midlands, South West and Wales
Tillotts Pharma UK Limited
 Mesalazine MR prescribing and supporting pharmacists with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
patients through increasing the number of IBD MURs.
UCandme website – Lisa will send through information on this for forwarding on to contractors.
Open meeting 2pm – 3pm
Prema Nirgude and Donna Clarke - Healthwatch Nottinghamshire and Nottingham
 Question of the month report – Attachment T
Overview of Healthwatch given by Prema. Explained that received comments regarding community /
hospital pharmacy – a few concerns and lots of good comments.
Question of the month – focused question on certain services to gain more information
Nottinghamshire County and Nottingham City – online survey and also through newsletter
Gave out surveys at events including Mansfield, Rushcliffe and had ‘Have your say’ points / ‘Talk to us’ points
in Bassetlaw and Hyson Green.
Received total of 309 replies - 125 from city and 113 county with 72 not stating
Average 4.2 rating
Need to send report out to all pharmacies and have a covering letter from the LPC.
LPC members to meet with healthwatch to go through information received and how best to present this to
Need to use this publically alongside Healthwatch in the media etc. Joe Pidgeon and Martin Galwith are
meeting with Notts TV next week – stated that the LPC are willing to work jointly on this.
Website widget - include this on the LPC website – feeds into the Healthwatch feedback centre and then will
pass on any comments received to the LPC.
Will be published on the Healthwatch website and newsletter.
Healthwatch have offered help with sending this report out to contractors
Invite to a pharmacy so they can see how a pharmacy works and also the sexual health services
Action: NH, RS, AE to meet with Prema Nirgude and Donna Clarke to go through the results and discuss
presenting to contractors. Also discuss working with Healthwatch on Notts TV
Andy Ambler - CRI
Still looking at contracts – out of contract at the moment – a couple of things to look at re clinical issues
- Looking at January 2016
PharmOutcomes – views on trialling in some pharmacies reporting missed pickups on day 1 – simple
questions – new pathway – easier to communicate.
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Restructuring of admin teams – looking at increasing staff.
Asking for volunteer pharmacies to be involved in the pilot – need a large volume pharmacy
Karl Brisco –Brisco Chemist ( NH will ask if he is willing to do this as expressed interest previously)
Louise Keating – Dudley Taylor, Blidworth
Mary Lee – Well, Newark
Action: NH to contact Karl Brisco to see if he is interested in being part of the pilot for inputting missed
pick-ups on PharmOutcomes.
Action: AE to contact Andy Ambler at CRI with names of pharmacies who wish to be involved in the
PharmOutcomes pilot – LK – Dudley Taylor, ML – Well, and KB – Brisco Chemist
Chris Kenny, Director of Public Health Nottinghamshire
 General PH update
Now part of the adults and health directorate – change to corporate directors
David Pearson is director. Moving onto council terms and conditions, new job descriptions and pay scale by
1st April 2016
PH grants
6.2% cut in June - £2.6m – assuming will be recurrent
Pay announcement being given next week – expecting year by year cuts
Council will be formally consulting on the proposals with the LPC.
1 year into CRI contract – outcome based contract- focused on recovery substance misuse
Obesity weight management (Everyone Health) – 6 months
Solutions4health - new provider for tobacco control
Sexual health – providers not changed
South – NUH
Bassetlaw – Doncaster
North – Sherwood Forest
Health visitors moved over to PH. New service model from April 2016 – outcomes based
Healthy Child programme - not commissioning just qualified Health Visitors
 Questions from LPC ??
a) Possibility of joint council in Nottingham / Derby?
CEO spending 30-40% time on devolution.
Devolved administration – cabinet of all 19 local authorities – all have to agree to this. Whether Health and
Social care will be involved is not sure. There isn’t a natural centre for Notts /Derbys like Manchester
Suggested that invite David Pearson, Director of the Adults and health Section, Nottinghamshire County
Council, to attend a LPC meeting to discuss the devolution of the council.
