Semantic Web Techniques - Lecture Notes Harold Boley Bruce Spencer NRC-IIT Fredericton University of New Brunswick CS 6905 SWT 17 September 2003 Introduction to the Semantic Web 1 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 National Research Council Research Institutes and Facilities across Canada 17 research institutes 4 innovation centres 3,500 employees; 1,000 guest workers National science facilities S&T information for industry and scientific community CISTI: Canadian Inst. for Science and Tech Information Network of technology advisors supporting SME IRAP: Industrial Research Assistance Program 2 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Institute for Information Technology There are two aspects to IIT – – 3 A mature research organization of ~80 people in Ottawa New labs being developed in four cities in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia involving ~60 new people The whole organization is evolving to accommodate our new distributed nature CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 NRC’s plans for New Brunswick What? – – NRC is building an e-business research team in New Brunswick E-business includes e-learning, e-government, e-health. Using information and communication technology to help us to educate, govern and take care of ourselves, to create wealth. – – – 4 New Brunswick and Canadian companies already have strengths in all three areas NB’s communications infrastructure and interested telco Bilingual workforce CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Bruce MMath 83, BNR 83-86, Waterloo PhD 86-90, UNB prof 90-01, NRC 01-now Automated reasoning – – – – 5 data structures in theorem proving eliminate redundant searching smallest proofs deductive databases Java in curriculum since 1997 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Harold Harold joined NRC-IIT Fredericton as a research officer in Sept. 2002. Before that, he was a senior researcher at the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), where he acted as the W3C Advisory Committee Representative and led the EU project Clockwork on Webbased knowledge management for collaborative engineering. He also was a senior lecturer of computer science and mathematics at the University of Kaiserslautern, where he conceived AI-oriented XML and RDF courses. His focus has been XML-based knowledge markup and RDF-based Semantic Web techniques. He was a visiting researcher in the Knowledge Modeling Group at Stanford University in 1999. Before that, he led several government and industrial projects in knowledge representation, compilation, and evolution. He received his PhD and Habilitation degrees in computer science from the Universities of Hamburg and Kaiserslautern, respectively. He developed the RelationalFunctional Markup Language (RFML) and, together with Said Tabet, launched the Rule Markup Initiative (RuleML). 6 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Overview and Course Mindmap 8 Increasing demand for formalized knowledge on the Web: AI’s chance! XML- & RDF-based markup languages provide a 'universal' storage/interchange format for such Webdistributed knowledge representation Course introduces knowledge markup & resource semantics: we show how to marry AI representations (e.g., logics and frames) with XML & RDF [incl. RDF Schema] Namespaces CSS DTDs XSLT DAML Stylesheets Agents RACSA HornML RuleML Rules Transformations XML XQL Queries XQuery XML-QL SHOE Frames RDF[S] Acquisition TopicMaps CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques Protégé 17-Sep-03 The Semantic Web Activity of the W3C “The Semantic Web is a vision: the idea of having data on the Web defined and linked in a way that it can be used by machines not just for display purposes, but for • automation, • integration and • reuse of data across various applications.” ( 9 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 What your computer sees in HTML <b>Joe’s Computer Store </b> <br> 365 Yearly Drive Presentation information What your computer sees in XML <location> <name>Joe’s Computer Store </name> <address> 365 Yearly Drive </address> </location> 10 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques Content description (less ambiguous) 17-Sep-03 What a computer could understand <mail:address xmlns:mail=“”> <mail:name>Joe’s Computer Store </mail:name> <mail:street> 365 Yearly Drive </mail:street> </mail:address> could define address, name, street, … Search engines could then identify mail addresses Consider shopbots being able to find – 11 price, quantity, feature, model number, supplier, serial number, acquisition date Assumes that namespaces will be used consistently CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Semantic Web Semantics = meaning Good Idea: Dictionary – – – – Create a dictionary of terms Put it on the web Mark up web pages so that terms are linked to these dictionary-entries This allow more precise matching Better – – has hierarchies of terms shades of meaning Best – 12 idea: Thesaurus idea: Ontology hierarchy of terms and logic conditions CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Semantic Web An agent-enabled resource “information in machine-readable form, creating a revolution in new applications, environments and B2B commerce” W3C Activity launched Feb 9, 2001 DAML: DARPA Agent Markup Language – – OIL is Ontology Inference Layer – 13 US Gov funding to define languages, tools 16 project teams DAML+OIL is joint DARPA-EU Knowledge Representation is a natural choice CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 14 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 •SmokedSalmon is the intersection of Smoked and Salmon Smoked Salmon 15 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 •SmokedSalmon is the intersection of Smoked and Salmon Smoked Salmon •Gravalax is the intersection of Cured and Salmon, but not Smoked Gravalax 16 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 •SmokedSalmon is the intersection of Smoked and Salmon Smoked Salmon •Gravalax is the intersection of Cured and Salmon, but not Smoked Lox •Lox is Smoked, Cured Salmon 17 Gravalax CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 The Semantic Web is about having the Internet use common sense. 18 A search for keywords Salmon and Cured should return pages that mention Gravalax, even if they don’t mention Salmon and Cured A search for Salmon and Smoked will return smoked salmon, should also return Lox, but not Gravalax Smoked Salmon Gravalax CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques Lox 17-Sep-03 OWL Smoked Salmon Lox Gravalax 19 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Tim Berners- Lee’s Semantic Web 20 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 RDF Resource Description Framework 21 Beginning of Knowledge Representation influence on Web Akin to Frames, Entity/Relationship diagrams, or Object/Attribute/Value triples CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 RDF Example <rdf:ProductSpecs about= “”> <specs:colour>yellow</specs:colour> <specs:size>medium</specs:size> </rdf:ProductSpecs> model_2300 size medium 22 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques colour yellow 17-Sep-03 RDF Class Hierarchy All lemon laptops get packed in cardboard boxes Allows one to customize existing taxonomies – Example: palmtop computers still get packed in boxes is_a lemon_palmtop_ 20000 model_2300 size medium 23 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques colour yellow 17-Sep-03 Tim Berners- Lee’s Semantic Web 24 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Ontology Web Language: W3C Previously known as DAML+OIL – – Composed of a hierarchy with additional conditions Based on Description logic, limited expressivenss – – 25 US: DARPA Agent Markup Language EU: Ontology Interchange Layer (Language) Reasoning procedures are well-behaved Just enough power CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Identifying Resources URL/URI – – – Uniform resource locator / identifier Information sources, goods and services financial instruments “Where do you want to go today?” – 26 money, options, investments, stocks, etc. becomes “What do you want to find?” CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Ontology Branch of philosophy dealing with the theory of being Tarski’s assumption: – “A common vocabulary and agreed-upon meanings to describe a subject domain” – – What real-world objects do my tags refer to? How are these objects related? Communication requires shared terms – 27 individuals, relationships and functions others can join in CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Ontology Layer Widens interoperability and interconversion – More meta-information – – Which attributes are transitive, symmetric Which relations between individuals are 1-1, 1-many, many-many Communities exist – – 28 knowledge representation DL, OIL, SHOE (Hendler) New W3C working group CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Transitive, Subrole example 29 One wants to ask about modes of transportation from Sydney to Fredericton “connected by Acadian Lines bus” is a role in a Nova Scotia taxonomy “connected by SMT bus” from New Brunswick Both are subroles of “connected” “connected” is transitive Note that ontologies can be combined at runtime CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Combining Rich Ontologies Only these facts are explicit – – Connected by Acadian Lines in separate ontologies “Connected by bus” – Amherst is superset is symmetric and transitive Amherst Truro Connected by Acadian Lines Sydney Route from Sydney to Fredericton is inferred Connected by SMT Lines Sussex Connected by SMT Lines Fredericton 30 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Tim Berners- Lee’s Semantic Web 31 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Logic Layer Clausal logic encoded in XML – Special cases of first-order logic – – Various implementations: SQL, KIF, SLD (Prolog), XSB J-DREW reasoning tools in Java. Modus operandi: build tractable reasoning systems – 32 Horn Clauses for if-then type reasoning and integrity constraints Standard inference rules based on Resolution – RuleML, IBM CommonRules trade away expressiveness, gain efficiency CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Logic Architecture Example Contracting parties integrate e-businesses via rules Seller E-Storefront Business Rules Buyer’s ShopBot Contract Rules Interchange OPS5 33 Business Rules Prolog CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Negotiation via rules usualPrice: price(per-unit, ?PO, $60) purchaseOrder(?PO, supplierCo, ?AnyBuyer) shippingDate(?PO, ?D) (?D 24April2001). volumeDiscountPrice: price(per-unit, ?PO, $55) purchaseOrder(?PO, supplierCo, ?AnyBuyer) quantityOrdered(?PO, ?Q) (?Q 1000) shippingDate(?PO, ?D) (?D 24April2001). overrides(volumeDiscount, usualPrice). 34 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Hot Research Topics: Tools to create ontologies – – – – Tools to learn ontologies from a large corpus such as corporate data – Merging / aligning two different ontologies from different sources on the same topic Searching cum reasoning tools – 35 Ontolingua Protégé-2000 (Stanford) OILED … SHOE CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Eventual Goal of these Efforts Agents locate goods, services – – – – – Gives rise to need of trust, privacy and security – 36 use ontologies unambiguous business rules expressive language but reasoning tractable combine from various sources e.g. semantic web project to determine eligibility of patients for a clinical trial CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Extensible Markup Language 37 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 General Advantages of XML for KR XML offers new general possibilities, from which AI knowledge representation (KR) can profit: (1) Definition of self-describing data in worldwide standardized, non-proprietary format (2) Structured data and knowledge exchange for enterprises in various industries (3) Integration of information from different sources (into uniform documents) 38 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Specific Advantages of XML for KR XML provides the most suitable infrastructure for knowledge bases on the Web (incl. for W3C languages such as RDF) Additional special KR uses of XML are: • Uniform storage of knowledge bases • Interchange of knowledge bases between different AI languages • Exchange between knowledge bases and databases, application systems, etc. 39 Even transformation/compilation of AI source programs using XML markup and annotations is possible CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Address Example: External to HTML External Presentation: Xaver M. Linde Wikingerufer 7 10555 Berlin HTML tags are still presentation-oriented HTML Markup: <em>Xaver M. Linde</em> <br> Wikingerufer 7 <br> <strong>10555 Berlin</strong> 40 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Address Example: HTML to XML 41 HTML Markup: While not conveying any formal semantics: <em>Xaver M. Linde</em> <br> XML tags are chosen for Wikingerufer 7 content-structuring needs <br> <strong>10555 Berlin</strong> XML Markup: <address> <name>Xaver M. Linde</name> <street>Wikingerufer 7</street> <town>10555 Berlin</town> </address> CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Address Example: XML to External XML Markup: <address> <name>Xaver M. Linde</name> <street>Wikingerufer 7</street> <town>10555 Berlin</town> </address> XML stylesheets are, e.g., usable to generate External Presentations: different presentations Xaver M. Linde Xaver M. Linde Wikingerufer 7 Wikingerufer 7 ... 