Pressure Problems Worksheet

Pressure Problems Worksheet
Use the formula for pressure to solve the following problems.
Pressure (p) = Force (F)
Area (A)
𝒑 = 𝑭/𝑨
Remember: FORCE is measured in Newtons (N) and there are 9.8N in 1Kg. The
formula for AREA is length X width. Do not forget units and show all work!!
1) Calculate the pressure produced by a force of 800 N acting on an area of 2.0 m 2.
2) A box has the weight of 120N and the bottom of the box is 12 cm². What is the pressure the box exerts on
the floor?
3) A bronze statue weighs 2400N and has a base that is 4 meters in length and 1 meter wide. What is the
pressure the statue has on the floor?
4) A computer weighs 2Kg and has an area of 200cm². How much pressure does the computer put into a
Solve for Force: Force(F) = Pressure(p) X Area (A) F=pA
5) What is the weight of an object that has a base of 3 square meters and has a pressure of 21 Newtons per
square meters?
6) What does a car weigh if its tires cover an area of 4 square meters and each tire exerts a pressure of 1000
N/m² on the ground? (hint: there are 4 tires)
7) To pop a balloon you stab it with a pencil. If the area of the pencil tip is .01 cm² and the pressure applied by
the pencil to the balloon is 10 N/ cm², how hard (what force) must you push on the pencil to make the balloon
Solve for Area: Area(A) = Force(F)/ Pressure(p) A=F/p
8) A round tube weighs 30N. If the tube is stood on end it pushes down on the floor with a pressure of 2
N/cm². How many square centimetres is the end of the tube?
9) A motorcycle weighs 1440Kg. The pressure the two tires exert on the road is 150 Newtons per square
centimeter. What is the area of the tire in contact with the road? (hint there are two tires)
You decide what to solve for?
10) A box that is 2cm X 2cm in size would need to weigh how much in order to create a pressure of 32 N/cm²
on the floor?
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