Action: NH to invite David Pearson, Nottinghamshire County Council, to discuss the possibility of the
devolution of council
b) Nottingham City Public Health
Alison Challenger is the interim Director of Public Health
They have different concerns in the City – more alcohol and crime
c) LA authority auditors - Audits in public health – are Nottinghamshire County PH being audited?
Chris Kenny was not aware of the council being asked to audit their services like other councils in the area.
CK apologised for the Sexual Health SLA - NH met Sally Handley last week and went through the whole
document and feel that this is now sorted.
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Solutions for Health (Tobacco Control ) – Alastair Nixon
 Attending 17th December meeting
Members are advised that many PSNC communications are now communicated electronically and
repeated on the PSNC website. It is recommended that members regularly visit the PSNC website ‘ LPC
members’ area to access the latest information available on www.psnc.org,uk
PSNC briefings / newsletters
6.1.1 News: Pharmacies ace flu service; CPAF Reminder; EPS case studies; MHRA Safety Update
6.1.2 LPC News: Brilliant flu results; CPAF update; Summary Care Records; Public health events
6.1.3 NCSO/Price Concessions October 2015 (further update)
6.1.4 News: Latest flu vaccination news; Understanding your prescription business; Practice Payment
change; CPAF deadline reminder; Public health resources
6.1.5 NCSO/Price Concessions October 2015 (further update)
6.1.6 NCSO/price concessions November 2015
6.1.7 PSNC Leadership Academy - Developing leading for the future
6.1.8 News: Check34 webinar; Latest PSNC resources; New CD requisition form; Universal Credit update;
Pharmacy's role in urgent care
Action: Include on the newsletter information regarding the new CD requisition form
6.1.9 PSNC webinar: Using Check34 to monitor your pharmacy's prescription business
Highlighted to members
6.1.10 LPC News: Summary Care Record access; LRCs and NHS England meeting; New service development
resources; EPS masterclass feedback; Upcoming LPC training
6.2 PSNC Events
1) LPC Media Skills Training – 27th November 2015 – RS and AP attending
2) LPC Support Training – Financial Management for LPC’s – 24th November 2015
3) LPC Members Day 2015 – 19th November 2015 & 1st December 2015 (Additional date just added)
Wait until the new CCA member is in place and let them know about the new member’s days.
6.3 PSNC regional meeting - Wednesday 2nd December 2015 – RS, LK and NH attending
Agenda items needed
 Joint letter to the RPS – speak to other chairs and see what they think as current RPS actions seem to
be undermining contractor base
 Feedback from PSNC committee meetings – Thought that it was a briefing but got there and said
that it was for members to ask questions. Need more PSNC committee members to stay and talk to
LPC members
6.4 PSNC committee meeting invite (Birmingham) – Wednesday 11th November - KC report
Invited to the briefing after the 2 day meeting
12-15 LPC members attended. Only 3-4 PSNC members stayed. Peter Cattee – has asked for joint LPC
meeting with Derbyshire.
Talked about practice pharmacists and community pharmacy should engage with them so not a
‘them and us’ situation like meds management teams.
Nominations of prescriptions – no one to enforce this. As long as there is a 1% capacity then it is not
a complete systems failure
National Provider Company being set up.
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Tenders and bids / Consultations / Service Opportunities
7.1 Integrated Sexual Health Service – Nottingham City and Nottinghamshire County
Update given earlier in the meeting
7.2 Tobacco control tender – update
Solution4Healthawarded the contract and are attending the December LPC meeting
Standing items / Items for discussion
8.1 Training update
Asthma / COPD NMS and MURs – Chiesi – Wednesday 11th November 2015 (City)
This was cancelled due to very low numbers – as already committed to venue used as a general contractor
briefing / update instead.
Will avoid using Derbyshire Hotel again as very expensive. If doing a County training session then will use
the White Post Pub where we can.
City CCG had a training event the day before so this would have affected numbers.
