
Columbia School District
Burbank Washington
Regular School Board Meeting
Monday, August 27, 2013
Chairman of the Board, Troy Woody called the meeting to order at 5:30 PM and adjourned to executive session. Mr. Woody
announced the purpose of the executive session was to evaluate the performance and goals of the superintendent and the
session was projected to be 90 minutes.
Chairman of the Board, Troy Woody called the meeting to order at 7:03 PM. Troy Woody led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Troy Woody, Sonny Townsend, Brad O’Brien, Sheena Kelly, Mike Scrimsher, Ian Yale, Kyle Miller, Mike Taylor, Rachel
Roberts, Gary Eby, Mike Kelly, Lou Gates and Margo Roberts.
A Framework for Teaching
Ian Yale shared a document he discussed with his staff, “A Framework for Teaching”, by Charlotte Danielson. The framework
provides four “domains” as they relate to planning and preparation, classroom environment, professionalism and instruction.
These domains provide teachers with observable traits they can identify to become accomplished teachers.
Social Studies Textbook Adoption
The high school will have two social studies classes that are eligible for EWU Running Start college credit during the 2013-2014
school year. In order to be eligible for college credit the textbooks must cover certain material. The high school currently uses
the 13th edition of Kennedy American Pageant. Gary Eby recommended continuing the use of Kennedy American Pageant, the
same book used by many high schools, but updating to the 15th edition to meet the college education requirements. Houghton
Mifflin has quoted 30 text books, including 30 CD books with 6 year licenses, for $168 each. The total purchase would be,
$5,594.06 plus tax and shipping and would include online and teaching materials. Mr. Eby encouraged the District to purchase
the books immediately.
Andrew Kramer reviewed this past year’s technology highlights. This past year the District had Tech Peer Coaches, a CBC
intern and high school tech students to assist with technology issues. The District upgraded from 6 small to 2 large servers,
added 2 mobile labs each to the middle and high schools and 106 refurbished computers to the high school and elementary
labs. The software updates for the year included Skyward Online Student Registration, K12 Alerts, Follette Library
Management, FASTT Math server and access toTurnitin.com. Overall the District has 545 computers for students and staff and
45 iPads. Andrew reviewed the future technology plans which include adding online classes, tablets, one to one computing and
a new phone system.
Handling Controversy at Meetings
Board:  Develop an agreed-upon procedure for dealing with controversy and sensitive issues at meetings. For example,
agree that the Chairman may call a short recess if it appears that people need to “regroup” or regain composure.
 Or, agree to call a special meeting to deal with a topic that appears likely to take the entire night and/or may
branch off into personnel/executive session areas. It may mean another meeting, but it could provide a cooling
off period, an opportunity to discuss the issue with staff to be better prepared, and a time for concentrated
attention to the issue.
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 The Board never takes final action on a complaint during the meeting at which it is presented. While we will
respond in a timely fashion, we need to allow ourselves the time to give the issue the review and study it
 The Board does not hear specific complaints related to individuals in open session. To protect the rights of
individuals we schedule these concerns for executive session.
 Request that large groups identify a spokesperson and clearly establish time limits for speakers when large
numbers of people wish to speak.
Dr. Gates requested to add Campus Security and Welcome Back Night under Staff Reports.
Dr. Gates recommended approval of the following:
 Hiring of Angela Boothe for the position of 1.0 FTE K-8 Math and Reading Teacher Specialist at Columbia
Elementary & Middle Schools pending FBI & WSP background checks and positive professional reference
 Hiring of Jennifer Crandlemire for the position of 1.0 FTE Kindergarten Teacher at Columbia Elementary School.
 Hiring of Grace Kirkelie for the position of Food Service Assistant and Accounts Receivable Clerk pending FBI &
WSP background checks
 Hiring of Jay Aune for the position of Girls Varsity Basketball Coach at Columbia High School.
