Quiz 1 Worksheet Name _______________________________ Section ____ WRITE ALL ANSWERS ON THE FRONT OF THE WORKSHEET PAGES IN THE SPACES PROVIDED 1. Write the equation for dynamic pressure q; define each symbol in phrase. Fill in blanks: If TAS doubles, dynamic pressure increases by a factor of ____; if air density double, dynamic pressure increases by a factor of ___. 2. Write the equations for density ratio, temperature ratio, and pressure ratio in terms of ρ, T, and P respectively. For each equation, write a single sentence explaining what the definition means. Density ratio: Temperature ratio: Pressure ratio: 3. State the lapse rate of P, , and T in a SA, or state that no “rule-of-thumb” lapse rate exists. If there are limitations to the usefulness of the lapse rate, very briefly indicate what they are. P: : T: 4. Write an equation that indicates the relationship between , and in a SA. Then, in a single sentence, explain what the equation says about how changes in static pressure and absolute temperature affect air density. 5. Define Mach number by writing an equation. Explain what the definition means in a single sentence. 6. Write a single sentence that explains the difference between linear and non-linear functions in Cartesian 2space. 7. Write a single sentence that explains the difference between direct and inverse functions in Cartesian 2space. 1 8. Consider plots of , and as a function of increasing altitude in a SA up to the tropopause. Which plots are linear, which non-linear? Which plots are direct, which inverse? 9. Consider a plot of speed of sound a as a function of increasing altitude in a SA. Is the plot linear or nonlinear? Is it direct or inverse? 10. Define indicated altitude, pressure altitude, and density altitude, each in a single sentence. IA PA DA 11. DA can also be defined as IA corrected for non-standard density. Explain this fact in terms of your definitions for PA and DA in problem 10. 12. Suppose IA is 250’ MSL (field elevation) and the altimeter setting is 30.45. Use a rule-of-thumb lapse rate for P to calculate PA. Show work. Do not use an electronic calculator or E6B to solve this problem. 13. Define IOAT and AAT, each in a single sentence. IOAT: AAT: 2 14. Suppose TRR at Mach 0.5 is 12.5o C. Produce an algebraic computation to predict TRR at Mach 1.5. 16. AAT = IOAT – RC (TRR). Explain in a sentence or two what this equation means. Suppose RC = 1.0; what is another name for IOAT in this case? 17. Suppose cruise Mach = 0.82 and total temperature = -18o C. For a B737-300, determine AAT and find the PA corresponding to AAT in a SA. 18. With your books and notes closed, in a sentence or two: Define CAS: Define EAS: Define TAS: 19. Suppose CAS = 250 KCAS at FL400. Show work and find (use AS310 charts, not an aviation calculator): EAS: TAS Mach number using a) EAS and b) TAS 20. If CAS = 300 KCAS at FL300 with IOAT = -40o C, find True Mach Number and TAS for an F14 Tomcat. 3 21. In a clause or single sentence for each term, define each airspeed (EAS): VMO MMO VMMO For each of the terms above, indicate whether it varies with changes in altitude or is invariant with as altitude changes. 22. Below the crossover altitude, an air transport airplane’s minimum speed is limited by ______ and its maximum speed is limited by ________. Answer with symbols from {V S, VNE, VMMO, MMO}. 23. Above the crossover altitude, an air transport airplane’s minimum speed is limited by ______ and its maximum speed is limited by ________. Answer with symbols from {V S, VNE, VMMO, MMO}. 23. At the coffin corner altitude, what two speeds are equal? Answer with symbols from {V S, VNE, VMMO, MMO}. 24. Suppose VS = 225 KEAS is the 2g stall speed; VNE = 400 KEAS; VMMO = 400 KEAS at the crossover altitude FL200; and VMMO = 225 KEAS at the coffin corner altitude FL450. Draw the 2 G airspeed envelop for this air transport airplane. You will have to estimate varying speeds for VMMO between the crossover and coffin corner altitudes. 500 KEAS 450 KEAS 400 KEAS 350 KEAS 300 KEAS 250 KEAS 200 KEAS 150 KEAS 0 10000 20000 30000 FEET MSL 40000 50000 25. Calculate MMO for the airplane in Problem 24 for the crossover-altitude and coffin-corner-altitude airspeeds KEAS? Hint: Use the equation M = EAS / (a0 ). 4