10555 Berlin 10555 Berlin 42 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Address Example: XML to XML XML Markup 1: <address> <name>Xaver M. Linde</name> <street>Wikingerufer 7</street> <town>10555 Berlin</town> </address> XML Markup 2: 43 <address> <name>Xaver M. Linde</name> <place> <street>Wikingerufer 7</street> <town>10555 Berlin</town> </place> </address> CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques XML stylesheets are also usable to transform XML representations 17-Sep-03 Address Example: Some Stylesheets Will Contain Term-(Tree-)Rewriting Rules address name street town N S T address name N 44 place street town S T CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Address Example: XML Queries XML Markup: e l e m e n t subelements s <address> <name>Xaver M. Linde</name> <street>Wikingerufer 7</street> <town>10555 Berlin</town> </address> XML Query (XML-QL): 45 WHERE <address> <name>Xaver M. Linde</name> <street>$s</street> <town>$t</town> XML queries can </address> select subelements CONSTRUCT <binding> of XML elements <s>$s</s> <t>$t</t> </binding> CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques <binding> <s>Wikingerufer 7</s> <t>10555 Berlin</t> </binding> 17-Sep-03 Address Example: Prolog Queries Prolog Term: s t r u c t u r e address( substructuress name("Xaver M. Linde"), street("Wikingerufer 7"), town("10555 Berlin") ) Prolog Query: address( name("Xaver M. Linde"), street(S), town(T) ) 46 Prolog queries can select substructures of Prolog structures CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques S = "Wikingerufer 7" T = "10555 Berlin" 17-Sep-03 Address Example: The Element Tree XML Markup: e l e m e n t Prolog Term: s <address> subelements <name>Xaver M. Linde</name> <street>Wikingerufer 7</street> <town>10555 Berlin</town> </address> s t r u c t u r e address( substructuress name("Xaver M. Linde"), street("Wikingerufer 7"), town("10555 Berlin") ) Node-Labeled, (Left-to-Right-)Ordered Element Tree: tree address s u b t r e e s 47 name street Xaver M. Linde Wikingerufer 7 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques town 10555 Berlin 17-Sep-03 Address Example: Document Type Definition and Tree (1) Document Type Definition (DTD): <!ELEMENT address <!ELEMENT name <!ELEMENT street <!ELEMENT town Extended Backus-Naur Form (EBNF): (name, street, town) > (#PCDATA) > (#PCDATA) > (#PCDATA) > address ::= name street town name ::= PCDATA street ::= PCDATA town ::= PCDATA Document Type Tree: address name PCDATA 48 street town PCDATA PCDATA CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Address Example: Document Type Definition and Tree (2) Document Type Definition (DTD): <!ELEMENT address <!ELEMENT place <!ELEMENT name <!ELEMENT street <!ELEMENT town (name, place) > (street, town) > (#PCDATA) > (#PCDATA) > (#PCDATA) > Document Type Tree: address name PCDATA 49 place street town PCDATA PCDATA CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Well-Formedness and Validity XML principles for a document being wellformed: 50 Open and close all tags Empty tags end with /> There is a unique root element Elements may not overlap Attribute values are quoted < and & are only used to start tags and entities Only the five predefined entity references are used XML principle for a document being valid with respect to (w.r.t.) a DTD : Match the constraints listed in the DTD (or, generate from DTD as linearized derivation tree, as shown later) Checked by validators such as ervice/xmlvalid/ CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Mail-Box Example: Address Variant XML Markup: Prolog Term: <address> <name>Xaver M. Linde</name> <box>2001</box> <town>10555 Berlin</town> </address> address( name("Xaver M. Linde"), box("2001"), town("10555 Berlin") ) Node-Labeled, (Left-to-Right-)Ordered Element Tree: address 51 name box town Xaver M. Linde 2001 10555 Berlin CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 "|"-Disjoined Street/Mail-Box Example: Document Type Definition and Tree Document Type Definition (DTD): <!ELEMENT address <!ELEMENT name <!ELEMENT street <!ELEMENT box <!ELEMENT town (name, (street | box), town) > (#PCDATA) > (#PCDATA) > "|": Choice (#PCDATA) > The above box address (#PCDATA) > and the original street address are valid w.r.t. this "|"-DTD Document Type Tree: address name PCDATA 52 street PCDATA box PCDATA CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques town PCDATA 17-Sep-03 Phone & Fax Example: Address Variant XML Markup: Prolog Term: <address> <name>Xaver M. Linde</name> <street>Wikingerufer 7</street> <town>10555 Berlin</town> <phone>030/1234567</phone> <phone>030/1234568</phone> <fax>030/1234569</fax> </address> address( name("Xaver M. Linde"), street("Wikingerufer 7"), town("10555 Berlin"), phone("030/1234567"), phone("030/1234568"), fax("030/1234569") ) Node-Labeled, (Left-to-Right-)Ordered Element Tree: address name street town phone phone fax Xaver M. Linde Wikingerufer 7 10555 Berlin 030/1234567 030/1234568 030/1234569 53 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 "+"/"*"-Repetitive-Phone & -Fax Example: Document Type Definition and Tree Document Type Definition (DTD): <!ELEMENT address <!ELEMENT name <!ELEMENT street <!ELEMENT town <!ELEMENT phone <!ELEMENT fax (name, street, town, phone+, fax*) > (#PCDATA) > (#PCDATA) > "+"/"*": One/Zero or More (#PCDATA) > The above two-phone/one-fax (#PCDATA) > address is valid w.r.t. this (#PCDATA) > "+"/"*"-DTD but the original no-phone/no-fax address is not (1 phone!) Document Type Tree: address name PCDATA 54 street town phone PCDATA PCDATA PCDATA CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques fax PCDATA 17-Sep-03 Country Example: Address Variant Prolog Term: XML Markup: <address> <name>Xaver M. Linde</name> <street>Wikingerufer 7</street> <town>10555 Berlin</town> <country>Germany</country> </address> address( name("Xaver M. Linde"), street("Wikingerufer 7"), town("10555 Berlin"), country("Germany") ) Node-Labeled, (Left-to-Right-)Ordered Element Tree: address name street Xaver M. Linde 55 Wikingerufer 7 town country 10555 Berlin Germany CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 "?"-Optional-Country Example: Document Type Definition and Tree Document Type Definition (DTD): <!ELEMENT address <!ELEMENT name <!ELEMENT street <!ELEMENT town <!ELEMENT country (name, street, town, country?) > (#PCDATA) > "?": One or Zero (#PCDATA) > The above country (#PCDATA) > (#PCDATA) > address and the original countriless address are valid w.r.t. this "?"-DTD Document Type Tree: address name PCDATA 56 street town country PCDATA PCDATA PCDATA CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Country Address: A Complete XML Document Referring to an External DTD XML Document (just ASCII, e.g. stored in a file): <?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?> <!DOCTYPE address SYSTEM "country-address.dtd"> <address> <name>Xaver M. Linde</name> <street>Wikingerufer 7</street> <town>10555 Berlin</town> <country>Germany</country> </address> The XML declaration uses standalone attribute with "no" value: DTD import 57 The DOCument TYPE declaration names the root element address and, after the SYSTEM keyword, refers to an external DTD "country-address.dtd" (or, at some absolute URL, to an "") CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Horn Logic Markup Languages 58 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Herbrand Terms: Individual Constants, Variables, Flat Ground Structures, ... Representation of Herbrand terms in XML as <ind> and <struc> elements (<var> similar): Individual constant for channel-tunnel between Britain and France: element <ind>channel-tunnel</ind> Ground structure undersea-connection(britain,france) is <struc> element with embedded element for constructor, followed by elements for argument terms: 59 <struc> <constructor>undersea-connection</constructor> <ind>britain</ind> <ind>france</ind> </struc> CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Herbrand Terms: ..., Nested Ground Structures 60 <struc> Embedded <struc> <constructor>service-tunnel</constructor> <struc> elements: <constructor>undersea-connection</constructor> <ind>britain</ind> service-tunnel( undersea-connection( <struc> <constructor>surrounded-country</constructor> britain, <ind>belgium</ind> surrounded-country( <ind>luxembourg</ind> belgium, <ind>germany</ind> <ind>switzerland</ind> luxembourg, <ind>italy</ind> germany, <ind>spain</ind> switzerland, </struc> italy, </struc> spain))) </struc> CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Interim Discussion: Tag and Type 61 In Prolog not clear, in isolation, that channel-tunnel is individual constant, whereas service-tunnel is constructor In XML, as in strongly typed LP languages, made explicit however at every occurrence of a symbol Example gives impression of self-description advantage - but also ‘space requirement’ - of this generous application of “syntactic sugar” CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Horn Clauses: Relation Symbol Applications Predicate or relation symbol in XML is <relator> element. For example, relation symbol travel is <relator>travel</relator> Relation symbol application to terms is labeled with <relationship> element. Application travel(john,channel-tunnel) on two individual constants thus is 62 <relationship> <relator>travel</relator> <ind>john</ind> <ind>channel-tunnel</ind> </relationship> CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Horn Clauses: Facts Hence, Horn fact can be asserted as <hn> element that possesses <relationship> elements as subelements In the example, the Prolog fact travel(john,channel-tunnel). becomes 63 <hn> <relationship> <relator>travel</relator> <ind>john</ind> <ind>channel-tunnel</ind> </relationship> </hn> CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Horn Clauses: Rules Then, Horn rule is asserted as <hn> Element that has a head <relationship> element followed by at least one body <relationship> element So, above example generalized to Prolog rule 64 travel(Someone,channel-tunnel) :- carry(eurostar,Someone). and rewritten as <hn> <relationship> <relator>travel</relator> <var>someone</var> <ind>channel-tunnel</ind> </relationship> <relationship> <relator>carry</relator> <ind>eurostar</ind> <var>someone</var> </relationship> </hn> CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Attributes for Extended Logics Nested elements - trees - allow representation of arbitrary information, but in some situations lead to unnecessarily deeply/widely nested representations Therefore XML attributes: Start-Tag is ‘attributed’ with n attribute-value pairs ai=vi Element: <tag a1=v1 ... an=vn> . . . </tag> Helpful Prolog uses of XML attributes are arity labelings of relation symbols such as our binary relation symbol travel: Prolog’s travel/2 in XML with an arity attribute becomes <relator arity="2">travel</relator> 65 Analogously, annotations become possible on arbitrary element levels: mode declarations for logic variables, determinism specifications for clauses or procedures, and context conditions for entire knowledge bases CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 ID and IDREF Attribute types ID and IDREF for naming and referencing of elements ID-typed value must uniquely identify an element and IDREF-typed value must occur as ID value of an element E.g., clause can be named (in a hypothesis knowledge base): 66 <hn id="john-channel"> <relationship> <relator>travel</relator> <ind>john</ind> <ind>channel-tunnel</ind> </relationship> </hn> CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 ID and IDREF 67 Now a “modal Prolog fact” belief(mary,travel(john,channel-tunnel)). can access the "john-channel" assertion: <hn> <relationship> <relator>belief</relator> <ind>mary</ind> <prop idref="john-channel"/> </relationship> </hn> Propositional argument of the belief operator written as <prop idref="john-channel"/> (XML abbreviation of empty elements <tag ...