Ecology 2 What is Ecology? Ecology is the study of how living things relate to each other and to their environment Their environment refers to all the conditions in which the organism lives, which affect the growth and development of the organism. 3 What is an Ecosystem? An ecosystem is a community of living organisms interacting with one another and their non-living environment within a particular area. The earth itself is a true ecosystem as no part of it is completely isolated from the rest. **Ecosystem = Communities + Environment 4 Diversity of ecosystems Woodland, Hedgerow, Seashore, Marine, Grassland, Freshwater, Tree, etc. Can you name some more? Ecosystems can be very large or very small 5 To study an ecosystem We divide the ecosystem into a number of smaller, more manageable areas (habitats). Individual habitats are then studied. 6 What is the Biosphere? The biosphere is that part of the earth inhabited by living organisms, including land, ocean and the atmosphere in which life can exist. It is the global ecosystem. 7 Relationships in the biosphere 8 What is a Habitat? A habitat is the particular place within the ecosystem where an organism lives and to which it is adapted As a living organism (you) what is your Habitat, Ecosystem and Biosphere? 9 Summary Biosphere = that part of the earth and its atmosphere in which life can exist composed of ecosystems Ecosystems = composed of communities of organisms and their environment Communities = populations of different species of organisms Habitats = is the place where an organism lives and to which it is adapted Learning check 10 1. What is ecology? 2. What is an ecosystem? 3. What is the biosphere? 4. What is a habitat? 11 Definition of Niche A niche is the functional role of an organism in an ecosystem. A niche is a term describing the relational position of a species or population in an ecosystem. 12 Niche Explanation (cont’d) This includes how a population responds to the abundance of its resources and enemies (e.g. by growing when resources are abundant, and predators, parasites and pathogens are scarce) and how it affects those same factors (e.g. by reducing the abundance of resources through consumption and contributing to the population growth of enemies by falling prey to them). 13 Niche Explanation (cont’d) The abiotic (non-living) or physical environment is part of the niche because it influences how populations affect, and are affected by, resources and enemies. The description of a niche may include descriptions of the organism's life history, habitat, and place in the food chain. 14 Niche Explanation (cont’d) No two species can occupy the same niche in the same environment for a long time. When plants and animals are introduced into a new environment, they can occupy new niches or niches of native organisms, outcompete the native species, and become a serious pest. 15 Lichens Two lichens on a rock, in two different ecological niches. Can you explain why they are different niches? Lichenes on a rock Author: Johann Dréo Date: 2005, august, 10 16 Summary For a species to maintain its population, its individuals must survive and reproduce. Certain combinations of environmental conditions are necessary for individuals of each species to tolerate the physical environment, obtain energy and nutrients, and avoid predators. 17 Summary cont’d The total requirements of a species for all resources and physical conditions determine where it can live and how abundant it can be at any one place. These requirements are termed the ecological niche. Environmental Factors 19 Environmental factors that affect organisms Abiotic Biotic Climatic Edaphic These are non-living factors These are living factors These are the average weather conditions that affect the community in an ecosystem These refer to the soil 20 Abiotic factors These are the non-living features of an ecosystem (i.e. the physical and chemical conditions) that affect the community. 21 Abiotic factors include: Temperature Light intensity Air speed Water current Humidity pH Dissolved oxygen Salinity Nitrate, phosphate and other plant nutrients 22 Abiotic factors in a woodland 23 Biotic factors These are the living features of an ecosystem that affect the other members of the community. 24 Biotic factors include: Plants for food and shelter Predators Prey Parasites and pathogens Decomposers Competitors Pollinators 25 Climatic factors These are elements of the climate (weather) that influence the life and distribution of the organisms that live in a particular environment. 26 Climatic factors include: Temperature Rainfall Humidity Wind Light intensity (including seasonal variations) Day length 27 Edaphic factors These are the physical, chemical and biological characteristics of the soil that influence the community. 