Main focus points for next year are
 Try and have a multidisciplinary training session
 Not driven by the sponsors
 Set up a meeting with HEEM, NH, AP, + other interested members and Sam Travis, NHS England and
Emma Anderson, CPPE. Have an application / governance process to obtain funding. NH will email
Sam Travis and ask for advice regarding obtaining funding for training from HEEM
 AP will contact CCG’s to invite gp’s, practice nurses and practice pharmacists to attend the
multidisciplinary training and see what interest there is
Action: NH will email Sam Travis and ask for advice regarding obtaining funding for training from HEEM
Action: AP will contact CCG’s to invite gp’s, practice nurses and practice pharmacists to attend the
multidisciplinary training and see what interest there is.
Consultation skills 2nd February 2016 – working with Emma Anderson CPPE on this Venue is School of
AE to confirm the date with Emma Anderson and start advertising to contractors. Book rooms at the School
of Pharmacy, University of Nottingham.
HSCIC EPS training (live systems) update – dates on website link http://systems.hscic.gov.uk/eps/dispensing/pharmatrainingAt the moment the nearest training sessions are in Leicester. AE to chase up with HSCIC to see when they
are planning to put on training in Nottinghamshire/ Derbyshire.
Action: AE to chase up with HSCIC to see when they are planning to put on training in
Nottinghamshire/ Derbyshire.
Other training sessions to be organised in 2016
NOACs in the County, Eczema support, Glaucoma, Astelllas - anticholinergic burden, polypharmacy and their
impact on elderly patients.
Organise these for 2016 – Eczema Support seems to be a popular session and already have some sponsors
who will provide samples of emollient cream for pharmacy staff to try.
8.2 Notts TV – update
Discussed earlier in the meeting
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8.3 Joint working across LPCs - joint exec meeting 14.01.16
Needs to be more joint meetings between Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire and also look at shared working
/ resources. Report back at the January 2016 LPC meeting.
8.4 AGM feedback – response to survey
Only 4 replies received - discussed results and what wish to do in future.
8.5 FGM reporting guidance
This is a criminal offence – pharmacy staff need to report to police
Action: Newsletter article letting contractors know about the change in guidance on FGM and what to
do if you think this has / is taken / taking place.
8.6 winter comms (inc flu) update - 29.10.15 – Attachment G1, G2, G3 and G4
8.7 Learn at Lunch NUH
NH is speaking on Thursday 3rd December at QMC. We have another date of 9th March for City Hospital
which NH is unable to attend – are any members available?
Explain about community services – MUR and NMS – promoting what Community Pharmacy can do
AE to confirm the date with NUH and then confirm who is doing the presentation nearer the time as to far
away to plan diaries
Action: AE to contact Adriece Al Rifa at NUH and book attending on 9th March to speak to pharmacists
and staff at the learn at lunch session.
8.8 Anonymous use of social media
GPhC are looking at anonymous use of social media – if a professional then should either not Tweet or be
public under their name.
Commissioners reports – some of this will be covered under Sam’s report earlier on the agenda
NHS England Area Teams
9.1.1 North Midlands Region
a) Independent prescriber pilot – Attachment U
Gerald Ellis sent report through for LPC – going well and clients are being seen. Louise @ Dudley Taylor is
involved as practice next door is part of the pilot
Receptionists have been directing patients to the pharmacy when patients are asking to see the pharmacist
for a medicines review when they were actually going to see Richard Harris at the practice.
Transfer of care was picked up and there was a good news story re Manor Pharmacy.
Amanda Rawlings and Robert Ferris-Rogers are leaving – not replacing RFR as director as merging senior
management with M&A CCG
9.2.1 SY & Bassetlaw AT
SYB Flu Planning Meeting – Attachment H
Sheffield have had a couple of incidents where patients have been double vaccinated
Reason was because the practice recode was not put on system and practice nurse revaccinated.