> </tag> to <tag .../>) Also disbelief fact has "john-channel" access with idref: ID/IDREF “break out of the tree” and enable ‘sharing’ CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 DTDs: Elements as Derivation Trees Up to now: Now: Examples for Horn Logic in XML etc. General language definition XML's Document type definitions (DTDs) initially only as ELEMENT declarations for non-attributed elements For nonterminals: DTD ordinary context-free grammar in modified (EBNF) notation For terminals: Usually arbitrary permutations of the base alphabet ("PCDATA'') instead of fixed terminal sequences DTD grammar derives context-free word patterns: derivation trees themselves - linearized through brackets as generated result XML element is valid with respect to DTD: can be generated from DTD as linearized derivation tree 68 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 DTDs: Defining Horn Logic in XML Syntactic ELEMENT declaration of Horn logic as a knowledge base (kb) of zero or more Horn clauses (hn*): <!ELEMENT kb (hn*) > <!ELEMENT hn (relationship, relationship*) > <!ELEMENT relationship (relator, (ind | var | struc)*) > <!ELEMENT struc (constructor, (ind | var | struc)*) > <!ELEMENT relator (#PCDATA) > <!ELEMENT constructor (#PCDATA) > 69 <!ELEMENT ind (#PCDATA) > <!ELEMENT var (#PCDATA) > CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques Note struc recursion! 17-Sep-03 DTDs: Generation of the Example Rule (1) (Start-)symbol kb brackets derived clause(s) as linearized start-tag/end-tag-tree representation <kb> . . . </kb>: kb 70 <kb> hn* </kb> . . . <kb> <hn> relationship relationship </hn> </kb> . . . <kb> <hn> <relationship> <relator>#PCDATA</relator> <var>#PCDATA</var> <ind>#PCDATA</ind> </relationship> <relationship> <relator>#PCDATA</relator> <ind>#PCDATA</ind> <var>#PCDATA</var> </relationship> </hn> </kb> CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 DTDs: Generation of the Example Rule (2) 71 <kb> <hn> <relationship> <relator>travel</relator> <var>someone</var> <ind>channel-tunnel</ind> </relationship> <relationship> <relator>carry</relator> <ind>eurostar</ind> <var>someone</var> </relationship> </hn> </kb> CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Attribute DTDs (1) DTDs for attributed elements: ATTLIST declarations, which associate element name with an attribute name plus attribute type and possible occurrence indication 1st Example: declare the relator attribute arity as CDATA-typed (cf. #PCDATA) and occurring optionally (#IMPLIED): <!ATTLIST relator arity CDATA #IMPLIED > 2nd Example (Preparation): define the extended Horn logic with (named hn clauses and) embedded propositions: <!ELEMENT relationship (relator, (ind|var|struc|prop)*) > 72 <!ELEMENT prop EMPTY > CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Attribute DTDs (2) 2nd Example (Execution): Append an ATTLIST declaration that specifies, for the hn respectively prop elements, the attributes id - as optional ID type - respectively idref - as mandatory IDREF type: <!ATTLIST hn id ID #IMPLIED > <!ATTLIST prop idref IDREF #REQUIRED > With entire DTD now, e.g., earlier "john-channel"-named fact and its accessing facts can be generated 73 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Horn Queries in XML Notation 74 Assume fact: <hn> <relationship> <relator>carry</relator> <ind>eurostar</ind> carry(eurostar,fred). <ind>fred</ind> </relationship> </hn> A Horn-logic interpreter can use it to answer this query: <relationship> <relator>carry</relator> <ind>eurostar</ind> carry(eurostar,Someone) <var>someone</var> </relationship> by binding <var>someone</var> Someone to <ind>fred</ind> fred CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Horn Inferences in XML Notation (1) With carry basis fact carry(eurostar,fred). a rule is usable to dynamically derive travel assertions as needed, without having to store them all-inclusively and statically: travel(Someone,channel-tunnel) :- carry(eurostar,Someone). That is, its earlier XML version is useable by a Horn-logic interpreter for inferential queries like Someone=fred travel(fred,Where) carry(eurostar,Someone) true Where=channel-tunnel 75 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques Where=channel-tunnel 17-Sep-03 Horn Inferences in XML Notation (2) Rule: <hn> <relationship> <relator>travel</relator> <var>someone</var> <ind>channel-tunnel</ind> </relationship> <relationship> <relator>carry</relator> <ind>eurostar</ind> <var>someone</var> </relationship> </hn> Fact: <hn> <relationship> <relator>carry</relator> <ind>eurostar</ind> <ind>fred</ind> </relationship> </hn> 3-Step Animation: <relationship> <relationship someone="fred" where="channel-tunnel"> <ind where="channel-tunnel"> <relator>travel</relator> <relator>carry</relator> true <ind>fred</ind> <ind>eurostar</ind> </ind> <var>where</var> <var>someone</var> </relationship> 76 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Horn Inferences in XML Notation (2) Rule: <hn> <relationship> <relator>travel</relator> <var>someone</var> <ind>channel-tunnel</ind> </relationship> <relationship> <relator>carry</relator> <ind>eurostar</ind> <var>someone</var> </relationship> </hn> Fact: <hn> <relationship> <relator>carry</relator> <ind>eurostar</ind> <ind>fred</ind> </relationship> </hn> 3-Step Animation: <relationship> <relator>travel</relator> <ind>fred</ind> <var>where</var> </relationship> 77 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Horn Inferences in XML Notation (2) Rule: <hn> <relationship> <relator>travel</relator> <var>someone</var> <ind>channel-tunnel</ind> </relationship> <relationship> <relator>carry</relator> <ind>eurostar</ind> <var>someone</var> </relationship> </hn> Fact: <hn> <relationship> <relator>carry</relator> <ind>eurostar</ind> <ind>fred</ind> </relationship> </hn> 3-Step Animation: <relationship someone="fred" where="channel-tunnel"> <relator>carry</relator> <ind>eurostar</ind> <var>someone</var> </relationship> 78 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Horn Inferences in XML Notation (2) Rule: <hn> <relationship> <relator>travel</relator> <var>someone</var> <ind>channel-tunnel</ind> </relationship> <relationship> <relator>carry</relator> <ind>eurostar</ind> <var>someone</var> </relationship> </hn> Fact: <hn> <relationship> <relator>carry</relator> <ind>eurostar</ind> <ind>fred</ind> </relationship> </hn> 3-Step Animation: <ind where="channel-tunnel"> true </ind> 79 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Horn Inferences: SLD-Resolution, XML-QL Implementation, Open World • This inference is carried out as an SLD-resolution step • The procedural semantics of SLD-resolution can be used • An XML-QL implementation seems possible as for queries • A functional-logic generalization of HornML is RFML If distribution of the clauses over different documents in the Web is assumed, in this “open world” logical completeness, in particular, can hardly still be asked for 80 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 The Java Deductive Reasoning Engine for the Web 81 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Train people to build the Rule-based web services Courses on systems employing rule engines and Internet applications – – – – Meier and Warren’s book: Programming in Logic, 1988 – – 82 Writing deduction engines in Java/C/C++ Interfacing with Internet API Old techniques (Prolog 30 years ago) New techniques from CADE System Competition Updated in Java? Specific to Prolog at low level CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Will such a course work? No – – Guts of Prolog, Internet API’s, how to program in logic At least three courses here Yes – – Students understand recursion How to build a tree how to search a space – 83 Propositional theorem prover how to interface to Internet CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 This talk Architecture – – first order easily configured – – – – – – 84 forward or backward embedded supports calls to and from rest of system Tour – for building deduction systems of internals backward & forward engines tree/proof terms bindings discrimination tree Prototypes CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Choose the right abstractions Goal, Unifier, ProofTree use Java iterators: pay as you go – Make every Goal responsible for its list of matching clauses – – hasNextMatchingClause() attachNextMatchingClause() Place Goals in stack of backtrack points – 85 for finding the next proof popped in reverse chronological order CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Propositional Prover initially proofTree has an open Goal loop if(proofTree.hasNoOpenGoal()) halt('success'); else Goal g = proofTree.selectOpenGoal(); g.createMatchingClauseList(); if(g.hasMoreMatchingClauses()) DefiniteClause c = g.nextClause(); g.attachClause(c); choicePoints.push(g); else chronologicalBacktrack(); chronologicalBacktrack while(choicePoints.nonEmpty()) Goal g = choicePoints.pop(); g.removeAttachedClause(); if(g.hasMoreClauses()) return; halt('failure') Remove bindings Create bindings Java Iterator 88 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Tree with initial goal p(Z) p(X) :- q(X), r(X). q(g(X)). q(k). r(g(h)) a ?:-p(Z) p(Y1) :- q(Y1), r(Y1) c b b’ q(g(Y2)) r(g(h)) q(k) ChoicePoints c b b’ Y1/k Y1/g(Y2) a 89 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques Y2/h Z/Y1 17-Sep-03 Moving to First Order Logic Students struggle with variables – – – Can we hide the hard stuff? – 90 Unification Composition of substitutions Unbinding on backtracking Powerful abstraction CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Shallow or deep variables? Deep – – – variable binding is a list of replacements traverse list for each lookup undoing: remove most recent replacements {X f(Y)} {Y a} Shallow – – 92 an array of (all) variables and their current values [X f(a) Ya …] undoing: pop stack of previous values (trail) CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Goal Tree and flatterms N p Each node has head and body atoms Body atoms form goals – 94 attach children resolved p1 from d p1, …, pm against q from q q1, …, qn resolved pm against r . C p1 pm D q q1 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques r qn 17-Sep-03 Flatterms to represent atoms j-DREW uses flatterms – Array of pairs: – 95 symbol table ref length of subterm Not structure sharing Flatterms save theorem provers time and space (de Nivelle, 1999) Data transfer between deduction engine and rest of application CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Variables are clause-specific Variables use negative indexes Bindings are references to flatterm & position 96 Unifier X g2 Y f(g2) W h(g2) Z f(g2) CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Composing and undoing Bindings Local shallow bindings currently do not allow composition – – Backtracking is integrated with unbinding – 97 bindings must be done to a flatterm new binding on a new flatterm for quick unbinding, we use a stack of flatterms for each goal. CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Discrimination trees Given a goal we want to access matching clauses quickly Every-argument addressing – Useful for RDF triples – – 99 unlike Prolog’s first argument addressing a pattern may have variable in first argument rdf(X, ownedby, ‘Ora Lassila’) CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Discrimination trees Given a goal, want to access input clauses with matching heads quickly Index into clauses via a structure built from heads Replace vars by * – merge prefixes as much as possible • We added – 100 imperfect discrimination a tree arises p r f g1 h h * g2 h g1 * p(f(g1 ),h(g2 ),g1 ) p(f(h( X)),h(Y),f(Z, Z)) CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques q f * * 17-Sep-03 Finding heads for goal p(X,h(g2),Y) replace vars in goal by * – p * in goal, skip subtree • Find generalizations of goal –* in tree, skip term in goal g1 h h * g2 h g1 * f •Find unifiable –combination of both 101 r f p(*,h(g2),*) Find instances of goal – q * p(f(g1 ),h(g2 ),g1 ) p(f(h( X)),h(Y),f(Z, Z)) CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Iterator for matching clauses We use Java idioms where possible Java’s iterators give access to sequence – – Used for access to sequence of matching clauses – 102 next() hasNext() used in discrimination tree for access to roots leaves of skipped tree (McCune’s term: jump-list) CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 103 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 •SmokedSalmon is the intersection of Smoked and Salmon Smoked Salmon 104 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 •SmokedSalmon is the intersection of Smoked and Salmon Smoked Salmon •Gravalax is the intersection of Cured and Salmon, but not Smoked Gravalax 105 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 •SmokedSalmon is the intersection of Smoked and Salmon Smoked Salmon •Gravalax is the intersection of Cured and Salmon, but not Smoked Lox •Lox is Smoked, Cured Salmon 106 Gravalax CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 A search for keywords Salmon and Cured should return pages that mention Gravalax, even if they don’t mention Salmon and Cured A search for Salmon and Smoked will return pages with smoked salmon, should also return pages with Lox, but not Gravalax Smoked Salmon Lox Gravalax The Semantic Web vision is to make information on the web “understood” by computers, for searching, categorizing, … 107 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Smoked Salmon Lox Gravalax 108 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 One possible encoding Search criteria: retrieve(P) :about(P, cured), about(P, salmon). Ontology: about(P, cured) :about(P, gravalax). about(P, salmon) :about(P, gravalax). 