 Resignation of David Traver from the position of 8th Grade Football Coach at Columbia Middle School.
 Minutes for the July 22, 2013 regular board meeting.
 General Fund – Accounts Payable – Warrant #230037 through #230106 in the total amount of $90,917.81.
 General Fund – August 2013 Payroll – Warrant #230107 through #230159 in the total amount of $540,746.54
 Capital Projects Fund - Warrant #3112 through #3117 in the total amount of $44,443.86.
 ASB Fund – Warrant #4084 in the total amount of $74.89.
 Transportation Fund – n/a
 Policy No. 4260 Facility Use
Mike Scrimsher moved, seconded by Brad O’Brien to approve the consent agenda including the minutes, personnel, policies
and accounts payable. The motion carried.
There were none.
Welcome Back Night
The Welcome Back Night was very well attended. The Columbia Coyote Boosters organized the evening and provided dinner
and activities, including bounce houses and face painting. There were many staff members present, providing students and
parents the opportunity to visit classrooms, meet teachers, purchase ASB cards and complete online student registration. Margo
thanked all of the staff who so willingly participated to make this a great evening for the students and their families
Campus Security
With the goal of increasing student and staff safety within our schools, Dr. Gates shared the District has partnered with the
Walla Walla County Sheriff to have an office for deputies in Columbia Middle School. With this partnership, deputies can
conduct paperwork and generally visit with students in the three school buildings. In addition to the increased visibility on
campus, the partnership with the sheriff’s office will help form positive relationships between law enforcement and our students
at basically neutral cost.
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Port of Walla Walla Sewer Project
The Port of Walla Walla has received permitting and funding and will be installing a public sewer system in the Burbank area by
drilling under the snake river and tying into the City of Pasco’s sewer system. The Dept. of Ecology, through all of the studies
and permitting, is strongly recommending that the school district connect to the sewer system to improve the ground water
quality as well as reduce high nitrate levels caused in part by the saturated use of septic systems in the area. Because of this
recommendation, in part, the legislature has allocated $3,000,000 to the Port of Walla Walla to install the sewer system in
Dr. Gates reviewed the proposal from the Port of Walla Walla to tie into the public sewer system. The Port of Walla Walla
Commissioners would use a portion of the state grant funds to install the District’s costly infrastructure to hook up to the public
sewer system. Dr. Gates authorized the Port of Walla Walla to do a no-cost GPS siting of the District’s seven septic tanks, prior
to the return of the students this fall. If the board decides to hook up to the sewer system, the Port of Walla Walla can access
the siting data to begin design plans and allow for construction to begin as soon as school is released next summer. The Port of
Walla Walla would assess a monthly usage fee based on a student and staff head count, at $2.16/FTE per month
(approximately $2200). The project is scheduled to come online one year from now.
The board discussed the cost savings to the district of having the infrastructure completed at no charge. The Board requested
the superintendent to complete research on how much other districts pay for public sewer as well as how much the district
spends on an annual basis on the septic tanks.
Jim Kuntz and the commissioners will join the board at the September 9th meeting to share the overall plan.
There was none.
CEA Contract
This item was tabled to the next regular business meeting.
Highly Capable, Perkins & State Transitional Bilingual Grants
Dr. Gates reviewed the Highly Capable, Perkins and State Transitional Bilingual grants. The Highly Capable grant presents
opportunity for the development and offering of advanced classes for students. The State Transitional Bilingual grant targets the
development of English Language for eligible students. The Perkins grant allows for student career exploration and preparation
to pursue post school grants. This grant is on a rotation basis within the vocational program between Ag, two Business
programs and Family Sciences.
Mike Scrimsher moved, seconded by Sonny Townsend to approve the Highly Capable, Perkins and State Transitional Bilingual
Grants for the 2013-2014 school year. The motion carried.
2013-2014 Board Meeting Calendar
Dr. Gates reviewed the 2013-2014 school board meeting calendar as outlined in the board packet.