9.2.2 SY LPCs joint meeting –
Need to put in place some meeting dates and outlines of discussions
9.3 South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw LPN –
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9.4 Nottinghamshire / Derbyshire LPN –
Next meeting is Friday 11th December 2015
Local Authority
9.5 .1 Public Heath – Nottinghamshire
a) New Directions Nottinghamshire CRI service launch –
22/10/15 Newark - ML attended. Good event – felt it was useful to attend these events
b) Sexual health training schedule – Attachment S
For information
9.5.2 Nottinghamshire County Health And Wellbeing Board
Next board meeting Wednesday 2nd December 2015 2pm at County Hall, West Bridgford, Nottingham
AE attending as NH is at the PSNC regional meeting
a) Nottinghamshire County HWB Dementia Stakeholder event – Tuesday 24th November 215
Who is attending ? starts at 6.30pm. JaS, LK , NH and AE attending on behalf of the LPC
Report back to December meeting.
b) Nottinghamshire County HWB workforce event – Wednesday 4th November – feedback from JonS
AP and ML – Attachment I
Good event – joint with city and county Health & Wellbeing boards
9.6.1 Public Health – City
9.6.2 Nottingham City Health And Wellbeing Board
Next board meeting: Wednesday 25th November 2015 1.30pm at Loxley House, Station Street,
NH attending
HWB strategy consultation – 04.11.15 (AE)
Asked what were the main issues in relation to health and wellbeing of public
What can be done to help? Asked us to say what would be happening in 2030!!
What can citizens do to help themselves?
Raised joint working – all of Nottingham (shire) to have the same services and pathways
On table with Jo - minister from St Nick’s church, Vicky Watson - Dietician for CityCare, Mikey - worker from
Sustrans and marketing & comms workers at the council.
Strategy consultation closes at the end of November – online questionnaire on Nottingham Insight website
9.7. CCG’s – (minutes and agendas for board meetings are available at the links below)
9.7.1 Mansfield & Ashfield – KC
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Mansfield & Ashfield prescribing sub group –Friday 23rd October – KC
 Big discussion about 7 day scripts
 Vanguard site update and keen on getting 10 practice pharmacists in the area and medicines
management pharmacists are applying. Money awarded for training.
 Opportunistic flu jabs – gp’s doing when have consultation with patients
Next CCG board meeting: Thursday 21st January 2016 12.30pm at Birch House, Mansfield
9.7.2 Nottingham North East CCG – VP
a) Nottingham North East Prescribing committee – VP
Next meeting is on Thursday 26th November 2015
Next CCG board meeting Tuesday 17th November 2015 1.30pm – 3.30pm Gedling Civic Centre, Arnot Hill
Park, Arnold, Nottingham NG5 6LU http://www.nottinghamnortheastccg.nhs.uk/index.php/meet-theboard/governing-body-meeting/
Rushcliffe – JS
Next CCG board meeting: Thursday 19th November 2015 1.30pm in Clumber Room, Easthorpe House,
Loughborough Road, Ruddington , NG11 6LQ http://www.rushcliffeccg.nhs.uk/about-us-governing-body/8about-us/80-governing-body-meetings
9.7.4 Nottingham City - DM /GH
Next CCG board meeting: Wednesday 25th November 2015 from 9.30am to 12.30pm in Loxley House,
Station Street, Nottingham
a) Primary Care Commissioning Panel 10.11.15 – Attachment J1
Closing of practice lists – actually said that they need to consult with the LMC during the consultation period
rather than when completed as usually do so obviously have the same issues as LPC re engagement.
Primary Care Development Centre – opened up to all health care professionals – discussed next meeting.
Met Trevor Linsey, Bayer Pharmaceuticals- He is meeting with Tanya B at Nottingham City CCG in next
couple of weeks to talk about piloting a anticoagulant service where will be identifying new patients – will
need input from community pharmacy and will contact the LPC once spoken with CCG.
b) NUH Trust Pharmacy Waiting Times – Attachment J2
Query over what sites NUH have a community pharmacy contract as LPC believe it is just the one at QMC.