28 Edaphic factors include: Soil type, Soil pH, Available (soil) water, Air and Mineral content, Humus, Soil texture and Structure. 29 Aquatic Environmental Factors The following are also considered as factors: Light penetration Currents Wave action 30 Learning check 1. What is meant by abiotic factors? Give examples. 2. What is meant by biotic factors? Give examples. 3. What are edaphic factors? Give examples 31 Energy Flow Ecosystems are unable to function unless there is a constant input of energy from an external source. Where does this energy come from? The Sun 32 The Sun The sun is the primary source of energy for our planet. 33 Energy Flow is the pathway of energy transfer from one organism to the next in an ecosystem due to feeding, e.g. along a food chain Feeding allows energy to flow from one organism to another in an ecosystem. 34 Energy flow in the ecosystem 35 Food Chain Is a flow diagram that begins with a plant and shows how food/energy is passed through a series of organisms in a community. Each organism feeds on the one before it. A food chain ends when there is not enough energy to support another organism. An example of a food chain: grass rabbit fox. 36 A Grazing food chain - is one where the initial plant is living e.g. Grass grasshoppers frogs hawks Honeysuckle aphids ladybirds thrushes Seaweed winkles crabs herring gulls Phytoplankton zooplankton copepod herring 37 Grazing Food Chains 38 A Detritus food chain - is one where the chain begins with dead organic matter and animal waste (detritus) e.g. Detritus edible crab seagull Fallen leaves earthworms blackbirds hawks 39 Food Web This is a chart showing all the feeding connections in the habitat/ecosystem. Constructed by showing the links between all the interconnecting food chains in the habitat. Food Web 40 the interconnected food chains in an ecosystem e.g. A woodland food web 41 Construct a two food chains (4 ‘links’) from the above food web Another food web 42 What is the longest food chain you can construct from this food web? 43 Producers 44 Producers are organisms capable of making their own food by photosynthesis, e.g. green plants. Primary producers are the first members of a food chain Consumers 45 Consumers are organisms that feed on other organisms. They cannot make their own food. There are three types: Primary consumers – feed on producers Secondary consumers – feed on primary consumers Tertiary consumers – feed on secondary consumers 46 Woodland food chain Honeysuckle aphids ladybirds thrushes Producer Primary consumer Secondary consumer Tertiary consumer Learning check 47 What is the primary source of energy? 2. Energy flow/transfer through an ecosystem is achieved by … 3. What is meant by a Grazing food chain? Give an example 4. Construct a simple food web Two food chains e.g. Plant caterpillar thrush fox Plant earthworm blackbird fox Combine them to form a food web 1. Trophic Level 48 This refers to the position of an organism in a food chain. Plants are at the 1st trophic level (T1) and Herbivores occupy the 2nd trophic level (T2). Carnivores that eat herbivores are at the 3rd trophic level (T3). The 4th trophic level (T4) is often occupied by the top carnivore. 49 Trophic levels 50 Pyramid of Numbers A diagram that represents the numbers of organisms at each trophic level in a food chain. Bottom layer is the largest and represents a very large number of primary producers The next layer smaller and represents a smaller number of primary consumers The next layer – the no. of secondary consumers The uppermost layer where there may be only one tertiary consumer 51 Pyramid of Numbers 52 Learning check Explain the following terms: 5. Producer Consumer Primary Consumer Secondary Consumer Tertiary Consumer 6. What is meant by trophic level? 1. 2. 3. 4. 53 To construct a pyramid of numbers 1. 2. 3. 4. Count the primary producers and place them at the base of the pyramid Count each consumer and include them according to their status (primary or secondary consumer) in the pyramid The apex of the pyramid should include tertiary or top carnivores Draw the pyramid so that the area/volume of each level is proportional to the number of organisms found Nutrient Recycling 55 Nutrient Recycling (1/3) There is a limited amount of nutrients on earth e.g. you are probably aware of the water cycle – where water is constantly being recycled in nature. There are similar cycles for all nutrients. When plants and animals die, their nutrient content is not wasted. Bacteria and fungi decompose the remains and release the nutrients back into the abiotic environment (i.e. into the soil, nearby water and air). 