109 A search for keywords Salmon and Cured should return pages that mention Gravalax, even if they don’t mention Salmon and Cured. about(p1, gravalax). retrieve(p1) succeeds CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 retrieve(P) :about(P, smoked), about(P, salmon). 110 about(P, cured) :about(P, lox). about(P, salmon) :about(P, lox). about(P, smoked) :about(P, lox). about(P, cured) :about(P, gravalax). about(P, salmon) :about(P, gravalax). A search for Salmon and Smoked will return pages with smoked salmon, should also return pages with Lox, but not Gravalax. about(p1, gravalax). about(p2, lox). retrieve(p1) fails retrieve(p2) succeeds CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Working Prototypes: Basic Prolog Engine – – – – Accepts RuleML, or Prolog, or mixture Iterator for instances of the top goal Main loop is same code as propositional theorem prover (shown earlier) Builds, displays deduction tree – 111 available to rest of system Negation as failure CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 More working prototypes: Variants of Top-Down Engine User directed – – User selects goals User chooses clauses – – – iteratively increase bound every resolution in search space will eventually be tried a fair selection strategy Original variable names supplied – 112 Good teaching tool Bounded search – keeps track of clauses still left to try particularly important for RuleML CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Bottom-Up / Forward Chaining Set of support prover for definite clauses Facts are supports Theorem: Completeness preserved when definite clause resolutions are only between first negative literal and fact. – 116 Proof: completeness of lock resolution (Boyer’s PhD) Use standard search procedure to reduce redundant checking (next) Unlike OPS/Rete, returns proofs and uses first order syntax for atoms CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Theorem Prover’s Search Procedure Priority – queue new facts Discrimination trees: – – 117 used facts rules, indexed on first goal main loop select new fact for each matching rule resolve process new result add to old facts process new result(C) if C is rule for each old fact matching first goal resolve process new result add C to rules else add C to new facts CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Event – Condition - Action Suppose theorem prover saturates – – may need datalog, subsumption Then a new fact is added from – adding a fact restarts saturation 118 push process Java event listener could generate new Java events ECA interaction with Java 1.1 events CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 j-DREW sound and complete Sound unification Search complete variant – – Sound negation – – 119 fair search procedure rather than depth-first uses increasing bounds delay negation-as-failure subgoals until ground or until only NAF goals remain CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Related Work j-DREW compared to Prolog – – j-DREW not compiled More flexible – Performance requirements different 120 Dynamic additions Web-ized Programmer’s API j-DREW unlikely to yield megalips CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Summary Architecture – forward & backward Backward: – – for Java-based reasoning engines variable binding/unbinding automatic tied with choicepoints configurable Integrated with other Java APIs Small footprint – Depolyed as thread, on server, on client, mobile Dynamic – Integration of RuleML and Prolog rules in same proofs Proofs 122 additions to rules available CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 The Rule Markup Language 123 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Motivation (I) Rules in (and for) the Web have become a mainstream topic since – inference rules were – marked up for E-Business identified as a Design Issue of the Semantic Web transformation rules were used for document generation from central XML repository • Rule interchange is becoming more important in Knowledge Representation (KR), especially in – Intelligent Agents – Web Services 124 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Motivation (II) The Rule Markup Initiative has taken initial steps towards defining a shared Rule Markup Language (RuleML) for interoperation between the currently 34 Participant Groups around the world 125 RuleML permits rules in XML & RDF/DAML+OIL for – derivation, query, transformation (stable DTDs/Schemas) – integrity checking (still regarded as special queries) – reactive behavior (currently as translators to, e.g., Jess) CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Semantic Web and Web Services Use Databases and Rule Systems 126 Semantic Web: DAML+OIL Web Services : WSDL Category-Based Search Engines & Document Retrieval Mediator Agents & Information Integration Formal Ontologies & Metadata Repositories Interface Descriptions & CGI Scripts First-Order Logic & Knowledge Representation Communication Protocols & Remote Procedure Calls Databases: SQL Rule Systems: RuleML (Integration of) Schemas & Dictionaries Derivation Rules (Distributed) Transaction Processing Transformation Rules Triggers & Events Reaction Rules CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Rule Systems for Web-Based B2C or B2B Rule Exchange Merchant1 Merchantm ... publish rulebase1 translate to standard format (e.g., RuleML) publish rulebasem compare, instantiate, and run rulebases Customer or Company 127 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 From Natural Language to Horn Logic English Business Rules: ''The discount for a customer buying a product is 5.0 percent if''The the discount customer is andbuying the product is regular.'' forpremium a customer a product is 7.5 percent .if .the . customer is premium and the product is luxury.'' Prolog-like formalization (syntax generated from XML): 128 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 RuleML: Markup and Tree ''The discount for a customer buying a product is 5.0 percent <imp>if the customer is premium and impthe product is regular.'' 129 <_head> head <atom> <_opr><rel>discount</rel></_opr> <var>customer</var> <var>product</var> <ind>5.0 percent</ind> </atom> </_head> <_body> body <and> <atom> <_opr><rel>premium</rel></_opr> <var>customer</var> </atom> <atom> <_opr><rel>regular</rel></_opr> <var>product</var> </atom> </and> </_body> </imp> CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques atom opr rel var var ind and atom opr atom opr discount customer product 5.0 percent rel var premium customer rel var regular product 17-Sep-03 Intertranslating RuleML and RFML ''The discount for a customer buying a product is 5.0 percent <imp> <hn> if the customer is premium and the product is regular.'' 130 <_head> <atom> <pattop> <_opr><rel>discount</rel></_opr> <con>discount</con> <var>customer</var> <var>customer</var> <var>product</var> <var>product</var> <ind>5.0 percent</ind> <con>5.0 percent</con> </atom> </pattop> ruleml2rfml.xsl </_head> <_body> <and> rfml2ruleml.xsl <atom> <callop> <_opr><rel>premium</rel></_opr> <con>premium</con> <var>customer</var> <var>customer</var> </atom> </callop> <atom> <callop> <_opr><rel>regular</rel></_opr> <con>regular</con> <var>product</var> <var>product</var> </atom> </callop> </and> </_body> CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques </hn> </imp> 17-Sep-03 Structure of the RuleML DTD Hierarchy Our system of DTDs (current version: 0.8) uses a modularization approach similar to XHTML in order to accomodate the various rule subcommunities The evolving hierarchy of RuleML DTDs forms a partial order with ruleml as the greatest element (a ruleml-rooted DAG) -- many ‘smallest’ elements Each DTD node in the hierarchy (conformance “lattice”) corresponds to a specific RuleML sublanguage: – – 131 ‘Union’ (join) of sublanguages reached via outgoing links: to smaller or equal nodes below ‘Intersection’ (meet) of sublanguages via incoming links: from greater or equal nodes above CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 The Module Hierarchy of RuleML DTDs ruleml ur-equalog ur-hornlog equalog ur-datalog hornlog Rooted DAG will be extended with branches for further sublanguages ur-datalog = join(ur,datalog) datalog ur URL/URI-like ‘ur’-objects 132 urc-datalog bin-datalog urc-bin-datalog urc-bin-data-ground-log urc-bin-data-ground-fact CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques RDF-like triples 17-Sep-03 Planned RuleML Extensions 133 Reaction Rules: Encompass Situated, ECA, ... Rule Modules: ‘Send’ queries to agents Negations: Strong negation & negation as failure Rule Prioritizing: Labels and/or salience factors Integrity Constraints: Directly (not as queries) CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 RuleML Conclusions 134 RuleML DTD 0.8, a system of DTDs, is available at; sample rulebases at, use cases at RuleML DTD 0.81 also has transformation rules with callby-value function nestings Further rule categories (e.g. integrity constraints and reaction rules) will be available via main RuleML page at Distributed KR can already be based on current DTDs -using (XSLT) transformations to reach follow-up and Participants’ DTDs CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Simple HTML/XML Ontology Extensions 135 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 SHOE Basics SHOE (Simple HTML Ontology Extensions) ( provides distributed ontologies consisting of Categories: Organized hierarchically, with multiple inheritance, for classifying instances Relationship rules: Horn clauses (the first well-known Horn language publishing KBs in the Web) SHOE originally specified in HTML (before the definition of XML); meanwhile also specified as an XML DTD 136 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Instances (Individuals) as URLs/URIs Individual constants in SHOE are represented through an (official) URL/URI In the earlier Horn-rule example there appear two individuals, which could be represented in SHOE, e.g., as 137 eurostar = channel-tunnel = CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 A SHOE Rule With these URLs/URIs, the rule in SHOE becomes 138 <DEF-INFERENCE DESCRIPTION="travel(?someone, if carry(,?someone)"> <INF-IF> <RELATION NAME="carry"> <ARG POS="1" VALUE=""> <ARG POS="2" VALUE="someone" USAGE="VAR"> </RELATION> </INF-IF> <INF-THEN> <RELATION NAME="travel"> <ARG POS="1" VALUE="someone" USAGE="VAR"> <ARG POS="2" VALUE=""> </RELATION> </INF-THEN> </DEF-INFERENCE> CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 XML Namespaces 139 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 XML Namespaces and Programming-Language Modules 140 XML namespaces are akin to namespaces, packages, and modules in programming languages Disambiguation of tag–and attribute–names from different XML applications (“spaces”) through different prefixes A prefix is separated from the local name by a “:”, obtaining prefix:name tags Namespaces constitute a layer on top of XML 1.0, since prefix:name is again a valid tag name and namespace bindings are ignored by some tools CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Namespace Bindings 141 Prefixes are bound to namespace URIs by attaching an xmlns:prefix attribute to the prefixed element or one of its ancestors, prefix:name1 ,..., prefix:namen The value of the xmlns:prefix attribute is a URI, which may or (unlike for DTDs!) may not point to a description of the namespace’s syntax An element can use bindings for multiple namespaces via attributes xmlns:prefix1 ,..., xmlns:prefixm CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Namespaceless Example: Address Variant Namespaceless XML Markup: <address> <name>Xaver M. Linde</name> <street>Wikingerufer 7</street> <town>10555 Berlin</town> <bill>12.50</bill> <phone>030/1234567</phone> <phone>030/1234568</phone> <fax>030/1234569</fax> <bill>76.20</bill> </ address> 142 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques bill is ambiguous tag (name clash from two XML applications) 17-Sep-03 Two-Namespace Example: Snail-Mail and Telecoms Address Parts Namespace XML Markup: <mail:address xmlns:mail="" xmlns:tele=""> <mail:name>Xaver M. Linde</mail:name> <mail:street>Wikingerufer 7</mail:street> <mail:town>10555 Berlin</mail:town> <mail:bill>12.50</mail:bill> bill disambiguation <tele:phone>030/1234567</tele:phone> through mail and <tele:phone>030/1234568</tele:phone> tele prefixes <tele:fax>030/1234569</tele:fax> <tele:bill>76.20</tele:bill> </ mail:address> • The root element, mail:address, as well as the children mail:name, mail:street, mail:town, and mail:bill, use the mail prefix, bound to a deutschepost URI • The tele:phone, tele:fax, and tele:bill children use the tele prefix, bound to a telekom URI 143 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Acquiring and Processing Knowledge Markups 144 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Acquiring and Processing Knowledge Markups 145 acquisition – Protégé with XML Plugin – Web Onto transformation techniques and stylesheet languages – CSS – XSLT query languages – XQL and XPath – XML-QL – XQuery CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Acquiring XML Knowledge Bases 146 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Protégé-2000 as an XML Editor Represents the latest in a series of interactive tools for knowledge-system development Facilitates construction of knowledge bases in a principled fashion from reusable components Allows a variety of “plug-ins” to facilitate customization in various dimensions One plug-in used for XML import/export, i.e. Protégé proposed as an XML editor (also as an RDF[S] and OIL editor) 147 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Knowledge-Base Development with Protégé-2000 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 148 Build or import a domain ontology (a conceptual model of the application area) Custom-tailor GUI for acquisition of content knowledge Elicit content knowledge from application specialists Map domain ontology to appropriate problem solvers for automation of particular tasks Export ontology and content knowledge to target format (OKBC, XML, RDF[S], OIL, DAML+OIL ...) CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Protégé as an OKBC-Compliant System (Open Knowledge Base Connectivity) OKBC: 149 Standard mechanism for knowledge bases stored as “frames” of classes, slots, facets, instances, ... Adopted by several well-known knowledgerepresentation systems (Ontolingua, LOOM, Protégé-2000, XOL) Allows Protégé-2000 to be used as an ontologyand knowledge-editing system for any OKBCcompliant server CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 XML Import Strategy tag/element names become class names, except “leaves” which become slots example: <Customer> <Name> <FirstName>Bill</FirstName> <LastName>Buckram</LastName> </Name> <Cardnum>234 ...</Cardnum> </Customer> 150 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Example (Import): Book Order 151 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 XML Export Strategy instances: – – – ontology: – 152 unreferenced instances become top level elements (cyclic references are handled) classes and slots become tag names objects that are referenced more than once are shared/reused with id/idref as simple XML tree or RDF Schema CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Example (Export): Newspaper Instances 153 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Example: Newspaper Ontology As XML Tree 154 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Processing XML 155 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Cascading Style Sheets CSS is a language for applying styles such as bold and Arial to XML elements also works with HTML (supported in most modern browsers) example (style sheet for poems): poem title poet stanza verse 156 { display: { display: { display: { display: { display: block } block; font-size: 16pt; font-weight: bold} block; margin-bottom: 10px } block; margin-bottom: 10px } block } attached to XML documents with processing instruction: <?xml-stylesheet type="text/css" href="poem.css"?> CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 XSLT (XSL Transformations) XSL (Extensible Stylesheet Language) = XSLT + Formatting Objects XSLT is a rule-based transformation language for XML documents/trees result of a transformation usually is again an XML document, but may also be HTML or plain text transformation takes place – – – 157 offline (useful for XML-to-HTML transformation) on server (e.g., with Apache´s Cocoon or Xalan) in client (browser, preliminary support in Netscape 6 and IE 5.x) CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 XML to HTML: XSLT Example – Input <addresses> <address> <name>Xaver M. Linde</name> <street>Wikingerufer 7</street> <town>10555 Berlin</town> </address> <address> <name>John Doe</name> <street>42 Gary Cooper Street</street> <town>Stanwyck City</town> </address> </addresses> 158 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 XML to HTML: XSLT Example – Stylesheet <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl=""> <xsl:template match="/"> <html> <head><title>Addresses</title></head> <body bgcolor="white"> <xsl:apply-templates/> </body> </html> </xsl:template> <xsl:template match="address"> <p> <i><xsl:value-of select="name"/></i><br/> <xsl:value-of select="street"/><br/> <b><xsl:value-of select="town"/></b> </p> </xsl:template> template for document root template for address elements </xsl:stylesheet> 159 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 XML to HTML: XSLT Example – Output <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" ""> <html> <head><title>Addresses</title></head> <body bgcolor="white"> <p><i>Xaver M. Linde</i><br> Wikingerufer 7<br> <b>10555 Berlin</b> </p> <p><i>John Doe</i><br> 42 Gary Cooper Street<br> <b>Stanwyck City</b> </p> </body> </html> (The HTML code was produced with Apache´s Cocoon in HTML mode, hence <br/> became <br>) 160 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 XML to XML: Transformational Semantics via an XSLT Stylesheet <addresses> % start fact base for addresses <addresses> <address> address( <address> <name>Me2XML</name> name("Me2XML"), <name>Me2XML</name> <place> place( <street>96 Hyper Road</street> <street>96 Hyper Road</street> street("96 Hyper Road"), <town>Boston</town> <town>Boston</town> town("Boston") </address> </place> ) <address> </address> ). <name>RDF4All</name> address( <street>2001 Broadway</street> <address> <name>RDF4All</name> name("RDF4All"), <town>New York</town> <place> place( </address> <street>2001 Broadway</street> street("2001 Broadway"), <address> <town>New York</town> town("New York") <name>XML4You</name> </place> ) <street>96 Hyper Road</street> </address> ). <town>Boston</town> <address> address( </address> <name>XML4You</name> name("XML4You"), </addresses> <place> place( <street>96 Hyper Road</street> street("96 Hyper Road"), <town>Boston</town> town("Boston") </place> ) </address> ). </addresses> % end fact base for addresses XSLT templates 161 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 XML to XML: XSLT Stylesheet with a Tree-Transforming Template 1 addresses . . . Subtree Subtree <!-- process addresses and position address nester --> <xsl:template match="/addresses"> <addresses> <xsl:apply-templates/> </addresses> </xsl:template> addresses . . . Subtree 162 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques Subtree 17-Sep-03 XML to XML: XSLT Stylesheet with a Tree-Transforming Template 2 address name PCDATA <!-- apply address nester to each flat address --> <xsl:template match="address"> <address> <name><xsl:value-of select="name"/></name> <place> <street><xsl:value-of select="street"/></street> <town><xsl:value-of select="town"/></town> </place> </address> name </xsl:template> street town PCDATA PCDATA address PCDATA 163 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques place street town PCDATA PCDATA 17-Sep-03 XQL and XPath XSLT uses XPath to select parts of the input XML documents, e.g.: – – 164 <xsl:template match="/"> document root <xsl:value-of select="name"/> element „name“ syntax is not XML-based, but intended to be used in URLs (XPointer) and XSLT as above XQL is a variant of XPath especially designed for querying XML documents XPath/XQL expressions select parts of XML documents (no transformations!) CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 XQL Expressions 1 XQL expressions (relative to a context node): – – – – 165 address select element nodes with tag name „address“ address/name select „name“ element nodes directly below „address“ element nodes address/name=´John Doe´ as before, plus the content of the name element must be ´John Doe´ book//name select „name“ element nodes anywhere below „book“ element nodes CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 XQL Expressions 2 absolute XQL expressions: – – – expressions with attributes (prefixed with @): – – 166 / document root (the node that contains the document element) /addresses/address/name //name „name“ element nodes anywhere in the document address/@type attribute nodes with name „type“ below „address“ element nodes address/@type=´email´ as above, plus the value of the „type“ attribute is ´email´ CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 XQL Expressions 3 filter expressions: – – – 167 address[name] select „address“ element nodes with a direct „name“ subelement node address[name=´John Doe´] as above, plus the content of the „name“ element is ´John Doe´ address[@type=´email´] select „address“ element nodes that have a „type“ attribute whose value is ´email´ CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 XML-QL 168 borrows features of query languages developed by the database research community for semistructured data similar to SQL (simplified) base construct is WHERE pattern1 IN URI1, ... CONSTRUCT patternn where the patterns are XML fragments with variables (prefixed with $) XML-QL introduces an abbreviated XML syntax for simplicity: <tag>...</> instead of <tag>...</tag> CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 XML-QL Example 1 return short addresses (town-city renaming, without street): <street> elements are also matched <address> <name>Xaver M. Linde</name> <street>Wikingerufer 7</street> <town>10555 Berlin</town> </address> WHERE <address> <name>$n</> <town>$t</> </> IN "" CONSTRUCT <shortaddress> <shortaddress> <name>Xaver M. Linde</name> <name>$n</> <city>10555 Berlin</city> </shortaddress> <city>$t</> </> 169 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 XML-QL Example 2 XML-QL allows joining by value: WHERE <address> <name>$n</> </> ELEMENT_AS $a IN "", <book> <author>$n</> <title>$t</> </> IN "" CONSTRUCT <book> <title>$t</> $a </> 170 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 XQuery 171 derived from Quilt borrows features from several languages: – XPath and XQL: path expression syntax – XML-QL: notion of binding variables and then using the bound variables to create new structures – SQL: series of clauses based on keywords that provide a pattern for restructuring data (the SELECT-FROM-WHERE pattern in SQL) – OQL: functional language composed of several different kinds of expressions that can be nested with full generality CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 XQuery: Examples 1 Path expressions: – In the second chapter of the document named "zoo.xml", find the figure(s) with caption "Tree Frogs": document("zoo.xml")/chapter[2]//figure[caption = "Tree Frogs"] – Ranges: Find all the figures in chapters 2 through 5 of the document named "zoo.xml": document("zoo.xml")/chapter[RANGE 2 TO 5]//figure – Dereferencing: Find captions of figures that are referenced by <figref> elements in the chapter of "zoo.xml" with title "Frogs": document("zoo.xml")/chapter[title = "Frogs"] //figref/@refid->fig/caption 172 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 XQuery: Examples 2 FLWR (FOR-LET-WHERE-RETURN) Expressions and Element Constructors: – List the titles of books published by Morgan Kaufmann in 1998: FOR $b IN document("bib.xml")//book WHERE $b/publisher = "Morgan Kaufmann" AND $b/year = "1998" RETURN $b/title[xyz:*] – List each publisher and the average price of its books: FOR $p IN distinct(document("bib.xml")//publisher) LET $a := avg(document("bib.xml")/book[publisher = $p]/price) RETURN <publisher> <name> $p/text() </name> , element constructor <avgprice> $a </avgprice> </publisher> 173 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 XQuery: Examples 3 Functions (& Namespaces, XML Schema Data Types): – Find the maximum depth of the document named "partlist.xml" : NAMESPACE xsd = FUNCTION depth(ELEMENT $e) RETURNS xsd:integer { -- An empty element has depth 1 -- Otherwise, add 1 to max depth of children IF empty($e/*) THEN 1 ELSE max(depth($e/*)) + 1 } depth(document("partlist.xml")) 174 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 175 