SPC Rewards & Recognition

SPC Rewards &
Revised July 1, 2015
Mission and Service Promises ....................................................................................................................... 2
MARC Metrics for Success ............................................................................................................................. 3
Member Shopper ...................................................................................................................................... 4
Internal Service Survey (ISS) ..................................................................................................................... 4
Rewards & Recognition ................................................................................................................................. 5
Front Line, FSR and Support Staff.............................................................................................................. 5
Leaving my MARC ................................................................................................................................. 5
Bulls Eye/Missed the MARC .................................................................................................................. 5
My MARC Moments .............................................................................................................................. 6
MARC MEGA MADNESS ........................................................................................................................ 6
MARC Managers ....................................................................................................................................... 7
SPC Sales Reward .......................................................................................................................................... 8
Policy & Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 8
Guidelines for Referrals .......................................................................................................................... 10
Active Referral Time-Frames................................................................................................................... 11
Referrals .................................................................................................................................................. 12
Rewards................................................................................................................................................... 14
Mission and Service Promises
 SPC Credit Union Mission
o Provide Every Member with a Rewarding Experience
 SPC Credit Union Service Promises
We promise to….
 Anticipate and respond timely to your needs
 Make it easy to do business with us
 Take ownership of your request
 Actively promote your financial well-being
 Provide you with an exceptional experience that will make you feel valued
 Thank you for your business
 SPC Credit Union – Products We Most Value (Prioritized)
E-Checking (includes e-package: Netbranch, E-statement, SPC Mobile & Bill Pay)
Debit Cards
New & Used Auto Loans
Platinum Visa
Consumer Loans
Debt Protection (Credit Life, Disability, Unemployment)
SPC Credit Union – Minimum PFI Product Mix
o A member who possesses:
 Checking (includes Netbranch, E-statements & Debit Card)
 Loan(s) with a minimum balance of $5000
MARC Metrics for Success
Goals must meet the S-M-A-R-T test:
Specific – a specific goal has a much greater chance of being accomplished than a general goal. A specific goals
Measurable – What gets measured, gets done!
When we measure our progress, we stay on track, reach target
dates and experience the thrill of “hitting the MARC”! A measurable goal answers the questions – How much? How will I
know when it is accomplished?
Attainable – You can attain most goals when you plan your steps wisely and establish a time frame that allows you to
carry out those steps. MARC will help you to see that you can not only meet your minimum and target goals, but with hard
work and commitment, you can stretch far beyond.
Realistic – Goals must be an objective which you are both willing and able to work.
MARC will push you to move
beyond your minimum by stretching your willingness and ability to reach far beyond what you may have thought possible.
Timely – Goals should always include a time frame.
Time frames create a sense of urgency and allow our
subconscious mind to begin working towards it.
Currently, SPC tracks referrals, sales, internal and external member service by utilizing MemberShopper, Internal Service
Survey and Prism Analytics sales tracking interface.
These tools allow us to hold each employee accountable for the service provided to our members and to each other. The
Coaches’ responsibility is to coach you in these areas and to reward and recognize you when you are doing it well.
MARC Metrics for Success
Member Shopper
For each month you achieve all of the following scores, your name will be entered into a drawing for the quarterly MARC
giveaway and a spin on the prize wheel.
Front Line Staff (Tellers)
Member Appreciation – 4.43+ Member Education – 1.40+
Financial Service Representatives (Member Service)
Member Appreciation – 4.43+ Member Advocacy – 4.43+
If you meet your goals each MONTH, you receive one entry in the quarterly MARC drawing – up to 3 entries (one for each month met).
Meeting this goal each month will give you one MY MARC MOMENT points – up to 12 per year.
Support Staff
Internal Service Survey (ISS)
Each employee will have a benchmark goal in the areas of the ISS that reflect our service promise to members. These
Was I knowledgeable regarding your request or did I direct you to the correct resource?
Did I give you an estimated time of completion/provide an effective answer to your question?
Did I communicate acknowledgement of your request within the standard time established?
Did I thank you for the opportunity to serve you and ask if there is anything else I can do?
If follow up was appropriate, did I do so in a timely manner?
The benchmark goal will be an overall score of 4.55 or, increase score by .10 basis points from the last survey average.
Meeting this goal on each ISS will give you one MY MARC MOMENT point, one entry in the quarterly MARC drawing and a
spin of the prize wheel. Up to 12 per year.
BONUS: MY MARC MOMENT points may also be earned by volunteering your time in the community. See Rewards &
Recognition section for details!
Rewards & Recognition
Front Line, FSR and Support Staff
Leaving my MARC
Leaving my MARC (LMM) is a tool for employees to catch each other “doing it right!” Employees are encouraged to use
LMM to express gratitude and/or recognize a fellow employee who goes above and beyond their expected job duties.
