
Chapter 12 Section 1
The Oregon Country
Rivalry in the Northwest
In the early 1800s four nations claimed the Oregon
land because each wanted something. What did
Great Britain want?
a) They wanted to see what the Columbia river
b)They wanted to see what resources the land had
c) They wanted to explore the pacific coast
d)They had settlements that extended south from
Alaska in to Oregon
Adams-Onis Treaty
What was the purpose of the Adams-Onis
a) To negotiate with Spain
b) To set the Spanish lands’ limits to what is
now California’s northern border
c) So the Spanish would give up all of Oregon
d) All of the above
Mountain Men
What did John Jacob Astor of New York organize
in 1808?
a) Hudson Bay Company
b) American Fur Company
c) French Fur Company
d) Oregon County Fur Company
Mountain Men
How did Mountain Men make their living?
a) Mining
b) Trapping
c) Building
d) Cooking
e) All of the above
Mountain Men
Which of the following did mountain men not
do at the annual rendezvous?
a) Traded beaver skins for goods like traps,
guns, coffee, and other goods.
b) Met with old friends and exchanged news.
c) They relaxed by competing in races and
telling stories about exciting adventures.
d) They went in the forest to hunt beavers.
Mountain Men
Which of the following places did mountain men
not go after they could no longer make a living?
a) Oregon Trail
b) Canadian Trail
c) California Trail
d) Sante Fe Trail
The Whitman Mission
Why did the Whitman’s die?
a) They got measles.
b) People didn’t like their missions.
c) They got killed by the Cayuse tribe.
d) They committed suicide.
The Oregon Trail
• All of the following are false except fora) The depression caused by the Panic of 1837 did not
hit the region hard.
b) Tens of thousands of people weren’t able to make the
trip to the Oregon Country.
c) After they crossed the Rocky Mountains, they
traveled North and West along the Snake and
Columbia River into the Oregon Country.
d) People couldn’t form societies to gather information
about Oregon and to plan and make the long trip.
e) None of the above.
The Oregon Trail
People formed societies toa) Help fix the damage done by the Panic of
b) Gather information about Oregon and plan
and make the long trip.
c) Gather materials to make the trip to Oregon.
d) Plan an immigration to another country
(Great Britain, Canada, etc.).
Fifty-Four Forty or Eight
a) What two answers support why Polk Whig won
the election?
b) Because Polk supported Oregon becoming part
of the U.S.A.
c) Because Polk supported setting a border
between Oregon and British territory
d) Because Henry Clay supported Oregon and
peoples choices to live there.
e) Because Henry Clay supported Oregon setting a
border between Oregon and the U.S.A.
Manifest Destiny
Why was Manifest Destiny significant?
a) It pushed the Americans past the Mississippi
b) It gave us a curiosity of the West
c) God gave us a way to expand all the way to
the Pacific Ocean
d) It removed the Native Americans