56 Nutrient Recycling (2/3) These nutrients are then taken up by other plants and used to make new organic material. This material is passed on down the food chains and is reused by all the chain members. When death occurs for these members, the nutrients are again returned to the abiotic environment and the cycling of nutrients continues in this circular way. Recycling nutrients within an ecosystem 57 58 Nutrient Recycling This ensures that there is no real longterm drain on the Earth’s nutrients, despite millions of years of plant and animal activity. In summary Nutrient recycling is the way in which elements are continuously being broken down and/or exchanged for reuse between the living and non-living components of an ecosystem. 59 Carbon Cycle Carbon forms part of all organic nutrients – carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Carbon dioxide is removed from the environment by photosynthesis in plants, and under certain conditions, over long periods of time, some of these plants may form fossil fuels such as coal, oil, peat and natural gas. 60 Carbon Cycle Carbon dioxide is returned to the environment by: Respiration in plants, animals & micro-organisms. 2. Decay caused by microorganisms. 3. Combustion i.e. burning fossil fuels 1. 61 The Carbon Cycle (1/3) 62 Summary of Carbon Cycle Click on the link below to see a summary of the Carbon Cycle The Carbon Cycle For Animated Cycle click here Flash Shochwave Click on this link to go to the next slide 63 The Nitrogen Cycle All organisms need nitrogen for protein, DNA & RNA manufacture 78% of the Earth’s atmosphere is nitrogen gas, but it cannot be used in this form by plants and animals. Nitrogen gas must first be ‘fixed’, i.e. changed to a suitable form (ammonia or nitrate) before it can be used. 64 Nitrogen Fixation ♣ ♣ ♣ Nitrogen-fixing bacteria in the soil convert N2 gas in the air into ammonia (NH3). This accounts for the majority of all N2 fixation. Lightening storms and fuel burning in car engines produce nitrates, which are washed by rain into the soil water. Nitrates are absorbed by plant roots and converted to plant protein. 65 The Nitrogen Cycle Plant proteins are passed along food chains to become animal protein. When organisms die, their proteins are converted to ammonia by bacterial decomposition. Nitrifying bacteria in the soil then convert 2_ ammonia (NH _ 3) into nitrites (NO2 ) then into nitrates (NO3 ). Nitrates can be absorbed by other plants to continue the cycle. 66 The Nitrogen Cycle Denitrifying bacteria convert soil nitrates into N2 gas. This is a loss of N2 from the cycle. Only happens in anaerobic conditions (when O2 levels are low) – due to flooding or accumulation of sewage. Nitrate also enters the cycle through the addition of nitrogen rich fertilisers to the soil – made industrially from nitrogen gas. The Nitrogen Cycle 67 68 Summary of Nitrogen Cycle Click on the link below to see a summsry of the Nitrogen Cycle The nitrogen cycle For Animated Cycle click here Flash Shochwave Click on this link to go to the next slide Summary of Nitrogen Cycle 69 Nitrogen in Air 1 8 Nitrite NO2 7 6 5 Ammonia NH3 4 5 Nitrate in 2 Plant Protein Soil NO3 5. 1. Nitrogen Fixation & Lightning 2. Absorbed by roots and 6. used by plants – Assimulation 7. 3. Animal feeding, digestion & assimulation 8. 4. Excretion: urea Ammonia Animal Protein 3 Death & decomposition – putrefying bacteria Nitrification: NH3 NO2 Nitrification: NO2 NO3 Denitrification: NO3 NO2 N 70 Learning check 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. What is meant by nutrient recycling? What process(es) remove Carbon dioxide from the atmosphere? What process(es) add Carbon dioxide to the atmosphere? Nitrogen gas must be ‘fixed’ – what does this mean? In what form is nitrogen absorbed by plants? What is nitrification? What do denitrifying bacteria do? Human Impact on the Environment 72 Pollution Pollution is any human addition (contamination) to a habitat or the environment that leaves it less able to sustain life. It is the most harmful human impact and affects air, fresh water, sea, soil and land. Chemicals of human origin that harm the environment are called pollutants. Industrial/Air 73 Pollution Agricultural Pollution – slurry, if it gets into a river/pond Some types of Pollution Domestic Pollution River/Water Pollution 74 Learning check 1. 2. 3. Explain the difference between Pollution and Pollutant. List some types of pollution CO2 is produced by all living things as a reuslt of respiration. Is CO2 a pollutant? Explain your answer. 