Business Law Introduction

Cuyahoga Community College
Online Course
Summer Semester 2015
Instructor: Joseph J. Fell, Esq.
 My name is Joseph J. Fell
 Education
 St. Ignatius High School
 Case Western Reserve University
 Cleveland-Marshall College of Law
 Past Work Experience
 High School Teacher \ Middle School Advisor
 Law Clerk at Legal Aid Society of Cleveland and ACLU
of Ohio
 Present Employment
 Attorney at Law With The Fell Law Office, LLC
 Adjunct Faculty at Cuyahoga Community College
 Program Director, Scranton Road Ministries CDC Youth
Jobs Partnership Program
 Married to Sheila Fell (Director of Scranton Road
Legal Clinic at Scranton Road Ministries CDC) since
July 28, 2007
We adopted Butters (a Cocker Spaniel \ American
Eskimo mix) from the Cuyahoga County Animal
Shelter almost 5 years ago
Proud lifelong resident of Cleveland
Member of Scranton Road Bible Church
Hobbies: Fantasy football, watching sports, writing,
reading, watching movies, and enjoying life in the best
city in the world
I am very passionate about running, fitness, and
healthy living! Please let me know if you would like to
hear more about my weight loss and running journeys!
 For me, running is much, much more than a hobby—
it’s a life-changing, empowering activity that I love!
 First Time I Ever Ran Seriously: Ran 2 or 3 blocks and
got extremely winded (June 2012)
First 5K: Lakewood Summer Meltdown (July 2012)
First 5K I ran start to finish: Tremont Steeplechase
(October 2012)
First 5 Miler: Cleveland Turkey Trot (November 2012)
First Half Marathon: Cleveland Marathon Half
Marathon (May 2013)
First Full Marathon: Northern Ohio Marathon
(October 2013)
Current Personal Best Times
 5K: 21:10 (Jig ‘N Jog 5K, March 2015)
 5 Mile: 39:59 (Towpath Half Marathon 5 Miler, April 2014)
 Half Marathon: 1:51:29 (CWRRC Fall Classic Half Marathon, November 2014)
 Full Marathon: 4:17:30 (Rite Aid Cleveland Marathon, May 2015)
 This course is intended to provide you with a general
overview of the laws that govern the American
business environment
 We will begin with a short overview of the American
legal system and America’s legal structure and then
proceed to discuss various aspects of the law that affect
American businesses
 By the end of this course, you will have a better sense
of the laws that govern business operations and the
laws that govern treatment of employees
 You will know how to apply these laws to hypothetical
commonly encountered situations
 Office Hours
 By appointment
 Selected evenings at Tri-C Western Campus
 Of course, I am readily available by appointment and
accessible by e-mail at other times as well
 Course Details
 All reading assignments and the Course Calendar are
located within the Syllabus, which can be found in the
“Lessons” area on BlackBoard
 Assignments
 All of these are detailed on the Syllabus and the Course
 Weekly Assignments
 These are due by 11:59PM on the last night of each week
 Study Guides (email to Professor Fell at joseph.fell@tri- or
 Quizzes – completed online on BlackBoard
 All quizzes are open-book
 Semester-Long Assignments
 Case Brief Assignment
 Question of the Week (for bonus points)
 Business Law in Popular Culture
 Other Assignments
 Homework Assignments 1 and 2
 Exams
 Detailed on the Syllabus and the Course Calendar
 Midterm Exam (Week 5)
 This is an open book\note exam
 Part 1 of the Midterm Exam consists of short answer questions
that are similar in form to the questions on Homework
Assignment 1
 Part 2 of the Midterm Exam consists of multiple choice,
true\false, and fill-in questions that are similar in form and
content to the questions on the weekly Quizzes
 Final Exam (Week 10)
 This is a cumulative, open book\note exam
 Part 1 of the Final Exam consists of short answer questions that
are similar in form to the questions on Homework Assignments 1
and 2
 Part 2 of the Final Exam consists of multiple choice, true\false,
and fill-in questions that are similar in form and content to the
questions on the weekly Quizzes
 Read your email and BlackBoard announcements! Important
updates are sent often via these methods of communication
 Please remember that this is a four credit course! Tri-C
expects students in online courses to put in 3 hours of time
per week per each credit hour. As this is a 4 credit hour
course, you should expect to invest approximately 12 hours
per week into completing the assignments for this course.
 Along the same lines, please remember that we must fit
16 weeks’ worth of material into 10 weeks during the
summer semester.
 Please be sure to ask questions if you are confused about
course material and please be sure to manage your time well.
Don’t allow yourself to to fall behind! Students who fall
behind often have difficulty getting caught up by the end of
the course. Let’s work together to make this a fruitful learning
experience for you.