Supporting Table 1: Assessment tools and outcome measures of OIC (authors that provided a definition are marked grey) Study No. 1 Subjective Author (year) Objective measure Subjective measure burden measure Joswick et al.14 (2013) Proportions and median times to onset of a patient's first SBM were estimated - - using Kaplan-Meier methods in a time-to-event analysis 2 Lichtlen et al.15 (2013) - - - 3 Mareya et al.16 (2013) Overall change from baseline in CSBM weekly rate; - - BM difficulty; Constipation distress weekly and monthly changes in CSBM frequency. 4 Peppin et al.65 (2013) - Global Clinical Impression of Change (GCIC) 5 Ahmedzai et al.62 (2012) - BFI; - PAC-SYM; EORTC QLQ-C30 6 Anissian et al.17 (2012) Laxation within 2 and 4 hours of the first dose of study drug; time to laxation 7 Jamal et al.48 (2012) Questionnaire assessing patient global - satisfaction Overall SBM response rate, defined as having 3 or more SBMs per week for at Overall mean changes from baseline in OBD- least 9 weeks, and at least 1 additional SBM over mean baseline SBM frequency; related symptoms - changes from baseline in weekly, monthly, and overall SBM frequency; time-to-first SBM 1 Study No. 8 Subjective Author (year) Objective measure Subjective measure burden measure Singla et al.49 (2012) Change in spontaneous bowel movements (SBMs) over 4 weeks; - - overall SBM responders (patient with ≥3 and ≥1 SBM/week from baseline for 3 of 4 weeks); spontaneous complete BMs (SCBMs); opioid consumption 9 Wirz et al.18 (2012) Defecation rates; number of patients with a stool-free interval longer than 72 h (sfi72); Subjectively rated intensity of constipation by - using the numerical rating scale (NRS, 0–10, 0 = no symptom, 10 = worst symptom imaginable); consumption of laxatives; item 16 (constipation) of the EORTC QLQ (NRS, 1– the average defecation rate of all patients during the time period of data collection was calculated (defecations/patient/5 days) 4, 1 = no symptom, 4 = worst symptom imaginable) 10 Clemens et al.11 (2011) BSFS BFI 11 Etropolski et al.36 (2011) Bowel Function Diary (BFD) - module 1: bowel movement (BM) event log; Bowel Function Diary (BFD) - module 2: symptom the primary tolerability endpoint was the difference between each of the the average 24-hour scores for bloating, pain in week, calculated pro rata from the total number of SBMs recorded over the 14- the abdomen, extent of presence of bothersome day treatment period in which IR formulations were assessed; number of SBMs; gas, and the level of lack of appetite, the scores BMs, SBMs, and complete SBMs (CSBM); BSFS; number of days without a BM - assessment; module 3: symptom management; tapentadol IR groups and the oxycodone HCl IR group in the number of SBMs per total number of all BMs irrespective of spontaneity or completeness; number of - for inability to defecate, incomplete bowel emptying, and BM pain in the rectum 2 Study No. 12 Subjective Author (year) Objective measure Subjective measure burden measure Irving et al.27 (2011) Proportion of “responders”, with responder defined as a patient experiencing 3 Opioid-induced bowel dysfunction Symptoms or more SBMs per week over the treatment period; Improvement Scale (SIS); average increase from baseline of at least 1 SBM per week improvements in lower GI symptoms (straining, - stool consistency, and incomplete evacuation) were also evaluated: 4-point scale 13 Iyer et al.12 (2011) - PAC-SYM - 14 Jansen et al.28 (2011) Proportion of “responders”, with responder defined as a patient experiencing 3 OBD Symptoms Improvement Scale (SIS); - or more SBMs per week over the treatment period; average increase from baseline of at least 1 SBM per week Improvements in lower GI symptoms (stool consistency, straining, and incomplete evacuation) were also evaluated: 4-point scale 