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Todays Topics Resolution – j-DREW BU procedure Subsumption – change to procedure Infinite Loops RuleML input – 176 top down and bottom up Prolog output CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Resolution Clausal Logic: Syntax – – an atom in logic is (syntactically) a relation symbol followed by its arguments, each of which is a term a term is either a variable, a constant or a function symbol followed by its arguments (which are also terms) – each clause is a disjunction of positive or negative atoms – attends(Student, Course) \/ ~passes(Student, Course) Rule Notation: a \/ b \/ ~c \/ ~d becomes a \/ b c /\ d a literal is a positive or negative atom Definite clauses have – 177 brother(‘Harry’, future_king(‘England’)) passes(‘Fang’, cs6999) one positive literal and any number of negative literals CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Resolution Given two clauses, to form the resolvent: – find two literals, one from each clause, that – – – b(X) \/ ~c(X, 3) against c(2, Y) \/ ~d(Y, Z) gives b(2) \/ ~d(3, Z) In rule notation – – 178 construct the disjunction of all literals except these two apply the substitution Resolve – can be made to match (with assignments to the variables) differ in sign b(X) c(X, 3) against c(2, Y) d(Y, Z) gives b(2) d(3, Z) CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Bottom Up Reasoning Single literal definite clauses are called facts – Resolving a fact against a condition in a rule is called forward reasoning – – so forward reasoning also called bottom up reasoning Prolog does top-down, backward reasoning – 179 attends(Student, Course) passes(Student, Course) Resolvent: attends(‘Fang’, cs6999) Usually a derivation tree is viewed with given facts at the bottom and derived facts at the top – passes(‘Fang’, cs6999) starting from a negative clause, called a query CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 j-DREW Bottom Up More or less efficient than top down? – More – – – 180 can reuse subderivations saves space and time Less – depends on details of each search method Less goal directed Much unfocused search Infinite loops possible with both CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Theorem Prover’s Search Procedure Priority – queue new facts Discrimination trees: – – 181 used facts rules, indexed on first goal main loop select new fact for each matching rule resolve process new result add to old facts process new result(C) if C is rule for each old fact matching first goal resolve process new result add C to rules else add C to new facts CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Preventing Infinite Loops To prevent infinite loops in the search procedure, use subsumption (next slides) and either 1a) use ground facts and rules only, or 1b) use no function symbols Sometimes it helps if the positive literal has no new variables (that do not already occur in the body) 182 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Subsumption A clause C subsumes a clause D if there is a substitution such that C D – – We use subsumption between facts (atoms) – Atoms C subsumes atom D if there exists such that C = D Subsumption is checked by – – 183 C is more general than D Given C you do not need D first grounding all variables in D to new constants then trying to unify C with grounded D CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Forward subsumption New result is checked against old results to see if it is more general We can prevent some infinte loops by checking subsumption of new fact against old facts Should this be done when the new fact is derived or when it is selected? – 184 experience shows that subsumption on selection is better What about subsumption of rules? CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Theorem Prover’s Search Procedure Priority – queue new facts Discrimination trees: – – 185 used facts rules, indexed on first goal main loop select new fact if it is not forward subsumed for each matching rule resolve process new result add to old facts process new result(C) if C is rule for each old fact matching first goal resolve process new result add C to rules else add C to new facts CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Event – Condition - Action Suppose theorem prover saturates – Then a new fact is added from – adding a fact restarts saturation 186 push process Java event listener could generate new Java events ECA interaction with Java 1.1 events CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 System Architecture 187 j-DREW runs Listeners register with Broadcaster New fact added New conclusions drawn Events sent to Listeners j-DREW BU Rules New Fact Listener Listener Listener Listener Old Facts Event Broadcaster New Facts New Facts CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 RuleML Input to j-DREW BU may also be RuleML RuleML queries are ignored currently discount(customer,product1,'5.0 percent') :premium(customer),regular(product). 188 <imp> <_head> <atom> <_opr><rel>discount</rel></_opr> <var>customer</var> <var>product</var> <ind>5.0 percent</ind> </atom> </_head> <_body> <and> <atom> <_opr><rel>premium</rel></_opr> <var>customer</var> </atom> <atom> <_opr><rel>regular</rel></_opr> <var>product</var> </atom> </and> </_body> </imp> CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Related Literature Set of support prover for definite clauses Facts are supports Theorem: Completeness preserved when definite clause resolutions are only between first negative literal and fact. – 189 Proof: completeness of lock resolution (Boyer’s PhD) Use standard search procedure to reduce redundant checking Unlike OPS/Rete, returns proofs and uses first order syntax for atoms CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 XML-Based Agent Techniques 190 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 XML-Based Agent Techniques XML-Protocol, SOAP, XML-RPC, WSDL – remote procedure calls starting with HTTP for the transport and XML for the encoding FIPA (Foundation of Intelligent Physical Agents) – DAML – XML (and RDF) as language for message contents DARPA Agent Markup Language ACORN – Keyphrase-Based Information Sharing Multi-Agent Architecture: Virendra C. Bhavsar and Ali A. Ghorbani RACSA – 191 Rule Applying Comparison Shopping Agent CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 RACSA (1) The RACSA project contributes to the Semantic Web, especially to e-commerce in the Semantic Web Unlike in standard comparison shopping, the main idea of RACSA is • marking up shopping web pages with Semantic Web languages • based on their list prices, computing the real end prices by applying various business rules 192 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 RACSA (2) From a more technical point of view, RACSA is a rule-empowered shopping agent, using RuleML as the XML-based rule language and Mandarax (a Java-based Prolog engine) as the inference component for processing knowledge and data bases (i.e. facts and rules) The goal of RACSA is to demonstrate an e-commerce application enabled by the Semantic Web techniques: Supporting purchase-decisions by simplifying price comparisons 193 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 RACSA (3) The project is restricted to an exemplary domain: Refrigerators/freezers offered by 3 small fictitious shops Rule application takes place in a wide variety of areas: • gross/net prices • calculation of warranty time • additional insurance and transport costs • payment and customer discounts Online Demo: 194 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Resource Description Framework 195 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Disclaimer and Footnote “There is nothing interesting in what we are doing. The only interesting thing is the scale upon which we are attempting to do it.” R.V. Guha, Epinions 196 Adobe’s eXtensible Metadata Platform (XMP) now uses RDF for Photoshop® 7.0, Acrobat® 5.0, and FrameMaker®: CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Outline Motivation: Why XML is not enough Introduction to RDF – Requirements for KR on the Web – The RDF Data Model – RDF Schema Extensions of RDF(S) Tools for RDF and RDF Schema – 197 Parser, Query, and Inference Engines CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Why The Shift Towards More Semantics? Information Overload – Information on the Web currently aiming at Human Consumption – Search Engines fail more and more – Information Consumption is too time consuming combined coverage is less than 42% of the HTML-Web Data Interchange growing (e.g. B2B) – needs a common semantics XML? 198 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Extensible Markup Language (XML) Revisited Key idea: separate structure from presentation XML DTDs or Schemas define document structure Replace HTML with two things A domain specific markup language (defined in XML) A map from that markup language to HTML (defined using XSLT) DTD enables document recipients to tell whether they’ve received a grammar-conforming document – 199 Gives a minimal level of validation CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Why XML is Not Enough Main advantage of using XML is reusing the parser and document validation Many different possibilities to encode a domain of discourse Leads to difficulties when understanding of foreign documents is required ==> Next step: separate content from structure! 200 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Encoding of Knowledge: Example “The Creator of the Resource “” is Ora Lassila Creator Ora Lassila Endless encoding possibilities in XML: <Creator> <uri></uri> <name>Ora Lassila</name> </Creator> <Document uri=“” <Creator>Ora Lassila</Creator> </Document> <Document uri=“” Creator=“Ora Lassila”/> 201 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Point to Point Communication for Machine-Understandable Data Conceptual Domain Model (Objects and Relations) Person is_a Mammal Student is_a Person ---- Translation Step <xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="http://..."> <xsd:annotation> A-Schema DTD or XML Schema </xsd:... </xsd:schema> Deployment XML-based Communication using DTD A XMLParser Sender using DTD A Parse Tree Recipient using DTD A Common Semantics 202 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Many Previously Unknown Communication Partners 203 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 New Partners Don’t Understand Each Other ? Communication Partner using DTD B Communication Partner using DTD C ? ? XML-based Communication using DTD A XMLParser Sender using DTD A 204 Parse Tree Recipient using DTD A CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Merging Steps Between Models Steps Reengineering of the conceptual model DTD A DTD B <xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="http://..."> <xsd:annotation>A-Schema <xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="http://..."> <xsd:annotation>B-Schema </xsd:... </xsd:schema> </xsd:... </xsd:schema> Matching Matching XML Document Translation Generation (e.g. in XSLT) XML Document Translation from DTD A to DTD B (and B to A) 205 <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0” xmlns:xsl="http://....Transform" <xsl:template match="/"> .... </xsl:template> </xsl:stylesheet> CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0” xmlns:xsl="http://....Transform" <xsl:template match="/"> .... </xsl:template> </xsl:stylesheet> 17-Sep-03 Merging/Aligning Models Reengineering step is costly and unnecessary, when a conceptual language is in use Generation document translation procedures is again complicated and unnecessary ==> use a level on top of XML 206 What are requirements for such a level? CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Postulates: Fundamental Requirements for KR on the Web 1. Knowledge on the Web is distributed (link Knowledge on the Web) 2. Knowledge on the Web is biased - there is no universal truth it must be possible to dispute statements 3. Many different user communities: Extensibility and Simplicity ==> Resource Description Framework (RDF) 207 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Introduction to RDF RDF (Resource Description Framework) – RDF unites a wide variety of stakeholders: – – – 208 Digital librarians, content-raters, privacy advocates, B2B industries, AI... Significant (but less than XML) industrial momentum, lead by W3C RDF consists of two parts – Beyond Machine readable to Machine understandable RDF Model (a set of triples) RDF Syntax (different XML serialization syntaxes) RDF Schema for definition of Vocabularies (simple Ontologies) for RDF (and in RDF) CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 RDF Data Model Resources – – – Properties – – 209 slots, define relationships to other resources or atomic values Statements – A resource is a thing you talk about (can reference) Resources have URI’s RDF definitions are themselves Resources (linkage, see requirement 1) “Resource has Property with Value” (Values can be resources or atomic XML data) Similar to Frame Systems CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 A Simple Example Statement – Structure – – – “Ora Lassila is the creator of the resource” Resource (subject) Property (predicate) Value (object) "Ora Lassila” Directed graph 210 s:Creator CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques Ora Lassila 17-Sep-03 Another Example To add properties to Creator, point through an intermediate Resource. s:Creator Person://fi/654645635 Name Ora Lassila 211 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques Email 17-Sep-03 Collection Containers Multiple occurrences of the same PropertyType don’t establish a relation between the values – – – The Millers own a boat, a bike, and a TV set The Millers need (a car or a truck) (Sarah and Bob) bought a new car RDF defines three special Resources: – – – Bag unordered values rdf:Bag Sequence ordered values rdf:Seq Alternative single value rdf:Alt 212 Core RDF does not enforce ‘set’ semantics amongst values CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Example: Bag The students in course 6.001 are Amy, Tim, John, Mary, and Sue /courses/6.001 Rdf:Bag rdf:type /Students/Amy students rdf:_1 rdf:_2 bagid1 /Students/Tim rdf:_3 /Students/John rdf:_4 rdf:_5 /Students/Mary /Students/Sue 213 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Example: Alternative The source code for X11 may be found at,, or rdf:type rdf:Alt source rdf:_1 altid rdf:_2 rdf:_3 214 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Statements About Statements (Requirement 2: Dispute Statements) Making statements about statements requires a process for transforming them into Resources 215 – subject the original resource – predicate the original property – object the original value – type rdf:Statement CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Example: Reification Ralph Swick believes that – the creator of the resource is Ora Lassila rdf:predicate s:Creator s:Creator rdf:subject genid1 rdf:object rdf:type b:believedBy rdf:Statement Ora Lassila Ralph Swick 216 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 A Formal Model of RDF RDF itself is mathematically straightforward: – – Basic Definitions Resources Properties Resources Literals Statements Properties Resources Typing rdf:type Properties {RDF:type, sub, obj} Statements obj Resources – 217 {Resources Literals} for triples like {p,r1,r2} the RDF spec should use some different bracketing, like (p,r1,r2) CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Formal Model of RDF II – Reification rdf:Statement Resources \ Properties {rdf:predicate, rdf:subject, rdf:object } Properties Reification of a triple {pred, sub, obj} of Statements is an element r of Resources representing the reified triple and the elements s1, s2, s3, and s4 of Statements such that – s1: {RDF:predicate, r, pred} – s2: {RDF:subject, r, sub} – s3: {RDF:object, r, obj} – s4: {RDF:type, r, [RDF:Statement]} – Collections 218 { RDF:Seq, RDF:Bag, and RDF:Alt } Resources \ Properties There is a subset of Properties corresponding to the ordinals (1, 2, 3, ...) called Ord. We refer to elements of Ord as RDF:_1, RDF:_2, RDF:_3, ... CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 RDF Syntax I Data model does not enforce particular syntax Specification suggests many different syntaxes based on XML General form: Subject (OID) Starts an RDF-Description <rdf:RDF> <rdf:Description about=""> <s:Creator>Ora Lassila</s:Creator> <s:createdWith rdf:resource=“”/> </rdf:Description> </rdf:RDF> Literal Properties 219 Resource (possibly another RDF-description) CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Resulting Graph s:createdWith s:Creator Ora Lassila <rdf:RDF> <rdf:Description about=""> <s:Creator>Ora Lassila</s:Creator> <s:createdWith rdf:resource=“”/> </rdf:Description> </rdf:RDF> 220 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 RDF Syntax II: Syntactic Varieties Typing Information Subject (OID) In-Element Property <s:Homepage rdf:about="” s:Creator=“Ora Lassila”/> <s:createdWith> <s:HTMLEditor rdf:about=“”/> </s:createdWith> </s:Homepage> Property s:Creator rdf:type s:Homepage s:createdWith rdf:type Ora Lassila 221 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques HTMLEditor 17-Sep-03 RDF Schema (RDFS) RDF just defines the data model Need for definition of vocabularies for the data model - an Ontology Language! RDF schemas are Web resources (and have URIs) and can be described using RDF 222 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Most Important Modeling Primitives 223 Core Classes – Root Class rdfs:Resource – MetaClass rdfs:Class – Literals rdfs:Literal rdfs:subclassOf property Inherited from RDF: properties (slots) rdfs:domain & rdfs:range rdfs:subPropertyOf property rdfs:label, rdfs:comment, etc. Inherited from RDF: InstanceOf (rdf:type) CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 RDF-Schema: Example (incomplete) s = rdfs:subClassOf rdfs:Resource s xyz:MotorVehicle s s s xyz:Van s xyz:Truck xyz:PassengerVehicle xyz:MiniVan 224 s CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 RDF-Schema: Example s = rdfs:subClassOf t = rdf:type rdfs:Resource s t t rdfs:Class t xyz:MotorVehicle t t s t s s s xyz:Van xyz:Truck t s xyz:PassengerVehicle xyz:MiniVan 225 s CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Example: RDF-Schema in RDF-Schema Namespace-URL: <rdfs:Class rdf:ID="Resource"> <rdfs:label xml:lang="en">Resource</rdfs:label> <rdfs:label xml:lang="fr">Ressource</rdfs:label> <rdfs:comment>The most general class</rdfs:comment> </rdfs:Class> <rdfs:Class rdf:ID="Class"> <rdfs:label xml:lang="en">Class</rdfs:label> <rdfs:label xml:lang="fr">Classe</rdfs:label> <rdfs:comment>The concept of Class</rdfs:comment> <rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource="#Resource"/> </rdfs:Class> <rdf:Property ID="subClassOf"> <rdfs:label xml:lang="en">subClassOf</rdfs:label> <rdfs:label xml:lang="fr">sousClasseDe</rdfs:label> <rdfs:comment>Indicates a subclass of a class</rdfs:comment> <rdfs:range rdf:resource="#Class"/> <rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#Class"/> </rdf:Property> 226 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Extensibility of RDF Define an Ontology of your Language with RDF Schema (like RDF-Schema itself) Describe Instance Data using your new Vocabulary Advantage: all Languages use the same Data Model (simplifies Interoperability) 227 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Photo Archive Using RDF: Introduction W3C project for describing & retrieving (digitized) photos with (RDF) metadata – 228 Explained in a W3C Note by Yves Lafon and Bert Bos Metadata separated into three different schemas: 1. Dublin Core schema: Title, date, subject, etc. 2. Technical schema: Photo and camera details 3. Content schema: Vocabulary for DC "subject" property CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Photo Archive Using RDF: Sample Photo 229 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Photo Archive Using RDF: Photo Metadata 230 <?xml version="1.0"?> <rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="" xmlns="" xmlns:DC="" xmlns:Technical=""> <rdf:Description about=""> <DC:Description>Waves breaking in a small gulf on an island near Brisbane</DC:Description> <DC:Type>image/jpeg</DC:Type> <DC:Subject>Landscape</DC:Subject> <DC:Source>35mm slide</DC:Source> <DC:Rights></DC:Rights> <DC:Title>Sea near Brisbane</DC:Title> <DC:Date>1998-04-20</DC:Date> <DC:Coverage>Brisbane - Australia</DC:Coverage> <DC:Creator></DC:Creator> <Technical:devel-date>2000-05-01</Technical:devel-date> <Technical:lens>Minolta AF70-210</Technical:lens> <Technical:camera></Technical:camera> <Technical:film>Fuji</Technical:film> </rdf:Description> </rdf:RDF> CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Photo Archive Using RDF: RDFS Excerpt This is an excerpt of a minimal RDF Schema for the Dublin Core: Each property is a restriction of the DC property of the same name, as found in : <rdf:RDF xmlns:rdfs="“ xmlns:rdf=""> <rdf:Property rdf:ID="title"> <rdfs:label xml:lang="en">Title</label> <rdfs:subPropertyOf rdf:resource=""/> </rdf:Property> <rdf:Property rdf:ID="creator"> <rdfs:label xml:lang="en">Author/creator</label> <rdfs:subPropertyOf rdf:resource=""/> </rdf:Property> <rdf:Property rdf:ID="subject"> <rdfs:label xml:lang="en">Subject</label> <rdfs:subPropertyOf rdf:resource="" /> <rdfs:range rdf:resource=""/> </rdf:Property> . . . 231 </rdf:RDF> CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Protégé-2000 as RDF[S]-Editor <rdfs:Class rdf:about="&mv;MotorVehicle"> <rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource="&rdfs;Resource"/> </rdfs:Class> <rdfs:Class rdf:about="&mv;PassengerVehicle"> <rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource="&mv;MotorVehicle"/> </rdfs:Class> <rdf:Property rdf:about="&mv;rearSeatLegRoom" a:maxCardinality="1" a:range="integer"> <rdfs:domain rdf:resource="&mv;MotorVehicle"/> <rdfs:range rdf:resource="&rdfs;Literal"/> </rdf:Property> 232 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Ontology Languages on Top of RDF: The Principle Legend: Instance Data Definition uses the data model of Defined in terms of Is extension of Ontology Language RDF Schema RDF 233 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 The Semantic Web 234 A Web of machine understandable Data, based on declarative languages on top of RDF (all use the same data model!) Intelligent Agent enabling architecture W3C’s vision for the Semantic Web Architecture: CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Tools Tools for RDF and RDF Schema – – Editors Protégé-2000 (SMI) HTML Annotation Tool (Siegfied Handschuh) Parsers and Generators – 235 RDF-API (Sergey Melnik, Stanford) Query and Inference Engines N3 (Tim Berners-Lee) Squish (Libby Miller) SiLRI (Stefan Decker & Juergen Angele) TRIPLE (Stefan Decker and Michael Sintek) CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 RDF Resources RDF-Editor: Protégé RDF-Parser and APIs/Query Engines – – RDF Knowledge Sources – DMOZ - Open Directory (largest human created Webdirectory) General Information: – – 236 RDF Interest Mailing list: Archive: http// CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Open Issues of RDF RDF-Schema is still evolving URIs: What is the URI of a person? Other real world entity? “Killer Applications”: Search Engines? B2BCommunication (e.g. ?) 237 Interoperability between RDF-Schemas CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Description Logic: Class-Forming Operations 238 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Class Intersection: Example s = rdfs:subClassOf TallThing s Man s TallMan := TallThing Π Man Intensional conjunction of classes: TallThingΠMan(x) TallThing(x) Man(x) Intensional disjunction of classes similar but computationally more complex 239 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Class Intersection and Definition: Example s = rdfs:subClassOf := = daml:Class TallThing s TallMan := Man s TallMan := TallThing Π Man 240 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Class Complement: Example c = daml:complementOf Person c Car 241 ¬Person CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Class Complement and Subsetting: Example s = rdfs:subClassOf c = daml:complementOf Person s c Car Car 242 ¬Person CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Qualified Role: Example t = rdf:type Over17 age t RipeThing := age.Over17 Existential role: age.Over17(x) y age(x,y) Over17(y) Universal role similar 243 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Qualified Role and Definition : Example t = rdf:type := = daml:Class Over17 := age RipeThing t RipeThing := age.Over17 244 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 DAML+OIL 245 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 DARPA Agent Markup Language, OIL, and OWL OIL: European Ontology Interchange Language DARPA funded Research Program (also funded the Development of the ARPANNET -> Internet): – Ontology Language DAML+OIL: Result of a Joint (European + American) Committee Rule Language in preparation, jointly with RuleML W3C’s new OWL (Ontology Web Language) mainly divides DAML+OIL into two sublanguages: – – 246 Foundation for the Semantic Web: OWL Light: Frames Full OWL: Description logic CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 DAML+OIL Extension of RDF Schema Ontology Language DAML+OIL: Result of a Joint (European + US-American) Committee Extension of RDF Schema – – – – Class Expressions (Intersection, Union, Complement) XML Schema Datatypes Enumerations Property Restrictions 247 Cardinality Constraints Value Restrictions CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Example: Intersection & Synonyms <daml:Class rdf:ID="TallMan"> <daml:intersectionOf rdf:parseType="daml:collection"> <daml:Class rdf:about="#TallThing"/> <daml:Class rdf:about="#Man"/> </daml:intersectionOf> </daml:Class> <daml:Class rdf:ID="HumanBeing"> <daml:sameClassAs rdf:resource="#Person"/> </daml:Class> 248 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Example: Disjoint & Complement <daml:Disjoint rdf:parseType="daml:collection"> <daml:Class rdf:about="#Car"/> <daml:Class rdf:about="#Person"/> <daml:Class rdf:about="#Plant"/> </daml:Disjoint> Disjoint not strictly necessary, since expressible via pairwise subClassOf of complementOf, as for Car and Person: 249 <daml:Class rdf:ID="Car"> <rdfs:comment>no car is a person</rdfs:comment> <rdfs:subClassOf> <daml:Class> <daml:complementOf rdf:resource="#Person"/> </daml:Class> </rdfs:subClassOf> </daml:Class> CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Example: Properties (Transitive, Inverse, subProperty, UniqueProperty, range, Datatypes) <daml:TransitiveProperty rdf:ID="hasAncestor"/> <daml:ObjectProperty rdf:ID="hasChild"> <daml:inverseOf rdf:resource="#hasParent"/> </daml:ObjectProperty> <daml:UniqueProperty rdf:ID="hasMother"> <rdfs:subPropertyOf rdf:resource="#hasParent"/> <rdfs:range rdf:resource="#Female"/> </daml:UniqueProperty> <daml:DatatypeProperty rdf:ID="age"> <rdf:type rdf:resource=""/> <rdfs:range rdf:resource=""/> </daml:DatatypeProperty> 250 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Using User-defined Datatypes (based on XML Schema) <xsd:simpleType name="over17"> <!