Energy Concepts November 2010 paper 32 1 (a) (i) Outline the alactic energy system which is predominantly used by an athlete during a 100 m sprint. [6] (ii) Describe both the advantages and disadvantages of the alactic energy system. [4] (iii) Describe a method of performance enhancement that is used to increase the threshold of the alactic energy system. Give reasons why this method of performance enhancement is used. [4] 1 (a) (i) 6 marks in total sub max 1 1 ATP / PC system / PC system sub max 5 marks from 2 Anaerobic pathway / without O2 3 Uses phosphocreatine as a fuel / high energy phosphate compound 4 Creatine kinase is the controlling enzyme 5 PC is broken down to P + C + E 6 This is an exothermic reaction / energy is released 7 Energy is used in an endothermic reaction 8 To re-synthesise ADP + P + E ATP 9 The reaction takes place in the sarcoplasm (ii) 4 marks in total sub max 2 marks from 1 Very fast / simple reaction / PC small compound found in cell 2 Reaction does not require the presence of oxygen 3 No by-products are produced sub max 2 marks 4 Only small amounts of PC so limited threshold 5 Only one ATP re-synthesised for each PC / small energy yield (iii) 4 marks in total sub max 2 marks from 1 Creatine supplementation 2 Ingesting 20 g / 25 g of creatine per day for 5 to 7 days 3 Better to take creatine combined with glucose 4 Creatine is naturally found in the diet but only in small quantities sub max 2 marks from 5 Helps maintain ATP concentrations more during maximum effort 6 Improves high intensity performance and repetitive bouts of high intensity work even more 7 Does appear to promote gains in lean body mass during training November 2012 paper 31 1 (a) (i) During a 100 m sprint the predominant energy system used is the ATP/PC (alactic) system. Describe how energy is released by this system. [5] (ii) Why is the ATP/PC (alactic) system effective in providing energy during a 100 m sprint?[3] 1 (a) (i) 5 marks in total from: 1 Anaerobic (system) / does not require oxygen 2 Reaction takes place in the sarcoplasm 3 PC is a high energy phosphate compound in the cell 4 PC broken down to release energy 5 Energy then used to resynthesise (ADP to) ATP 6 Reaction controlled by creatine kinase 7 Yield approx 1:1 / 1 ATP produced 8 No fatiguing by-products 9 PC can be resynthesised when exercise intensity drops allowing recovery [5] (ii) 1 2 3 3 marks in total: Very fast reaction / energy released (as PC only small compound) / short metabolic pathway Reaction doesn’t require presence of oxygen PC readily available (in the muscle / cell for breakdown) [3] (ii) How can a performer use their knowledge of the alactacid component to their advantage when training or performing? [3] (ii) 3 marks from: 1 useful when planning interval sessions / reps and sets 2 for max speed work need to allow enough time for full recovery 3 for endurance work need to allow time for only partial recovery 4 50% of PC stores can be replenished in 30 secs 5 therefore making good use of time-outs / substitutions / full time allocation between games, etc. is important 6 during stoppage of play taking time e.g. injury / throw in / corner kick 7 changing tactics to lower intensity and gain recovery time November 2010 paper 3 1 (a) Knowledge of the three energy systems underpins exercise and sport physiology. (i) Name an energy system and identify the missing information A, B and C for this system. [3] 3 marks in total (from one energy system only) (ATP/PC system) 1 A = PC 2 B = sarcoplasm/cytoplasm 3 C = creatine kinase (lactic acid system) 4 A = glycogen/glucose/carbohydrate 5 B = sarcoplasm/cytoplasm 6 C = glycogen phosphorylase/phosphofructokinase/PFK/lactate dehydrogenase/LDH (aerobic system) 7 A = glycogen/glucose/fats/carbohydrate 8 B = sarcoplasm/mitochondria 9 C = glycogen phosphorylase/phosphofructokinase/PFK/lipase (ii) Sketch a graph of energy supplied against time to show when each of the three energy systems is predominant in relation to duration of exercise. [3] 3 marks in total 1 ATP-PC system/alactic system correctly sketched and labelled 2 lactic acid system correctly sketched and labelled 3 aerobic system correctly sketched and labelled November 2013 paper 31 1 (a) The 2012 Olympic Men's 400 metre title was won with a time of 43.94 seconds. Describe how the energy is provided to run a 400 metre race. 6 marks for 6 of: 1. Anaerobic / without oxygen / sarcoplasm 2. (Initially in first few seconds) stored ATP splits/breaks down 3. ATP breaks down to ADP + P + energy 4. ATP-PC system / phosphocreatine system / alactic system 5. PC = C + P(i) + energy/creatine + phosphate/PC broken down; 6. Energyused for ATP resynthesis / ADP + P + energy = ATP/ADP + PC = ATP + C 7. Lasts 5–10 seconds / first 80-100 metres of race 8. Lactic acid system / Lactate anaerobic system /anaerobic glycolysis 9. Glycogen/glucose breakdown 10. …by enzyme phosphofructokinase / PFK / glycogen phosphorylase / GPP 11. Forms pyruvate / pyruvic acid 12. Lactate / lactic acid formed