LMM recognition can be given at any time.
Simply complete the Leaving My Marc (LMM) electronic form on the SPC Living the Mission site.
Email the LMM form to the Marketing & Sales Department.
All entries are reviewed for approval by Senior Management. The Sales department will be responsible for sending
the message to the recipient and their Coach.
The Coach of the employee should recognize the employee with a My Marc Moment point, verbal thanks, written
thanks, shout out or award/gift.
All LMM recipients will be recognized on the SPC Living the Mission site.
Leaving my MARC (LMM) can also be given for employees who make a difference in our community*. Employees who
volunteer twelve hours or more are eligible to receive a My MARC Moment (MMM) point and a spin of the prize wheel. Be
sure to let your /Coach know when you volunteer. Leaving My Marc Volunteer forms are located on the SPC Living the
Mission site and must be completed to qualify.
*Only those organizations listed on the Living the Mission site are eligible to be counted for volunteer hours. If you would like to suggest an
organization, please contact the Sales Department.
Bulls Eye/Missed the MARC
When a member lets us know that we’ve delivered a rewarding experience, we want to know that we’ve hit the Bulls
Eye, capture that and share it with others. Likewise, when we Miss the MARC, we need to know that as well. Recognizing
employees who do a superior job of providing service will reinforce the message of our mission – to provide every member
with a rewarding experience. For the times we Miss the MARC, we will learn from our mistakes and make sure that every
possible effort was made to turn a negative into a positive for the member.
All Bulls Eye entries completed and approved by Senior Management will be eligible for the quarterly MARC drawing. (Limit
3 per quarter) Bulls Eye entries may also qualify for a MMM point and/or gift.
All approved Bulls Eye entries will be recognized on the SPC Living the Mission site each month.
Bulls Eye entries apply to all staff including Coaches (Executive staff excluded).
Rewards & Recognition
Front Line, FSR and Support Staff
My MARC Moments
Each employee, including Coaches, will receive a My MARC Moment card. The purpose of the MMM card is to recognize
staff that does an exceptional job delivering member service, both internally and externally. Points are earned by:
Meeting or exceeding Member Shopper goals;
Meeting or exceeding Internal Service Survey goals;
Volunteering in the community;
Completed and approved Bulls Eye entries; and
At Coaches discretion for “above and beyond” actions within the department.
All My MARC Moment cards completed will receive an SPC logo voucher and a certificate of achievement.
All MMM cards received during the year will be entered for a chance to win our year-end grand prize drawing.
This annual event is held to recognize and reward employees who have consistently gone above and beyond over the past
year to provide superior service and create a rewarding experience for members.
Internal Service Survey Superstars – this award will be given to staff that consistently far exceeds the ISS overall score
during the prior year.
Member Shopper Superstars - this award will be given to staff that consistently far exceeds the MS overall score during
the prior year.
Sales Superstars – this award recognizes the top performing employees who consistently far exceed goals for referrals
and/or closed sales during the prior year.
 Teller/Frontline
 Financial Service Representatives/Call Center
 Lending
Financial Education – recognizes employees who have completed outside classroom instruction to benefit local students
and adults in the community.
Making a Connection Community Volunteer Award – recognizes the employee that logs the greatest number of
volunteer hours during the prior year.
MARC Manager Coaches Award – this award is selected by SPC Senior Management and recognizes the Coach who has
shown superior coaching skills through individual coaching, team building exercises and leading within their
department/branch and beyond. Coaches recognized during the prior calendar year will be eligible for the MARC Mega
Madness Coaches Grand Prize.
MARC Mega Madness Grand Prize – given annually to one lucky employee who has successfully filled a My MARC
Moment card during the prior year.
Rewards & Recognition
MARC Managers
The purpose of MARC Managers is to encourage Coaches to recognize their staff at least once a month. Coaches are
encouraged to create rewarding ways to recognize and motivate their staff to deliver exceptional service.
Examples include: weekly/monthly huddles, lunch for your staff, small gifts left on desk, cards, balloons, flowers, after-hour
events such as dinner/bowling/movie, “Wall of Fame” within your department to recognize outstanding employees, etc.
Managers/Coaches should submit their activity using the MARC MANAGER form located on the Living the Mission site.
Each month, a Manager/Coach will be recognized and receive a complimentary SPC logo voucher and a spin of the prize
Mystery Shopper
All department Managers/Coaches* whose branch reaches or exceeds the benchmark goals will be entered for a chance to
win the quarterly Coaches award. (Example: If the branch reaches each of the three goals in a month, the Managers name
will be entered 3 times – a total of 9 opportunities per quarter).