--over17 is an XMLS datatype based on decimal--> <!--with the added restriction that values must be >=18--> <xsd:restriction base="xsd:decimal"> <xsd:minInclusive value="18"/> </xsd:restriction> </xsd:simpleType> <daml:Class rdf:ID="Adult"> <daml:intersectionOf rdf:parseType="daml:collection"> <daml:Class rdf:about="#Person"/> <daml:Restriction> <daml:onProperty rdf:resource="#age"/> <daml:hasClass rdf:resource="somefile#over17"/> </daml:Restriction> </daml:intersectionOf> </daml:Class> 251 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Instances (Individuals) <Person rdf:ID="Adam"> <rdfs:label>Adam</rdfs:label> <rdfs:comment>Adam is a person.</rdfs:comment> <age><xsd:integer rdf:value="13"/></age> <shoesize> <xsd:decimal rdf:value="9.5"/> </shoesize> </Person> <daml:Class rdf:ID="Person"> . . . </daml:Class> 252 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Protégé as OIL Editor supports following subset of OIL: – – 253 class definitions with subclass and slot constraints (property restrictions) with class expressions: and, or, not, class[names], slot constraints, top, and bottom slot constraints: has-value, value-type, max-cardinality, min-cardinality, cardinality missing: concrete-type-exp, filler-exp slot definitions: subslot-of, inverse (using Protégé's inverse slot mechanism), domain, range properties (transitive, symmetric, functional) – global axioms (disjoint, covered, disjoint-covered, equivalent) – missing: instance-of, related special widgets for displaying OIL expressions connects to FaCT description logic classifier for classification and satisfiability checking generates SHIQ LaTeX output CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Protégé as OIL Editor: Screenshot 254 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 TRIPLE 255 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 TRIPLE: Motivation RDF data available Needed: Query and Inference Language for/in RDF Existing Approaches: – – – – 256 SiLRI Metalog RQL … CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 What’s wrong with existing approaches? Built in Semantics (e.g. SiLRI, RQL) – Many RDF based languages with different Semantics (DAML+OIL, RDF-Schema, UML/RDF,…) No support for RDF-Models – 257 One large heap of RDF-Data CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Graph Separated in Models source1 source2 source3 258 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 New System: Triple 259 Native support for – Resources + Namespaces – Models (sets of RDF statements) – Reification – Data Integration/Translation – Rules with Expressive Bodies (Full FOL Syntax) CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Object Expressions + Models 260 http://..123[age->”32”;spouse->http//..256]. http://..123[age->”32”;spouse->http//..256[age->”31”]]. http://..123[age->”32”]@mod1 http://..123[age->”32”]@(mod1 intersect mod2) http://..123[age->”32”]@(mod1 union mod2) http://..123[age->”32”]@(mod1 \ mod2) http://..123[age->”32”]@test(X) CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Reification http://…1234 hasAuthor “Ora Lassila” believedBy “Ralph Swick” <http://…1234[hasAuthor->”OraLassila”]>[believedBy->”Ralph Swick”]. 261 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Example: RDF-Schema Namespace Declarations rdf := ''. rdfs := ''. type := rdf:type. Abbreviations subPropertyOf := rdfs:subPropertyOf. subClassOf := rdfs:subClassOf. Model Block FORALL Mdl @rdfschema(Mdl) { FORALL O,P,V O[P->V] <- O[P->V]@Mdl. FORALL O,P,V O[P->V] <- EXIST S S[subPropertyOf->P] AND O[S->V]. FORALL O,V O[subClassOf->V] <- Transitivity Rule EXISTS W (O[subClassOf->W] AND W[subClassOf->V]). FORALL O,V O[subPropertyOf->V] <EXISTS W (O[subPropertyOf->W] AND W[subPropertyOf->V]). FORALL O,T O[type->T] <EXISTS S (S[subClassOf->T] AND O[type->S]).} 262 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Mapping to Horn Logic first implementation (and informal semantics) by mapping to Horn Logic / XSB system (Prolog with tabled resolution) Lloyd-Topor transformation for quantifiers etc. RDF-specific transformations given as rewrite rules: 263 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Summary New RDF specific Query and Inference Language Allows specification of multiple semantics Integration/Translation of heterogeneous data ( 264 Every Horn Logic Inference Engine can be used Provides a formal foundation for N3 Part of RuleML ( ) CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Topic Maps 265 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Topic Maps • Aiming at User Support for classifying and navigating large corpora of resources • Topic Navigation Maps generalize: – indexes – glossaries – thesauri – catalogs – cross-references • Allow browsing as well as querying of Information • ISO Standard (ISO13250) (defined by the SGML/XML Community) 266 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Topic Navigation Maps in a Nutshell I • Topics (e.g. Germany) – have a topic-type (e.g. Country) – at least one base-name (Germany) – multiple display names (e.g. Federal Republic of Germany) – have occurrences (in external resources) (eg. In CIA-World Fact Book: • occurrences have a role: eg. “MENTION” (again a Topic) 267 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Topic Navigation Maps in a Nutshell II 268 Topics can be related to each other via associations (eg. “Rau is_head_of Germany”) Association-Types (eg. “is_head_of”) are again a topics. Association-Roles define the role of a topic in a association (“President” for “Rau”, and “Country” for “Germany”). Association-Roles are again topics. An association may have a scope (eg. “Rau is_head_of Germany” has scope “1999-now”) Axioms (eg. Transitivity or Symmetry) are considered useful, but not part of the ISO-Standard CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Example of a Browsing Interface 269 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 XML Topic Maps (XTM): Design Goals 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 270 XTM shall be straightforwardly usable over the Internet XTM shall support a wide variety of applications XTM shall be compatible with XML, XLink, and ISO 13250 It shall be easy to write programs that process XTM documents The number of optional features in XTM is to be kept to the absolute minimum, ideally zero XTM documents should be human-legible and reasonably clear The XTM design should be prepared quickly The design of XTM shall be formal and concise XTM documents shall be easy to create Terseness in XTM markup is of minimal importance CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 XML Topic Maps (XTM): Purpose of a Topic Map The purpose of a topic map is to convey knowledge about resources through a superimposed layer, or map, of the resources 271 A topic map captures the subjects of which resources speak, and the relationships between subjects, in a way that is implementationindependent CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 XML Topic Maps (XTM): Topics, Associations, and Occurrences • • • • 272 • A topic is a resource within the computer that stands in for (or “reifies”) some real-world subject. Examples of subjects: the play Hamlet, the playwright William Shakespeare, or the “authorship” relationship Topics can have names. They can also have occurrences: information resources considered relevant to their subject. Finally, topics can participate in relationships, called associations, in which they play roles as members Thus, topics have three kinds of characteristics: names, occurrences, and roles played as members of associations. Characteristics considered valid within scope or context Topic maps can be merged: at the discretion of the user or application (at runtime), or indicated by the topic map's author at the time of its creation Terseness in XTM markup is of minimal importance CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 XML Topic Maps (XTM): Sample Topic A topic representing one of William Shakespeare's plays in XTM might look like this: <topic id="hamlet"> <instanceOf><topicRef xlink:href="#play"/></instanceOf> <baseName> <baseNameString>Hamlet, Prince of Denmark</baseNameString> </baseName> <occurrence> <instanceOf> <topicRef xlink:href="#plain-text-format"/> </instanceOf> <resourceRef xlink:href=""/> </occurrence> </topic> 273 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 XML Topic Maps (XTM): Sample Association An association representing the relationship between Shakespeare and the play Hamlet might look like this: <association> <instanceOf><topicRef xlink:href="#written-by"/></instanceOf> <member> <roleSpec><topicRef xlink:href="#author"/></roleSpec> <topicRef xlink:href="#shakespeare"/> </member> <member> <roleSpec><topicRef xlink:href="#work"/></roleSpec> <topicRef xlink:href="#hamlet"/> </member> </association> 274 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 Acknowledgements Stefan Decker and Michael Sintek for their key contributions to starting it all:, William Grosso, Rohit Khare, Peter Karp, Dan Brickley for their kind permission to use material Andreas Abecker, Heiko Maus, Andreas Lauer, Hansi Hein, Stefan Klink, Bertin Klein, and other colleagues at DFKI for fruitful discussions All colleagues at Karlsruhe, Stanford, ISI, NRC, and UNB for related interactions Peter Fankhauser for valuable input on query languages Elliotte Rusty Harold for his XML Bible: The Joint (Agent Markup Language) Committee and the Rule Markup Initiative for discussions:, 275 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 References 276 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 References Cocoon The Cocoon Publishing Framework. Available at CSS2 Cascading Style Sheets, level 2. Available at DAML DARPA Agent Markup Language. Availabe at , , and Dublin Core Available at Fernandez99 XML Query Languages: Experiences and Exemplars, Mary Fernandez, Jérôme Siméon, Philip Wadler, 1999. Available at FRODO The FRODO Project. Homepage available at OIL Ontology Interchange Language. Availabe at Protégé-XML The Protégé XML-Tab. Available at 277 CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 References Q&T Querying and Transforming XML. Available at RACSA Online Demo at RDF Homepage: Specification: FAQ: Tutorial: Carl Lagoze et al: WWW7 Tutorial. Available at RDF-Schema Specification at RuleML The Rule Markup Language. Homepage at or Semantic Web Portal at SHOE Simple HTML Ontology Extensions. Available at XML 278 Extensible Markup Language (XML), Version 1.0. W3C Recommendation. Available at CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03 References XML Namespaces Namespaces in XML. W3C Recommendation at XML-QL XML-QL: A Query Language for XML. Available at XML-RPC XML Remote Procedure Calls. Available at XPath World Wide Web Consortium. XML Path Language. W3C Recommendation. Available at XPointer World Wide Web Consortium. XML Pointer Language (XPointer). W3C Working Draft. Available at XQuery XQL XSL XSLT 279 A Query Language for XML. Available at XML Query Language (XQL). Available at World Wide Web Consortium. Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL). W3C Working Draft. Available at World Wide Web Consortium. XSL Transformations (XSLT). W3C Recommendation. Available at CS6905 Semantic Web Techniques 17-Sep-03