
Toni Dudas-Tacner:
We will find resources to support your paper (Logos: appeal to logic)
1. Go to UNR Library,
Let’s look at ebooks:
Search for: “physics for dummies”
Let’s choose: Physics Essentials For Dummies
I was told that the contents looked good except it did not include elasticity
Let’s search for that word within the book: elasticity
Try these other dummies: ACT Chemistry Algebra
Let’s search; choose/copy one of these phrases being sure to keep the quotations for
multiple words: moocs
“post modernism” “mandatory voting” “college admission”
“strict scrutiny doctrine” “college fairness” “obamacare” “media violence”
3. Paste word(s) into ‘one search’-search box/hit enter key
4. Make these your usual filters for future research, but adjust for your needs:
full text online; scholarly peer review; any content; 2009-2013 if problematic, top
right allows a sort by newest); Items in the library
Notice on each result you can hover over link to read the preview; we like it, so let’s click
on full text
Notice the subjects each article is connected with can allow you to refine by that
particular facet.
For my own demonstration I will search: "stem cell research"
I will choose this article:
Bioprinting for stem cell research
Click above: export citation; copy and paste into your bibliography
Keep in mind that Science Direct is only a Basic Citation Generator, which means you
will have to polish it up. So go to to format it in proper: APA 6th
edition style. Future use: two more sites to help with building a bibliography:
B. We’ll try a different search
From UNR Library,
Go to site map/Databases A-Z/control f for find and find these:
D. We’ll try a different search and method
7. We want to do research on The Beatles
Go to UNR Library, For this method, we will choose:
Get Help/library guides by subject, and drop down to music/RILM Abstracts of Music
Literature/filter: linked full text/type Beatles/ result: biography
On right click: cite or email
Copy paste the citation into your bibliography
F. We’ll try a different search and method
Let’s try lib guides again, remember they are under ‘get help’ on main library page
When in Library Guides, notice on right there are UNR classes such as: COM 217
Argumentation and Debate
Click on that link
Click on ‘Useful websites’ tab (some links may be dead)
9. Go to UNR Library, map/ Databases A to Z/ control
f for theses and enter till you get: ProQuest Dissertations and Theses / search:
obamacare/ check left box/click cite/copy paste into your bibliography
10. Also choose: Philosophers index
This uses Ebsco for passing title to you/ if you
would like you can create an account/filter linked full text/years school uniforms
C. We’ll try a different search- ARGUMENTS My favorite:
11. At UNR Library,
12. On left click on sitemap/ Databases A to Z
13. Control F to find: CQ Researcher
14. Put in search box: energy / now choose nuclear
15. Note: CQ research topics all have a ‘Pro/Con’ on left
16. In CQ Let’s also search for: energy-wind power, human rights-woman; Mexico; sort by
17. In databases like this, you may not be able to directly email it, so click on pdf, or copy
paste text into an email to yourself for later reading, analyzing, writing.
18. CQ and other databases may not have a ‘canned citation’ so let’s go here to create the
Why Should I Cite?
You can’t text anymore!
Someone stole your smart phone. What would you do? You don’t like people to steal from you?
Do not steal from others either:
19. Open up a Word document
20. Save it as bibliography
21. Right click white space on the Word document
22. Choose paragraph/line spacing/double
Review is site my information is on.
At UNR Library,
Click on top: sitemap
Click on: A-Z databases
Keyboard control F (for find), searching for your subject (be sure to hit enter to see if
more than one is available), or to the right side click on: resource by subject/ choose your
Many databases have a method to export your citation; look for the words: export, cite, or
If you see one of these words, click on that word and it will generate the citation for you.
Copy/paste the given citation into a Word document named: bibliography. Format that
Word document by right clicking on it: choose line spacing: double spacing.
Next, for EACH following Single citation entry that you paste into this document,
highlight that single citation from last character to first character/right click the
highlighted area/choose paragraph/Special/Hanging.
Compare that citation given you with one that is a ‘same type resource’; make any
needed corrections (sometimes these automatic citations miss a period or some other
small character, format, or spacing. This is where you can find what citations should look
like so you can compare the citation that was automated for you to what it should look
When searching for something, usually in that record you will see subjects that were
related to your search (these are the subjects that librarians use to catalog and find titles).
Click on one of those subject words, and you will be happy to find that you receive other
title results that are similar to your search. Example, when a title, Left hemispheric
advantage for numerical abilities in the bottlenose dolphin, came up in a search, the
record showed these subjects; clicking on any term will take the researcher to similar
Hook your reader with your title and/or your first sentence (Pathos: emotional appeal);
you are entertaining your reader; find a topic you are passionate about; it is easy to agree
with the research you like. Also if you are writing an evaluative essay, argue with the
researchers, even if you agree with most of what their research shows. Your
credibility is strengthened when you can demonstrate that you are objective (Ethos:
ethical appeal).
“Though Watkins et al. clearly showed that xxx happened, it is critical to realize if xxx
had not been available, the results may have been different.”
“These researchers were able to combine XXX with XXX creating XXX. Looking at the
dataset, one finds this only happened when the temperature was above xxx. More
research may need to be done before XXX…”
Remember, we cite for these reasons:
We want to give credit to work others have done.
We want to borrow the glory such as, “Stephen Hawkins stated the universe is
expanding….” Everyone knows he is a genius, so you just borrowed his glory.
We want to protect ourselves. “Jane Wilson says all schools would benefit mandating
school uniforms.” You are not saying this, you are just pointing out that someone else
said it.
There are gathering tools which keep all of your citations in one online spot. This is how it could
be helpful to use these:
You like to write about a particular subject and you use the same citations in other research. You
simply go to your citations you stored at these websites and copy/paste them. Alternatively you
can go to the bibliography that you used in that paper if you remember where you stored your
paper and copy paste that citation into your new paper. Here are some pros and cons of these:
As of this writing here are some of these citation websites:
Endnote- it allows you to store your citations; many UNR resources allows you to export into
Endnote. There is a CWYW (cite while you write) Word document plug in that would allow you
to simply key in something while writing your paper in a Microsoft Word document and it would
automatically plug in the in-text and the bibliographic citation.
Problem: Any computer that uses it has to have the IT administrator install the plug in, so if you
are at school, some computers may not work. Also the only reason you have this service is that
you are a UNR student, when you left UNR, your citations would have to be copied out of there
before you lost your account.
-free so it is portable and it saves websites too.
Mendeley Great for sharing because it has social cloud media to
share citations.