Leaflet doesn’t meet regulations for practice leaflets and is misleading as is not clear on NHS services or
distinguish between community and secondary care activities.
Nottingham West CCG – PK/ZS
Next CCG board meeting: Thursday 26th November 2015 1.30pm – 4pm at Stapleford Suite, Stapleford
Care Centre, Church Street, Stapleford, NG9 8DB
AE attending as PK and NH not able to.
a) Discontinued pharmacy contractor evenings
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Review these again with Rachel Harrold in the 2016.
9.7.6 Newark and Sherwood CCG - LK/ML
a) a) Prescribing workstream – 18/11/15 –LK verbal report
Talked about gluten free products - Article in PJ on coeliac and gluten free prescribing in CCGs
b) Blidworth PPG event – 16/11/15 – LK verbal report
Stay well event – asked to go along and represent LPC
Aimed at over 50’s. 5 minute talks from guest speakers
First responders, MacMillan, LK spoke about community pharmacies
There are a lot of services who volunteer to provide support to over 50’s.
Next CCG board meeting: Wednesday 13th January 2016 5pm at Everyday Champions Centre, Newark
9.7.7 Bassetlaw CCG – DF
Next board meeting: Tuesday 12th January 2016, 9am – 11am Collinson Board Room, Retford Hospital
9.7.8 Area Prescribing Committee – AP
Next meeting – Thursday 19th November 2015 2pm – 4.30pm, Duncan Macmillan House, Conference
Room 2
Garry Myers is attending this meeting with AP.
Prednisolone solution prescriptions will be coming out – add into the next newsletter
Colief been taken off – re-classified to grey listed
Prescribing portal interface being implemented – can report requests, errors from secondary care on
discharge – is this something that pharmacy can use to communicate with gp’s.
Lithium – initiated by secondary care nurses
Not issuing until seen the booklet, check for dosage etc – if not got the booklet then should not issue.
Acupan alternative – APC agenda
Action: AP to write a article for newsletter on the APC updates
a) Executive summary quarter two report - Prescribing Sub Group – Attachment K
9.8 LMC – Tuesday 24th November 2015 7.30pm – 5 Phoenix Place, Nottingham, NG8 6BA
a) LMC Oct-Dec Between the Lines – Attachment L
For information
Members reports
10.1 Feedback contractors / member allocation lists
a) Chlamydia screening (city)
Contractor asked if the specifications are being dealt with fairly – being refused to do the service as they do
not have public toilets on the premises – does this apply to pharmacies who are part of a supermarket or
shopping centre with public toilets. On speaking to members this seems to be the case as no-one present at
the meeting had taken this service up due to no access to public toilets on the premises.
Glitz and Glamour Charity Ball – Attachment M
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Organised by Phakeys Pharmacy - Saturday 20th February 2015 @ Colwick Hall
10.2 Other meetings attended / members activities
Nothing to report
10.2.1 LPC Guide update
AE has received some of the information from Zam Somani but still waiting for transfer of data from iPad to
Word so can then review. AE to organise meeting up with members to complete the guide.
Action: AE to liaise with ZS around the LPC guide template and organise meeting with members to go
through the final parts before printing.
Research (GH and JonS)
Matt Boyd, University of Nottingham replied to say that they had some problems with analysing the research
from the pharmacy audit with students. Planning on doing this again next year and have published some of
the findings. He aims to have further information for December LPC meeting.
CCA / AIMp Communication
12.1 Pharmacy Voice / CCA
12.1.1 Dispensing Health in Later Life – Attachment N
Very good – advised members to read
Lifting the MUR cap and links to the PSNC 5 point plan
Other Communications
13.1 EPS
a) - Deployment – Attachment O1
b) - Update from Michelle Peet November 15 – Attachment O2
c) - SY HSCIC update October 2015 – Attachment O3
For Information
13.2 Healthwatch Nottinghamshire
a) Newsletter October – Attachment P1
b) Newsletter November – Attachment P2
For Information
Work review for the month
Strategy plan – Attachment Q (NH will provide at the meeting)
 Committee to review the actions / priorities for this month
Items not discussed earlier in the meeting
- Pharmacy show – theatre was full for talk on Domiciliary MURs
- Radio slot – asked ML to email and ask if there are plans for a pharmacy slot or if she can help with any
items planned for discussion.