75 Pollutants : are produced by human activities CO2 from respiration is not a pollutant – : excess CO2 from burning fossil fuels is SO2 from marshes & volcanoes is not – :SO2 from factory chimney is Some pollutants are normally present in an environment, e.g. CO2, but levels are increased by human activity. Other pollutants never exist in an environment e.g. oil slick, CFCs 76 From the Syllabus & Guidelines The Syllabus states: “Study the effects of any one pollutant.” The Guidelines for Teachers states: “Give the effects of one pollutant from any of the following areas: domestic, agricultural, industrial.” and “Give an example of one way in which pollution may be controlled in the selected area.” What follows is only a sample of the pollutants available. Effect of one pollutant from one area - Agricultural, Industrial or Domestic Area Pollutant Source Effects Washed or Formation of algal Slurry & Agricultural leached blooms and Fertiliser from land eutrophication Forms ‘acid rain’ Sulphur Burning Industrial dioxide fossil fuels More detail later Non-biodegradable Domestic Plastic bags Shopping Suffocate small animals, Litter 77 78 Eutrophication & Algal bloom Eutrophication: a condition where lakes become over-enriched with nutrients, resulting from excess artificial fertilisers washed into rivers and lakes. There is a rapid increase in the growth of alga (algal bloom) as they use up the nutrients. When all the nutrients are used up the algae die and are broken down by bacteria, which use up the oxygen in the water resulting in the death of aquatic organisms such as fish. Control of Pollutants in the selected area - Agricultural, Industrial or Domestic Area Pollutant Control Measures Agricultural Slurry & Fertiliser Avoid spreading these: • on wet, waterlogged, frozen or steeply sloping land • within 1.5m of any watercourse. Industrial Sulphur dioxide Fit catalytic scrubbers in factory chimneys Plastic bags Bag tax/levy. Reuse/Recycle bags Domestic 79 Ecological impact of one human activity Burning Fossil Fuels 81 Acidic oxides and acid rain All rain is acidic – but not the same pH - CO2 in the air dissolves in rainwater to form carbonic acid – pH = 5.5 in unpolluted air Acid rain refers to very acidic rain with a pH of 4.5 or less Burning of fossil fuels releases acidic oxides into the air, especially SO2 and nitrogen oxides (NOx) SO2 dissolves in rainwater to form sulphurous acid (H2SO3) or reacts with particles in the air to form sulphuric acid (H2SO4) The resulting rain is very acidic and can be carried far by the wind 82 Effects of acid rain Reduces soil pH Phosphorus (P) binds to soil particles and is unavailable to plant roots Al becomes soluble and poisonous and with K, Ca and Mg is washed (leached) from the soil into lakes and water supplies Soil is impoverished and fish die in highly mineralised water. Why? Erodes limestone buildings Causes breathing difficulties – irritates the delicate lining of the lungs Inhibits chlorophyll formation and burns the leaves of plants 83 Dealing with acid rain Reducing the quantity of fossil fuels burned Using catalysts to treat chimney gases (‘scrubbers’ are fitted to the insides of chimneys) Catalytic converters fitted to modern cars Developing alternative ‘clean’ energy sources Learning check 84 1. What is acid rain? 2. How is acid rain formed? 3. List at least 4 of the effects of acid rain 85 What is Conservation? **Conservation is the protection and wise management of natural resources and the environment. Benefits of Conservation 1. 2. 3. 4. Existing environments are maintained Endangered species are preserved for reproduction The balance of nature is maintained Pollution and its effects are reduced One Conservation practice from one of the following areas Area Agriculture Fisheries Forestry Conservation Practice Mixed farming, Crop rotation Biological controls, Gene banks Fishing Net size, Quotas, Re-stocking Re-planting, Broadleaf/conifer mix There is a need for continual monitoring of the environment to ensure its protection and the wise management of its natural resources. 86 87 Fisheries One Conservation practice from one of the following areas is required: Fishing Net size Quotas Re-stocking 88 Fishing Net size What is net mesh size? This refers to how large or small the openings or spaces enclosed by the threads of a net are. The use of small-mesh nets can result in too many young fish being caught Using larger meshed nets to allow the young to escape, mature and reproduce 89 Go to next topic: Waste Management Different types of nets Square mesh – does not alter its shape under tension – allows young fish to escape Diamond mesh netting (left) – closes under tension (right) and prevents young fish escaping 90 Fishing Quotas What is a fishing quota? A fixed proportion of the total allowable catch allocated to each fishing nation. This national quota allocation is further sub-divided into quotas for specific areas, seasons, fisheries or organisations, e.g. producers' organisations. Why have quotas? Over fishing has reduced fish stocks at sea Fish quotas (maximum amount allowed to be caught) have been assigned to different countries to ensure that enough fish are left to replenish the stock. 