15 16 Mercadante et al.52 Time to first bowel movement; percentage of patients who had a bowel (2011) movement within 24 hours after administration of AM dose Michna et al.47 (2011) Proportion of patients having a RFBM within 4 hours of the first dose; percentage of active injections per patient resulting in a RFBM within 4 hours; time to first RFBM after injection; change in weekly number of RFBMs; number and time of bowel movements; BSFS; use of rescue laxatives 17 Moss et al.53 (2011) Time to first bowel movement - - Straining Scale (assessed as 0 [none] to 4 [very PAC-QOL severe]); Sense of Complete Evacuation Scale (assessed as either 0 [no] or 1 [yes]) - - 3 Study No. 18 Subjective Author (year) Objective measure Subjective measure burden measure Webster et al.50 (2011) Percentage of injections resulting in a bowel movement within 4 hours; - - - - change from baseline in number of weekly bowel movements 19 Duerden et al.56 (2010) Proportion of patients with a RFBM within 4 hours of the first dose of study medication; the percentage of all active doses resulting in a RFBM within 4 hours of dosing 20 Ishihara et al.29 (2010) The number of days with stool in a week - - 21 Sandner-Kiesling et al.63 - Bowel Function Index (BFI) - (2010) 22 Sawh et al.54 (2010) Time to laxation - - 23 Sloots et al.35 (2010) Average increase from baseline of ≥1 SCBM per week during the 4-week study Patient Assessment of Constipation Symptoms Patient Assessment of period; PAC-SYM Constipation–Qualify of Life (PAC-QOL) proportion of patients having, on average, ≥3 SCBM per week during the 4-week trial period; average weekly frequency of SCBMs, SBMs, and all BMs 24 Webster et al.51 (2010) Increase of spontaneous bowel movements/week - - 25 Blonsky et al.57 (2009) Rescue-free laxation response within 4 hours of first dose; - - rescue-free laxation response within 4 hours after all active doses 4 Study No. 26 27 Subjective Author (year) Objective measure Subjective measure burden measure Chamberlain et al.30 Bowel movements were assessed and concomitant medications were recorded Patient- and clinician-reported Global Clinical Constipation distress (2009) daily Impression of Change (GCIC) on a seven-point (on a five-point scale, 1 balanced scale (1 = much worse to 7 = much = none to 5 = very better) much) BFI; global patient satisfaction was assessed with - Clemens et al.61 (2009) BSFS Patient Global Impression of Change Scale (PGIC) 28 Loewenstein37 (2009) Number of CSBMs a week; BSFS; frequency of laxative use BFI; PAC-SYM - 29 Meissner et al.64 (2009) - BFI - 30 Slatkin et al.55 (2009) Proportion of patients with laxation within 4 hours after administration of the Improvement in Global Clinical Impression of Constipation distress double-blind dose; Change (GCIC) scale (defined as a rating of (on 5-point scale, 1 = proportion of patients with rescue-free laxation within 24 hours post dosing; slightly better, somewhat better, or much better) none to 5 = very much) improvement improvement in stool consistency (1 = very hard; 2 = hard; 3 = slightly hard; 4 = defined as a change > firm; 5 = soft/formed; 6 = watery) 31 Wirz et al.21 (2009) Use of analgesics, laxatives or antiemetics was recorded; incidence of emesis and defecation 1 toward none) The intensity of pain at rest, the intensity of - nausea, and constipation was assessed once daily using the numerical rating scale (NRS, 0–10, 0 = no symptom, 10 = worst symptom imaginable) 5 Study No. Subjective Author (year) Objective measure Subjective measure burden measure 32 Netzer et al.59 (2008) Colonic transit time indices (CTIs) were calculated using a ROI (region of interest) - - 33 Portenoy et al.33 (2008) ‘‘Laxation response,’’ which was defined as a bowel movement within four hours Constipation severity on five-point categorical Constipation