- MAS – NH is chasing with NHS England
Any other business
15.1 Doncaster Basset Hospital Trust payments
DNHT sent letter out to pharmacies stating that they are moving to 90 days payments - DF ring round
contractors and asked for their views on this - <£100 a month at most for pharmacies – problem will only be
for the first 2 months and then will receive payments every month then on, but more about the principle
than the sums involved.
15.2 Liz Gundel has been in contact with NH re CPAF
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Advised NHSE will issue breach and remedial notice if not done CPAF requirements of complaints report and
pharmacy audits
NHS BSA have sent through a list of pharmacies who have and haven’t completed the CPAF questionnaire –
only one who didn’t in Nottinghamshire.
NH to circulate the information from Liz and ask if can send the updated list through so can forward to area
Newsletter stories
16.1 Newsletter – Attachment R
Newsletter stories from topics discussed during the meeting that need to be added to the next newsletter
and volunteers to write the articles
Poor response to the competition –only 5 replies. What does this mean?
LPC ball – change date in the advert to 25th June 2016
Details of future meetings – BOOK FUTURE DATES
All meetings will now have a open meeting section at 2pm – 4pm
15th October 2015
9.30 am – 5pm
White Post Farnsfield
19th November 2015
9.30 am – 5pm
White Post Farnsfield
17th December 2015
9.30 am – 5pm
White Post Farnsfield
21st January 2016
9.30 am – 5pm
White Post Farnsfield
18th February 2016
9.30 am – 5pm
White Post Farnsfield
17h March 2016
9.30 am – 5pm
White Post Farnsfield
21st April 2016
9.30 am – 5pm
White Post Farnsfield
19th May 2016
9.30 am – 5pm
White Post Farnsfield
16th June 2016
9.30 am – 5pm
White Post Farnsfield
21st July 2016
9.30 am – 5pm
White Post Farnsfield
18h August 2016
9.30 am – 5pm
White Post Farnsfield
15h September 2016
9.30 am – 5pm
White Post Farnsfield
20th October 2016
9.30 am – 5pm
White Post Farnsfield
17th November 2016
9.30 am – 5pm
White Post Farnsfield
15th December 2016
9.30 am – 5pm
White Post Farnsfield
Next meeting is on Thursday 17th December 2015 at The White Post Pub, Farnsfield, NG22 8HN
– start time 9.30am.
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Minutes agreed as true and accurate record of the LPC meeting held on Thursday 19th November
Rob Severn, Chair, Nottinghamshire LPC
Social updates
a) LPC ball update – 25.06.16
Discuss how to do ticket sales – through Eventbrite ??
Look into the costs of booking tickets through eventbrite and how much would need to add onto the cost to
cover this charge – send through info to PK and LK
Action: AE to look into the costs of booking tickets through eventbrite and how much would need to
add onto the cost to cover this charge – send through info to PK and LK
Members still to buy tickets – only 5 members have bought so far
Who send out invites to?
Public Health, CCGs, NHSE – personal invites
Advertise at the Phakey’s Charity Ball???
What entertainment are providing?
Ask Chris Kenny’s band again – need to look at the playlist so that there is something for everyone
LK and PK will meet and discuss the details
What charity are we supporting??
- Pharmacist Support – they presented at the PSNC LPC conference and members agreed that this
would be an ideal cause to raise money for.
Action: AE to contact Pharmacist Support and explain what the ball is and if happy for us to raise funds
Action: LK and PK to meet / email and start planning the details of the LPC ball 2016
b) Social – Christmas meal and Zam’s leaving
Anoki Restaurant – Barker Gate, Nottingham City Centre
Date: 21st November 2015. 7.30pm
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