Member Advocacy – 4.43+
Member Appreciation – 4.43+ Member Education – 1.40+
Internal Service Survey
Monthly, Managers/Coaches* who achieve or exceed the overall goal of 4.55 in their respective branch or department will
earn a chance to spin the prize wheel.
Support Staff Coaches who meet ISS goals will also be eligible for a chance to win the quarterly Coaches award – up to 3
per chances per quarter.
*Executive staff excluded. Managers/Coaches must supervise at least 1 employee to qualify.
SPC Sales Reward
Policy & Overview
The purpose of the SPC Sales reward plan is to recognize and reward Managers/Coaches and staff for the overall effective
management in achieving the sales and service goals as set forth by Management. SPC Leadership believes reaching for
and achieving these goals will develop trusted relationships with our members that will lead to deepened product and
service penetration. Deepened product and service penetration will ultimately lead to long-term profitable relationships for
SPC Credit Union.
The plan is subject to change and adjustment throughout the year as deemed necessary by Management. SPC Credit
Union retains the absolute and unconditional right at all times to amend or terminate any or all portions of the plan.
Goals are stated in a MINIMUM, TARGET and STRETCH format. The MINIMUM is the expectation for each employee or
department during the stated period and as outlined in your performance goals. The TARGET is intended to push each
employee to not only reach, but exceed their performance goals. The STRETCH is intended to take employees and
departments above and beyond the target. Doing so will not only benefit credit union growth, but will add up to extra special
rewards for the employee.
Individuals eligible for the reward program are:
a. Tellers/Front Line
b. Call Center Staff
c. Financial Service Representatives/Lending
d. Department/Branch Managers
Rewards are calculated monthly and paid out quarterly. Rewards are paid out in MARC POINTS. MARC
Points can be used to redeem prizes as noted on page 15. MARC Points can be aggregated from quarter-toquarter during a calendar year. All MARC Points must be used by February 28th for the previous year to avoid
loss of credit. Employees may carry over up to 50 points from the prior year.
All full-time and part-time employees are eligible for rewards. Employees must be employed through the
complete sales period to qualify. Employee must be actively employed at the time of payout. (e.g. employee
employed through 3/15 would not be eligible for 1st quarter sales reward)
The Sales Department (or a designated alternate) is responsible for the reporting of rewards.
SPC Sales Reward
Policy & Overview
a. Employees must meet the minimum MemberShopper and Internal Survey Service scores on most recent
reported survey to qualify. Any exception must be documented and approved by VP of Member Service
and Human Resources.
b. Employees must meet the initial minimum expectation (IME) for referrals, as applicable, to qualify.
c. Any employee on written warning or probation will not be eligible for incentives until the disciplinary action
is lifted.
Code of Ethics:
a. Employees will conduct themselves with honesty and integrity.
b. Any dishonest and/or manipulation by employees in reporting referrals and/or sales will result in disciplinary
action up to and including termination.
c. Failure to abide by any of the guidelines set forth in the Rewards Program may result in disciplinary action
up to and including termination.
SPC Sales Reward
Guidelines for Referrals
All employees responsible for completing referrals have completed “Service Excellence” and “Referral Sales” training.
During training, employees were instructed on what constitutes a referral in order to receive credit.
As a general rule:
You must speak directly to a member about the product or service. You must initiate the conversation by
bringing up the product or service and providing information about how the product or service can benefit the
member. If a member calls in specifically about a product or service, that is not considered a referral. A
qualifying referral results in a members permission to be contacted by a branch or credit union
representative regarding a product or service. Standard offerings are not considered referrals.
Standard offerings include:
Savings Account @ Account Opening: NetBranch, e-Statements, ATM and Checking.
Checking Accounts @ Account Opening: NetBranch, e-Statements and ATM/Anytime Debit Card.
E-statements: NetBranch is considered a standard offering since it is required to have e-statements
You must credit the referral within the same business day as the transaction took place. Referrals entered the
day after the sale occurs may not match in the system and may not be eligible for reward credit or adjustment.
Employees are not allowed to transact business for any family members (as defined in the Human Resource
Manual), including referrals. You can inform a family member about a product or service, but cannot count it as a
Employees are not allowed to complete referrals on other staff member accounts.
Referrals are not allowed on an account that a member is transferring funds to. You can refer services on the
account the member is transferring funds from only. If a member initiates a transaction on the account they
transferred to, a referral can/should be completed on that account.
Only one referral per transaction per day can be completed.
Sales Conversation – in some cases, a member may not be prepared or open to a follow-up contact regarding a
product or service. In this case, employees should initiate the referral as a “sales conversation”. This will allow an
employee to receive credit should the member return within the active referral timeline for that product or service.