distress of the initial dose scales: Severity was described as none, mild, on 5-point categorical moderate, severe, or very severe; scale: distress was laxation within four hours of subsequent doses, during the 24-hour period after each dose; time to laxation; BM: consistency (diarrhea, soft formed, firm, slightly hard, hard, very hard) and difficulty passing stool (no difficulty, slight, moderate, the use of rescue laxatives considerable, great) described as none, a little bit, somewhat, quite a bit, or very much 34 Simpson et al.38 (2008) Number and mean number per week of CSBMs BFI; PAC-SYM - 35 Thomas et al.39 (2008) Proportion of patients with rescue-free laxation - - a. within 4 hours after the first dose of the study drug; b. within 4 hours after two or more of the first four doses; c. within 4 hours after four or more of seven doses; d. within 4 or 24 hours after each dose; the proportion of patients with > 3 laxations per week; the time to laxation 6 Study No. 36 Subjective Author (year) Objective measure Subjective measure burden measure Webster et al.13 (2008) Change in weekly spontaneous bowel movement frequency; PAC-SYM; changes in weekly number of doses of rescue laxative used: impact of the rescue weekly changes in bowel movement symptom laxative on bowel movement frequency; rating scores (proportion of stools leaving subject responders for spontaneous bowel movement frequency (defined as subjects PAC-QOL with a sense of incomplete evacuation; with ≥3 spontaneous bowel movements per week or subjects with an increase stool consistency [loose/watery, semi-solid/soft, from baseline of ≥1 spontaneous bowel movement per week) lumpy/hard, or small pellets]; and straining [none, mild, moderate or severe]) 37 Wirz et al.34 (2008) Stool free interval >72 h Constipation was assessed once daily by using - the numerical rating scale (NRS, 0–10, 0 = no symptom, 10 = worst symptom imaginable) 38 Twycross et al.40 (2006) Frequency and consistency of bowel movements (each on a 4-point scale); Level of discomfort; need to strain - requirement for suppositories, enemas or manual evacuation; time to first bowel movement 39 Liu et al.41 (2002) Bowel frequency - - 40 Yuan et al.42 (2000) Stool frequency; stool consistency; Subjective opinion of patients to rate subjects' - OCTT satisfaction with bowel movement 41 Yuan et al.43 (1999) Frequency; consistency; OCTT - - 42 Ramesh et al.44 (1998) Bowel movement Assessment of Laxative Efficacy (0-3) - 7 Study No. Subjective Author (year) Objective measure Subjective measure burden measure 43 Latasch et al.58 (1997) Bowel evacuation 1 to 4 h after the first intake - - 44 Freye et al.60 (1996) Gastrocecal transit time - - 45 Sykes45 (1996) Stool frequency; Ease of defecation (1-4); day's bowel function - stool form by comparison of photographs 46 Sykes46 (1996) Small bowel transit time (SBTT); stool frequency using ten-point discrete visual scale Ease of defecation; stool consistency - AM: Amidotrizoate; BFD: Bowel Function Diary; BFI: Bowel Function Index; BM: Bowel movement; BSFS: Bristol Stool Form Scale; CTIs: Colonic transit time indices; CSBM: Complete spontaneous bowel movement; EORTC: European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer; GI: Gastrointestinal; GCIC: Global Clinical Impression of Change; HCl: Hydrochloride; IR: Immediate release; NRS: Numerical Rating Scale; OBD: Opioid-induced bowel dysfunction; OCTT: Oral-cecal transit time; PAC-QOL: Patient Assessment of Constipation–Qualify of Life; PAC-SYM: Patient Assessment of Constipation-Symptoms; RFBM: Rescue-free bowel movement; ROI: Region of interest; SBM: Spontaneous bowel movement; SBTT: Small bowel transit time; SCBM: Spontaneous complete; SBTT: Small bowel transit time; Stool-free interval longer than 72 h; SIS: Symptoms Improvement Scale 8