Brad O’Brien moved, seconded by Sheena Kelly, to approve the 2013-2014 school board meeting schedule. The motion
EWU Running Start High School Social Studies Adoption
Dr. Gates recommended approval of the purchase of the 15th edition of the Kennedy American Pageant social studies
curriculum as presented by Mr. Eby and outlined in the cost proposal submitted by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt in the amount of
$5,594.06. This includes 30 textbooks and 30 cd books with 6 year licenses.
Sheena Kelly moved, seconded by Mike Scrimsher to approve the social studies adoption not to exceed $6000. The motion
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CSD Tax Rate Schedule
The rules for bond collections include that school district must not post cash accruals collections exceeding 1/12th of the
payment for the prior year. After a review of our debt service schedule by D.A. Davidson, the District’s bond counsel, the district
must reduce what is collected from taxpayers for 2014-2017 as the receipt of revenues is running higher than necessary. The
revision will lower the tax rate for constituents within the school district boundaries, which is a positive for our homeowners and
Sheena Kelly moved seconded by Brad O’Brien to approve the revised tax rate schedule. The motion carried.
Extra-Curricular Contracts
Dr. Gates recommended approval of the extra-curricular contracts, including the coaching contracts, as outlined in the board
Sonny Townsend moved, seconded by Sheena Kelly to approve the extra-curricular contracts. The motion carried.
Policies – Second Reading
10.6a Policy No. 3432 – Emergencies
Language has been updated in this policy to reflect the changes required by 2013 Legislature. Annual emergency drill
requirements must include 1.) Three fire evacuation drills, 2.) Three lockdown drills, 3.) One shelter-in-place drill and 4.) One
additional safety-related drill to be determined by each school. Schools are still required to conduct no less than one safety drill
per month that school is in session, to annually document the date and time of each drill, and to file a report with the
Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs (WASPC).
10.6c Policy No. 5240 – Evaluation of Staff
Language has been revised in this policy to remove all references to the TPEP Steering Committee’s recommended
implementation schedule and to reflect the statute and WAC exclusively. The revised evaluation system transitions a portion of
classroom teachers and principals to the revised evaluation system each year beginning no later than the 2013-14 school year,
until all classroom teachers and principals are being evaluated under the revised evaluation system, no later than the 2015-16
school year.
Mike Scrimsher moved, seconded by Sheena Kelly to approve Policies 3432 and 5240 for second reading and adoption. The
motion carried.
10.6e Policy No. 6220 – Bid Requirements
Language has been revised in this policy to reflect amendments to RCW 28A.335.190. The bid limit requirement for school
repair and improvement projects using district staff has been lifted from $40,000 to $75,000. The increased limit provides
districts with the ability to handle more projects in-house. Projects with total costs exceeding $75,000 still require the district to
follow the formal competitive bidding process unless the contract uses the small works roster process or any other procedure
authorized for school districts. The policy was also reorganized to delineate between state-funded purchasing and
improvements/repairs, as well as adding conditions that justify waiver of bid requirements.
The board discussed minimum bid/quote thresh holds and requested further clarification. The policy was tabled until the next
regular business meeting.
Policy No. 6215 – Voucher Certification & Approval
Language has been added to this policy that the board authorizes advance payment of a voucher when a delay in payment of
the unpaid balance for the goods or services could create an unnecessary result, such as a delay, penalty, late fee, interest
charge, or business or personal hardship. Advanced payment for goods or services to a single vendor in excess of bid law
requirement shall not be permitted unless previously authorized by the board.
Sonny Townsend moved, seconded by Mike Scrimsher to approve policy 6215 for first reading and immediate adoption. The
motion carried.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:55 p.m.
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Troy Woody
Brad O’Brien
Sheena Kelly
Sonny Townsend
Michael Scrimsher
Secretary of the Board
Lou Gates
Columbia School District #400
Date when minutes were approved:
September 23, 2013
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