Duplicates – duplicates are automatically detected based on the time and date stamp on the original referral
opportunity. Referral and sales credit are granted to the earliest date and time noted.
Counting referrals that do not meet the above guidelines are considered falsification of records and can lead to disciplinary
action up to and including termination.
Active Referral Time-Frames
Referrals will remain active to match to booked sales for the following time frames:
Retail Products (Deposits, Debit Card, SPC Mobile, Bill Pay, and e-Statements) = 45 calendar days
Retail Loans/Lines of Credit = 45 calendar days
Mortgage Loans = 180 calendar days
Wealth Management (Investments) = 180 days
Business Loans and Deposits = 45 days
Sales & Referral Accountability
In the event an employee fails to meet minimum expectation, Coaches should follow the General Work Rules and
Discretionary Discipline Policy in the Human Resources manual, Section H.
Sales and Referral disciplinary actions should be documented in the employee’s file and a copy submitted to the Sales &
Marketing Department. Actions submitted may be reviewed by CEO, VP of Member Service, and Human Resources. Any
exception that contributes to an employee not meeting goal (i.e. medical, extended time off, etc.) should be documented.
SPC Sales Reward
Referral goals may vary based on your position and opportunity to interact with members. For all staff, your primary
purpose is to assist SPC Credit Union in fulfilling our mission to provide every member with a rewarding experience by
identifying financial needs, deepening relationships, and supporting Credit Union goals. To achieve this goal, staff must
deliver excellent service to both internal and external members in alignment with our Service Promises. A key element of
this service delivery is to share knowledge that will improve the financial well-being of our members.
Each product or service has its own unique point value assigned. The point value may be subject to change on approval by
Senior Management or during a product promotion period. Staff will be notified if and when a point value is adjusted.
Loan Products
Personal Loan
Credit Card
Vehicle Loan
1st Mortgage
Business Loan
Deposit Products
Individual Savings
Individual Checking
Individual CD
Business Savings
Business Checking
Business CD
Anytime Debit/ATM
MyStyle Debit Card
SPC Mobile Banking
Bill Pay
Wealth Management
Front Line Staff (Tellers)
Tellers assist in various transactions involving the member’s account and the credit union services in person, by phone or
by mail. This key contact and the relationships built are essential in the delivery of SPC products and services that can
improve the financial well-being of the member. Front line monthly goals are:
Frontline Staff (Tellers)
Referrals (F/T)
Referrals (P/T)
Closed Sales (F/T)
Closed Sales (P/T)
Minimum Points
Target Points
Stretch Points
Referrals (F/T)
Closed Sales (F/T)
Minimum Points
Target Points
Stretch Points
Referral: Stage is “referral initiated” and creates an assignment for the appropriate workgroup. This stage may
include member contact, not interested, do not contact, in process or unqualified.
Closed Sale: An active referral or sales conversation stage results in the successful sale of the product or service
within the active timeline.
Sales Conversation: This stage is used for conversations that do not require additional contact and/or assistance.
SPC Sales Reward
Financial Service Representatives/Lending/Call Center
Financial Service Representatives have the unique opportunity to develop relationships with members through account
opening, lending and assistance. Your primary goal is to support and close sales, but you will also have the ideal
setting for sharing knowledge that will improve the financial well-being of the member.
Referrals (F/T)
Closed Sales (F/T)
Lending Goals
Ancillary Goals
Debt Protection
Minimum Points
Target Points
Stretch Points
75% of Goal
100% of Goal
125% of Goal
Mortgage Loans
Closed Sales (F/T)
Minimum Points
Target Points
Stretch Points
Business Services
Closed Sales (F/T)
Minimum Points
Target Points
Stretch Points
SPC Sales Reward
FSR/Lending/Call Center Production Goals
Loan Goal
 Target
 Stretch
15 Points
30 Points
Ancillary Goals (per goal)
 Target
 Stretch
15 Points
30 Points
*Note: Employees MUST meet minimum REFERRAL goal to qualify for ANY reward payout.
SPC Sales Reward
Redeem your MARC Points for:
MARC Points
Item Description
$25 Dining Gift Card
(2) Regal Theaters Movie Tickets
$25 VISA Gift Card
$25 Walmart Gift Card
One Year Sam’s Club Membership*
$50 VISA Gift Card
$50 Walmart Gift Card
$100 Amazon Gift Card
$100 Visa Gift Card
Apple iPod 16GB 7th Generation
Kindle Fire HDX 7”, WI-FI, 16GB
$250 Walmart Gift Card
$250 VISA Gift Card
Samsung Galaxy Tab 4
40” LED TV
Xbox One Gaming System
*Paid with receipt of purchase