91 Conservation and Fishing Quotas Helps to prevent the extinction of a fish species Gradually increases fish stock and helps to re-establish populations Attempts to maintain fishing at highest possible levels Go to next topic: Waste Management 92 Re-stocking What is the purpose of re-stocking? To achieve a permanent increase in the sustainable population of that species Translocation of species into areas where they have not naturally occurred is not encouraged Re-stocking attempts to maintain the balance in the ecosystem Increases stocks for recreational fishing 93 Waste Management What is waste management? Waste management is the collection, transport, processing, recycling or disposal of waste materials, produced by human activity, in an effort to reduce their effect on human health or local aesthetics or amenity. It also tries to reduce waste materials' effect on the natural world and the environment and to recover resources from them. 94 Waste Management Urban rubbish is mostly dust, dirt, hair, paper, food scraps, metal, glass and plastic. Traditional disposal has been to bury rubbish in landfill sites or incinerate. The area being filled has a rubberized landfill liner is in place (exposed on the left). This prevents leaching materials migrating downward through the underlying rock. 95 Waste Management in Forestry Leaves from coniferous trees should not be allowed fall into rivers – make the water acidic Chemicals and fertilisers should not be allowed run off into waterways - algal blooms and eutrophication When trees are harvested only bare poles are removed so a lot of tree debris (called brash) and the stumps are left behind 96 Forestry solutions Waste Management in the forestry sector is all based on recycling. When the trees are harvested brash and the stumps are left behind. The stumps are sprayed with a urea-type compound which speeds up the decomposition process The brash is either left to decompose on the forest floor or collected and sold as a fuel source. In some of the larger sites the sawdust and debris is sold on for conversion to fibreboard e.g. MDF 97 Problems with Waste Disposal Availability of suitable landfill sites The toxic or polluting content of fumes from incineration (CO2, other acidic oxides and dioxins – produced from burning plastic) Decaying waste produces methane gas which contributes to the “greenhouse gases” Harmful substances may leak into groundwater supplies (wells, lakes, reservoirs) Plants and animals in rivers and lakes are killed through direct poisoning or eutrophication 98 Possible solutions Lifestyle changes and education programmes for all ages are needed to alter the attitudes to littering and waste minimisation and disposal Use micro-organisms to degrade the rubbish and produce fuel pellets Reduce the use of paper and recycle more paper Biodegradable materials (e.g. paper bags) should be used in place of plastic ones. 99 Suggestions for waste minimisation Reduce – use less, minimise waste. Re-use – use again, without changing but maybe for a different purpose. Recycle – change, recover some material and use again. 100 Role of micro-organisms in Waste Management Composting is an aerobic process during which micro-organisms decompose organic matter into a stable substance called compost which recycles all the nutrients required for plant growth. Since it is aerobic the organic waste mixture must be turned and loosened to allow air into it. This increases the size and number of air pores. 101 Micro-organisms in Waste Management Fungi break down the ‘tougher’ materials in the waste such as lignin and cellulose. Their filamentous structure penetrates the composting material and helps to improve aeration and drainage in the compost heap. Temperatures within a compost heap can reach 70°C as the bacteria and fungi work to breakdown the material. 102 Vermicomposting This is another method of recovering the nutrients from organic waste, uses worms to consume the food waste and utilizes the worm castings as compost. 103 Role of micro-organisms in Pollution Control Composting can reduce environmental pollution caused by disposal of organic wastes in landfills and streams or by incineration. Bacteria and fungi break down organic matter into compost that recycles all the nutrients required for plant growth.